Why Super GT Is A Racing Genius

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hello viewers Super GT here Super GT is a racing  genius and in this video I'm going to tell you   the secrets of how super duty has mastered Sim  racing and real world racing as well super duty   world-class enforzer world-class in Gran Turismo  racing radicals now in real life going to the   Nords life and racing a Bilstein M4 racing cars  against Landon Norris Ivory Super GT in cards and   in Sim racing as well and he pretty consistently  gets a better of me so I've done the analysis I've   done a deep dive into some really interesting  tips and techniques that super duty uses that   really elevates him above the other drivers now  this is potentially going to be the most important   Sim racing video you ever watch because there's  some stuff I'm going to reveal here that is light   driving in another dimension so we're going to  go through overtaking we're going through braking   we're going to go through throttle we're going to  go through racecraft I hope you can enjoy it let's   start here with the braking now super Tuesday  he doesn't use the brake really to just slow   down the car and this I believe comes from Super  Duty's background in karting where the break is   really a tool to manipulate the car and to get  extra rotation in the cornering phase now you're   going to see here at Dragon Trail Seaside reverse  have a look at the brake applied here purely to   rotate the car but I'm going to show you something  very very very interesting in hairpin Corners in   sort of shorter lower speed Corners that really  separate super duty from other drivers you're   going to see the incredible extra rotations able  to get the better exits compared to other drivers   setting up those overtaking opportunities and  putting them under pressure so here we go at   Daytona and have a look at the brake input and  left hand side you can see it goes on the brake   full comes off the brick and then goes back on  the brake later on in the cornering phase purely   for that rotation he's already got the car slowed  down after rotate but he wants more rotation have   a look here at the international horseshoot off  the Bray week and then back on the brake in the   middle and he gets it better it almost runs into  the back of basic Ollie here's another one of my   um old teammates actually used to race together  with him he was racing real life you can see   again here from the front you have look at that  breaking input Super GT he has got the car slowed   down initially there we go the car slowed down  but he gets on the brake again purely to rotate   the car and look how much of a better exit he gets  than the drivers behind he will just be bleeding   off that brake at the international horseshoe  full break gets off the break and then back on   the break here and get us an incredible exit by  manipulating the weight transfer and I think this   is why super duty has been able to transition so  well into racing real world cars where I can tell   you having driven a fry 48 GT3 other cars like  that it is so incredibly difficult to manage   the weight transfer but using the brake like that  in a secondary phase in the corner is a real real   real secret technique and it's something that I'm  trying to practice now and I'm actually finding it   really helpful when shaving off um Tesla laptop  have a look here around the outside again using   the brake to manipulate the car is going to get  a bit lucky here with a um sort of a push from   behind but he was able to go around the outside  of that corner where most drivers would not even   dare they would know they're going to run off the  track but his mask history of using the brake to   manipulate the car and to Aid the rotation of the  car really means he's driving in another dimension   so when you're watching Super GT and it seems to  be effortlessly you know catching other drivers   or overtaking other drivers that manipulation of  the break is really really really key and I would   encourage you to save your replays and have a  look at how you're on the break if you're Sim   racing or if you've got a um you know race logic  in Aurora racing have a look at that as well   coming in here again at Daytona you can see  applying that break in the middle of the corner   there now the next corner you probably won't see  it because it's a bit of a faster exit corner you   don't really care too much about getting that more  rotation because you can run so wide on the exit   you can see but in the corners where it's pretty  constricting the exit and CPT wants to accelerate   faster that is what he's doing again here you can  see him dancing all over the brake very very very   comfortable in using it as a tool it's a bit like  an instrument that super duty is playing but we're   going to transition down have a look at some  overtaking as well this is a race actually what   I'm leading so I was racing Super GT here but you  see Super Duties coming through and the thing that   I've noticed about Super GT about overtaking you  might be wondering how is he so good at overtaking   he is very very very confident at driving in close  spaces he will go up the inside of you when you   think you have closed it off have a look here  at Daytona somehow he's managed to get himself   in the position where he is now ahead coming out  of the international horseshoe where it appeared   there was no space and that is something that  naturally comes from karting the club 100 card   and the Super GT you know did earlier on in his  career is a really busy karting series you can   see him driving on board with me here super duty  is hunting me down I'm probably gonna try and go   defensive but Super GT is almost certainly  going to get the overtake done because that   frankly that's what he does goes round the outside  I should be able to defend it but he denies me the   space he's very comfortable at getting alongside  and then shepherding you the way that he wants   to go again here at the Nords life that's where  the Nurburgring I should say and I'm trying to   cover the inside two which is he's very close to  my bumper look how close he is and now he's got   a great slip stream not afraid to sort of make a  little bit of contact in these Sims um if needed   it's all completely Fair obviously and I might  try and go defensive here what super duty gonna   do and in fact I don't go defensive enough so  I'm sort of I feel like I'm defending the inside   died but he's just very comfortable operating in  those Close Quarters we're back here at Daytona   in Gran Turismo 7 This Time Again going into The  Hairpin we know it's a favorite the other driver   head doesn't quite go defensive enough leads half  an opportunity for a lot of drivers that would be   defensive enough but not against Super GT he  is supremely confident at operating in those   type spaces and I've seen it when race against  him you see here he's all over the curb and now   he has he knows that possession is not intenses  at all when it comes into racing so if you want   to learn how to get better at racing then really  it's like five aside football compared to a level   inside operating close space here for some reason  I don't go defensive he's going to go straight up   the inside so for whatever reason in that one I  just did not defend from Super GT but even when   I do defend you scene it's really tricky this is  a race M against key 25 who's not so many races   in real life but he's very fast on Gran Turismo  on the console safety going around the outside   and again here we're going to see some more  overtakes and you can see the two Audis ahead are   battling what Super Chicken ships are you gonna do  shapes the outside is going to get a very healthy   undercut here look at that look how close he was  to the bumper of the car ahead and somehow he   manages to slot in even before really the corners  ended and um this is this unusual one at Dragon   cross he said I can tell you 99 out of 100 drivers  would not be able to make this stick because going   around the outside here when the car was so  loaded but he knows he can use the brake there   just to pitch in the car and then he does get a  little bit lucky we're going to dive back here   um with soup Duty in a very close quartz  environment I think he went on to win this race   you can see I'm P2 in this race I didn't win it  and I wanted to show you as a great example of   CPT just being really confident in close quarters  that's a lot of karting background where you're   going three four wide consistently and you don't  really have the power to gain a big Advantage you   constantly have to battle for your space you have  to be very Street Smart when it comes to placing   the car now I've collapsed a lot as well but not  as much CVT not as high a level you can see here   again he's lined that one up on me now I might  try and defend this at the Nurburgring but Almost   Doesn't Matter he's managed to get alongside and  ahead by being very very cheeky here at Dragon   trial Seaside again he goes up the inside at a  corner where I can tell you most drivers would   not go up the inside at that corner because  it's just too risky and we're going to talk   about psychology later on in this video but this  is a real master class of overtaking I'm showing   you here by the way if you enjoying this video  hit the Subscribe button I do do Sim coaching as   well go to www.sim.doctor and I can help you out  again here Super GT I'm trying to go defensive but   he manages to go up the inside he knows he has  the inside line there and he knows that might   is right and it forces me to the outside I've got  more weight transfer to deal with I don't have the   optimal line into the corner and he makes it stick  and now I'm falling behind so it's it's that fiver   side sort of mentality I believe for super duty  and being really speech Street Smart you can see   it here as well he goes to the inside now some  drivers there might not have gone to the inside   they might have stayed in the slip then they might  have ended up in the outside but Super Duties on   the inside I'm going to sew in a bit actually when  he does take this up but here he does because he   knows he controls the corner now he holds all the  cars goes a little bit deep into the corner runs   past the Apex and that's been because possession  of his head is nine tenths of the law now this   is one where Super GT is just gonna play this  one I mean he does me like I look really silly   in this clip I'm afraid but you see I'm winning  this race I think it might have been the Olympic   virtual series or something it's a pretty big  race and I'm about to win it because it's the   last lap 16 drivers and Super GT is chasing me  down but surely I'm gonna win it now I make half   a mistake there on the exit and Super GT has half  the chance to convert this into and himself now   most drivers here would probably go up the inside  but if you have a little stupid GT he knew in that   instance to keep the momentum it's going to be a  drag race to the line and really painfully for me   he's gonna win by three hundredths of a second  and that is down to being really really really   Street Smart there and going to the outside  not to the inside considering momentum also   something that you you learned during karting  where you just don't have the power available   so it makes it very hard to defend against  Super GT in those instances because you know   he's comfortable in close quarters you know he's  got the experience and you know that if you make   half a mistake he's going to capitalize it you can  see here on board with super duty chasing me down   any mistake that I do he is going to capitalize it  and this is where it comes psychology as well when   you're racing with someone like Super GT because  you know he's so good because you know he's gone   to the top in in you know falls on exports Gran  Turismo Real World Racing as well it really piles   the pressure on and I feel like a Super GT is  someone who finishes his races stronger than he   starts and unfortunately I can't always say that  about myself you can see at this race here in   the lead I should be able to convert this but any  half mistake as you can see here just go a little   bit wide he is finishing strong and I am so if  you're someone that's able to finish Stronger by   keeping that mental composure whatever strategy  you're able to come up with your mind we just   keep focused you will have a massive Advantage  at the end of a race it's almost like a tire   Advantage because the other drivers burn out as  other drivers bottle it you will be super super   super strong we're gonna have a look here against  key 25 another driver who looks to be struggling   under the pressure of having Super GT behind him  really getting the back end out of that Audi and   again it's a last lap here um a lot of really  fast drivers in this race World Tour drivers   Etc 10 lap race 16 drivers key 25 this time  is in the lead and for most other drivers you   would think that key 25 is a favorite here  it's a very fast driver but because Super   Duty T's in second place I honestly feel like a  Super GT is actually in the commanding position   and sometimes you'll know you'll come up against  drivers like that but I'm sure Keith felt the same   thing this is what I feel when I know super  cheesy behind me because oh my word I know we   can go inside I know you can go outside I know  he's gonna capitalize any mistake and once you   have that sort of persona it really puts other  drivers under pressure and key 25 now is surely   feeling it because Super GT he can go inside  he can go outside again he chooses the right   option which is to not go over the yellow line but  instead keep that slipstream go to The High Line   he's comfortable in the speed of his car and he's  gonna go here and take the victory in this race on   the last Corner in a really really really crazy  stuff here to be able to do that in a couple of   races in a row now as I said you know I've raced  Super GT for years and we're going to see a few   examples here where I can really talk about what I  was feeling super GT here I'm trying to catch him   but again he's just such a well-rounded driver  he's so good on the brakes he's very good in   the throttle application as well he's very good  in close quarters that psychologically it puts   pressure on drives around and that I might have  that effect a little bit when I'm racing drivers   around me in Gran Turismo in real life possibly  I don't know but I never really feel like I'm   capitalizing it but I know when I'm racing some  of the World Tour drivers you know how much they   have in reserve it really puts you under pressure  something you can feel in karting because you can   visibly see the drivers around you struggling but  you can also perceive it in Sim racing as well as   you see the drivers going a little bit wide losing  the back end and when you see someone overtake   you like super duty done here and you see that  his lines are Rock Solid you tend to Overdrive   and you can see here I should be able by the way  in that corner I should have been able to go up   the inside but for whatever reason I didn't I  was second guessing it again this clip here I   mean why on Earth am I not defending here it does  not make any sense for me to not defend and for   some reason I just don't do it I don't know if I'm  overthinking it I'm like if I go defensively just   gonna go around the outside you can see here Super  GT has gone clean around the outside now I should   have a good slipstream here I should be able  to overtake after the chicane that's coming up   but when you get overtaken by someone who just  looks so strong I can I'm telling you it just   causes you to seize up so sometimes your name can  precede you in Sim racing here we are at this uh I   just crumbled in that race but here we have the  Nurburgring and I'm in a really nice car for me   which Percy while she said and you can see me just  really struggling soaring at the wheel even though   I should have the pace in this race especially  in the slipstream to catch up but when you see   him just get ahead it's very very difficult now  I want to talk about lines here because we're   getting technical again have a look at how much  track super duty uses look at the outside here so   close to the wall so now we know he's mastered the  break we know he's good on the throttle but the   lines are something else he's actually going to be  defending it's very well here by Mikey 17 but the   width of the track is something that super duty  is very comfortable using again this is something   that derives in my opinion from karting where  you have to abuse the track limits in fact Club   100 karting you basically abuse attract limits  until you run over a cone and you get a penalty   if you run over the cone if you don't run over the  cone you don't get a penalty so it's very sort of   um aggressive the way that you can abuse or track  limits in a very sort of clear cut it's the same   in Sim racing it's the same in any racing we  see in F1 these days I mean look how much is   over the curb there on the outside cuts the curb  all the way on the inside here have a look through   desha Kane ahead of me just grazing the wall on  the outside all over the curb on the inside and   again look how close he gets to the wall on the  outside there much much wider than me and that's   caused me probably see again here he's going to  be super close to on the outside he grazes it   and super aggressive on the inside look how much  time I've lost there through dashicane I've not   been following I'm gonna try and follow him here  have a look I tried the same one and I hit the   wall properly and I just lose so much time so the  lines of Super GT takes real real track width are   honestly something that you should really look at  when doing a driving have a look here at Bathurst   so close to the wall this is just practice  practice practice look how Incredibly Close   to the outside here at Bathurst where hitting a  wall can be really really bad news I know I've   done it in eye racing all over that curb as well  I mean crazy sorry struggled to get it stopped   there but Super GT look the braking a different  dimension by using the brake as an instrument to   rotate the car not just stop the car the racecraft  able to operate in really tight conditions we've   seen also that puts psychological pressure on  the driver as you race against that means that   he ends up finishing a lot of these races higher  up than if um you know maybe he was racing under   a different account and the wide lines that he  takes really wide lines using all of the track   with look this if this video has helped you please  please please leave a like leave a subscribe   if you want to get in touch about some racing  coaching you've got me to have a look at your   lines in a bespoke way get in touch coaching at  kirithk.com but it's been a real pleasure here to   go under the analysis here and see why super duty  is such a fast driver I see you see you next time
Channel: Kireth
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Keywords: gameplay, gran turismo 7 psvr 2, news, psvr2 gran turismo 7, update, gran turismo 7, gran turismo, gt7, gran turismo 7 glitch, gran turismo 7 update, kimi velocini, dragon trail seaside, gran turismo 7 daily races, ps5share, gt sport daily, gt7 update, gran turismo 7 live, gran turismo 7 money glitch, thekie25, gt7 daily races, tidgney, rory alexander, gt7 new dailies, gt7 next week new daily races, daily race guide, gran turismo 7 daily race c, gt7 dailies, kireth, kie25, gt7 live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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