Chess Lesson with Poker Star Fedor Holz | Intermediate Strategy and Analysis

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perfect so this is like a game that you played  it's actually serves a very good example of   what you just talked about where you just get a  position and i'm gonna try to teach you a few kind   of not like general rules because you're already  at the level where general rule is not gonna work   but more pattern-based recognition uh you know in  this type of position this is what you should look   for uh kind of stuff uh that's as an intermediate  player that's where chess is the most interesting   so you know like for example you start out with  do you mostly play king spawn or mix i play okay   i mostly play if lately i've been playing mostly  e4 then d4 sometimes i like g3 as well and um   knight f3 i also sometimes play but that's it okay  so yeah you're you're totally like you just play   anything and okay got it yeah that's  it's a very it is very unique because   and that might tie back to the fact that you don't  want to feel like you're solving anything or just   doing some preparation because for example so  this guy plays like sicilian i even saw you   had a few games like this with with black like  sometimes you play sicilian right and in the   sicilian like in every set of openings there's  something called a gambit which i'm sure you   are familiar with do you are you how familiar  are you with it i suppose is a better question   with gamuts in general or yeah yeah yeah um i mean  familiar in terms of yeah i've seen i've seen a   couple um okay and i've never really studied much  so i just know from like what i do with these   matches what i've been doing actually is mostly  i play and then i re-watch it in uh with the   solver thing that the site offers yeah and i just  check because they're they're always like three or   four spots in the situation where i feel i'm kind  of hitting a roadblock and then i just want to see   what what the engine suggests and that's mostly  how i how i improve it's it's a little bit tricky um it's it's it's a little bit tricky i should  say when you get a lot of different positions   within the first 10 moves is the way i can  describe it so yeah you know for example   because every opening you play has a  structured kind of game plan so as far   as this one goes like you know you play  you play night out he plays d6 and now   generally speaking the move here that white  is supposed to play is d4 yeah which leads to   everything everything i like bishop b5 check this  is what's called like the second main line it's   the second most popular thing played here guy does  this you trade so oh that was my last game right   yeah maybe like literally might have  been the most recent game that you played   what do you know about bishop for nitrate like  anything like tell me tell me what you know um   i mean in general this is rather new i feel i  rather i value the bishops slightly more than uh   nights so i rather keep them on the board than  nights okay um and trading for me mostly depends   on what the result of the trade is uh because  obviously like there's this evaluation i've heard   now like when i learned as a kid it was three  points and three points but now i feel like it   seems to me that bishops are like what like 3.5  and uh and knight's only three is that is that   correct or like kind of the approximation the  idea of how they're generally valued uh yes it's   i guess it's it's debated but this is a very  good time to talk about this because alpha zero   like the google super computer i think came out  and said that knight is like 3.05 uh and and uh   bishop is three point three seven or something  like something very i don't know do you like   computer chess like what do you think yeah i think  it's interesting okay um so so in this specific   case i'm mostly thinking okay like each of these  each of these pieces has a certain value in the   context of all the other pieces and so i felt  like um this is one that i would like to trade but   you're probably gonna tell me now why i shouldn't  i don't know it's it's completely fine uh in fact   this is this is this is a decent trade for you  uh and and the point is that now one way for   you to think about this is you you've given up  your main light squared attacker right so your   dark squared bishop will never attack the light  squares anymore uh your two knights are 50 50.   so black now has an advantage on the light squares  because black has i guess like let's say you know   ten and five fifteen uh your two nights are five  but what i like that you do here is you play d3   uh because you're rebuilding on the  light squares to counteract the bishop   and here you can even play h3 this is actually  what the gm's usually do they play these two   moves together and now you see this bishop can't  really come out yeah i i actually remember i i was   thinking after i moved um that i liked h3 so it's  a oftentimes it's it's when i move that i realize   afterwards like oh there's a move that yeah  but i like more when you have a really solid   playing style it doesn't matter like you  castle okay like that's completely fine uh   your opponent plays e5 this is also you know this  is a good move already the center is more closed   uh closed position versus open position is way  i like to think about it more pawns on the board   uh because pawns are kind of like you know  the barrier between the two of you so here   you play a move i mean this is how i know you're  already like quite a strong player you play 92   i don't know if you know what this is called  it has a term you're rerouting your knight   right so uh and i'm sure i  don't even have to ask you   the point is that you can't go forward  so your knight is obviously better   so bishop g4 you go here because i i think this  is all good and now this is the position where   uh champions are going to be made so yeah it's  exactly it's interesting that you say that because   i'm realizing now yes i was rerouting my night  um but i actually feel like i i i kind of felt   later in the position that yes it it made sense  in the moment it's like okay there's not really   much value in that spot but actually i feel like i  rather i kind of want to attack on the queen side   um so it's it's it's interesting that you  say that uh in in these kinds of positions uh   it's let's say it's tough to pinpoint  exactly where you need to break through   i i don't think that you're going to be  able to attack on the queen side you did   you played like here here here to spoil  the surprise for the the viewers but um   essentially in any middle game  there's plans with our pawns   and then there's plans with our pieces so pawns  and pieces we can split that up so a pawn plan   can be either advancing somehow or offering some  sort of trade uh something called a pawn break   is in the position something that you'd like to  accomplish so for example two hypothetical moves on up like that if this trade happens  does this benefit your position like   what has that pawn trade done for the position yeah i mean i i personally like it more   because you like the open f file maybe you're  going to attack your bishop's active right   so yeah position is pretty good yeah i like it  but black has pawn breaks of their own so where   where are black spawn breaks i think you can  draw arrows with right click and drag right click yeah i mean i feel generally these make sense um i mean he could also do something like that very good yes very good  so you can rotate the knight backwards and you   can play something like f5 yeah all these  moves are interesting and it's the game is   going to go on so at this point it's probably  in the balance and it'll come down to you know   let me ask you just a conceptual question do you  think that you want to make this trade or keep the   pawn where it is i don't want to trade i mean it's  kind of i don't really i would actually probably first instinct was i don't want to trade that's interesting it's like my thought process  now was like okay i don't necessarily want to   trade because i kind of i don't want to release  this double pawn uh for him which i think e6 is a   pretty weak spot for him so i don't want to  like loosen that one um but then i also felt   like if he's trading and i have that single  pawn on e4 which is pretty damn weak too   so i'm not sure i i was like so-so yeah but  you're you're correct in that taking here actually   results in the undoubling of the pawns but the  better move c takes d5 is the second best i think   i felt like i would have done this just play  e5 probably with white just push the pawn yeah   okay yeah definitely or or just leave it there  but i'm gonna i'm gonna press you even on this uh   you see the night the night  takes back in the center   so this is the best move okay why but why is that  the best move conceptually i just want to hear   like you know i tell you it's the best movie why  would you explain that this is the best move um i mean it's pretty bad spot for my bishop  um interesting i can't find right away why why i mean you you gain the center and it's just just looking at this place i can't even  explain why just looking at it i would choose   uh black over white right now it it doesn't feel  great and it doesn't feel great because you have   to think every single time there's a trade  the position opens up more who wants an open   position the guy with the two bishops oh yeah that  makes sense yeah and you're i like the first thing   that you said you said uh i don't see something  right away so that would mean you look at the most   forcing moves for the opponent if you've watched  literally any video i have ever made or a stream   i always say checks captures attacks so you're  constantly looking at this you know you're looking   at this you're looking at maybe the queen  comes in the future it's a very dangerous   position because if something like this were to  happen that's going to be a problem right yeah   that does not look very good and i think it  just loses by force i think like bishop here   the rook has to protect i don't know this  doesn't look yeah just in general the whole   yeah yes uh so you're right you're absolutely  right you don't want to make this trade and for   for black these pawn breaks are good because they  benefit the bishop so all of that ties back to   this position so you have a pawn break that you  can make for yourself you can also look for piece   play which is something like this and evaluating  the trades or something like potentially getting   to that square this is not good because i'll take  take and now you've given me the big center yep   but it's still a game i mean  that's just an option for you   another option for you is this  knight rotating out this way   try to go here that fails for a tactical  reason so immediately black can play this move and that's a problem right so uh how are your  puzzle solving skills you like chess puzzles or   you like to just play i li i played a little bit  i like it um but i didn't didn't grind so i'm not   i feel like i'm okay i'm not i'm not super  trained at spotting it but i i think i'm okay   yeah again puzzles are this very deceptive  way of channeling your improvement because   you think that in a structured setting you do  everything correctly it's very different than   being out in the battlefield so uh in the game we  had c4 so c4 is it's not a mistake by any stretch   of the imagination but it locks your structure so  you are now locked into this pawn structure for   a while uh geigo's rook b8 that's not a  mistake queen a4 now you hit stuff i like this   and uh he plays this which blunder's a pawn but i  i was thinking i actually thought a minute also on   the spot because i i remember calculating this and  then i think i just have one square which is this i don't see your arrows are  you drawing arrows oh sorry   no yeah whoop oh so it only moves in my way okay  uh so if he goes this uh-huh i only have this   yes and then it's basically a draw because i just  have two squares where i can move back and forth   very nice so you saw this move that he can  he can take away your escape yeah so i was   i i didn't want to because i felt i'm in a better  position now so i just felt like i don't take   and take it later so this is very good bishop d7  queen a6 and you realize that you know you'll have   to repeat or you have to go down here and it's  it's bad it's not good now let me ask you so   let's draw these arrows a little visualization  exercise let's say here here here here okay   does this trap your queen no i can take okay  very good so you just it's very easy for you   to visualize that the bishop's in the way yeah but  still i don't like the position and you're right   you're you're actually completely correct um i  think because if if he goes bishop b7 like mike um in a pretty bad spot i feel or even yeah  even maybe just bishop d7 i don't know yeah actually here i can take away your queen's  squares right away before i even play bishop c8   so i can play something like like this and yeah  the queen the queen most likely is getting stuck   and you know in the game he did this you went back  and you took a second pawn which is very nice um   and then you've you kept focusing on that side of  the board but then he caught you yeah that was uh   i didn't see that one so let's let's let's play  from here rather than playing you know b4 and   focusing right we the lesson that we learned there  and that we're not going to make that same mistake   again because that's how chess works ideally you  get hit with something once and then you don't   make the same mistake again you just don't want  to lock your queen in with the other pieces   because something will happen somehow your your  queen's going to be stuck so rather than b4   take this to the next you know conversion like  like finish this game off you're up what two pawns   two pawns yeah yeah i mean it's i i generally i  still really like b4 as an idea um because late   i mean i definitely want to break through that way  and have a past pawn but i would right now i feel   obviously i i don't want to blunder my queen i  would probably go for something like knight f5   which i like i also i also like trying to somehow  get my knight to d5 which i haven't really thought   how that might work but um follow the path yeah i  mean maybe even the one on f3 going like e1 and c   uh e1 and c2 and just kind of seeing if because  right now i feel i'm in a pretty decent position   overall um i also like activating my my bishop  and uh on c1 and bringing the other rook over and   um then going something like b4 a4  and so on or or b4 b5 and so on so   um and then the last move that i can think of  is moving my queen back um yeah and then and   then maybe looking for this plan uh i think i  think knight f5 uh is is the best because it   it just threatens something and it improves your  position and i like i like knight f5 the most too   because it's something he immediately has to  respond to and might yeah might just blunder   yeah of course it's the overloaded queen and  if if rook to a8 um you know you can take   and obviously if it takes then takes but i  play something like here uh it might even be   good for you to take everything just sacrifice  your queen and make three pieces even though   it might not be comfortable sacrificing your queen  because it's yeah no big no i'm i think it's i   think this is good you're a poker player so you  play eevee just evie yes exactly you know i get   three pieces it doesn't matter about my queen  whereas some players are like oh my queen no no   it's if i get three pieces then then it's all good  um yeah probably probably like queen d2 is also combine these ideas and then go this way yeah  that's also another option so uh closed position   pawn breaks and you already dude you're like a  freaking grandmaster of peace reroutes i mean   conceptually people really struggle with  like several night moves you know to get   to a better square you're like i need to get  there how do i do that so it's really good   it's it's really good to see that uh for the  sicilian in in e4 one thing that you could   try if you want you could play the grand prix  close sicilian i don't know if you have you   heard of the grand prix close sicilian i've  only i've only heard of it because i've seen   your and hikaru's video on openings and i've seen  that it ranked in i think it was legendary tier   but i did not check uh what it is exactly  generally speaking you you have to   you have to think about it from the perspective of  taking an opponent out of their comfort zone so uh   if you know that the guy plays the sicilian they  might have bought the most recent openings course   on the magnus sicilian you know because magnus  carlsen plays this sicilian or they play the   dragon sicilian which a lot of beginners play  like this and if you play close sicilian 90   of their expertise in the sicilian goes like out  the window okay now they have to deal with you and   if then you play in the same way exactly the same  way that you do but you don't develop your knight   you develop the f pawn something like f4 this will  become very useful when when later you're castled   because you'll you'll have a king  here your rook will be more open   and you can use the pawn to attack so in a  perfect world it looks something like this   where of your very solid structure you trade it  off that bishop then you'll build up for this move   with either you know this this this or even  rotating your queen this way so again the   benefit of playing f2 to f4 is that suddenly the  queen's in the attack and it's difficult because   again you're you come from poker so i want to give  you the best chances of winning the game and and   having like a smooth transition from opening to  middle game but you also don't want to feel like   you're just you know try hard preparation and  you're just going to try to beat people as fast   as possible so uh but the grand prix is really  interesting and just in general these non-knight   f3 sicilians just with f4 or something would be  something that you consider uh there was another another game that i saw yeah this is this game  this game i didn't look at this with my stream   but i was doing my preparation you had black in  this game you i mean i've played some pretty wild   games lately so it's just no wild is i don't  know i wouldn't i wouldn't call it i was like   wild in terms of i there were some massive  blunders in there where i was running out of time   because i sometimes i really like to take  my time and think about just just thinking   through even though if i lose the game on time  i don't care just because i like the spot so   no yeah there were some i think that lost in a  lot of the pog champs lessons is like you know   a good lesson for like a 14 1500 rated player to  try to get to 17 1800. that's like that's hard   i mean at that level you're you're really you're  you're deep in a lot of battlegrounds a lot of   your games should go 30 40 moves because you're  not making silly mistakes uh do you know how to   flip it so that you you see it from black's  perspective i have it black okay perfect so   yeah uh d4 d5 will lead to some of the most  solid kind of defenses queen's gambit declined   with bishop before what do you usually do  against this setup so what's your game plan   one one question yeah i uh so normally i what  i just this is actually an i've never actually   really looked into theory there the only  stuff i remember is um something like this   developing oops that was wrong okay not i don't  know yet how to delete but oh just left click   anywhere or or just re-drag with the right okay  no it doesn't work um so just something like   knight to d7 knight f6 c6 um that's kind of  the moves i remember uh from queen's gambit yeah queen there there's chapters  so that's the best way to think   about it there's there's branches you know  queen's gambit is just d4 c4 against the   pawn if you don't play it obviously it's  not a game but it's just the setup but   uh the the best way to play this uh is save this  move don't play don't play this move yet okay   this is the you know in my opinion this is this is  the best i like i like this kind of initial setup   and then i really like uh the setup where the  bishop comes to b4 which is what you did in   this particular case you ended up having to  trade because he just offered you a trade   of bishops and that's fine uh the problem with c6  is that again you traded your dark squared bishop   so now you're rebuilding on the light squares so  your setup is very solid but it's very passive   i don't know if that's something you experience  when you play with the black pieces but   it's not always so pleasant so but this is a bad move yeah why uh i couldn't give you a proper explanation it  just feels just feels bad yeah yeah it's it it   doesn't do enough it's it's like a waste and  it's just like i think to me it just feels like   oftentimes i'm not thinking like oh this is a bad  move for this and this reason it's just compared   to other moves also it relatively just feels like  it's not accomplishing anything so i feel in this   situation i just really want to develop my epon  to open up my bishop to castle to just do more   than c5 i feel like is not i don't have the the  bishop anymore so i feel c5 is not accomplishing   much right here and it's just rather weakening my  structure so i don't really like that move so much or his yeah yeah no and i mean exactly what  you said like e5 is a good move i know it   seems weird to like be analyzing move five or six  in the position but it's important because it's   it's kind of conceptually understanding  why a move like this is inaccurate so   i like all this and you're right you need  to push for for this but that happened   so not really now basically if you play queen  e7 and e5 yeah your position's perfect like   it's exactly what you want yeah opening in  the center winning the battle for the center   whether it's through trading a pawn or something  like this like black is happy here black is very   happy because bishop castle this is weak these  pawns are something that's called over extended   it's because they're not they  have no future moving forward   but in the game he did like very aggressive pawn  pushes uh and bishop e2 very nice now i like this   i like rook b8 i think it's a good move just  activating the rook uh you can also play e5 now because if he takes for a moment you  just move and both pawns are under attack so like just for a moment it's very it's very  difficult i mean you're i'm not you're not   going to go here but the point is that this  knight is defending this night and this pawn if he castles uh at least this knight will not  be able to protect this pawn any longer but   rook b8 is good it's a good move uh now again  here i'm the the best move for black is uh   it's it's advanced i mean it's not a b it's not  a beginner concept which is why this lesson is so   great the best move is bishop a6 it's interesting  because i i um i remember that game as well and   i thought about this move already like the past  four moves i i kind of saw it and i liked it but i   didn't see what it accomplishes much in this exact  spot because it's basically okay i trade and then   i have my queen there um so i think  that's where i felt like oh okay   like i because i don't see an immediate  reason why i don't do it kind of thing   yeah it's it's difficult because in queen's  gambit positions what you just said you don't   see an immediate plus or minus but conceptually  speaking your bishop sucks but you've completely   rebuilt everything already and it has no future on  this side see if your bishop was on f5 black would   probably be better the position would simply  be better right now it's equal probably but   because your bishop would be much  stronger than the counterpart   but on this square at least you trade and then  and then life goes on and as i just said last   game you're gonna have to win this game with  your pieces and your pawns and with your pawns   most likely it's going to be this what about  what about this and then developing the bishop   through this side isn't this isn't this better  uh so you mean it like what happened in the game   oh did it you played rookie eight yeah so i guess  you were trying to set this up so yes that also   would be a plan now white should work very quickly  to stop that from happening uh but you're you're   100 right rookie 8 and trying to push up like  this is is also very good now actually what i   should do there is i shouldn't even take yeah that  makes sense i should leave it and make you take   i still cannot move the knight the knight  b3 is a is an okay move it's not not a great   move queen before uh beer i like yeah i like  queen c7 more what do you think about that   queen c7 is definitely better from these  two games i notice you hunt with your queen   hunting some very active queen play but  it it the queen needs to have a target or   the queen needs to be untouchable  so put it on a square like this where it just monitors stuff you know but it's  not a target it cannot be targeted i mean queen   c1 is a trade it's not a target uh i like queen  c7 i think queen c7 might have been the best   uh very tough to tell what's the  best here but i like this the most   and try to push for e5 yes definitely i mean  probably also this this this then becomes again   that might be an upside for  your idea of uh bishop a6   yes if you if you put the the queen out this  way you'll at least always have bishop a6 or   even queen a4 i mean queen a4 doesn't look like  it does much but queen c7 definitely you see   you give him ideas now by putting the queen  here and he plays a5 knight d2 um and then   you know makes this trade and then plays queen  b3 this guy's got a very solid playing style   he immediately trades your queen and what  do you notice about this pawn over extended   it's overextended it's actually it's  crazy we can't defend that pawn and   we're playing without the presence of the  bishop so a5 knight knight a a4 knight a5   and now you play here with an interesting idea uh  to try to play knight c3 but he plays bishop d1   which is very it's very professional professional  move yeah it's a bad move but it's a professional   move what what should he do here ah probably stop  you from playing knight c3 or something like rook   c1 yeah i was about to mark the same man or or  how about this rook here walking into this fork   but then he takes the knight yeah so the real  question is oops who is better here let's say play well king h1 is actually surprisingly  better than king f1 let's test your uh your   your tactic skills why is king f1 not so great i  mean i mean i'm immediately thinking uh bishop a6   but that is gonna be the point yes   but i can't right so well how do you make  bishop a6 possible while also dealing damage knight g3 yes but knight g3  i just moved my king right   and then you haven't won anything you would  deal damage by at least taking one pawn okay   yeah that makes sense yeah and now if i take then  bishop a6 and actually black is winning black is   winning because you're winning the rook for free  and it's discovered check but seeing that in the   span of a game is tough because you just see this  and you go oh [ __ ] you know i got all right   and um that's why king h1 is better and from  a strategic standpoint black is pretty screwed   uh i don't know how you're gonna fight back  here he plays bishop d1 and i like i like a3 um   and then you came up with this idea to  sacrifice your own pawn but go for this guy yeah it didn't work out entirely well but uh it  didn't oh but this is this is great so the last   five moves from here from here to here it looks  like not much has changed but he won your c6 pun   yeah but at what cost to quote thanos i think at  what cost did he win upon i mean basically most   likely losing this one or at least having to park  his work at a1 and yes it's getting a bit messy   yeah so there's already some middle and  end game stuff here he won your pawn which   was the biggest weakness that was your biggest  weakness there's just no question i mean it was   stuck no pawns can defend it um and i'll show you  also how to just avoid this kind of pawn structure   but you did great you locked down that  pawn and now i would play rook b8 here no this should be five which is not a bad  move because maybe you were thinking to go   here but i like i like this one more because  then off now i'm blocking i'm blocking the   path so i like the other the other way around  i like it more i think i think i was yeah but   it should be five is definitely not not some  sort of and also there's a very famous trap here   which a lot of beginners blunder unfortunately  you're not playing you know beginners it's like   this trap they attack the rook and then they run  into this i think i think he did that later really   i think so yeah i think that's how i won the  game man okay perfect so your pressure paid off   uh yeah i think right here's another  instructive moment rather than defend your pawn   i think sacrificing it and getting really active  pieces is the way to go would be too which is   really difficult to kind of conceptualize  at first but the point is you're completely   dominating him he cannot move anything at all  and he plays knight e5 you just attack his knight   here you keep attacking him just can't  move any pieces like he can't move his   rook it's night this night and so on  but yeah in the game you you got it to   an end game and yes i do see rook  c1 and then he blunders 92 check   yeah tragic tragic tragic tragic uh here you  are in trouble but only if he plays king f1 to just not get hit with that mm-hmm that's and and then he starts  but again you i mean you still have your   rook a4 rook b8 etc to try to you know bring  down here but he should have been patient with   these pawns and instead he ran them down the board  and the last 20 moves of the game is just you uh stalling for fun because you like no i had  like i had like five seconds left oh yeah   it's do you play with bonus time or  no bonus i should i should though it's mo i i'm like one third of my  games i'm uh 50 seconds less or less so yeah i you know increment i don't play increment  i play three minute basically always uh even five   minute is like too fast and i've played some  30 second games i was i think as fast as i ever   played i've said i've seen uh maraditsky play some  that's just oh yeah that's absolute insanity yeah   he the fact that he's even able to play quality  chess it's i was watching i i think i wouldn't be   like it was hard to follow and i don't even  know how he plays like it's incredible so   for uh oh wow whoops i was following we just  did these sub battles earlier and i had a guy   this game just started so for the opening  in um in queens pawn if you play d4 d5   uh knight f3 i recommend knight f6 okay  because it's the most flexible move you're   gonna play this move no matter what and you  the thing is you don't block in your bishop   yeah i actually it's so interesting because i i  think i remember i was like 10 or 9 or something   and one of the first things they told  us like oh you have to you have to play   kind of like it was e6 um knight f6 and uh c6 and  knight d7 i remember this was the thing we learned   and i remember as a child always thinking this  is so dumb that like the that we cannot develop   the knight on c8 at all so i actually  i do like keeping that option open   so this uh d5 and knight f6 is basically  always going to happen uh i like to keep the   option for the bishop out here for example if  white plays queen's gambit style then you do need   to keep the bishop a little bit more restrained  i'll tell you why the biggest danger is queen b3 and that queen move will put pressure on  both your sender and the b7 pawn and it   can be tricky to recover if you get caught  in the opening with some crap like this so   uh it's it's better to keep it up but if white  plays like g3 okay great boom we're happy   and then this will be defended because in the  future we always have queen c8 or even just b6 c6   bishop's out not to mention i mean if you really  want to be exotic you strike me as a very solid   player but uh you want something exotic exotic is  good i mean a long castle so like this you know   between d7 go for bishop h3 castle long but  very it could be dangerous because white can   attack your king as well i'm getting asked isn't  this a reverse london yes is a reverse london or   if you'd like another option is  to go all the way for the night and just like in that first game we analyze  like bishop nitrate what this does for this   what this does for the center of the board is  you'll rebuild on the light squares you traded   your light squared bishop but then the move c5 is  super useful for black in queen's gambit positions   uh because it it's basically you're  doing the same thing back to them   if that makes sense and that will help  you develop all your pieces more actively so in a queen's gambit with let's say very  standard so go play bishop b4 and then i'll   show you kind of how to put it all together  like how to put the entire structure together   uh so bishop b4 from black   yeah you you can play it you can play it anymore  yeah yeah you can yeah i do you have that power uh   basically the rule is if the bishop gets attacked  then you take the knight if not then uh completely   okay and you'll try to castle so let's say you  know i don't know e3 something like castles   black what but what's the what's the main  move here isn't the main move for white a3 or   well the main move a gm level main movement 1400  level could be slightly different uh we could look   at a3 sure a3 is a good thing to start with let's  say a3 what's gm level play here like knight like   bishop d2 or a knight d2 or so this is the ragosan  defense uh gm's generally play bishop to g5 so you each pin uh and i mean there's a lot of  there's a lot of different things but normally   black blows up the center with something  like c5 or you can take the pawn   and try to run away with it  so for example if i play e3   you use this pin you play b5 oops and now  i'm not able to win this back so easily   because of the pin normally i would just take  this guy but now it's impossible and if a4   you have to guard with the correct pawn regard  with the c pawn if you guard with the a pawn   that that would be tragic so we don't want that  to happen but there's like ways to kind of grab   the pawn early and and and not let it go i  mean you also can literally play the queen's   gambit accepted and the queen's gambit accepted  is interesting it's not great if you don't like   to play with a giving away the center but there's  a lot of ways to try to hang on to this pawn like   playing a very quick a6 and b5 so if i play  like you know e3 uh there's positions where   you can just hang on to this pun for dear  life and just say okay i have an extra pawn   develop my pieces but i i like to go  like this against queen's gambit accepted   my light squared bishop out e6 knight  bishop castle everything is good   as far as these positions go that you're playing  with the queen's gambit declined there's this   bishop b4 option which puts some pressure  like i said and the very classical approach   of bishop back to e7 which you said that that's  what they taught you um and i'll tell you that   this is all good this is great but don't just rush  this move don't just rush this move uh play b6 and then you have to go for  the c5 move at some point i'm generally like generally uh g6 or like fiance  feels uh not in this position but generally like   b6 g6 like fianchetto feels so good i feel  it's just something i would like to learn   more about i never really i started playing it  a bit more but uh i feel it's just so strong   it's it's v it's very good actually i what  i started doing is i started experimenting   with toothy and ketos against everything uh except  against king's pawn so if it's like c4 for example   i'll play like b6 i'm like this  i give away the center for now   but then i'll play like and i'll do some weird  stuff with the pawn structure so even a position   where they have full space like this is not  so scary if you know what you're doing um
Channel: GothamChess
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, Pogchamps, master chess, chess instruction, chess commentary for beginners, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, master chess moves, hikaru nakamura, youtube chess, chess gambit, chess opening for beginners, chess opening strategy, gmhikaru, gmhikaru gothamchess, intermediate chess lesson, advanced chess lesson, gothamchess lesson, gothamchess openings, fedor holz, fedor holz poker, fedor holz doug polk
Id: Y-H0avsLu2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 25sec (2725 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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