Best AFK Farm in Granblue Fantasy Relink - PC ONLY

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in this video I'm going to show you all how you can AFK Farm the rarest items in Grand blue fantasy relink those items being the Damascus Ingot the azerite Splendor and Ambia for those of you who don't know what these items are here's a quick rundown Damascus ingots are used to uncap a weapon level without using any of the materials normally required azerite Splendor is used to level a Sigil to its maximum level also without using any of the materials normally required and last ly when Ambrosia is consumed it will give you 15,000 Mastery points now with all of that out of the way let's actually talk about how we can farm for these items and the way we're going to do that is through the maniac difficulty Mission slime peed in this Mission there's a chance a very rare mob called the Prismatic slime can spawn and if killed it always drops Damascus ingots and azerite Splendor along with 500 knickknack vouchers and a possible embro the issue with with trying to farm this Mission AFK is that your party will not attack anything on their own since the slimes are considered non-hostile until you attack them since it's Maniac difficulty Autos syy is also disabled resulting in your party standing there doing nothing for the entire duration of the mission the good news is that I figured out a way to get around these issues allowing you to easily farm this Mission completely AFK giving you more chances at killing those Prismatic slimes and if you stick around until the end of the video I'll even give you some additional ways to use what I'm about to show you so let's get started first in order to utilize this AFK farming method you will need to be on PC as it will require us to make a couple changes to your mouse or keyboard settings second this AFK farming method requires a well geared rackam and a decently geared party for rackam you want to give him as much damage as possible since he's going to be the one killing most of the slimes don't worry about utility sigils here all we want is damage do the same for the rest of your party but ensure that rackam is is the strongest that he can possibly be in regards to skills the only skill I recommend having equipped is double tap and remember which key you assign it to because we'll need that soon once you've got rackam and the rest of your party set it's time for the next part for this I'm going to utilize my mouse software which in my case is Logitech ghub to write a custom Mouse macro all this macro is going to do is it's going to make rackam take a few steps shoot his gun and continue to do that while also spamming his double tap skill using this macro ensures that every time this Mission repeats rackam is able to start killing the slimes creating the opportunity for the Prismatic slime to spawn not only that but this macro will help speed through the postgame screen allowing you to get back to the mission even faster while still being completely AFK for now if you're wondering what happens if a prismatic slime actually spawns rackam should autot Target it and as long as your party is decent ly geared they should be able to kill it before it runs away as I'm about to show you now that you've seen how this macro actually works it's time to show you how to set it up for yourself first we're going to need to load up whatever Mouse software you use to customize your settings such as your DPI for logic Tech that's ghub for Razer that's synapse and for other brands you'll have to do a quick Google search if you don't already have it installed for this video I'm going to be using ghub however you should be able to replicate everything I'm doing with whatever program your mouse uses also this can be done using a keyboard as long as your keyboard allows you to assign macros to a key press okay so the first thing I want to do is open Logitech ghub from here we see a screen where we can select the device that we want to make changes to here I want to select my mouse which then takes me to the assignment screen and since the assignment screen is where we're going to make all of our changes we won't have to navigate away from here next I want to click macros this is where we're going to be able to set our own custom macro that we will then assign to one of our Mouse buttons from here click create new macro and give your macro a name after you would enter you will need to select the type of macro to create for the purpose of this video we're going to use toggle here because we want this macro to run continuously while we're AFK once you select toggle you'll end up on a screen where you create the inputs for the macro from here the first thing we want to do is uncheck the Ed standard delays box since we will want to use our own custom delays for the inputs next click the start now button and then click record keystrokes while the recording is running you will want to press the inputs for the actions we want rackam to take so press the following left Mouse click for Ram's Auto attack the key binding that you assigned Ram's double tap skill two the W key two times to make rackam move forward slightly and then the a key one want to help him stay centered as he moves throughout the map next we want to fix all the delays so that this macro runs properly here we want to delete all the delays in between each key press and to do this simply select one of the delays you want to delete and then press your delete key the last thing we need to do before we're done with this screen is tweak the duration of the remaining delays to do this just click on one of the delays and type in a new value to start off we're going to adjust the delay and the left Mouse click since rack and fire is a burst fire if his attack action is held down and for this I'm just going to use a value of 315 millisecs because that's what I found works best next for the use of Ram's double tap skill I'm going to use a 70 millisecond delay for the W key forward movement inputs I'm also going to use a 70 millisecond delay and lastly for the a key left movement input I'm going to use a 95 millisecond delay if you followed everything I've done so far then your macro should look something like this once it's all set up hit the save button button which will then return you to the assignment screen from here the only thing we have left is to assign this new macro to a button on our Mouse to do this all you have to do is grab the macro from the menu on the left and drag and drop it onto one of the button nodes on the mouse for now I'll just throw this on my middle Mouse button also if you ever want to reset this mouse button you just need to click the node that you assigned this macro to and then click use default and that's it now you're all set up to AFK Farm the Slime peed Mission so just start up the mission complete it the first time and then select repeat once you've done that click the mouse button you assigned the macro to and let it work its magic from there just remember to click the button again to turn off the macro when you get back so this doesn't happen also here's a couple extra things to note if you're using a wireless mouse your mouse might become inactive while you are AFK which would then shut off the macro to avoid this just plug your mouse into your computer via your USB cable whenever you're running the macro second if you have camera repositioning and battle camera repositioning get turned off in the settings you're going to want to set those to on whenever you do this to prevent your character from running into walls while the macro is running finally since you've made it this far into the video I'm going to show you a couple other ways I use custom Mouse macros in this game one of those ways being for transmuting sigils quickly while being able to be AFK to do this all you need to do is create a macro like we did before but this time check the box to use standard delays and only record the left Mouse click keystroke make sure the macro is set to toggle and assign it to the mouse like we did earlier now when you go to transmute sigils select the level of transmutation and then click the mouse macro it's going to spam click through everything for you allowing you to go AFK while it does this the last tip I have is for anyone who likes to play Lancelot or sherlotta since these characters require constant spamming of their attack button it can be tiring to play them which is why I use a mouse Macro for their attacks this macro setup almost identical to the one I just showed you with the one difference being this macro is going to be set to hold instead of toggle this means that whenever I need to spam click I can just hold down the mouse button and let it go whenever I need to instead of having to click it again to turn it off and that's all I have for you guys in this video so if you have any questions or want to see more videos like this in the future just let me know down in the comments below see you
Channel: LikyLix
Views: 4,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Granblue Fantasy: Relink
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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