Gran Turismo 7: I'm Owning Up To My Mistakes

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foreign ERS I went on Gran Turismo 7 this week and I found this Grand Valley Highway 1 is daily rate C and we're going to jump into this race in the Ford GT now this video this session is encapsulated by two real emotions one of utter despair but also of Triumph now you saw the opening clip and that clearly demonstrates how bad things got at one point and over the course of this video I want to show you the process of how I went from racing very badly in fact some of my worst racing that I've ever done to some of my best and we're going to go through all of the things I had to learn in order to go through that transition now this is my very first race I've jumped in I'm at the back of the pack a couple of cars going wide here and I haven't really done any practice laps any qualifying other than the practice I did last week when this track came out now here we've already gained two positions we're about to gain one more courtesy of this Porsche on the left getting quite a slow run onto this bridge and that's going to be p12 almost into the back of this other Porsche thankfully not quite and then let's see what we can do through this chicane quite a tricky corner I'm sure you'll agree for those who have driven this race this week not an easy corner to get right but one is the very crucial Corner because it leads out onto the main straight which is flat out all the way towards turn one we're gonna try and get a good run through the tunnel up behind the Porsche now one of the strengths of the Ford GT is its straight line speed and that is capably being demonstrated right now as we Sail by the 911 even before we hit the brakes into the first corner and so we're trying to capitalize on that at this point in time at the start of lap too I felt quite strong I felt like my race Pace was good this is lap number four and this is where it begins to unravel you see they're very wide and that is one of the strictest Corner cutting penalty areas in the whole game I would say getting a penalty there was a very very common occurrence and it's really easy to do that this is lap seven still in P11 so we haven't really made much more ground compared to where we were at the end of lap one I'm gonna try and go for a move here against the McLaren and go for the right hand side this is the move I tried to do earlier on the Porsche and with success on this occasion not quite able to do it it was a good little battle though I must say did enjoy it as the sun was beginning to set here at Grand Valley so it's quite a nice Dynamic time race now a bit more was about to happen here this race was quite static for quite a while it was just me and the McLaren in front for quite a long time without too much battling but here we had a bit of RG barji with the Ford GT meeting the big grass Bank which isn't a grass bank at all it's a big sand bank I don't even know what it is who knows we are going to overtake the other car who got a poor run and move up into knife so two positions that's okay we opened to the uh up inside the top ten so we are improving this month will seem like such a bad race this one was okay for a first race this is kind of what you can expect move up a couple of positions get a couple of penalties here and there and then just make the old silly mistake like this breaking way too late I don't even know what I was thinking if I was thinking anything my only thought really looking back is that obviously with a dynamic time it gets quite dark on lap 9 and 10. and perhaps that's what caught me out as I was not used to the different visibility then I made this mistake at the beginning of the 10th lap and the final lap drifting way too wide and just getting the car a little bit sideways on the brakes so all in all about to come through at the end of lap 10 in P10 getting a penalty here on that chicane so easy to do so really just quite a typical race here I think of Grand Valley Highway and so what I needed to do after that was improved my qualifying and we did that here 47 8 my first lap well we could definitely improve that through turn one it's really about patience here onto the power once the tarmac kind of changes just before the curb changes on the right you get a nice run down this hill and there's this chicane here which can be taken flat but you do have to be perfect with it and like we said earlier it's a very easy place to get a penalty so getting the line right through there well it's a fine line between Jessica penalty like we have here and between not getting one eventually though a couple of moments later setting a 47 4 so it was an improvement we are getting there and then a lap after that 47 2. time was coming down but it was this middle sector where things really had to improve in the Ford GT this sector 2 this middle sector of the lap is absolutely horrific this thing handles worse than an aircraft carrier I really do think that and for those of you who are trying this car around this track this week you probably noticed the same thing this car just really hates it it is a quick car for this track but you really do have to suffer through that middle sector because it really just does not like the slow speed corners and so that will be something I would have to improve over the course of time now this lab was pretty good we are we were a couple of cents quicker and eventually it was a 46.9 into the 46's which was a good place to be and that put me as you can see second place on the grid for the second race and therefore towards the sharp end this is where we need to be unfortunately guys this is one of the worst races I have done in a long time really really bad I can't quite describe I mean you tell me after watching this race just how bad this race was so the first corner I mean that's about as good as it gets it was a good first Corner didn't lose position didn't really gain one but nice and safe pretty much textbook I would say and coming down the hill you see there playing playing a very uh naughty game there with the track limits and already getting a penalty it's okay that's not ideal we're gonna have to serve that penalty now as we do losing just one position so that wasn't too bad we could have easily have lost two maybe three losing one isn't an absolute disaster just move down to third you can try and regain our breath and go again just try to preserve our position here and just at least try to keep up with the McLaren in front we kept up with the McLaren in front in the previous race it's the same guy we'll bet we've both set better laps to be towards the front of the pack and it was really for this second sector again where I was just struggling and really just could not get the car to work through that sector of the track with the McLaren just behind I was under pressure and coming down the hill just pushing a little bit too hard here as you know that's a perfect line that's exactly what you want to do so sometimes I was getting it right sometimes not and it's the inconsistency which was uh annoying me sometimes I was absolutely bang on but not every lap getting down to a 48-0 on lap three lap four was a 48-0 so good consistency I was going in the right direction the pace wasn't too bad the consistency was very good but the consistency was good and to a point because coming down here the consistency was about to go South very quickly as this chicane once again very very difficult to get right and I just go tiny bit onto the gravel maybe three pixels onto the gravel before you know it you're hurtling towards the barrier which is sub-optimal I must say and you can see I was basically 0.1 seconds away from inducing a massive Rage Quit or perhaps I should have done because what's to come was even worse get the 1.5 second penalty and later on in the lap having to serve it of course that meant I lost p7 and dropped down into eighth okay another setback annoying frustrating and I would have to regroup for the second time in this race and have to go again you see here P6 wasn't too far away so we could finish in the custom reposition of the Super GT Channel and it wouldn't be such a disaster to finish in P6 would it because well you know you started second so you should really be finished on the podium I would have thought from there and I shouldn't be back in eighth but this is where my race is about to unravel but not only mine the two cars in front as I go for this move on the right hand side in towards turn one it's quite a late move before you know it bang I am now a murderer turns out I'm gonna be on death row for the rest of my days as I have wiped out two innocent victims into the wall first the McLaren who gracefully rejoins the circuit with a 0.5 second penalty and then the Ford GT now with a six second penalty for my misdemeanor so I've absolutely murdered them let's take a look and it doesn't make for better viewing in another angle absolute filth as I wipe them out think of the McLaren they're approaching turn one everything's fine until all of a sudden bang they have been annihilated from absolute nowhere and have been sent to the shadow Realm from The Cinematic camera it looks even worse it really does look bad I kind of just sat there sort of thinking oh my goodness I have just killed a couple of people and that is not good eventually we do get going once again the guy in the Ford GT says why and the McLaren driver uttered The Immortal words put it to video and that's exactly what I'm doing here guys I've put a video and you are now watching said video eventually after not getting ahead of the guy who's serving his second penalty I dropped down into last place and I wanted to hide in the pit Lane and not have to do the rest of the race but as you can see Grand Valley is currently bugged and so there is no such thing as a pit stop around this track it just drives you all the way through and even for that I've got a three second penalty and all I really could think to do at this point was to drive off the edge of a cliff [Music] and so after a completely disastrous race I bought it home one and a half minutes off of the lead in what can only be described as a shocking race even this guy was clapping I do not know why it was an absolute disaster and so I did not want to stare Grand Valley in the face and so I turned off my PS5 hours later turning it back on and I think this is sometimes the best thing you can do there are days where you just drive like an absolute fall and the best thing you can do is spare yourself and spare Everyone by just turning off the console and coming back later that's exactly what I did and my first Port of Call was qualifying I clearly just did not have the consistency that I wanted I could set good laps periodically but the consistency just wasn't there my first four laps here were mid to low 47s the consistency was good bit of a mistake must be said but this was a trial where we were trying to improve our overall pace and consistency at the same time I really needed to improve both I wanted to stand a chance of a successful result penalty there for the middle sector and it's this middle sector I really had to improve but it seemed like I was making too many mistakes here you can see retry after retry lots of penalties lots of mistakes but we were getting there it's this middle sector where I really had to get better I really had to get good to use the the important phrase and I was telling myself get good multiple times and the Ford GT as we discussed earlier is not a car that likes the middle sector it's it basically has an allergy to that sector of the track and I worked out through this sequence of Corners that I was just taking the wrong line I just was not taking the right line at all just trying to be too clever with a wide line wasn't working and this is the good thing about having a ghost in front of you the ghost in front is that of Mr MCA with a 148.8 a low 0.8 that is and so I felt like it was a realistic ghost that I could keep up with and perhaps beat if I set a perfect lap now it took me until this lap here this was maybe about 45 minutes into the session and I was fairly close to it over the line we go going to be a 46.995 one thousandth of a second slower than my PB and so I was back to a point where okay we're really close now I can just improve by a tenth here or there then we're good we're going to go and improve our lap time so again here this is the line that just doesn't work trying to be too clever of the on that corner with a wide line in you just lose a car length or two and so it just isn't worth it now this lap I'm about to finish is a 46.8 and the next lap is going to be quicker so let's take you through these laps they're looking towards the 300 board on the left and you're going to go straight in towards the corner being patient mid-turn here and then getting good drive down the hill now this following left right left should be flat out you might need to have a slight lift in this car you could get a dead right turning in on that shadow should be able to just about get it flat braking on the 400 board they're turning in on the 100 getting really close to the inside and you get really good rotation when you do that onto the power in first gear and driving off then we're into sector two this is where things get really tricky driving roughly on the yellow line in the middle come back for a late Apex on the power maximize track width for their downshift bit of gravel on the right ideally and then off the power downshift and that really gives you the rotation that's what I was noticing in this car at least you come off the power the carb wants to turn a bit more and if you downshift as well sometimes you can initiate a bit more rotation and so I was just learning to take a better line through here on the power just before the change of tarmac onto the bridge and this is a much better lap you can get in the 109s of this split then you're good 109.4 on this occasion and so we're on for a a 146 lap time if I can keep this through to the end I lose maybe a car length there on the way in through that corner getting a good line on the exit of this one onto the power maximizing the track width and we do not get a penalty thankfully it was really close though and it's going to be just under a tenth quicker than my previous lap and so the consistency and the speed was now coming it did take me a good hour to get this a lap time coming up to the finish the lap time is 46.777 and that at the time was good enough for 36 in the world so not too bad and let's jump into the next race now this is where we were really beginning to show what I can do the early races were an absolute disaster and it's just horrific to have to watch them back they were that bad for this first race you know is this is where things get really important because yes it's very very well and good assessing a good qualifying time but you have to be able to do it in the race now on my first lap here setting um getting a penalty max power got a penalty on the following lap and so I retook the lead but from there I didn't really look back I was under some pressure for the next couple of laps but I felt like okay I just need to get in the groove and not think about the car behind too much and just just do what I learned in the practice Labs which was just not overdrive the car and this is the main takeaway that I would say from this session was in the early races I was pushing way too hard to be perfect and as a result I was making mistakes and getting penalties and so from this point onwards I decided okay if I'm gonna go wide if I'm gonna get a penalty I was going to back off slightly I'm going to drive 10 safer in the name of not getting too many penalties and not making too many mistakes we did get some penalties like this one but um it wasn't too bad the consistency was overall very good uh getting a penalty there guy behind also got a penalty and so by the end of lap eight and the Gap was over three seconds so I was in a comfortable lead things were going well I was in the 47th most laps at least half the time setting of 47.6 which is my fastest lap in a race to this point and later on finishing the race in an 1808.9 total time which was pretty good and if you look back at the first race of this video the race was won with an 1808.7 and so I was on good Pace I felt like I was getting there I think this race here might be one of the best I've done if you look back further in this video I did one of the worst performances ever this one I think one of my best so starting on poll first lap nice and solid pulling away from the guy behind lap number two going to be a 47.8 good consistency here 47.8 again next lap 47.6 next lap is going to be a 47.9 next lap was going to be a 47 8 and then just after that 47 7 then the next lap 47 8 then the next lap was going to be 47 6. this consistency was absolutely unbelievable and I really just could not believe just how fast and consistent I was being earlier on in the day I could barely get into the 48s and now I was in the 47s consistently every lap and no penalties in this race I had no penalties to this point and this showed just how how valuable that practice time was being nice and clinical not over driving the car and just really getting into a really nice Groove so it's this middle sector which is where things are really tough and I I was guilty of looking at the split timer here so I made a bit of a mistake through this corner it wasn't the quickest line not enough for a penalty though so we just continue and we're gonna try to do an entire race with all 47's lap times which I think would be a great performance so into the long left so really about letting the car breathe a bit of um a bit of coasting mid corner to let the car rotate and then onto the power before the change of tarmac there onto the bridge and that's a good point to get on the power again let's take a look at this split time it's a 110 flat if they're on course I would say for a 47 but we do have to be quite perfect through this final sector unfortunately well it's not quite going to be perfect because with this Darkness it doesn't help it's quite hard to see and you see there just taking a bit too much curb and on the exit here just getting on the power a little bit too early and just just grazing the sand which gives me a very unfortunate 0.5 second penalty that's my first penalty in that entire race and so it was a bit disastrous but the one consolation that I really want to hammer home here is as we finish we're going to pause the video just pause it there and take a look at the lap times because it's all 47s from lap two to ten all between a 46 9 and a 47 sorry 47 9 and 47 6 all within three tenths of a second yes there was a penalty in that final lap but if anything I lost time because of it and so we improve our total race time to an 1805.0 and that was one of my finest races 95th race win on that account but the question you're obviously asking yourself right now is how does Scott speed figure in all of this so what I did was I logged on to my American account and I gave myself three laps to try to set a quick qualifying time forty seven two forty six nine and then finally crossing the line in a 46-7 so it only took me three laps to match my PB on my main account as you can see they're very close indeed between my two accounts Scotch egg just doesn't miss this man is the goat we all know that let's see how it performs then this first race now annoyingly my first lap was a 48-0 because I wanted to do an entire race of 47s but you see my my fastest potential was going down 47 4. and again it was just through sheer consistency for this middle sector especially one penalty during that race and a total time of an 1804.7 so my fastest race to date with one final opportunity to try to go quicker let's see if I can do it at this point in time it was two in the morning and so I was quite tired but I was very determined to go even faster and try to do that entire race with all 47s and I think it's definitely possible I could definitely do it with no penalties as well and as we come down the hill let's take a look as we turn into this right hand of such an annoying corner to get right because you are right on the limit and you see here playing it very close playing a very dodgy game playing um a bit of roulette with the track limits thankfully on this occasion I was Pixel Perfect not getting a penalty but how about lap too it was not about to be so lucky as we go I mean it's minimal there but it is a penalty were beyond the line very frustrating as I again perhaps trying to be too perfect again now we did a 48-6 we did have to serve a penalty on that lap but here like 40 47 6 we're going to take a look at this entire lap here because um after lap two which was the one with the penalty we got a 47 9 47 for 47 4 47 3 and then 47 uh six on that previous lap so this lap was my best this is the best lap I did all day and it did seem to be getting quicker and quicker for me good rotation through that hairpin a really good line and then let's take a look at the middle sector the the horrible sector of the lap keeping the car under control and what I felt I was doing earlier on in the day was just turning in too much and overworking the car and this one I was just being a little bit more delicate on the steering wheel and so a lesson I would give here really is just just pay attention to the things you're doing wrong and for me it happened to be just taking a couple of the wrong lines through here for example also just working the car too much breaking it a bit too late trying to be too perfect trying to take everything dead right and that isn't the way for me the way he was to actually tone it down a little bit be consistent first and then build up the speed and that really seemed paid evidence for me and so through the chicane here getting a really good straight line run on the exit on the power perfectly that was a really well done corner and it's going to give us some really good straight line speed here and I think that's really crucial to those last couple of tents on this lap so crossing the line is going to be a 47.2 which honestly is about as fast as you're going to see around this track the guy behind Cooper does a 47-0 and he's sort of world-class level Pace on this game and so I was kind of really happy to be in that sort of echelon of pace on this on this track it took me all day to get there I was really happy with it this race time 1803 and yeah thank you so much for watching let me know your thoughts have an amazing day and I shall see you next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: Super GT
Views: 275,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gt sport, gran turismo sport, gt sport gameplay, Gran Turismo, Sport, gt sport fia, gt sport daily, gt sport ps4, gt sport update, gt sport f1, gt sport lewis hamilton, gt sport spa, gt sport laguna seca, gt sport credits
Id: DWcpfRIsBDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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