Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Guide To Christmas Side Dishes

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christmas morning in the ramsey household always starts with a late breakfast of deliciously creamy scrambled eggs and smoked salmon this recipe is a ramsey family tradition on christmas day smoked salmon scrambled egg and croissant it's rich sumptuous and incredibly easy to do first the croissants slice them into rounds and season them lightly with salt and pepper the secret behind a really good breakfast is in the timing all the questions on first smoked salmon on top and then the scrambled egg put the quetzals in a dry pan and toast you don't need oil because the questions have a lot of butter in them this is a great way to transform day old croissants giving them a delicious new life just start to see them toasting almost listening in the pan and that's the butter inside that smell is amazing almost smells like a sort of caramelized waffle absolutely delicious toast them all around both sides and then out next just get the smoked salmon and sort of twist it and let it fall over the question let it sit naturally on top of the toasted cressel [Applause] a little twist and over right scrambled eggs eggs into the pan never whip up the eggs beforehand you break down the egg too much what i want is really nice rich creamy scrambled egg eggs in no seasoning at this stage a nice generous knob of butter now from there onto the heat and all we're going to do now is stir stir and stir and stir [Music] now the butter's melting and it's giving a really nice creamy texture to the eggs it looks rich delicious sumptuous luxurious if you're very careful making scrambled eggs all of a sudden it looks runny and within 30 seconds it's cooked working it all the time right after stirring i place this scraper in there take the pan off the heat and just work round the pan cleaning up all that scrambled egg that's sticking to the bottom and now look we're getting that really nice sort of creamy beautiful texture a little touch of butter in there now i'm going to start with the seasoning 30 seconds on the end salt pepper back on to the stove and a tablespoon of cream the cream actually stops the scrambled egg from overcooking cream in and then fold that in there now keep that off the heat but look at it look at that color beautiful and then finally some fresh chives [Music] that is a ramsay classic smoked salmon toasted crescent and a delicious scrambled egg the best start to christmas day anyone could wish for christmas is a really expensive time but with a little understanding of finesse you can use up every edible part of your christmas shopping just like we do in my restaurant kitchens otherwise it's money down the drain [Music] soups are one of the secrets in a chef's arsenal for delivering amazing flavor whilst watching the pennies my next recipe for sumptuous pumpkin soup uses the whole pumpkin the leftover hamstock and i'm getting the kids involved toasting the pumpkin seeds as a snack nothing goes to waste in my kitchen but most importantly of all the soup tastes absolutely delicious and with the addition of sauteed wild mushrooms it's fit to serve in my three mission style restaurant right listen i need some help okay we're gonna make the most amazing pumpkin soup feel that's heavy it's very heavy but it is gonna be absolutely delicious right you can always tell okay if it's ripe [Music] what does that sound like um drums that's right and if you push your thumb in there it should be just a little bit soft right at the bottom of the root yeah right first of all i'm going to cut it in half and very carefully just cut through i'm using a french pumpkin but these versatile vegetables come in all shapes and sizes and colors at this time of year their nutty sweetness is ideal for warming soups curries and roasts wait and see what happens when we open this up wow right holly that's for you now this is where it's going to get a little bit gory okay you get your hands and you scrape the seeds out i like getting messy rub them together and just give them a little clean nice and gently good yeah nice look at that yuck what do you mean yuck come on holly that's it into the water now once the seeds are out we're going to toast them in the oven as a little snack so this is a really nice way i'm not wasting anything get your fingers right in there tilly there you go [Music] once the pumpkin seeds are out score the flesh to help it roast and absorb flavor season and add a generous amount of rosemary take the garlic rub around the outside so it perfumes the inside then add a large glug of olive oil and as the garlic grows with the rosemary its sweet almost buttery nutty taste will mellow and flavor the pumpkin all the seeds done yeah almost good after the pumpkin seeds have been cleaned dry and season them ready for the oven now they're gonna roast in the oven for about 45 to 50 minutes well done good and wait smell the house in about five minutes time tray please holly so beautiful straight in right well done uh big question have you wrapped mummy's present yet no let's go i'll give you a hand quickly got that garlic smells amazing holly tilly where's holly she's going to a party she's going to a party oh no any boys there i don't know oh you're so diplomatic right look they are now toasted hear that right have a little taste one of those nice yeah but look at this wow that looks amazing and that is your roasted pumpkin now you put the spoon down the side okay yeah scooping out all that lovely roast pumpkin we don't waste anything eat that skin all into the center roasting a pumpkin intensifies the rich sweet flavor of its flesh which is lovely for soups but also great as a filling for ravioli or making a delicious mash with butter nutmeg and salt and pepper that's the pumpkin done now what i want you to do is get these mushrooms here and just peel them lengthways okay onto the plate okay and i'll get my onion chopped olive oil in okay nice and generous with the olive oil because i want this soup to be really nice and velvety onions in [Music] and then scoop out that wonderful garlic that's been roasted on the pumpkin lovely little bit of nutmeg on top of the onions onions garlic nutmeg yeah and now the pumpkin say that and you would come in handy somewhere this little baby it's for you there you go perfect now i want you just to grate some parmesan like that for me okay just so i can start roasting off the parmesan as well so we get this really nice rich delicious pumpkin parmesan's brilliant for enriching this soup it's mellow caramel flavour and saltiness provide a lovely balance to the sweet pumpkin now what i want you to do is dip all that in there okay yeah good look at that now that huh [Music] roasted sort of cheesy rosemary garlicky yeah olive oily beautiful so far nothing's gone to waste we've used the whole pumpkin now i'm gonna add the stock my hand was cooked in it smells like cinnamon it doesn't doesn't it smells christmassy delicious that's just from cooking our ham bring that up to the boil we'll let that cook out for 10 minutes cream really important that it's boiling when the cream goes in okay you'll see the color lightening so that's going to give it a really nice rich creamy taste okay now we're going to study the mushrooms a little olive oil in there yeah get nice and hot we'll go first with the trumpet de la more there you go good girl then the pier mutong in and then finally chanterelle nice lovely i want to put a little bit of butter in there don't forget good girl a little bit better there nice i love the deep complex flavor of wild mushrooms but if you can't get them chestnut or filled mushrooms still deliver great taste mushrooms work really well with pumpkin because they have a warm earthy flavor that complements the pumpkin beautifully so mushrooms into the center yeah from there we get the parmesan and just peel nice long layers watch very carefully no just sit there on top on the parmesan helps to season the mushroom and really give off an amazing flavor okay we're going to blend the soup and what we're going to do is half fill the blender so the soup gets really nicely aerated now there's a bit of a naughty chef's trick a little knobber butter in there just in top so when it blends it gets really nice and smooth lid on onto the blender and we'll just pulse it on and off first nice wow and this is the moment we'll be waiting for just one side of the bowl so that's daddy's portion that this little bit is yours now a little taste blow gently to keep things fresh and interesting chefs have to be open to new ideas so we're always looking to innovate or update old recipes my next chef's secret for the ultimate christmas is give your classic christmas recipes a nice revamp because i work long and unsociable hours throughout the year i really look forward to catching up with friends and family during the christmas holidays it's a time to be sociable parties drinks guests dropping by and having a warming jug of aromatic mulled wine and some spiced nuts on hand really puts everyone in the christmas spirit love that sound christmas is here mulled wine is a real christmas classic but i'm going to give it a modern 21st century twist first pour red wine into a pan and gently heat now i'm gonna make a fragrant bouquet garni basically a really nice aromatic tea bag muslin cloth absolutely perfect for this if you haven't got muslin cloth a brand new j cloth is just as good now first off cardamom pods they are incredibly aromatic and more importantly gives a really nice dense spicy flavor next add a pinch of cloves close the dried flower buds and add a lovely pungent sweet flavor then drop in a couple of star anise which adds an aniseed note a cinnamon stick cinnamon sticks are made from the bark of trees native to sri lanka break one in and this gives a warm sweet spice to the wine lemongrass so this makes it slightly asian here a little bit more sort of exciting but gives a really nice light twist to the wine i'm gonna do first is just press down on the lemongrass and what that does it starts to release all that oil and flavor once it's crushed just cut it over the muslin cloth once all your spices are in fold up the muzzling cloth and tie tightly and look that is like a little miniature perfect chest pillow into the wine next add orange zest twist then cut the orange into wedges and pop those in too to sweeten the wine put in a tablespoon of demerara sugar next stem ginger gives the mulled wine a little bit of a sort of kick almost like that really nice sort of ginger beer aftertaste at the back of your throat finally a couple of tablespoons of the ginger syrup and then simply heat the wine gently for four to five minutes to infuse all the fantastic flavors but don't let it boil or the alcohol will evaporate and to go with that the most amazing spiced nuts [Music] i love nuts so i'm using brazil's almonds walnuts and hazelnuts and then finally pistachios lovely really nice festive mix as the nuts toast they start to release their natural oils then add a couple of pinches of salt and then just let them lightly toast once the nuts start to color add half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper which is made from ground chilies then sprinkle in half a teaspoon of paprika a mild spice made from dried pimentos for sweetness and depth and now you can see the nuts absorbing all that wonderful flavor delicious finally put in a sprig of rosemary give the pan a good toss to make sure all the nuts are thoroughly coated and they're done [Applause] [Music] christmas dinner wouldn't be complete without brussels sprouts but when i was a child they were boiled until horribly soft i want to keep my sprouts crisp vibrant and fresh sauteed with pancetta and chestnuts these are sprouts like you've never tasted before and brussels sprouts are delicious when they cook perfectly packed with texture and the flavour is extraordinary take off the outer leaves trim the bottom and cut in half that's a big step up from the crisscross on the bottom that my mother used to do every christmas i'm cutting them in half so when i soda them they cook evenly and look it's like little baby cabbages it's so compact then blanch them in salted boiling water for two minutes [Music] now this is the most amazing pancetta lightly cured pancetta is a type of italian bacon which is brilliant for adding a lovely rich meaty flavor to dishes i want a really nice robust flavour to go with that earthy texture of the sprout it's made from pork belly and is dry cured with salt and aromatics like juniper bay leaves nutmeg dry thyme and garlic as it hits the pan that fat on top of the pancetta melts and gives the sprouts this amazing flavor after removing the skin cut into small chunks if you can't get hold of pancetta smoked streaky bacon is a good alternative now hot pan a teaspoon of olive oil give it a like seasoning with salt and pepper as the laven start to crisp up take your sprouts out drain them [Music] sprouts in now give that a really nice little toss then chop up a handful of chestnuts now the chestnut has sweetened the flavor of the sprout really importantly you don't put the chestnuts in too early otherwise they'll go mush and then just sprinkle the chestnuts over lovely so we've managed to turn a sort of plain jane sprout into something quite delicious you've got the texture of the smoked bacon the sauteed sprout and that nice crunch and sweetness of the festive chestnut ten seconds before they come out lemon zest over now that makes the sprouts and the bacon harmonized and then just a squeeze of fresh lemon juice over the sprouts beautiful this right now is the ultimate and for me that's a really nice modern 21st century approach to cooking an old-fashioned vegetable with the sprouts done i'm ready to serve my ultimate christmas dinner making a stunning pork apricot and pistachio stuffing the day before is a great way to get ahead it's easy to do looks a million dollars and tastes absolutely delicious christmas dinner for me is not about food piled high on a plate less is more i'd rather have five or six things on a plate that tastes absolutely delicious than 10 items tasting average stuffing for instance i'd much rather put a lot more effort into the stuffing and enjoy it but eat a lot less of it first add pork mince to the bowl season with salt and pepper and mix take your grater and a bravo and apple just get the grater and grate the apple in there usually stuffing is cooked in the turkey but i'm doing mine separately so i can make in advance and get the flavor and presentation spot on now the nice thing about the apple it goes brilliantly well with the pork it makes it a little bit sweeter it also makes it a lot lighter as well which is really important next add a handful of chopped apricots which gives the stuffing another fruity note and a lovely texture the apple disintegrates but the apricots stay really nice intact nice little bite then chop a handful of pistachio nuts again i'm thinking of the buildup of textures flavor and also color pistachios in now give that a really good mix grating some lemon zest the zest is packed full of intensely flavored essential oils which gives the stuffing a vibrant citrus zing [Music] and for freshness add a handful of coarsely chopped parsley the balance of flavors is nice and delicate and it sits beautifully with a turkey now sage and pork and apple that's the perfect marriage now i'm going to think about the presentation skills tim fall a little drizzle of olive oil and then we get a really nice fragrant sage leaves the sage leaves are used to wrap the stuffing start by overlapping them it's almost like rolling a cigar but we're going to roll it in sage leaves taste is paramount but presentation is really important too so it's worth spending a few extra minutes to get this right because it will make the final dish look amazing now a little season across the top [Music] and then take your sausage meat and we want to do now is put half it onto the [Music] i plate want to run your finger along the stuffing this is where it takes on a completely different flavor again i need some spice in there i want a little bit of heat in the stuffing so it's exciting to eat murgays murgays are traditional north african sausages made from beef or lamb and all we're going to do now is take the sausage and lay that in the middle they're flavoured with harissa a fiery chili paste which gives them their heat and distinctive color it really does give that nice sort of wake up call inside the stuffing if you can't get hold of merguez other spicy sausages like srizzo would work well too take the rest of the stuffing and we'll sit that on top so in cases that merge [Music] once you've got it like that lift up the tin foil very carefully and roll that over let the temple do the work roll it nice and tight there fingers underneath [Music] just pull that back and double check lovely look at it it's not even cooked yet and it looks delicious the ultimate christmas cracker fantastic that sage will cook and really perfume the sausage meat and you cut through to the center you've got a nice spicy sausage lovely in now roll it across twist at the ends and then from there up into the hands and you push it in and twist and turn and all that's doing is just making the perfect cylinder beautiful the stuffing can be made wrapped and stored in the fridge a day or two in advance that's the first part of my ultimate christmas dinner ready on christmas day simply pop it into the oven and cook at 200 degrees for 40 minutes sources are one of the important ways chefs add extra dimension and flavor to dishes you can use this trick at home my caramelized cranberry and applesauce is another recipe i always cook a day in advance it packs a wonderful punch that really lifts the subtle flavor of the turkey it's simple to make and with its deep red vibrant color looks fantastic on the plate the secret behind any good christmas is in the organization and preparation anything you can get done in advance do it apple and cranberry sauce is a prime example first things first we're gonna make a really nice caramel sugar in add 150 grams of caster sugar to a pan followed by a couple of star anise that helps to really give a nice sort of aniseed flavor to the cranberries next lightly crushed four cardamom pods this has a lovely warm spicy sweet flavor then wait for the sugar to melt and form a caramel really important at the conference now to colour that caramel so it gets really nice and dark before putting the cranberries in [Music] wow the smell of that caramel is amazing now cranberries in [Music] crammies are very tired and acidic but balance with the sweetness of the caramel and apples they give the sauce a lovely dry sharp note to tell if they're fresh drop them on a hard surface the higher they bounce the fresher they are the cigarette now is sort of caramel to blister the cranberries and really start to break that down smells fantastic next core peel and thinly slice two apples and once this sauce is finished it really just helps to sort of wake up the flavor of the turkey now the cranberries are starting to break down apple in smells fantastic a touch of salt and pepper that's really important really helps to balance that tartness against the acidity of the apple salt pepper really brings it back the smell is fantastic it's a sort of sweet sour spicy nice now from there delays the pan with a touch of port around the side deglazing dissolves all the lovely sticky caramelized bits of food that are stuck to the pan and incorporates them into the sauce next add the zest of an orange and for another layer of fragrant sweetness squeezing the juice lovely then cook on a low heat for five to ten minutes to thicken but remember the sauce will become even thicker once it's cooled down now that is the right texture i don't want a runny sauce i want something really nice and thick delicious packed full of flavor perfect if you really want to get ahead this sauce can be made three or four days in advance and kept in the fridge which allows the flavors to develop even more [Music] then on christmas day simply bring it up to room temperature and serve another job done leaving you more time to enjoy this very special day you
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 1,431,818
Rating: 4.9341292 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, Gordon Ramsay Christmas, Gordon Ramsay christmas recipes, Gordon Ramsay christmas dishes, Gordon Ramsay scrambled egg, Gordon Ramsay mulled wine, Gordon Ramsay stuffing, Gordon Ramsay scrambled egg recipe, Gordon Ramsay easy christmas recipe, Gordon Ramsay easy christmas, Gordon Ramsay cooking, christmas, christmas recipes, easy christmas sides, christmas side dishes
Id: XeIdUUC0mPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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