Got pulled over with an illegal Lobster? - Limited out Florida Keys Lobstering! [Catch Clean Cook]

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[Music] [Music] good morning welcome back to life by the bow i'm stephanie for those of you who are new this is clay and today is amazing because it's the start of mini season so the lives are out there and hopefully we can catch a few clay's saving his breath right now so he's he's going to be doing the first dive so that's right let's see if he can bring a few up right yeah that's a hundred percent right lobster mini season is a huge deal here in the florida keys the same way we just went to crystal river and we went scalloping and we have our tradition of doing so families all around the state of florida and who knows even maybe outside of florida come down here to the keys every year after these delicious lobster not only are they delicious they're super easy and fun and rewarding to catch not so much easy we think it's easy because we've been doing it for years however on the other hand we're going to make it easy for you guys because we're going to show you exactly how to catch them give you all the tips and tricks you'd ever want to know and then later on in the day we're going to take them back to the kitchen and this woman is going to do something really really special with them [Applause] here we are the first stop of the day and we're going to be covering all the bases today basically how to catch lobster where to find good lobster spots i would say this is probably one of the easiest places to start just because it's near shore we're right off of a grass flat we're going to be diving some of these little finger channels and inside of the channels there's little tiny little ledges um they're sponges and this is a great place to start in order to find lobster later on in the day i think we might move a little further offshore but i would say as far as finding the lobster this is probably one of the easiest places to start however it's very very difficult because there's a very hard current that flows through these channels so if you're not a good swimmer this is not something i suggest so we're gonna hop in real quick i'm gonna see if i can get my limit and then we're just going to walk you through absolutely everything we're doing and pack it with as much information as possible so i actually measured this lobster twice uh you actually don't want to remove these from the water unless you're absolutely a hundred percent sure they're legal they have to be measured in the water not once they get inside of the boat so we're gonna throw him on ice got the first lobster of the day baby foreign got two of that rudd what about my dough for sure is legal because i caught this one first i was able to measure him i'm gonna measure the second one see if he's good to go you'd go ahead and put that one on ice all right let me just double check triple check yeah this one's good both good baby nice [Music] here three more got my limit how's it going yeah just to make sure talk to me right so if it drops it's not legal so that's not illegal right right if it drops it let me have okay do you care that we're filming no no man that's fine i know you guys are yeah i know this little girl i know i probably had i know your father yeah and grandfather yeah for a long time see he's good so he's good yours is a little bigger yes yours is a little bigger to give you a little bit but see mine doesn't drop and this is a certified cage so you're fine on that one perfect i appreciate that so much okay hey you guys remember the um the dive flag while you're in the channel is 100 feet from the boat yeah and while you're in open ocean is 300. yes all right thanks so much all right guys we'll see you later four got two more that i got by livid i'm gonna open up that box i'm gonna toss them in [Music] [Music] so this one on the left i've already measured i know he's good this one i actually grabbed while i had this one in my hand so i didn't get a chance to measure him but that current is ripping okay that's the legal one we measure this one jimmy good well it's good baby i got my limit we've been diving this particular area for years and once we get our limit we get out we try something new that's exactly what we're about to do right now do a little spot hopping [Music] [Music] so clay just found the lobster let's see if i can hop in and get one myself [Music] he came out of the hole started crawling around gave me the perfect opportunity to drop the net on him you always want to place the net behind the lobster because they swim backwards so that's exactly what i did and here we got it [Music] woohoo this girl didn't even give me a chance to film her she just saw the lobster and shoot straight down at the bottom didn't even wait for me we just measured him in the water better not drop my lobster he was legal down there in the water but we'll go ahead put another measure on him and boom he is well over three inches catching lobster is pretty self-explanatory whether it's offshore grass ledges or inshore sponges if you can find structure where they seek refuge in a lot of cases you can find lobster but you must be 300 feet from shore with the dye flag in order to catch lobster legally as you've seen here we are using a tickle stick to gently push the lobster out of their hole while not being too forceful where they may get spooked as i mentioned once you push the lobster out you want to drop the net from behind since lobsters split backwards however you'll notice earlier in the video clay was catching lobster by hand the reason why is because when he's catching them in shallow burrows he was able to just reach in and remove them from their hole on the other hand if you're new to lobstering i suggest using a net and tickle stick you can actually do a lot of damage to the lobster when catching them with your bare hands therefore you should try to never catch lobster unless you are 100 sure that it's legal to harvest though lobsters have very hardy shells it's very easy to break their legs and antennas which is imperative to their survival just like spear fishing the key is to train your eyes under water based on what's legal and what's not that way when you attempt to harvest the lobster you're only removing what you're going to keep rather than leaving a little damaged lobster behind [Music] that was awesome this is one of the most successful days i think you've ever had lobstering right yeah last year i struggled to hold my breath i mean this year i still am but honestly you know what you're capable of doing yeah so i mean as long as you're relaxed then that's the key yeah stay relaxed and you can hold your breath even longer so my biggest struggle is when i start to swim really fast after the lobster it exhausts me so exactly it really makes me come back up for air so that's the struggle really swimming yeah but my whole thing is just don't be afraid to push the limit a little bit just because you feel like you need a breath you don't necessarily always need that so if you need that extra little kick go after that lobster and as soon as you got them shoot back up as hard as you can but that's exactly how it happened right there good job [Music] that was awesome gotta live it baby you know the kind of exhausted we're just like you're so tired but you feel so good that's how i feel right yeah me too today was unreal not only did me stephanie and our camera guy anthony get our limit of lobster but the weather was perfect people dream of days like today and we're beyond blessed to experience exactly what you guys witness here today i mean great weather a thriving fishery and the ability to go out each and every day to learn and this is why we live here in the florida keys but of course all good days come to an end so we made the decision to head home but on our way we received a text from lori hargrave host of florida sportsman best boat and she mentioned that she had some fans of ours at the sandbar so we decided to drop in and hang out with everyone before we actually head home [Music] so the sandbar was awesome it's pretty sweet talking to all those amazing people but here we are back at the dock and this is something that you're just not going to hop off the boat without doing you got to take your limit picture in our case this is our limit video so as we're sitting here showing off all the lobster that we caught today we're going to show you how we ring them and how we prepare them to eat there's a lot of meat in the heads however we do not prepare and eat the heads stephanie just dropped the tickle stick in the water and just dropped the tie flag as well i don't know what this girl is doing but one thing i know is we're cleaning lobster and basically what you want to do is you just want to grab hold this carapace right here fold his tail over and then all you're going to do is just twist that right out a lot of people like to stick their lobsters in live wells i like to stick mine on ice just because i like them to be dead before i actually do this but before we actually dispose of this we're going to take his antenna and we're going to break it off now we're going to get rid of that and here's why we hang on to this we're going to do is we're going to break it up a little higher so we have nothing but a stiff antenna as you can see it's not flimsy and what we're going to do stick it up as behind right go all the way up there and once we go all the way up if it doesn't come out the bottom you can typically pull it out of the top here that's going to clean out all of his nasty stuff and he is ready to eat let's see some lobster baby [Music] all right so tonight i made a lobster biss the only thing i didn't do was i didn't blend it um i kind of like to taste the lobster itself so i don't really want to blend all of it in together so basically it's nice and chunky oh yeah it's nice and chunky that's delicious isn't it it was really good however like we'd already mentioned unbelievable day unbelievable lobstering absolutely insane thank you guys so much for watching this far in the video and i thought i'd like to mention our hats are back in stock so get them while they're still there anything you want to say yeah i mean overall we've had just an amazing day and for those of you who want to go and try it seriously it was one of the best experiences of my life like i really enjoyed it i felt like it was more so like the fact that i was able to stay down that really i felt like i accomplished something and just it was always a big struggle of mine so you know it's like goals check and one thing i can say too these summer months it gets really hot so being able to get in the water and catch your dinner versus being up in a scorching hot boat with a rod and reel and waiting there's nothing better than getting in there and seeing it and catching it visually but one thing i see visually is the soup underneath me so i really want to eat it so we're going to let you guys go we will see you next week in the bahamas oh yeah so watch out for the bahamas video all right we'll see you guys all right guys thanks so much bye
Channel: Life By the Bow
Views: 151,688
Rating: 4.9101834 out of 5
Keywords: lobstering, floirda lobster, florida lobster, lobster catching video, lobster, spiny lobster, florida keys, mini lobster season limits, catch clean cook, catch and cook, catching lobster, how to catch lobster, girl free diving, pulled over fishing, lobster season, lobsters, crayfishing
Id: 4y0R9FCP7Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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