Inside Rita Ora's Victorian-Era Sanctuary | Open Door | Architectural Digest

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hello ad it's me Rita welcome to my home thank you for coming all the way to England London come on in [Music] I have to tell you the history of this house one of the main reasons why I bought this house was because of the history so it was built in the 1800s originally owned by an illustrator called Arthur Rackham one of my favorite artists he did all the illustration for Alice in Wonderland Red Riding Hood the house has a lot of energy good energy all the creative sort of juices that I need and that I kind of felt as soon as I walked in here all this original sort of like glass work that you can see up here was here way before I got here and it's a sign because that clock in the middle my name in my language also means time so that was like a little personal connection I had as soon as I walked in I was like ah it's meant to be this is an old traditional kind of school kind of thing where you sit and you take your shoes off and you hang your coat up here I've taken them all off because I knew you guys were coming and I wanted it to look neat come on let's show you the kitchen foreign [Music] if you can see they're kind of small I was told it's a very very traditional thing so I've tried to keep everything as natural and organic as I could we had to redo the kitchen because it was really old this is one of my favorite places in the house because I love cooking I love kind of hanging out with my friends I absolutely love these arches here I really think it gives it a little character in my opinion and I love Dimension I love like things feeling cozy and in London it's all about being cozy so I wanted to keep it simple I wanted this house to really just speak for itself in the sense of its architecture and the history of the house so I didn't want to kind of bombard it with all these kind of decorations Let Me Take You by this fireplace literally has been here since the 1800s or something it just really reminds me of the countryside cozy pink glamorous girly but it's also incredibly romantic and that's what I loved about this house as well it's extremely romantic but I like to contrast it because this house has so much history but I wanted to bring my rock and roll self in there and then some uh Damien Hurst work that he personally Drew on for me we love you Damien I wanted to just keep that there because again I think it's really cool to mix the modern with the old school so this for me that I'm about to show you is the soul I think of the house here is the frame and the divider that divides this kitchen and my sitting room it's been here since the house was made hasn't been touched it reminds me of like the old sort of like church kind of rusty but just so full of soul and heart after himself is pictured with these frames if I need to do the same picture as him so I can like put it side by side and then maybe in like however many million years or whenever they're going to look at me and be like oh look at this glamorous person that used to live in the house [Music] this is my living room this is usually my spot actually and I kind of sit and I put my feet up and I watched TV takeaways usually sit in there my friends and family kind of hang out there there's the bar over there you know when it gets cold we all sit by the fireplace so here is kind of the traditional radiators I love them just because of the simple fact that they're so old school and they're like really gritty and these really nice Windows big windows in London always a plus it's such a nice room because when you sit here and you look at this Garden you just see green and then you're sort of like how is this in London like by the way we're in London like in the city I shared a room with my sister my whole life to be able to show you this and say that I can look outside and see green and have a huge Garden it's insane let me show you outside come on [Music] welcome to what I like to call my little piece of heaven what I love the most about this Garden is that it's full of flowers I love flowers my garden is amazing he and I have sat here for hours deciding what we want how we want it I'm just so proud of us look how far we are with the traditional color of the flooring we just kind of kept it the same it's a little scruffy because it's London we live in a city so this is the truth but I want to show you something really cute look at these little foot marks back in the day when they first laid this down a little naughty Fox came and stood on the cement and left it like that bit of character for you there's another fireplace there this is a big traditional Sundial and we actually have the original Sundial at the back of the garden this is where I sort of sit have a tea and then I sort of look at this big tree that I have the weeping willow let me take you through the pond I got these from Portobello Market which is where I grew up in West London Shout Out West London here we have a beautiful passageway welcome to my green piece of secret Heaven here is where we really just hang out we put a carpet down here or a little blanket or something and I just have the best time sitting here and just smelling the flowers that's basically what we do but this isn't the end this is the middle of the garden come on so this is the Sundial that was here and I wanted to just make a moment of it because I like to honor the history of this house so we just painted it gold because gold is my favorite if you follow me down this walkway this is where the butterflies stay oh I like natural fires I didn't want to put too much like electrical stuff in this part because I really felt like the whole point of this sunken bit of garden is to be a garden said I thought let's make this a nice little fire chill out spot where we can make some Smalls or cook some stuff and we put cushions here sometimes and that's a cute little bench if anyone needs to have a first kiss or anything you know just give me a call and I'll set it up for you it's very romantic we have outdoor mirror to also check yourself out and say to yourself I'm great today thank you to the village that put me together let's go [Music] here we are this is like where I sleep and that's all I do this used to be Arthur's Art Studio I thought it was really cool to turn it into a bedroom I really loved the high ceilings that was why I wanted this to be a bedroom the windows are really big and haven't been touched it's so old school and I love the fact that I have a whole bathroom in the bedroom look at this this is the the bathroom in the same room I have a bath and a fireplace and I like to kind of run baths and have the fire on and I kind of sometimes put my iPad here and I watch Like stranger things or whatever's popping on the socials nowadays you know what I'm saying I'm just all over it and the sink has this really kind of simple marble and these are all very traditional these have been here for a very long time my mom got me this rug which is very cute oh the windows look at these glass stained incredible Windows this has been there since the beginning that used to be like an old shoot where you'd put God knows what but I'm I'm gonna go with laundry I actually have two fireplaces in my bedroom I have this amazing guy and this beautiful little butterflies which I just thought were so cute by the bathroom there's another fireplace so when it gets really cold in London which it does you just have both of these bad boys and you're just kind of like getting double whammy Warmness and I love indoor plants I don't know if you've been spotting them on this tour so far because my life is pretty hectic I like to come home to Nature peace things that don't like do that to me it's beautiful because I have one of my favorite parts of the house in my bedroom and I want to show you why oh here is my private balcony that I come out on and I look at London I say and I sometimes have my tea here or a bit of breakfast do some emails and all of this is all kind of naturally just grown I haven't touched it I just wanted it to sort of grow and I look at my garden and I just think wow I'm very lucky to have a garden and a view like this in my bedroom foreign [Music] way to my clothes look how small this door is again old school yeah so this is where my day-to-day life happens and I just sort of get dressed I love kicks sneakers I have lots of sneakers this is literally half of my stuff because I have so much stuff it's all in storage so I've only decided to do like my day-to-day stuff when I get up I like you know wants them to put something on to go to work but it's pretty cute this is where I keep all my vintage teas Sex Pistols oh I forgot to show you we love George but if you come through here you have a whole another bathroom so I kind of get ready here I just run upstairs quickly find us something to wear go back down to my bedroom and this sink they wanted to throw this away and we just reused it because it's a double sink and it's just the coolest thing ever and we put in a shower and we just made this into a really kind of nice girly getting ready space this is my Rita time I guess and I put face masks sometimes I lie here and I scroll on Tick Tock get out the shower and I just think oh let's just have a little look and then it's three hours later can you believe that let's not tell anyone that this is where I do all my hair and makeup and I kind of sit here and I let people fix me and then after 28 hours how I look what you think this is my most proudest possession it's Lego Spice Girls and then here is a present I had it's just kind of some of my magazine covers it's nice to see some of these accomplishments I guess once in a while you know what I mean this is my little cave my man cave the woman cave it's my cave this is the only real fireplace I have in my house with a real wood obviously this incredible Arch and look at these incredible tiles on the floor I mean it's so beautiful because they're just little trees and beautiful pictures of sheep sleeping and then I just sit here sometimes I watch TV I have to show you though this is also where I keep some of my favorite books some awards the majority of my awards are at my mom's house because she likes to hold on to them so my favorite records are down there that's from my album Phoenix I did an album launch and I just brought over a couple guitars Hunters Thompson and here we've got Elton to noise hidden back there sorry I love you Elvis I mean there's always a bit of music in my house and if anyone ever wants to pick up the guitar and start singing you're more than welcome [Music] thank you for coming to visit me it's still crazy that I have a house like this and trust me I'm very grateful I'll see you guys really soon I love you bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Architectural Digest
Views: 4,752,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ad home tour, ad home tours, arch digest, arch digest home tour, arch digest open door, arch digest rita ora, architectural digest, architectural digest home tour, architectural digest open door, architectural digest rita ora, new rita ora, open door, open door rita ora, rita ora, rita ora 2022, rita ora home, rita ora home tour, rita ora london, rita ora london home, rita ora london home tour, rita ora new home, rita ora now, rita ora victorian
Id: vvrjhuJrFVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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