Gordon Ramsay Is Amazed By ‘Immaculate’ Chef | TRIPLE Full Episode | Ramsay's Best Restaurant

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over the past six months my team and I have been all over the country checking out your best restaurant nominations and tonight my competition continues this time to find the best North African North African food is like no other the careful layering of different spices results in wonderfully aromatic dishes one mouthful can really transport into a completely different world the best restaurants will mix gutsy flavors with Rich sweet and intricate combinations of spices to deliver dishes that will excite all the senses I'm hoping tonight's contenders will show what this fantastic Cuisine has to offer tonight my two favorite North African restaurants will battle it out for a place in the semi-finals from Central London it's Momo at glamorous celebrity haunt as renowned for its vibrant atmosphere as its food table two we've got a great team and a great feeling and great passion and we we're gonna win it the moment machine is taking on Azu from Hammersmith West London a small family-run restaurant loved by the locals yes I think I am the best I would love to see someone challenging me I predict a furious fight as two London restaurants take each other on in three extraordinary challenges foreign [Music] is every restaurant's worst nightmare 30 hungry diners who will arrive and order all at the same time as they're heading for Momo tucked away behind London's region Street it was run by a very passionate northerner Dave he's been cooking since the age of 15 and he now heads up a brigade of 26 chefs this restaurant has also been visited by some serious a-listers from Madonna to Gwyneth Paltrow and if they can look after those kind of customers my diners today are in for a real treat how are you very good very good so the secret success of momo has been what we all work together as a team and we create we create an atmosphere and hopefully delicious food yeah open 13 years ago it's excellent food stylish surroundings and party atmosphere quickly established Momo as one of London's most fashionable restaurants [Music] as soon as you enter it's like a theater you come in you see the atmosphere you see The Deco you see the buzz you want to get involved we get lots of film stars lots of footballers politicians lots of you know people want to go through the back door what I love most about Momo is you feel comfortable straight away and the atmosphere is it's quite sexy I need one lamb tagine not coriander three minutes yet 37 year old David has cooked in kitchens all over the world Cookie's been my life from from the age of 14 and a half 15. our weight table 50 tagine lamb sirloin steak medium rare yeah yes during his travels in Morocco David Fell in Love with North African food I love the passion of Moroccan Cuisine I think it's a great flavors everybody thinks Moroccan Cuisine is couscous and tagine it's vast assisted for seven years by French Tucson Philippe David gives traditional recipes his own personal touch it doesn't look like a creme brulee that's delicious only a Yorkshire would [ __ ] fry a creme brulee but it works David that's some of the best food I've tasted so far in this competition make sure that you give my diners the exact experience you've just delivered to me now Momo is about to be put through his Paces because my ravenous diners have arrived all expecting food and service fit for London's glitterati hello welcome to MMO and the service shouldn't pose a problem as front of house manager Murad has a team of nine waiters this place deals with big numbers easily so they can become a little bit complacent because there's only 30 diners coming in and sometimes Russians get bad reputations for just looking after the a-listers and forgetting the real customers it's the first ticket on you oh do you want to scallop one fish in a day two Momos medium as first orders arrive head chef David directs his Brigade like a conductor with an orchestra don't start 14 door stars six year please don't dumpster two minutes past it make sure the first three or four tables go fast and slow down there are three starters Moroccan aubergine caviar with mixed Peppers wood Pidgey and pastier a delicate North African pie and Scholars with aubergine Chutney and a fresh herb salsa David's on fire and the first starters are out within minutes any problems yeah and it looks like we're about to get our main course already sounds okay well let's hope the maples don't come out as fast two ladies on the end here don't throw their main course out as quick you know hold it back a little bit David is doing his best to control the flow of food send table one and slow down on Fourteen and six but it's front of house who need to pay service and make sure every table gets their food at the right time I've just told the team to slow down slow down it's not a race coats incredibly well very tasty absolutely delicious some of my diners are less impressed uh gentlemen the pigeon pastilla how's that it's a bit too dry and um not enough damn now what's wrong with the pigeon it was just a bit too dry and just oh I did like it can you put all in for me okay the pigeon plastic is really authentic you've got three layers you've got like a rolling compost pigeon and like scrambled eggs on top with almonds it's not dry if anything it needs a bit more pigeon in there [Music] for Mains there's a choice of three smoked lamb shank with couscous and spicy sausages fish wrapped in Vine leaves with white beans and that North African staple chicken tagine [Music] of course a very traditional I love the way you taste every tagine is going out he may be doing it every day but you're still tasting it every time kitchen is focused while front of house look busy but don't seem coordinated David yep six is a little bit impatient with the status there are lots of waiters but it doesn't seem like the managers are controlling service and some of my diners have slipped through the net and starters obviously haven't arrived yet no everyone else is getting their main courses so how are we waiting for 25 minutes yeah too long for that big type of sex there when I started bus clubs Table Six come in about three minutes three minutes just slowing down so we not get everything together we're at the same time let's find that balance one table complaint is too far one table complaining it's too slow so you gotta just try to find that balance to who hasn't had their main courses you know when you get 30 customers at once you want to save it like a party it's very hard to pace yourself one thing they're not as short staffed they seem to have a manager for teaspoons managed for the bread and manage it for the lid the couscous so service should be impeccable today so they should get that balanced ride you can't serve a table two courses with one table nothing that's bad management and far too many chiefs in the dining room and not enough Indians in fact there's more managers in this dining room there are grains of [ __ ] couscous [Music] it's a lovely feeling here we've been made to film very comfortable it did take quite a while to come and receive my food I don't like waiting that long to be honest um what we got was nice lunch is over but I'm disappointed that service was inconsistent for some of my diners timing was all over the shop and that was down to the the season booted the managers far too many managers and a real lack of communication with the kitchen and thank God David was on fire because we had too many managers on the floor that couldn't spot hooping serve what [Music] that one you're used to big numbers so 30 diners should have been a walk in the park how did I go for you went very well I really enjoyed it very good nice Buzz a great Buzz great atmosphere yeah great atmosphere my biggest concern today was the fact that there was one table next to the big table that had their starters and main courses and the sixth top had nothing to eat when somebody hasn't got food in front of them and they're eyeing up the table next door to them they get jealous we had two complaints the plastic of the pigeon if anything maybe not so small in terms of die so they can identify what they've got on the fork is a piece of pigeon and you didn't sell enough desserts I thought that was the best creme brulee I've ever tasted in a decade share the starter but make sure you save room for that dessert that's how good they are well done thank you thank you very much it's nice to have feedback and even if it's negative or not good feedback it keeps you on your toes dancing when you've got a great team and a great feeling and great passion and we we're going to win it we're here to win sorry next my other North African Contender Azu creates magical dishes from a kitchen lost in time it doesn't got a nonstick [ __ ] pan for God's sake yeah those pans are older than me and that's saying something it's the North African heat of my Nationwide restaurant competition and 30 hungry diners are about to descend on my second competitor here at Hammersmith is one of the best kept secrets in town this is a zoo a romantic small North African restaurant run by a lovely husband and wife team Chris and Chris now although it's small it's punching way above his weight a serious Contender to go all the way in this competition [Music] this kitchen is the size of a cupboard look at it it is thank God you're small and thin and good looking unbelievable they're scary what are they on there for that's the takeaway other takeaway okay former head mistress Chris and her Chef husband Chris opened the zoo 11 years ago they work seven days a week running this 35 cover restaurant with the help of just five other members of staff is too large plates please I give her all to this restaurant I do love working hard I mean you manage once a century to have sort of day off where you want to stand by but you feel like guilty why am I away and it's in that guilt makes your day not a day off you cook every day and it's it's a passion it's never a job for you is it yes it is what's the secrets behind the success of your food my wife your wife Chris I don't know what to do without her to be honest she's very very good support and believes really in what I do for that I love you more Chris learned to cook authentic North African food at his grandmother's knee in Algeria this is the food of my childhood when I was living in Algeria when she was cooking she's always you know having you next to her and you see how you do she's doing it and it looks like he's still cooking with her pots too when was last time you bought a new pan that's a good question what have you changed in 10 years in this kitchen uh not much where's the fridge I've got this one here okay all right wow okay great sardines and hummus they're delicious Mercy very rare you see sardines today everyone thinks it's a oily fish and no one wants it but that's delicious well there's very few chefs that I know with a Michelin star that I can cook like he can I'm very passionate about my food I mean it makes me happy Chris is such a perfectionist he insists on overseeing everything that's cooked in his Tiny Kitchen sorry for taking over no worries Grace like Kevin he wants to check everything from the scratch even I think he'll work with him 20 years he's gonna Never Gonna Change I do strive to be the best Kuma I will carry on doing it until the end because this is it this is my life and his life's about to be turned upside down by my next challenge okay my Diner's gonna be here in just under five minutes yeah I'm gonna be watching everything I'll be in the kitchen watching how you work and I'll be in the dining room scrutinizing everything your reputation is legendary tonight it's on the line Chris is just two hours to cook and serve two courses for 30 customers quite a pressure for a small restaurant and the clock starts now hello hello hope you enjoy your evening with us thank you thank you [Music] one lamb card become clear that it's not just the kitchen that's stuck in a Time Warp Chris so when you take the orders there's no computers it's all handwritten checks and you much prefer that as opposed to the 21st century it works if it works don't change it uh what am I doing [Music] no fluster Chris has put the wrong table number on an order and now a second order has come in for the same table and table four can you remember what you did hold it hold it hold it hold it hold on first era of the evening that that's done twice don't worry thank you uh do you prefer this by handwritten like that is it easy for you I got used to it and but if they uh 2004 is confusing right yes it is if you had a computer you wouldn't have these problems yeah no that was my fault I should have done it yeah is your husband yes or no he's your head chef he's your toy boy look after him there is a choice of three starters marinated sardines with spicy sauce grilled pepper salad with merge sausages specialty pastry filled with tuna potato and a soft egg then deep fried Chris wait these have been here yeah it gets runny and I want and I wonder what table number table 15 away service please so the secret when you cut in if that egg yolks should sort of run all over the tuna there it is wow wow yeah really really good not too okay with the starters over Chris has 30 complex Mains to cook on his tiny stove there are three choices of tagine cod with King prawns and seafood chicken with olives and preserved lemons or lemon a spicy sauce handed down from his grandmother I'm ready although he's got a sous chef and two others to help him just as I thought perfectionist Chris wants to do everything himself okay thank you I'll do that don't worry if he carries on like this food will be delayed [Music] I thought he's doing everything [Music] now it's just in the place can't you dress the place you've got the one working there pans everywhere one two three of you do nothing yeah he is the chef he doesn't want to say okay [Music] there's more space out here there is in there you've got to take some of the responsibility away from him uh come on all right it's incredible I mean I thought I was a control freak Chris takes it to a completely different level and he just cannot delegate you're a control freak well I'm not a control freak but but he's doing everything no well no well um I just want him to open up and talk the danger of one person oh [ __ ] me I'm sure you can get your own finger Bowl um do you need them to get your finger ball you do yeah one finger ball please for the fish tagine this is getting ridiculous front of house would be helping the kitchen not hindering finger ball oh jeez it's potentially catastrophic because he's so used to that one-man band top of the tube station again yeah the drums the guitar the organ in the mouth and he's just playing everything and everyone's running around him crazy now he pushes him off his bench and goes in there chops the peppers and he's got about 12 things going on the stove I mean the guys are freak you can see him can't organize his own funeral jumping in the coffin and saying goodbye to everyone saying the prayer at the End closing the lid messy avoir Instagram don't bother the kitchen for nothing excellent coming up to it halfway there and it won't offload to go in and tell him to do something else he's got his concentration I think we need to keep his friends but why is he paying all those members of staff and he's doing everything on his shoulders it's not letting his Brigade near the stove means some customers are still waiting for the mains it's been a while now yeah 25 minutes I'd say this guy won't accept help from anyone I've got to get through to him somehow can you start talking to your brigades oh wait okay guys hello how ever come on Ali let's get on with it I've got the fish you've got everything Chris last table look at me for two seconds is there any chance that you can stand over here right and let your sous chef all right your second Chef in your third Chef boy cook the last table go outside and take some fresh air just out there just just to two minutes you come over here and you go and get some fresh air out out right let them do it okay just the last table I'll kill you guys if you don't do it properly be dead in two weeks if you continue like this let it go okay last time how long three minutes come on guys give one more leave him alone ah he's fine that's something I have to work on but you know when you love cooking that's what you do fish it's delicious very tense very Savory mince really comes through full of flavor a little bit of spice really nice the food's wonderful the place has got so much charm so much character such a great welcome people at home here it's a family-run place and we love it really good service is over and my diners are leaving happy [Music] okay right first of all service unique ladies well done thank you yeah even down to the handwritten tickets okay the first ticket went in second ticket two tables of foot doesn't matter and that's for the kitchen oh where do I start with you food is delicious Sublime just amazing my biggest problem is you I want thousands more customers to enjoy your food but you won't be around if you don't open up and delegate I will you'll be surprised at what it does messy well done seriously well done really good thank you hello what was good for me is realizing that I I must delegate you take it on board yeah put it this way I will take more break [Music] guy's a genius it looks like an angel he hasn't got all the fixtures and fittings and the Posh address but what he has got is an amazing palette and for me somebody to watch very closely [Music] for a zoo and Momo my coach trip was like being hit by a hurricane however they both came through and they're still standing strong now I've invited into my office to meet up with the help of secret diners I've uncovered how these restaurants perform when they think I'm not around I sent top food critics Simon Davis to Momo undercover hoping they'd improved on their service problems [Music] after I left Momo I sent in my secret diners and they filmed your restaurants Undercover this is what happened I about an hour and a half or something um so let's go for the wood pigeon and the prawns and then we'll have I think a tagine so we've seen two of the waiters now are you ready to order them we've ordered already are you ready yeah sorry yeah we're good [Music] sometimes we get overwhelmed and we just like help each other that's of course obviously here lack of communication yeah but if somebody's in a rush that gets set across the board to everybody doesn't it in terms of they are there I don't think it looks wildly appetizing it looks a little bit dry the wood pigeons be minced to such a degree you can't really distinguish it from any other meat in my opinion I think mincing up the word pigeon isn't is an error [Music] they didn't they didn't mince out that little piece of wood pigeon shouldn't leave bones in it no it's also bloody dangerous bone yeah it's one of the things where clumsy yeah honest with you it does happen every so often but it's just yeah care and attention could I have a little side order of chabuni yeah just a little a little bit of taboo it was almost as if he was too busy to to deal with us oh no I wanted I've got some of that is but it is a bit perplexing we've had two occasions now where they've been a mistake because they're not communicating with each other excuse me I ordered some tabouli I wondered if it was coming to be to be honest with you I'm now confused about what I've told which waiter thank you so the taboo has arrived but it was a good 10 minutes and I had to ask two different waiters and it got delivered by a third fragmented Service as opposed to two waiters looking after that they've been interrupted four or five times with five different waiters it's a busy restaurant and you know you've got to nobody still control it's no excuse they haven't filled our water up since we arrived I'm just going to leave that there it's in a very prominent position we'll just see if they fill it up should I have a little more water it's over an hour since suddenly water and now I've asked for some but it still hasn't come excuse me have some water ah the water um just because it's a Moroccan restaurant doesn't mean we have the water retention ability of a camel that's sadly oh we've been waiting an hour for water actually waiting that long for walk for me to wash that it's very you know um he's met so many waiters and none of them noticed that doing the water baths they were empty but you are somewhat over staffed with bodies there when you've had the eighth and Ninth the tenth waiter hit the table you feel a bit sort of Jesus you know I'm just you know on a convertible hand had been passed along to the next person as a restaurant that can transport you to another place you can eat good food perfectly good food you can have fun here and if going out and eating out in restaurants is about having fun and excitement and sharing that with your friends then this takes a lot of boxes the food's good bloody good a few areas of tightening up servers need to come together glamorous great attentive individuals but they need to play as a team and then when the team's all singing of that hymn sheep you've got one amazing restaurant it's good to get constructed because we sort it out that's what we get paid for sometimes honest it hurts the most but you just get back up again say more stronger it's the North African heat of my best restaurant competition and Charming family Runner Zoo from West London are going head-to-head with Central London celebrity giant Momo don't start 14 don't start six year fleece leave them alone ah it's fine now is the turn of a zoo to hear some difficult home truths thanks to my undercover secret diner food and recipe writer Sarah Dunn Robertson has traveled in North Africa and sampled at the cuisine first hand as they will have to be on top form to impress her [Music] what I'd like to tell you is that you've actually been tested twice that's the news my undercover Team all right went to your restaurant oh gosh and this is what happened hello table food to Duncan yes please thank you maybe well maybe the sardines and the olives I think thank you hi do you know what could I swap two of those sorry oh could I have the prawns though instead and the Burak okay if you could ask okay if the customer changes their minds that's their prerogative because they're paying right and we have to show that level of flexibility he said he's already done it's what it's already done to the sardines gosh that was very quick okay well could I still do you mind if I still change work so I'd like to not have the sardines okay but could I order something else as an extra order then could I just have the Burek yes rule number one never humiliate a customer yeah and already it should be made to feel vulnerable awkward and very silly yeah all because she just wanted to change her dish hello yes I'm sorry this is just a bit too spicy for me that is in the menu it's spicy hot yes I know I know and he did say yes but I thought I'd actually just too spicy for me I'll give you another one but I charge you for this one okay that's no problem yeah wrong when customers arriving in Russian for the very first time yeah they make a mistake on their order we have to be prepared to change you want the customers to come back right Watch What Happens Next one a stake away maybe he can have it tomorrow or something oh that's really kind thank you yes because I've hardly touched it you're very good thank you thank you no that's incredibly quick how did you do that well you have to do it with him eating the same time so I just had to speed the process thank you thank you thank you so much this is absolutely delicious I have been to Marrakesh some of the best food I've ever had takes me right back so you put it back in a very Charming way see and look at the difference in what happened when we changed that dish yeah amazing I love this place Chris is amazing so Charming your customers are in love with you and your food okay and if you want to charge them yeah ring me up and I'll pay for the [ __ ] dish okay I've got a good team I trust my team I believe in my team and that did happen it won't happen again and that's it now is let's see what's coming ahead so a Momo I found my chest really tough but honestly I do admire their fighting Spirit now it's time for the final challenge as both teams crossed London to come and cook in my Flagship restaurant and this is the very last chance they've got to shine [Music] the test is to create one mind-blowing dish worthy of my Michelin starred restaurant I want them to really push themselves and cook like they've never done before only one restaurant can go through to the semi-finals this is what dreams are made of a farmer's boy I mean that was a butcher so this is this is you know to make them proud as well I want to win I really want to win being in Ramsey's restaurant it's an honor and I'm very very happy I think I'm not going to disappoint him tonight it is very very important day [Music] welcome welcome good to see you right you're in this competition because both your restaurants are unique the excitement behind the North African cuisine and what it can deliver in textures flavors spice is mind-blowing this is the dish of your life right because this is what's going to catapult one of you into the semi-final make sure it's you good luck I've asked them to come up with one Exquisite dish featuring lamb a star ingredient of North African cuisine one side with the zoo you've got traditional and the other side with Momo you've got this new wave a lifestyle of North African cuisine and completely opposite ends of the spectrum to help me choose who's best both teams Creations will be served to highly distinguished guests including Elsie Owusu director of the royal African society larvae ramiki head of culture and press at the Moroccan Embassy and distinguished Moroccan chef and restaurateur Joseph balilti the front of house teams from both restaurants are also dining here today David is an excellent Chef I know everything is going to be delicious it's like a holiday cookie for 20. I'm usually cooking for 200. so I should technically be a walk in the park it's an enormous challenge but I think he will cope very well sugar I miss where is the hummus gonna have a tray I mean good it's safe my one big concern today with the zoo is it's been so used to cooking these little bolt hole it's a completely different set today I hope didn't get the better of him and he just stays focused are you a little bit lost in the kitchen with all the space are we happy with something fine it's gonna be fine excess cooking a traditional spicy lamb tagine served with couscous but he's not stopping there I asked you to cook a stunning lamb dish you've done that extra mile and you're making bread right authentic semolina bread will be served with fresh hummus a unique spice mixture of tomatoes roasted Peppers chilies and coriander thank you David from Momo is preparing a delicious roast lawn of lamb with aubergine Ragu Bali couscous and a lamb's liver with Harissa wrapped in spinach and deep fried in tempura batter I want to do something else in North African food I want to show the next level the next Dimension we can go so you already are pushing the boat out in a big way is incredible he's pushing the boundary out with the Lamb's liver which is not everyone's cup of tea I just hope and now it's time that doesn't go back to buy him on the ass give me an estimated time for Fort tagine five minutes max Chef if there's ever a night to work as a team this is it but as the pressure builds Chris is up to his old tricks no no for me I'll show you first toll free wait wait I'll check I'll stop and he can't help himself he wants to do everything no no no you don't touch the plates yep okay as these first dishes hit the pass within minutes Jesus because that was quick okay so this please first table coming out Rob let's go Azu yeah four covers Table Six pass Chris yeah Chef it's dinner yeah take your time yes service please let's go Chris is cooking faster than [ __ ] Usain Bolt runs he's just totally focused refuses to talk to me and his head is steeped right in that couscous here we are thank you let's go [Music] amazing really the bread is bread is like grandmother my grandmother that's happening it tastes too amazing okay I'm very proud of him the sauce was too much sauce for me ready for my test yeah yeah Chef David's modern take on North African cuisine is a lot more sophisticated 7Up Chef yeah I'm good the five elements to his dish require delicate timing and Sushi Philip is getting ahead of himself not ready not ready Chef not ready don't go yeah I'll give you 90 seconds before I want to laugh come on listen to David Philip slow down please don't slice that lamb too early yeah when David gives you the call yeah on that juice yeah in amongst that couscous not left on the board yes yeah please Angela Phillip you can leave it resting here leave it fat side down like that yeah and all it's going to do is render and stay nice and warm see what I'm saying thank you yeah yes sew that one down Chef yeah just slow that one down yes at this stage in the competition David can't afford to make mistakes [Music] what's up good two more over G come on waiting to get every dish perfect Momo need to pull together as a team give me my addressing as well please yes yes yeah like a proper teamwork good in the middle so you can work off both Trace there you go yes [ __ ] maybe they look fantastic very nice she's full colors okay service please raise up please table two please yes oh let's see very nice it's just that musty Smoky feel it's something a bit different we kind of all agreed that liver's not a favorite thing on the list but the way it executed it was excellent emails in your mouth the flavors aren't quite as complex a little bit of a cook it's a bit dry it is yes the last of Chris's Exquisite tagines are flying out of the kitchen click here's just one table to serve here we are smells amazing still over here lovely well done well done foreign service is over and it's time to find out what my distinguished guests think about these two extraordinary dishes starting with a zoo right how was your lamb shank the lamb shank was my favorite it's really soon as I experienced that sauce I knew that was it yeah authentic and delicious I just enjoyed it for what it was very simple perfectly Blended I dipped the bread in first mouthful oh I like them both but I thought the the mermaid dish was fresh it was beautifully presented it was just all together delightful I prefer the Azu dish you could just imagine yourself being in the old Sook definitely I prefer them in Momos dish because the meat was very well cooked I'm used to Moroccan Cuisine because I'm Moroccan myself so it is really a sort of a nouvelle Cuisine the temporary liver I was not expecting it to be quite as mouth-wateringly sort of melt on the tongue as it was it was really really delicious I love the Azu dish I adored the flavors they were so powerful I wanted more [Music] my Diner's comments confirm the Brilliance of the food served here by both the zoo and Momo I think the dish went extremely open I've tasted it I'm very happy with it I'm happy well you know there's always room for improvements but what made me proud is we've come together I'm really proud thank you Chef both these teams of amazing chefs have approached North African cuisine in very different ways let's see if the traditional is going to beat the modern that's not the tradition of this bed now I have an incredibly difficult decision to make because only one restaurant can go through to the semi-finals [Music] my two top North African contenders Momo and a zoo both from London have thrown everything at the final challenge they are both outstanding restaurants but over the course of my three tests they've both made mistakes I'm about to tell one of them they've cooked in this competition for the last time tell me make my choice I need to taste both dishes starting with David's from Momo it looks modern 21st century and stunning very pretty almost too pretty for North African cuisine Lamb's delicious I mean really delicious delicate cooked beautifully liver difficult to get right not only that but it's tempered and you don't think of sort of fried liver with North African cuisine however combination of and The Barley couscous works brilliantly well I've got an issue with liver however the lamb is cooked perfectly and it's a loin of lamb so it's it's been shown respect authentic classic untouched meat falling off the bone [Music] that's delicious I mean really delicious lamb is just melting your mouth it needs to be a little bit more trimmed excess fat removed however sauce is incredible you can see there's 30 years of experience into that because it's just packed full of flavor this is such an amazing contrast and Momo's interpretation is modern fresh fragrance delivers a big punch uncertain about the liver everything else it is delicious azuz is Rich authentic and just steeped with passion like him and right now it's I'm stuck do I go forward with the modernization of North African cuisine or do I stay in the history of something classically done too tight to call [Music] who fantastic North African restaurants [Music] but only one can win a place in the semi-final right what I saw today was two completely different dishes but done with pride history and innovation Azu you stuck to your roots I think you're back in Algeria yes sure and you're back with your mother and your your grandma and you were you were there yeah sure how to identify the authenticity the classic style and the richness of that beautiful David it's very rare to find a British Chef cooking out of his comfort zone but tonight you came and you you moved to goal posts you modernized North African cuisine and it was done with flair which I didn't expect you to do however this round is not one on a single dish think of the journey so far in this competition go back to the coachload of diners turning up all at the same time the pressure of serving all those guests in under two hours was a nightmare then all of a sudden you can let your hair down and let's get back to cooking and then you've been secretly filmed both restaurants came through that test and they both had their highs and they both had their lows listening to the diners tasting both dishes based on everything we've done in this competition the Russian going through to the semi-finals congratulations to [Music] David don't stop that level of pushed into the extreme well done thank you well done I'm good at the moment um I've got a lot of fight left in me give me a chance I'll do it again congratulations yeah very very proud so pleased because he you know it means such a lot I'm sorry to see Momo go David is a brave and passionate Chef who's pushing the boundaries of North African cuisine but a zoo are a truly fabulous restaurant and I can't wait to go back there that's why they've gone through right now this company is only going to get tougher and I hope they don't let me down my Nationwide Russian competition is entering the home straight so Tonight is the last Heat so far I found my best Italian restaurant Casimir from Bristol my top Indian freshard from Bradford my favorite Chinese you and you in Blackburn for Thai Nam Jim from Saint Andrews for British the milestone in Sheffield flying the flag for French winchingen field from Lincolnshire and my best North African restaurant Azu from West London first is do or die with the last place in my semi-finals up for grabs from your favorite Spanish restaurants foreign Spanish cook in the UK there's so much more to it than just paella Spanish a hugely proud of the culinary Heritage but also great innovators the best Spanish restaurants combine tradition and modern techniques to keep you coming back for more [Music] I've hand-picked two amazing Spanish restaurants from hundreds of nominations to battle it out [Music] from the heart of the capital it's Fino the established pioneer of modern Tapas in the UK are we the business plan is restaurant in London there you go they're locking home Comer El Paratha de tapas flying the flag for a whole new generation of Spanish cuisine we always call that extra mile not just me everybody [Music] I'm going to push both the Spanish contenders to the very age with three incredible challenges first it's every restaurant's worst nightmare 30 ravenous customers will arrive in order all at the same time [Music] foreign stop number one is Fino a sleek and stylish Tapas restaurant in central London open seven years ago and it's owned by two brothers Sam and Eddie now the heart boys have really helped change and transform our perception on Spanish cooking they have the most amazing female head chef downstairs who runs her kitchen with such military position my diners and I are in for one hell of a treat good to see you nice to see you yes very well Gordon this is how are you and Olivia and it's a Teen Wolf female not all the boss is a female yeah yeah that's enough right yeah that's enough and the rest of them are terrified I can imagine they don't put a finger out of place yeah really surprise surprise Brother Sam and Eddie have restaurants in their blood raise around their parents Mission starred restaurant and hotel we grew up from a pretty tender age in restaurants the whole time literally from the moment we could hold a knife or pour wine at drinks parties and hand round the olives in just seven years the brothers have built their own Empire of high-end London restaurants renowned for their vibrant atmosphere and fantastic service fina's got an amazing energy considered about 90 people at once and they're all having three to four Tapas each you know it's something like 700 dishes coming out of the kitchen so there's a great Buzz to the rooms tough and talented head chef Nieves has been cooking Exquisite classic Tapas afino since it opened many of the dishes inspired by her vast grooves crispy anchovies I need one octopus for me the most important thing is [Music] no more than three ingredients that's what I like in the plate as Perfection we're actually called a traditional Spanish restaurant you know we're not trying to break the mold what we like to do is just Source the best ingredients we can and cook them simply so the secret is just to let that duck egg yolk ooze it's delicious I mean he would have thought that peas and broad beans could be so exciting that's one portion well I suppose it's one tapass portion that's shared isn't it oh yeah I wouldn't share that with anybody no this woman is truly gifted could her incredible passion take Fino all the way in this competition [Music] my dad is gonna be arriving just under five minutes from now never I can feel that adrenaline yeah from here I can see it pulsating through those veins you could probably do this standing on your head alone with no one in the kitchen however yeah just just do what you do best good luck they're going to need it because in just a few minutes we've got company by 30 Discerning diners will arrive in order on Mass so far every restaurant in the competition has struggled with this Challenge and I fear even a slick operation like Fino is going to fill the heat [Music] okay guys in one minute okay the customers they come in in one minute yeah [Music] let me show you I want you to start to cut the bread please the customers are here Nevis is poised for action like a caged tiger we'd love to talk you through the menu and explain what we're good on this evening actually we've heard that's fantastic um in the dining room purveyors of charm Sam and Eddie are already breaking the ice you've got a poached duck egg with fresh peas broad beans ham on and some fresh mint the cool lip flowers are stuffed with goat's cheese with a little bit of thyme and shallots and then dipped in tempura and deep fried the brothers are clearly just as passionate about tonight's menu as their head chef okay I need you in total never as best roots are coming through loud and clear in the simple but Exquisite seasonal Delicacies of a quality rarely found outside Spain wow they look good yeah the presentation this is delicious absolutely fantastic one of the best dishes I've actually ever had just over 45 minutes gone and this place is absolutely rocking customers loving the food great atmosphere in there but right over there on that hot plate that's where the real Spanish fire is because she is over everything every plate is immaculate okay guys I need yeah right now okay yes one now Bears is seasoning every dish tasting every sauce okay it's very funny very tiny very funny like a true artist she has complete Command over every plate this woman is a culinary Picasso okay start to play the potatoes yes [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] I can't fall never as his dedication but I can see a problem she's sending out dishes as soon as they're ready rather than ensuring everyone on the table is fed together we were gonna have uh before so we wanted them both to arrive at the same time so we could get and stuck in because it seem to be arriving and present where's the Squidward's kitchen Eddie's on it but I've clocked another lady waiting for her turbot it was that last uh main course there for the five ladies this sort of issue could ruin a whole table's dining experience and Sam knows it the last course on table nine coming I think that they should serve all the food together and I didn't want my friend's food getting cold while I was waiting for mine so yeah a little bit missed not one don't make me choose is determined not to let the little slip up like this ruin her service within minutes two hot dishes are winging their way out to the dining room table 21 okay let's go sorry about that and just to make sure there's no hard feelings Sam is on the charm offensive do you want me to show you how you feel at the tablet but you do know your way around more or less I'm very happy to do it some people like to fiddle around and do it themselves others preferred thank you it's meaty but it's a very light flavor there's a lot of vinegar and olive oil that they put with it as they do in Spain um and it doesn't overpower the fish it's really really lovely Star Wars yeah yes almost gone yes yes and in the French I want to see one two three four five six seven eight turbot okay eight Target as well as a delicious turbot for the main course Navas is serving a specialty roast suckling pig mouth-wateringly sweet and tender it smells [ __ ] amazing it's another Spanish show stopper the cycling Pig's fantastic full of flavor really well cooked the simple potatoes that it comes on every in exquisite this could well be the best food I've seen so far in this competition the longer I'm here the more excited I'm getting how many more make calls have you got to go that's it that's it yeah all gone foreign [Music] service is almost over but with the combination of delicious desserts and salmonelli's unfaltering charm the dining room is still buzzing our mother grew up in Majorca but she's actually half Scottish half Bulgarian so we sort of look Spanish but aren't at all fish was beautifully cooked I had a turbo I couldn't fault it it was beautiful food was fantastic today absolutely brilliant delivered on flavor and I'm very very impressed thank you very much goodbye thank you very much right um okay what can I pick on what can I say that we have to improve on here there was a moment in service tonight service gets awkward and that was just after the stars that had gone that's the only Awkward Moment I Saw the food's amazing you can smile now yeah no no you don't do it often but you can now yes the service tonight you two just raise the bar in my quest to find the best restaurant in Britain my Posse of hungry diners are riding into town about to roll up at the second Spanish Contender fighting for the last place in the semi-final pioneering Al parata de Tapas or the pirate in London's hip Notting Hill is managed by Roberto and the kitchen run by Madrid boy Omar it's not even know two years already it's got rave reviews this young Spanish Chef is only 26 and this guy really does have talent hola how are you very well good to see you very indeed thank you I'm so happy to be here small restaurants small kitchen big fashion big fashion show that on every plate of course HF Omar has a hugely impressive CV having worked for the celebrated molecular gastronome Baron Adrian of el Boule in Spain voted one of the best restaurants in the world it was a tremendous experience for me that has influenced the rest of my cooking and the rest of my career this young Pretender has an Ultra Modern approach to Tapas and uses molecular cooking techniques to take Spanish cuisine into the 21st century with huge style I like beautiful things in life as we all do so I think it is great when you are sitting down in your table and something beautiful comes into it even though you don't expect it Omar's experimental methods can turn a traditional dish on its head like his jellied gazpacho it's pretty clever because you've got this nice chilled jelly tasting exactly the same but a completely different texture yeah in his mission to stand out Omar bravely Embraces daring ingredients like his concrete Cox comb the crest that comes from the head of the Cockerel which most British butchers throw away they actually give it to us for free really all the time because no one's ordering them no I don't think there's many chefs anywhere in the country that has free ingredients that can be clever enough to charge money for it smart ass this competition has just gone up a notch on the back of the Antonio Banderas are cooking little bastard far too good looking to be a chef fashion guts have a huge pair of kohanas service Omar will need balls of steel tonight he's got just two hours to serve all 30 of my Discerning diners and stake his claim to be the most avant-garde Spanish Chef in Britain foreign ERS were here 30 of them those dishes you cooked me earlier were like little sort of miniature works of art so make sure my diners have the exact same experience good luck let's do it thank you [Music] we will put all our effort all our knowledge all our commitment to make this happen I really want to win this Omar's definitely not playing it safe with a picture of a capaccio and his coxcomb longest team miloso a type of Spanish risotto I've got this image of this chicken's head basically because come it's just the top of the other cloth they don't really tend like we're really amazing with some able guidance from manager Roberto the overtly avant-garde menu is creating quite a stir [Music] okay with all 30 orders taken can this young Buccaneer seize this enormous Challenge and Lead his crew to a resounding success two Amigas another Pig tortoise [Music] this is complex food and a lot could go wrong but so far Omar's as cool as a cucumber in his gazpacho this place are Immaculate I mean we've just started service and we're only half an hour into but composed yeah bloody good for the food looking absolutely spotless but will his unorthodox dishes be too experimental for my Diner's taste the Carpaccio Pig Strutter yeah it's amazing the texture takes a bit of getting used to see but the flavors are incredible I never thought I'd say how to eat a pig's children customers along with food and it's not exactly what they expected listen to Atmosphere you know anyone think there's music play in the background the music are their customers they're happy [Music] even the coxcom miloso is going down well but each dish must be made to order and he's putting pressure on the kitchen the rice is popular tonight though yeah it's selling quite a lot and the coxcom I think challenge sometimes so well it's a rare ingredient that very rarely see who turns out the last Cox cone miloso that's edible right it is really suckling really tasty and really nice here it's off road yeah that's fantastic but Roberto fails to notice the happy Diner's neighbor has yet to be fed I think there's just been a small mixer my main course hasn't arrived yet customer's happy very happy yeah how many tables got left to go uh this hurts no more hot food no more Awkward really [Music] finally Roberto spots the problem oh [ __ ] there's no way Omar can get this out quickly [Music] a bit of butter foreign but yeah the most important thing is to the food correctly even though they need to wait a couple of minutes extra it's fine it's not until desserts start to leave the kitchen that the delayed miloso is sent late afternoon was it worth the wait actually worth the wait but just a shame it took um or you guys have all finished yours but I see any laid down it does the food's fantastic alparatus near faultless performance has been down to Omar's share skill and passion he's pulled off the remarkable making humble and unappealing ingredients tastes like a million dollars detail it's a piece of art on a plate it looks beautiful it tastes beautiful I think the food here is absolutely incredible some things that I never would have thought of eating but actually worked really really well foreign challenge [Music] my diners are over the moon well done thank you wait for the final yes yeah you already there are you we are yes I love that confidence it's almost like you've won the World Cup good job thank you excellent [Music] both Fino and El parata thrived in my coach trip they performed quite brilliantly now I've invited them both to come and see me to review their performances at least that's what I've told them what neither team realizes is that they've already faced my second very revealing test I asked my secret diners to visit their restaurants I've seen exactly what each restaurant is like when they're not in the spotlight first I deployed Sarah Durden Robertson a top food consultant armed with secret recording equipment she never shirks in a mission to be a tricky customer could I swap two of those could I have the prawns instead and the Burak organized established heavyweight Fino hi guys good to see you that was a big test but I know to yourselves after I visited I sent in a secret Diner this is what they saw you ready your heart is beating what have I touched hello I've touched something I don't know what it is my hands covered in oil oh God I don't know what no that's okay I don't know where it's come from oh it's the side of the table don't worry it's just all here it's got all oil on it so I can see brilliant my first experience in the restaurant they tidied it up very quickly but as she was doing it I noticed that my glass isn't clean either so I'm also selling that but that's not very good at least it looks pretty oh yes thank you actually I know I've started badly it's not great it was all on the table glasses dirty but she could not have handled it better bad start dirty table not a good start dealt with amazingly bang just like that if we were to have Sherry we were saying a mountaineer or a female or a montiato what's the difference the difference with the media you know there is not much difference they are very close so all of them they have this saltiness flavor yeah we have worms we may only sell it for two most a year which is this one would it be possible maybe to try a little bit yes please um yes I've been to herath which is the Cherry capital of Spain I've gone through all the classes all the tastings but she actually managed to explain it very well in about three sentences and kind of thing when I just come here and speak to her I would have had a Sherry master class in seconds so nice to get that level of excitement an amazing insight and very knowledgeable nice touch my God and it's not even my restaurant but it pains me of course we don't want that to happen definitely not anyone who comes into contact with with the customers needs to know what they know what they're talking about engaged next Sarah's going to play one of the dirtiest tricks in the secret Diner's book [Music] of her own hairs in the food I was so so so no that was okay thank you she showed it to the manager who had a good look at it they looked at each other and formed and she's taking it straight back to the kitchen sorry about that I don't know where he's from it's not from the guitar so I don't know anyway I told you that you have to make another one thank you very much thank you apologetic thanks right away customer at ease dealt with brilliantly is [Applause] [Applause] it Anna who's looking after them did a great job but I think sort of seeing the junior guy not up to speed is something that we can do something about and you know something that we be able to improve on definitely tough test we're only human and when you make mistakes clearly that's how you handle them you know we've got a couple of things to you know to take away and work on course we're disappointed it wasn't 100 perfect but I think most of the team really do know what they're doing and and you know it's a reasonably easy job for us to make sure that they all do you know it's a good challenge for us over the next few weeks our next challenge is going to be tough we must send everything perfect so I want to win nowadays and now we love to win and I hope we win next my undercover spy gets the cold shoulder from El parata that's Facebook on the computer checking out his mates and still my secret diners without the wine [Music] renowned Spanish restaurants good looking horns with young Pretenders El Paratha de tapas they're fighting for the last remaining place in my semi-finals Al parata's 26 year old head chef Omar sous chef Adrian and front of house manager Ricardo put in a hugely impressive performance in my first test but they're about to find out I've been spying on them hi guys hi and thank you so much for coming I have something to tell you you've been tested twice because after I left I then sent in my secret diners to make sure it wasn't a freak night [Laughter] this is what happened here we go professional snooper Simon Davis Macy's living spotting faults with restaurants food and service I told him not to hold back when he visited El parata [Music] it's lovely actually that cheese that Bobby on cheese is really gets in your mouth and then just keeps going just keeps keeps delivering now this will be a real Telltale sign this is an octopus with Paprika on and then capers foreign that's one of the best dishes iPad for some time actually they know what they're doing loves the food some of the most exciting food he's ever eaten but what about the service the way to put the food down about 11 minutes ago he hasn't come back at all not once to either see how we're getting on and gave us in conversation it tells me he doesn't really care but he's just walked by again didn't say anything to us I'm not feeling hugely welcome here with a customer at the moment that may very well be because he doesn't like the cut of my gym but I've been looking around the other tables and no one's really getting particularly good service good food is nothing without great service they go hand in glove and what have we got here I think that's Cod well that's interesting isn't it because they're not olives they're raisins there's no peppers there's no capers it's a Trey's description this year so it says it says it's with capers and olives but I see a small amount of sultanas I think really really intense the menu as you've changed the dish yeah but it's the old dish on here I'm allergic to those I can't eat sultanas you want me to take uh no I can't it's been on if it's been on the plate I can't I can't have it yeah we're keen on that one offered to take this or Thomas off and bring back the plates also bear in mind that now we've been chatting and looking at it and stuff it's cold now caught on the menu so the Capers and peppers arrives with raisins what happened there fore not changing the menu I mean how uninterested was that waiter it's like a zombie yeah I feel quite ashamed when I've seen this sort of attitude in the service guys I've got a cool hip amazing restaurant there you're sat on something potentially brilliant and if someone wants to turn up to work and talk like that to customers getting washing [ __ ] dishes I'm gonna be a glass of glass of red wine which would you advise no I'm going to have this one the Remy yep thank you just a glass so where's my where's my glass of red wine that's Facebook on the computer checking out his mates and still my secret diners without the wine excuse me um yeah I ordered a glass of red wine yeah so I hope I didn't interrupt you no okay [Music] what kind of impression does that serve to customers when a waiter is sat there on a computer I think it just over 40 with a head for the quality of the food and the ability of the chef it's good value wear it suddenly stops being good value is when you have service like the service that we've seen today it is such a shame to see fantastic food let down by extremely poor service all their hard work is especially these guys put it in the kitchen gone just on the train by a bad attitude and just horrify you've got every right to feel let down but it's not over and done with it's still very strong in this competition and you need to bounce back a lot to do there was no problem with the food it's a problem with the service so I I feel personally responsible for that so yeah I just feel you know that we fail disappointed so we need to work together as a team and we will make sure this doesn't happen ever again foreign both restaurants have been tested to their limits but things are only going to get tougher I'm taking the chefs out of their kitchens and pissing them against each other in my Flagship restaurant I've challenged each Chef to create one amazing dish for 20 guests really really excited one of the biggest day for me in my career if we go forward now it's going to be just a dream you know come true [Music] really means a lot for a chef to be here I hope I can deliver on quality as this restaurant they serve to win them the last remaining place in the semi-finals it will have to be the finest dish of their lives big tests 20 guests only one stunning dish make sure that every ounce of passion excitement knowledge and experience goes into that plate and at the end of it one restaurant is going through the semi-final one is leaving the competition off you go both restaurants begin all out to win with a classic Spanish ingredient pork favored for his amazing versatility Forks are very tough for me to get right and when it's overcooked nothing worse dry outside a dining room full of VIPs all with a passion for Spanish food will help me judge both dishes tonight including renowned Spanish familiar Bruno marsiano and the Spanish Ambassador Don carlis Casa Juana epaulette all the front of house teams can do is wait and Hope four Pig cheeks yeah sure thank you [Music] after my secret Diner's bombshell Omar is putting everything on the line tonight with an incredibly complex dish he's mixing the refined with The Rustic a rich Pig Trotter foie gras and Ham on Wellington so with a sweet fake puree will sit alongside some of the cheapest cuts of the pig slow braised tongue and cheeks they are the ugly cats of the pork you need to be very skillful to make the best out of them but yeah very confident I taste all the food I'm very happy with the flavors the combination of them all together so hopefully they all like it thank you so you really are going all out there there's a lot going on there a lot of going on the combination I think it's fantastic in the mouth seriously ambitious I mean there's like three dishes on that one plate he's obsessed with being so quirky I just hope the sort of balance of that dish comes together and it's not too weighted oh no the four covers level five Fino four four yes yes come on guys please at least give me an answer look it's not it's not complicated okay now in her own kitchen never else is a control freak shouting orders left right and center but today she's like a different person I want to hear that communication and a little bit of oomph please I hope a silence doesn't mean she's lost her nerves table one Fino four pork cutlets yes yeah good now it's sounding like a professional kitchen let's go yeah today never is sticking to a bask Roots creating a simple dish packed with authentic flavors pork cutlets marinated in sweet paprika accompanied by a silky smooth cauliflower puree and broad beans cooked with Hamel so you're playing just friends you're keeping it exactly what you look like in Fino that's what I do four simple things on the plate but tasting amazing together I got the right one thank you thank you we've been home I'm expecting magic she's kept it simple it has to be perfect every element on there four cutlets away how long give me a time I'm ready good no yes that looks fantastic I love the colors huh vibrant shouting summer okay look again beautiful absolutely fantastic you're happy with those table two please go keep it going guys yeah food's looking amazing they're just so focused on getting their dishes absolutely spot on so focused I mean that's the most focused I've seen any chef in this competition nerves is lavishing her complete attention on each dish letting the ingredients speak for themselves yes two pork away last table please yes fantastic go olive oil happy yes yes well done good job [Music] but will my diners be wowed or underwhelmed by the Simplicity of her dish little colors yeah nice combination how long for the first table please three minutes three minutes great Omar and Adriana are attempting to elevate the cheapest cuts of pork up to my Michelin standards can they really make a silk purse out of a sales ear when we come to the hot plate come together so you've got a bit of you know teamwork going on there yeah I don't want that food hanging around here too long when it's cooked like that I want it out yes to make sure all five elements reach the table piping hot and beautifully succulent they must pull together our second time to come and help him so he's in four plates that's also work as a team I want to get involved yeah okay just about perfection that's all I've got the ambassador of Spain out there guys I want everything done and that's the tongue there yeah you've managed to impress my diners with his challenging ingredients once but can Omar pull it off again [Music] service please [Music] I'm sure you have never tried the tongue before quite surprised really really nice service is over okay good well done water before I taste both dishes I'm Keen to find out what my guests thought of them starting with alparata let's talk pork the Wellington yeah extraordinary both are very good but El pirate is being more creative in texture in flavor I've never had pizza before it's actually delicious I love pink slotters but I thought the sort of little wrap could have done with a bit more pink Strutter and a bit less pastry but you know delicious you know we're picking up straws will Al parata be so generous about Fino's dish good evening nice to see you talk to about the pork chop yeah it was great I really enjoyed the combination of flavors was great I think it was just understanding this and it was really really good the alphina dish was a very simple dish done very very well beautiful I prefer the final dish I think it's more simple but at the end it was better for me the other one it was too much thank you tonight I've witnessed some of the most outstanding food in the competition from two remarkable chefs we've tried our best we've put a lot of passion and knowledge into our preparation and service went smooth so I'm very happy very pleased I'm happy with this I would love to win yeah [Music] I have the impossible task of choosing which of these two will [Music] my two Spanish contenders Fino and El Paratha de Tapas have both attained near Perfection at my Flagship restaurant tonight my diners were blown away by some of the best foods seen in the competition [Music] now I face a truly difficult decision which of these Spanish restaurants do I believe represents the future of Spanish cooking before I choose I need to taste the food cooked here tonight well if this would look amazing I mean really vibrant and just ooze perfection s marinated pork chop four things on the plate delicious I mean really good got that nice spicy authentic Spanish taste for a pork chop it's fabulous Comfort puree a little bit grainy but the combination of the resting juices and that chicken stock across the board Beans really delicious to get four ingredients on a plate tasting that amazing that's a very confident clever cook looks amazing start off with a pork cheek and the tongue that is phenomenal just melts in your mouth one criticism the Fig puree very very sweet a little bit too much the Wellington it's got that robust rustic flavor to the dish delicious it's the cheapest cuts and they've made it taste like the most expensive [Music] two incredible Spanish restaurants but only one can go through to the semi-final s okay first off well done an amazing job from both restaurants I invite you here today to really create something that is off the charts now there's you play to your strengths four things on the plate very bold the pork was stunning cooked beautifully Hamill broad beans it was delicious what could I criticize there you make a cauliflower puree found it a slight touch too grainy [Music] Oma I ask for fireworks you create an explosion and I ask you to use pork and the only thing you didn't use were the toenails of the Trotter pork cheek beautifully braised tongue Brave and then you do a Wellington Pig shotter wrapped in pastry I've never seen that how could I criticize that dish the pure is very sweet you put sweet and Rich together it needs acidity just something to bang to lift and separate that I put the two dishes together and look to them where'd you start there was a fraction in it it's been an amazing journey and it's been packed with highs and lows the winner of the Spanish category for me is the restaurant that I want to revisit is it for the fireworks from a parata or is it the warmth and the skill from Fino the closest thought contest the restaurant going through to the semi-final based on everything I've experienced seen tasted is Fino congratulations absolutely amazing amazing amazing amazing simplicity at its best wonderful congratulations really well done good job Omar we haven't seen the last of you you have the most amazing excitement with your level of creativity well done thank you it's a shame you know a good restaurant needs to be consistently good and we haven't seen away but uh yeah we will get it right [Music] it's a great thing for for the team for the restaurant for me especially for me is kind of can't even speak it's it's unbelievable what an extraordinary day so sorry to see El Paratha leave the competition but so happy for Fino to get semi-finals and now a real battle begins being with a Chance of becoming my best restaurant all my semi-finalists will need to be faultless you've got to take criticism seriously I want to know if they've corrected the problems I identified earlier in the competition it needed more seasoning to help me find out I've sent back in my team of secret diners two of these restaurants will be leaving the competition immediately first the risk the chop is my best Italian Casimir from Bristol Brothers John Wayne Peter are young and ambitious and produce delicious food but earlier in the competition I discovered that some of the avant-garde dishes were confusing diners is the fish meant to be cooked like this it's a bit of a strange consistency it is I sent in a new secret diner food expert Rob Ellison to find out if the boys arraigned in their wild experimentation you guys definitely understand flavors now seem totally understand it it's starting so I've never thought of it working with others I've never even imagined it before it worked interesting every time these boys create a dish there's a huge Jeopardy olives with star anise doesn't sound like a perfect combination but yet again they pulled it off next roast Lambs sous-vide with kidneys and pine nuts is delicious the best um [Music] but what about the addition of vacuum packed cucumber to the dish I'm not too sure [Music] damn just when you think you're taking off it the crash lands up with being The Cutting Edge on the edge of all the innovations that go on and food that they've actually forgotten but what they're serving is to be enjoyed and it's not to be dissected experiment much the food at Casimir is magical but some other dishes are still misfiring it sounds really negative and it sounds like yeah we could be possibly going home that's the way it looks next to face the video evidence is Chinese winner you and you from Blackburn and Lancashire father Charlie and his son head chef Victor were Overjoyed to win their heat you and you oh but I had concerns they were heavily over staffed we're having a beauty pageant in here look what these waitresses in here Blackburn's Next Top Model it's an issue that needs to be addressed it's not really that busy I think the problem is when you get a lot of stuff and the restaurant's not very busy it's more interesting kind of standing on the gossip and actually looking out for the customers with your new that was my one big concern what's the point on all those stuff when they're not looking after customers to be a different person that communities I don't know someone's responsible for Chopsticks and somebody is responsible for clearing generally get one one way to one week is our waiter it's not the way to have a warm service you don't make customers feel relaxed every time something hits the table it's a new waitress I'm looking for the best restaurant on a daily basis with the best food and the best service and I want to see restaurants get better despite the setback I'm pleased to see you and you are still serving up wonderful food nice nice crunchy apple I thought that would be a little bit softer but it's nice and crunchy and the Butter's actually really light it tastes really nice [Music] that's a real strong element with you and you they are constantly pushing the boundaries out and they're trying to reinvent Chinese cuisine but with a 21st century approach nice Nam Jim was my Champion Thai from Saint Andrews in Scotland it's a great restaurant but my undercover cameras discovered really surprising problems with service what that ranks as about the most aggressive service I've ever seen in my life with my new secret Diner get better treatment you know the beef [Music] great flexibility from the dining room staff um she didn't want the chicken the beef Curry she wanted prawns and so they did it it wasn't even on the menu the service is Miles better what about the food when I went there I discovered that some of the dishes were slow in leaving the kitchen it's not hot the sauce isn't hot and the um the rice is a very warm I think it should be really hot when it comes to the table food not piping hot it was also the concern if food hangs on the hot plate it shouldn't sit there as it sits there the goodness is disappearing but more importantly the food's getting cold Spanish Fino is the final restaurant to stay elimination in the face they barely put a foot wrong in their heat had Chef never has produces authentic Spanish food that has impressed everyone [Music] Davis is there to see if they've kept their standards out what's up yeah incredible my secret Diner is blown away but listen to the atmosphere in the background you know it's buzzing and you can't buy the atmosphere really good start but in his main course my secret Diner detects signs of over seasoning and first bit of negative feedback for my secret Diner slightly clumsy on the seasoning what a shame I told all four restaurants to expect my call they know that I'm looking for Perfection but only two will survive this stage it's the moment of truth I am nervous whether we've done enough I can't I can't answer that let's hope so may I speak to you Sam please how are you I'm very well thank you how are you yeah not bad thanks not bad hi um it is yes nervous unfortunately a couple of issues were slightly heavy-handed with the seasoning you'd be concerned about all those staff I want to see restaurants get better and climb across this competition and you and you it's not going to the next stage all right pretty sorry we didn't get through I'll do our best stuff in this really my area and to him I think we're lost lost it to go through to the next round because of that all right there just I think like you probably do sorry Victoria you want to do your best now yeah Sam I'm sorry unfortunately I have to eliminate two restaurants from this competition [Music] because you're through to the next stage of the decision congratulations [Applause] that's good my legs is shaking now it's always good so it's a good sign it's a good sign One Restaurant is out and one has survived my sudden death elimination now I have to make one more very tough call it's very nervous I think you wrote me right-minded he wasn't actually nervous about this situation to go out at this stage would be very upsetting it's the first semi-final of my Nationwide restaurant competition Spanish heat winners Fino have survived my secret dining elimination now it's down to my best Thai Nam Jim and my top Italian Casimir one of them is about to be knocked out yes it is hello Gordon unfortunately I have to eliminate the limit of this competition you know this competition is about searching Britain for today I fell in love with the first one I walked in there oh thank you whatever happens after this phone call you've got to continue for Nam Jim it's been an amazing today is where it comes to an end [Music] look listen I'm very very proud of everyone yeah they did well so yeah competition is getting harder and Casimir congratulations [Music] the more it sinks in yeah we feel fantastic and uh yeah it's just brilliant it's a feel appreciated and given a chance to keep going so two brilliant restaurants remaining the first semi-final and I'm gonna pitch them both in a head-to-head battle first I have a surprise in store actually from meal on avant-garde family run Italian restaurant Casimir from Bristol and modern Spanish tapas restaurant Fina from London to help me decide who will make it to the final I've been listed two trusted lieutenants for a second opinion on strengths and weaknesses of these two restaurants together Angela Hartnett one of the most successful British Chefs of the last 15 years service and Simon Davis one of my secret diners an expert in putting restaurants through their Paces they know the restaurant business inside out I trust their opinions implicitly where it's not your classic [Music] the first time I visited casamia I found their cooking to be new and exciting but I discovered young chefs John Ray and Peter sometimes push things too far and their experimental dishes can be hit and miss if you're trying to be avant-garde you've got to go with your customers got to take every customer forward their parents Susan and Paco sang their life savings into the restaurant but it's their sons who caught all the shots and cook exactly what they want whether the customer likes it or not I want to find out what Angela and Simon think so we've caught them on the Hop how are you very well welcome to casino hi guys salmon days right look forward to seeing you after thank you casamir are fully booked expectations are high for top-notch food and service it was still for you wasn't it yes please thank you thank you oh yes I apologize thank you very nervous I've already made a few mistakes but which I don't normally do but I think that's just nervous so I know casamil will be trying to impress me but in a great restaurant everyone should get special treatments so I've asked my personal assistant and her partner to dine here as well anonymously I'll find out what they think later [Music] in this restaurant diners literally get what they're given casimir's avant-garde nine course tasting menu for our fish course we're having salmon cooked sous-vide in a water bath with cauliflower puree and a lemon Emulsion that's picturesque that is Ravishing actually beautifully presented plate of food delicious really good they have great finesse next what the menu refers to as a traditional risotto but true to form the boys have given it their unique twist using barley instead of rice and it's topped with cold yogurt not parmesan I mean traditional is the wrong word you can't call that a traditional risotto the cold and the hot sensation I found it just chilled the whole dish down for me it's very sweet again thank you thank you my love thank you you can't win everything you know and that's it um it's a tasting menu there's certain dishes that people won't like um hopefully they like all of them and you know and some more than others but uh that's it really next course is lamb get another dish cooked in a water bath you don't have a spa it'll have a spa baths [Music] fan of the sous-vide method but the real skill is understanding which dishes it suits you guys will correct me if I'm wrong that's where sous-vide cooking falls down it doesn't do it just because that really well doesn't taste very much because it's very essential it's like a boiled lamb stew as opposed to you know a cannon that warrants that sort of nutty buttery slightly gamey flavor yeah damn what a shame finally it's time for dessert an unusual take on a traditional Italian pudding that starts with an introduction from the boys our earliest memory of good Italian cooking was the dessert Tiramisu given to us by our father in takeaway carltons but you know what the best bit here it says Sometimes the best really is that simple Wow Let's see the way people make bathrooms is too much alcohol it's too sweet you've got to take that espresso that is exceptionally good very good no it's good we've tasted some outstanding Cuisine but some dishes have fallen short technically um they're in A League of Their Own yeah Stella really stellar and you know really the top of their tree but they need to cook for the punter at the moment they're cooking for themselves they're cooking for their parents and they're cooking for their hero chefs it's always difficult with a family restaurant but here more than anywhere else chefs John Ray and Peter need a strong guiding hand and their parents aren't providing it I don't think they're giving the feedback you can't as a parent you can't be that brutal you know you can't be a manager and slap it down so no one likes this time to call the family together for a debrief here's what we saw highs and lows technically brilliant without Shadow of Doubt but you need to Reign it in you need to Reign it in and understand it from a customer's point of view not your ambition because when the customers are happy you're happy you're in business customers are the power today and for me the secret behind any good experience is how everybody else feels in that dining room and there's a second surprise tonight because there's someone in that dining room that means a lot to me because she organizes my life Jennifer please darling and Michael how was it overall it was an absolutely fantastic experience we were made to feel very special and we really enjoyed our evening and we thought the chefs were ingenious and talented and I think at the end the tiramisu wonderful 10 out of 10. really really cute lovely thank you my look of a Diner's enjoyed their meal but I'm still concerned over Susan and Paco have they got it in them to run this restaurant with a firm hand I love my mum and Dad's a bit so I've said that before but you know me and Peter there's no question about it we're ambitious as hell we want to be in the same league as Gordon Ramsey and Angela one day we I like to think we're almost there but this makes me more determined to win this competition will never as an overall experience going out for dinner yeah it was it was it was good but it can be great slow down and rain in a bit and if they can control their ambition and focus on their customers they'll surprise themselves next it's time to surprise Fino well we can't afford to do all three of us is give them an easy ride turn the place upside down and really put them under pressure yeah so far this hugely successful Spanish tapas restaurant has powered through this competition we turned up unannounced I hope they haven't let their high standards slip how are you are you well good to see you like most lunchtime diners we want to be in and out in just one hour bet you have never as an owner Sam and Eddie will have to produce a perfect meal with speed and efficiency service it's fully booked so it's gonna be quite exciting we're gonna dance in the kitchen today we're here for a lunch and we want to be treated like a normal customer as you would do in which case the best thing for us is to Eddie and I to leave you in the hands with one of our normal waitresses and they can take it from there unknown Tofino my PA Jennifer is also dining here and once again she'll offer a secret perspective on the restaurant's performance exactly [Music] phase one isn't it not good one of the first dishes to arrive is chipperoni's deep fried baby squid excuse me I have a plate please they're stumbling a bit aren't they yeah they're good but I tell you what there is a way with hammer the salt out there quite a lot of salt over seasoning is once again a problem Angela's Keen to get to the root of the issue they not season it before you just finished everything no with the fishing the seasoning but always I like to have a little bit just a little bag because the only one thing is the ciprionis we thought were a bit salty every dish that goes up on the past she puts some extra salt and pepper on it and I said to her okay don't they finish it off themselves she was oh no but I add a bit more each time which you don't need without tasting it well yeah it doesn't make sense you've got to trust your chest your service we told the restaurants that we're on an hour's deadline but the mains still take 40 minutes to arrive just just dip your fingering up that's cold that's crazy going oh damn this should be cold but the problem with the pork belly is not just the temperature wow far too many aren't there it's really overpowering it's like going to the dentist with an anesthetic yeah crap it's not their finest hour no with that one we have to leave in just five minutes and still no one's taking our dessert orders we're running very tights up time could you recommend something quick free desserts and um what would you have to go that's why I asked me to choose secret desserts no do a second two seconds please I'd like the pill I like salmonelli please thank you so much damn that's a shame [Music] I have to be honest I'm disappointed because it's nowhere near as good as it was last time rounds there's a strand of over seasoning food that has been cooked by the Brigade and re-seasoned by the chef before it goes what I'm more nervous about is the sloppy service I think what's interesting is looking around the room yeah is um the tables who obviously weren't trying to test test it out the service um you know because I've seen my own eyes was good and the quality of the food was good Eddie's bold claim is about to be put to the test by my PA Jennifer how was lunch we have some mixed feedback we felt that the welcome needed work the staff seemed preoccupied at the beginning and we felt a little abandoned I thought that the stuffed courgette flower with the goat's cheese was a Triumph it looked pretty as a Picasso and The Taste was divine however towards the end when the restaurant became extremely busy unfortunately the service tailed off and we began to feel neglected and in fact our tea and coffee order was a forgotten [Music] we've said before we like to be the best we like to win and obviously it's not a great day when when it when it goes wrong being taken out from under our feet and that's not a good feeling my last experience here was near Flawless and it was almost on the verge of perfection that was embarrassing [Music] great restaurants need to be flexible and constantly evolved to survive through these difficult times so I want my semi-finalist Casimir and Fino to really prove to me they can create something extraordinary Against All Odds they both now face one grueling test replacing the final a challenge like they've never ever experienced before in just 12 hours they must turn this bare shelf into a thrilling vibrant pop-up restaurant open for one night only I want to save my two semi-finalists can create an amazing one-off dining experience with a tight budget and a deadline [Music] it's Daybreak and I've called both Fino and Casimir to meet me here in Islington North London good morning it's early right and you're probably thinking what in the hell am I doing here and let's be honest it doesn't look very glamorous does it no four bear walls Bleak yeah today you're going to transform this boring somewhat cold shower into the most amazing unique pop-up restaurants forget your restaurant create something magical good luck of restaurants are one of the hottest Trends in the food World they spring up in unexpected locations cause a big storm and then disappear overnight there's the cash both restaurants will have a 2 000 pound budget to spit between front of house for decor and the chefs for ingredients let's take 600 because I don't want to be in a chef [Music] good luck guys exactly they've only got until 7 pm to create their restaurant from scratch for up to 50 hungry diners who will expect nothing but the best there's so many things we have to cook we have to do we have to prepare it's gonna be a really really you know new challenge [Music] I'm taking the chefs to the markets and I'll be really fascinated to see how this amazing produce gets their creative juices flowing and they'll have to really think on their feet and adapt their menus based on what they find first up The Butchers free-range chicken fillets guinea fowl that press let's go through your mind because you've got to start coming up main course one of them what is going to be okay you guys yeah I've got to get that locked down here we've got to think about this when the next five goddamn minutes throughout this competition Casa may have produced some amazing food but some of it has been so experimental it has missed the mark will they be tempted to show off tonight or will they reign in for their diners are tempted by a real Rolls-Royce ingredients beef they'd let the cook at sous-vide with a fragile parfait served with popcorn [Music] there's not been a water bath inside you can cook without a [ __ ] water bath let's get that right yeah quite easily so you've got to come out of that frame for a minute and and go back to the beginning I want these boys to forget some of their wild experimentation tonight can they cook something simple and perfect with no frills pork [Music] all this is available yeah we're gonna go for the valley pork nice Pino's head chef Nevis Cooks fantastic Spanish tapas and pork features heavily on their menu but I want to see if you can go one step further and do something extraordinary for this one night only you're very comfortable with pork aren't you we love Pork yeah and you do it as a main course starter or it's going to be as a main course because there are the cuts you've got the most amazing line I know I know but people love belly pork I love it you know crispiness hopefully hopefully I'll get it right so 14 of those decision made pork belly a great cheap cut good luck thank you very much thanks yes but John Wayne Peter still can't decide between flashy beef or simple pork [Music] and time is running out fast hopefully it boosted slightly cure it and then we pan for it let's do four excuse me we're gonna change it change off change yeah okay back to our old Castamere roots go to Port it's cheaper it's got great flavor we have to work it harder we have to work flavors better but I plan to secure it and then it'll be a little bit so your decision sorry to change your mind no beef Paul where's the Port Phillip ever suicide sir let's go good bye I'm surprised Casimir have gone for pork too but they've chosen a Prime Cut as well as a belly and I'll be fascinated to see what both restaurants do with it one night only let's see what they've given us a successful restaurant isn't just about fabulous food the front of house teams must race against the clock to bring their pop-up restaurants to life they're working to a tight budget and I want to see how creative they can be I I personally think that we ought to go no class and wooden tables salmonetti helped by one of their managers kashka are going for a simple Spanish feel I mean that's not bad is it no I don't think the boys [Music] helped by the restaurant manager Anne Susan and Pacquiao are downstairs trying to choose crockley the boys will like stressful in that there are real Bargains to be had at 15 Pence a plate but they're scared it won't meet the boy's high expectations I'm feeling very stressed let me get it all done across London I'm taking the chef to another of my favorite markets for fish it's a dream come true for any chef because this produce is incredible there's too much of choice too much sauce just trying to get the right device fish it doesn't get any better than this nerves is drawn to the delicious mackerel and wild sea bass it's incredible the wild sea bass is an irresistible ingredient for the young chefs from Casimir 2. excellent decision done good in Chelsea Paco Susan and Anne have decided to search for plays in a department store but time is tight and they'll have just 40 minutes to get everything they need excuse me could you tell me how many hours each they're five pound each oh my god do you do anything cheaper than these or is this the cheapest here the plates start from two pounds each but Susan could have got similar backup base for just 15 Pence so if we could have 35 of these 35 of these 35 of those it's a costly decision spending more money on plates here means they'll have less to spend on the look of the restaurant okay okay let me think let me think should we just put some big candles around we need some flowers as well we need to go we've got no money we're in there in real shed here what we're gonna put on the tables come on guys we're Wasted what we're gonna put on the table then let's take these then we ain't got no choice okay so we can have different colored ones I know the boys are going to hate it but they're cheaper and we need to have some ready one more that's five of each that's 469 pounds oh it's okay it's okay it's okay so all right come on [Music] come on no just come on we're gonna enjoy this we're just tired and stressed and I'm just worried about this evening it may not be the best decoration and the best looking restaurant in the world but the service and the food are going to be extraordinary okay so yeah I think focus on that okay Susie okay let's focus on that it's midday just seven hours left for the teams to create their pop-up restaurants back at base they're taking delivery of their furniture and Crockery these restaurants oh Paco we've had it now [Music] Susan's um out of depth they need to understand a pop-up is a one night only Mega experience and this is it show off create those fireworks because that's what's going to make your restaurant win this competition stop it let's just cut this [ __ ] out we've only got three hours right who cares let's do it we're gonna do it well come on come on upstairs I get the sense that Posh boy salmonelli haven't been to Ikea before and didn't realize that there are eight natural wood tables come flat packed the first one was 20 minutes second one 15 minutes it's going to take us an hour which is time we'd rather be doing something else and also by the end of blisters all over our house but never mind [Music] downstairs Paco and Susan are working on the finishing touches I was expecting this morning oh is this going to even look like a dining room but we're getting there slowly with no time to spare Sam and Eddie finally masked their flat pack tables I I could say high five I don't think so it's definitely different to our restaurant but it still captures what we are about good job I'm pleased with what we've done with it I I can't believe that we've actually made this horrible room in looking somewhere or you looking much better here we're there just we are there some you know it's been it's been a close run thing this afternoon but we're sorted [Music] it's seven o'clock queues of hungry diners wait to be seated this morning allows you to create from scratch two stunning restaurants yeah four bare walls two empty shells one kitchen the pressure's on guys and in three hours time one restaurant's leaving this competition and one restaurant is going through to the final they have just three hours to impress with a thrilling one-off dining experience so this is my brother how are you okay wonderful okay I've been waiting too long and that experience should start as soon as people walk in and welcome to the pop-up restaurants [Music] tomato mozzarella hey cast me a restaurant check on table before you've got the first order in five minutes Susan you're feeling okay wow aren't you smiling nice one mom table one all right one two one what's the weather I have to say I'm impressed I've had my doubts where the mum Susan can run a restaurant with a firm hand but tonight she seems determined to prove me wrong they've come together at the right time and we know it's not how you start it's how you finish but great [ __ ] start [Music] making orders leaving Fino playing catch up [Music] but as their first orders reach the kitchen already there's a problem what what's up what's he done it's the semi-finals of my Nationwide restaurant competition and it's Spain versus Italy Fina from London and Casimir from Bristol they've created pop-up restaurants from scratch and at the end of tonight's service I'll decide who goes through to the final pass me a restaurant check on table before great [ __ ] start kitchen has ground to a halt the verse can't decipher Sam and Eddie's handwritten checks I mean they're really awesome and um they don't seem as gelled as they should be please the casemia boys have created two amazingly simple starters on their menu a delicious fresh tomato jam salad with mozzarella dusted in Parmesan guys I need to hear like your [ __ ] hangover Cliff shouting for your life service so service come on fantastic food but served in a soup bowl yeah I think the bowl it was very nice the second starter is a rustic Paris mushroom soup was that uh that is table fight so you got more Super than they have in there same table they have to be the exact same size I'm watching everything right here and that was the best soup you ever tasted because it was almost sort of foam but it's not to everyone's liking I just think it's too cold it's time for me to warm it up a few yeah just give me two seconds I'll be straight back okay in the past I found doting mum Susan usually leads to her son's defense on any criticism of their food customers complaining just like it a bit warmer no problems but tonight it's great to see her treat her sons like chefs not children to say yes straight away two minutes okay okay thank you very much I love Fino's Spanish infused starters succulent baby beetroot salad with walnuts and Stilton and a spectacular mackerel dish with grapes and apple salad [Music] beautifully cooked and the flavor of the grapes went really well with it these dishes are Fino at their best but under this intense pressure never needs to make sure every plate is perfect [Music] overhearing them a little bit salty they said on the start of the mackerel of course one table so one hour in frino I've fallen behind they've got a really [ __ ] start not only that but food's coming back and the mackerel is salty which is a common thread across Fino I'm gonna pick up the speed uh pick up the gear pick up the standards you know but this will get better onto the mains and nerves this planet knock the dinosaurs off with the wonderful flavors of afino classic belly of pork with red wine sauce now that pork looks fantastic never [Music] she's also cooking an amazing wild sea bass with Squid wrapped in smoked pancetta it's almost perfect but with little else but fit on the plate I worry it lacks balance and needs some garnish delicious but she's missing a bit of card maybe for they don't yes we don't have any potatoes in the menu I know we don't have them in the menu near this what I'm trying to do to make her happy she wants potatoes can we do it yes if we can do them Chef please I think it'll sort out a situation okay my one concern with the bass was no starch on there the rich sauce the squid it needs to start I don't need something along those lines but we can bought potatoes it takes six or seven minutes I love the way Fino are doing everything they can to please their customers you said two minutes two minutes ago uh there'll be about quite a four minute share five minutes back in the kitchen John rain Peter are also serving pork but they're mixing belly with Prime Cut fillet topped with Italian garnishes [Music] sweet the boys are also creating a fantastic Italian sea bass with cannellini beans I love it because it's so simple no wild avant-garde frails for this dish this game was crispy this the fish was cooked perfectly table one main course back said that was the best piece of fish she's ever had in her life trino are finishing with a classic Spanish dessert Santiago tart could this popular sweet be their winning touch ladies it's me again the good looking one for their dessert John Ray and Peter are serving a modern Italian take on apple crumble with almond infused custard but they've added a Twist that's leaving some of my diners confused [Music] because it too hot the flavor can be affected casimir's apple crumble is meant to be eaten warm but it's leaving some customers cold it was starting the rest of the meal was amazing the dessert let it down a little bit 10 p.m and service is over thing tonight the diners decided how much to pay they love both restaurants so the takings were equal but this challenge wasn't simply about money well done I have a tough 12 hours it was a battle against time and pressure to create a thrilling dining experience for one night only we put our heart and soul into this evening the kitchen and put their heart and soul into it and I just think uh we're gonna win but I mean I I believe we had the edge today to be in um the final of Ramsay's best restaurant would be a culmination of you know kind of a lot of hard work it'd be amazing it'd be absolutely fantastic thanks bye I'm so happy because both restaurants seriously push the boat out and the hard part for me right now is that I have to make a decision between those two restaurants [Music] this has been one of the toughest challenges I've ever set [Music] there are times that I honestly didn't think both restaurants were going to make it and I started to panic and as the clock ticked away the restaurants just started emerging coming individual restaurants with identity character the atmosphere in both restaurants amazing food stunning and on the back of the last three hours you've made it incredibly difficult for me [Music] to decide on which restaurants go through to the final that's what a pop-up restaurants is all about a one-off one night only unique experience and on the back of that performance it's such close call based on everything I've seen these guys definitely understand flavors let's see how the Cucumber goes over this yeah everything I taste it that's delicious love it it's a proper Spanish dish and that's picturesque beautifully presented plate of food everything I've listened to she wants potatoes can we do it Chef please [Music] the restaurant going through to the final [Music] [Applause] [Music] well done thank you well done you can smile you can smile thank you well done well done for us it was a new you know new challenge so it was really tough obviously disappointed but I mean the guys they are amazing they're in the final because they understood the first time in this competition what customers want John Ryan Peter dropped the Frills and they delivered I think they're amazing it's incredible we've got two little Geniuses but my God can they cook [ __ ] impressive
Channel: All In The Kitchen
Views: 570,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: All In The Kitchen, Appetizing dishes, Authentic cooking, Cooking excellence, Cooking lessons, Culinary expertise, Culinary journey, Cutting-edge cuisine, Delicious recipes, Exquisite dishes, Fine dining cuisine, Fusion cuisine, Global flavors, International cuisine, Mediterranean recipes, Ramsay's best restaurant, Ramsay's culinary adventures, Restaurant reviews, Taste sensations, Traditional recipes, Travel and food
Id: Un7Y0Kyig5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 52sec (8032 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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