FULL ROSETTA GUIDE! Basics, Builds, and Strats to Improve Your Damage! | Granblue Fantasy Relink

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hey everyone and welcome back I'm still on the GBF reink grind and I've been building and playing Rosetta I feel like she's completely underrated possibly due to her unique gameplay mechanics and I'm here to teach you everything I've learned over the last few days about her Queen Welcome to My Guide to Rosetta Rosetta is a character that mainly plays in melee to mid-range and focuses on managing your plants to deal damage alongside them you're rewarded for good decision- making and understanding boss patterns with high damage up time and a very strong burst additionally she's widely regarded as one of the strongest AI controlled characters which means even if you decide not to personally play her she'll be an excellent addition to your party if that sounds appealing then Rosetta might be right for you in this guide I'll be covering her Basics builds General gameplay and Link time optimization so let's jump right into it Rosetta's kit and identity revolve around her roses they're placed on the ground and will will automatically attack anything within range the Roses level from 1 through four by attacking and each level increases their range damage and number of hits her plants can be placed by either locking onto a Target or manually aiming the circle and pressing right click or the top button if you're using a controller pressing the button while you have three active plants will reposition your oldest one allowing you to move them as needed in both instances you can dodge after the green Circle appears under your feet to cancel the long ending animation her basic attack is a four hit combo that can be followed up after each hit with her unique attack for a total of four different finishers of the four finishers three of them will cause your plant to apply a different buff to your party based on which finisher is used the hit count and damage of the finisher is determined by the number of basic attacks used in the combo to make it easier from here we'll be referring to her basic attack as X and her unique attack or finisher as y her XY applies a defense buff to the party 2xy grants the party health regen 3xy applies an attack buff to the party and finally 4xy deals great damage and also makes your plants follow up with an attack you can easily tell where you are in your basic attack chain as well as which Buffs the plants are currently giving by looking at the color under your character and around your plants respectively yellow is the first attack it means the plants are giving the defense buff cyan the second and health regen magenta the third and attack damage and green denotes the final basic attack party members do not have to be in the plant's attack range to receive the buff as long as you have a single plant active when using your finisher the buff will be applied please note that you can only have one buff active at a time so if you use a different finisher the previous buff will fade after a few seconds next let's go over her skills Rose Tycoon is primarily used to instantly reposition all your plants in front of you or to locked Target it'll spawn a plan for you only if you have none active additionally it poisons any Target's hit dealing damage over time based on the target's Max Health don't underestimate this damage against proud bosses because it adds up very quickly spiral Rose is a high hit count AOE around both Rosetta and her plants it deals moderate damage but really shines when combined with her unique buff Iron Maiden more on that later lost love detonates all of Rosetta's active plants and Deals more damage based on their level it has good stun value and can do more than 600k per level four plant at Max damage cap Iron Maiden is a buff that gr Rosetta Stout heart and Iron Maiden on top of the super armor provided by Stout heart Iron Maiden will cause your plants to deal an additional hit whenever you hit the boss combined with spiral Rose and the 4xy finishers you can dish out some impressive damage bouquet will instantly plant the max number of roses in front of Rosetta and or replant any pre-existing plants while graning them a level it also heals your party and removes all debuffs this is a great skill to te in if you're going against High Mobility bosses that require you to reposition frequently such as P Rose barrier grants a 10th 40% damage cut buff to your party based on your highest active plant level if you don't have an active plant it'll spawn one for you and give a 10% damage cut don't be fooled by the visual the range of this buff is absolutely massive I could definitely see coordinating with your team to bring this in conjunction with Stout heart to completely face tank boss patterns and DPS the boss the next two skills are rarely used and don't really have much of a use case silage dashes you back and leaves a plant behind it'll also level up all active plants by one Mesmerize will make your plant taunt all Targets in their attack range unfortunately this does not work against bosses and is therefore not taken now onto the builds for your skill build I recommend taking Rose Tycoon spiral Rose lost love and Iron Maiden I find that this setup outputs the most consistent damage and also allows you to have strong link time damage against extremely mobile bosses you could swap lost love or Iron Maiden with bouquet Roseberry can also be teched in if you're coordinating with your team the overmy and sigil setups are pretty standard and similar to most other character builds you'll want to grab normal attack damage cap skill damage cap crit chance and the last slot can be attack SBA damage SBA damage cap or CBA damage for sigils as with any build you'll want to make sure that you've maxed damage cap are hitting that cap have Max crit rate class sigil and War ele Elemental this usually translates to 3 to five damage cap five sigils one crit rate sigil one to two damage sigils such as tyranny and stamina one war Elemental and one roses Awakening try to make sure your HP is higher than 38k but less than 45 as this puts you out of one shot range from many boss attacks but keeps you under the requirement for your Terminus weapon the first extra sigil you should be looking to add is linked together then supplemental damage note that supplemental damage does not work with plants but due to our high skill and finisher damage it's still worth taking if you've the slots quick recharge is another great sigil option but I would only go for this if you have the five pluses to hit Level 30 as this will allow you to get three spiral roses in one Iron Maiden buff window honorable mentions are ages to round out your health improved Dodge so you can animation cancel more and stout heart for 100% super armor up time to optimize Rosetta's performance as an AI you'll want to make sure you swap out Iron Maiden for bouquet lost love is Hit or Miss as the AI will sometimes use it with only one plant near the boss but on average it tends to perform well for General play unless you're using bouquet you'll be manually repositioning your plants occasionally try not to go too overboard with trying to have all three plants hitting the boss as your 4xy combo is still a considerable part of your damage the boss just repositioned and you feel like he's going to stay still for a bit go ahead and move move your plants if you know the boss is about to move soon hold on to your skill so you can teleport them all with rose Tycoon then burst with Iron Maiden spiral Rose and love lost furthermore if the boss is about to break or enter link time make sure you have Rose tycoon or start manually moving your plants in advance so that you can prepare your burst during the boss's bloodthirst phases you should XY defense buff your party to try to prevent teammates from being one shot if your damage is already Capp you can maintain this buff through the entire fight but if you're not quite there yet feel free to use the 3xy damage buff to reach it once your buff is active the majority of the time will be spent using 4xy for damage link time is a large chunk of our damage so it's important to be cognizant of the link gauge and prepare for it make sure you have all your abilities ready before entering link time in an ideal scenario start by using Rose Tycoon to place your plants ahead of time then use your link attack to enter link time then use iron maiden and follow it in immediately with spiral Rose finally use love loss for the massive burst and use an attack combo while waiting for spiral Rose to come off cool down Rose Tycoon is generally a DPS loss during link time so focus on using your attacks and spiral Rose instead so there you have it if I've missed anything or you figured out something new please let me know I love how there's always new tech to discover and I'm always down to learn more I plan to make more guides and videos so if there's anything you'd like to see make sure you let me know down in the comments below thanks for watching and as always stay happy and healthy
Channel: bNatural
Views: 19,022
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Id: hSUkrxEPOyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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