Florida Lobster Diving: HOW TO Catch Clean Cook! EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW

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what's up everyone darcizzle and puddin coming at you from our home right here in south florida and we are a fishing couple and in today's video we are getting ready and gearing up for the very exciting 2021 florida spiny lobster season and let's just get this right out of the way right now as we all know florida's funny lobster are way better tasting than the northeast maine lobster go ahead and drop a comment down below if you agree or go ahead and share your thoughts down below but we all know florida lobster are the best way better in this video we wanted to give you all the information that you need ahead of time before you go out there and catch lobster so as you guys know i was born and raised in miami florida and started going on the water age of three with my father but particularly grew up lobstering that's what we did as a family tradition so i have many years of experience and a lot of great memories with my father lobstering out of the homestead area so we're going to show you exactly how to go out there and catch your own lobster and a new efficient way on how to clean lobster tails and get approximately 10 more 10 more meat out of your lobster meat than traditional cleaning methods and then in the cooking with pudding portion of the video i'm going to show you about four different ways to cook these lobsters every single way better than the next now for us lobster season starts tomorrow i'm not sure when you guys are watching this but of course check the regulations in your area but the florida mini season for recreational lobster people it starts tomorrow for us and it's a two-day mini-season okay and in monroe county which is the keys where a lot of people go you're allowed to kick keep six per person right darcizzle per day right and the rest of florida is 12. now the regular season which the commercial guys can go and everything else it really opens up is what august 6th every year okay so you can go next two days or you can go from august 6 until like march sometime march but again of course check their eggs in your area yes and regular season is six per person as well yes now we are gonna finish getting packaged up we're gonna get our snorkel gear ready our tickle sticks our measuring device our nets everything we need and we'll see you on the water next all right y'all we are in my home waters this is where i grew up it's a very real like it's just shocking to be here again without my family but you know what i'm gonna make them all proud right now jump in the water and get some lobsters they already caught some next to us let's go all right guys we're lobstering and as the driver if you have any specific spots you gotta cover ground and so we're dragging them behind the boat just a neutral behind some ropes which is pretty common lobster technique and then when they see a lobster they drop off and they catch it and bring it to the boat and then we keep going and that's how you cover some ground they look for structure and rocks and what else they're trying to do so just get started wait for that first lapse so oh my god you're sitting on a huge hole oh my god get it get take it all right nice job just sizzle and then when still gets the lobster in the boat i just double double check on measuring it and you can see here with this little measuring device you put it between the eyes and as long as it's uh this top portion of the shell is smaller than your gauge then you're all set i think i want to swim this area okay and check it out what i want to swim in this area to check it out okay [Music] all right y'all y'all i just got out of the water i've been in the water a solid two hours looking for lobsters and so far we uh we have three out of four three out of four i had to throw one back which is not bad and they're kind of sitting in the grass today which is really weird you usually find them in the structures what's up there's a video so pretty cool um and pretty neat to find them in the grass like that and i think i have a little bit of my dad's luck on my side today but again just really cool to be back here in the waters i grew up this is where i was three years old these exact waters right here so pretty cool to come back here yearly tradition and i'm just taking a little bit of a break jump back in the water we got to get more bugs on the boat because we got three in here [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] do ah all right folks we are wrapping up our day lobstering it was awesome to get that get back down here again because like i said the last time we did this was like five or six years ago with my dad and as you know my dad since passed but he was definitely with us on the water today we caught a total of eight keeper lobster and as you saw me doing underwater you know simple it's simple here catching our florida spiny lobster because they don't have claws and all you use is this fancy tickle stick they don't like this metal touching their tail so you just tap them out of holes and and uh basically they just walk forward and you take your net but the key to success with this net is that you actually put it behind their tail and then then you lay it back down on top of them because they flip backwards and that's pretty simple that's how that's the gist of it that's how you catch them some of them were laying in the grass and all i got to do is just scoop them up but right now we got them in our live well and they're just chilling hanging out but would have been nice to get a limit but you know what at the same time we got a decent awesome dinner for all three of us so no complaints here well actually darcy got her limit and i can't see the damn things in front i don't think frank so every man either when they're in the grass i can't spot him darcy yeah he's missing a lot which was their family their kids uh yeah she sees them like an eagle i gotta see him if they're under something with us should be i see them but uh yeah and i was also using this awesome weight belt to help me get me down in the water especially when i'm trying to stay down there and i'm trying to actually capture a lobster i start to float back up to the top so with these little bit of weights on i got five pounds of weight on it helps me stay on the bottom yeah you all know i think like a stone club won't muscle i just keep right back up of course pranks my man all right great segment and guys i have to remind you we have like four or five of these lots of videos over the last decade with darcy's family and dad you know rest his soul and megan of course was in that car accident you guys all know about and connor who's in the marines leave a ton of videos you want to google them up we'll put some links uh down below but that reminds us we need to give you guys an update on megan i know a lot of you guys have been asking me about it which i highly appreciate thank you for thinking and praying about megan up to this very day but megan is slowly but surely improving she is still in a wheelchair and she is posting on social media um so i'll link her information down below if you're interested in checking her out but uh recently a couple of my sisters went and saw her and she's becoming more and more like herself speaking more and more like herself but she just still has a long road ahead once again still in a wheelchair still learning to walk again she can stand and walk take a few steps of course supported by somebody else but of course the goal is to walk again and she just needs to put a little more muscle on her bones because she is a little thin right now but of course you know met is a miracle megan's alive and so sad to see her struggle and also sad to see these older videos with her you know when she was you know in her prime and now megan is slowly coming back so just keep praying for her two years is the mark after the accident up to where megan should be and we're approaching one year right now the accident was october 14th so check out those those recent pictures of megan and uh yeah back to it all right we're gonna get right back to darcy cleaning lobster and this new method would probably even you veterans have never seen before where she's gonna show you how to get about 10 more yield out of those lobsters that you've hard work uh to go get from underneath the sea we are back at the house and it's another glorious day here in south florida we were whipped yesterday we got up at 3am and we had over a 12-hour workday but you know what well worth it for these delicious lobster so we're going to just dive right into this i'm going to be showing you two different methods on how to clean florida spiny lobster also known as caribbean lobster or even crawfish or crayfish however the heck you want to say it i want to show you really quick too the difference between a male and a female lobster and right here in the tail section what you eat this is a female this is how she carries her egg sacs these little clasper things hold the eggs right here in her tail and of course you're not allowed to keep females with bearing eggs this is a male male doesn't have those little claspers so that's the difference between the two pretty cool we would always check that when we get home growing up to see how many girls and boy lobsters we caught all right so i'm going to show you the two different methods like i said and one is going to give us about 10 percent more yield on these and of course you can use gloves i'm going to be hardcore today and not use gloves but so the first one which is a traditional way of cleaning a lobster how most people do it down here in florida is you hold on to the carapace hold on to the tail and you just basically turn pull and twist at the same time to rip that open i just gotta be careful with all these points just like so and there you go you got your delicious piece of lobster right there pretty simple and you can see there's a little bit of meat in there but if you've got a lot of lobsters to do that's no big deal you just want to bang it out and get done with it quickly last thing you got to do with cleaning the lobster tail and of course brian will prep it in the house for us but you go through the anal opening right here take a piece of the antenna which i already have broken off and the spines are reversed here so what you want to do is go through there well actually the barbs are reversed give it a twist and then pull out the intestinal tract lobster poop track all that nasty stuff you don't want to eat and that's going to go in our bucket here and don't worry of course you can eat these knuckles here and eat the inside the head and all that great stuff you can even eat the legs you can cook those up there's not a whole lot of meat and that's not the biggest lobster in the world so we're not going to do that today but this is not going to waste i'm going to this is going to be the best stone crab trap bait ever in the world so i am going to keep these bad boys and use them in my stone crab traps in a couple days brian's shaking his head in a couple months brian doesn't like that idea sorry about the helicopter okay next step here i'm going to show you a different method you see we got a good amount of meat there but there was still some meat in the head so what we're going to do here is i'm taking my fillet knife and there's a little tab between the last leg here so what you want to do is take your knife and i'm using a seven inch knife today and you see how my knife just inserted right through there give it a good push and cut right through there you can do the same thing on the other side go right between the carapace and get it your knife exposed to the back section there's a little tab right there on the last leg that you want to break just like that now hold your tail down and lift gently on the top of the carapace and separate it just like so you see that see all the internals and the guts and all that good stuff turn your lobster around and there's a membrane right here that's connecting the tail to the rest of the body so you can rip this with your fingers or with your knife whatever works for you i'll just do with my knife to show you where that membrane is right there it's not a very it's a very thin membrane do that hold on to your lobster tail and pull now we got about 10 percent more yield on that lobster tail you see how much more meat is hanging out of there just pull out these internal guts show you the difference here in just a second you can see right here that we got a decent amount more meat off that lobster you see on the top part we got all that delicious head meat and here it was wasted inside the carapace so and i'll show you again the difference of doing it like so so pretty cool same exact simple steps except you just gotta break it and take a little more time to separate the two pieces of the carapace and you can get that much more meat out of your lobster so pretty cool actually just learned that recently and you can definitely see the difference i mean that's that's a difference good difference of meat there so just take your time with it and you'll you know get as much as yield as possible out of that lobster all right so that is how you clean a florida spiny lobster and i'm going to finish up the rest of these bad boys and then meet you in the house for the cooking we put in portion of this video and if you guys are interested in the knives i just used i'm going to link all that information down in the description below you could save 15 percent on your purchase plus free shipping doesn't get much better than that nice job y'all sizzle clean those lobster tails and welcome guys to another edition of cooking with puddin lobster preview edition all right now one thing we forgot to mention in the earlier parts of this video is where do you find the lobsters right that's always the point when you're fishing right where are the fish where are the where are the crabs where the lobsters all right now if you go out on mini season or the first day of regular season you're going to see the boats all right just hike on over there and start snorkeling okay don't uh don't get anyone's way of course and there's gonna be a lot of people so just have a little uh attitude of gratitude and a little patience and you'll be fine okay but you can snorkel for them if you have scuba tanks you can go even deeper all right of course and you can use one of those uh air lung thingy jiggies a diving bell i don't even know what they call it right now but darcy did it once it was totally awesome all right so you're gonna see the boats all right but this is something you're gonna wanna pre-fish for or pre-dive for so you're gonna go out there a little bit before regular season and go hit those shallow spots and just see where the lobsters are this is a great thing for the family second only or maybe even better than scalloping okay you can get the family out there so a lot of people think you have to go to the keys you do not we've caught a lot of lobsters here in palm beach county you can basically catch them and maybe you can go further i don't know i'm just saying you can catch it from stuart martin county all the way around the keys of course down to key west so we've caught them in boynton we've called them in palm beach you catch them in hillsboro you catch them in fort lauderdale all these spots okay you know any place you can snorkel you know obviously you know i don't know what your free diving capabilities are but you know we catch it from five feet to maybe 20 feet and just check out any sort of structure ledges shallow wrecks and you're gonna see them even bridges and stuff down south in shore you can find them as well all right so let's get to the cooking i've cooked these about four different ways okay the first year uh we i think we just boiled them that's how we do it at home up in new york right you just throw the lobster in some boiling water and they jump out and then you throw them back in and then after like four or five minutes they're cooked okay so the tails you know they're smaller so they don't take too long and we don't do a ton of tails so i can't tell you exactly depends on the size but you know four or five minutes okay if you throw them in there take them out cut them up put some melted butter on there and you are good to go very very easy okay another great way on the barbecue i got some b-roll here and you can just cut them down the middle open them up a little bit throw them on the barbecue put the butter on there salt and pepper again make sure you don't overcook them of course but you're going to get a nice crunchy uh you know corners and nicks and nice nice texture like that on the barbecue and it's absolutely delicious okay after that a couple years after you know you start you know we get a lot of lobster tails down here you know because you can catch them that regular season is all the way till march so you don't have to go august 6th or 7th you can go you know almost any time and after a month or so you know the lobsters start to move back in and such right so you go out there get some lobsters we made some lobster bites fry them up put them in the pan totally delicious nothing better than fried lobster bites and you can also just broil them uh in your oven just like you would on the barbecue but boiled underneath uh on a you know on a pan in the oven so anyway is great and just one way is better than the next that's a wrap guys we hope you enjoyed this lobstering video we sure did be sure to leave us a like subscribe if you haven't already and until my next adventure follow your dreams and keep going i spilled my butter no you
Channel: Darcizzle Offshore
Views: 32,609
Rating: 4.9356785 out of 5
Keywords: florida, lobster, diving, florida lobster, lobster diving, florida lobster diving, how to lobster, catch clean cook, lobster catch clean cook, everything you need to know, lobster mini season, mini season, lobster season, lobster how to, how to catch lobster, snorkeling gear, snorkeling in florida, catching lobster, florida spiny lobster, lobstering, lobstering florida, how to clean lobster, lobster cleaning, saltwater, lobster tail, lobster tail recipe, lobsters, 2021, how to
Id: xbg2Ww71BVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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