Grace and Faith | 9.13.20

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buddy so great to see you today and i know there's many users online we're so glad that you're part of the service today and we want to welcome everybody that's in the overflow thank you for being down there and today uh we just have a really special treat uh andrew womack's with us now andrew has been coming for 34 years that's a long time and uh andrew is the same as he was 34 years ago all right now now i want to tell you one of the things i admire about andrew because this is so much not me andrew does not have notes now he's coming up here he does not know he's going to say yet so so what i'm telling you to tell you this next service will be different because he does he doesn't even have like a skeleton that he works with right and then this evening at five o'clock we're going to be right back here and we're going to have a healing service so andrew would you please come up we're so glad you're here thank you thank you thank you duane love you brother praise god you praise god i tell you i'm just so blessed this morning it's an honor to see what god has done with dwayne and jeannie and all of the staff here some of you i've known for decades and to see what god has done and i was telling dwayne and bernie back there before the service what an honor it is just to see them still doing the same thing that they were doing 34 years ago you don't realize how few people are doing that it seems like people get bored or something and they feel like they have to do something new or they decide they'd rather have somebody besides their wife or something like that and just to see them still loving god loving each other and stuff i'm just thrilled this is such an honor let me mention real quickly before i get started that we do have bible college in ann arbor and also one here in grand rapids i was with them yesterday and could we have those directors stand are they here someplace i think that they are where are they way back here i see anyway i think they have some tables out here and uh you can go check that out and also bernie was telling me that i think that there's five of the staff here that's taken ecaris which is an online platform we now have about 8 000 plus people in carris bible college and many different ways that you can take advantage of it so please check that out and it would be a blessing and i don't think i brought any materials because of the virus things we we aren't doing that but you can go on our website and i have over 200 000 hours of free material on there that you can listen to if you listen 24 hours a day it would take you uh 22 years to go through all of that and if you listen eight hours a day it would take 68 years for you to go through our free material on our website so that ought to keep you busy through the virus shutdown amen let's turn over to ephesians chapter 2 and i want to share some really simple things with you and because it's so simple please don't overlook this but you know i found out i've been ministry now for 52 years 50 nearly 53 years and i found out that it's what people the things that they're passing over are what they really need they're always looking for something brand new and yet it's just the foundational truths that that would set people free and here is a real simple truth it's a great passage of scripture i'm going to break right into the middle of what he said but in ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 it says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of god not of works lest any man should boast and what i want to share with you is just some really really simple things about how that grace is god's part faith is our part now that's really simple but you know what a lot of people don't understand this they think that faith is something we do to get god to move and i'm going to say some things that i hope it doesn't cause any problems i've everything i'm going to speak against i've said it one time or another so i'm not against anybody believes don't get wrong but we use these statements like faith moves god faith doesn't technically move god god moves by grace and grace by definition is what he does for us it's who he is everything that he has and he does it for us independent of us separate from our performance if there's anything that you have to do in order to get grace well then it's not grace so grace is something that god does independent of us prior to us existing and that's god's part and faith doesn't move god faith just reaches out and appropriates what god has already provided now most of you that probably went right over your head it took me 20 years to get to where i could say that i'm slow but that's powerful faith doesn't make god do anything if you think that it does if you think that faith is something you have to do to motivate god to somehow or another move in your life then that's what wears people out that's what makes the christian life hard is when you feel like you've got to do something to get god to move in your life but the truth is god by grace moved before you ever existed and he's already provided everything god has done everything he's going to do jesus is seated at the father's right hand he is not healing people today he's not delivering people today he's not setting people free he's already done it he released all of that power at the cross and it is already done you don't have to have god do anything to produce whatever it is that you need in your life you know let me just uh i'm gonna for time's sake i'm gonna just refer to this but you can turn over to the book of genesis chapter one and you can see that when god created the heavens and the earth he didn't create us first he created us last not because we were you know the last thing on his mind we were actually the focus of all of creation and everything but he created us last because it wasn't ready for us yet when adam and eve were created they didn't have to come to god and say god i'm hungry and he didn't respond by saying oh well i'll create you something to eat no he anticipated that they would need to eat that they would need to breathe and before they were ever created he had created everything that they would ever need and god thought through creation so that now we have over 7 billion people on the planet and did you know that god isn't having to respond and say oh well i better create some more air i better create some more food i better do this god anticipated anything that would ever happen on this planet and if we grow to where we have 14 billion people or whatever happens god has anticipated the needs that we will have and before he even created people he had created everything we would ever need you know this is why i'm not one of those that's into man i hate to even get off on this because i'll offend people and i'll i don't want to spend time to justify it but i'm leaving anyway so i'll just say this and i'll let dwayne straighten all of this out when i'm gone but this is why i don't buy into climate change and i believe that the climate changes all of the time but you know what to think that god somehow or another didn't know this and we're gonna ruin the planet you can't ruin the planet you arrogant thing to think that you can somehow or another overcome everything that god has done dwayne will straighten all this out when i'm gone but god has anticipated everything you know i've got a guy on staff that has built a motor that runs off water and he's run his car a hundred thousand miles on water if we run out of oil god's anticip there is no lack there's nothing missing there's only our knowledge of how to use what god has already done and so anyway god created everything you'll ever need and that wasn't only true of the original creation but when you got born again god put on the inside of you the same spirit that raised jesus christ from the dead ephesians chapter 1 verses 18 and 19 praise that the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened so that you could see the hope of his calling and it says in verse 19 and the exceeding greatness of his power towards us the same power that he used when he raised jesus christ from the dead you've got the same power living on the inside of you if you were born again that raised jesus christ from the dead you don't need more power god has already done everything when you got born again he placed within you raising from the dead power and you don't need god to heal you by grace jesus has already healed everyone first peter 2 24 says who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sin should live unto righteousness by whose stripes you were healed were healed you aren't waiting on god to heal you god's already put raising from the dead power on the inside of you see that's grace that's god's part and then faith is not something you do to say oh god i've gone to church i've paid my tithes i've done this i've spoken the word now will you heal me see if that's the way you're approaching healing that's the reason you aren't healed it's because you don't believe god's already done it you believe he has to respond to you and man that opens you to condemnation because the truth is none of us have done everything perfectly every one of us failed you know my wife took my granddaughter and they went on a trip and so i've been by myself the last few days and i've studied the word 12 hours a day the last few days just studying the word you think man isn't that awesome but you know what it's never enough it's never enough that's not enough if i was depending on the fact that i've been studying the word and god i've done this and that well the devil will come say well you were up 15 hours what'd you do with the other three you wasted them as long as you were saying god i've done this and this and this now will you move you have just opened yourself up to condemnation guilt failure you're basing your healing or whatever it is that you're believing for upon yourself and not upon god but see if you get it proper faith doesn't god doesn't respond to your faith god didn't respond to adam and eve saying i'm hungry i need something no before they ever had the need he had already created the supply god has anticipated everything you'll ever need and by grace it was already done when jesus said it's finished he meant it's finished he's now seated at the father's right hand he's not having to work and perform things it's already been done and he placed on the inside of every one of us this supernatural raising from the dead power and what faith is faith just reaches out and appropriates what god has already provided by grace when adam and eve were hungry they didn't have to ask god god had already prided but they still had to do something what they had to do is like if it was a banana they had to reach out and take it and peel it need it god didn't just stick it in their mouth or intravenously feed them they had something to do but their faith was just a response to what god had already provided here's a that's another definition of faith faith is not only appropriating what god has already provided but faith is your positive response to what god has already done if you are calling faith something you do to get a positive response to god then that's not faith that's what the bible calls works and that's the only thing that will stop the power of god you have to get to a place where you no longer are trying to do something to get god to move but instead you are responding to what you believe god has already provided by grace let me use another passage of scripture here to illustrate this over in mark chapter 11 and in verse 24 these are the passages that kenneth hagin wrote if you ever heard kenneth hagin preach he preached on this nearly every time people thought he wrote this but it says in mark chapter 11 verse 24 it says what's where therefore i say unto you whatsoever things you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them now people take this and they preach so what i'm going to do is i'm going to confess the word i'm going to say i believe i've got this and god you've got to move that is totally wrong god does not respond to your faith you don't make god do anything by you believing i actually knew a woman the town i grew up in it was arlington texas and a woman started a bible college there just had a few people in it but she took this exact verse and she claimed kenneth copeland as her husband she wanted to marry kenneth copeland and so she said well whatsoever things i desire when i pray believe that i receive them and i shall have them so she claimed kenneth copeland as her husband and believe that they were going to get married and the way she dealt with kenneth being married to gloria copeland was just to curse her and command her to die and get out of the way and she actually had a wedding ceremony where she wore a wedding dress and they got married in the spirit of course kenneth copeland wasn't there this was just her and she did this and she claimed kenneth copeland and they just waited on on gloria to die so that kenneth and this woman could marry now most of us when you hear something like that you say ah that's not right why why isn't it right doesn't it say whatsoever isn't coveting somebody else's mate or whatsoever why can't you do that the reason you can't do it is because faith doesn't make god do anything faith only appropriates what grace has already provided and grace did not provide adultery and murder as part of the atonement of jesus and you can't make him do it to satisfy your needs that's the answer to this but see there's a lot of christians that honestly they are just trying to use faith and they think that god i'm going to do this and i'm going to confess the word and i'm going to church and i'm living holy now you've got to move god doesn't have to do anything god by grace has already done everything he's going to do and that verse that i've already quoted first peter 2 24 by his stripes you were healed it's not going to happen jesus healed you 2 000 years ago and put that raising from the dead power on the inside of you now are you going to reach out and appropriate what god has already done or are you going to try and do something to get god to heal you that's a huge difference between those two there's a huge difference between standing here and fighting because i'm already healed jesus has already provided it for me and you are there isn't a demon big enough to steal from me what jesus has given so i will confess the word and i will stand and i'll resist not in order to get god to move but because i believe he's already done it and i refuse to let go of what jesus has purchased for me some people can't see the difference but that's a huge difference one of them you're resting in what jesus has already provided and the other one you are working and the burden is all on your shoulders to make god move and this is behind so much of what and again there's a proper use of all of these things but there so much of what's called intercessory prayer is trying to get god to move instead of believing that he's already done it there's intercessors trying to make god pour out his spirit and oh god please move and save this person and do that you you aren't trying to move god that's hard you know when i first got started on the lord every got turned on to the lord everything i'm talking against i did i was raised in religion and i started all night prayer meetings to make god move and we would fast and pray and do all these things and i actually one time heard myself say this out of my mouth i was leading an all-night prayer meeting and we were walking and praying and i was beating my fist against the wall and praying oh god move and i said if you love the people in arlington texas half as much as i do they'd get saved and when i said that i thought boy something's wrong here i'm attributing more goodness to me than i am to god but this is basically what religion does it's oh god save this person if it wasn't for me asking you wouldn't do anything for them and i've actually had people come up to me before and say why hasn't god saved this person i've been praying for 20 years i've done this and this and this and why hasn't god save them and you think somehow or another god is responding to your prayer and saving people because of what you've done that's totally wrong jesus has already done everything that it takes to save every person on this planet you don't have to motivate him he loves the people that you're praying for more than you love them you don't need to get god motivated and oh god please touch this person and plead with him see that kind of thing is actually offensive to god because you are basically taking credit if it wasn't for us great intercessors this whole nation would just go to hell we are the ones standing in the gap we're the ones making everything happening that's not true but does that mean that you just do nothing and it's all up to god no you know out where i live i live on a dirt road and there's a ditch on both sides of the road for drainage and if you start sliding into one ditch and if you correct and hit the other ditch one ditch isn't better than the other did she man if you want to get your destination you got to go in between those all the way down the road and there's a ditch on both sides the ditch to grace when you start saying that man god has already provided everything the ditch on that side of the road is well it just leads to passiveness que sera sera whatever will be will be it's all up to god i don't have anything to do with it that's wrong but then the ditch on the other side of the road when you get into faith is man faith moves god i've got to make god do this i'm going to start confessing the word i'm going to do this and god now has to move because i have believed god that's a ditch over there too and it'll wear you out there's a balance between these two and the balance is that god you by grace have already died for the sins of the entire world it says in first john chapter 2 verse 22 that you are the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world did you know that jesus has already paid for the sins of the whole world he died for the sins of the whole world now they aren't saved because they have to by faith by grace god has done his part but now you by faith have to respond to what god has already done and so until a person responds in faith they aren't saved but the payment's already been made see this is why it's so easy for people to get born again is because we present salvation as it's already done jesus died for you 2 000 years ago before you even were born before you would ever sin he already forgave you of your sins before you ever committed any how can you doubt that he would forgive you if he's already forgiven you and so you just tell people the good news and all they have to do is romans chapter 10 verse 9 confess with their mouth the lord jesus and believe in their heart that god raised him from the dead and you shall be saved it didn't say that if you'll do those things then jesus will die for you and he'll forgive your sins no he's already made the atonement he's already paid the price you don't have to wonder will he do it it's already done and all you've got to do is just reach out and receive and that's the reason it's so easy for people to be born again is because it's presented that jesus already loves you he's already paid for it now will you receive you don't have to do something to get god motivated to save you he already loved you so much that he sent his son and died for us he's already paid the price it's not a matter of will he love you he does love you will you receive his salvation and somebody says but i'm not good enough well that has nothing to do with it because it's grace grace has provided it jesus died for you independent of anything you deserve before you even existed he already died for you man that's awesome and because we presented see as god has already done it now will you it's just up to you will you believe and receive or doubt and do without it's up to you it's your choice and because we present it that way guess what people's faith is quickened because their faith is in god not in themselves not in the fact that i've lived good enough and now i believe that god's going to save me the moment you start basing god moving upon what you have done you have just basically lost because it doesn't matter how good you are it doesn't matter if you're better than i am better than dwayne better than any person in here none of us deserve salvation and the moment you start saying god am i good enough have i done enough the moment you do that satan is the accuser of the brethren and he will come and he will point out something in you that isn't right and for those of you who are thinking that someday you're going to get it all together it's never going to happen man i've been walking i've been born again for 62 years i've been walking with the lord for 52 years and you know what i still mess up i just did something stupid last week that i thought god i'm supposed to be better than this but you know what you just i'm flesh i'm normal i'm not perfect i'm never gonna be perfect and the moment you start saying that god now i deserve this you have just opened yourself up to the devil he's been at this for thousands of years he's the one that planted most of your thoughts and feelings and emotions in you and man he knows every rotten thing that you've ever done he will expose you in some way and make you feel unworthy and if your faith is in yourself and what i've been doing then you'll get condemned and you won't doubt that god moves you'll just doubt that he's going to move for you but see once you understand that he's already moved by his stripes you were healed he's already the propitiation for your sins he's already paid he's already commended his love towards you you're already full of love joy peace long suffering galatians 5 22 he's already put this on the inside of you you've already got everything that you will ever need ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 says blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who hath past tense blessed us with all spiritual blessings you're already blessed there is nothing that you will ever need healing money joy peace leadership wisdom a voice from god nothing that you will ever need that god hasn't already provided and given to you on an unearned undeserved basis it's just a matter of will you believe and receive and did you know ignorance is hindering us from receiving from god because intuitively people don't think this way this is contrary to natural thinking in the world system you have to earn everything we started from when kids are real little they come in and they sing a b c a b c d e f g now i've said my abcs what do you think of me and we go oh you're awesome and when they do good we pat them on the back and we give them rewards and then they come in with a d and we say you're grounded and we tell people that you basically get what you deserve and in the natural that's true and you have to learn that there are consequences to actions but with god you don't get what you deserve if you just go by what's intuitive if you just go by how you feel and you think that god i need healing so now i'm gonna i'm gonna start seeking you i'm gonna go to church i'm gonna pay my tithes i'm gonna do these things and now will you heal me that's the only thing that will stop the power of god from operating in your life because you basically are trying to get what you deserve and i'm telling you brothers and sisters if you got what you deserved we'd all go to hell if we got we deserved we none of us would be healed god has set his kingdom up that you don't get what you deserve you get what jesus deserved and the only thing you have to do uh romans chapter 5 verse 2 says we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand the only thing that you have to do to access god's grace is just believe that he's done it on an unearned undeserved basis and if you get into trusting in yourself that's the very thing that stops the power of god because by grace he's not going to give you what you deserve or you'd be in big trouble the only way you can receive the things of god is by grace through faith and that not of yourselves that faith isn't of yourselves god actually gives you his faith faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god you know i've had thousands of people come in my prayer lines dwayne and i were visiting a little bit before the service about dave dewell and i used to come here anybody here remember the days with dave dewell and i used to come a few of you man he was a wild man and we just did some it was great but anyway in my meetings i've had thousands and thousands of people come and ask me to lay hands on them and i mean it's probably the majority of people have said something like i'm fasting i'm praying i'm studying the word i pay my tithes i go to church i do this this and this why hasn't god healed me when a person says that you just told me why god hasn't healed you because you didn't mention what jesus had done for you by grace you mentioned what you have been doing and you reveal that you have you are believing that god is going to move in your life because of your actions that's the very thing that is stopping god from moving god won't flow through you and use you because of you he uses you because of what jesus has done and again it says in hebrews chapter 4 verse 2 talking about the children of israel that came out of the land of egypt and it said that the word preached unto them did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it you have to put faith in god's grace for it to release its power you know it's kind of like a train a train has two rails and it runs in between those two rails if you just had one rail over here you're gonna have a train wreck if all you have is grace or if all you have is faith you're going to have a train wreck you've got to run in between those two things there's a balance it's like sodium and chloride did you know that sodium is poison if you eat enough of it it'll kill you chloride is poison if you eat enough of it it'll kill you but you mix it together and it becomes salt and you'll die without it did you know grace is like that if all you do is talk about grace well then it leads to people just living an unholy lifestyle because after all it's all about god god just loves me by grace it's not based on my performance that is a true statement but if you don't understand that faith is what i have to do to access the grace of god not to earn it but god has already provided it but you access grace by faith so therefore i've got to study the word i've got to pray i need to be living a holy life but your faith isn't in what you've done your faith is in the grace of god and faith all of these things that you do is just to keep your heart right towards god not to keep god's heart right towards you living holy does not make god love you more living unholy does not make god love you less god loves you because he is love and not because you are lovely god loves you period no difference but if you don't study the word if you don't seek the lord if you don't keep your mind stayed on the lord i was just studying uh this morning isaiah 26 3 the lord will keep him in perfect peace whose mind has stayed upon him god loves all of us but if your mind isn't stayed upon him if you're looking at the rights and if you're listening to all of this junk that's going on and if that's what you're feeding yourself with you aren't going to have perfect peace not because god doesn't love you and because god isn't willing to give it to you it's because your mind's not stayed upon him so the reason you stay your mind upon god the reason you study the word the reason you go to church the reason you do these things isn't to make god love you he loves you because he is love he loves you independent of you but you won't realize he loves you if you don't keep your mind stayed upon him if you don't study the word if you don't come to church if you don't get around believers you do all of these things to change your heart towards god not to change god's heart towards you god loves you and that's it period he just loves you period did you know you you need to come to church to hear messages like this and again i just am so thrilled to see dwayne and all of the staff here still 30 something years later still doing the same thing man this just blesses my socks off because i've been around long enough to see so many people that get off and do something they're still just preaching the gospel it's a great place to come you need to come to get you built up if you don't come to church you're stupid and of course i'm preaching to all the people that came to church but did you know what if you don't come to church it doesn't affect god's love for you god doesn't love you less if you don't come to church he loves you just the same but if you don't come to church you're stupid for those of you watching on tv here i know there's multiple reasons why you don't come but i'm saying we need the fellowship the bible says we need to come together and exhort one another daily lest our hearts become hardened through the deceitfulness of sin not so that god's heart won't become hardened god loves you just the same if you never came to church but if you don't come to church you're going to hurt yourself you you aren't going to build the relationships it's for your good if you don't come to church you're stupid but what i'm saying is god loves you stupid god loves you but you won't love him the same if you don't come to church god loves you the same but man studying the word this is god's love letter to us and this just opens your heart up to how good god is that's why you study the word not so that you can say god i was in the word 12 hours now you owe me something i get one star for every hour i spend in the word and i cash in so many stars and it equals one answer to prayer people wouldn't use that terminology but that's basically the logic that you know they think that god if i do these good things now you've got to move in my life that'll stop the power of god because you are basing his move in your life upon you you think faith is what's moving god god moved by grace before you were ever born before you'd ever done anything he already moved by grace he's already provided redemption and forgiveness for you and faith doesn't make god do anything he died for you independent of you before you were born before you would ever sin he already has commended his love toward us and now faith just reaches out and says thank you father thank you that you have provided salvation i believe i'll take it i confess that jesus is my lord and i receive that salvation and it's the same thing with everything else colossians chapter 2 verse 6 as you have therefore received christ jesus the lord so walk in him how did you get saved by just reaching out and taking what jesus had already done for you how do you get healed by reaching out and taking what jesus has already done not by getting god to do something new man that's powerful you know we've got over 40 testimonies on my website of people that have been miraculously healed including raised from the dead multiple sclerosis being healed just everything i mean great great testimonies and i just approved one friday night a brand new and about a kid that couldn't eat he broke out if he he was allergic to gluten and just all kinds of stuff and anyway he he would go to the hospital at least a couple of times a year nearly die and his parents got hold of all this teaching they started believing the word and they said would you like a pizza and he said yeah he never had a pizza he was eight years old and so they fed him pizza within 30 minutes he was dying and you know what they just made a decision are we going to believe what the word says are we going to run to the doctors now again i don't misunderstand what i'm saying i'm not telling you not to go to the doctors but they had grown to a place to where they knew that jesus had already done it and they weren't trying to do something to get healed they just believed that he was already healed and they were not going to be moved by what they saw and anyway they just stood and prayed and within 10 or 15 minutes he was normal the next day he ate some other stuff he had a similar type of reaction and they stood and believed and within a week or so he was just totally over it now he's 18 or 15 something like that and he's totally healed he's eaten anything that he wants their standing and confessing and praying over their son didn't make god heal him but rather they were just convinced that jesus you've already done it and we refuse to live less than our privileges and so it took being in the word to get to a place to where they could believe more than what they saw matter of fact the father in this testimony that i was reading he even said man it looked like i was killing my son and he was having to fight his own thoughts you can't do that unless you've been in the word it's not that being in the word earned you healing no it's that satan is coming against us we live in a society that is baptized in unbelief i mean we man i could spend a lot of time on that but i shouldn't have to spend much time verifying that if all you got to do is turn on the television man there's just terrible unbelief and stuff and so it is pressing in on us from every direction and i guarantee you unless you got your nose in the word unless you're spending more time in the light of god's word than you are in the light of your television you aren't going to be able to stand when something looks contrary so the reason you get into the word is to build you up and to increase your faith not to make god love you more god can't love you any more than he does he loves you period he loves you and there's nothing you can do about it there's nothing you can do to make him love you more there's nothing you can do to make him love you less but there's things you can do that'll make you love god more and that's the reason that we do all of these things so i go back to the original verse that i was using by grace you're saved jesus has provided everything not only forgiveness of sins but healing prosperity joy peace everything you will ever need has already been provided now are you going to just rest and believe that it's done or are you going to believe that you've got to now do something you got to call a thousand intercessors and get them to pray and move god twist god's arm make god do something if that's the attitude that you have that's the very thing that's keeping you from receiving from god you need to get to where you rest in the lord you know i'll probably teach on that in the next um session this morning hebrews chapter 4 about resting in the lord that's powerful but right now i'm asking you that if you if this has helped you and if you're understanding some things if you've never been born again did you know it's as simple as jesus has already paid for your sins it's not a matter of oh jesus will you save me he's already paid the price are you going to receive what he's done if you need healing in your body it's not a matter of oh god would you please heal me today no he's already healed you by his stripes you were healed are you going to rest in what god has done or are you going to still receive some condemnation that you haven't done enough and you've got to be more you got to be holier before god will move in your life god has already healed you he's already saved you he's already forgiven you it's a matter of will you receive not will he give so let me ask here today just for time's sake and because we aren't having people come down front and lay hands on you if you have some area of your life that you realize you've been trying to get god to move instead of just receiving what he's already done instead of resting in him and you say man my faith's been quickened today with this truth i'm ready to receive now if that's you i just want you to stand right where you are and i'm going to pray for you and we're believing for healing for salvation deliverance prosperity whatever it is that you need if you need something and your faith's been quick and you're ready to believe just stand right where you are thank you jesus and those of you watching at home watching on the internet you can receive right there from the lord wherever you are father i just pray for all of these people right now and we thank you that jesus has already provided everything father just like during the praise and worship today glorifying you for what you've already done father we believe that you've already provided it and so we just reach out and receive as a gift to be received not a wage to be earned we receive your goodness father i pray for those that need salvation father right now you said if we confess with our mouth believe in our heart that jesus was raised from the dead we shall be saved father for any person that doesn't personally know you i pray that right now they say that with their mouth but jesus i make you my lord i receive this salvation and we believe that they are born again we believe that people are healed in jesus name prospered delivered set free whatever it is that we need we receive it right now in the name of jesus amen amen amen andrew thank you thank you thank you and uh if if you just committed your life to christ we would like to know we want to be praying for you want to help you in your new life and if you would just text yes to 616-226-3922 we will be praying for you we'll get you some information that'll help you andrew just great word so glad that uh he actually had a meeting scheduled in canada and when they cancelled him because of the coronavirus he called and we're like yes when is it we're just like yes yes yes all right uh when jesus is being questioned by pilate uh jesus affirmed his kingship but he said my kingdom is not of this world my kingdom is a spiritual kingdom it's a kingdom that's coming to this world but right now it's just in a spiritual state right now when we when we talk about finances and the kingdom of god we said well how does that translate you know earthly things into heavenly things into a heavenly kingdom well literally jesus says it becomes heavenly treasure he said we're laying up for ourselves treasures in heaven by sowing into kingdom work we use our physical resources to advance a spiritual kingdom and there's literally no better place jesus said that thieves they can't break in and steal he said rust and moth cannot corrupt it is waiting for you in heaven and not only is it waiting for you in heaven but you've heard me say this before when you take something in your hand and sow it into the kingdom of god it leaves your hand but not your life because it goes into your future god blesses it multiplies it and brings it back pastor ken where are you whoa come on up here get your workout i was right here but we i need some help uh could you bring that box up for me it's right there do we enjoy do we enjoy him today everybody we're so glad that you joined us again if that was you and you responded please text that number text yes to that number so we can connect with you and we can pray with you we would love to do that thank you for oh thank you thank you for doing that i was trying to get this box ready so uh you know of the past few weeks actually the past couple of months we've had a semi truck out in our parking lot and we've been giving away boxes today we have a box that we give away we have some there's some celery here some carrots or some apples so we encourage you if that's you and you would like a box out in the parking lot you can grab a box for yourself and if you know someone that might be in need or you want to bless grab another box and give one to them we encourage you to do that again it's out there in the parking lot you can drive out and they'll put it right in your car okay on the way out tonight we're having a live service right here at five o'clock our first evening service back and pastor andrew will be here we're going to have a healing service so we definitely want you to come back for that again that's at five o'clock right here let's all stand up together now again his resources we did he didn't bring resources today because of what's going on but you can definitely go to the website you can see there on the screen and you can grab any of his resources thank you for joining us and also in the red center in the overflow thank you for doing that for us making room for our guest are you glad that you came today everybody [Music] amen well let's pray let me pray a blessing over you may the lord bless you and may the lord keep you may the lord calls his face to shine upon you and and be gracious to you lift his countenance to you to give you his favor and his peace in jesus name we said together amen have a great afternoon we'll see you at 5. [Music] so you
Channel: ResLife Church
Views: 67,443
Rating: 4.9015093 out of 5
Id: lMJNgw9htZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 20sec (2900 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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