Grandpa in My Pocket - Jemima's New Best Friend | Series 2

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grandpa in my pocket grandpa and I had built a fantastic model of sunny sands on the sitting room floor we were playing with our sunny Suns train Oh Jemima was her keen on trains and anyway she had other plans for the day let me tell you a bit about my sister Jemima well she has lots of friends who often come round to play she loves animals and as you can see she's very keen on the color pink she likes all kinds of singing and dancing and really loves making a place and dressing up most of the time she's good fun but like all big sisters she can be quite annoying and today she was being annoying because she was having a new friend round to play so what's this new friend's name then Jemima tiffany tiffany yay yes Tiffany jane Cottington pop Jason she's very pretty and she has lovely hair and very cool clothes and she's my best friend okay oh yes apparently Tiffany king cotton Tim pump was Jemima snoo best friend and and she lives in one of the big houses down in the bay overlooking the sailing boats very smart exactly grandpa so I want our house to it really tidy and nice so will you please please clear all of this up I think she's discovered mums new hobby mum's always taking it on you hobbies one week it's karate then salsa dancing then real and exercises and now this yes mums latest hobby was hot making such a mess isn't it great I'm halfway through this sunny sans hat and making it all seaside II try this one on Jemima don't want to try one on and I don't need to think we live it up and that'll be her now Tiffany Jay Washington pump was at the door oh sweet little house oh we've got one of those not garage ah this is my brother he'll hi Damien it's Jason Ashley and this is grandpa hello Tiffany gosh I thought my grandpa's old how lovely to see you mum you've got a crab on your head yes I know isn't it wonderful can I see my bedroom oh if the tiniest bedroom in the universe oh well back to my thousand feathers I think Tiffany Jane gratin pump is big trouble and Jemima is going to need our help grandpa [Applause] that's me if you can you know what happened to robot shrinks you can get in my toy car and make it go fly off in my plane he can check about in our sony sounds tree he can run so fast as I can't catch him hi grandpa they're coming and Grandpa jumped off and Don Soffer then answer the floor and into the train carriage okay let's do play I love them please me too now that Graham has gone from little lie down please clear all of this ah when Grampa shrinks everyone always thinks that he's gone for a little lie-down and this time Jemima was sort of right you haven't got very good jet nutless have you look at this sad for fairy ones grandpa pups head out and beckoned to me he told me what to save that's what the side wand it's a brilliant one it's the nose of magic Jason can I borrow you Jason it must be awful having your grandpa live with your I knew grandpa would have a plan and I was right I wasn't sure it was such a good plan but just then Jason come and try this on please so much easier to see where to pin things when someone's wearing it [Music] meanwhile Tiffany had chosen a costume for Jimena well Grampa hid in the bottom of the box right says I'm very princess and you're mine ate the box back whoops bit of a mistake but they're dressing up box has given me an idea I'm crumpled jumped out of the box and ran into the kitchen nothing it's all fine I think it was your imagination Tiffany you've obviously got an amazing imagination well actually yes I have come in the garden me mum had put some more flowers on to my hat suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw grandpa he was gathering bits of material I think Jemima might be getting a bit fed up with Tiffany Jane gotting Tonopah thanks Jason I was glad the hat was off now I needed to find out what grandpa's plan was and I wasn't at all surprised to see that he was on his way to the garden do a dance naves the full moon Tiffany was acting being the fairy princess and a very bossy one to her Patsy and granpa was hiding behind a flowerpot making something out of bits of felt but found on the table now sing a song even if sisters are annoying sometimes you want to stick up them when they need you I'm nearly ready now we have to get your mama right out of the way and here's what you've got to do next do you know anyone oh she's hopeless maid Damien Jason oh yes now fan me I'm hot and I want to go to see Anju I'm a fan and fanned and fanned until at last Tiffany fell asleep I could help just do exactly what I tell it to do when I tell you to do it you've stopped Fanning me oh she's a hopeless maid as the president just turn her into a mouse that's a brilliant idea Damien Jason and this it's a pretty wand all I have to do is wave it close your eyes turn around three times and count to ten okay here goes one I still didn't know what grandpa's big plan was but I was about to find out oh yes this time rap had gone too far Tiffany J Cottington pump you really thought that she turned my sister into a mouse I told you it was a good one this is awful I didn't mean to [Music] just because I'm a mouse there's no need to boss me about you've been pushing me about all day I'm really sorry Jemima really really sorry I was overreacting you have to have everything your own way don't you that's not the sort of person I wanted to play with I know I'm really really sorry walk how'd you know well you can turn me back into me again for a start close your eyes wave your wand and count to ten very slowly well grandpa hid behind his flower pot to get changed while I ran inside to touch your mama she could come out seven eight nine ten I'm so sorry I didn't mean to turn you into a mouse a mouse see if that's a major imagination of hers I looked for grandpa and he came out from behind a flower pot he was back in his usual clothes couple of grandpa quick Rumple ripped off his shrink attack I came back to his normal size well Jason I don't think Tiffany Jay in Washington pump will boss Jemima around anymore do you know grandpa tea working team work [Music] later we were all really tired I'm so glad she's gone thanks sticking up for me Jason how did you persuade her that she'd turn me into a mouse Oh babbles help grandpa the grandpa was lying down the whole time he didn't do anything did you have a nice rest grandpa oh yes yeah try this on now perhaps you can get rid of that old cap of yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Bogglesox TV
Views: 13,561,824
Rating: 4.0661407 out of 5
Keywords: grandpa in my pocket, grandpa in my pocket full episode, grandpa in my pocket full, grandpa in my pocket episode, grandpa in my pocket usa, kids show, childrens, toddlers, popular kids, popular childrens, learning, education, fun kids, funny kids, comedy kids, childrens story, parenting, bafta, grandpa in my pocket series 2, grandpa in my pocket season 2, grandpa in my pocket season 2 full, popular kids show, famous kids show, grandpa, shrinking cap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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