Florida to the Bahamas by Boat! - Crossing the Ocean 100 miles to Bimini

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to life by the bow we are headed to the bahamas we got our health pieces approved and we got our passports clay tell me what we're gonna do so first things first we have to cross the ocean a hundred miles in order to get to the bahamas we're leaving from our home here in the florida keys but long story short what we're gonna do is we're gonna bring you guys through our entire process of crossing to the bahamas by boat just in case it's something that you guys have thought about doing we're going to try to give you as many tips and tricks as possible but once we get there that's when the fun starts because we are staying at the resort there in bimini it is one of the most amazing places to stay in all of the bahamas so we're so excited to show you not only the resort but all the awesome things to do on a boat in bimini so it's about 6 45 it's about two to four foot seas so let's see how fast we can get there [Music] [Music] so we're about halfway to the bahamas guys we're in the middle of the ocean right now so if we need help we can't get it so hopefully everything goes exactly as planned the whole rest of the way which i'm sure it will but what's amazing is i'm on autopilot i don't even have to steer we're cruising at about 35 miles an hour we're getting a mile per gallon which is awesome but i'd say it's about two to three foot seas which i would say is a pretty fair crossing but one tip i want to give you guys plan on doing a long range crossing just like this learn how to use your trim tabs right now i have my trim tabs buried that way it's pointing my bow down and what that's going to do is it's going to force the bow of the boat down and it's going to allow the boat to cut through the waves a lot better per se if it were to be riding up on top of the water so that's something really important i always use my tabs on long range trips like this though you'll burn a little more fuel it'll slow you down a little bit it's going to make things a lot more comfortable and that's what this is all about it's about being comfortable it's about having fun and it's about getting over to the bahamas [Music] so we made it to the bahamas guys the water is beautiful here this is the number one reason why clay and i love just crossing over here and before we do anything guys you've got to check into customs you can't even fish until you check in and get your fishing permit so clay's going to hop out clear customs for us and then we're going to show you our favorite spots because we've got time to kill right now we can't check into four so you guys are gonna see why we love the bahamas all right guys so here we are at big game we have all of our paperwork in front of us before we go and actually check in i actually fill all this stuff out beforehand so that way i can just hop off the boat go into customs going to immigration just hand them everything that way i don't have to fill anything out here actually on the boat i'm the master or captain of the boat so i'm the only one that's actually allowed to get off of the boat everybody else has to stay inside of the boat until we actually clear but i just want to show you everything that you need before you come over here this is my health visa stephanie's health visas i have all of my customs paperwork which i filled out beforehand i have my cruising permit which i bought online you can also just buy it here in the bahamas but like i said i like to do all of this beforehand and then of course passports and then immigration cards before i leave the bahamas i always grab a couple of these cards so that way i have them at home before i do my next crossing so let's go ahead let's hit customs immigrations check in so we can show you guys around the island [Music] [Music] first off of the day guys we're here at the sapona shipwreck if you're here in bimini this is a must see so this was is actually a concrete ship that ran aground in 1926 and it creates a really good spot for snorkeling because there's a lot of tropical fish that congregate around it and we're gonna jump in and bring you guys with us to see all the fish and as you're swimming through it's kind of spooky it gets dark there's like little tunnels and things you gotta swim through so it's pretty interesting so we're gonna jump in and bring you guys with us to explore [Music] the sapona is so much more than a shipwreck today it's a landmark that brings boaters together with one common interest which is exploration that's one of the biggest reasons why we travel to the bahamas as adrenaline just pumps through your body as you take a risk disconnecting from the world this is something that you have to experience which is why we love producing life by the bow it's so much more than fishing and boating it's recreating our experiences in a manner where our viewers can not only see but feel our experiences however that's why we're here at the saponi shipwreck as you swim through the frame and cracks and crevices you feel a sense of thrill and discomfort as i could imagine those who felt back in world war one which is why the ship was built however the ship wasn't finished until 1920 so it was never used for its intended purpose which was to transport troops the ship was eventually sold to a rum runner during the prohibition where the ship was forced to run aground in a powerful 1926 hurricane today i believe the sappone's purpose is more valuable than ever she's a home for tropical fish in our beautiful ocean an outlet for thrill seekers and a common interest amongst boaters seeking adventure in the bahamas which is ultimately what brings us all together [Music] [Music] [Music] so we decided to make a little run down south in order to do some fishing but on the way i noticed we ran over some coral heads so i decided to turn around hop in the water real quick and sure enough as soon as i got in i saw some antennas sticking out which means that we hit the jackpot here's why [Music] so we're looking for fishing spots right now we don't really have any numbers here in bimini just because we don't really fish too much here however on the other hand today is different today we are going after something i don't know what we're gonna catch but we're just gonna keep on idling around until we find something that looks good and if we think something's good we're gonna drop down and see if we can catch a fish so i was deep dropping originally we weren't catching anything then i realized i had to hand the rod over to stephanie in order to get a bite yeah it's that good luck charm man um i'm super excited because i have never deep dropped kieran in bimini and i wonder what it is like what to expect right there's no talon not a very big bite it wasn't a very big bite it was small so i'm thinking like a snapper i'm thinking some type of snapper i don't i don't know i don't want to say anything because i don't want to sound dumb whatever i can sound them [Applause] [Music] what do we got what do we what do you think i would say something but i can't see anything down there oh it came off oh it's a tile thing a little tile fish can you get them can she get them i got them there we go what a pretty looking fish it's beautiful that is a baby tile fish right there that is so small how about that they need to make a nail color this color it's like really pretty now he's turning green check it out what i have never seen something like that before he was just vibrant purple and now he's green oh that's a fight oh this is fighting fighting huh what is it it's coming to the surface well we literally just went from like 700 feet to 150 feet it looks like something nice oh there's a shark after it is what it was crank crank crank look at that look look at the shark going after him hey i'll keep it we used to consider them a not so sought after fish just because growing up fishing in the keys people would always throw these things back i don't understand why because that right there is one of the best tasting fish in the ocean [Music] resort world marina um we are under a no-name contender for clay cower [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what do you think this is nice after a long day of fishing swimming through the sapona like how nice is it to jump in some fresh water and just relax it does not get any better here specifically at the resort i mean we love being on the boat however at the end of the day it's just so nice to come back looking forward to something and in our case it's staying here at the resort i mean there's multiple pools there's multiple restaurants not to mention the property is just beautiful there's beaches that line the entire west side of the island and it's just so small it's so quaint and you can basically hit everything all in one day which is what i really really enjoy something i know that stephanie really enjoys is the casino casino which is really unique here we don't get casino time in the keys so coming away and having this vacation and at the end of the night having a chance to roll the dice and win some money stephanie loves craps yeah i do so not to mention the marina it's absolutely amazing every single dock is a floating dock so if you're very weary about your boat sitting overnight you don't have to worry about tides i mean literally every single slip is in tip-top shape what's great is you can come over here on a ferry you don't even have to have a boat which is great or a cruise ship yeah or cruise ship yeah however i think we're gonna do is we're gonna enjoy the pool we're gonna go have some dinner like we mentioned we're gonna hop back on the boat tomorrow take you guys to honeymoon harbor and cook up some lunch [Music] [Music] so here we are day two just got both anchors on the boat here and the reason why is because i want to make sure it's double secure because we're going to be getting off onto that beach back there we're going to be grilling up some fish i'm so excited because if this doesn't stream paradise i do not know what does but we're switching it up today because i'm actually gonna be the one that's cooking so this is a first for life by the bow this is gonna go one of two ways it's gonna go either really really well or really really bad so this should get interesting [Music] so what we're gonna do is we're gonna cook it about a minute each side i hope it tastes good i just flipped over the first piece and that looks delicious all right moment of truth this is the moment of truth i can't get clay to cook so the fact that he cooked today i'm super proud of him but let's see if it tastes good that's the real test hopefully it tastes terrible that way i never have to cook again and good really or are you just saying that it's good it is really good how's the sweet thai chili i don't know if i like the sweet thai chili but you like the trigger i like the fish yes it tastes really good um man what a beautiful day like this location where we're at is absolutely gorgeous with the rocks the scenery as you guys have seen um bimini is just one of our favorite places to go from the resort to this beach it doesn't get any better than that that's more my cooking it gets better my cooking yeah your cooking was pretty good but we're gonna go feed the stingrays we hope you guys enjoyed this video we'll see you guys next week on wednesday thank you guys so much [Music] you
Channel: Life By the Bow
Views: 202,090
Rating: 4.8841896 out of 5
Keywords: florida to the bahamas by boat, bimini bahamas, bimini, bahamas, boating, miami to bimini, center console boats, center console fishing boats, boats in rough water, Crossing to bimini, bahamas trip by boat, Florida boating, florida boating videos, boat trip, contender boats, tropical, fishing, vacation, florida keys
Id: RWc17XuEF8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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