Gran Turismo 7: Are They Running Out of Ideas?

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hello viewers a new week is upon us so we have some new daily races on Grand turm 7 including this the samba bus race around the meme circuit group three around interos for the 400 billionth time and group two at magor I'm going to jump into my old favorite group three in Lagos and this does beg the question have they run out of ideas over at pany because this combination group three at interos despite how good it is you know it's a great track good cars we have seen it many times and it makes you wonder whether or not they have any creativity left we're going to go the inside into turn one here in the perso rcz and this seems to be one of the go-to cars for this race and I decided as you can see to start at the back always makes it more fun doesn't it let's see what we can do from here try and make this a fun race as we head head into turn number four up against the Lamborghini quite a good choice of cars being picked here big moment on the exit of the fourth Corner looking at the inside not quite going to go for it here got to be nice and patient behind this guy as we head into the infield now take a look at that Almighty gaggle of cars up in front just look at that there's a good 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n something cars can't quite count how many but there's loads and this could get very spicy indeed so I have to bet oh there we go he's gone to straight off Lamborghini is going to go up the inside get spun around I'm going to get almost get spun around by the car behind as well it really is all kicking off now into the final corner and we've lost a fair chunk of time still in 13th position we are going to get a run here the Perse seems to be quite quick in a straight line up the inside we go and uh the job is done now trying to look at the back of the Lamborghini and again getting a run the pjo very good in a straight line looking up the inside go for the move and we don't really even have to go for it because he drives straight off the track well not off the track but very wide indeed that's me up into 11th let's try and catch back up with this very big group up in front and by the time we get to turn four we do that this guy spins out oh thank goodness for ghosting there as I I came off the throttle but thankfully the ghosting initiated and I went straight through so good stuff as we head into the infield for the second time 2 by two up in front very very close indeed oh the pers spins and then the Porsche goes for a big move and all he does is send himself off into the grass and that's me up into p8 already by the end end of the lap you see the car in front had a penalty so that's an easy seventh and then as the race progressed I was getting closer and closer to the closer what a name and on this occasion not quite close enough as we head onto the main straight I definitely had the benefit of the top speed you can see here and the slipstream getting very close by the time we get onto the brakes into the Cent s not close enough though to go for the overtake and so we're just going to have to wait for another moment so on the next lap lap number four just trying to get as close as we can and I would like to know your thoughts guys on the daily race choices in this game I mean you know the game's been out a year and a half now and for me I don't think they've really been creative enough there's so many more combinations of cars and tracks out there that they could utilize and simply haven't I mean there's lots of tracks for example like St Cy something like that which rarely ever gets used and then you get tracks like you know Fuji in group three interos in group three combinations which are used over and over again you know they're great tracks in great cars but it would be nice to have a bit more variety I think and so I'd I'd like to see some changes made in the future up the inside into turn number one and then we get the job done through the exit of the center s up into sixth position would you believe trying to catch up with the 4 GT there to get a top five I did manage to catch up but it wasn't enough to overtake and so for this first race is going to be a solid sixth place from the back of the pack there it is P6 now moving on to some qualifying I laid down a 32.2 that put me on pole position for this next race and when you're starting on pole position of course it's a very different race compared to starting 15th and so all I have to do really is just try to pull away as quickly as possible and try to not make it a race we want to kind of disillusion our opponents and just disappear off into the distance as soon as possible and that's exactly what happened on this occasion and I got to say a big thank you to the boys and girls back at the Porsche Factory as close as this guy did run me I was able to bring home a very proud victory for the boys and girls back at Stuart get in there leis miracles do happen guys and miracles were about to happen again because in this next race we went from Pole to First in a fairly plain race the main race you're all waiting for for though of course is daily race a the sber bus have I got us yes I oh my goodness the Thomas the Tank Engine sber bus no one is going to want to see me in their rearview mirror that is genuinely scary all right this is it everyone this is where we decide who is the goat in the slowest race of all time let's go and this is also a race that has been used before although of course not as many times as group three interos this one came out come up maybe a couple of months ago I think in May or something like that and it is an entertaining one definitely a bit of a meme race so it's quite funny to see it come up once again and we're going around the alas test course with this Almighty Hill very strange Corner this one I'm going to put myself on the inside look at that really no quarter given in the samb bus here as we move move up into sixth position just behind Bob Marley there who's putting in a great first lap which is absolutely incredible to see down towards the final complex of corners and this is the this is the difficult Corner I'd say on the track you got to really carry that speed through not quite doing it as well as I could we're going to run side by side now with Bob Marley down the main straight never thought I'd say that we're actually three a breast momentarily as the blue bus on the right side they're getting a very good run towards the first Corner hitting highs here are 57 58 mph which is just quite frankly unbelievable and they really need to slow these cars down cuz this is getting a bit excessive now through the first Corner through the banking door rubbing door banging between the two of them I'm going to follow him through and I'm into a top five here and then we're going to go for a nice bit of a bump drafting on the car behind looking looking that rear view mirror over the back seats luckily we' got no passengers weighing us down today and I'm not sure they'd want to be in the back here this would be truly terrifying to be a passenger in one of these buses during this race as um maybe that should be an option in the future you know in multiplayer races you can just choose to sit in the back seat of someone else's car and spectate that' be quite interesting and uh we're coming down here in fifth this point get overtaken by Bob Marley my Pace just went off at the end of this race I just couldn't seem to really do this car enough Justice and having a a ding-dong battle here with Bob Marley through the final Corner as um I mean excuse the the wording there but the blue car goes through and yeah I've just lost my Pace at the end of this one so unfortunately it's only going to be a seventh oh well that was the most boring race of all time and I guess I'm not goat anymore finish seventh but getting that race done gives me just enough time to jump in Daily Race c this is going to be a hard combination I've not going to I'm not going to do any practice and that is usually a very silly decision but oh well we're going to do it now group two at magor reverse this isn't a combination that really comes up so I suppose there is some creativity here and they haven't completely run out of ideas so this one is actually quite an interesting combination so let's give it a go although they do love magor I think that's fair to say this track does come up pretty much every other week at least now we're going to come up into this battle here between um these two guys and I'm going to kind of get caught up in it into their fight and you see there they're just running each other wide Etc and I can only really position myself on the outside and just oh goodness me it's all over the place here this is not good we're at the back of the pack here we just really need to get away from this battle boom that guy straight into the Wall of Death the exit of the final corner now had a very interesting battle with this Frenchman who would be the real villain in the story I mean to begin with though I became the villain because of this move that's about to come up going down the back straight and then you're coming up to a very fast sequence of Corners here he's in the Audi RS5 the newer group two car well DTM car and here we're going to go for a big lunge and yeah I mean I fully admit that that was not the cleanest of moves it definitely wouldn't be making a top 10 cleanest moves of all time video would it and then to No Surprise we get bundled wide by the Frenchman and I suppose that was fair enough because my move was not good at all but later on I think he was still AG grieved by it even though we were pretty much even by this point and coming through here just continues turn turning right I've got nowhere to go he's going to bundle me off onto the gravel and boom just like that my hopes of having a good result was completely over I mean I wasn't going to get one anyway but now they're completely gone back down to 13th absolute disaster we're going to have to try to really pull one out of the Hat here guys with the soft tires beginning to die of death I came in and whacked on the mediums I didn't really know the strategy so I just kind of followed what everyone else was doing catching up with this battle as these two guys go hammer and Tong a bit of a corner cut there yellow flag someone spinning off so we're going to gain a position goes quite slow oh my goodness almost into the back of him around the outside we go and he goes straight back up the inside we're going to perform the old switch aroo kind of annoying because he's about to serve a penalty so we losing load of time and he serves it that guy goes into the pit Lane so we gain another position and then a bit later on this is lap eight now the Spaniard uh Spaniard there smashing off into the wall and then I caught up with my good friend the Frenchman and this is where things began to get a bit spicy once again spiciness levels were increasing by the moment as we come in here he just slowed down really early I was thought okay I don't know what you're trying to do here bro don't know what you're trying to do trying to entice me into something but here I mean I accidentally kept accelerating into the corner it was a 100% accident and the stewards would uh surely agree with that assessment as my brakes just stopped working I don't know why they sto working but eventually it was an eighth position at the end of that one let's jump into this replay guys because this was an absolute mess this was a horror show of a race I hold my hand up here guys and say this one was a mega dive bomb of the century boom up the inside you can see from his perspective yeah that was that was too late and it was little surprise therefore as these guys will go for a spin to receive this move just moments later so I thought okay I think uh it's one all here he loses control and this is I want to see this comes through drives a little bit wide and I've got nowhere to go I mean that's the only Gap that was there so I've seen that he's gone slow I have to go to the right and he just keeps turning right so that was just very bad driving dides he come back for a move here I think he [Music] does oh he just overtakes him fairly he went quite wide and then I'm expecting something here as we come down into this sharp left he just fires it in even though he got past because of this he made a mistake so there no need for that at all Spaniard Wants Revenge tries it only ends up sending himself into the shadow real and on the same corner where he bundled me wide I accidentally bundled him wide what an accident that was what a shame I think it's fair to say that race wasn't ideal I got to say group two a magor something different we haven't had this one before from what I can remember and it's not too bad so I did some qualifying here which was quite important setting a 45.6 which put me seventh on the grid for this next race this is important because I think starting towards the back really hurts your tires following other cars around this kind of circuit group two these cars have high downforce and this is a fast sweeping track so tire wear is quite uh quite bad as it is and then you know following other cars makes it a lot worse and so we're going to have to try and make some progress as quickly as possible now this race was actually really interesting I actually found this one really good initially I was on the back foot because as you can see I'm on the medium tire and I felt like this was the better strategies normally I think it's better to go with the harder available tire then go to the softer at the end and that's what I did here so we going to go medium to soft on the previous race I did soft to medium we get pushed a tiny bit wide through the bank to Corner big Banky boy someone on the left hand side there spinning out so I gain a position but these two behind me are all over me and it looks like I'm going to lose a position thankfully and somehow I don't and so as we head into the sweeping Corners I'm able to remain ahead as we close right up to the Portuguese driver who had some sort of little moment there with the the guy in front are we going to be able to get a position here quite slow on the exit I'm going to move to the right hand side which is going to be the outside for this left can we perform the Switcher yes we can just about quite an extended old switcher but we got the job done in the end that's going to be fifth with quite a big gap behind now actually so thankfully I managed to resist the overtake attempts from the cars behind in the first half of the lap and it's kind of pay dividends here as we move forward a couple of positions into a bit of clear air and kind of just shows you if you're under pressure you just have to resist that pressure for a while and thankfully it it should or hopefully it will um deide so up into fifth place here by the start of lap two it's a 10 lap Race So quite a lengthy race with steady Race c normally about 17 to 20 minutes or so and um I'm going to just try to pull up to the back of this battle for the top three and it was quite interesting when I saw myself seventh from the grid I thought you know maybe I'll put push into a top five by the end but we've already got to a top five so we're going to try and aim for a bit higher than that a Podium is very possible here heading down the hill fast downhill chicane into the big Banky boy legendary and iconic Corner this one and I think we should get a petition going for this track to be built in real life so heading down the back straight here in the slipstream of the two cars in front and this is a horrible section to follow another car one because of the arrow loss but also because of the visual loss you can't quite see exactly where you're looking you're trying to cut that left hand corner and this one and this right hand actually to an extent when you're following so closely you can't quite see exactly what you're looking at down into the the left hand corner very awkward turn this one and he actually Parks it really close on the Apex slows us both down and I'm going to try and pick our way through I mean these car says stay away and no Pro but we're going to try and do our best to try and get past him as quickly as possible now here the German makes a mistake getting caught up on the sausage curb and then on the exit of this right-hander he's going to pull over to the right hand side leave the space open and it was a very inviting opportunity and I took it up into fourth I running wide through the corner so he can't go for this moveing the right and then the guy in second place you see there into the Wall of Death quitting the race and all of a sudden I'm in a battle for second place the leader is quite a long way away 7 Seconds up in the lead so I think realistically we're looking at a second place being the best plays I can get but that is not too bad from Seventh on the grid so this was lap number three I decided to put my uh brake balance all the way to the rear and I suppose this is a positive change in the game where slowly but surely They're bringing back some more tuning options in some of the races and breake balance included in that that has been in the game for for a while but I seem to remember in GT Sport that was in pretty much every race you could always change your brake balance whereas in gt7 it's not as common although it is in most races now or at least half of them right anyway this is lap number four and you can see I just couldn't quite keep up with the guy in front I I I really did wear out the front tires by not putting my brake bias to the back and you see the guy behind was catching but then had a moment there on the exit there's quite a big bump on the exit of that corner and it's really easy to lose control of the car over that bump and thankfully it wasn't me on this occasion so a bit of a gap to the car in front but on this lap I very quickly gained on him so we can we can take a look at that here 1.5 seconds the Gap at the start of the lap and immediately down to 1.2 so he took the first Corner quite slowly really making the most of the track uh there through turn number three is it three or turn number four down the uh chicane here the gap's down to 0.7 already so he's had a really bad first sector and it seems like his front tires are really going off so perhaps this guy hasn't changed his brake bias towards the rear to protect the front tires or it's just overdriving on the front tires and you see already this is going to be an overtake opportunity so from a 1.5 second Gap and we're going to go for the move here only halfway into the lap unfortunately here we have a bit of contact so I felt like I left him space he wanted a bit more and thankfully it wasn't any more than just a scary half a second but here gets a poor exit we're going to go past him on the outside and claim second place in this one down into this awkward left we get into second place fully and now it's a the case of just trying to bridge a gap to the cars behind as much as possible the leader is 9.9 or 10 seconds in front so not really concentrating on them so I decided to go around one more lap I wasn't sure if this was the right call as some of the cars behind went in at the end of lap five so they're going to do five and five the car behind all of a sudden had a very strange looking spin it looked looked like it really came out of nowhere so I had sort of an un interrupted lap here to try to go as quickly as possible without having to focus on anyone behind but the front tires were really going off by this point the medium tires only can last six laps at most and you can see here by the end of the lap the fronts down to not much left I definitely can't do another lap and so we bring the car in the the Honda boys here doing a fantastic job as ever and you see that I look quite disappointed here because I thought I put mediums back on but thankfully it was actually the softs I did do it right as we come out onto the track just ahead of SRC Matthew and he got a massive undercut there going onto the soft tire quite early so I knew that I just really had to stay ahead here make sure he wore out his tires quicker than me I've got fresh tires by one lap maybe two I'm not quite sure but I'd imagine that his laps uh sorry his tires are going to fade away by the time we get to the end of the race and so I just got to keep nice and clean make sure he doesn't get past me and it should be a quite clear second place which is not a bad result and that is pretty much exactly what happened the rest of the stint was quite safe quite easy pulling away to a 3.5 3.6 second Gap and ultimately finishing in a very pleasing second place I'll take a P2 guys pretty much everyone was crashing in that race I think I'm quite happy to get no penalties and no crashes I'll take it overall quite a decent combination group two magor reverse not bad hopefully pany come up with some good combos next week and on that note catch you next time
Channel: Super GT
Views: 240,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gran turismo, gt7, forza, forza motorsport, gran turismo 7, nurburgring, racing, motorsport, sim racing, forza horizon, f1, formula one, quadrant, super gt
Id: 3pj2RjCiF40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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