Terri Savelle Foy, Big Faith For Big Dreams 2.21.21

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thank you so much what a blessing to be here i have a feeling y'all are the hyper crowd right i could already tell well like he said i flew in from dallas yesterday told my husband i'm going to go to michigan to get warmed up did y'all see it on the news it has been nuts back home i mean we didn't know you had to pick between snow or electricity we used to always hope it would snow but we didn't know you had to let go of electricity if you get snow so it has just been crazy back home but i tell you what it is beautiful here i mean having heat water electricity you have wi-fi it's a neat concept you have here pray for texas yeah so um anyway i'm so excited to be here and i just met the pastors last night i told them that i was looking on the website looking at their name and looking at the different church members and i was thinking am i going to the netherlands or michigan i had no idea this is such a dutch community are some of you dutch i love that you know i've ministered in amsterdam i have one book in dutch it's dream big and they call it dream groot so anyway i'm just honored to be with y'all i think we're going to have fun today how many of you have never heard me before oh man i asked the first service pastor did you mourn them and you didn't did you you know when i call to order domino's pizza they'll say does your mommy know you're doing this i always go no but my husband does hey you got a book there i love it but yeah i know i sound like a kid but i was telling the first service this lady in austin she said to me one time i know why you sound like a kid i said dear god please tell me she said because most of us stopped dreaming when we were kids and you wake up the dream in us so the the dream that you know when you were a child you stop dreaming so people call me the cheerleader of dreams so i'm here to awaken those dreams and use that sound good okay so i um i started developing myself in personal growth years ago and i heard dave ramsey make this statement he said if you want to be rich study rich people you want to be skinny study skinny people you want to be successful study successful people so i do i study a lot of successful people and i was reading a book by a very successful doctor who's written many books his name is dr seuss and he this is about my level and he made this statement he said you have brains in your head and feet in your shoes you can steer yourself any direction you choose you're on your own and you know what you know and you're the one who will decide where to go do y'all think it's as deep as i do you're the one who's gonna decide basically what you're gonna do with the rest of your life so i like to teach people how to awaken their dreams and it's not just like a cute little message i thought i'd come up with i want to tell you why it's so important that you have a dream that you have a vision for your life first of all proverbs 29 18 god's the one who said where there is no vision the people perish right you know i looked up the word parish and it means die i looked up the word die and it means die so i was like starting to catch on if if we don't have a dream if we don't have a vision we're just existing so let me let me explain it like this let's imagine as soon as church is over you go jump in your car and it is pouring down rain outside and you turn on the car and it turns on fine the heater works the lights work the radio works everything seems to work it's pouring down rain except for one thing the windshield wiper which i just happen to have how many of you know you're not going anywhere because as long as your vision is impaired you'll stay where you are and it's the same with life if you don't have a vision for your life then you'll be exactly where you are today next year at this time how many of you don't want that i don't we should always be going to the next level right so i'm going to share with you real quick i won't take much of your time how to get a vision for your life how to start dreaming so that this year is the greatest year you've ever had you ready okay so i want to say how do you get started my first point is you just start with a blank page you start with a blank page and let me explain it like this years ago when i was um working with my dad we were redecorating our offices renovating the whole place putting hardwood floors in painting the walls things like that and meanwhile i was over in france speaking at a conference well the girl who was decorated in my office she texted me and she said terry what do you want on this giant wall that your desk faces i texted her back and i said a vision board and she texted me back huh i said i want a big vision board because i want to put pictures and images of where i see the ministry going so she said that she found a cork board in the office that nobody was using she found a big gold frame and she put it around the cork board and she hung it on the wall when i got back from france i was just amazed at how beautiful the offices were and then i saw the vision board and i kept thinking i can't wait to put pictures up there well since i'd been gone for two weeks i was having to you know get caught up on my work and i got behind and stuff but here's my point i cannot tell you how bad it bothered me every time i would look up from my desk and see nothing and here's my point if you see nothing you can expect nothing if you see nothing in your future you can expect nothing in your future well it didn't take me too long i started putting pictures and images up of things i wanted to accomplish and places i wanted to go and i mean i was putting crazy things financial goals and conferences i wanted to speak at i put a fake picture this is a totally fake picture of me and john maxwell i cut it out and i said i speak at events with john maxwell acting like we're buddies i went to the bookstore and i posed in front of the bookshelves and acted like you know i'm a best-selling author i was just posing in front of the bookshelf i hadn't even written a book when i did that i put um a picture of oprah winfrey i put the white house i put the dallas cowboys cheerleaders on my vision board my husband said you still want to be a dallas cowboys cheerleader i said no rodney i want to minister to the dallas cowboys cheerleaders he said well i didn't know because sometimes they pick old ones i didn't think that was funny at all but anyway here's my point there's a principle in the word of god that you become what you behold you become what you behold whatever you keep before your eyes it will eventually show up in your life is it a coincidence here i am walking into a bookstore and seeing my books on the shelf here i am speaking at events with john maxwell i could go on and on um here i am getting a selfie with oprah winfrey or here i am invited to the white house or i love to shove this one in my husband's face i'm on the 50-yard line of the at t stadium teaching the dallas cowboys cheerleaders now let me just say the reason i share this with you is because i want you to understand this principle that you become what you behold but if you see nothing you can expect nothing once i started giving myself permission to dream and just dreaming as big as i could is it a coincidence they started happening not one bit now let me tell you real quick because you might even think well that's good for you but what about me well i want to share with you this this is a simple way to kind of help you start dreaming and setting goals for this year you know there was a friend of mine who had the opportunity to minister to the actor will smith so he said he went to his house and when he walked in he saw this big glass wall with like 150 little index cards all over the wall and he asked him he said what is that and will said that's my next movie i'm working on he said those are all my different scenes and i just move them around until i get them the way i want them he said every good movie has ups and downs and conflicts and victory and good characters and bad characters he said i just move them all around until i like it and my friend was looking at this and he said this looks so confusing he said how do you even know where to start and you know what will smith said that's the easy part he said you always start with the final scene you decide how you want it to end and then you work towards it well see it's the same with you with your dreams with your goals you decide how do you want this year to end in fact i like to explain it like this let's imagine it's december 31st of this year it's new year's eve you got your party hat on you know i would imagine it's bitter cold here in michigan and let's imagine you turn to your friend on new year's eve and you say this has been the most amazing year of my life what would need to happen for you to say that whatever it is write it down does that mean you paid off that mastercard 7 456 dollars and 12 cents does that mean that you lost 30 pounds you got a promotion at the company you finished two more semesters of college you paid off your school loans what needs to happen for you to say this has been the greatest year of my life so you got first step so number one you start with a blank page number two is you use your imagination use your imagination do y'all remember the story in the bible where they were building the tower of babel and these were ungodly people who were trying to build this big structure to reach heaven and they're doing a pretty good job and all of a sudden god said in genesis 11 6 he said this is just the beginning of what they will do he said now nothing they have imagined they can do will be impossible for them nothing you have imagined you can do will be impossible for you but you have to imagine it right you know you've probably heard this story about disney world you know i got all kinds of toys up here in my briefcase you never know what's going to come out but have you heard the story of disney world when they had their grand opening in orlando florida did you know that walt disney wasn't even alive when disney world opened he'd already passed away and they had this big ceremony all these people in attendance it's the grand opening of disney world and the emcee is standing on the stage and he pointed to miss disney who was sitting out in the crowd he said miss disney don't you just wish that walt could have seen all this they said she stood up and she said he did well where did he see it in his imagination right he saw everything in here before it ever showed up out here well you have to do the same thing you have to imagine yourself you know i told the first service you have to imagine yourself walking across the stage with your cap and gown getting your degree you got to see it on the inside those of you who are believing for a baby you have to imagine yourself pregnant imagine yourself walking down the aisle getting married imagine yourself standing on the scale and liking the number you see i like that one don't you you got to imagine you know logging into your bank account and you see five thousand ten thousand dollars in your savings account that you don't even need that's just emergency money set aside can you imagine that if you can't imagine it you'll never have it so god is the one who gave us this ability to dream to think and to imagine in fact albert einstein said your imagination is everything he said is simply a preview of life's coming attractions so you think about when you go to the movies and you watch a preview you don't see the whole film you just see a preview of something that's about to happen right well see that's what happens when you sit with god and you just imagine what would be the greatest year of my life okay you ready for my next point number three is you got to put pen to paper i brought my texas size pencil so you won't forget this so you have to put pen to paper and let me say this right here is one of the single most important keys to success right here is grab a pen and paper and write your dreams and goals you know it's been proven that if you will write your dreams and goals don't leave them in your head your chance of success increases by 44 just by the fact that you do this and what's amazing to me every successful person i've studied every successful person i know they do this beyonce does this jim carrey does it justin timberlake lady gaga what's the mma fighter conor mcgregor does i mean i could go down the list of successful people who do this but it all came from god's word god's the one who said in habakkuk 2-2 write the vision make it plain on paper why so you can run towards it so this is called the power of the pen right i shared this with the first service how some of you have you heard of this guy named john the bones jones some of you men may have heard of him back in 2009 and 2010 he would sign his name as the ufc champion in 2011. like he would sign his name as the champion in the future and people would say to him how do you have the audacity to sign your name as the champion in the future you know what he said every time i write it i believe it even more well do you know john the bones jones became the youngest champion in ufc history in may of 2011. write the vision make it plain right in fact let me share with you real quick there was a professor at virginia tech named dr david cole and he did research on successful people and goal setting and he said he just walked up to random people on the street and he just asked him one question he said what are your goals for life what are your goals he said 80 of the people he asked said i don't know i don't have any goals so think of 80 of people walking around with no goals no vision what a proverb say where there is no vision people are perishing he said 16 said i have some goals but i've never written them down three percent said i've written my goals at some point but i don't know where they are one percent said i have goals i've written them down and i review them on a consistent basis he said do you know who the one percent are millionaires and he said the clues these millionaires gave us number one i have goals number two i take the time to write them down i don't leave them in my head and number three i'm constantly looking at them we can do this can't we so when i started learning these things like jim carrey did this and it worked how much more should it work for me as a believer if i actually do what god said to do write the vision make it plain so that's my next point here's the the next thing i want to share with you about this is you need to express your dreams in pictures express your dreams and pictures did you notice that i have pictures in here the reason why is because your mind thinks in pictures it doesn't think in words so if i say the word dress you're not picturing d-r-e-s-s you imagine a dress if i say a white dress with a big yellow belt and little pink flowers i think it sounds amazing but that's not my point my point is that every word that i add it paints a clearer picture right well see when you add pictures to your dreams and goals it causes your faith to go to a whole new level but even scientifically they've proven that it causes your subconscious mind to think that it's real your mind thinks nothing more than that's reality so make it happen isn't that amazing so i was telling the service earlier how when i was just learning this because for years of my life i was just existing i was in a rut i was living paycheck to paycheck i had no money in my savings account my house was a mess i was a mess i had no vision for my life and all of a sudden i started learning what i'm sharing with you today and i went in my little guest bedroom and just started giving myself permission to dream and my dreams started getting bigger and bigger first it was like pay off the credit card get the house cleaned up pay off you know i just started dreaming and setting goals well then as i started growing and my dreams started happening i started dreaming bigger so one day i was talking to isaiah here who works with me and i said god put it in my heart to start a women's conference in the dallas fort worth area and call it icing and i i you know when i was sitting in a conference like this i just heard the word icing and i thought dear god i'm hungry but then the lord told me no that's the name of the conference and i thought what does icing mean so i looked up the word icing icing means something added to something good to make it even better like the cake is good but the icing makes it better so i realized god was teaching me that it's one thing to have a dream for your life but when you discover god's plan for your life that's the icing on the cake so i told isaiah i said my vision is to minister to thousands of people in an arena i said i don't see 25 women in a hotel ballroom i see thousands of women so i say i said well you've never preached to thousands of women i said well can you make a picture so he went to joyce meyer's conference and he printed out this picture of joyce meyer but he did a little photoshop he took joyce off the stage little joyce and he put little terry right there can you all see that and then he put icing in the background and then on these big jumbo screens he chopped off joyce's head and put my head so i've got joyce's yellow shirt on so he printed this out and he said is this your vision and i laughed and thought this was the funniest cutest thing you know little terry little joyce but i said yes that's my vision now keep in mind i didn't have big invitations to come to michigan and speak to thousands of people back then i just had a dream in my heart that looked laughable and looked ridiculous so i told isaiah would you print several copies i want the whole team to see where we're going so i printed it out to some of my friends and told them you know this is what we're believing god for and of course they all laughed and thought this was so cute but here's what i want you to know this picture hangs on my vision board my desk faces my vision board so every day i'm looking at this picture right well after you look at it for a few months i'm not just cracking up anymore every time i see the picture well then a few more months go by you forget that it's a fake picture then a few more months go by it actually looks kind of real well remember what i told you earlier you become what you behold whatever you keep before your eyes it will eventually show up in your life this is a fake picture here's a real picture of me preaching to thousands is that amazing [Applause] so what is the picture what is the image that you need to put in front of your eyes because you become what you behold and you know it's very important that you're not vague about what you're believing god for you know vague goals produce vague results i heard creflo dollar make this statement he said if jesus himself showed up in your living room tonight and said how much money do you need to get out of debt he said if you can't answer him you're not serious about getting out of debt but if you said jesus i am so glad you asked i need four thousand five hundred fifty-six dollars and twelve cents then you're serious about getting out of debt right do you all remember the minister the late kenneth hagin some of you remember him you know he said that years ago he would see people praying at the altar and he would gently tap him on the shoulder and he'd say sweetheart what are you praying for what are you praying about and he said so many times he'd hear people say oh nothing in particular he'd say then that's exactly what you're going to get nothing in particular no be specific about what you're believing god say say lord i'm believing god that you know my school loans are paid in full i'm believing god that i weigh my ideal body weight of this amount i'm believing i graduate from this university so you have to imagine it i believe i'm the number one realtor in my city i believe that i have twelve thousand dollars in my savings account so be very specific about what you're believing god for you got it okay next point i want to make is you have to speak to the vision you know this is how we release our faith is with the words of our mouth right well god said in romans 4 17 it says we serve a god i don't know which translation you have but we serve a god who gives life to the dead and speaks of non-existent things as if they exist another translation says call those things that be not as though they already are right now what's amazing is again successful people have stumbled upon this steve harvey does this oprah winfrey does this tim tebow susie ormond will smith lady gaga all of them they practice this they use positive affirmations about how they want their life to go but it came from god's word in that amazing every success principle that works works because it came from the word of god so this is a two-step process number one stop speaking negatively and number two start speaking positively let me tell you why the bible also says that we are snared by the words of our mouth that's a texas-sized mousetrap right there we are snared by the words of our mouth i'm not sure where that scripture is what's it say proverbs is it 6-2 okay we're snared by the words of our mouth so a snare is nothing more than a trap so i want you to think about this when god says something he means it so when you're saying things like you know i guess at this rate i'll never get married okay you just trapped yourself and then never getting married no matter what i do i can't lose weight you just trapped yourself into never losing weight i guess we'll be in debt for the rest of our lives you just trapped yourself into being in debt forever when god says something he means it we're trapped by the words of our mouth so this is a two-step thing stop speaking negatively but start speaking positively so you have to use your words in the direction you want your life to go i was telling the first service that every time i walked in a bookstore i would point to the shelves and say my books are on that shelf in jesus name you know getting on the scales thank you jesus i'm not moved by what i see i weigh my perfect body weight in jesus name you just call those things that be not as though they already are in fact this is a phrase that i learned a couple years ago and i want you to hang on to this because this will help you to identify if what you're saying is helping you or hurting you practice making this statement after every phrase and that's just the way i want it no matter what i do can't lose weight and that's just the way i want it i guess we'll never have any money and that's just the way i want it i guess i'll never get the promotion and it's just the way i want it if it's not the way you want it then don't let it come out of your mouth right change what you're saying and you'll change what you're seeing you got it okay y'all doing good i got some hand gloves okay the other point i want to make real quick and i want you to notice that everything i've shared with you so far and we're about to wrap this up is it all involves one word and that word is action you know i heard jack canfield make this statement he said one thing that separates winners from losers more than anything else is winners take action they get up and they do what needs to be done no matter what that is if it's typing the resume joining the gym saving money from this week's paycheck going for a walk writing your first chapter they take action in fact i like to illustrate it like this you know i brought this imagine big kit and it has my book in it imagine big where i teach you how to dream and set goals and all that stuff and then i have a dream book in here just like mine spiral notebook where you can put pictures of what you're believing god for and i've got samples of how i do it to get you started and then i have five audio messages in here how to conquer procrastination how to elevate your desire to even want to go after your dreams because desire is the number one motivating factor behind your success right if you really want something you'll get it if you don't really want it you won't get it and then there's a message on goal setting and how you could be missing out on stuff because you've never asked god for it the bible says you have not because you ask not right so how many of you feel like this could help you just kind of get a head start and get moving this year [Applause] there you go she was ready so i illustrated that to say how she took action didn't she and really aside from just taking action what i've discovered is that taking action involves getting out of your comfort zone you know i'm more my personality is more the type that i would be sitting somewhere else and i would never get up and run in front of people but i've discovered that if i'm going to achieve my dreams i've got to get comfortable comfortable being uncomfortable right so just remember that to take action so my final point this morning y'all doing okay okay my final point is you've got to be extremely committed extremely committed if you're really going to achieve your dreams and goals you know i'm going to illustrate with this i've got this toy golf club but we're going to pretend it's real okay so let's just imagine that this golf club is put in the hands of someone like tiger woods oh let's put it in tiger's hands how many of you know that instantly the value of the golf club goes up dramatically someone who's been swinging a golf club since he was three years old 12 years old 18 years old do you know the only thing you added was commitment tiger is extremely committed to his vision to be the greatest golfer that ever lived he's extremely committed right well same thing with this i've got some paper here and a pencil you put a pen and paper in the hands of someone like taylor swift instantly the value shoots up right someone who's been crafting songs since she was five years old playing guitar since she was 12 the highest paid celebrity under 30 at one time all you added was commitment taylor swift is extremely committed to her craft to be one of the greatest songwriters that ever lived well to be honest with you this is just a spiral notebook with a place to put my dreams and goals and document my progress but you put this spiral notebook in the hands of terri savelle foy and instantly this becomes a road map it becomes a gps for me to live my dreams all you added was commitment when you get committed that's when you're going to live your dreams in fact they say it only takes one diet to lose weight do you know which one the one you stick with they all work just stick with one right so when you get committed that's when you're going to live your dreams so let me close out with this story that you may have heard but i love this story because it really pulls all this together and it was about this professional golfer who lives here in america and he was hired by the king of saudi arabia to fly over there and teach him how to play golf so this king he's in a private jet over here picked up the pro golfer and he spent a few days over there just teaching this king how to play well at the end of the trip the king said to the pro golfer he said i really want to bless you for coming all the way over here and teaching me all this he said what can i give you pro golfer said nothing seriously he said this was just an honor to come and do this you don't owe me anything the king said no i insist i want to give you something what do you like so the pro golfer said well i guess a golf club he said i collect golf clubs so the king said a golf club it is so the pro golfer got back on the plane he's flying back to america he said he put his head against the window and he's just sort of wondering what is this going to look like i mean after all he is the king he said is it going to be like gold-plated or diamond-studded he's just imagining the most expensive golf club we said he got home and every day he'd go outside check the front door and there's no golf club so one day he goes to the mailbox and there's a certified letter in the box and this is what it said from saudi arabia it says you are now the owner of a 500 acre 18 hole golf club here in america what am i saying i'm just saying kings think differently don't they we think golf club and they think golf club so here's my point we served the king of kings and the lord of lords and i believe god would send me from dallas just to tell you today dream as big as you can and god will go beyond that your dreams do not intimidate god you got it i love that story so here's what i want to say real quick tonight i know some of you will be coming back tonight but i was praying about what to share tonight and i'm going to share with you four more keys about how to build your faith to go after your impossible dreams because the bible says it's impossible to please god without faith right and you know sometimes you see people who are believing god to put gas in their car and others are believing for millions of dollars and you think how do they i don't understand how can they believe for millions and i'm believing to pay rent i'm going to show you exactly what i have learned that has caused me to go from being a miserable person at home with no vision being in debt credit cards paying my car loans to i went from ghost writing books for other people to authoring books i went from attending conferences to speaking at conferences i went from watching tv for hours after work to hosting a tv show why because i began to learn how to build my faith for big dreams so i was praying about tonight and those of you who will be here here's what i want to ask you to do i want you to bring your top three dreams and goals i want you to write them down because this will hold you accountable right write down your top three dreams and goals that you're believing god for this year and we're gonna pray together because there is power in prayer does that sound good so just write your top three i know pastor genie has 50 but you need to narrow it down to three for tonight narrow it down for tonight and we're going to come together and we're going to pray over those and then i'm going to show you how to build your faith to go after those dreams does that sound good okay let me close out with this i was sharing this in the first service got my giant whistle here did y'all like my toys because this is my first time here so you probably weren't used to me whipping out toys right um have you ever watched an nfl football game and you see that referee with the black and white striped shirt on and he has a whistle around his neck and i want you to notice sometimes the referee sometimes they're big sometimes they're small but you may see a ref up there who's five foot six and he's like 140 pounds but all of a sudden he blows a whistle and a 350 linebacker will stand at attention and you think what kind of power does that little ref have over that big linebacker and here's what it is the linebacker knows that the moment that referee blows that whistle he's not coming in his own strength and power he has all of the nfl backing him up right well do you know the same thing happens in the spirit realm when you call on the name of jesus you're not trying to be successful on your own you're not trying to achieve your dreams and goals you now have all of heaven backing you up so i want to say right now for those of you who've never made jesus the lord of your life or you're ready for a rededication today this is your defining moment february 21st is your defining moment to blow the whistle and to call on heaven to help you do what you could never do on your own so how about as we're closing out let's stand up and i just want to address some of you who feel like god is speaking to you today but it's time for a new beginning you're tired of struggling and trying to be successful on your own maybe you're just tired of being miserable on the inside you know why don't we all just close our eyes for just a minute and you feel like god is speaking to you today i want you to raise your hand and let me just see who we're talking to you're ready for this new beginning you're ready to make jesus the lord of your life i see hands going up all over the place you're ready for a fresh start i mean we still got a lot of year left let's make it the best year you've ever had and this is where it starts thank you jesus i see all those hands going up what a dramatic difference you are about to have in your life thank you jesus and the balcony i am so grateful god sent me here from dallas just for this moment right here so why don't we all just lift our hands along with them and we're going to pray this prayer out loud so y'all just repeat after me father in the name of jesus i come to you today i repent of my sins i ask you to forgive me [Music] i declare jesus is the son of god he died on the cross for me i ask you into my heart i make you my lord and savior and i declare today february 21st is my new beginning i make my dreams bigger than my memories in jesus name amen you did it hey it was that easy thank you jesus thank you you made me seated for a moment now if you prayed that prayer and you just gave your life lord this is your new day would you please text the number that's on your screen 616-226-3922 whether you're online whether you're here please text that number we want to be praying for you want to help you in your new life in christ keep on growing say i wanted to mention a couple of things first of all uh terry has a resource table back in what we refer to as the community room so uh if you're in the balcony you'd have to come down but uh i'm telling you her she's a good speaker but she's even a better writer i mean her books are just amazing and i'm telling you that because i know they'll help it's kind of like uh what we're doing right now is is you know she just gave us a great word and gave us a great meal but what you get to do when you take the books home is it's like you bring a whole month's worth of meals home it will it was going to bless you and then i just wanted to read a little bit from 3rd john it says dear friends you're doing a good work for god when you're taking care of the traveling teachers and missionaries that are passing through they told the church here of your friendship and your loving deeds and i'm glad when you send them on their way with a generous gift so we ourselves should take care of them in order that we may become partners with them in the lord's work so i first of all want to thank you for your giving to the church you guys are phenomenal we appreciate it so much and you have a part in everything that we're doing all around the world but uh when we have a guest we like to do like it tells us in third john we're supposed to send them on their way with a generous gift and if today you would like to sow into terry's ministry when you give what you need to do is on the memo either your check or the envelope or uh when you're online just in that mentor just put terry or terry foy on there and we'll see to it that she received that check one check as she leaves let's uh let's just let me just pray for you as we finish father we thank you for the word that we have heard and we pray father that that word will bring forth fruit in each and every one of our lives and father we pray for the blessing of the lord to rest on every person just as it did on joseph lord that your blessing will be on whatever happens in the house whatever happens in the field whatever happens in our families we thank you for your blessing and your increase in jesus name amen god bless you we love you guys thanks for tuning in for more information live services and prayer opportunities throughout the week go to reslife.org and stay tuned to our social media pages it was great to worship with you today and we will see you again soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ResLife Church
Views: 7,564
Rating: 4.8577075 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Growing your faith, Reslife, Resurrection Life Church, Church service, Sunday service, powerful words, Terri Savelle Foy, Lives service, Church online, Goals, Dreams, How to achieve your dreams, Goals and vision boards, Setting goals, Having a dream, writing your goals, how so succeed
Id: 9obTHg_Zv00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 19sec (2479 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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