144 HOURS LIVING IN A CANOE (6 days off the grid in the Boundary Waters)

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38min video of adventure. hell yeah great video

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cheami πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dusty and Nate have the same exact face and it trips me up so much haha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zombieguts7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why are they blurring logos now? Seems very weird

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/j021 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sarah has such great energy!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hello_amy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The way they kept pronouncing "portage" - is that how Americans say it or is it just K&N? Here in Canada it's pronounced with the French "age" suffix like massage or entourage.

Had a good laugh over their shock over the mosquitos coming out as soon as the sun went down! Can't say that was ever my favourite part of canoe trips.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/princess_eala πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Gonna assume they bought non-resident fishing licenses in MN and a RABC (remote area border crossing permit)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OldJay7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was a really enjoyable video. Their whole series of Nate biking the Colorado trail was my favorite set of videos of theirs, so I am really looking forward to watching these next couple.

Also does this make those who always complain about them being too elite and out of touch feel better? They are camping in the wilderness for 7 days. Hauling a ton of gear. Crapping in the woods. No showers. No internet. Eating ramen noodles and instant potatoes. This isn't exactly living the life of luxury. Gotta give them credit for doing these type of things when they easily could be chilling in a relaxing, expensive location.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/foxmag86 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Life jackets don't help unless you wear them.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MaryLibrarian πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
my adrenaline is pumping so hard right now oh my goodness hey there's a bear hey hey listen it's coming towards us this video is sponsored by celsius when we set this goal to visit all 50 states we ask everyone to fill out a form telling us what we should do in their state by far the most recommended thing to do in minnesota was to canoe the boundary waters so after flying home from spain we picked up the van in nashville and drove 16 hours north pretty much to the canadian border we are about to pick up the canoe that is going to be our home for the next six days i don't know if we're about to embark on a week-long survival challenge or if this is going to be more of an enjoyable vacation what i do know is that everything that we need to survive for the next six days is in these bags to make it even more exciting we didn't pack these bags our last few weeks have been crazy we didn't get home from our flight until 1am and nate's brother and his wife packed all of this for us they're joining us on the trip they've done most of the planning and um they've done 100 of the planning we just showed up most importantly we have a single roll of toilet paper who decided we only need one okay i did pack my clothes bag and i'm very proud to show you that everything that i'm going to wear for six days is in this tiny packing cube i'm proud of you thank you pillow this is my poetry bag our kitchen it is a pot with a stove oh a head nut poncho is this a coffee mug rope for i don't know fuel oh he has so many sparks tent inflatable lantern sleeping pad this is unnecessary luxury pillow a sleeping bag this is it minus camera stuff honestly this tiny camera bag weighs more than the big bag oh wait there's one one more oh my gosh last but not least it's all the food that we have for four people for six days and it will be on our backs here we go feels real now nate where are you planning on bringing your toothbrush are you serious what would i have done but i made one out of a tree i'm much more worried now someone told us the state bird of minnesota is a mosquito i don't think that's true but it feels that way after being here for a couple hours let's go this video is sponsored by celsius i don't think we've gotten more than six hours of sleep in a night in the past week and i'm pretty sure we're still jet-lagged so this stuff has been fueling us for the past few days and will continue to fuel us through this trip cheers so i guess my question would be you know have you guys all been to the boundary waters before first time for everybody yeah what is the realistic chance we'll see a bear uh that's pretty realistic i would say but they're black bears right they're like big raccoons the biggest thing is like keeping a clean camp just like you would in any bear country i think that made me feel better i would say talk to it like a misbehaved dog just told to get out of there yell at it yeah so we just got our root briefing for the trip sarah's the one that's done all of the planning where's your confidence level after talking to the guy i'm feeling maybe eight out of ten maybe nine out of ten nine out of ten okay my confidence is slightly dropped i'm just picturing us like thinking we're going this way and then all of a sudden we're in canada that could actually be what you don't want to do is just put your map away and paddle for like three hours we ordered a gps device which we thought we were going to be using for navigation turns out it just has an emergency button and they come rescue you if you're going to die this is our only form of navigation for the next six days it'll be okay what could go wrong how hard can it be let's do this oh my goodness i'll do the cheers to not having to push the 911 button cheers wow there's so much energy i thought we started with the portage this is not on our maps did it go this way or this way here we go here goes nothing nate are you sure you should be in charge of that who has navigated us through 100 countries ow oh it's so cold okay there he goes oh my gosh he just dumped a gallon of water to start off that's awesome i was sending this one out here for you we've got a food bag whatever's in my bag kara's bag two life jackets electronics a paddle i think this is a pretty manageable amount of stuff until we have to carry it sarah what's the longest you've ever spent a canoe how many hours maybe like two and a half okay what's the one max two hours i'm gonna go three hours just to make myself feel better okay so the longest all of us have ever spent in a canoe is measured by hours and not days and this is the start of a six-day canoe trip here goes nothing y'all are great this is our first paddle so where are we going i have no idea boundary waters i am just coming to the realization of how different the next six days are gonna be i feel like up until this point it's been like rush rush rest get everything together okay we gotta go we flew from this country we're here we gotta drive as fast as we can and then they dropped us off and it's just quiet just listen i am really really looking forward to this how cute are our matching hats you're doing great keep up the good work this is going to be a long way to paddle by myself we're going to hit a rock i thought you were like thank you we were going to scrape on a rock not that there was an iceberg sticking out of the lake wow look what happened we're both paddling how do we stop we just hit something there's no way we just go until we hit something i don't like that that's the first paddle we did it this should be interesting show us how it's done eight nice all right these canoes are kevlar so they only weigh 40 pounds but it's amazing how awkward 40 pounds can be when it's distributed over 15 feet so basically this entire trip is going to be moving between little lakes in order to make a big circle so you have to do what's called portages and that's carrying all our stuff from one lake to the next sarah you look super comfortable you can't straighten up or it'll fall this is our food bag the heaviest out of everything portages are measured in rods and this first ported to 75 rods we're about to figure out what we've really gotten ourselves into okay all right team pants are falling down so far we're about 45 minutes into this adventure and it's seeming a lot more like a seven day survival challenge it's not easy this is the first of many rods that we're gonna be walking this trip good news is food back's just gonna get lighter and lighter deep i'm going to be honest for some reason i was expecting minnesota to be flat where else there i see water yes portage one done i just got to figure out how to set this thing down i feel like maybe i'll just okay i'll just lay the back side down like this and then oh no i'm dying i'm actually choking okay here we go you made it give me it that was worse than i thought it was going to be it was worse i thought it was a little better than i expected all right we're already stopping for a little lunch break this is our charcuterie rock very excited about this dusty do you feel like you're back on the bike trip the first day is already going so much better than the bike trip i didn't feel like this until like day 10 of the bike trip it's huge oh my gosh hey people there's a bear oh it's huge oh my goodness we've been out here for maybe two hours hey hey hey get out of there hey there's a bear wow get out here bear get out of here hey it is not scared of us at all my adrenaline is pumping so hard right now there's a huge bear going through other people's stuff i don't know where the people are i've done my best to scare it away but i'm not risking my life to save these people's back get out of here listen it's coming towards us is it over here yeah it is he's trying to get that back country charcuterie oh my gosh he smelled our cutery okay so uh no more charcuterie boards for lunch i guess man that was nuts what a start to the trip it was just like a giant dog i have a little bit of regret from that bearing counter i chose to try to save the other people's bag and scare the bear away hey hey instead of getting good shots with the zoom lens and then the people came back and they didn't even care it was like dragging your bag around and it's it's literally like right here they're like oh there cool i'm like no your whole bag would have been gone for the rest of your trip if i wouldn't have been here scaring it away they didn't even thank us in almost all situations my first instinct is to pull out the camera but apparently my survival instinct when i saw a bear was stronger now we have to see another one i believe from here we have about a half mile paddle across duncan lake until we get to our next portage before we paddle any further we want to tell you a little bit more about celsius the timing of this could not have worked out better not only were we running on very little sleep coming into this trip but as you'll see this week has been pretty physically demanding as well so we've definitely needed that extra boost celsius is an energy drink but unlike any we've had before the reason i don't drink energy drinks typically is because they're usually filled with things that i don't want to put in my body but my favorite part about celsius is there is zero sugar no aspartame and no high fructose corn syrup instead of all of those things celsius has ingredients like ginger guava and green tea oh and it's actually delicious so in order to have coffee out here it's a big ordeal we're still doing that in the morning because kara's addicted but we've replaced our normal afternoon coffee with celsius it's much more enjoyable plus i feel like i get a little extra boost hot powdered coffee is not what you want to be drinking on a hot afternoon it typically comes in a can but cans weren't allowed in the boundary water so thankfully it also comes in these little travel packs which were much easier to carry on our backs anyway the way that we've been getting clean water on this trip is with this magic bottle we just scoop up some nice cold lake water filter it with this thing and then we pour the filtered water into this water bottle add the celsius shake and that's it if you're going on an adventure two or you're looking for a healthy energy drink we highly recommend celsius specifically their new tropical vibe flavor and you can get it by clicking the link in the description below [Music] we did it yeah i keep forgetting about my hat yeah these hats are a terrible idea no i love my hat ported just five rods longer than the last we can do it oh no darn it kind of sounds like a pterodactyl when the tree rubs against the top of the canoe what's that picture a pterodactyl sounding like at least it's not like it's crazy heavy there's just this really intense pressure on my shoulder and my neck now i hope the people that rented us these canoes don't watch this video should have worked out some more you're hurting [Music] you're gonna go swim yeah let's do it if we're not to do this what are we here for wow [Music] wow that was a nice break this is already better than i expected good luck guys this is terrifying they're so large that's a lot of stairs so far this is going better than expected don't get too confident you can't see what's in front of me right now but there's about a hundred more stairs and if i fall i'm going all the way to the bottom and it really feels like every man for himself on these portages i think each person's struggling and everybody just gets quiet goes into their own little world and gets through it at least that's what i'm doing everybody else could be behind me having fun i'm not sure almost there i see water yes good work still trying to figure out the best way to unload this thing look at this lake does it get any more beautiful than that we just made it to our third and final lake of the day which is rose lake and this is where we're going to find a place to camp tonight but we still have about a mile of paddling left have we gone a mile yet it's so hard to know like how long we've been out here and how far we've gone don't worry good night wow that's a good fish he's gonna tip the boat over oh my gosh come on wow that's like a two pound small mouth i think it was your uh captain paddling you to the perfect spot two in a row let's compare oh we should have brought a scale you think yours is bigger yours is prettier is bigger do a flip for us good work there he goes be free little fish here we go i feel so nostalgic right now the whole first summer that nate and i started dating we did this every night she acted like she enjoyed fishing while we were dating and then once she had me it's been a few years what do you think i love it my dad bought me this tent when i graduated high school so i could go camping in college and i think that was the last time it's been set up wow super speed well it took about 10 minutes and i would say it went surprisingly smoothly good that was gross no no there we go you're gonna pass out this is called a sleeping pad basically the goal is to put a couple inches of air between you and the hard ground time to make this tent a home it said it was luxury on the front that's a buchanan family heirloom now i just need to put on some essential oils maybe bring a plant in here go make some dinner dinner options for tonight we have spicy peanut butter ramen darn good chili butter and herb fettuccine red beans and rice plain potato flakes tortilla soup mix vegetable beef soup mix we got some couscous and then we have lots of these little rice dishes i missed it can you show me again i think i gotta go with the classic spicy peanut butter ramen i can't wait i actually could not wait food tastes so good when you're camping these peanut butter pretzels the best thing i've ever put them out no that's not good get the lighter let me see if it's leaking it's leaking so funny come on water boil finally peanut butter ramen one of my favorite meals in the world even when i'm not camping it's very spicy i put the whole packet of spice in here not knowing how spicy it was it was good though dusty and sarah what are you all having i'm having red beans and rice chicken flavored fettuccine dusty's pot overflowed right here so it's all beautiful chicken fettucini juice and um that's where we're sleeping the bear was on the other side of the lake we're fine wow this is spicy what are you laughing at are you making those noises over your spicy yes i have to breathe out every time i take a bite finishing this rabbit is the hardest thing i've had to do all day this girl made the whole thing so we've decided that we're going to do something on this trip that we're going to call campground confessionals every evening i'm going to set this camera up far away from camp so that everyone can have a moment to speak in private because i think a lot of times when you're in this group situation if things aren't going well a lot of times you you don't want to say it because you don't want to bring the group down so this will just be a way for everyone to transparently share with no no worries about how it's going to affect the rest of the group hello again youtube it's good to be back okay day one confessionals are back i can already tell that the two days of driving is gonna be totally worth it uh this trip is already better than expected i was really nervous this morning whenever we're first getting up because i pretty much planned and research for the whole trip and i just wanted everyone to enjoy it but today has been so freaking epic i had like zero expectations for this trip i had no idea what it was going to look like what it was going to be like i secretly wanted this to turn into a fishing trip and we've already caught fish so i think that we're going to do more of that we started out with our first paddling and our first portage which went great the portage was slightly better than i even expected i was anticipating it to be really terrible and then we saw bear i've always wanted an up-close encounter with a bear i just don't want to get eaten by a bear after spilling half of my supper on the ground and then after that epic waterfall randomly spontaneous we jump in swim it was so amazing there's no internet i think that you're gonna see nate and kara shaking a little bit i spend a lot of time on my phone and so when i heard that we weren't gonna have any internet for six days it was a bit of a shock i'm looking forward to it i already know i spend too much time on my phone and so i think this is gonna be a great exercise for me to just really relax but now i'm nervous again because tomorrow we have the longest portage after how bad the mosquitoes were where we slept last night and this morning i really thought they were going to be a huge problem and i was kind of dreading it but there are hardly any bugs here it's going to be a super fun week [Music] this is craziness we were just hanging out having a good time watching the sunset and all of a sudden all the mosquitoes just started attacking out of nowhere so we grabbed all of our stuff that had any kind of scent and we're tying it up in a tree so the bears don't get us tonight oh my goodness this is craziness they're everywhere i got me in the back we haven't had any problem with mosquitoes all day and then at 9 15 apparently they all get unleashed you can just hear them swarming around my face and they're biting us through our clothes we have to do this better tomorrow night we just put it over this branch right here i know that's not quite 12 feet but i'm pulling it down are you okay dusty why is this so hard what does everyone else do that comes here they tied it back up before 9 15. all right so ow spit me an eyeball i'm serious this is the craziest thing i've ever experienced in my life get our stuff up well dusty where did you go you abandoned me you did it over the skinniest next to the trees here over here we were so chill like ten minutes ago and now this three two one all right it's over the branch make a decision okay okay i love that plan ah somebody can help me go break your health destiny one two three go all right that's it i can't hold this i need help i need help gotta tie it off somewhere get over here all right let's hope for the best look at the moon good night guys dive in wow it's been it's been such a fun day go towards the tent where are you going no towards the tent oh my goodness there's kill one there's so many no no they're everywhere oh this is crazy now i have never experienced anything like this in my life it is an infestation all right oh there's one right here right here and there's one on my foot right there on the ceiling thank you you got it look at all these outside that is terrifying oh there's another one guys they're so not high look at you this thing has saved my life there's another i thought bears are the thing that i was gonna be scared of okay we're going to sleep see you in the morning hopefully with less mosquitoes if they're like this in the morning i'm not getting out we survived oh last night was too funny awesome this is how charis left all night there was one mosquito in here i didn't know there was more [Music] what an absolutely beautiful morning time to see if it buried our bags yes they're still there the trip can continue that was a lot easier than last night [Music] it's been so long since we've had powdered coffee thank you how'd you sleep pretty good i'm not ready to admit it to myself yet but i think the one air mattress that i have has a hole in it oh no but somehow slip great i think i'm just still that exhausted as long as i have a flat surface to sleep on and protection for the mosquitoes all right day two we are starting the morning with a short paddle across rose lake to get to our first portage of the day which is gonna be a big one bless you there's some waves this morning here we go this is where the real work of the day begins good luck dusty see you there here we go good luck girls good luck all right let's do this we're about to embark on our longest portage yet it's over 600 rods which i believe is more than two miles to break this down into things that people understand our longest portage yesterday was about a fourth of a mile so this portage that we're doing now is eight times longer than the longest portage that we did yesterday all right the boys got a head start they're out of sight took me a minute to get situated my backpack straps just dig into my shoulder because of the weight of this food bag so i've rigged up a cushion using my shirt that part about the portage is that you have to exert so much energy just to start there aren't nearly as many mosquitoes as there were last night but it's going too fast canoe the boundary waters they said it'll be fun they said all right we've come up with a solution we've stuck the food bag in the backpack which means i can walk freely without the food bag falling off feels so much better this has been a really good challenge it's all mind over matter this trail has turned into water there goes my one pair of shoes gonna canoe this part i have no idea how far we've gone or how long we've been going and i don't know if that makes it harder or easier i have no idea how much longer we have of this there's something about shoulder pain it's just different and hard to push through i think it's because it's your shoulders are so close to your head this feels like having a massive headache the sign right here means we made it two thirds of the way to work we made it to the split what i know oh my gosh it is 10 55 so it's taking us an hour and 10 minutes i think we can finish in less than two which is honestly half of the time that the guy said it would take us yesterday hey know how murder we were you look like a creature how's dusty holding up hey we made it to the split i'm gonna keep going open up the pretzel dust you're almost there you're so close that looks like they're bringing it outside the most annoying thing this is only funny because it's not me all right dusty so we have 120 rods left and the goal is to finish without setting it down so close if i wouldn't have already made all these promises to the camera about making it to the water on this carry i'd be done you see the water water just when i thought i might not make it come on i could go another mile we did it just under 1 hour and 45 minutes i think the wind must have known that we had a hard time on that last portage because it is blowing us exactly in the direction that we need to go this is watap lake and what's cool about this lake is that it's actually the border between the us and canada everything to the right of canada is the us that's technically true but not what i meant to say everything to the right of cara is the u.s and everything to the left is canada catch me a canadian fish that might be legal hey how are you doing guys cara you're rowing towards canada she's crossing the border illegally karen that grass is canada it wasn't me kara you're gonna touch it where are you getting it oh the canoe is stuck in canada what do we do please don't deport us border patrol is gonna show up any second yeah we're really stuck okay i'm out good luck all right well kara's stuck in canada i'm somewhere in neutral territory should i rescue you or do you want to go live with damon and back i would love to go state and a big cabin all right keep us in america oh say can you see i can almost touch canada in the usa at the same time canada is like a magnet sorry guys i wonder what would happen if we just like started walking we'd be like hey what's the problem i needed this we got in a little tiff on the border and i think it was because cairo was caffeine deprived i didn't realize it at the time i thought we were just arguing for no reason but i think it was lack of caffeine i love you and i'm sorry i love you celsius the drink bringing couples together no problem oh wow this is probably the most fun fishing i've ever done this is our eighth fish and we've all been close to this size so we've just stopped for our next portage and we found a united states canada border marker they've been joking about it but we are actually well i'm in canada i'm in the u.s i mean both at the same time you just crossed the border without your passport who wants to go to canada you gotta get sarah to go so she can't tell me i've never taken her anywhere can i get my eye roll on camera i like why i make it look like a traffic cone oh you canada they have actually cut a strip through the woods this is the border between the two countries i'm just making a big deal about this border because i don't want to put the canoe back on my shoulders i did not look at the map famous last words we've all kind of been going our own pace through these portages which means i'm pretty much by myself and i'm just on like major bear alert i just feel like they could be anywhere wow a little tight don't think too many people come through here i see the water my canoe is halfway in canada and halfway in america oh now the wind the wind i'm so glad we're done my feet and my shoulders have had it wow am i glad that was the last portage of the day we just have one more short paddle to our campsite i just learned if i put my bag up on these bars then i have the perfect backrest and i can probably feed up this was a very dangerous discovery on day two you look way too comfy we go on the right way i don't see the stick out we've started calling peninsula's stick outs dusty this was supposed to be our campsite i'm so bummed all right we're turning around this is our first challenge against the wind i think we all thought we were done for the day back there mentally i think most of the group is on empty right now for our next portage we have to climb over this we got this team here we go oh we are literally climbing a mountain you look cool this one's only 90 rods which will make it our shortest of the day but wow this has some serious elevation gain i totally thought we were done today which was making this much harder we thought we were getting to camp and then we realized somebody else was already there and it was either paddle out of the way or squeeze in one more footage my shoulders the backpack's like rubbing them wrong [Music] there's a giant eagle on this bridge it's looking right at us i cannot believe my eyes oh my gosh wow [Music] that was amazing wow that is by far the best eagle encounter i've ever had and we got to see him fly two epic animal encounters back to back couldn't have planned it any better oh sweetheart we did it we found home for the night we thought we were gonna be here two hours ago it's been a bit of a longer day than expected but check this out not a bad place to call home for a few hours it's worth the struggle this is awesome this looks like a good place for camp let's go make some dinner it's got a little late in the day for this to be comfortable we're gonna get a little shower in and by shower i mean we're gonna get wet because there is no soap allowed in the boundary waters there's no washing your body there's no properly washing your dishes it's an all-around pretty gross experience the water feels so clean though i don't even miss soap you're not going in that's your shower going in i'm going out okay i'm going back just getting all the sunscreen bug spray okay the bugs are also go put it more back on yeah actually oh my gosh i've never been so excited for instant potato soup in my life ah that was hot that was dumb i brought my own red chili flakes for this trip and to top it all off literally to top it all off bacon bits oh my gosh this is so good this is like carbonara in italy level i would pay a hundred dollars for this i'm gonna eat the whole thing you have to make your own i can't eat instant potatoes without thinking of the trans siberian i think we had these every single day for a week on that train i think it's delicious all right day two it had some serious bike trip vibes i'm pooped that two mile portage was the hardest thing that i've done in a long time i definitely didn't expect the portages to be as hard as they have been the fishing poles were just going everywhere digging into the ground catching a tree everybody kind of was riding high after we finished it because it was the longest one of the trip it was good to have a challenge and i think my shoulders are going to be sore for days i thought we'd be portaging literally all day but we ended up finishing that really long section in less than two hours so that was a massive plus and then it ended up us having to go past a bunch of campsites if we wouldn't have had to search for a campsite we wouldn't have seen the bald eagle yesterday we saw the bear today we saw the bald eagle who knows what we're gonna see tomorrow and i think what i've really enjoyed is we have the opportunity to make this our own i like how fluid it is and we can constantly change i'm getting to look at the map and just make stuff up as we go and then the second highlight for me was just how isolated we were all day long we passed one other canoe other than that we were just alone all you can hear is the sound of your paddle in the water and so no matter how terrible the portaging is that sound it just puts you so at ease it makes you feel so calm immediately overall i will say this has been a way more enjoyable experience than i expected it was a really big day the mosquitoes aren't out yet but i'm sure they're coming here soon all right there is a couple mosquitoes we'll see what happens tomorrow day three okay i have one thing to add to my confessional outside of the bald eagle i think the most exciting part about today was that we faced our biggest challenge and the group dynamics stayed good [Music] we're still having fun we learned our lesson last night and we are putting up all of our food from the bears much earlier i just felt some mosquito y'all better hurry this is going so much better than last night i mean i think i had more fun last night not me see if we did this right okay i need help somehow this is harder than not having him nice i can't look it's all my throat hey it's higher than last night this is the hardest thing i've done all day [Laughter] the bags are so heavy it looks so good so apparently there are several forest fires going on nearby and that's what's been giving the sun this weird orange color all day it's beautiful at sunset though hi this feels guys weird no one's screaming they're not being attacked yet i do feel like they're coming yeah they're definitely multiplying it's crazy it's like they know it's 9 15 on the dot and they just start coming out good night thanks to celsius for sponsoring this video let me just show you the links that we're going through to attempt to capture this action camera action camera number two looks like a book it's a solar panel 10 camera batteries this is what weighs so much this is like 10 pounds of power banks inside this box is 10 more batteries keep in mind that none of us are in paddling shape whatsoever you guys are all awesome we have great attitudes yeah you're playing the part you know whether you do the part when you get out there that's not my dress that's my hat that's the hats do you have a sick camper van in the parking lot [Laughter] develop a new strategy so i go like this no yeah right on nate no you're not supposed to high five the same hand all right oh i don't know here we go here we go we can do this it would have been like this all day we'd be turning around they're gonna fall on my bed all right so that fly will just end up in one of our ears i'm sorry my hat was full i've ever got out of strap my hair grabbed a hold of a branch have a look i'll pinch it pinch it paint it [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 512,924
Rating: 4.9557829 out of 5
Keywords: CELSIUS energy, CELSIUS, CELSIUS official, boundary waters, minnesota, van life, boundary waters canoe area wilderness, boundary waters fishing, boundary waters canoe trip, boundary waters minnesota, boundary waters packing list, boundary waters camping, boundary waters 2021, boundary waters trip, boundary waters canoe area, off the grid, canoe camping, canoe trip gear, canoe trip packing list, living off the grid, canoe trip food, travel, travel vlog, kara and nate, how to
Id: meSpgKvtxJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 59sec (2279 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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