English Breakfast with Gordon and Matilda Ramsay
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Channel: The Late Late Show with James Corden
Views: 45,805,310
Rating: 4.9497843 out of 5
Keywords: late show james corden, james corden, reggie watts, late late show, the late late show, late night, late night show, comedy, funny jokes, jokes, Funny, Funny videos, humor, joke, funny joke, youtube funny videos, funny videos youtube, really funny jokes, comedians, comedian, funny clips, stand up comedy, celebrity, celebrities, celebrity news, celebrity gossip, hollywood, talk show, famous people, celeb news, celebs, celeb gossip, celeb
Id: 3nUKwvFsjA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2015
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James ! Those eggs a raw, you donkey!
Matilda could cook circles around me, but I always get uncomfortable watching her cook with Gordon... Gordon just comes off so much better than her, and he's not afraid to criticize her and make her look silly on TV.
I know they're joking around a lot here... but there's sincerity in his criticisms.
James' breakfast doesn't look half bad actually.
The full english looks tasty, but holy hell that a lot of fried up food. I always thought the full english painted Ramsay a hypocrite when he said "no wonder why the Americans are so fucking fat"
I don't know who James Corden is, but he legit seems like a funny and entertaining guy.