Gordon Ramsay's Simple At Home Recipes | Gordon Ramsay | Part One

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now for the main course my all-time favorite shepherd's pie what's the secret behind a really good shepherd's pie so we're gonna use leeks and onions and I'll start browning off the mince you know no color no flavor I've never forgotten that you know that color gotta have color otherwise it puts that grain tinge on the shepherd's pie that looks greasy and super nasty they don't want that to me and I know you don't do cheaper nasty let me clear your peelings name thank you very much there's no nails in there now is that no I remember you're amazing shepherd's pie and that lovely little restaurant ease to working in Sheep Street in Stratford so you never got food sent back never got a complaint no apologies work of that restaurant for gonna make okay a sort of modern version of nanny's shepherd's pie [Music] excuse me sorry and there we got a delicious steamed trickling date pudding [Music] have a skeleton's pull the same I'm not too sure on the scalloped own once you're too late come on okay so two cats are in the race one is called one two three and the other is called under 12 to one don't know depends who's the fastest count one two three goes under to our cast sake [Music] tell while you make a nice cup of tea for nanny yeah thank you very so give that little file okay nice talk to these jokes they get worse soon have another fun what's the sauce that's gonna get that really nice spicy seasoning okay yeah it's about a period you could catch a little matters in there so if you like you could yeah put that mince back in there what's this drained I'm just gonna put a little touch I know you'll go crazy at this a little touch the red wine well because I'm gonna make it nice and rich okay but used to have red wine down yeah and then start covering your mince with your stock now you'll ring out to the ball okay and then get some fresh rosemary okay like it would taste yes please salt there's no but hot be careful either way sorry looks good as it cooks the house the wine the alcohol disappear it'll be delicious trust me now God spring onions would chop up and that's going to go through the mashed potatoes is going to sit on top nice savory delicious mince is laced through wet red wine nice so springs into that please mum and I'm gonna drain off the potatoes yeah so will dry out those potatoes and then mash them would you Holly slice a little knob of butter in there for Jack please so what was the restaurant you work down there were you a chef well you're a chef I was a cook it's exactly that not really used to help me no you kids to know takes us these are nice and fluffy omelette oh my and you want them not delicious mashed potatoes yeah with no lumps in there it's great having you back in the kitchen mommy now seriously brings back good memories no just why'd you do that don't I just wants to fork it to get it nice and spiky so I want that nice crispy topping and then lightly great that cheddar cheese on some and that goes in the oven literally 20 minutes 180 Jack can you hum the door people I love it doesn't it even though you said you didn't like it earlier okay back in a day mummers meals all came with two veg and this is no different but with a modern twist braised peas and carrots with a fantastic homemade mint butter shepherd's pie glaze on top does that and then the carrots that's why I didn't put carrots in sticky spiced chicken wings Jack who's a hand please book why because it's your favorites yeah wings okay all right let's start off with the marinade tamarind paste him first all that into there okay so two tablespoons of palm sugar please so I heated sugar it's a natural pasture and it's perfect for marinades any wings you think you've eaten so far at the age of thirteen Oh fifty years yeah a nice sprinkle of chili flakes depends how hot you like don't forget the girls you know they start complaining when you get them too hot how come you love hot food no actually love hot food so in there we've got palm sugar tamarind paste chili flakes some garlic one nice tablespoon of fish sauce please Jim looking really good I'm gonna tablespoons of oil burning in a nice little taste very good right wings in get your hands in there and start rubbing in the marinade please okay so the secret now is to coat the chicken wings then all that marinade yeah yeah how long do you need them in do you want the longer the better cover that we can film more shadow excellent good job ideally marinate your wings overnight but half an hour will be enough to get the flavors going right it's they're marinated now if you take the trout people bottle one thank you and then we're gonna put some tin foil on there thank you so all that in half it stopped them from sticking and the wings from burning so from there a movie dipped in that marinade and try and get the wing like that and just sort of scoop it look like that look at that really nice glaze on there and then just it's all that garlic or roast with all those wings beautifully done I can make then ready for the oven 170 25 to 30 minutes yep good man excellent nice wings are in right to go with my ultimate Southeast Asian dinner rice cooked in homemade Thai green curry paste for the easy green curry paste roughly chopped coriander lemongrass green chilies lime leaf shallots garlic and ginger a glug of oil and blitz the pace takes minutes to make but it'll keep for up to 10 days if covered with oil and stored in a sealed jar in the fridge to awaken the flavors lime roll to release the juice next season with salt and pepper and blend into a smooth paste pick the pace until aromatic adding cooled or leftover rice I love using fragrant jasmine rice but your standard long grain rice is great too when thoroughly heated through serve Thai green curry paste is so easy to make so with rice like this it's incredible but simply add to chicken fish or vegetable in minutes right now for the green beans beans in bring the water the ball what's the first thing I should put in there beans salt salt so nice pinch of salt in there yeah so I make an amazing dressing to Knight tablespoons yep the crunchy peanut butter please why is it crunchy I'll give it texture and it will be nice and sort of chunky green beans in okay got the rice it's green beans we're gonna blast them for two two-and-a-half minutes what is blanching actually mean lancing means sort of part cooking okay with a blanch them in boiling water and then finish them in the pan use the back of the spoon will be a little easier please burn off brown sugar and she goes nice is that little bit too thick maybe it yeah it is let's put a little touch more soy sauce in there let it down yeah yeah nice and I got a pan on now all my beans so no tasty tasty it's so good oh man hmm Wow have you got the garlic go there I'm gonna slice the garlic down like this keep the knife nice and flat and that way you'll slice through it will take your time don't worry about the speed and technique right first just cut it in half okay your fingers and then lay the flat side down so it's nice and sturdy and that nail there out like that it's just guiding the knife so you can never cut yourself like that good I'll drain the beans nice a little tablespoon of oil pan nice and hot it's for a garlic and people only so give that a little toss so will you toss it push it down push away and pull back okay a little good push it down and gently though take your time nice so push down back up that's it nice so it's getting nice and golden brown green beans I'm drained and they go in now to the garlic okay with the rice I want you now spoon the dressing of these and she goes nice how delicious does that look Wow what's daddy's policy at home no waste no waste no waves but now smell that now doesn't smell of green beans thanks how nice is that mmm amazing right that's the rice that's for green beans now nori to sprinkle some toasted sesame seeds on top please nice and generous with a sesame seed I'll give the beans a little bit of a crunch now all it's left for your favorites to come out done those being smell amazing yeah mmm look at those beauties one for me one for you Pete I'd like to sprinkle some spring onions on top please nice engenders you transformed a very cheap and cheerful chicken wing yeah okay I'm over please do not drop them as goober nice this is my ultimate simple Southeast Asian dinner sticky spicy chicken wings Thai green curry rice and fantastic beans with chili peanut dressing guaranteed to get the fusses of eaters into greens when I was living in France I got to know two very distinct traditions of French food on the one hand there was the delicious hors de cuisine I cooked all day in the restaurant and another hand there was the food you ate in people's homes which is a lot simpler to make but still absolutely delicious multimap French inspired lunch spray light bright and really takes you back to when I lived in Paris it's my take on the salad nicoise serve with a delicious goat cheese and pear tatin think of the Nicoise as an assembly job of delicious ingredients brought together with a fantastic dressing the secret behind my salad nicoise is in the dressing spoon Dijon mustard into pestle and mortar some people top the salad with anchovies and capers but in mind that the base to the dressing we're gonna grind that for paste and then get the garlic in there seasoned well with black pepper doesn't need any salt in there because of the anchovies add a couple tablespoons of red wine vinegar olive oil and lastly flat leaf parsley to give the dressing freshness against those deep flavors it's a thick rich substantial dressing dressing done now for the salad ball potatoes green beans and eggs from a rolling ball 7 half to 8 minutes and should keep that nice yoky creamy texture in the center once the eggs are ready put them into cold water to stop them cooking and this is a great trick to peel them so much easier peeling eggs when you use the water but they've been cooling down in and the water will seep underneath all the shell so the whole shell just gets peeled off with one beautiful big layer now beans nice and crunchy season the beans and potatoes whilst they're still warm so they absorb more flavor a little drizzle of olive oil salt pepper and just let them sit there whilst the potatoes and beans cool down I'm doing a simple French open sandwich which is called a tough team this is delicious first I'm toasting baguette on the griddle like the oil a griddle pan get your bread stick it on there take a pair it goes brilliantly well with goats cheese slice the path into finger width pieces that's the color we're looking for that dark crispy texture now for the ghost cheese give it a season doesn't need salt because a little fresh goat cheese is already quite salty and a handful of crumbled walnuts they go under the grill whilst I put the two nice parts together my secret to assembling a great Nicoise salad is the start in the middle of the plate and add ingredients layer by layer there's one thing I'm always missing the bottom of salads is dressing so I like to put it on the plate first baby Jim lettuce is great because it's robust and holds that heavy dressing then add firm waxy celibate aters and green beans I like them to have a bit of a crunch canned tuna can be fantastic I'm using a good quality one in olive oil which has been drained next baby plum tomatoes which have a lovely intense sweet flavor and then I eggs that nice dark rich yo useful yolk store creamy inside he's a little olive nice fast this will work just as well with other black olives and I'm your dressing drizzle that round gently beautiful as a Nicoise in heaven now Tartine Wow just a smell of those grilled walnuts that is beautiful a simple but very elegant Tuna Nicoise the delicious goes cheese sandwich wonderful [Music] my vibrant and gutsy Nicoise salad with that incredible anchovy and caper dressing so with that pear and goat cheese tatin too good to let the French keep it all to themselves [Music] little courgette ricotta and mint bruschetta for this recipe you'll need a griddle pan an essential piece of kit for that char grill look cut thick slices of Geppetto bread drizzle both sides with olive oil season with a little salt and pepper and griddle each side until toasted then slice a couple of courgettes diagonally into half a centimeter thick pieces drizzle and coat in olive oil and season with salt and pepper sear on a smokin hot griddle pan in batches until all the causes are bar marked on both sides next roughly chopped mint leaves and combined with creamy ricotta cheese spread your toes sitio petal with dollops of minty ricotta and top with your seared courgette super simple and super tasty now we're gonna make a delicious beetroot risotto we to get the shallots just slice them in half and then just chop them like that okay now the other major risotto slots please into the pan Fedeli and a sprinkle of salt and pepper along with a couple of crushed cloves of garlic which you start cooking the risotto it's really important to have your stock gently boiling away the reading cold stock on top of the rice all the time it just slows down the process generally you cook a nice wide flat pan if you cook in a deep pan all the rice sort of cooks at different temperatures that's a vegetable stock you can't have different stocks for vegetarians angry chickens I made that mistake once putting beef stock being a vegetarian soup now I didn't Mathilde I'm positive I'm joking well time how nice is that smell it smells delicious rice in this is our boil rice it's a pocket rice for risotto now it's really important to sear the rice if we were just to put the stock in without sweating off the rice it goes all starchy so keep on staring for daddy it's gonna make a fool no flambe on the risotto to go with our deep red beetroot theme I'm adding red wine followed by the first ladle of stock to get things started now we're off what's coming to the stock the stock is reducing down and the rice is sucking it's it that's right so the device is actually getting nice and plump money risotto is live one is like this now we can't stop cooking here we have to cook it all the way okay ready for the next table I'm ready good girl here we go ladle in so we have to make this for literally 2025 minutes and we're nursing it all the way beetroots peel them rub them a little bit of salt and sugar a little bit of age bossman believer in there roasted them and the great my parmesan how's that vice doing the race is doing good no that is exactly where you want to be nello I got that nice glossy texture to rice so beetroots want you to put 2/3 of beetroot in there for me saving 1/3 for the top okay sprinkle the parmesan in there three please all over it's snowing again and then we're just gonna get some nice butter in there the butter gives the risotto a really nice loss look at that beautiful knock him down let it come down first might get you speeding they're not funny beautifully there yeah yes wonderful shake it risotto should be like lava just flows out and then the rest of the be room on top [Music] and some extra-virgin olive oil I'll pick up the bruschetta you take that to the table okay let's go today
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 2,852,564
Rating: 4.9285021 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Cooking, gordon ramsay, gordon ramsay tips, gordon ramsay chicken wings, gordon ramsay vegetarian gordon ramsay salad, gordon ramsay recipe s easy, gordon ramsay tuna, gordon ramsay chicken
Id: Xr8hcRExCy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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