Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Guide To Salads & Fruits | Ultimate Cookery Course

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okay now it's all about special sellers and fabulous fruits perfect for special occasions cooking at home for special occasions falls into two camps sit-down at fairs where the food's a bit more formal and relax parties where dishes are laid out and people can choose what they want to eat and when if you're cooking for a party always make dishes that are colorful vibrant and exciting to eat so you'll grab your guests attention and really wow their taste buds my first dish has plenty of attitude enough for any special occasion a flavor packed green papaya salad this is a great salad to serve at a party it's delicious and robust enough to last the whole evening without wilting first off these are a little dried shrimp you can buy them anywhere they smell almost sort of the seabed into the pestle mortar for this salad inspired by my travels across Thailand I'm starting by making my wonderfully spicy paste a little salt in there in just break them up this place is like a staple ingredient in Thailand that's what we're looking for almost like a powder right next just one clove of garlic slice up the garlic and get that into the pestle mortar Birds Eye chili incredibly hot powerful but Wow it does give an amazing kick to the paste in to the mix now a couple tablespoons of brown caster sugar that softens the blow with a chilli and then just to get that nice sour taste a little bit of hot water into this tamarind paste it's really tart but sweet pace one table is proven in fish sauce now it's got that almost sort of pickly smell slightly salty but the flavor is intense two tablespoons and bring that together and give it a really good mix some lime juice and half another touch of of tartness the place is nice and thick and fragrant but it's got the heat the sounds the tartness incredible green papaya stand it up give it a little peel you can find green papaya in local Asian shops and bigger supermarkets and as it doesn't wilt like more delicate veg it's perfect for robust salads like this my greatest no that's what I want these thin slivers next a nice rich sweet banana a lot nice some carrot carrot gives it another texture [Music] now little that mixing turns that off with Thai basil and fresh coriander Thai basil is a much more fragrant basil it's stronger and is slightly thicker as well like the pine and tamarind paste you can get Thai basil in good supermarkets and independent Asian stores but no basil works well too next prepare the crunchy topping pan on and toast some peanuts chop the nuts break easily nice crunch and then they go roll them around the pan gas off and just dip them out now for the exciting part I'm going to dress the sellers nice spoon of dressing in to the papaya and exhaling and finally our nice general sprinkling roasted nuts and that is one delicious very fragrant very robust green papaya salad so easy to make and guaranteed not to go limp a perfect party salad and with such incredible colors textures and bold exciting flavors it's sure to grab your guests attention when you're putting together a feast for the family or friends is great to have some bulletproof salads in your cooking repertoire here are three more of my favorites to set you up first my delicious chopped salad sliced cherry tomatoes in half and add to the bowl along with chopped red pepper and finely diced shallots next slice salami into strips and add follow with nutty chickpeas and smooth Edam cheese going to matchsticks building up different tastes textures and flavors as you go next add chicory for deliciously bitter bite then chop crisp romaine lettuce and add for the dressing finely chopped garlic add sherry vinegar a shake or spicy Worcestershire sauce castor sugar and olive oil then simply whisk pour the dressing over the salad and mix so that everything is thoroughly coated finally sprinkle with dried oregano for an aromatic finish a salad so easy if you can chop you can make it with such delicious results it has to be tasted to be believed [Music] my next simple salad that's perfect for a party is green bean salad with mustard dressing [Music] for the dressing wrap a whole bulb of garlic in foil and roast it in a hot oven next add top and tail green beans to salted boiling water and cook for just a couple of minutes this is called blanching and keeps the things deliciously crunchy strain the beans and refreshing cold water this stops the cooking process so they stay crisp and green next remove your garlic from the oven cut off the head and squeeze out all the glorious garlic which has gone creamy mellow and divine in the oven then simply add sharp white wine vinegar a dollop of Dijon mustard and sweet runny honey season and poured a good glug of olive oil that weighs [Music] at the crunchy blonds green beans and top with toasted almonds for a lovely nutty note and crunchy texture mix well and serve heavenly mustard vinaigrette with a hint of mellow roast garlic stunning green beans dressed to perfection [Music] my next salad that's great for any big bash is roasted red pepper lentil and herb salad [Music] and three lentils two vegetable stock along with a bay leaf and bought for 15 minutes three lentils are perfect for sellers have a great meaty flavor and a delicious bite for texture next chopped sweet red peppers place on a baking tray along with diced courgette drizzle over olive oil season and roast in a hot oven [Music] to assemble the salad place the drain lentils in a large bowl then add olive oil [Music] they've chopped some blush Tomatoes [Music] take the roasted red peppers and courgettes from the oven and add along with chopped avocado as it's delicious creamy flesh give the salad a lovely contrast season then for a big herby hit chop a handful of chives and basil and add squeezed over lemon juice and mix earthy aromatic and packed full of goodness absolutely stunning sir with roasted meats and fish or perfect eatin just by itself three incredible salads all bursting with flavor color and health so quick and easy to prep and Pudsey delicious you'll be making them every day not just on a special occasion Plus welcome back to my ultimate cookery course coming up I'll be using snappers fruits to create a show-stopping dessert every time I get to put one of these together it's like a sort of little jewelry box but first the key to dishes that really impress is amazingly fresh ingredients and it's essential to get the best for your money when you're out shopping so make sure whatever you're buying it looks smells and feels really good and if you get the chance and taste it before you buy it a great-tasting salad starts with fantastic salad leaves and when it comes to all things green there's little dr. Steve ruffle doesn't know I think I am obsessed with South I'm obsessed primarily with watercress that's in my heart Castillo got a PhD of watercress a doctorate in salad we should all take a leaf out his book then he's not only been studying sudden leaves for over 30 years he's been growing them so he really knows he's rocket from his romaine there are literally thousands of varieties of salad things like the Tavian lettuce red veined spinach wild rocket sorrel we grow virtually everything outdoors and and we follow the seasons so we're not forcing the leaves we don't give them too much fertilizer or irrigation we try to grow them a little bit slower and that's the way to get the best flavor and the best quality of leaf will harvest a crop cut it in the morning it's then on the road going out to customers to be on the Shelf the next day this is a great leaf baby leaf spinach and we call it baby leaf yeah quite literally because we cut it when it's still at a baby stage these are baby pea shoots we'll put something like three or four hundred pea seeds into the seed bed and then in as little as 12 14 days they've grown to a sort of a crop like this they've got the flavor of fresh peas a bit of sweetness and they and they got a really nice soft velvety leaf texture this is baby watercress which is my favorite salad crop of them all watercress is special because by definition it's grown in pure flowing water fresh watercress has got that fantastic pungent peppery flavor in Victorian London it was known as poor man's bread whereby a lot of workers would start the day with a watercress sandwich and if they couldn't afford bread they just ate the watercress straight it is an amazing full of flavor I can't eat enough sell it obsessed thieves spot on there's hundreds of salad leaves available with different textures tastes and colors here are five my favorite everyday salad leaves and don't forget some of them are delicious cooked - little gem sweet and crisp and an amazingly dense heart these many cause lettuces are great simply braised in the oven or use the leaves as scoops for delicious chili beef filling mustard leaves pungent spicy and full of vitamin C these are a staple in Asian dishes and are fantastic stir fried or steamed lambs leaf full of tangy flavor and with incredible springy stems great for hearty robust salads or simply paired with fish for a healthier simple supper rocket these distinctive peppery leaves are actually classed as a herb and are perfect in soups or with fruits and are full of iron finally chicory or on leave these tightly packed red or white leaves have a deliciously bitter taste and are great wrapped in ham or alongside shine blue cheeses I think when you're shopping for salads you can just shop with your eyes you know if it looks fresh and healthy tasty it is you want to look for bright colors I like to see leaves with a bit of moisture on them sounds like to be kept cold and moist basically so when you buy a packaged salad put it in the fridge and if you don't use it all in one go roll up the bag to exclude surplus air put it back in the fridge keep it cold there's so much choice of writing out there I really do think people should be more adventurous in their choice of salads here both what they choose to try and eat and and what they do with them so get yourself some ingredients use them boldly and your studded leaves can really take center stage next my tricks of the trade and kitchen tips dorbz are a fantastic ingredient when you want a special salad that really impresses here's how to prepare them do not be intimidated trying to get the scallop out i'ma show you how easy it is to take them out and how much more exciting is to get them fresh in the shell so just face it the dessert spoon and a blunt knife put the knife in to the bottom and you just twist open till the knife up set doesn't cut into the scallop meat run the knife on the top to the base off with a lid no flesh on there and then from there that's cool just scallops skirt all you do is just peel that forward and get the spoon to run down the back of the shell and the idea is to remove that little bit of muscle that holds the scallop on to the bottom shelf bang it pops out that's the top the small side of the bottom there's the muscle there and your thumb just slides neatly in there and run your fingers round and you just pop out Scott up and look bang beautiful this bit here is called the skirt no use doesn't taste everything now that's the coral you can slice that off dry it in the oven and use it as a powder for your risottos or even seasoning fish with but that's their money these just need to be rinsed under cold water dried and ready for the pan tomatoes are another salad staple his how to skin them for extra refinement score each one with a cross at the bottom blanch in boiling water for a minute then shot them in cold water and the skins will easily peel away pomegranates are a fabulous fruit by adding glamour to salads or desserts the trick to getting the seeds out slice in half lengthways makes its around the edge turn upside down over a bowl and using a large spoon whack as hard as you can to release the seeds to take fabulous fruit puts the next level my tip is to add sophisticated cornell's of ice cream or lemon mascarpone simply dip two metal spoons in hot water scoop shape and add and after baking never throw out your leftover pastry it's easy transformed into grapefruit or savory party nibbles roll out break Parmesan or sprinkle over your favorite fruit roll and then just slice and bake [Music] as any chef knows at the end of a meal you want to leave your guests on a high with a spectacular dessert so when you're cooking for a special occasion and want to make an impact it's great to have a fabulous fruit dessert up your sleeve [Music] my last recipe looks sensational and tastes just as good raspberry milfoil desserts should always have that wow factor and this dish is incredibly simple to prepare but it tastes and looks absolutely stunning first off puff pastry you can buy fabulous puff pastry now a non-stick baking tray and just lay the puff pastry on the tray I want to get the top of the puff pastry camera eyes so we're going to dust it in icing sugar now move 40 means a thousand layers just lightly dust the top of the puff pastry with icing sugar we're gonna start off in a hot oven at 220 for the first six or seven minutes and then ten minutes at 190 into the oven now for the filling fresh vanilla cream in you start whisking what the cream whisk nice and thick but look at all that nice fresh vanilla seeds in there next a nice scraping of orange zest all right look cure don't whisk that in fold it in and that stops the cream and separating lovely now take that out of the bowl and put it into a piping bag unwrapped over your hands in a way that you're trading is little pocket snip off the end nozzle in load up the bag just twist slowly there's no where the bag is nice and full and firm chill your gorgeous vanilla and orange cream in the fridge until you're ready to pipe it wow that is beautiful there's the layers there that's the middle for a pub gently lift it up onto the board I'll slide into three serrated edge knife Wow beautiful start deciding on how you gonna layer it that bit there that's nice and firm for my brace that's nice and decorative for the top and that bit there for the middle take our you cream and put a little touch or cream there and that just sticks that down it stops it from sliding pipe very carefully a nice thin layer of cream around the outside and come back into the middle beautiful now they're a Swiss sit them two by two now this layer I'll turn it upside down and put the camera eyes part of a pastry on top of the raw spruce every time I get to put one of these together it's like a sort of little jewelry box again cream squeezed from the back of the bag so you got control there a Swiss too much so I put another layer of cream on top those rasmus because I want some height with my final layer well it's worth dive in there put the lid on it mmm and push that down there you have a beautiful stunning simple meal for a dessert to die for and like all the dishes in my optimum cookery course I guarantee it will taste as sensational as it looks [Music] I've now shown you 100 recipes to stake your life on smells amazing simple and accessible dishes together to give you confidence in the kitchen hold the drum the slice straight through and help cook yourself into a better chef really important to season the mins before you cook it I've shared essential tips and insider knowledge that actually smelled much but the flavor they give off is extraordinary on everything from shopping for great ingredients don't be fine get your nose right into it to my kitchen equipment essentials the secret of brazing is having a really nice thick durable pan and my optimum of cooking lessons key mantras to make you fearless in the kitchen stripping away all the complexity so you can whip up tasty and delicious dishes with ease just finish it with a little tail spoon of that sauce and most importantly learn to enjoy cooking at home incredible many of these amazing recipes are on my app please check out the App Store for details so what are you waiting for go on get cooking you
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 841,024
Rating: 4.9447074 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery
Id: Ps6D26D9sG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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