Gordon Ramsay's Staff Refused Rita Ora Entry | The Jonathan Ross Show

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she is the best thing to come out of Kosovo since well she's the best thing to come out of customer whether it's the same one actor she's always fabulous is winter hola [Applause] oh that's a very elegant look I can't bring a bit of class to what we've been talking about recently yeah exactly well it's Ramsay um now you know Ed well of course we just discussed you guys have worked together okay yeah we've known each other since we were 16. wow we're on the same management company way back when way back then and um yeah then he became Master Superstar and then wrote tunes and I was like this is such a tune and then actually I'm surprised it took us this long to work together but obviously he's busy do you know gordonato have you ever eaten at one of his restaurants well actually funny little Story I mean I was wanting to I mean like everybody else that wants to go eat in the Ramsay restaurant and then I just didn't get in what happened so this well basically I don't think you know about this obviously no hope because he'll probably fire us on me but he'll certainly use some language in their presence no no I went in obviously I wasn't dressed apart I walked in I was like oh I'd love a little like meal you know and I just they just were like no this is what were you wearing them what did you consider I was just throwing a track here I just usually I'm kind of like a tomboy so I was usually just wearing like trackie trainers and I think that it was like a dress code or something damn but you know what one day can I start off now can I come to one of your recipes yes you can [Music] no don't worry I don't know I don't believe you what what area was it in I'm not saying anything we lived in a house that Ed now lives in and um obviously it was a house that was renting out couldn't afford it at the time major beautiful place and yeah and then I stayed there for a few months and I was actually when I left I was like you know what I can now actually get it and it was gone to this one wow but you think it's haunted is that correct uh do you have a haunted house okay what do you mean I do have I know I have a cottage that a little girl lives in in the Attic but a little ghost yeah a little guy like I have three three people that have stayed there that don't believe in ghosts and they've all they've all seen it what do they see they see her walking around or yeah no they just when they go they sleep in the top room and they wake up with her at the end of the bed and there's three streets I'm not I'm not even like joking I mean I don't know but it's basically the top the top Rim has a uh uh trap door in it where um where the person yeah it's from the 16th century so people would go there to when they were ill and then they get they'd die and then they get lowered down and uh yeah I've had the girl that cleans it refused to clean it anyway because she's seen it so many times really yeah so she's seen the ghost have you seen the ghost no I've I'm not asleep [ __ ] that man let me ask you that about your childhood because we've never really spoken about this but your family they they came from what was Yugoslavia I think yeah and then and now of course is Kosovo there was the war was going on yeah so you were here and I guess you were a refugee fan I am yeah I'm a proud Refugee and I moved to London when I was one was it tough did you feel like there was a stigma attached to where your phone had come from did you or were you made did you feel welcome did you feel comfortable I like yes I was blessed I had a great family my mother couldn't really speak English then but now she's a psychiatrist and works for the NHS which is awesome yeah and my dad owns pubs so he loves a pint that guy That's a classic example of people coming over just doing incredibly well no no honestly yeah the most of the opportunity without dwelling into it too deeply I mean it I don't know what I would be doing if I didn't have a change of environment so I'm very lucky to be the best thing that came out of Kosovo yeah was there stuff that you remember because you were tiny when you left but was there stuff that you had then which were like traditional custom food yeah well this really good nice thing called Pita which is like layers of um pastry with spinach and you can put cheese in there and it's Gorge it's so yummy you dip it in like Greek yogurt with some garlic I love garlic we had we we thought we'd look into it we look into whether there were any kosovan dishes and we couldn't find the food but we we were speaking to the cost of an embassy really yes and you know I just got my ambassadorship for that oh wow well congratulations they recommend you they said we've got here we've got uh got that here this is the regional fruit Brandy alcoholic beverage it's only made from grapes here's the thing this is the truth it's for like we couldn't find it we asked the embassy if they could send some over right this is what they sent over they probably were drinking it it's a rough day at the cost of an embassy this is what they sent us is all they had left you want to try something I'm not actually allowed to drink at the moment you can't drink at the moment okay Gordon you want to bet this a little have a sip because it really does knock you off so is it like a is it like a shot like a no no this is really strong the good thing about this is that yeah you just never know when enough is enough because it's so strong so every time you have it for the every time you drink it you think you're drinking it for the first time right because it's not too bad it smells Pokey yeah it's got some that's good oh it's real isn't it this is a real what do you think I don't know I'm gonna perform after this but we'll see that's what golden said holy that's not my favorite drink really so you drink that Ikea yeah with my dad and stuff Christmas time yeah around Christmas time I think what's cool is that I just like alcohol so I just drink anyway that's nice and that certainly is alcohol yeah definitely but I'm like Ed I can't really perform more work Under the Influence so like after work it's a really nice like treat to yourself you know the day the end of the Working Day kick back oh it's your face yeah you know I've got a I've got to confession to you you were in a movie Southpaw and I'm going to talk about this two things I want to tell you about this but I thought you were amazing in it I didn't even know it was you I didn't recognize you it was only after when someone said oh she was in this film that really happened because I used to act when I was a kid I went to a theater school so I was really excited to just be involved in it and um yeah it was a small part I played a crackhead and then I ended up doing some sorry is that bad crackers well no it's a character you're playing I think I think you I mean I think there's probably apply the term in terms of the character you're playing someone who would have been called in the film yes that so therefore it's a prostitute crackhead to be specific well you're not making any better ones with two kids okay so she's a very disadvantaged person well that's a cool spot yeah and then not elevated into doing the 50 Shades stuff and then I did just a really cool independent movie actually with the late Carrie Fisher it's amazing incredible yeah and it was really sad because she actually passed away whilst we were filming it so it was pretty difficult to kind of get back into the role it must have been great working with her though wouldn't it yeah it was amazing and she was just I think she was you know star like the whole thing was so incredible that working with her I always just saw that character you know she would drink lots of Coca-Cola and just be living life yeah so it was an amazing experience there she is look at that Coca-Cola with a Sig fig yeah [Applause] because the movie Southpaw that was a Harvey Weinstein film and that could not be more in the news right now and you must have met with anything were you on the receiving anybody untoward behavioral advances from him did you know that's what he was about was it a kind of an Open Secret or did you not encounter that um I did not encounter that um and I value everybody's confidence in coming out and being brave and showing their um Independence and I think it's an incredible time right now especially in the world to really prove yourselves and stick up for who you are what you believe in well you know thank you for speaking um and you're going to perform first in the show so now so and are you touring at the moment what are you doing I start touring next year my second album I'm super excited to just finally be out on the road and you know be back and just perform and um yeah I'm gonna give you an exclusive first performance of my new single anyway well we put a special floor in for you yeah thanks for that it's really lovely to have you back on the show thank you so much [Applause] thank you
Channel: The Jonathan Ross Show
Views: 360,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Jonathan Ross Show, ITV, Jonathan Ross, Wossy, Rossy, chat show, jonathan ross chat show, jonathan ross, jonathan ross show best moments, jonathan ross show funniest moments, jonathan ross show new series, tonight show, highlights, nbc, nbc tv, television, funny, talk show, comedic, humor, rita ora on taika waititi, married, taika waititi, you only love me, season 2, kung fu panda: the dragon knight, ritual, how to be lonely, your song, anywhere, for you, i will never let you down
Id: z80KkfKa4Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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