Gordon Ramsay Shows How To Be A Better Baker | Ultimate Cookery Course

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okay this time I'm gonna help you achieve better baking the great thing about pastry is if you follow the basic rules the possibilities are endless whether it's simple short crust or flaky phyllo you just need a bit of practice to get it right my first recipe uses lovely buttery shortcuts pastry to make a dish that's as delicious as it is simple leek and pancetta quiche shortcrust pastry is one of the staples of the kitchen it is so versatile but the good news is is one of the easiest pastries to make trust me when you crack it it can make a real difference to cookies take a sip what do you think of shortcrust pastry it's sort of semi flaky but it's rich buttery start by sitting 200 grams of plain flour into a mixing bowl large pinch of salt Turner grams of unsalted butter clean the bus up to room temperature if you let the butter become too soft in the flour so it doesn't absorb it in with your fingers rub together first now the secret is grab big handfuls and squeeze the butter into the flour syllables happened literally in thirty seconds I've got that nice crumbly texture now cover tablespoons of water nothing worse when the pastry is so wet you can't bring it together needs to shape like a nice rich cookie dough is just a touch too dry so one more tablespoon of water yeah it's coming nicely now that's what I want a nice sort of firm ball pastry onto the board I'm gonna use these when the strongest parts of the body pull towards you and push back down use those wrists to really need it together so just that nice sort of smooth texture now wrapping and cling film set that in the fridge 20 minutes really important that you let the shortcrust pastry relaxed now to make the quiche you can use just an ordinary flan dish but I love making them in mini frying pans which gives me an extra rustic charm brush with oil to stop the pastry from sticking once the pastries at room temperature roll it out to a nice even thickness place it in the center of your little pan turn it in don't use your fingers because what we don't want any holes in this just get a little bit of dough cuz that sort of acts like a little sort of mallet strands it out nicely I'm building a sort of extra lip because that way I can get a filling and there's absolute maximum levels when I cook them blind first blind-bake simply means to precook your pastry before having the filling this ensures you'll have a fantastic crisp pastry add a sheet of foil or baking paper and weigh it down you can use rice pulses or ceramic baking stones just make sure you keep them for the next time and feel them turn to degrees for 10 minutes now for the filling under a classic quiche bacon and leeks this is a amazing cured pancetta pancetta is the ditalion cured meat made from belly pork seasoned with things like juniper nutmeg fennel a great substitute is unsmoked bacon as Ivan cheddar gets lovely and crispy finely sliced leeks and add well links and bacon nice really important to cook those links down exactly once those leeks have almost sort of caramelized slightly crispy the flavors amazing I just drain them off so any excess fat gets trained the tablespoons of cream and gives it any nice of richness I want to third garnish ie bacon and leeks in my quiche and one third of a savory custard touch of salt touch a pepper migrate sangria cheese that makes a really nice sort of creamy less of an eggy quiche take my amazing crispy pancetta and leeks in hmm give it a good mix these one more little thing some freshness flat leaf parsley incredible really important just to taste the mixture with the quiche filling ready next finish off the pastry remove the fallen weights and return to the oven to get it lovely and golden all over [Music] now when we fill them give that a really good mix up [Music] beautiful great over some more cheese which will bubble up and melt beautifully then into the oven make your keys for 15 to 20 minutes [Music] incredible it's got that nice sort of cheese on toast mouth on the top it's sort of bait but the secret of any good quiche is in the short crust because that's the hero there are lots of different types of pastry so to help you put you on the road to pastry perfection here are three of my simple pastry recipes that you can easily cook at home first up my indulgent chocolate tarts first combine softened butter and sugar and cream it'll soft breaking an egg and mix well next folding the flour put the mixture onto a floured surface and simply need it lightly till it's well combined then shape into a disc and chill then simply roll out your pastry until it's about a quarter of a centimeter thick cut into small disks then gently press into lightly grease Lou's bottom mini tart tins and prick the bottom to prevent the pastry from bubbling breast in the fridge this ensures that when the pastry bakes it will turn out nice and soft then bake it till golden as they cool made the gorgeous silky chocolate filling place a mixing bowl over a pan of gently boiling water this is known as a man marie then add double cream butter and plain chocolate then stir until it melts and is Dossi and smooth then pour it into the crisp and golden pastry cases and simply tap to level and chill until set so easy so indulgent and so delicious eating with crème fraîche ice cream or simply by themselves perfect my next dish is an irresistible take on a latin-american classic beef empanadas first finely chopped onion and garlic sweats in the pan of hot olive oil until tender add paprika cinnamon and cumin and stir cooking the spices off intensifies the flavor add beef mince to the pan brown and seasoned add chili flakes for a fiery kick next dried oregano chopped green olives and chopped boiled eggs once it's mixed through set aside to cool for the empanada cases roll out puff pastry this stuff's so time-consuming to make it home so do what I do cheat a new shop-bought cut into disks spoon the mixture into one half of the disk leaving roughly a centimeter border around the edge brush the edge of one half of the disk with egg and fold it over crimp the edges with your fingers to seal and remove air pockets then simply cook in a medium oven until golden brown super easy super quick and super tasty servo chimichurri a spicy South American herb celsa this is what Cornish Pasties dream of being when they grow out my next dish uses superfine phyllo pastry and as a variation on a Moroccan classic easy chicken bestia first chop onions ginger and fry them in hot olive oil add cinnamon and to give the mix a subtle sweet note a pinch of sugar then seasoned chopped cooked chicken thighs and add to the mix pour in chicken stock and then simmer stirring whole lightly beaten eggs which thicken the sauce and cook and in sliced almonds then set aside to cool now build your pasta phyllo is another pastry that's tricky to make it home but you can buy fantastic phyllo Xochitl brush each sheet with melted butter and lay four sheets into a greased baking tin [Music] spoon in half of the fantastic aromatic chicken filling add four more buttered sheets of phyllo pastry and simply piling the rest of the delicious chicken finally cover with a couple of sheets of filo and fold over all the drape sides brush with more butter then bake in the hot oven for 10 to 15 minutes until the top is crispy and golden brown you and all the fina paste wonderfully crunchy and golden so turn over and return for another 10 minutes when done removed and for a different but delicious sweet finishing touch dust lightly with icing sugar and cinnamon intensely aromatic sweet and savory crispy and succulent an extraordinary pie that has to be tasted to be believed three types of pastry three mouth-watering fillings three more recipes you can stake your life on that's so simple to do beautiful for easy accurate baking you need the right kit don't need to spend a fortune on masses of kitchen equipment here's my quick guide to two essentials you need for baking scales and a sieve bacon is so popular now these scales are absolutely essential especially you have to follow the recipe to the exact grammar these digital scales are so easy to follow they can convert from pounds and ounces to kilos and grams more portly so much easier to use than your mama's old weights absolutely perfect a sieve make sure you get one with a long handle and balancing hooks so you can rest it over your mixing bowl or a Pam an easy thing to have in the drawer cost nothing it's so effective especially with bacon with these two pieces of kit definitely on the right road to baking like a pro be it bacon or any type of cooking always pays off to use the best ingredients you can find and you'll never too old to learn from the experts next our shopping guide to getting the best milk and cream when it comes to name what makes great quality milk dairy farmer charlie ray is your man he's been producing milk from his herd of hand read specialist breed jersey cattle for over 30 years yeah they're part of the family almost so he's up teased when he's in the stuff the jersey milk is very high butter fat which therefore means it is very cream is very creamy to drink and it's the best quality milk you'll get anywhere Jersey cows have very docile very friendly very easy to manage and this is my favorite she's about 17 years old she's called misty if you think of the large arctic milk tank as you see going up and down the motorways she's filled one and a half of those on her own [Music] I reckon these are happy kills they've got a draw roof over their heads they've got a dry bed and they've got as much food as they want the happier they are and the better kept they are the better the quality of the milk that comes out the other end this is what's called an a breast milking parlor the other way as much as we've got contact with the cows who can treat each cow individually the milk goes up through a meter into that line through a big filter and into the tank without this product you wouldn't have chocolate cheese yogurts it's the base ingredient in so many things that you buy and totally take the brand food and where there's milk there's also glorious cream essential for brilliant bacon and lots of savory dishes too [Music] single cream is around 18% fat so is the lighter option for topping desserts or stirring into savory sauces whereas double cream at nearly 50% fat is lovely and rich in Panna cottas or in a carbonara sauce as well as being able to withstand boiling whipping and freezing sour cream sound with a similar culture to that used in yogurt is a really tasty topping for chilies or baked potatoes clotted cream rich thick and a delicious indulgence sir with puddings and scones or in ice cream to make it extra rich and mascarpone actually a creamy soft Italian cheese famously used in Italian dessert tiramisu it's also fantastic in cheesecakes [Music] it is positive all life in great bacon as with all cooking sometimes less is more the easiest dishes look and taste spectacular when they're done well and it doesn't come any simpler or more stylish than my next dish wonderful baked cheesecake for me food always has to be impressive but when it comes to desserts often you see spun sugar or wall decorations remember simple is always the most impressive this cheesecake is so straightforward yet so delicious mouth cream cheese leave it have the fridge for 5 or 10 minutes they're nice and soft trust me your arms will be thanking you sugar in this cheesecake is New York cheesecake because it's baked there's no base start creaming the cheese and the sugar spending the amount of time I do in the States if there's one thing they know how to do out there is the most amazing impressive cheesecake rich delicious but so simple work the vault lift the ball to your advantage really whisk whisk whisk whisk lovely nice and creamy now your eggs add the extra mixture bit by bit do it this way it's more efficient hey you're incorporating a lot of air be the mixture doesn't separate last though your egg lovely of course you can use electric mixer but why go to the gym we can just make a cheesecake a day cheesecake add a keep the bingo wings away now couple of tablespoons of flour give it a whisk stop them your lumpy now I want to send a cheesecake over the freshness zest for the lemon in there I want to sort of tart it up even more fold in some fresh raspberries so just mix them through be careful to crush them then grease the cake tin with butter this will ensure your cheesecake slides out beautifully take your mix now that fall in now take your cake tin and just tap it mixture hits the bottom of the Katyn the raspberries rise and you've got raspberries at the top the middle in the bottom and also stops all those little pockets of air trapping underneath the mixture from the cake tin there's no holes in the cheesecake now into the oven 180 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes [Music] he's slightly souffle DUP pull off that's the color I wanted on top and look at it it's one of the simplest yet the most stylish cheesecakes anyway beautiful [Music] next my tricks the trade and kitchen tips kicking off with how to handle pastry lightly flour the surface pastry on top rolling pin now the secret now is don't overwork the pastry firm push turn the pastry around and this helps to even the pastry turn and roll now as it starts to crack don't worry just by pushing it back together it's sort of unites the pastry immediately apply pressure turn the pastry now the average thickness is down to a one pound coin back on the rolling pin and look beautiful so the neatest edge on tarts and quiches my tip is to let the pastry hang over the side of the tin when you bake it trim around the edge once the pastry is cooked it will give you a cleaner edge and prevent it from shrinking [Music] my tip for even rising is to place cakes and tarts in the center of the oven so the air can circulate all the way around them test your cake to make sure it's done insert a knife skewer or even a piece of spaghetti in the center if there's mixture stuck to it it's not done yet if it comes out clean your cakes ready if there have any baking beans to hand for blind baking you can use any rice grain or pulse you won't be able to cook with them afterwards but do keep them to reuse them next time when you're folding egg whites on whipped cream into cake mixtures you want to retain as much air in the mixture as you can my tip use a metal spoon as the sharp thin edge will keep more of the air in [Music] follow my ultimate cookery course crammed with key lessons top tips and 100 recipes to stake your life on and you'll literally be cooking yourself into a better chef many of these amazing recipes are on my app please check out the App Store for details go on get cooking
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 669,845
Rating: 4.9344807 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, gordon ramsay baking, Ultimate Cookery Course, gordon ramsay baking cake, gordon ramsay baking bread, gordon ramsay baking recipes, gordon ramsay ultimate cookery course full episodes, gordon ramsay ultimate cookery course, gordon ramsay cheesecake, gordon ramsay cheesecake recipe
Id: rWLPQ-olguA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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