Grace+Faith 2019 - Session 1 - Andrew Wommack - Live from Telford, England

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or access and you are placing a demand upon that anointing upon that gift and it starts flowing towards you God spoke to me at the time make your children as individual partners and this is the birthday gift you're going to give them after sowing into this ministry we are really blessed financially fantastic when you partner with getting the gospel out and you help somebody then all of the good things that they're doing and the people's lives that are being changed you become a part of that and the blessings that are headed for them not only in eternity but also in this life those same blessings are coming to you if you'll receive it the real purpose of prosperity isn't so that you can just consume it upon yourself but it's so that you can be a blessing and this is why God blesses us is to be a blessing in a sense this is a biblical definition of what real prosperity is you know what prosperity is it's not whether you have a big house a big car whether you have lots of jewels whether you have fancy clothes whether you drive a nice car and all these kind of things God's definition of prosperity is having enough to abound to every good work I've had a lot of people that were considered rich in the world system and they were millionaires on paper but they don't have anything to give everything's all tied up it's all invested everything is leveraged and they look at this and they think that this is rich did you know God considers a person rich who abounds to every good work and some people might listen to what I'm saying saying well if you did that you'd never have anything that's what you would think but because there is a God who said Luke 6:38 when you give it will be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give into your bosom because there is a God who made that promise it's just the opposite of what you think when you start living to give when you just want to bless other people and stuff God will bless you so that you don't have room enough to receive [Music] you know I was racing a way that you have to do stuff to get stuff from God so now that I'm realizing that I already have everything healing provision although stuff it's just amazing as partners with Andrew Wommack ministries you are providing a safe place where new believers can come and be discipled in the Word of God people like Karen Judah who grew up under a set of rules that kept her bound for years under the Hindu and Sikh religion originated from India so I was born into it my family and it just we just would go to the temple sometimes and and it involved a lot of idol worship all of this stuff isolated me alone and I just sort of sit in my room and I used to have suicidal thoughts and I just wanted to sort of just kill myself and think you know I didn't I didn't have anything in life to live for because my life was being controlled but all these demonic things in all aspects after years of demonic oppression God reached out to Karen in a supernatural way and she was instantly set free as a new Christian hearing listen for God's voice and everything she did which included the day he led her to a McDonald's where she would meet a woman who would tell her about Karis Bible College in the UK she rich trip down the address she even knew that I didn't drive at the time she's like this is the bus number Karen that you need to get to get to this location and then we hugged and everything and then she disappeared to this day Kiera does not know who this person was or where she came from leaving us to believe she was an angel what keyring does know is that this mysterious woman led her to Karis Bible College where guy quickly began to work on her heart and there was a massive underwhelming sign on the Kona and Karis poggle college Aza all right this place is real in her first year alone Karen is already seeing her mind renewed through the teachings of God's love and grace of course none of this would be possible without the support of our friends and partners in the weeks I've been here about six weeks in first year I have literally been set free in my mind I had walls built up I guess and slowly they were breaking down every I've been under the word and listening to the preaching it's been amazing it's been an amazing journey so far and Kiran is just one of the many students that are being equipped through Karis Bible College to go out and change their world click on the link below to find a Karass location near you the Lord just spoke something to me that I believe is gonna revolutionize my life and it involves you and that's from mark chapter 4 verse 29 where the men cast seed into the ground and it just brought forth automatically this harvest first the blade then the ear and then the full corn in the year and then in verse 29 it says but when the fruit is brought forth immediately puts in the sickle because the harvest is counted this just came as a revelation to me this is so simple somebody will wonder why did it take you so long to get this but I have known a based on these scriptures that the earth brings forth fruit of herself the Greek word there is a tomatoes and it means automatically the earth just brings forth a harvest automatic harvest is automatic if you plant the seed and do this but reaping the harvest is not automatic the harvest doesn't jump off the stalk and go into the barn by itself you got to go reap this harvest and God spoke to me through this very thing that I have sown millions and millions of seeds into people's lives we have over honey I don't even know it's over a hundred maybe 200 million CDs books DVDs if you include the internet we have over a million downloads a month and I've shown these things into people's lives free and I know it's produced a harvest I know that people's lives are being changed and people are being blessed through this but I haven't reaped the harvest and what God spoke to me through this is that you know we need people that the Word of God that God has used me to sew into your life and if it is produced to harvest in your life I need you to return some of that harvest back and to become a partner with us you know the Apostle Paul said in first Corinthians chapter 9 verse 11 that if we have sown spiritual things unto you is it a great thing if we shall reap carnal things from you and of course the answer to that is no that you should give where you're fed and I have sown and I know it's producing a harvest but I haven't gone out and reaped what I've sung and so the Lord has impressed on me that we need a hundred thousand new partners right now I have forty-two thousand partners and I praise God for that my partners have produced over eighty million dollars worth of buildings debt-free and our partners have done great but you know I have not gone to our television audience and all of the other people in really encouraged partnerships the way I should I haven't been reaping I just thought it was automatic God spoke to me that I need to put in the sickle I need to reap so I just want to say to you that if God has spoken to you through this ministry if the word I have shared has set you free if you are seeing a harvest in your life because of what God has done through this ministry then I'm asking you to gather some of that harvest of this seed in your life and bring it back into higher barn and help us to accomplish the things that God is calling us to do that's a godly thing to do and I just am encouraging you to do it praise God I'm gonna keep sowing the seed but I'm also gonna start encouraging people that praise God you need to take a part of that harvest of what the words producing in your life and sew it back where you've been fed give where you're fed I would encourage you to become a partner with us today caris bible college is on a mission to help the body of christ grow in their relationship with God find their purpose and help them cover the world with the gospel founded by International Bible teacher Andrew Wommack in 1994 Cara's Bible College has over 70 locations around the world caris provides two options for learning on campus or distance learning students are saturated in the Word of God while enjoying the rich community of like-minded believers one of the things that stood out to me more than probably anything else is just the whole community of Karass people they're amazing very receptive very loving very genuine and I was able to mesh right in in the first and second years caris works to balance knowledge of the Scriptures and practical ministry experiences which includes local volunteering and a foreign missions trip when I got here and I started to listen to Andrews heart I realized that he wasn't interested in kicking out a bunch of students with head knowledge not just knowing what the fruit of the Spirit are but actually acting in the fruit of the Spirit I literally stumbled upon the destiny the call the purpose God had for me all along here at Karras every week it's been so good and then you think well it can't get any better than this and yet the following week is even better enroll in the same first-year classes taught by the same instructors that you would take on campus without relocating begin when you are ready and study on your own schedule you can even start with just one class Karras offers you many ways to study the word grow in your relationship with God and find your purpose what are you waiting for discover your destiny prepare to live it the reason I do what I do is twofold first of all God just transform my life and it's just like the guy that the Lord told him he says don't go tell anybody about what's happened to your daughter and the heat man couldn't keep it quiet when you get God touching you you just want to tell somebody you got this good news you want to tell people but beyond that I believe God's got a specific call on my life and I mean God has encouraged me thousands of times and on November the 4th 2014 he woke me up at 3 o'clock in the morning and he said this is the reason that I've raised you up is to change people's opinion of me and as their opinion of me changes then they in turn will go change their world our partners are essential to everything we do 53 percent of the people who write us and contact us don't give a thing and we send them the material and the reason that I give my tapes away is because back in the beginning of our ministry when we were in Cedarville Texas pastor in our first little church I just made a promise I said God if you ever show me something [Music] [Music] it is good to be here well one or two you think it's good to be here it is good to be here hallelujah Amen it's my privilege it's my honor to welcome each and every one of you 200 Walmart ministries grease and faith 2019 hallelujah thank you lord praise the Lord we also welcome our online viewers could we just get them a big cheer I mean mine is going to be an amazing weekend are you ready for it praise God hallelujah Andrew and Jimmy Jimmy is behind me hey it's good to have Jimmy back Jimmy wasn't with us last year people forget that you know they think of Andrew Wommack ministries but I'll tell you when you have find a wife you have found what is good so we're just so blessed that Jimmy's back with us this weekend we have pastors Dwayne and Sue Sheriff with us all the way from Oklahoma we have he's called the ministry ambassador but I think that's too small a title for and we have the the legend the legend that is Windell par with us this weekend hallelujah that guy's phenomenal it really is and we're also blessed this year we have Paul and Patsy Milligan Paula pies you bought stand up please hallelujah we're just so blessed I've fallen Patsy with us man you'll be seeing one or two new faces behind me but I'm going to believe in all of that too charlie gently just the guys behind me but there are one or two housekeeping issues that we have to deal with the bathrooms the WCS for those who remember that story who remembers the WC story Andrew you need to tell that story again as a whole lot of people never have the WC story they anyway the bathrooms if you have you who's got the welcome pack who's all got y'all got your welcome pack yeah you've all got your welcome pal in there you'll find all the information all the bathrooms with all the W C's with all the toilets are you'll find all of that information in your pack and that sees me going through that every time I come up here the fire exits we are planning no fire practice tonight so if apart from a Holy Ghost fire but F the alarm goes off you will find the green the white man with the green background with the arrow pointing you all around the auditorium to the fire exits where the staff here will instruct you and tell you where to go I mean there's no question it's be nice then when the alarm goes off you just get out of here as quick as we possibly can I mean I want to start off with a wee story because many of you have come here perhaps with a desire from God our longing to receive from God maybe even to get something from God well I want to challenge you to just lay that down and here's why I'm telling you to lay that down I've got a friend back home in Scotland and he tells me a story and it's a true story and this is how I remember the story he was one of 10 children back home and he was 12 years old when he lost his father just imagine 12 years old and your father has just passed away so the funeral has taken place and at nighttime mum is going around the family and seeing so what would you like that belong to your father and something might have said well I would like dad's ring I would like dads rest watch I would like dad's car there was something that they wanted of dad just to remember dad but when the mother came to my friends she said let me call him James that's not his name she said James what would you like that belonged to your father and through the eyes of a 12 year old boy the tears were rolling down his cheeks and he said mum I don't want the things of dad I want my daddy back there are so many Christians and the body of Christ wanting the things of dad they want the science they want the miracles they want the wonders they want now work from God listen my prayer for each and every one of you here in attendance this weekend and for the guys online my prayer for you is this as that if you've got Jesus if you've got God at the center you get everything else pertaining to the Father anyway so my encouragement to you this weekend my encouragement to you this weekend is enjoy dad get to know that and as you get to know dad everything is a byproduct of knowing him camisa are men now we are in for such a blessing with these guys behind me this weekend you will notice there somebody missing a bagel you'll notice there's somebody missing but Joe is rejoicing back home and charlie is going to explain all of that so please put your hands together and facts stand and warmly welcome our worship team led by Charlie pres alone god bless you guys it's always such a blessing for us to to worship together with you here in this special conference this is always like wow so what's happening on our end is we have had another grandbaby hallelujah and my daughter my daughter just had it just Friday she was supposed to she was due this week actually and they decided to do a c-section and Wow okay yeah and so she we had the baby Friday so today's the one week birthday of our little baby so we're just rejoicing over that but Jill is sending her love and she is actually watching live streaming right now and so everybody shouting how high - Jill amen so we miss her a lot but we have I talked to Andrew and Jamie of course about this way in advance and they said for sure that they they've blessed Jill staying there but I asked him could I bring Lamont and Sharon rich with us and they approved that and Lamont and Sharon are on staff at Andrew Wommack ministries they're both very valuable very powerful worship leaders they've been in ministry for over 30 years done some fantastic things and so we're just overjoyed to have them join our team this week can we give them a big hand as well and so Jamie has already been introduced in Jamie we are glad you're back this year we missed you last year amen and so but might as well go ahead and introduce the whole band this is Adam and viata the Ralph all give them a hand they're with us every year what a blessing they are and we have magic on the bass can we give him the hand and Daniel on the drum so we just appreciate ya we just appreciate them all and you know what every one of these people on this platform they're humble and they just hunger for God they want Jesus to just have his way in your life and we're all here just to sing and to worship the Lord simply knowing that he is with us and knowing that he wants to fill us and touch us to overflowing with everything that he has he's sitting there with his arms open wide saying come and take all you want can you shout amen hallelujah so I thought we'd start off with a song an old favorite of ours of all of ours and I just felt like we needed to magnify the greatness of God tonight before we start so let's sing this song how great is our God sing me is our God all will see how great how great is our God that's it sing it out let me hear you how great is our God sing with me ha desire God though see how oh great is our God come on let's sing that verse everybody sing it out the splendor the square Oh [Music] the every job [Music] your jaw hallelujah [Music] [Applause] we want to thank Jesus the dark [Music] and tremble that therapy [Music] indulge me let's go ahead and sing that second verse [Music] how is it thank you [Music] [Music] it's shot in high yeah [Music] come on a shout out the name shut it out [Music] well let's bring it down alligators are god [Music] me [Music] Oh people say all will see the novel see huh [Music] ah [Music] singing one more time they all say [Music] you want if you believe it shot hallelujah come on give them a big praise [Music] come on I want to hear you shot hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you should see Paulo do [Music] all of [Music] Oh shove your parade for you [Music] ah [Music] [Music] come on haha [Music] [Music] [Music] we said [Music] every day [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on everybody shout hallelujah come on one more time with me ha ha [Music] ha [Music] hi [Music] a couple more times come on what we love you [Music] ha [Music] amen come on shout at me [Music] [Applause] [Music] while we thank you for your love we thank you that you never leave us you never forsake us Lord even though [Music] be good are with me people the pace of see everybody [Music] [Music] bread [Applause] along [Music] to [Music] [Music] never you still [Music] [Music] it's your illness and she will father Oh [Music] my and mercy will [Music] that's it figured out [Music] [Music] my world inside [Music] [Music] you I'm gonna be fine [Music] [Music] you know you never be hallelujah [Music] come on one more time everybody no matter what no matter what I'm going I'm gonna keep my no matter what I'm gonna keep my eyes on come on let's do that tonight no matter what my time I said resolve it I'm gonna keep my you hallelujah [Music] come on and get it free yeah we're gonna keep her eyes on you cuz you're a good good father hallelujah thank you Jesus come somebody shout hallelujah [Music] come on one more time let's lift the Hallelujah in the place tonight however you choose [Music] screen [Music] a thousand stories one thank you [Music] never you're good soon [Music] - are there [Music] singers I've seen come on [Music] we are searching for Oh just what we need see [Music] see you Oh [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] - all over the building let's lift our hands to them and worship worship your name will you cook this guy goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days [Music] and we thank you for [Music] so did Naya I can hardly speak me so I'll explain we think deeper still Jesus Dean [Music] deeper steam dear sir [Music] [Music] [Music] you - [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] we worship [Music] how we love you [Music] what a beautiful name [Music] what a beautiful day [Music] Jesus - my king what a beautiful name - this what a beautiful name the name Jesus [Music] why [Music] what a beautiful [Music] jeez [Music] you didn't want heaven without [Music] yeah my sin was great your love was what a wonderful day god [Music] what a wonderful name [Music] because the money came he's a lift or bow down [Music] in the world could not vote you the belt on me [Music] for you now [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on one more time everybody from your heart what a powerful name [Music] Jesus [Music] yeah Lord Jesus Lord Jesus we love you and we thank you for everything you've done for us Lord Jesus hallelujah what a powerful name what a wonderful name what a sweet sweet name Lord we thank you for the power that we have in your name God you've given us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the power of your name come on kill can we just give Jesus honor come on the glory [Music] good [Music] your name is above every name hallelujah well glory to God we we're blessed can you say Amen turn to somebody and just say we're so blessed to have Jesus in our lives amen god bless you praise the Lord as they are leaving the stage could we just get them another big cheer praise the Lord oh man man I didn't know Charlie could be so good without gel hallelujah that's the anointing of God right there now man I don't know if you took time to notice but the young get all young woman that's a young man no but there was a young woman standing over here signing through the songs and uh nudged my wife oh and look at the expressions it was just so beautiful so then itself as a ministry all on its own and I just praise God I just praise God that nobody is excluded but you know what I'm believing for great things this weekend I know that I've told you to get your eyes off the things and get your eyes on God but I'm believing for ears are blocked up to be unstopped and I'm believing that guys like this are going to become redundant and the kingdom of God because God wants those years opened up praise God hallelujah praise the Lord I mean I have one I have one where is it where is it help me out here first time visitors who is here for the first time ever at an Andrew Wommack conference oh my goodness welcome welcome welcome Wow a lot of you well I want you to keep your hands up because the stewards are coming your way so if you're here for the first time keep your hands up in the air and the stewards are going to find you give you a card and you can take that card to the partner stand where you will receive a free gift from Andrew and Jimmy Womack so praise God so keep your hands up until you get those cards I mean since last year since you were all here last year we have had a change of directors that Andrew Wommack ministries here in Europe aw Emmy and our previous director please stand up here Gruber where is very spry Gruber she is coming well close and an have gone back to Germany they're still working for Andrews ministry on June Jimmy's ministry and we're blessed to have them they're still on the UK board here so they are still having a a big impact and Andrews ministry right throughout the whole of Europe not just in the UK but right through it the whole of Europe we have had a change of the guard and n has placed now I would like to introduce mr. Dominic burns please stand up and his beautiful wife Rachel we are just so so blessed that I mean we've been involved in over thunders ministry for quite a long time and quite for a number of years on his board and we've seen a lot of people come him I've seen a lot of people go home I've seen a lot of people come back but we always these last couple of changes of leadership and directorship has been excellent and God is continuing to take this ministry higher and higher and higher Klaus took that to a place where I could never have dreamt of taking it but really will believe that this young man is going to take it even higher then because God is always doing a new thing isaiah 43:18 in nineteen picture like this and this is a word for you forget the former things do not dwell on the past because today I am doing a new thing do you perceive it so I've just praise God for the new things that he is doing in Andrews ministry through Dominic I said to Andrew today when we were just the three of us were just talking I says this mind mean and Dominic I says this man probably knows more about your ministry than you do yourself he is so saara and all that he does he's a man of integrity he's a man of honesty he's a man of uprightness the only fault he has is his Irish but as a Celtic connection going on here so okay hallelujah anyway joking aside without further ado it is my privilege and honor and delight to welcome the founder the president of Andrew Wommack ministries please stand for your hands together and a big show for Andrew praise the Lord praise God let's glorify Jesus for all of the things he's done hallelujah praise God you can be seated boy it is always exciting to be here you know we did a little social media update right before this thing and John was asking Duane and me what we like about this and there's so many things we like about this you know I just realized today that it's been 30 years ago that I first came to England and started ministering so we have now this is the end of our third decade ministering here and it was miraculous the way that God got me here I hadn't got time to go into the story but I mean it was a miracle that we got here and it has made an impact it's making a difference in this nation and we've just got so many good things that are happening but anyway they were asking us what we like about this and I like your enthusiasm you guys are fired up and man it just it's awesome and the hunger and the receptiveness of the people here is just a delight and I think I'm speaking for Dwayne - he said the same thing that he just loves coming here and it's been a real highlight so we've got some things we want to advertise to you just for times sake I've got some things I want to do here but let me just quickly mention these things I'm not going to explain it but this is one of the DVDs of our musical we've got musicals that are the best in the world and I know some people disagree with that and you're entitled to your opinion but you're wrong these will change your lives this is excellent this is one of my newest books who told you that you were naked that's a great book I have people all the time write in and say could I get that book on being naked you miss something that's not what it's about that's a quotation from God he told Adam he says who told you that you were naked God didn't tell him and the devil didn't tell him it was his own conscience that told him he was naked and you have to learn how to deal with your conscience and the condemning effect that it has this book is entitled to sure foundation and this is just basic Christianity 101 this is about the Word of God how it's like a seed and how it will change your life and then this is our healing journeys number six and this has Patricia ken and Patricia what's your lessons Chiang I knew that anyway we're worse here's Ken and Patricia right here you guys stand up they they run our school here and Patricia was healed of a bowel obstruction when they said that there was no way could happen without surgery and she just believed God and anyway we this got five great testimonies on it I'm gonna ask somebody if they would to give these out Dominick I'll let you just pass those out to somebody and quickly Julianne if I could get you to come up here this is julie ann Harris and she is from the states and this is something brand-new that we've gotten so I wanted her to share this with you because there are many of you I think you were supposed to use that microphone right there on the edge of the stage sorry first time over here for her and I didn't tell her things so she missed it but anyway this is something brand-new that we've got and I wanted to make sure that you all were aware of this yes this is the entire first year of Cara's Bible College pre-loaded onto an iPad so I know I know it's pretty awesome so you know I I believe that coming to a physical location is probably the best it is the best that's the only way I could have done it but it's not feasible for everybody so you can still become a student and you don't need Wi-Fi in order to watch the videos or take the test so if you have questions we have a booth set up out there and that's suggest and you also get headphones don't you yes you get headphones and a cover and if I ask a really really nice maybe Andrew will autograph the covers that we have so we only have limited here if you were to purchase while you're here you could take it home so you could become a students while you're here today amen so talk to Julie Anne out there and this will be something great for a lot of people we've also got Deborah McDermott here some places Deborah in here here's Deborah stand up Deborah amen and many of you had heard Deborah's testimony about how jesus healed her two sons Timothy and James and we just happened to have James here Timothy is over in the US stand up James Wow and we've got Christopher here to stand up Christopher this is the dad and Deborah just wrote a book about this and I've read it and it is an awesome book and I think you have a booth or a stall out here someplace so please go out and check this out it would be a blessing to you amen praise God we need to glorify Jesus for that and we've got a brand new testimony that I think this is the first time it's ever been used publicly and so I'd like you to just watch this for a few seconds this will bless your socks off amen so watch this and I'll be right back I was using so much cocaine that I was really completely out of myself I had a few times I put a gun against my head and one just want to blow my brains out I said to God if you really really exist if you are really really God you need to help me because I'm gonna die [Music] today Karis Bible College graduates Johan and Brenda have seen thousands of lives transformed by the power of God's unconditional love and grace years ago this evangelistic pair were trapped in the rolls of a drug dealer and a prostitute both on a journey to fill the emptiness inside this is the story of how God used Andrews free teachings to help two former criminals from Holland realize their identity in Christ this is the grace encounter of Johan and Brenda [Music] my father it was a seder and he was a very very heart many had a very hard heart and so he always told me when I was a little kid that that was not good enough all the Friends of my father they were criminals so there was the foundation which you know marked my whole life I wanted to make money and I wanted to be a criminal and I wanted to prove myself to the world that I was capable of doing something when I was about 15 I went to a club and there they offered me some cocaine I was like addicted immediately that combination of criminal things and cocaine was not a really good combination because the more cocaine the more crazy I became and the more money I make the more cocaine I could use I've met my wife Brenda and she was in the prostitution when I met her working as a prostitute does something with your minds my mom died and I was looking for something to fill the hole I had because my mother left me he was filling the hole I've never been good enough to get a real like really a bonnie-and-clyde really crazy we went everywhere we did everything it felt like my life was like a roller coaster great ups and really deep bounds Brenda left prostitution behind and the couple started a family of their own but Johan was by no means ready to settle down having been in and out of jail on drug dealing and robbery convictions Johan was ready for the big leagues and began manufacturing the drug ecstasy throughout Holland an operation that grew so large they had to flee the country we ran from Holland because of the police investigations so we went to a Portugal we started the ecstasy business also in Portugal there's so much money coming in that you cannot even imagine so we start counting the money with counting machines and you know we were just spending it like it was water and we bought a house and was like a big house and big cars and we had it all but we had nothing crazy crazy crazy but still not good enough that rejection hit me again and again and again so I started using more and more cocaine now I mean I painted my kitchen in seven colors every day because I was so crazy because the cocaine you're not in this you're not in this world anymore my wife Brenda decided that there was not a good place to stay with our youngest son and she went to an apartment because I was using so much cocaine that I was really completely out of myself I've seen demons coming out of the walls I had a few times that put a gun against my head and I won't just want to blow my brains out because it was so terrifying all the things that I saw I said God if you really really exist if you are really really God you need to help me because I'm gonna die [Music] what I didn't know was that the police of holland were already investigating me in portugal together with the portuguese police then it was all over the news because it was the first access in laboratory 'm in all of portugal and all of the history i was convicted for 12 years Portugal was something else you could be very very depressive but things were changing in me I need to do something with my life now one night I was sitting on my bed and suddenly out of nothing an image came where I heard my mom and the pain on the face of my mom shocked me and now I saw it and I felt it and then another image came into my mind and another image came into my mind and of all the people that I heard there was like a thousand kilos was pushing me down I couldn't get up from the floor and then suddenly my cell was filled with a light that was so bright that looked like the sun was shining in myself I was screaming forgive me God forgive me please forgive me forgive me Father forgive me I don't I don't know why I become that person I don't want that person I don't want to be that person anymore please forgive me forgive me forgive me but it just hushed it is harshly he says you're already forgiven and I just had an ocean of love overflowing me I mean a tsunami of love and grace overflowing me and I was washed from the inside out and from the outside in and I kept on crying and crying and crying and crying and I didn't understand I still don't understand how something so good so pure came to me a stain a nothing you know a vomit that comes to me and just loves on me and you are good enough johan's life was forever changed that night and despite being in prison he never felt more free after serving his sentence for 10 years Johan was released back into Holland where without proper knowledge of the Bible his newfound liberty in Christ would be no match against the snares of religion he told me I found God and I was like oh my god now he has a new thing I thought well I'm gonna see where this goes the pastor immediately claimed me start telling everybody that I was an ex-criminal Johan needed to burner as a volunteer five days a week 8 to 10 hours a day cooking for all the church it was like we had to deserve our place if I wouldn't go to church for one Sunday I felt that I would go to hell straight away because I was not faithful and I tried to put other people that also on them listen we need to do this we need to go to the church we need to go to prayer meetings if we don't then we are not good you know we don't with good God judges and I was really really really unhappy because for me I felt free in prison I mean really free and then suddenly I came out and then I needed to do all these things to be good enough then at one point God start to speak at me this is not your place and I was like okay okay God so I just stood up and walked out I went away I started to look on the internet and then my eye fell on the teaching of Andrew Wommack says a better way to pray you're religious does that mean that God doesn't love you and you don't love God no but I'm saying that you know what you need to be real you need to talk to God and this is one reason that so many people are turned off to quote on religion because it is just forming symbolism and it's not substance suddenly I was thrown back into the same freedom that I had when I was receiving Jesus in my prison cell he had teachings about spirit soul and body its teachings about the grace of God so I've stayed a year on my couch four or five hours a day reading these books God isn't giving you what you deserve well he's doing it based on what Jesus did and he extends all that he is and all that he has to you on an unearned undeserved basis all you got to do is humble yourself quit promoting your own goodness proclaiming your own goodness and just receive it as a gift and that revelation came that I am good enough then the Bible became more life and I start praying in a different way and I see all these things changing in my life and then at this little book sharper than a two-edged water and there was a card inside they had schools and that there was a school in Holland at that point I was a little bit fed up with you and being always at home so I told him well if God calls you you go full-time Johan followed the Holy Spirit's leading and enrolled full-time in to Kharis Netherlands a drive that took two or more hours each day it was in this time of being grounded in the Bible that this once convicted criminal matured into a seasoned disciple of Christ all the teachings every day and then the Bible studies and and all these things I was really like immersing myself with the Word of God I started loving people just the way that God loves them I saw changes in him he was showing more love more respects now I knew it wasn't like a fling I wanted to know what he was doing at school I cannot put my finger out or that was dead teaching or dead teaching or dead teaching and it's more like in the first year I actually found out what the love of God really means Brenda and me became one and I started to see her gifts and I started to see her talents and I started to see how God wants to use her also so I started to lift her up and then she opened up like a bouquet of flowers upon graduation Johan and Brenda joined the staff at Karis Netherlands as directors of local outreaches and mission trips where they develop their gift in leadership and evangelism after faithfully serving for years the couple were called into full-time ministry and started the one in Him foundation where they have shared the gospel with thousands of people throughout Holland people from criminal backgrounds or people with drug problems this is our offense and I just to have a chat with me about men what God has done for you you know I want that also you know and what we did was basically just give the basic principles identity Authority grace of God and all these kind of things the fullness of God and many miracles happened [Applause] [Music] when they're not holding outreaches locally johann and brenda bring teams to brazil their years in Portugal have enabled them to evangelize without a language barrier we have a mission house there and we bring people from Holland and we disciple them I've testified on the street people gave the heart to Jesus we went to clinics with addicts and the guys were crying you know because of the testimonies that we were sharing you know and then we teach them then how they could pray and all these things and they are changing because I tell them this is who you are this is who you are in Christ you are good enough and he wants to use you right now from those suffering drug abuse in Amsterdam to believers trapped in works based in religion in Brazil Johan and Brenda are no strangers to either than have seen their story inspire miracles and deliverance perhaps the greatest miracle through all of this is how God completely restored Johan to his family his mother has been born again and his children are now actively involved in their ministry as for Yuans father in the last few years of his life father and son became the best of friends and he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior before passing away all of these change lives are the result of Johan receiving the revelation that through the sacrifice of Jesus alone he was good enough you don't need to do all these things to be accepted by God you are accepted because you believe in Jesus the dye team stop doing things to deserve God's love stop trying to be good enough because you are good enough stop worrying if you will bless you and I bless you you are blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places you are a child of God and he thinks that you are amazing just be happy with yourself the way that he is happy with you [Music] hallelujah let's welcome Johan and Brenda appear to come and share with you hallelujah praise God amen it's better to give Jesus a hand all the work and of course there's so much more that we could share than what that little video showed but tell him about your healing that you had that is absolutely miraculous well we've been through a lot of mission trips to Brazil and basically there was an outbreak of the yellow fever and it's a deadly virus and I never I'm stumped by any mosquitoes but that time I was stung by a mosquito and I had the yellow fever I didn't know it but when I went back to Holland the doctors told me I we got some bad news for you you have yellow fever your organs gonna bleed you're gonna be turning into yellow and you're gonna and you can probably die I said well first of all let me stop you there yellow is not my color some people are yellow but it's not my color my organs are not gonna bleed and I am NOT gonna die because I'm gonna live that's what my father says I break it in a mighty name of Jesus hallelujah so many many people died of the yellow fever that period was a real outbreak but I was healed after five days when I when they told me the next day I was healed so you know that's cool but that's basically the father that we are surfing you know he's a good good God and he has the very very best for us like John was telling you know he is our daddy and before all the other things we need to know that he is our daddy and through the Bible School Karras Bible College I'm telling you when I was when I found Jesus I was free and he and I knew immediately that God was my father it was very intimate but then I went out of prison and I went to a church and I'm not against churches I love churches the body of Christ in general also but it was that they told me all these things I needed to do to be a good son to my father but I am good because of what Jesus has done for me and not because what I can do for my you know and and through that through that legalistic things it just put me a little bit away from God because I felt I was not good enough I can never keep up to those standards that they're putting on top of me but then I found out about Andrew on internet and I must add boom I knew a TCC it man I found it hallelujah was so happy so and then yeah the whole story of course I saw it in the grace encounter but it really set me free again you know and now I know my daddy God is my father and all the other things that I desire in my life he is giving it to us we live in prosperity Willie for Supernatural help he restored our family our children our marriage and I've got so many testimonies I can speak on till tomorrow morning I know hobby you know it will never end we got a good card hallelujah all right Brenda let's hear from you how is your oh my well and I never get a chance to talk that bit much because if he opens his mouth it's never gonna close again and when he starts talking about God's he there's something new sure we're we've been together for 24 years and only the last year since we've been through Karis Bible College only then started our marriage because up until that day we were not evil this was my man and I always was walking behind him and now we're walking with Jesus and we're equal I would encourage everybody who's in here who has never followed the teaching or a lesson or don't know the school I want to encourage you just go to a school nearby because it's gonna change your life it changed mine after 24 years I finally found the man I met 25 years ago thank God what you said about the Karis Bible College if you if you want to know your father you need to go to James Bible College and you will start to know image as a father that loves you unconditionally that's something man my father and I we became best friends but I felt always rejected by my father but now I finally can say that I have a father that will never ever ever gonna reject me gonna judge me or gonna deny me or whatever no he believes in me and he believes in you also you are my brothers and my sisters Alleluia I got a huge family Johann there's some people right here that are saying man I need with you guys yes God well invite them yes well if you don't know Jesus yet if you've never made a choice in your life you know I will tell you something the best decision that you ever can make in your life is to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior it's not that you are become a member of a church no you become a member of the kingdom of God Alleluia because in Luke 17 28 says that the kingdom of God is winning us but if you are not in Christ that Kingdom is not in you and there are two kingdoms a kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light so if you are in the kingdom of darkness is in you you are in darkness and you cannot see what God has for you you cannot see that you are a slave of sin that you are a slave of the car of this world you cannot see that but when you step into the kingdom of God then the darkness will be will feel revealed and you will be free from that darkness you will be free from the body of sin and if you will be free you will be free indeed because you the Sun sets free will be free indeed it's not half no you will be free I mean I've been a huge criminal but I hate crime I've used a lot of drugs but I hate drugs because it's not me anymore it's not me anymore I am new Alleluia so if you never ever made a decision to make Jesus your Lord and Savior I would say man stand up and run to the front and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior because this is your moment this is your moment this is your moment all the people that never accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior at this moment just lift their hand for me for just lift and maybe you're a little bit scared Oh everybody's gonna look at me everybody here knows Jesus I see your hand there yeah brother I see I see another hand there praise Jesus are there more people there that don't know Jesus as our Lord and Savior just if you if you if it is you stand up please stand up but this is forever hallelujah hallelujah well you can come you can come here to the front runner you can come here to the front yes although more people because you know sometimes you feel like I'm gonna not gonna do it but these people are very brave because they say we don't want that anymore we want what you have and I'll tell you I'm not special I am not special alleluiah say I am NOT special what God has done for me he will do for you it's the same what he did for Andrew he wants to do for you we are all blessed with spiritual blessings in heavenly places not just Andrew or you oh no no all of us in Christ are blessed with the spiritual blessing every places hallelujah so alright alright so there it is thank you Jesus maybe maybe you are here with a family member maybe you brought a family member and you know that she should be here in the front or she should be you in the front but she doesn't have the courage you have to stand up you know just take him by the hand and say come I'll bring you to the kingdom of God I'll lead you there because we work as a body you know so I did I'm gonna give just for an hour less opportunity but otherwise there are many many other opportunities but for now this is the last opportunity if you never accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior I just want to invite you to come to the front God will touch you you will set you free you will be born again it says that you know you take out your dead nature and you would get a whole new nature that is identical to the nature of Christ God who doesn't want that it's stupid if you don't think we don't want that that's stupid I'm telling you God has the best for us and let me add that if there's anybody here that is bound by any of these things that Johann is talking about the new Jesus can set you free come down here right thank you Jesus yes and let's receive this freedom yes if there are people here that have problems with drugs or their their problems between AG raphy or with alcohol or maybe with other things that you shouldn't do even though you know you know you're a child of God but you still bond it by something you know you can come to the front door now and we pray for you I believe God will set you free from that in the mighty lineage man amen hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus and you know it's the same power that sets you free from drugs from sex from pornography from whatever it's the same power you don't have fun somebody might say well they didn't call out exactly what I have if you're bound in any area Jesus so I just want to ask you know if if anybody did not receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit now we add it you did not receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit just come to the front you know under and receive the baptism because it's for all believers you know we really really really need the power of the Holy Spirit we hate it we can do nothing without the power of the Holy Spirit praise Jesus praise God you can tell whether you have the baptism of the Holy Spirit or not by whether or not you speak in time amen man some of you may say what is that well if you don't know what that is you need the baptism of the Holy Spirit come forward well I see many many people come to the front maybe you can come a little bit closer here thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I believe and I know that Andrew totally agrees with me that it's not me or Andrew of anybody else that baptized with the Holy Spirit and it's not - were dealing we are not the ones who heal it is the power of God it's Jesus that that parts with Holy Spirit and it's the Holy Spirit through us that set people free from bondage you know so we are just the extensions of God of Jesus so I just want to ask if there is if there's some people that are in the front row you know they are from the schools to help us you know to put the regulator and some people what I'd like to do is we've got books here that will give everybody that will explain these things but I would like to ask you and Brenda if you would I think they've got room right over here yeah I would think and if you'll take them there and we're gonna let them minister to you and we've also got some prayer ministers some of our Amy's that will help maybe good idea and so man we want you to receive everything let's just change the service around instead doing this last let's do it right up close that way you can enjoy the rest of the frame okay so if you would all right if you would just where is Dominic where did he go all right there's Dominic over there wait and if you would go with them they will pray with you we believe you are getting me say he'll set free whatever it is that you need right now and Johan and Brenda will share it with you praise God let's give Jesus praise for this Alleluia thank you Jesus hidden that awesome getting that awesome to see a guy who was in prison for 10 years a drug addict all of these problems and now he's leading people to the Lord I tell you only Jesus can change a life like that hallelujah I tell you Jesus is alive and well and he will make anybody who let him alive and well to praise God awesome well we're going to give you an opportunity to give this evening if our stewards would pass out these little envelopes this is for people who are UK taxpayers those of you that are outside of the UK you may not know about this but in the UK they have what they call Gift Aid and if you are a taxpaying citizen of the UK you can fill this out and the UK government will add 25 percent to your gift so a hundred pound gift will become a hundred and twenty-five pound gift and that's just a way to multiply your gifts so if you are a UK taxpayer hold your hand up we'll give one of those envelopes to you and praise God that would be a blessing let me mention that the expenses for this are somewhere around two hundred thousand pounds that it takes for us to put on this conference I know that's expensive but you know what we've been doing just for I don't even know but probably 15 to 20 years and God has always paid and praise God I believe that we are gonna receive all of the finances that we need for this let me just share with you a real quick scripture out of 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 and verse 8 says and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound unto every good work and there's a lot in that verse I just want to point out this one thing that the reason it says that God is able to make all grace abound toward you is so that you can abound unto every good work most people believe for Prosperity so that they can get a bigger house a bigger car more stuff and even though God doesn't mind you having things matter of fact he wants to take care of you and bless you the real reason for Prosperity is so that you can establish the kingdom of God Deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 says you shall remember that it is the Lord your God who gives you power to get wealth and here's the reason he does it that he might establish his covenant which he sware unto your father's as it is this day the reason God prospers us is so that we can be a blessing the Lord told Abraham in Genesis chapter 12 verse 3 I will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing so God blesses us so that we can be a blessing and I want to encourage you that you just become a part of this we're seeing people's life changed right over here right now as I'm speaking there's people being born again there's people being delivered from things there's people that their life will never be the same again but it costs money to do all of this and when you give you are helping us do this you have a part in every one of their lives and that's priceless that's more important than getting your fifth flat-screen TV that's more important than you having all of the fanciest clothes and the platform shoes or whatever it is it turns you on I'm telling you this is what it's all about and I just want to give you an opportunity to be a part of it and we need you to step up so that we can cover all of this and I believe that God is going to bless it back unto you supernaturally so let me pray over your gifts I'm gonna water it with prayer and with faith and I believe that God is going to multiply these gifts back to you supernaturally so father we love you and we thank you for the Word of God thank you for what you've done in Johan and Brenda thank you father for changing them thank you for using them thank you for the Holy Spirit flowing right now through all of these people and touching these lives and father we want to be a part of it and you said in your word that when we sinned that we reap the same benefit as the people who go themselves so father we want to be a part of this and right now I pray over these gifts that people give I believe that it is going to be multiplied back unto them supernaturally not only an eternity but right here in this life that father they will see your blessing come to pass in their life that you will prosper them in every way so father we thank you we agree we receive it in the name of Jesus amen so let's welcome back Charlie and the group as they sing and then I'll come back and share the word praise the Lord what a beautiful moment amen this song goes along with it it just says we give it all to you Lord Jesus [Music] [Music] bless we worship at your feet before the mercy seat [Music] we magnify above all earth again [Music] problems see salty [Music] lord there is [Music] Oh [Music] if we do [Music] good singer with me before see [Music] the game [Music] lift up your brain problems [Music] exalted [Music] everybody sing it out we get it [Music] there is no [Music] yes we do [Music] just an all of our faithful Savior your greater and stronger than anything [Music] [Applause] and with you to the Lord Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] there is no [Music] we care [Music] [Music] [Music] really [Music] we were [Music] come on one more time everybody we give it all to you Lord Jesus there is no one [Music] we give it all to You Lord Jesus on you week at our care and we leave them come on give it a lot of big praise we leave them all like your feed lunches praise God let's give a praise to Jesus for what he has done Thank You Jesus you know I pray that we never get to where we take for granted the way that Jesus changes people's lives I tell you why Johanna and Brendan just think of where their life would have been without Jesus or think about where your life would have been without Jesus you know what I didn't do the things that they did but I was religious and I was being destroyed by religion and I know that there's a lot of people like that and praise God Jesus is the answer for whatever hurts you whatever problem you've got Jesus is alive we see Johan and Brendan now and think that man you know they've always been this way but not that video shows no that's not so and just think of what God's done that is so awesome praise God you know God laid some things on my heart for this week specifically and I'm really excited about this you've probably heard me say this but I have to tell you and I'm excited because I'm always like this I actually went to Disney World and you know when you go on those rollercoasters they take pictures of everybody you know screaming and stuff and then at the end of the ride they sell it to you you could have taken a picture of me right now and that's the way I looked on that rollercoaster that's good in some ways I guess it's bad in some ways but I have to tell you when I'm excited and I am really excited about what God is going to do and I know that Wendell and Dwayne and of course John Donley's gonna be sharing are you sharing Dominic and so we've got things in the afternoon and I know that all of us it's just going to fit together God will supernaturally use this and I'm telling you if you need something you need to prepare to leave here without your problems you need to expect that I've talked to a couple of people tonight I talked to some people who came with severely autistic children and I've already referred them to the McDermott's here and they've got that booth out there in that book table and I know that there's others that came in a wheelchair and praise God we're believing God that this week we are going to see great and mighty miracles happen because Jesus is alive and Jesus wants to heal you he wants to set you free and specifically the Lord spoke to me that he wants to reveal himself to you this goes along with what John Donnelly was saying at the very beginning instead of you coming to get healed or come in to get prospered or coming to get your needs met what you need is an encounter with the Lord and when you really connect with him everything that he is and has is yours and I promise you you'll be healed you'll be delivered you'll get whatever you need and sometimes we can get our eyes so much on what we need that we forget that it's Jesus that we need more than the healing more than anything else and I believe that God is going to do some great things I actually brought notes which is nearly impossible for me to minister from but the reason I did this is because God showed me specific things that he wants me to share with you and I'm like what I'm gonna minister tonight I've got at least six hours maybe ten hours worth of teaching on this and there's just no way I can keep you six hours tonight and so I'm gonna try and condense it I'm gonna try and follow this and get through some things that God specifically spoke to me but I'll confess to you upfront I'm not very good ministering from notes but here's what the Lord wants me to share with you over this week and I haven't talked to Wendell and and John and Dwayne and everybody else but I know everything will fit together but the Lord spoke to me that we need to really understand what his nature is who God is and there's a lot of people that have misunderstandings about God and then I want to show who we are and eventually I'm going to get to who we are in Christ our new born-again self but I am going to share who we are without Christ and this is important I don't think most people have a revelation of this matter-of-fact Steven branch Pferd the man that does our media department we were in Denver coming here and both of us were getting our boots polished and we were talking to the man who was polished in our boots and Steven just asked him he says so do you think people are basically good are basically bad and he said oh they're basically good everybody's really good at their core and if we just gave him the right environment and enough money and all of these things then everybody would be good and man that is exactly opposite what the Bible teaches and if you don't understand that it's going to lead you to some wrong decisions some wrong things so anyway I'm going to be talking about who God is who we are without Christ and then who we are and what we have in Christ and these things many of the things that I'll be sharing may look like their exact opposites of each other in the begin but it all ties together and it really begins with you finding out who God is if you don't understand the very nature and character of God there is no way that you can really have a good relationship and sad to say this is where so many people are they come to a meeting like this and you know that God exists but you don't know it and I'm not talking about you aren't born again you can be born again but you don't have a relationship with him and therefore it's easy for the devil to accuse you and say for instance if you came for healing and if you don't instantly see something happen you just fall for the lie that well God hasn't done anything God didn't touch me because you don't know his nature in character and you're just going by what you feel and what you see and what somebody else has to say about him you need to know God not just know about him but you need to know God you cannot have a relationship with God if you don't first of all know his real nature and character and just like Johan shared with us tonight did you know that I'm saying this in love I am NOT against churches I'm for churches I'm a part of the church we've got pastors here that are teaching I am for the church but there is a lot of misinformation about God being put out and a lot of it comes from the Bible I'm going to be dealing with that tonight a misinterpretation of the Bible it says in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 15 it says study to show yourself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth there is a right way to interpret the word and a wrong way and sad to say a lot of religious teaching today is giving a wrong understanding of God because it takes the Old Testament wrath that was released and they present that this is the nature and the character of God there is no scripture that says God is wrath there is a verse that says first John chapter four verse eight that God is love and yet there is wrath from God revealed in the Old Testament how do you rightly divide this and this is what I want to talk about tonight and help you to see what the true nature of God is it says in John chapter 8 verse 32 that you shall know the truth and the truth will make you free and so it's not good enough just to believe that there is a God and just to believe whatever you want to about it let me say something right here that may shock some of you but you know what idolatry is a lot of people think well sure I dolla tree is having some graven image and you pray to it or worship to it Digital idolatry is just making your own God and there's many people that have not created an image and yet they have created their own God I've actually heard people before say well I wouldn't wish worship a God that doesn't heal or that doesn't set free or that doesn't do this did you know I understand what they're saying but that's really wrong because what you're saying is I'm going to only worship God if he's like this you are creating a God in your own image you are you are at side Allah tree what we've got to do is go to the Word of God God revealed himself through his word and we have to accept the revelation that he's given us now it's wonderful that we do serve a good God a gracious God a merciful God a forgiving God God is absolutely better than any office could ever imagine I agree with that but did you know what I am NOT going to go and say god I'll serve you if this is the way you are he's God and I'm not and I just have to accept the revelation that he has given in his word it says in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness and that word they're given by inspiration of God if you look it up in the Greek it literally means that the scripture is god-breathed the scripture is not man revealing their thoughts about God there's a lot of people that believe this and they think that this is an old book that it was people writing their opinions of God and so therefore they cherry picked the parts that they like and what they want and they just believe that it's fallible it's it's written by man but the scripture says about itself that it is god-breathed God inspired the Word of God through people it also says in 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 4 it says whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises talking about the Word of God that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust the way you partake of God is through the scripture God revealed himself and we have to take the revelation that God's Word gives so I just want to introduce this introduce this tonight by saying that you don't need to sit here and have these things and say well I believe this is the way that God is I believe God ought to be like this I wouldn't worship a God who does this you need to just drop those things and say what does the revealed Word of God teach about him and that's what I'm going to share with you tonight and I tell you if you don't really understand the true nature and character of God you'll never understand your moon nature you'll never understand a lot of things we are his offspring it is not up to us to create a God in our own image that we want we have to take the revealed revelation of God's Word and so there's so many scriptures that talk about this I haven't got time to go through all of it but the Bible has been misinterpreted and missile ID and even the devil tried to use scripture on Jesus Matthew chapter 4 Luke chapter 4 the devil said if you be the Son of God cast yourself down for it is written he shall give his angels charge concerning thee and in their hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against the stone you know what he was doing it was quoting Psalms chapter 91 verses 11 and 12 but here's what sums 9111 says it says for he shall give his angels charge charge over thee and then it goes on to say to keep thee in all thy ways the devil just conveniently left that part of the scripture off which means see he was just saying that God is going to protect you in anything you do whether it's tempting him whether it's going against his promises or not that's not what the Word of God says so he left that part out and then in verse 12 he added some to it it says thou shalt bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against a stone Satan said lest at any time you dash your foot against the stone so he took Bible truth but he quested it and applied it in a way that would have made it okay for Jesus to tempt God and yet Jesus responded to him and said get behind me Satan and he says because it is written and he quoted the scripture to him that you shall not tempt the Lord your God so my point is that if Satan tried to use scripture on Jesus then you know what you could misinterpret the scripture you need to rightly divide it and just like Johan and Brenda we're sharing men carries Bible College I hate them in a way I hate to say this but in another way it's the truth so I'm going to say it but you need to be a part of Karis Bible College and if you can't come and be in it well then there's no reason for you not to get the e Karras now you can take it and even if you don't have a connection you can study through I just approved a video on the way over here and it was for my TV department and there was a woman who has taken ich arias and she was studying the word and because I've had her brother-in-law was in her living room and he just fell over dead and she said that in the past she would have panicked she would have done something but she just stood up and said no in the name of Jesus and spoke to him and raised the guy from the dead [Music] and she said I would not have done that before I started filling myself with the word there is no reason for you not to know the Word of God we have taken away every excuse you've got we got Bible colleges here we've got Bible colleges in Dewsbury we got Bible colleges in Scotland and then Holland and in Germany and we're getting one in France and just everywhere and so anyway you don't have an excuse you need to take the Word of God and you need to rightly divide the word here's what it says in Hebrews chapter 2 a 1 vs. 1 into God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the father's by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the word world this is saying that Jesus is a greater representation of God than anything that was ever said or done in the Old Testament not that the Old Testament was inaccurate it was just incomplete Jesus is the complete revelation of who God is and in verse 3 it says who being the brightness of his glory and the Express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sins sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high Jesus is the perfect representation and that word that was translated right there that he is the Express image did you know that the Greek word there is the word character it spelled exactly like our English word character except it has a K in it but this is the where we get the word character from and it literally means an exact copy Jesus is an exact copy of God he is the perfect representation jesus said this of himself he says have I been so long time with you and yet thou has not known me Philip he that has seen me has seen the father and how sayest thou then show us Father Jesus was such a perfect representation of God he was able to tell his disciples if you've seen me you've seen the father in John chapter 5 verse 19 jesus answered and said none of them verily verily I say unto you the son can do nothing of himself but why do you see it the father do for what thing soever he doeth these also doeth the son likewise I've actually had some people take that verse and say well this is showing that Jesus wasn't truly God because he said he couldn't do anything by himself it's actually just the opposite this is Jesus claiming such a oneness with God the Father that they could not operate independent of each other he couldn't do anything just of himself he and his father were one is what he said and if you have seen him then you have seen the father and Jesus is the perfect representation I could preach on this matter of fact I have four hours I'm just gonna say this quickly but if you understand what he's saying right here this answers a lot of questions about God some people think well is it God's will to heal everybody let me ask you did Jesus ever put sickness on a person did Jesus ever say no you haven't learned your lesson yet you aren't mature enough you haven't suffered enough I want you to suffer longer there is not one single instance that Jesus ever refused to heal a person there's a couple of times that people wouldn't receive the healing that he offered it says in mark chapter 6 verse 5 that he could do no mighty work say that he laid his hand upon a few sick folk and heal them and he marveled because of their unbelief it wasn't Jesus who wasn't able to minister the healing it was them that wouldn't receive it but there is not one single instance of Jesus not healing a person there is not one single instance of Jesus laying hands on a person in giving them sickness and yet there are people in the church today that says God is the one that gave you this trial God is the one who wants you to be sick they will say it's punishment for sin or sometimes they'll say that you're learning something by this this is how God breaks you and make you a better person if that was true well then Jesus didn't accurately represent the father because he never made a single person sick he never refused to heal a person he never sent anybody away unhealed it says in acts chapter 10 verse 38 how that God had anointed Jesus of Nazareth with power and with the Holy Ghost who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil Jesus also set people free from demonic things it's not God's will for a single person to be suffering under emotional things you heard yo.hannes testimony that he was so depressed at times that he was wanting to kill himself that's not God God didn't do that to him that was the emptiness of God that's when God wasn't controlling his life if you were experiencing any of those things if you're listening to what I'm saying God is revealing himself to you that Jesus came to set you free it's the devil who comes to steal kill and destroy John chapter 10 verse 10 but Jesus came to give you life and to give it to you more abundantly see you need to take what the word says right here and say God I know that my suffering my problems this is not you this is not you it's not God who's turned to deaf ear to you there's multiple things that work but somehow or another it's the devil or you're ignorant or your rebellion or there could be multiple things involved but it's not God who is not healing you it's not God who hasn't set you free it's not God he's not giving you an abundant life because he came to give you life and give it to you more abundantly it says in 1st John chapter four verse eight the last part of that verse it says that God is love that is who God he is that is his nature that's the core of God John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Jesus came to keep you from perishing and this isn't talking about just going to hell that's the dream that's the ultimate but he came to give you life right now and to give you joy and peace you don't have to wait until you died and go to heaven to start experiencing heaven Jesus said to pray thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven he wants you to have heaven here on earth it's not just pie in the sky by and by but it's steak on the plate while you wait amen God wants you to be blessed second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 19 says that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation this is how he's able to extend grace to you and when I get into talking about who we are in Christ and who we are in just our natural self without Christ I'll explain this a lot more in detail and I think it'll really help you to understand it but in Christ we are now reconciled unto God how did he reconcile us by not imputing our trespasses unto us this is another great revelation about God is that he is not holding your sins against you and brothers and sisters the vast majority of the body of Christ does not understand this the vast majority of Christ believes that God is dealing with them according to their sins and there's different degrees of this some people will believe that any sin in your life God won't answer your prayers if you have any sin and they will just sit there and make you feel so depressed and so discouraged because your own heart will condemn you and recognize that you're falling short and I have meant hundreds probably thousands of people who knew that God exists they had had a touch from God but they just couldn't live perfectly and they thought they had to be perfect before God would answer their prayers and they just finally despaired of it and went the other direction not because they didn't believe that God exists they just thought there's no way I can meet standard but then there's other people that believe well you won't go to hell you won't necessarily be hated by God but he won't answer your prayers he won't bless you he won't use you but this verse says that he does not impute our trespasses unto us and again I've got probably I don't know 20 or 30 hours worth of teaching on this one thing how that all of our sins have been atoned for past present and even future sins sins you hadn't even committed yet have been put upon the Lord Jesus and he forgave you of sins that you haven't even committed yet and I know somebody's thinking how can God forgive us sin before I commit it you better pray that he can because he only died for your sins one time 2,000 years ago and if he can't forgive sins before you commit them then you can't be forgiven he can forgive sins your sins have been forgiven now does that mean that you're free to go live in sin I'll be dealing with this in more detail too but no even though God is not bringing his judgment on sin Satan games in road to you through your sin so if you go out and are living in sin Satan is going to eat your lunch and there you go so you do not want to live in sin it's just stupid quit living in sin but what I'm saying is God loves you stupid a man he's not holding your sins against you but Satan will make you pay if you're living in sin so quit doing it and so some people are saying well you know but the Old Testament shows God judging people for instance Isaiah chapter 59 verses 1 & 2 says my hand is not shortened that it cannot save nor my ear heavy that it cannot hear but your iniquities have separated between you and your God and so the in the Old Testament God was separated from man over sin and because of it there was judgment upon sin I can show you instances where God sent a death angel out and killed 183 thousand men in one night in the Syrian army I can show you where God struck people with leprosy where things happened and people say well man the Bible says God is love that doesn't look like love to me well in the Old Covenant there was a difference between the way God deals with sin and the way he deals with it now and I'll go into more explanation on this later as we get further into it but basically the difference is that you and I are now new creatures and because we won translation of 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 says you are a new species of being that never existed before and because of that God can treat you differently than he could treat an Old Testament person who was living under the law and was basically getting what you deserve we don't get what we deserve today we get what Jesus deserves and so some people says well is he the god of the New Testament or the God of the Old Testament is he angry or is he in a good mood today well the Bible says that he's the Lord and He changes not Malachi 3:6 I am the Lord I change not therefore you sons of Jacob are not consumed Hebrews chapter 13 verse 8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday today in 4 so some people think well how do you reconcile the Old Testament in the New Testament it's because God didn't give the law so that you could keep it and this is one of the big mistakes that people make when they are reading the word and trying to figure out God they see the wrath and the punishment of God and they just assume that God is this hard angry God but you know the scripture says that he changes not he hasn't changed but we have changed and God deals with New Testament believers differently than he dealt with Old Testament believers let me just give you some quick examples here the lividity Leviticus chapter 20 verse 10 it says the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife even he that committeth adultery with his neighbor's wife the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death that's Leviticus 20:10 Deuteronomy 22 22 says if a man be found lying with a woman married to a husband then they shall both of them die both the man that lay with the woman and the woman so so shalt thou put away evil from Israel that was in the Old Testament and this was how God commanded sin to be dealt with and because of that there are some people that just have this hatred for anybody who has committed adultery now we need to hate adultery because adultery is bad it gives Satan an inroad into our life it causes all kinds of damage but look at how Jesus dealt with a woman taken in the very act of adultery in John chapter 8 and she was brought to Jesus and the scribes and the Pharisees they hated Jesus and they were trying to entrap him and they thought they had him because of these verses I just read to you according to the law you had to kill any person who committed adultery and if you didn't kill them then you could be killed for not upholding and enforcing the Word of God so they brought this woman taken in the very act of adultery and they thought they had Jesus here's what the law says Jesus but what do you say and Jesus just bent over and wrote on the ground like he didn't even hear them at first and finally they kept pressing him what do you say they thought they had him and he stood up and he said he that's without sin among you let him cast the first stone and of course none of them were without sin and it says they left being convicted of their own conscience their own hearts showed them that there wasn't one of them that was without sin and so all the accusers left now Jesus did not say that what she did wasn't sin matter of fact he even told her he says where's all of your accusers and she said no man Lord and Jesus said unto her neither do i condemn you go and sin no more that's in verse 11 so he called it sin it was sin what she did but he didn't enforce the Old Testament wrath how could he get by with doing that see the difference is that God never wanted to hold our sins against us in Romans chapter 5 verse 12 it says that sin is not imputed when there is no law this tells you why God waited 2,000 years until the time of Moses before he gave the Old Testament law because he didn't want to hold our sins against us the very first person that sinned after Adam and Eve was Cain their son and Cain killed his brother Abel and when God found out about it God was talking to him and Cain says I have nowhere to go I'll be a vagabond every person that tries to every person that finds me will try and kill me and God said a mark upon Cain and said if any man avenges Abel's death I'll avenge your death Sevenfold God protected the very first murderer that was on the face of the earth but did you know that later and once the law was given in numbers chapter 16 the very first person who broke the law was a man who picked up sticks on the Sabbath day so that he could make a fire and cook him miel and what did they do with him they brought him before the Lord because it was said that she had to keep the Sabbath but it didn't say specifically what the punishment for that was and so they shut him up and they asked God what they should do and God said stone him to death kill him can you see the difference before the law when grace was raining and after the law before the law Abel killed his brother Cain killed his brother Abel and he was protected not it wasn't God approving of what he did but God extended mercy and grace and protected him but the first person who broke the law was a man who picked up sticks and they said put him to death once the law was given God held people sins against them and here is the reason that he basically did that this is a misconception that people have they think that the law was given for me to keep that wasn't the purpose of the law now there is benefit in keeping the law as much as you can but nobody can keep it perfectly and it says in James chapter 2 verse 10 if you keep the whole law and yet offend in one point you become guilty of everything it's not like if you make ninety nine out of a hundred questions and you get 99 rights you don't get 99 on God's test you get a zero if you miss one thing if you break any precept of the law you become guilty of it all God did not give the law so that you could keep it and thereby earn relationship with God but God gave the law to reveal sin to us Romans chapter 3 verse 19 says that the by the law that's verses 19 and 20 by the law is the knowledge of sin the law was given to show you your sin and God didn't want us to know how sinful we were in the beginning you know if he wanted to he could have shown Adam and Eve look what your sin did and let's just say that we can start here with Juergen and just go down this front row all ministers and if he was to say look what you did to Jurgen and Brenda look what you did to Charlie and Jill look what you've done over here to Alan and if he just went down every person here and showed the pain and the suffering and the death that has happened in every person's life I don't think that Adam and Eve could have lasted I don't think that they'd have been able to handle it it had has shown them what Hitler did the millions of people Stalin the tens of millions of people that were murdered and things if he had has shown all that to Adam and Eve they couldn't handle it he didn't want them to know how bad a sinner they were and he was willing to extend grace unto mankind but mankind began to take God's lack of punishment as approval they begin to lose their sense of right and wrong because they were comparing themselves among themselves and measuring themselves by themselves which the Bible says is not wise but you can see this in the fourth chapter of the book of Genesis that Cain had killed Abel and then in that same chapter Genesis chapter 4 Cain's great great great grandson leymah comes along and kills a man in self-defense and he felt so much more justified in his murder than what Cain was that he said if God avenges Cain Sevenfold he'll avenge Lamech seventy and Sevenfold but see that was wrong God didn't say that that was lame icky was comparing himself with Cain and thinking Cain got by with murder surely I'll get by with murder and over a period of time they're just beginning to be murder they're beginning to be rape there began to be lawlessness and people were comparing themselves and I know some of you are thinking well how terrible was that man we are doing the exact same thing you know last year if you were here I shared how that and I may get these details wrong so please give me some mercy but I gave you the exact dates and names last year so go back to last year if I mess up this year but there was a King Edward I think it was that in nineteen thirtysomething wanted to marry an American divorcee Wallis Simpson and it was so taboo back then that he had to advocate advocate the throne and quit being King so that he could have married Wallis Simpson and then just last year I think it was in May about one year ago last year was it Prince Harry that married Megan Markel and she's a divorcee and today nobody even thinks anything about it and they're just glorifying it I'm not out to condemn anybody but I'm singing see how things have changed just one generation in things that made people give up that's wrong now it's not even a factor probably most of you in here didn't even think about it and it's we're doing the exact same thing because people who are royalty people who are movie stars people who are athletes and famous and making lots of money they live in sin and it doesn't seem to bother them and so we've lowered our standards and today we have parades announcing Gay Pride and people just you know pumping their fists in the face of God and things are changing and today most people are more influenced by their culture than they are by the Word of God so for that reason God gave the law to show you what sin was so that you would quit going out and just living in sin and also to take away the self salvation self-righteousness that religious people had because there's a lot of religious people who think well I'm better than this person over here I fast twice in the week I pay tithes of mint and anise and cumin that's what the Pharisees said see about the publican over here but God said that the Pharisee wasn't justified the publican was the one who was justified because he says God have mercy on me a sinner and so to bring people out of that deception and to let them see that they can't trust in themselves God gave the law that you might be doing better I am you might be living holier than me or holier than somebody else but who wants to be the best center that ever went to hell all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and this is a point that I'll make tomorrow sometime whenever I'm Minister next I'll make this point and show you these things in more detail but if you miss heaven by an inch you miss it by a mile you can't just be good you can't do your best you either have to be perfect or you need a savior who died for you and gave you his perfection and so there were a lot of people like me I've never gotten drunk in my life I've never gone out and used profanity I've never done all of these things that people talk about and yet I needed salvation how does God reach a religious person who's good enough that they think well you know compared to other people I'm okay God gave such a standard that was so far beyond our reach that it made you despair of self salvation you know if he was just up to you and you're saying well I believe I'm basically a good person I don't know if any of you've ever seen these interviews that Ray Comfort does I don't know if you have that over here but in the United States Ray Comfort is just really good and he'll go up to people on college campuses and he has a microphone in his hand and he says so do you believe that good people go to heaven and oh yeah did you know it just so happens that our present Pope said that even an atheist if they're a good person will go to heaven that's wrong that's not what the Bible reveals about God so this Ray Comfort the last people that says do you believe good people go to heaven oh yes do you believe you're a good person oh yes I'm a good person so are you gonna go to him oh yeah I'll go to heaven and then it'll say well if you ever lied oh well yes I've lied and then he'll read to them you know I got this in my notes I'm Way off on my notes I don't know where it says this but anyway it says all Liars will have their part in the lake of fire which burns forever and he'll quote that verse to them and they'll say so if you like well yes so all Liars will go to hell are you gonna go to art are you good enough then and they'll start doubting it and then he'll start mentioning other things if you hate your neighbor in your heart you're guilty of murder if you lust after a person in your heart you're guilty of adultery and he'll just go through and name these things and pretty soon they'll be saying you know I don't think I am gonna go to heaven that was the purpose of the law was to show you that if you think you're good are you perfect it says in Romans 3:23 all have sinned and come short of the glory of God God standard isn't our present-day standard today we allow homosexuality we allowed Daltry well I allowing lying and stealing and just all kinds of things and we have lowered the bar so far that nearly anybody can step over the morality thing you know again if you are setting your own standards and you're saying I believe that this is acceptable I don't care what the Bible says I don't care what God revealed I don't care about God's morality here's what my standard of morality is then you know what you are making yourself God God's the only one that has a right to set what right and wrong is he's the one that created us and when you change the rules and you say I think that this is okay well then you've put yourself in God's place it's idolatry thank you for that thunderous silence I know what I'm saying is countering our culture but I'm telling you this is what the Bible reveals about God so Ray Comfort I'll ask all of these people and eventually they'll be saying oh man I need salvation that's what the purpose of the law was for was to show you that God's standard is higher than you can make here's man standard down here and you can fall across it there's no problem at all God will just raise the bar so high that it'll make you say well God if this is the standard that you consider to be normal within God have mercy on me a sinner that's the purpose of the law so the reason I say all of this is to show you that the reason God revealed his wrath against sin was because he had to show us what sin was because we were comparing ourselves among ourselves and we were losing sight of what true morality was and he had to take away our self-righteousness so that you would quit trusting in yourself and comparing yourself with other people but remember that for 2,000 years God did not reveal that wrath matter of fact these verses I think I got sidetracked here but I read these verses about adultery did you know that Abraham broke Leviticus chapter 18 which says that if you marry a half-sister then it's punishable by death Sarah was Abraham's half-sister and yet he didn't have God rebuke him matter of fact God called him a friend of God the only person in the Old Testament that was called a friend of God and it was a man who is living in sexual abomination according to Leviticus chapter 18 and if you broke those standards in the Leviticus 18 you had to be put to death Abraham wasn't put to death he became the patriarch because it was before God started holding man's sins against them he was dealing with the human race in mercy and in grace because that's the way that God wanted to deal with people but people were taking his lack of punishment as approval and therefore just living in sin and so God had do something to restrain the amount of sin and then also Jacob came along who is Abraham's grandson and Jacob married two women who were sisters and here's what it says in Genesis chapter 29 verse 16 it says in Laban had two daughters the name of the elder was Leah the name of the younger was Rachel and Jacob married Leah and Rachel and according to leviticus 18:18 it says neither shalt thou take a wife to her sister to vex her to uncover her nakedness besides the other in her lifetime and yet jacob did it and guess what Jacob wrestled with an angel in Genesis chapter 32 and actually came out ahead and the angel blessed him here's a man who is living in a sexual abomination that was so strong with God that he prevailed against an angel and won a blessing and if he would have lived under the law he'd have been put to death God was not imputing man sins unto them and the very fact that he waited 2,000 years to do it shows you that this wasn't God's first and best choice he was willing to deal in mercy but people were taking his lack of punishment and they were you they were losing their sense of right and wrong and they were thinking I'm good enough so God gave the law to show us how ungodly we were and it caused some problems I don't know if you all have it over here but in the United States if they advertise these medicines in the United States we've got laws that says you have to show what the side effects are do you do that over here and so they'll advertise some product and they'll say take this pill it'll heal your headache but then they'll say it could cause death it'll cause impotence it'll cause this and now I mean they go through all of this stuff and I like man give me back the headache it's better than all of the side effects but in a sense that's the way the law was the law did two things really it showed you what sin was and their scriptures that say that was the purpose of the law is to show you the knowledge of sin and it took away self-righteousness and showed you that you could never be holy enough you could never live good enough so it did accomplish some good things and there still is a purpose of the law today I'll probably deal with that more this week as I go through it so the law accomplished some good things but the side effects of it were guilt condemnation shame and feeling like oh god how could you love anybody like me if this is your standard I'm so unworthy and ungodly and so it did some good things but it also accomplished a lot of guilt and a lot of condemnation and in the New Covenant a New Testament believer has to get out from under the law and feeling like you've got to relate to God based on your performance or it will cause guilt condemnation Romans 8:1 there is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit the righteousness of the law is now fulfilled in us not in our physical bodies but in our spirit through faith in Christ and you have to purge your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 14 says that so anyway the law had a purpose but it revealed the wrath of God and sad to say most New Testament believers have not understood the purpose they thought God gave the law so that we could keep it and thereby earn relationship with God based on our performance and if that's what you think it gives you a wrong impression of God you know it's like a parent training their children when your child is little you have to teach that child that selfishness is not a good thing and yet every one of us came into this world a hundred percent selfish you may not have thought about it but you were you know if you had a child in this service right now we had a child a while ago screaming over here I don't know what was going on but you know what children they don't care about anybody but themselves they don't care if there's a thousand people 5,000 people here whatever that want to hear the word all they think about is themself and they'll throw a fit they'll scream they'll do anything because they are the center of the universe and everyone office started that way the sad fact is most of us are still that way we just now throw adult fits we've learned how to manage it but it's still the same principle but anyway when your child is little you have to teach them that selfishness isn't the right thing so how do you do and I may get in trouble for this I remember being on god TV and when they first started they were located in the UK and I said something about spanking your children and the UK the BBC literally made them bleep it out as if I had used profanity so it may be against the law here I don't know but it's not against the Word of God where to god says the rod and reproof gives wisdom you have to correct the child and you know what when their one year old two years old you can't just sit down and explain things to him you can't say now if you go over there and take that toy you're being selfish and that is from the devil and if you keep giving in to selfishness you'll never have any friends because it'll all be about you you'll never be able to keep a job your marriage will fall apart because you're just if you try and tell a two-year-old that stuff they won't understand it but you know what you can tell a two-year-old you do that again and I'll give you a spanking and they may not even know there is a God or devil or heaven or a hell they may not know anything spiritual but the next time they want to go steal something take something they'll think about us and they'll go No and you can train a child to resist evil through corporal punishment in a sense that's what the law was people it says over in first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 14 that the natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God they are foolishness unto Him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned before people got born again they couldn't understand things the way that we can it's through our spirit that we have the mind of Christ 1st Corinthians 2:16 and you have an ability to understand God in a way that a person who's not born again didn't have so before the New Testament before people got born again how is it that you teach them to do the right thing the law is real clear go do this and I'll kill you I'll smite you with the botch with the mill do with imparts amen if you don't tithe I'll curse you with the curse and you know what even a lost man understands then a lost man will they'll shell out they'll give in the offering if they are condemned but under the New Covenant we've got a new way of responding to God like over in 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 verse 7 it says don't give grudgingly or of necessity because God loves a cheerful Giver give the way you purpose in your heart it's different under the New Covenant than under the Old Covenant why because God changed no but we changed we are now born again and we're a brand new person and God can deal with us differently and God did not just all of a sudden change and say alright now I'm not going to hold people sins against them I'm not going to punish them anymore that's what a lot of people think grace is about that God now is just full of grace whereas in the Old Testament he was full of wrath no God is the same he does not change you know what happened God placed all of his wrath upon Jesus and he he took every bit of wrath and punishment that he had and put your sin and my sin in Jesus and he punished that sin in Jesus so God is now just to treat you just as if you never sinned because your sin has been paid for he didn't just say alright I'm gonna quit holding people's sin against no he paid for that that's like you know if I did something wrong and I went before the judge and the judge turns out one of my best friends and I think man this is awesome I'm gonna get out of this because he's my friend but if he's a just judge he'll go ahead and give sentence whether I'm his friend or not that wouldn't be right for him just to say well you're my friend I'm gonna let you go so the judge brings down the gavel and brings judgment upon me and I said I thought you were my friend but then he gets out from behind his desk comes around takes his robe off and he pays my fine for me see that's what Jesus did Jesus didn't just say all right I'm gonna let you go and not execute judgment no he did execute judgment he took it upon himself he suffered for your sin and for my sin and he paid the debt and now there is nothing left for you to pay praise God look at this passage in John chapter 12 this is Jesus speaking right before his crucifixion and in John chapter 12 he says in verse 28 father glorify thy name then came there a voice from heaven saying I have both glorified it and will glorify it again the people therefore that stood by heard it and said it and heard it said that it thundered others said and angels spake unto him but jesus answered this voice came not because of me but for your sakes now is the judgment of this world now shall the Prince of this world be cast out and I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me you know I used to interpret this that if you just preach Jesus properly and if you present the gospel accurately that it'll draw large numbers of people that's not what this is talking about and that is not a true statement some of the places that have the biggest churches the biggest crowds are not preaching the true gospel and I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on that but that's absolutely true statement there's a lot of people that compromise and draw people through entertainment and smoke and mirrors and things like that it is not true that if you just preach Jesus properly he'll draw lots of people the word men right here is italicized and in the King James Bible the one that you know Paul used the King James Bible they were honest enough that when they translated something that wasn't in the original text they would put it in italics to let you know that this was their interpretation it wasn't in the original language so what this actually says it I if I be lifted up will draw all unto me all what well they just assumed it was talking about all men but the verse in front of it says now is the judgment of this world now shall the Prince of this world be cast out and the verse after it says this he said signifying what death he should die it wasn't talking about drawing all men under him it was talking about bringing all judgment unto Him and so this is saying that when Jesus hung on the cross he was like a lightning rod that every bit of God's wrath that the Old Testament law said would come every judgment that God had against you and against me he put it on Jesus and Jesus literally bore your grief carried your sorrow he was bruised for your iniquities the chastisement of your peace was upon him God put all of his wrath against you and me upon Jesus so that now he's not just looking the other way he has paid the price your your debt has been paid it's done there's nothing left for you to pay and now we can experience a grace of God that Old Testament people couldn't the only way that an Old Testament man could experience the grace that you and I experience is by looking forward to what Jesus did and they would offer an animal sacrifice and they would literally take their hands and they would lay their hands upon the head of this animal and lean on it what that was they were transferring their weight their sin to this animal and then they would slit its throat and offer it because the wages of sin is death sin has to be paid for by death and God allowed people to put their sins upon an animal in symbolism it wasn't accurate it even says that in Hebrews chapter 9 it was just though it says the blood of bulls and of goats could never take away sin it was a symbolic thing but through faith in a sense God paid Old Testament Saints sins on credit put it on what Jesus was going to do they looked forward to what Jesus was going to do we look back to what Jesus has already done and because of that we can truthfully stand before God just as if I'd never seen justified because of what Jesus said done a man so I said all of this to try and harmonize some things there are people that will read first John 4:8 where it says that God is love and then they'll turn over to the Old Testament where God struck Miriam with leprosy where God put sickness on a person where God did something and they'll say how is that love and then they come up with these weird doctrines the Old Testament was God's wrath revealed for a brief period of time we've basically had 6,000 years since Adam and Eve sinned the first 2,000 years God was not imputing man's trespasses unto them Romans chapter 5 verse 13 says so he didn't impute their trespasses then the law came where he did hold their trespasses against them and said your sins have separated but then since Jesus came he put all of our sin in his wrath for our sin upon Jesus and so for 2,000 years there has once again been the grace and the mercy of God ruling and reigning and it says that in Romans chapter 5 verse 21 talking about that as sin has reigned unto death even so might righteousness reign through Christ Jesus and so we now over 6,000 years we've had 4,000 years that God has been trying to deal with us in grace and in mercy that's the true nature of God he only gave the law temporarily Galatians chapter 3 says it was temporary until the seed should come to whom the promise is were made and that was talking about Jesus so I've said all of these things to show you that God is love and there was a period of time that he dealt with sins in anger and judgment because he was going to show us what we deserved so it would take away our deception that you know God's just got to accept all of us no God doesn't have to accept anybody and it's not based on how holy you are compared to me here's God's standard he showed us a standard that was so holy that it condemned us and shut us up under the faith that would afterwards be revealed through Jesus that was the purpose of the Old Testament law but God is a God of love God wants you well God wants you blessed God loves you more than you love yourself God wants to prosper you more than you want to be prospered and again I wished I had time to just share with you so many scriptures but the Word of God reveals this goodness of God and specifically Jesus Jesus takes the woman in the very act of adultery and turns around and doesn't say that what she did wasn't sin but he says if you're without sin you cast the first stone he wouldn't let them punish her because he was going to take her punishment Jesus became an adulteress when he hung on the cross he took that adultery into his own body and suffered the payment for that and that's the true nature of God God loves you in spite of who you are not because of who you are and if you don't understand them if you are like Johan and Brenda we're talking about and you are being told that you've got to perform and get holy enough so that God will answer your prayer or heal you our deliverer you are heal your marriage and you're trying to earn it Satan will use that wrong thinking to discourage you and stop you did you know Satan can't accuse Jesus when you receive what I'm talking about and your whole attention is on Jesus Jesus is perfect Jesus is holy and Satan cannot impune his character but if you think you've got to be holy to deserve God's goodness or Satan can always find something to accuse you over and you will wind up losing your faith not because you doubt Jesus is holy but you think you've got to be holy to earn it and that will stop you you're the weak link in the chain you can't relate to God based on your goodness you've got to totally put your faith in Jesus and what he's done for you and not your own goodness and this is where so many people are missing God they don't understand the true nature and the character of God God is a good God he is holy he's perfect and you know that you aren't and so you feel this great gulf between you and God but I'm telling you that Jesus took all of your sin and bore it for you and he paid for your sins it says first John chapter 2 verse 2 that he is the propitiation that means the atoning sacrifice for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world Jesus has paid for the sins of the whole world not only Christians unbelievers have had all of their sins paid for and some people say well then that means that they're ok then no because you have to mix it with faith Romans chapter 5 verse 2 says that we have access into this grace through faith faith is how you receive what Jesus has done and if you don't put faith in Jesus then even though he paid for your sins and the payment has been paid it will profit you nothing unless you put faith in Jesus so you have to you have to receive this if you doubt you do without you got to believe but Jesus has paid it all and if you can receive it now you are in right standing with God it's just as if you'd never sinned God loves you God is seeing you in the spirit I'll deal with this more this week and explain it in more detail but God sees you righteous and holy and pure because when you got born again he created you righteous you are a brand-new creature on the inside man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart God sees you differently than you see yourself and if you can understand that God is passionate about you God loves you God carries your picture in his wallet Charlie just had a little grandbaby he was showing you the pictures I guarantee you God puts pictures of you up there and says that's my kid God loves you that is who God is that is his nature God is love but man you got to understand it did you know that God will be to you what you think him to be now that's a statement that you might have to think about God is who he is regardless what you think that God as far as your experience goes he will never force himself upon you he doesn't make things happen without your cooperation you have to reach out and receive and cooperate and so if you think that God is not going to bless you because you don't deserve it then that will stop God from blessing you because you won't believe for freedom you won't believe for grace you'll believe only that you get what you deserve and that's what you will experience that's not the right way to be so how you see God if you have a misunderstanding if you see him as the one who puts troubles on you and he's putting sickness on you and poverty in all of these things to break you well then what that will do that will make you passive when troubles come into your life and the Bible says in James 4:7 that you resist the devil and he'll flee from you the word resist means to actively fight against you can't be passive you got to resist the devil and he will flee from you but if you think God is the one who's putting problems into your life then you can't resist those things or you would wind up resisting God so it'll make you passive and you will experience all kinds of problems and things that God never intended for you to have and you'll accept it thinking that it's God so it's important that you get the right impression of God you know I've run through this very quickly tonight but I've got a book that happens just happening to have a book entitled the true nature of God and I've got that in DVDs and CDs and I'd encourage you to go check it out but God is a good God and you've got to find out who God is not who you want him to be not who you've been told that he is you need to go to the Word of God and let the Word of God reveal to you who God is and then you need to start relating to him based on the revelation that he gave us you know one last thing let me say right here before I end this tonight but there's a lot of people that will say well Jesus was a great man he was a great example I remember the guy that made our first television set he had made these sets for Hollywood stars and stuff and so anyway he was working on our set and I was talking to him about the Lord and I asked him about his standing with the Lord and he says well I believe that Jesus was a great man he was the greatest example of love that the world has ever seen but he says you know there's many paths unto God and Jesus is just one path to God and I said that is absolutely wrong and he says why would you say that and I said because Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man comes unto the father but by me Acts chapter four verse 12 says neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby you must be saved and on and on I could go quoting scriptures I said Jesus claimed to be the only way now he was either who he claimed to be and he was the only way to God or he was a crook he was a liar or at the very best he was deceived because he said I'm the only way and so you can't accept your idea and think that well Jesus is just a way Allah it's the same thing if you go through Muhammad or it's the same thing if you go through Buddha know Jesus is the only way there is no salvation in anybody else and it's not up to you to create your own God and to come up with your own thing the Bible has been proven to be the Word of God and I just happened to have a teaching on the biblical accuracy of the Bible I'm not going to teach on that right now but let me just say that I know it's accurate because it's working in it has come alive the Bible says in acts 4:12 that the Word of God is quick that means alive and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword I know it's real because it's working on the inside of me we've seen our son raised from the dead we've seen all kinds of miracles we saw you Hahn and Brenda and the changes made through the Word of God you're too late to tell me that the Word of God isn't God's Word and it's not inspired because it's already inspired me and changed my life and I'm seeing things happen that couldn't have happened without God I'm telling you it's real amen it's alive and you have to accept the revelation the things that I've said tonight I've not heard I heard pastor Duane teach on some of this but outside of pastor Duane I never heard anybody else explain these kind of things but you know what the Bible is accurate and if you interpret it correctly the Old Testament law doesn't contradict Jesus it shows us what Jesus set us free from it shows us what we really deserved and it makes me appreciate my salvation even more when I recognize how holy God is and how unholy I am man that's awesome and I tell you God is a good God he wants only good things for you it's a lie of the devil Satan has a Millian to God and sad to say religion has been one of the greatest tools that he's used to turn people against God and in this nation you know there's been a lot of stuff done in the name of God and all of these religious stuff and I guarantee it's turned many many many people off to God but true Christianity isn't a religion it's a relationship with a person and I tell you he loves you and if we would go out and catch on fire for God the world to come watch you burn amen I'm just praying that this weekend is gonna be awesome it's going to show you the true nature of God it's going to show you who you are and what you have and I believe it's going to light a fire on the inside of you that will make a huge huge difference in your life hey man that's everybody's standing let's pray father we love you and we are just so thankful for the Word of God and for the revelation that you've given of yourself thank you father for revealing yourself through the word and tonight I've shared these truths about who you are what's your true nature and character is like and I pray that the Holy Spirit would use these things to set people free for people that have been under deception that have been lied about they thought that they had to be good enough that you demanded our performance I pray that you would reveal to them that no it's what Jesus did for us not what we do for him father I just pray that you open up people's hearts that people receive this freedom and this liberty and that they enter into a relationship with you Jesus that they are able to have direct access to the Father in the name of Jesus praise the Lord thank you father I pray right now for those that have been poisoned and polluted by religion and wrong ideas and father I've spoken the truth I believe that the truth makes them free that they receive it and that they get free from this religion and this condemnation and guilt and that tonight they would receive freely your love the Word of God says let God be magnified which has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant father we let you'd be magnified we know you want to do it we welcome you to come and magnify yourself in our life with healings with deliverance with finances peace all kinds of things I'd like to ask our prayer ministers these are Bible basically Bible college students here that had just full of the Word of God man they've been hearing these things that we're talking about I want to invite these prayer ministers to come down here to the front and stand here and if you have been set free if God has spoken to you tonight I invite you to come and just let someone pray with you and lay hands on you you know the Bible says faith without works is dead you got to do something it's one thing for you to just stand there and say all right I receive that but when you act on it and when you do something like father I receive this I'm gonna go down there and say today I'm gonna start relating to a God who is love and who's gonna bless me I encourage you if that's you just come forward right now and let someone just agree with you if you need healing in your body I've talked to a lot of people before the service that came believing God for a healing you know what I am NOT going to be able to pray for every single person in here I would be I would love to do it but it's just not going to happen these people are full the Word of God and we see miracles happen in every one of my meetings not through me it's Jesus and he just flows through people who are believers these people are believers so if you need a healing in your body come on right now and let's um let our Usher's here at the aisles direct you towards someone come and receive your prayer right now if you need deliverance from you know depression and discouragement again knowing Jesus is the key to all of this and you just need to take these truths come forward let someone agree with you pray if for some reason you didn't respond to Johann and Brenda when they were sharing earlier if you need deliverance from some kind of thing if you don't know Jesus personally if you don't have the baptism of the Holy Spirit I can guarantee you that every one of these can Minister the baptism of the Holy Spirit to you and help you to receive so whatever your need is I encourage you to come and just let someone agree with you right now the rest of you we begin at what time in the morning what 9:30 we begin at 9:30 in the morning and I believe that Duane sheriff is up first how many I have never heard Duane sheriff you have not heard him wait raise your hands so I can see who has not well most of the people here have heard you Duane they loved you they came back but I tell you what Duane sheriff is awesome you're going to be blessed Wendell Parr will be up tomorrow morning it's going to be a great time also remember all of these booths out there we've got the McDermott's that are out there with her new book you can meet James and see what a heal person looks like that's awesome amen you can go visit with Johan Brenda and all of the people thank you for coming we'll see you in the morning 9:30 in the morning if you need prayer come forward and let someone agree with you right now [Music]
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 35,951
Rating: 4.8156996 out of 5
Id: Zrl5qmdsUB0
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Length: 181min 32sec (10892 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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