Grandpa in My Pocket - The Day the Baby Came to Stay | Series 1

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grandpa in my pocket this is me jason mason this is my house where i live with my mum dad sister and grandpa oh and here's grandpa's dog beowulf the thing about grandpa is that he's always fun captain we read captain dumble twit stories and his record spread to the side of the spaceship we play lots of games [Music] one of the things i like to invest with grandpa is making pictures [Music] if we share our ice cream and grandpa is always like this [Laughter] [Music] it was a saturday afternoon i was playing a quiet game of snap with grandpa it had to be a quiet game because there was a special visitor in the corner a baby we were looking after him while his mum and dad were at a wedding and mum had said to us no noisy games you two okay baby boris needs his sleep [Music] baby boris is very funny he does this and this [Applause] and sometimes this but he's always smiling and laughing and having fun that's why we'd all be looking forward to the day the baby came to stay [Music] oh he's so cute i wonder what he's dreaming about jemima loves babies so does grandpa especially when they're asleep snap we held our breath thinking we got away with it and that baby boris was still sleeping but then mom grandpa woke the baby oh grandpa sorry baby boris [Music] i'm really good with babies we tried to carry on with our game but baby boris cried louder and louder and louder grandpa couldn't stand it beowulf couldn't stand it what could possibly be upsetting him so much jemima was pulling funny faces to try to make baby boris laugh [Music] but obviously it wasn't working there's nothing for it if jemima can't cheer him up then i will all it needs is a touch of grandpa magic catch me if you can grandpa come back you know when grandpa shrinks he can get up to all kinds of magical things he can get into my car and make it go grandpa stop [Music] he can ride on gold in my toy seagull [Applause] not the plane grandpa he can fly off in my plane [Music] grandpa come back here [Music] grandpa watch out i'm the only one who knows about grandpa's magic shrinking cap everyone thinks he's gone for a little lie down when he's missing and he was missing now is he okay man that's fine where's grandpa gone for a little lie down i suppose i thought he'd want to play with baby boris that was exactly what grandpa wanted to do i had to get rid of mum and jemima i know why don't we do a show for him yes he'll love that i'll go and get marco and petunia mum i think baby boris is hungry are you a teeny bit hungry won't we baby boris shall i make you something yummy scrummy for your tummy um me i'll make him some lunch you keep an eye on him please jason the person i really needed to keep an eye on was grandpa i had a feeling he would pop out at any moment [Music] grandpa oh well done jason you've cheered him up just then grandpa popped up again won't be long now as soon as mom had gone i decided to move to jack in a box you've got to get out this is way too dangerous i can't stop now i'm making baby boys laugh we can do the show from behind the sofa come on jason there was no time to argue mum kept popping in to check on baby boris and i kept popping up to check on grandpa but he disappeared jason come here hello baby boris i'm petunia the purple elephant with the very long trunk and this is my friend mark on the monkey with the sticky out ears it sounded like baby boris was really enjoying the show say hello to baby boris malcolm one day petunia the purple elephant with the very long trunk was walking through the jungle stomp stomp stomp when suddenly she bumped into malcolm the monkey with the sticky out ears [Music] jemima shows are funny but they're not that funny i had to see what was going on the good news was the baby was having a lovely time the bad news was he was playing with grandpa jason i need you morning malcolm said petunia in a very loud voice and malcolm the monkey said i have to do something baby boss was about to throw grandpa across the room i had to stop him [Music] and malcolm the monkey said he but i was too late what was that sounded like a squeaky dog toy but it wasn't a squeaky dog toy it was a squeaky grandpa luckily he wasn't hurt and malcolm the monkey said oh i give up hello sweetie shall we get something yummy scrummy for your tummy [Music] jemima decided she had enough of entertaining baby boris so she went upstairs to her room as for grandpa i knew he had to be hiding somewhere but where you were so good at making baby boris laugh jason or perhaps you can get him to eat at first he didn't want to know [Music] then suddenly he started smiling as if he'd just seen his favorite toy and he had [Music] mum had a lot of washing up to do so she didn't see grandpa helping baby boris [Music] you've got a real knack with babies jason but baby bars had to spoon now and i knew there'd be trouble [Music] yuck oh dear but i wasn't the only one who needed cleaning up do we need to change your nappy waffy [Music] the changing wasn't going very well baby boss wouldn't keep still and mum couldn't remember how to fold a nappy then baby boris started laughing at something grabber had come to the rescue yet again that's it jason keep it up luckily mum didn't see grandpa dancing on the shelf ordering high kicks and twirls or losing his balance and falling into the nappy bucket there all done before i could do anything mum picked up the nappy bucket and took it into the kitchen [Music] now where did i put that washing powder she was about to put grandpa in the washing machine i had to do something i'll put the washing in then [Music] thank you jason you've been such a help today while mum wasn't looking i slipped grandpa into my pocket after i'd washed my hands i dashed into the sitting room and put grandpa down he whipped his shrinking cap off and came back to his normal size we were just in time baby boris's parents had come to collect him hello hello he's been no trouble at all he's been good as gold let me help you get him into the car we did it jason team work eh yes teamwork [Music] paul grandpa i think you need a bath here we are wolfie have a yummy scrummy treaty wheatie yes well i think we all did really well today looking after baby boris grandpa didn't help he was lying down the whole time yes slept like a baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Bogglesox TV
Views: 3,939,671
Rating: 4.1340742 out of 5
Keywords: grandpa in my pocket, grandpa in my pocket full episode, grandpa in my pocket usa, grandpa, james bolam, grandpa and jason, shrinking cap, grandpa in my pocket full, bafta, fun kids show, funny kids tv, kids video, popular kids, popular kids show, popular childrens tv, learning, education, parenting, grandpa in my pocket series 1, grandpa in my pocket season 1, grandpa in my pocket series 1 full
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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