Gordon Ramsay's Guide To Baking | Ultimate Cookery Course

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okay get ready for my ultimate guide to bacon whether it's breads cakes tarts pies or pastries bacon is one of the most seductive skills in the kitchen it fills the house with fantastic aromas and put irresistible food on the table now I'm gonna put you on the road to bacon nirvana starting with an easy bread packed with big gutsy flavors Olive tomato and rosemary focaccia I absolutely love baking bread there's something really satisfying about doing it and this for catcher recipe is very hands-on but the end result is something really really tasty first off start with the dough tip 500 grams of strong bread flour into a mixing bowl and add 20 grams of semolina that gives the out sure it's sort of rustic charm now there's one thing for cash your needs it's really good seasonings you can't seasoned bread Alfa's basis that are going right the road begin sprinkling 15 grams of dried yeast take some warm water and 50 mils of olive oil top of that water that gives it its really nice silky rich texture make a little well mix up that yeast water and oil then start off with the fingers keep your fingers nice and oppressed like a little sort of whisk going in there I'm looking for a really nice sort of relaxed well let's just start to come together touch more water with oil in there give a little swirl and then again the secret is to sort of knead it gently don't overwork it it's a sort of easy bread to make a nice one to start off with when you're making bread for the first time basically needing means just knit it together just hanging lightly flour your board and let's just need that for catcher into a nice smooth dough I'm sure you don't over add too much flour otherwise it's sort of dries out the dough something quite magical about making bread you can switch off and lose yourself my first job for a three-michelin-star establishment was a baker I was 22 years of age and as I start at midnight I was under such a tight schedule one o'clock my bread then two o'clock brown bread three o'clock Souder four o'clock cheese bread and five o'clock proof baked six o'clock crack them open and taste it was amazing beautiful look stunning hasn't risen yet lead your dough to rise in a warm place till it's double in size we call this proving [Music] that beautiful lot of chefs sort of need it for the second time but I'm looking for really nice light airy eighties for catcher take your tray touch it olive oil in there season it at the bottom really important that's the exciting thing about a focaccia you've got a really nice sort of salty top and salty bottom and just with a touch of olive oil on your hands gently push that in an almost massage it into the corners it's possible to put sort of olives and tomatoes and garlic through the dough but it never really allows the dough to sort of aerate properly when you put so much ingredients in I'm gonna stick around on top use your finger and so I'll just push them in salt on top some pepper on top as well and once a nice fresh amazing rosemary just hold the stalk and just pull off and then just sprinkle down generous in the rosemary really important to have that nice fragrance on top of the focaccia finish it off before goes in the little drizzle of olive oil so it almost sings in those little pockets of flavor Olive tomato rose me and olive oil in to the oven bake your focaccia at 200 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes smells delicious [Music] beautiful [Music] you can hear how crispy that is you can't beat a nice warm fresh slice of home cooked piccata it's rustic charming and it's the perfect way to start baking making homemade focaccia is so addictive getting to grips with bacon is just a matter of confidence and once you grasp the basics then the possibilities are limitless here are three more of my favorite super simple bread recipes to get you going kicking off with my simple soda bread first up measure out your dry ingredients plain flour wholemeal flour salt castor sugar and bicarbonate of soda mix get 450 min of buttermilk or most of it in and combined buttermilk has a wonderful subtle sour note that gives this bread a deliciously different taste you can get it in most other big supermarkets if your dough is a bit stiff add the rest of your buttermilk flour your board gently knead the mixture for about 30 seconds until it's all combined dust your baking tray place your dough in the center and score a deep crust with a knife to get a perfect crust then simply bake in a preheated oven for 30 to 35 minutes amazingly easy absolutely delicious and foolproof hot crusty homemade soda bread whenever you want my next no sweat bread recipe is even faster to make quick flat breads with lemon thyme and ricotta for the dough mix first slice a leek lengthwise and chopped and sowed in a pan with olive oil and butter till tender season next combine flour with a pinch of seasoning and olive oil and mixing your cooked leeks bring the dough together in a bowl with a drop of warm water cover and rest for 20 minutes allow the dough mixture to relax means the resulting bread will be nice and soft then dust the dough with flour mold into a sausage shape slice it into rounds [Music] and flatten with a rolling pin then simply fry in a hot dry pan [Music] when golden and crisp on each side removed for simple supper served with a cottage cheese lemon zest and fresh thyme so simple so fast and so versatile flatbreads to die for next how to make one of the world's most popular bread based foods fast mozzarella and rosemary pizza [Music] for the pizza dough ad DS to warm water put a tablespoon of sugar and lead to one side in a separate bowl add sieve flour make it well and add your olive oil and yeast mixture get your hands right in to bring it together then knead for about 10 minutes on a floured surface until even and smooth put back into the bowl cover and leave in a warm place to prove once is roughly doubled in size knock any excess air out place back on your surface divide your dough into four balls and simply flatten an olive oil to a hot pan and put in the pizza dough Pizza is usually cooked in a searingly hot oven but this pan cook method works brilliantly as the dough starts to bubble and the bass turns golden spoon over tomato passata which is sip tomatoes and tearing chunks of mozzarella then simply transfer to a hot grill until golden and bubbly finish with fresh rosemary I love this classic combination but you can easily adapt it and add your own favorite topping for a perfect pizza in minutes so simple so fast so irresistible three recipes they'll change the way you think about homemade bread forever beautiful whether I'm doing a simple sponge cake or making an elaborate tart I want my baking to be the best it can be so I always start with the best ingredients I can find knowledge is crucial the more you know personally about where your ingredients are from and how they produce the better [Applause] [Music] flower to get the lowdown on one of the key ingredients to brilliant baking they always pays to ask an expert and if is what manner can really rise to the occasion it's professional Miller mark Abel doing a job like this means that you end up thinking and living a flower if that's obsession I'm sister Ally's mill which is stood in Norfolk since 1835 mark uses traditional stones to grind his flour so it really knows his stuff what actually comes off the field something like this still husked still needs to be processed before we can actually mill it we're then cutting down to something like this which is ready to be milled all this is a great big machine which means you don't have to do it by hand rather than try and improve its performance by adding additional chemicals what we're trying to do is mill it in the best way to get that performance from it if you can put a seed in between stones you can make flour out of it it's that simple barley was what was traditionally used to make bread for people to live off ODEs can be used as well and of course good old spelt the great grandmother of modern wheats which has the most fantastic flavor and is because of its primitive nature the proteins in it simpler so a lot of people could eat that they can't eat modern weight keep your eyes on the shelves look and see what is there and if something structures being potentially interesting then get it and try it mix your own blend your own together so that you can get the flavor that you want with the performance that you want Mars right different flours performin taste wildly different and so they're well worth trying out here's my quick guide to some of the flowers I like using strong flour is one to choose for standard bread making the high the protein content the crust of your loaf will be the flower hailing from Italy double zero it's super finely milled and perfect for pasta I like to use for pizzas too because it produces a nice crispy crust like the one on my mozzarella and rosemary version rye flour will give you really dense fruity flavored bread fruit cakes or scones if it's too heavy for you just mix it with standard wheat flour and when you are baking remember the self raising flour is just plain flour with raisin Asian's added so if you run out you can add baking powder and salt to your plain flour and get baking [Music] that's the real stuff that's it fresh flour straight out the mill is so superior in flavor and performance that is only when you come to use it you realize what the difference is if you're going to experiment with ingredients in baking you still need to follow some basic rules to make sure things turn out brilliantly every time then whether you're a master baker we were just starting out you can pimp up the classics whether it's a Victoria sponge or a fruits gone and that's the lesson perfectly illustrated by my next recipe sponge with fresh ginger baking is part chemistry part imagination but you've got to rely on the rules for great results so anytime you'll see me reaching for the scales first off eggs sugar butter and when I say way out of the ingredients it does literally mean way out to the final gram 175 now 175 grams of sugar that's 350 grams in total cream the butter and the sugar to get a delicious light sponge start carefully on slow speed only speed up as the butter and sugar really start to cream together keep that already nice to light and see how it's changed color so important to beginning eggs in the minute whisk adding one egg at a time stops the mix from separating the second oh yeah [Music] that's what we're looking for a really nice sort of light airy ad texture now a flavour the sponge no teaspoon of vanilla extract like perfumes the mix one teaspoon of baking powder that gives lightness 175 grams of flour and we have a civet a to get rid of any lumps and B to keep it really nice and fine 175 what I'm gonna beat that out we're just gonna lightly fold that in now what I'm looking for is a really nice and loose dough that's looking a little bit too firm so just a little splash of milk a couple of tablespoons that relaxes the mixture down helps create that nice almost dropping consistency sort of wander yeah starting to drop take a non sticky loose bottom caked in greasy with butter then coated with flour to avoid the sponge sticking just give that a little shake now just get the back of the spatula make sure you got no Peaks on my sponge to make sure the sponge base nice and evenly tap the tin a few times to knock out any air pockets that might have formed in the mixture now into the oven bake for 30 to 35 minutes at 180 degrees as that's cooking prepare the ginger cream for the center 300 mil of cream give that nice whisk whisking cream by hand gives you so much more control and it's so easy to over whip cream on that nice light ginger cream in the center I don't it grainy nothing worse when cream starts to separate now let's get into that 3/4 stage little stiff peaks I'll stop that for 2 minutes fresh ginger now got a really nice large slice of ginger it smells incredible it's so fragrant Ginger's like sort of peeling a potato just take it all those little dark spots now get your grater getting that grater you can chop the ginger really finely I've gone almost like a puree of ginger going through but the juice as well take your knife just spread out Tosun scrotum it's fragrant it's not sweet it's got a really nice taste set that in the fridge [Music] smells incredible the night around the outside dude sure the cake doesn't stick to the Tim before turning it out yeah get your hands under shop and battle while your cake cools only like a really nice sweet chocolate coating pour 300 mils of double cream into a saucepan add two tablespoons of golden syrup to make the top nice and glossy then whisk chop this up really thinly so as it melts quickly 50 grams of butter that's gonna give the chocolate a really nice shine all your cream mix it in give that a really good stir there's a chocolate the butter melts it thickens like a shiny that is so nice to finish it with something sweet on top topping done time to build your sponge cake look at the halfway mark there and just gently slice and really take your time all the way through lift mmm delicious a nice big dollop in the middle gonna be stingy let me type with a cream another dollop and top spread that very carefully lift the lid and just sit that on top that's why I start off with a little extra cream in there so I'll squash you down clean you just push it out to the side I'm not finished poor the luxurious chocolate topping over the sponge be generous and make sure the cake is coated thoroughly diva a gorgeous finish at the bottom the ladle and spread whoa one more wha there know when to say stop and something looks bad delicious I swipe dive in there [Music] next five more my 100 tips to help you cook better and of course these are all about baking kicking off with how to whip cream whipping cream now the important part here is whipping the cream to a 3/4 stage if we over whip it it will split so be very careful double cream in now when we wish things we whisk it in the shape of a figure of 8 and if you spin the ball as you whip the cream you get to release it from the bottom so whips evenly whisk whisk whisk and it should just sit inside the whisk and start to sort of fall out just perfect 3/4 stage double cream done room temperature cream whips much faster than cold so you'll need to take your cream out of the fridge 30 minutes before you want to whip it unless of course you want to work on your biceps a great tip Trent milk and cream from boiling over in a saucepan is to simply lay a wooden spoon across the top the cream bubbles will rise up and hit the wooden handle and then fall back into the pan instead of bubbling over sticky stuff like treacle and gone syrup can be a real mess to measure out my tip is to rub the spoon with a neutral oil like rapeseed and any sticky ingredients will slide straight off and my tip for greasing cake tins is to keep on butter wrappers on hand and use them to crease when needed follow my ultimate cookery course packed with key lessons and top tips and 100 recipes to stake your life on and you'll literally be cooking yourself into a better chef many of these amazing recipes are on my app please check out the app store for details go on get cooking
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 954,046
Rating: 4.927 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, gordon ramsay baking cake, gordon ramsay baking cookies, gordon ramsay baking bread, gordon ramsay baking recipes, gordon ramsay baking desserts, gordon ramsay cake recipes, gordon ramsay cake decorating, gordon ramsay cake half, gordon ramsay bread recipe
Id: WR1MDeP-qSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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