Britney Spears Absolutely Nails British Accent | FULL INTERVIEW | The Jonathan Ross Show

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Britney [Applause] [Music] Spears wow that's uh well well I'm afraid now that's all we have time for uh Britney that's a lovely welcome isn't it yes that was so nice thank you welcome back to the UK that's a welcome back to the UK do you now your your grandmother was from from London wasn't she yes so do you feel at home when you come here is there a connection that you wew I definitely do I um my my grandmother she spoke British always came over she did she um she spoke British she was very she always said e e in the morning and did she have any other words or was that it that was quite it that's all you need in England really to get by true yes so um yeah she was a lovely lady okay and uh you've been back here before of course I know I've seen you I saw you here years ago one of your tours um so you must like it here now what do you um do you like British men cuz I know you're you're single at the moment I do I like the accent yes have you British I can uh have you checked out any men while you're here have you been checked out by any men when I say checked out I mean just admiring yeah observe I I on the way here I saw a guy on a motorcycle and he had a beautiful beard and a motorcycle hat really sexy a motorcycle hat or a helmet what was a helmet okay and so you like a man with a beard yes okayy I have a as well oh my God have you got a motorcycle helmet though missing component uh tell me a little bit about uh growing up uh little Britney when you were growing up because you were you were born in Louisiana weren't you yes what was what was home life like for you when you were young well I was a country girl um and I was um I was very into ball I was never a cheerleader or anything like that I was a tomboy so um I was just a mama's girl I loved um food my dad owns restaurant he was into construction building and um just normal just a normal Southern yeah uh where do you live now do you live in Los Angeles or do you live in Las Vegas cuz you have the Big Show going on have two homes I have one in Las Vegas and one in La uh and the the Las Vegas show has been a huge success for you has it yes it has how much time of the year do you spend in Vegas probably um 60% of the time uh and and the show itself it must be pretty exhausting I guess is it every night or nearly every night it's three nights a week oh that's easy that's easy okay well you you could you could could get another job then to make him me uh but is it a party town when you're there do you go out much do you have fun like that or are you aware of The Parting that's going on around I am aware of The Parting that's going on a lot of the people um are very intoxicated during the shows and um but the food is great when I've been to see shows in Vegas uh often it seems to me the audience they are they're enjoying the performance but you're right they've already had a couple of what what we would call sharpeners yes do you have you encountered that have you had an AUD someone's I was actually I got contact High um I haven't smoked weed since I was like 17 years old and this this all of a sudden towards the end of the show like I mean it was so strong I couldn't function wow because I got just the contact of it I was like oh my goodness so I was like I had to leave I had to go so how can you leave your own show though what happens if you've left I kind of just I say I can't do it anymore well maybe they were so high they didn't notice they so you stay uh you stay near the show I guess you're not in the same building as the show but you stay pretty nearby yes but you're not kept awake by the partying are you you don't have carousing going on near you or I do you do yes there's parties all around wow so how do you what do you do do you go and join in or do you blanking out I just don't go in there they're private parties so I suspect if you wanted to go in they' probably let you in um I'd have to see there's a lot of drugs involved oh okay what to get you into a party or no a lot of drugs involved oh inside you don't want to go near that of course not you're Britney you wouldn't go near there uh you know I was talking about you growing up in Louisiana so what how old were you when you first appeared in the Mickey Mouse Club you were just a kid still I was 12 12 years old but you'd audition for it before hadn't you yes I was eight so you were eight and and you didn't get no the part now how did you how did the 8-year-old and you deal with that cuz that's a pretty big blow to get and it yes we I actually I was with a girlfriend and we all went as a pack like of six girls together and we went and we um we didn't make it but it was just really fun because it it was the the it was the impact of all the kids there like the energy and it was just it was really cool well incredible training ground I would have thought for to go on to be a performer because so many you know the the kind of year you were there you had incredible people I was amazed I I hadn't realized Ryan goling Yes was one of the Disney kids as well and of course Justin was there Christian aguera I mean just huge success there uh I'm hoping it was fun as well as it being fun to watch I'm it was it was probably one of the funnest times of my life we all lived in the same community and um we had a schedule every day and it was just it was fun it was a lot of fun so one question you know I've always want to ask you this is you've been in the public eye since you were 12 yes cuz that was a huge show wasn't it m do you ever fantasized do you ever wonder what life would be like if you if you hadn't been do you have a kind of a I do I I kind of go like I have this thing where I go into denial a little bit and I'll put a hat on and I just pretend like I'm like everybody else and I'll go out and it really usually works cu no one pays you any attention so sort of a disguise it's like a disguise yeah yeah and so what do you do when you're going out there what sort of things do you want to do that I'll just take my dog for a walk or I'll go shopping or I'll do just like normal stuff and and when you have to become Britney again does that feel weird well it's like well I'm used to my show it's like a character change it's kind of like I'm a performer so I know how to mentally adjust my head to go there in character it's it's not me it's not who I am at all but it's like it's part of what I do so what would the real Britney be like then I honest I'm kind of boring I'm I'm really boring yeah I'm boring I um I I love movies I love hot I know it sounds so boring but I'm not like this like you know crazy like go out girl what's a great night for you then what's a great night what's a A really lovely a night when you're not working a night well spent a movie what um done by your girl your wife oh yeah or my or my girlfriend they both make movies I didn't know that um Kingsman is one of my favorite movies I love the beginning because it plays The Rock song and it's like I'm I'm a nerd I'm sorry I'm just like yeah it's so cool so um that's my favorite movie oh thank you and then what else you do you like to order food in you like to cook do you cook I cook I can um I like I like a lot of different races I like rice and um jumalia don't laugh oh my God she said she was boring what did you [Music] I like rice I do I like that's my favorite thing well I think that's an exclusive we've got out of her white here I just hope you don't regret saying that okay it's going to be a headline tomor Britney's rice addiction four bags a day desperate for Uncle Ben okay uh we uh we we had a brief CH before the show and I know you have two young men in your life your sons of course uh and they're 12 11 now they're rough 10 and 11 10 and 11 uh and I saw that you threw a Pokémon party for them yes recently so they're just into the the things that regular kids they AG you into yes now one of them he's sort of like uh becoming a DJ is that what yeah his father is a DJ okay and he's actually going to give his dad a run for his money wow he's very very good he's um he actually when I recorded my record I would bring it home and let him listen to and a lot of the songs he was like Mom this isn't really good he would tell me like straight up and I was like really okay but I I really do respect his his ear because he knows you know like as the generation the Young Generation completely knows and so but at night that we do have like little clubs and parties at the house and he have our laser lights going on and he like he plays yeah we I mentioned earli on you're single can you is it is it easy for you to meet people I mean or is it kind of tricky because of who you are and because of you know you have to be wary I suppose of people I it's a little tricky I you know it's um I have a a friend at home and he randomly sets me up with people every now and then on dates and it's just awkward because there's so many times that you meet people and it's just like too awkward why because because they have an idea of you that you're not or vice versa well I will say there's been two days have been kind of cool but other than that it's just it's too much it's like I I went with this one guy and he just like he looked like a lizard like I was so scared I keep saying I turn I was like oh my God holy [ __ ] he looks just like a lizard and I had to go it was really bad so you just so you just left wow [Music] immediately no one's going to judge you for that but I need to ask which one of your friends set you up with the lizard man I know I was so mad at I called him I was very angry did you say he's a lizard yes and he said oh my God his pictures I guess it's just he doesn't look that in the picture uh so who are you looking for what are you looking for I guess certain qualities um I like someone that's just nice overall just a nice guy is really is um groundbreaking yeah in this world that that sounds pretty achievable to me but I I don't know but some people seem to think maybe they aren't that no a lot of men are about games what does that mean it's just a mind game with guys you know the calling back and the it's just too much it's just silly so they not wanting you to think they're too Keen yeah it's just it's silly but I would have thought I don't know if you know this but you're Britney Spears and I would have thought they would be Keen I don't know but maybe maybe they're thinking okay she's famous and she will think I'm crazy if I keep calling her pestering her actually I'm not looking for men right now I'm really happy with myself ah so what are you looking for yeah like absolutely no way you should Define Yourself by I'm not looking for anything I'm fine with the way I am and you seem in a in a really good place right now would that be a safe thing to say yes sir okay so you're pretty happy pretty that's good to know now Britney said she was up to have some fun this evening and so and of course she's going to perform for us at the end of the night which is exciting uh but we thought we would uh play a game of never have I ever and we asked the audience when you came in whether you would write some questions down did you write some questions down for us so I've got this for you if you this is uh you hold that sign up if you have done something so I have some questions for the audience here never have I ever worn the same underwear two days in a row no wow I mean if this had had five days it would be the same answer for me that's what that's nice okay let's do another one here we go never have I ever regifted something that was given to me as a gift all the time yeah oh this one's got a name it's from Daniel and you already did it never have I ever made love listening to one of my own records hey can you play me okay now I want are you being totally honest here I want you to be totally honest this is going to be the last one I want you to be 100% honest here never have I ever farted while [Music] performing WR so scared come on just do it just yeah that's it that's it that's it okay Bry let me talk about some of the uh the Britney looks over the years when you look back at them how do you feel about the way you looked in those videos The Outfits you wore let's start with that one I just actually wore th eyes today for the first time in 10 years so and the hair do you ever do your hair like that now no no never not even for special occasions no look the next one now this was oops I did it again uh and next was the I believe Kevin Bacon owns that suit now but um uh was that uncomfortable to film in yes it was very uncom because I was so hot on the inside so we just kept on having to put powder in there so I could it wouldn't stick is that someone's job doing that and uh you still have that no you have any of your old outfits it's in the theater in Vegas so they have it on display on display yes that's cool oh oh here you go that's not actually an outfit those are just hand diamonds painted on me well glued on me wow yes but not glued directly on were they glued on your body or on a bodysuit glued on my body on the skin yes how do you get them off afterwards I don't remember what I did you might still have some on your nail when you sit down is ever there a sharp pain in your but cuz you might still I cough up Diamond sometimes okay that's a great look though I mean that's a bold look and so what about other performers do you ever look at I mean do you have to avoid being too similar say you see something that Rihanna's wearing or someone else do you think I can't go there because she's got that market actually they do open your a little bit more I mean like Rihanna the other when she performed at the VMAs and she was like it was so odd she was in baby pink and like you would cuz she's so rock and roll you'd never think to beat her to be in baby pink but it was so Random for her but it was [ __ ] dope yeah well you got to love we yeah uh the VMAs the VMAs was you you appeared at the VMAs with the snake L time didn't you yes okay now so presumably that and that's a that's a live snake that's a live snake were you screamish at all or were you already snake friendly I was on adrenaline so I really was just going through the motions um in rehearsals I broke out in hives though everywhere but I was like you know what it's we'll just do it and we'll get it over it'll be fine so when we actually did it the snake when I came to give it away its head went right in my face and its tongue sised at me before I gave it away it was insane wow it was insane uh do you do your kids like watching you perform do they do they go to the show ever cuz it would be kind of cuz you're sexy on stage they they go to half of the show they don't watch the whole thing okay yeah so is there is there a sexier half my niece actually she's five she watches the whole show wow yeah and she's crazy and she comes and she comes into the quick change with me and she's like hey Bry how'd you do that she's just like she's so animated she's so much fun how many changes do you get through you get through a lot of costume changes eight eight changes just getting changed that often in one night would be too much for me never mind performing as well because you're in great shape I mean you must be super fit right now to be able to do that show that often yeah I've been doing it for 3 years now so my body kind of knows you know and and what do you do to keep in shape the rest of the time is it gym is it I run a lot and you like running no I hate it but I have to do it I think you expect playing tennis as well yes okay okay I like to play tennis I'm not particularly good but I like playing tennis and I thought well why don't we play a version of you know that game beer pong you don't know be pong I've heard of it but I've never played it it's an American game I think okay you bounce a ping pong ball in to a cup okay and then the way they play it in a bar is you have to drink what's in the cup now we're using slightly larger cups so we figured we won't drink the contents so we thought we' do it instead that if I get a ball in you have to do whatever forfeit is linked to that cup and vice versa all right I'll follow you okay so there are forfeits involved in this special game of Britney ping ping this special game of Britney beer pong spear pong spear pong let's call it spear spe so I'm going to give you the pink balls if you like we's look I'm going to go with fishell balls there's the cups and and if I get one you can go first and if you get one in I have to do whatever for pink you can yeah you can have either one there a pink one you got your just go got oh that was horrible okay that is really bad looks like Spears is going to have a forfeit no look and learn [Applause] Brothers it [Applause] easy hit the other person okay W you're strong wrong okay that's my go I'm glad I didn't get that that would have been horrible wouldn't it [Applause] yes oh You' got to kiss Alexander Scara take that let me take that and I shouldn't I shouldn't say this but you won't believe how much money he gave me to put that in the that's it she'll never call me goodne okay so my turn it's your [Applause] turn that was bad that was so bad yeah yeah and you see what I do with no support come on thank you thank you [Applause] yeah helium challenge okay uh so one of us which means you has to suck down some helium really and sing now now we've been asked to say you shouldn't do this at home okay so you got the one here so what song do you want to sing you're going to sing you can sing one of own you can sing a popular song something we all know but get a good old Shake It Off shake it off shake [Applause] it oide okay ladies and gentlemen I think you agree she's been great fun she's going to perform for us at the end of the evening will you join me in saying thank you to Britney SP wow thank you so much that was great fun thank you you can go up and get yourself ready perform Britney spars [Applause] [Music] gentlemen
Channel: The Jonathan Ross Show
Views: 1,682,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ITV, Jonathan Ross, chat show, jonathan ross chat show, jonathan ross, Britney Spears Interview, Jonathan Ross Show, Celebrity Dating Stories, Britney Spears Family, Britney Spears Childhood, Exclusive Celebrity Interview, Britney Spears Unfiltered, Britney Spears Personal Life, Celebrity Gossip Revealed, Britney Spears Untold Stories, britney spears interview, britney spears live, britney spears songs, justin timberlake britney spears, justin timberlake snl, celeb accents
Id: Dx4UF12doyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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