Chef Googles How To Cook | Hotel Hell

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I'm checking into a very unusual location a castle in the middle of Ohio run by a mother and son you know you get a little overwhelmed and you don't know how to proceed she takes on all the responsibility have you ever told anyone how much stress is on your shoulders no I pretty much keep it in and he doesn't know how to help I can't tell you a business-wise if Jimmy really has any strength at this point if I can't get through to him this hotel will be in serious Jeopardy surely you must know that this is not right no [Music] located along the Black Fork of the Mohican river is the small town of Loudonville home to landol's Mohican Castle [Music] after selling their profitable printing business owner Jim and Martin Landoll built the castle on a lush 1100 Acre state in the heart of rural Ohio Jim and I ran a coloring book published in business we did sell it I assumed we would retire but Jim had other ideas my dad told himself that if he ever made any kind of money someday he would build a castle and he made money and built a castle between the castle and restaurant the official total was in the six million dollar range in 2008 our beautiful restaurant burned to the ground my husband he had let the insurance lapse unfortunately it was only four days prior it was a very really bad day [Music] we burned down in May and Jim and I separated in June we were divorced within the year Jim retired and now it's all on my shoulders Marta does everything here she works oh my gosh harder than anybody I think on the property she runs around like crazy there's not a day that she's not working from Sun up until sundown she could be retired she could be relaxing somewhere enjoying her grandkids but instead it's almost like she's a prisoner here so I think that we really need Jimmy to manage the property Jimmy's the general manager in title only he's more the cook here on the property it says two or one tablespoon of Worcestershire or whatever you call it we don't really honestly take him seriously but we've never had a reason to I guess take him seriously are we supposed to clean up now because he's the baby born with a silver spoon in his mouth that everybody's always done everything for him what is honey glazed carrots I've actually never made those Marta does baby Jimmy and that causes Jimmy to not really have to step up and be a general manager [Music] we keep thinking what what can we do what can we do to get more you know more customers in the restaurant what can we do to get more people at the hotel it has such potential one of my main concerns is that I do want to be able to make this place successful and be able to retire but it is a struggle you know because a lot of times I don't see a lot of light at the end of the tunnel [Music] I'm here in Ohio I'm heading to a castle that's right a castle but it's actually built by a local businessmen he's no longer involved and he's left the property to his ex-wife and his son to run here we are Castle up ahead for that wow the crayons are stunning look at this place what an amazing setup really beautiful [Music] hello hello my goodness me come on nice to see you nice to meet you um this place is incredible when was it built they started Construction in 1996 we opened in 2002. well how long have you been here I've been here for 10 years and all this sort of junk what happens to that stuff this is our little gift shop oh wow yeah yeah so this is a gift shop bits of sort of knickknacks and just yeah but they seem hard what about these I haven't saw any of the reading sunglasses and what's that that is the CD we have in our rooms the CD well the Celtic Mystique we have music playing on our Suites when you arrive wow um I didn't know people buy CDs anymore wow 16 is it good I've listened to it for 10 years I don't hear it anymore most of the time what a strange little knick-knack shop and what's over here um oh the beer and wine that we sell well you see the dust on top of there everything's so dusty who's in charge of cleaning I'm slacking on my job I appreciate the odd speckle of dust on the wine the wine celibate not like this wow and look at that when is that from 1981. you laugh but it is a little out of date right oh yeah definitely had a date and Dusty Dusty the actual TV was on you couldn't see it because of the Dust um so it looks like it was high-end to build really expensive but yes it doesn't look like we've had enough money going back into it to keep it sort of where how it where it needs to be where it should be right and what's over here they do 30 to 15 a year who runs those Melody is our events coordinator and she's a specialist in events and um she was never like trained or anything but she couldn't run events if you're not being trained common sense sometimes prevails now what's that there Nando's Mohegan Castle win a night stay staff you know how many people want a free night seriously yeah we try to do it once a month should I do one yes please [Music] love this love it ready so foreign [Music] Chuck congratulations you have won yourself a free night stay at landoll's Mohican Castle courtesy of me Gordon Ramsay free dinner 's not included no oh Chuck I'm so sorry I don't want to piss on your bonfire but there's no dinner involved but I'll pay for dinner Chuck best wishes he's gonna be so happy when he hears that [ __ ] message excellent uh amazing man it's cluttered and it's dusty damn so you've been here 10 years what are the problems just little things here and there that need to be updated most of it's still from when we opened originally so it was 13 years old now the owner is no longer involved with the business he's left at Teresa's wife Marta Jim's ex-wife right she runs it now with her son who's the general manager correct right and what's his strengths um tell you business-wise management wise of Jimmy really in my opinion has rings at this point he has the title of general manager but I don't think he really really has that role of general manager yeah he went off to train at hotel school where did he come from no Jimmy has no training outside of high school no she has no training here is no training who's more Hands-On Marta is Hands-On Marta is Here There and Everywhere and she she's like the Busy Bee that never stops is she around um I'm sure she's on the property let me thank you um I'm gonna just checking around outside and I look forward to uh seeing Marta thank you you're welcome Marta down there okay can you send her up Gordon would like to meet her [Music] what is that thing ugh look at all these flies [Music] platy how look at that so you relax and take your cigarette breaks oh Jesus Christ and all these flies that is disgusting this is a place where people come to relax what ugh horrible wow hello hello you must be Mara hi Marta you must be Gordon that's right nice to see you guys too uh what an incredible place oh thank you it's different it looks like somebody's spent a lot of money yeah we did how much do you spend building this place I think it's around 6 billion wow and what's it worth now oh probably two million um we need help Gordon uh yeah well I'm here to help how many driveway yeah Woodland stunning I mean absolutely walk in there inside it's it's Kate and dust in there supposed to be oh it is trust me okay and then the Hamas are horror for me was going up there have you been up there recently uh probably about a month ago disgusting okay flies everywhere not a dozen couple of hundred Okay thousands and let me give it to you straight it looks like staff are taking the piss going upstairs for a break putting their cigarettes a bottle on the back of one really bad fire the last thing you want to get is a second one that's true so you're the general manager I am running it and I'm trying but Jimmy started a little over a year ago right but he's so tied with the restaurant so Jimmy runs the kitchen and you do everything else so that's a lot on your part I help in the kitchen too I do the ordering I do the ordering how come he doesn't do his own ordering oh he would if I told him to right yeah but everything on your shoulders running this place yeah I guess I'm used to it yeah wow so um I've never done anything like this before so it's the unfound territory for me okay in order for me to see where the cracks are what this place is made of how good we are I've found an amazing couple who have recently just got engaged uh and due to the circumstances with the groom he's having to go off and do military duty in two weeks time oh okay so they are coming here and we are going to host their wedding okay when are we doing it in a couple of days okay and it's a very many 100 guests 100 girls okay 100 guests so I need to see how this place functions and what you've got what the standards are like and just the kind of offerings okay look at it it should have way more than 30 or 40 events a year it doesn't make sense knowing the castle is losing money by not hosting as many weddings as they should be I wanted to see how I could improve their standards and increase Revenue Roxanne yes so I invited a bride and groom to get married at the castle first of all let me say congratulations thank you yeah I know you're trying to get married quickly because you're uh off yeah on duty and so we want to make this uh somewhat special yeah we've been doing this once and there's no rehearsal right right let's jump in shall we okay perfect please it's my first time here ours too there we go oh dear it looks like someone's pigged on the walls uh with a lemon meringue pie a ceiling really scary cheers oh dear those are really stinks what about spandex yeah they're they're not nice are they that's worse [Music] hi Melody Roxanne Roxanne yes Eric welcome to the castle um let's talk about the food um what do you normally do normally we do buffets buffets wow that's something from the 1980s so what do we do with the tasting of the buffet we don't do tastings you don't do tastings we don't do tastings no why not because of the kitchen staff the setup in the kitchen not really selling me on a good wedding side you can stay relaxed for now but trust me we're going to taste some food we're going to take a seat we're going to do some tastings and I'd like to see a menu um don't worry okay we got too many set here take a seat please before we do the tasting is the owner's son here Jimmy he's the he's in charge can we have a quick jar yeah sure okay yeah uh color Dreadful reception Lobby awful the Linens don't even match there's white and ivory and there's a lot going on at the bars I'm not sure if that's the Dover from another morning Dreadful Jimmy yeah uh he'd like to meet you okay hey you are doing I'm Jimmy good to see you nice to meet you I spoke to mum earlier yes yes two uh two very special guests Roxanne hi there nice to meet you Roxanne and Eric I'm Eric nice to meet you as well um so do you have a surf jacket or I do did you ever wear it or um when only when I deliver food deliver like bring food out to people obviously just put the jacket on to carry food yeah so I look fancier so you normally wear a t-shirt to cook yeah and pants and pants yes that's very kind of yes yeah yes anything you recommend I mean try to sell it a little bit the bride and groom um there's certain things on there I've never made before so uh that probably stopped two seconds yes you've got things on your menu that you've never made before well no one's ever ordered them but you run a restaurant here yes that's not a buffet no you explain it I should definitely know how to make them I agree yeah I've never cooked a filet mignon before you've never cooked a filet mignon no who cooks it we've never sold one so no one's ever had a wedding and ordered filet not since I've been here not for me you've got things on here you've never cooked before yeah this is the fillet correct so just out of Interest filet mignon comes on you're gonna go to a culinary school what happens and maybe Google how to do it exactly yes yeah just to watch a video uh yes our wedding food is really good well I can't wait to taste it uh let's have a look at this and okay you know I'll see you uh later sounds good wow okay well sorry about that after learning Jimmy gets these recipes from the internet I'm starting to feel like I made a mistake inviting the bride and groom to have their wedding here to give some options for Roxanne and Eric I told Jimmy to prepare a selection of dishes up first a chicken dish I couldn't believe was smothered in soggy Cheese look at that we're there it's like my grandad's foreskin not good no wonder Grandma used to get upset at night okay over a medium heat and olive oil that a good heart while Jimmy surfed the internet for how to cook a filet mignon let the fillets oh let the fillets eat a hot pan we will served a salmon dish I mean we wouldn't feed that to my cat it is Bland it's undercooked simply draw in the middle slimy almost and knowing Jimmy I've never cooked a filet mignon trust me my expectations weren't high that steak is terrible that's overcooked you'd cook better than that at home wouldn't you yeah now I know why there's no tastings available I mean terrible terrible terrible towel I'm embarrassed and I just want to apologize as expected way better than this yeah I mean us too I think yeah be patient let me get to the bottom of this okay okay it's clear the castle standards are low and with only two days to put together a wedding I'm feeling a lot of pressure and I don't want to disappoint Roxanne and Eric good how are you guys feeling discouraged I mean you know it's an important day for us and the food's really important and it's like I think about this and I wanted to be the best day of my life and then it's disappointing something you want people to remember for a good reason not a bad of course exactly you know I see lots of young couples and we host lots of weddings but there's new territory for me I've never seen a space member of staff so disconnected to the real deal I don't think we thought it was going to be like this there's only two days till Roxanne and Eric's wedding and having witnessed the lack of attention to the event space and menu tonight I need to see how Martha and Jimmy run their restaurant on a regular night hey how are you TJ TJ good to see you and this is I'm Shayla Shayla nice to see you I'm Jimmy's wife oh Jimmy's wife yeah his chest wife Cook's wife gentleman was his wife yes right what is he a DM or a cook a little bit of both a little bit of both yes excellent good answer okay good what'd you do TJ I'm just the host of night excellent so so so they're all [ __ ] up Jimmy the sea bass what about it it needs to go on uh good evening good evening hey Gordon she has a bruschetta listed here too success on that we haven't met you haven't we no no grant Grand good to see you are you a sous chef yes foreign [Music] wow what don't you do in this establishment nothing [Music] yeah I can't think anything um holy crap so you could call the fisherman on the same time uh we do the meat on the left side and the fish on the right side it's all the same flat yes so you're saying everything on the left doesn't hit the right and everything on the right doesn't hit the left I've never seen that okay it's where the food sits there Shayla yes sir why do they put food here is this what they this is the warmers yes this is the on the wall yes this is what we have it's crazy Jesus but where's the kitchen's in there they just stick this on the wall so how'd you know who's is whose you just pick up we take the wrong place all the time what a [ __ ] up scenario that is what is this is this done I think so I don't have any idea what all this meat goes to right now what are these two flat irons for does anybody know here's a flat iron medium rare there's a flat iron but I don't know what tables they go to Jesus [ __ ] me um I've never said that is a big song Enough was that but just just show me that one oh a beef stroganoff yeah yes bring it down please yes Charles talk to me I mean it looks like prison food whose table is that strong enough that's mine that's yours and what are you waiting for now um the rest that was uh on a single ticket but there are six of them seriously why is it not all the same ticket well because they wanted separate bills so I just I wrote them all on separate tickets because that's how we but you do that at the end the kitchen needs one ticket so they can serve all the entrees together oh my God OMG what are you waiting for my darling um where are we out here one french fry okay do we have anything on the six top what's she waiting on stroganoffs I guess this doesn't really have any sauce in it but I can't help it that got messed up just take it uh you just deserve better I'm sorry oh here's your song Enough 10 minutes later hot too so be careful yours looks completely different wow what a mess what a mess oh geez [Music] Jimmy has been sat there for 15 minutes down this one this one here what is it yeah what are you waiting on I've just I've never seen this kind of dysfunctional picture so one dish three minutes later no this comes along and the girls are coming up and seeing the flat irons seeing the chicken and just going because there's no uniform the table's been waiting where's your tickets right there okay just take this medium rare flat iron then I guess we apparently need another Castle did we make that or not someone must have taken the ticket down without us knowing today wasn't supposed to be medium and the other lady her potatoes garlic mashed were ice cold oh they want it more well done she wants they want it more well done the same piece or another one no we'll have to put it back on I don't know I've gathered that the restaurant has absolutely no organization but what is more alarming is how dependent Jimmy is on his mother to run this business thank you [Music] we did it that was easy uh uh I'm not gonna laugh just go back to the beginning driving in and looking the place breathtaking walking's reception and it's just Kate and dust and that Tower in front of the entrance is Laden with 5 000 dead flies tonight I just want to see how this place functioned and hand on heart I've never seen such a dysfunctional business in all my life surely you must know that this is not right I I think we know that but you think I I speak for myself and I can say I know that and yet every walks around us we're doing a great job and laughing and joking as if to say we also be proud of I wouldn't say we're in denial no [ __ ] I got told when I checked in Jimmy is the general manager can I just tell you the feeling when you walk into this place there's no Authority there's no responsibility and staff are just going through the motions and if you are even going to attempt to step up to that position you can't go home pat yourself on the back saying you're doing a great job you need to start implementing Gordon we would like this to be the starting point of that you know we want that we just you know you get a little overwhelmed and you don't know you know how to proceed the the general consensus in this building is that you are generally running around seven days a week for everybody sure and tonight I witnessed it firsthand this is no life for a lady in the 60s nobody else banging their head against the wall that is not right can I just have two minutes with your mother on my own please yes this is insane honestly you look like the pot washers assistant tonight I know it's a sister yeah I think I've gotten so used to it and so I just keep doing it I'm not really doing more and more every week every month every year and it's not right and that must be having a toll somewhere you can't continue like this I agree has your son taken enough responsibility I think that I he probably feels that he has because he's never probably had the life that I've had to know what it's like to work from morning to night he's never felt the Jeopardy that you do on a daily basis no nowhere near it no one has and it shows he knows you're going to do it and that's the problem and he's got so used to that that he's not going to come out of his comfort zone and do any more because he doesn't need to yeah I want Jimmy to wake up and take the burden off your shoulders and step up and start showing some full responsibility you should think about a letter about what you need from him going forward think about something strong and speak openly and if you can commit that to me then I'm going to commit myself to you and get in this place back on the map okay yeah promise I promise thank you okay get some rest okay okay it's very important for hotels that host weddings to not only focus on the event itself but other services as well I'd like to order this 79 breakfast in bed package so I ordered a room service package for Roxanne and Eric enjoy you guys enjoy we will see you soon all right everyone it's thought I'd check in on you how is it it tastes uncooked oh God it's just going from bad to worse my apologies after seeing that disappointment and that nothing was special about the experience I sent someone for my team to put together a gift basket to show how much higher their standards really need to be this is just basic stuff you two dig in we've got some work to do last night I asked Marta to write a letter to Jimmy outlining her needs for him moving forward I'm hoping this can show Jimmy he needs to step up okay yeah um how long does it take to put this thing together probably uh an hour hour and a half to think about it I want to sleep around 5 a.m what you went to sleep at 5am why uh just thinking about everything that went on and wishing it wouldn't have been the way it was no one there's a lot to fix and just being uh completely overwhelmed at all the aspects of it so I have a lot of lakes like that exactly what he needs to hear and that's what we've got left in order to get through to him that's where he needs to fill your pain a little bit because you've been too good at masking over it yeah I yeah I do probably do that a lot because you need to stop accepting everything you can make things better for yourself now and that being so easy on your son and being a little bit more selfish because you're too kind too generous right I agree with that you need a break yeah quick yeah you're right okay thank you [Music] uh Jimmy two seconds please take a seat your mother she left last night yes upset I want you to listen to something important yes I just want you to listen okay um dear Jimmy I work 20 years at the coloring book factory being on call 24 7. I of course thought that when we sold the business we would retire unfortunately that didn't happen I know you have always seen me work hard but the financial part of it has been just as stressful it is so disheartening when we could get complaints about such stupid things as dust and uncleanliness it has to stop there's no excuse for it it has to change no one has more to gain by making the castle successful than you do let's make this place what it should be a great future for all of us love moms [Music] I just want to say thank you I know I love it so [Music] you know this can't continue and where I'm coming from it's about stepping up that means putting mum out of the day-to-day running are you getting firm strong and making some serious [ __ ] decisions I don't want to have the impression that I'm I'm too proud or I'm a spoiled brat because how much do you want this I will I don't know if there's a real word for it but I want it I want I mean could I just have two minutes with him yes please in the kitchen get yourself a coffee and close that door I don't [ __ ] feel it enough that's all I don't get uh excited by it she your mother hasn't got long left at this pace and if you've got a pair of balls she better start [ __ ] using them and I want you to use them quick I don't think you fully understand just what a gift you've got I don't think I do either I I feel it but I don't fully have a grip of it no and whilst I am here I want to see you commit okay and show me how hungry you are oh well yes sir and when you see something wrong say something [ __ ] sort it out like your mom's been doing oh well got it got it [Music] it's the day before the wedding and preparations are underway normally we have a soft drink soda station on the antique touch down there while the staff discussed last minute details with Roxanne and Eric my team and I are completely making over the event space we're upgrading the drab interior with a modern Decor to brighten up the room and create an inviting space foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] beyond what I ever could have imagined I can't believe it's the same place that's awesome complete new paneling all the way around wow absolutely breathtaking so let's have a little focus on the tables the brand new chairs oh my goodness it's amazing beautiful take a seat now we have proper elegant chairs look at the Chargers aren't they beautiful check out the floor brand new floor yeah so nice look at the space over there now with the bar so nice like it's like out of a magazine this is what it's like during the day can you imagine what it's gonna be like at night with the candles lit yeah flickering this is what we've needed I mean we oh we need guidance and we've been spinning our tires for so long great and you happy I'm happy I'm glad you're happy I'm probably the most excited I've been except maybe when my babies and grandbabies were born I'm literally that excited oh my it's so beautiful thank you so much you're welcome yes [Music] now let's talk food yeah ladies come line up here I'd like to take one of each menus I've got a plan for the food let's focus first on the menu and place for the restaurant let's start off at the beginning french onion soup and a bowl of chili oh wow we've got the beef stroganoff with wild mushrooms oh yeah next to that you've got the chicken alfredo I like that let's focus on the big menu for the wedding tonight right the perfect entree is the brace short ribs next to that we've got a local walleye it's amazing beautifully say it oh look at that oh that's beautiful nothing complicated wow everything looks so appetizing too clean yes yeah but there is one thing missing and that's a chef so I've arranged for a unique person that has been working with me in Vegas for the last five years she is incredible and she's going to be your consultant Chef okay let me introduce you to Keisha this young lady knows her stuff she's going to help to install somebody on a full-time basis with the Handover process is going to be part of her responsibility are you excited very excited Grant work closely with her absolutely now remember tonight you're going to step up and run this the burden is now on your shoulders I'm prepared to take it [Music] morning hello hello gorgeous come on ladies amazing when I check in with Roxanne and Eric to assure them that everything's on track with their wedding how you feeling very good yeah yeah I just want to give a heads up room's looking gorgeous okay now let's just set them up I put Jimmy in charge of managing the entire event from the ceremony to the reception it's a cool layout pretty here with the sun coming now yeah it is pretty while the castle has done many events in the past I'm hoping this wedding not only raises the bar but puts it on the map as a destinational spot Jan Tower you look great by the way huh so smart all good you look smart as well yeah where's Eric um quick here's the bride the bride's coming everybody wow so it's gorgeous as they sit down let's go into the room and let's just go over everything get the team together and we'll get our timing it's absolutely nailed welcome everyone to this beautiful glorious day of the Union of Roxanne and Eric so you guys aren't used to doing plated service it's been Buffet after buffer that's gone say goodbye to the 1970s welcome to the 21st century I want some finesse it's a wedding it's not a funeral so be happy we're getting the weeds we get ourselves out it's not a race guys who's the general manager excellent who's in charge of the kitchen great that's right talk communicate any uh last words of advice for the team um just stay positive you know it's their big day we don't want them to see our problems yeah good luck guys yeah thank you thank you Jim let's go I Now pronounce you husband wife let me kiss your bride [Music] [Applause] all right everybody uh I hope you enjoyed the ceremony we're gonna head over to the uh The Event Hall bright ladies help Sit Them Down got it please quick as you can table five right here's table 11. who would you like I didn't do the short ribs please so here we go Grant takes every ticket and doesn't accept a ticket until you understand it absolutely okay that's the only way of course the fish walleye okay very good okay so you've got to synchronize with the DJ to announce the blyden group for a big moment this one yes okay so focus on the timing yes yep how are you so when you walk back in that's when you cue the DJ yes because the DJ is going to make the announcement ladies and gentlemen will be upstanding for the bride and groom yes this is a crucial moment now yes sir I'm gonna go up there right now and talk to him and find out what exactly when they're exactly coming down as soon as I come back in the room um you'll see me walking the door so be kind of looking as soon as I walk in but you have to get everyone's attention yeah yeah what's all this for you we're only doing the bright you want to get their pronunciation what the braiding room it's just Roxanna is the pronunciation Jimmy you should have this Nails that's what it is I don't want to [ __ ] up with the bride and group okay so we have to be [ __ ] seamless [Music] I'll confirm it is wait outside for me okay yep oh my gosh I'll let you tell the DJ how to pronounce your last name correctly alrighty you couldn't have been like the Smiths or something all right okay so I'm gonna go in and kind of get everyone's attention and go ahead and give me how do you want you would like to be introduced Mr and Mrs Eric waldoni the bride and groom are two minutes away okay be careful yes ladies and gentlemen if I could have your attention please we have a very special couple right outside that door and we would like to give them a big welcome as they enter the room let's have a nice final Applause for the new Mr and Mrs Eric waldoni at this time they are going to be making their way to the dance floor to share their first dance together as husband and wife [Applause] [Music] we're now certainly entrees just make sure all the asparagus are lining the same way this is the ends are together like so yes five plates please Grant service please that's the top table I'm gonna give it to the bread second table Yeah four fish two beats yes everything look nice oh my gosh the presentation is beautiful awesome I love it good to hear I'll come back and check on you soon take any plates out of your way here you're good Shayla why are you clearing when the whole table hasn't finished um so wrong so his plate is cleared she's not playing with the food yeah of course she does so you know that so this is what I was saying to you all right I can't tell you the obvious because you know this yeah okay yeah and I want them looked after like warranty and so do you right yes I'm gonna see if they want any more champagne right now yeah okay I'm gonna come back with some champagne to top everybody off okay the atmosphere in here is incredible it is I mean it really is however Jimmy needs to be on top of things right yeah he needs to nail the small attention details okay yeah just look at the atmosphere the difference is night and day yep they're happy let's keep them that way no we'll get the staff to do that put that down okay okay you're the owner I know you are the owner they're asking me to go get beer and go to the desk they're picking up after you you're not picking up after okay those days have gone okay thank you how was dinner I'm waiting for my wife to a Passover [Laughter] how's everything tasting it's beautiful isn't it awesome I love you are you guys [Applause] you too uh my time is done uh what a day it looks amazing seriously I mean really have you had a good day thank you today was perfect yeah absolutely perfect everything that you could have asked for spend phenomenal thank you both for your patience because when we first met at the beginning of the week I was more nervous than you too good luck to you both thank you very much thank you thank you thank you I totally thought when we first got here we're settling this isn't what I want but we need to do this quickly and now it is the fairy tale that you think when you see a castle it's jaw-dropping the transformation that was made and how are you feeling first I'm feeling great the ceremony was amazing who's the general manager Jimmy is who's the owner I am that's right and you just oversee it okay I don't want you chasing trash cans I know when you sweep out above them look after yourself okay okay thank you I need 30 seconds with your son okay I appreciate it enjoy this place I will okay I will you deserve it thanks so much good night good night I do not want to see your mum sweeping up I don't either you need to step up I couldn't believe you forgot the name of the bride and groom yes that was bad however your mind's in the right place do not be scared of change tonight was a little rough yeah but think of the difference you made on that young couple I know they seemed so appreciative of everything and the first thing they do they're going to tell all their friends this amazing wedding they've had yes you're gonna promise me you're gonna stay on track I'm gonna put in the work I promise good luck thank you thank you have a safe trip thank you good night yeah thanks Gordon [Music] since my last visit landoll's Mohican Castle has steadily increased their bookings Keisha has reorganized the kitchen and with Jimmy's help they've found a new head chef to take the lead and Jimmy has finally taken charge as general manager let's make a plan and figure out what we want to do timing-wise allowing his mother to take a step back as an owner thank you I'm in the beautiful Lakeside town of Chelan Washington to help a husband and wife repair their bad reputation they have built walls around themselves there are absolutely no part of this community they don't know the difference between right and wrong there's no such thing as a fresh burger what and they are so stubborn you don't even know the [ __ ] story it'll be a challenge to get through to them all you've done since I've arrived here is lied to me and I totally [ __ ] disagree with that Chilean Washington surrounded by the gorgeous Cascade Mountains situated on Lake Chelan this small town is home to the Lake View Hotel and BC McDonald's restaurant owners Brenton Avenue McDonald have been in business here for over 15 years we bought the hotel in 2000 we came into town and and a lot of the locals they really didn't want to see us make it they figured they won't be here long well I let them know that we are going nowhere you're stuck with us the Lakeview hotel is adults only we think that it's the nicest hotel probably in the state of Washington we have this is really slow we're losing probably 30 000 a month easy the financial situation here at the hotel in the restaurant it is tough and this year it's extremely tough because we had wildfires in the area and quite honestly that's what kind of has broke the bank [Music] majority of the reason why there's no consistent business here is Brent and acne's reputation and I'm talking I am talking customers come in and she said you hurry up you go sit down I'm training you sit down we'll be with you a minute I'm the best employer in town I think I'm easy to work with just just quiet will you please you know I don't know why people don't like to be here if you want to keep money flowing through the locals need to like you and you know if you have a bad attitude towards the locals or other customers they're not going to come back [Music] out there and do a little Dance come on I know you used to pole dance get your ass out there I definitely get very embarrassed by some of the things he says I hope you got a lot of energy tonight because baby this is this is Friday night Friday night people are coming to a nice restaurant they don't want to hear dirty jokes and cussing and everything like that Brent does not like to be told anything you can tell him the sky is blue and he's it's gonna upset I think that people are lucky to work for us I think I got a great management style [Music] Chelan is a beautiful town the opportunity is there we just get overlooked because of Brent and Anthony's reputation all of our money that we have made in the last 30 years has been sunk into this business and we have so much invested we cannot stop because otherwise we're we're done [Music] Mr could be so that's him did say Valley Park that's not my eyesight maybe thinks he has the wrong place [Music] [ __ ] it it's not baby the best breakfast lunch and dinner in town come on yeah come on in how are you good afternoon Chef Ramsay what a gorgeous drive that was oh thank you ladies first I totally understand that nice to see you um are we the valet parking on strike it is this time of year so it's temporary ballet parking I want to do my car because you kept the sign there I'll park it for you how about that wow Dusty what's that there something is growing up there can you see that or is it me I can see it wow yeah I know you both wearing glasses I just want to make sure you can see it it's now it's not real easy to see for me how did you get that down [Music] back here I'll be right back wow well now you've made everything Dusty down here I've made it Dusty no you haven't cleaned it yeah supposing that falls on a customer's head what would you do I don't think that it will actually but you don't think it will no well it's been up there for about six months it seems to be growing actually it's disgusting yeah Brett shame on you I know it wow and what's in here more dust over here bro no is there more you must have missed that spot too there's a big long creepy crawler hanging down yes I see that wow we've been closed for the last three weeks when it's so slow this time of the year we go on a holiday and when you close do you normally clean before you close would you come back dirt ah come back the way it is and wow look at that up there we're living in a very uh Dusty environment here that's [ __ ] yeah okay uh come on seriously this is Mountain clean air well that's all true yeah oh there you go yeah there we go thank you for that no problem I didn't expect to clean as I checked in like oh my god there you go they are gross right not messing up too much it's all going to come down well how long are you thinking of keeping it up there we might as well do them all while we're at it we might as well do them all yeah it's not funny I've got to get this thing out here holy [ __ ] look at that [ __ ] damn it Daphne why didn't you get to that and how long have you owned this place 15 15 years 15 years last time it was cleaned it was clean you're just good I was you've got you've got a great eye I've done lots of things on arrival but I've never quite cleaned [ __ ] like that from a scene can I give that back to you I'll do that okay right yeah um what's going on here on the front door you've got 40 flavors yes so I know samples yes when we're really really busy we have a line that goes out the door again one person asked for uh a sample they will all ask for a sample and how do you think all those yogurt franchises entice business Alpha samples so they speculate to accumulate so I know samples soy no samples who comes up with all these stupid rules it's probably myself man you like kicking the crap out the locals don't you yes so I take it we're not going to get oh there's another one yes there's me thinking that's a flavor so how long ago did this close oh my god look how dusty that's it's not closed this is not closed no it's not stop it is not it looks like it's like oh no Lati how where's the stick gone please oh my God this is monstrous this is like a cobweb on steroids where's the stick on she's getting it so why did you close for three weeks I went on a holiday wow and where did you go Mexico wow did you enjoy Mexico yeah it's really we enjoyed being yeah she only came for a week she gives me a week by myself say that again you go on holiday on your own I do rest for a week and your wife comes for a second my wife and daughter meet me for the second week he's not like to go for two weeks holiday well I would love to if I have a chance I see right um I just want to get this thing down here you see the size of this one yeah holy crap is that a keeper that look at that this is above a nice cream parlor if we turn that on it's gonna spin dust hopefully it won't we'll wait for that yeah okay now what I I think you're doing awesome actually I I think that we should possibly hire him really you know I'm glad that I'm hired to clean yeah wow do I have to take this to my room it may be a good idea are you serious no let's go no dust right oh [ __ ] whilst I'm up here look oh come on look at these ones here on the top of that we'll get it oh now you'll get it well it's obvious that you haven't done it before you know how many rooms you have here 12 12. wow this room probably isn't for you but we're gonna give it to you anyway what do you mean by that it's for people that haven't been laid for a while quite honestly say that again sorry people that haven't been late laid laid as in as in what's that got to be checking into this room oh wow and this is a room for those who haven't been laid recently you don't talk like that to guests well this is an awesome room it offers the best view that we have of the river part of Lake Chelan well wow has a stack stone fireplace awesome ceiling I think they're 15 feet and uh awesome Dusty ceiling see those Beams I can see yeah I see that a little bit man what is it with dust around here well as I said we're in a Dusty area apart from the dust the rooms are gorgeous yes these are the air conditioning uh units where's that so you don't have that funky thing down here that cries Motel I thought it was TV no it's uh air conditioning it's both we program it for both AC or right so where do I adjust the temperature uh you don't they're precept it's set at 68 degrees wow why is it set like that I keep the remote controls because I absolutely know that they will get screwed up if I leave them up here in the room you don't give samples you don't let me keep the remotes and you don't let me bring the temperature up or down it's not really the get laid room is it that's up to you wow you're set in the bar you're telling me what I can and what I can't do weird very weird look how dusty this is as well how do I open that up to get all these things yes please thank you wow when was the last time they were cleaned it gets cleaned about twice a year uh would you mind if I just make it three times this year yeah I think that sounds great actually so the air conditioning unit you control they have to breathe in this [ __ ] at night are you bullshitting me right can you uh I will take that you might I've got no interest in breathing you're at us okay I'm gonna unpack and I'll be down in five minutes okay please wow honestly look at that [Music] man um the dust when I walked in there I was going on there bizarre how long have you been here a month so you're a new kid on the Block I am yes wow do they go through a lot of stuff I think so there is some that have been here for years but actually the ones that were here the cooks they have recently left and I mean how would you describe them as bosses um different than any I've ever had yeah outside anyway let's order um obviously I was gonna have a glass of wine hoping to get something local having just driven through those amazing Vineyards but there's nothing local yeah no I mean New Zealand sauvignon blanc what would you recommend for lunch what's the soup today the soup is a minestrone oh that's good yeah BC's bacon burger yeah okay let's do a pizza as well sorry actually we don't do the pizzas any longer I don't know why the page is not taken out wow okay uh anything else that's not on we are out of the pork stir-fry and we do not have chili uh no chili let's do a prime rib as well with that shall we um I believe we're out of Premium all right we're out I believe so yeah the um turkey ciabatta dip is usually a good one let's do a turkey dip okay um hold on a minute breaking news BC's soon to be Famous taraki Steak what the [ __ ] does that mean when someone says soon to be famous who writes this [ __ ] on the menu famous won't that be on the menu I think we should try it let's go um I think we're done okay yeah sure yeah thank you okay do you need help minestrone soup right correct wow that doesn't even chase homemade it's frozen Frozen yeah Frozen minestrone soup yeah okay this is terrible you've got the BC bacon burger wow jeez look how thin that is my onion rings thicker than my Pate huh where are they from yeah I'll find out that answer on the hamburgers it says on the menu certified Angus beef where do we get that are they fresh or frozen no we we always come back that's frozen the the Pate is Bland it actually tastes Frozen it does come Frozen so it says fresh and it's not anywhere near 13 for that is the food coming out it's very good this is the turkey milk thank you and what's this here that is the broth for the turkey if you want to end up here sandwich in it wow so salty yes it says that it's salty and bitter cheese you want to taste this actually he had me tasted oh yeah it's really salty really salty yeah holy [ __ ] this year is the teriyaki chicken burger [Music] nearly famous burger doused in Cherokee over cheese oh nearly famous this is bad to be famous to send me to the bathroom yeah I mean I'm gonna go there nope I'll just have a coffee okay right reviewing wow headline do not go here if you want mediocre overpriced food this is the place for you unfortunately not my dick bloody hell it's terrible this is terrible oh it's awful I mean look at the headlines what are not place the owner Batman or another local place at our table do not go here run run far away horrible service terrible food and stupid expensive the owners are jerks who are rude and don't support their staff they don't welcome kids no wonder this place is empty isn't that bad it is it's very awkward you know Anthony says they don't listen to this these are customers they're all negative and FYI no samples allowed that's right it's a tight bastard yeah is he really stingy absolutely yeah and the lack of you know children and they do have a teenage daughter so they have a teenage daughter but they don't welcome kids yes he goes on holiday for a week on his own Sons himself gets nice and bronzed then she joins him for the second week but he wants a week on his own yeah what a creep yeah if I did that to my wife she'd kick me in the nuts yes I'm at a loss this place is depressing I'd like to get the owners down here let's just have a little deep breath shall we okay wow they want us he does yeah [Music] I'm at a loss the biggest kick in the ball for me is that on the menu it states homemade fresh daily changing soup of the day your soup of the day Brent is Frozen can you make minestrone soup yes how much does it cost to make a liter a couple bucks tell the owner and you have the nearly famous burger I'd like to congratulate you because it's now famous as the most disgusting bit of [ __ ] between a bun I've ever seen you have a slice of red onion that's thicker than your Pate it was frozen and you're charging 13.95 for it I don't know how low we can go the list everything's from New Zealand there's not even a local wine on here well give it to me then well I'll give it to you most of these wineries all opened up restaurants there are competitors so you can't support a local Vineyard well I came in here to help and laughed at lied to and fed frozen food as an owner you too can't be that gone otherwise I'm gonna go [Music] right before dinner I had a chance to catch up with Teddy the manager so I could understand his perspective of what Anthony and Brent are like as owners inappropriate things are commonly said his personality has a lot to do with it it's you know really common that he'll make you feel that this is the best place and you're lucky to be here their behavior as bosses is unacceptable wow wow clearly in denial I appreciate the Insight yeah awesome thank you thank you I'll see you in there yes definitely and I want to observe what they're like during an evening at the lake view so you have a key to the room but let's hope that it's ready a couple things that we're not offering no Chilean sea bass no pizza so no pizza no pizza no sea bass very disappointing [ __ ] you know Frozen Frozen wow not even wrapped where are the burgers I mean it just doesn't look anything like a burger and when it's processed like that and stamped and pressed you can just tell right frozen food wow Brett come with me yeah how's the fettuccine it's okay not the best um burgers a burger cooked here locally would you expect that to be frozen or fresh the burger is not frozen it's the patties and everything come in for us and they're thought out is that like most people just sort it out so it's not frozen then it comes in Frozen you throw it out and that to the your customers is not a frozen Burger well stay there let me just show you something [Music] I'm waiting for him to come back he's gonna ring me on something oh boy here we go foreign thank you now your husband said it wasn't no what do you mean no it's it's frozen of course I never said that it wasn't it we thought out here it comes in Frozen yeah it's still a frozen Burger there's no such thing as a fresh burger at least at least here in Eastern Washington we cannot get fresh there's no fruit you find me the Burger come with me yeah good evening welcome please coming out the cold dinner quick question do you love a burger yeah Madam yes would you expect them to be made fresh here or frozen fresh you're gonna tell them what should I tell them fresh all the way no should we tell them the truth I mean that's what we wanted well we we sell uh our Burgers come in Frozen and we thaw them out but thawing them out doesn't make them fresh thank you appreciate it thank you thank you thanks for coming you guys welcome ladies hey folks how are you quick question coming out for dinner would you expect a frozen Burger to be served here tonight or a fresh one fresh fresh you're gonna tell them what should I tell them I'll let you tell them oh come on you earned the place well we all of our beef that we get in Burgers it comes in Frozen our burgers and we and we thaw them out which in his mind convinces him it's fresh does that make it sound any better no thank you we're still glad to have you thank you you bet oh my God after Brent tried to convince me that there were no fresh burgers in town I almost cry it's okay you did good I'm proud of you I walked directly across the street and ordered one so that's the lamb burger [Music] nice to see you coming to a restaurant like this would you expect your Burgers to be fresh or frozen fresh Burgers come in Frozen and with arm out that's the story thank you so that's a lamb burger fresh I'm getting sick to death of this denial denial denial you've been making that [ __ ] all [ __ ] day yes you have all your staff are the same thing to say passive aggressive condescending inappropriate and stubborn oh absolutely not the staff the way you treat them what there you go again no no no you're just scared about employing a team that's going to tell you the truth that is [ __ ] that is not because you don't like them confronting you with the truth you'll fire them no I haven't found anybody I heard that you fired your son oh [ __ ] you don't even know the [ __ ] story he was having some issues Gordon and I told him heard the alcohol problem I was aware of that right I was trying to save his life yeah my brother's a drug addict we put him in rehab seven times unsuccessfully I don't give up on him but what I'm more concerned about is that nothing's affecting you it's like we're doing great in in generally the place runs quite well oh my God come with me just yeah you and I is this a joke for you can you use two minutes please no he says are you [ __ ] around no I'm not talking about are you trying to pull the ball out of my eyes oh hell no you know the business is dwindling so you've got all these rules no [ __ ] samples no [ __ ] kids this place is thriving with families we really don't want to have crying kids here I just I just would like to have a quiet getaway for for our Honeymooners and and birthdays and anniversaries a honeymoon Venture they come down a romantic dinner and eat a frozen Burger come on this place is hemorrhaging money because you're caught in a web it's delusional stubborn old-fashioned and [ __ ] pompous anything else it's just a joke for you isn't it no I'm just next time I'm gonna know to do a little dusting a little Dustin [ __ ] me hard deluded [Music] during dinner service I decided to do some investigating in the rooms and after what I found I gathered the hotel guests along with Anthony and Brent hey guys come through please um just very quickly glasses on there we are come through if you just stand over here pillow left hand side pillow number one can you see that I can't see it you can't see maybe Anthony yeah explain to Brent what this is uh spot you don't know yes but maybe this one will be a little bit clearer blood yeah there we go honey well that's disgusting right acne yes Brent can't see anything I I uh go ahead where I see that of course okay this is the worrying bit these are the duvets that have been on these beds that was just washed one week ago every single one of them absolutely rubbish and look at this I mean these customers they're the ones you're taking the money from don't you dare tell me that was washed a week ago a week ago we cannot be serious we are serious it was done and that's that's it we're not gonna say it like that is not clean that's [ __ ] [Music] but one week ago that was cleaned I'm done with this [ __ ] this time we did 13 of it one week ago and they're not cleaning them properly stop just for once today [ __ ] lying [Music] and look at this I mean that is not clean that was just washed one week ago stop just for once today lying let's stay here two seconds [Music] did you have any idea you're sleeping in that no not at all I wish you can't see that I couldn't sleep in that Brent I I see that I want an explanation because all you've done since I've arrived here is lied to me lie to me lie to your staff and I am not going to allow you to lie to the customers and I totally [ __ ] disagree with that too I have not said one lie to you if I'm not gonna go for that yes you have no idea it's not true you convinced that thought food is fresh food you're robbing them of their cash you're telling me this was cleaned a week ago let me ask you a question in front of your customers would you sleep on that no so why'd you expect them to would you sleep on that no not an apology nothing I'd like to apologize I'm I'm appalled I'm disgusted I've had enough anything you'd like to say the pillows like this I apologize can I have a word with him on my own would you mind these guests are hours away from putting their heads on your pillows Blood Stained pillows semen stained duvet covers and sweat accumulated over years I I can see that Gordon I am struggling I'm struggling with your husband that's in denial I'm struggling with these arrogance and I'm struggling with these blatant lies I'm not here to put heads with a liar I'm here to help turn this business around Anthony you can talk to me are you worried about Brent is my husband my life we have daughter together does your daughter feel this at home and he fell out with his son he fired his son yeah does that still bother him is that what it is still his son of course he's still his son he's still care about him it doesn't sound like he's caring about him the guy was drinking he needed help so he got rid of him is that what's bothering him is that why he's in denial I need Brent to take his guard down something inside here is bothering him I don't know if it's the financial debt the pressure is it his son I don't know I can't get in I want to talk to his son how can I get hold of him I got his number thank you Anthony You're the Only Hope I've got can we work together yeah and can we get him to open up okay and tomorrow morning I want the truth and nothing but the truth okay [Music] I really needed to break through to Brent and to see why he is so stubborn so my team and I attempted to get hold of his son to meet me at the hotel but we were unsuccessful now it's up to me to try to get through to Brent [Music] let's take a seat at the bar I've got to get through to you why are you so stubborn you got [ __ ] off last night I mentioned your son why did that hit a nerve you know we just had a breakdown in the relationship when his when his mom remarried uh they she remarried the same day the divorce was Final so party company with a son you weren't even present at your daughter's wedding I I was not invited I didn't even know she got married I was destroyed everybody wants to see their daughter [Music] three doses that's painful you know when you're when your kids tell you I don't know tell you what well I have three grandkids I haven't seen two of them you know what you know I am stubborn maybe I'm stubborn but when you get shut off and then your mom died I thought wow maybe this is going to be my chance maybe they're going to come to me you're still their father you're still their dad I know it can't go around with that that that anger I I I've been waiting for them to come to me instead instead of the other because that's never gonna happen yeah well that's that's my proudness and my stubbornness you know you have to change your ways and you have to start becoming a lot more generous as an owner as a father responsible for three kids and I I'm not here to fix your family I'd love you too I would so [ __ ] love you too and just you calling them make an effort they need to see the change but you need to embrace that I agree there's too much to say reach out to those kids you've got to bring those barriers down and you've got to open up and somewhere in there there's the friendly comforting supportive you know astute Brent we've got to get back there okay Brent and acne's bad reputation within the town comes as no surprise you've got a picture there great give me two minutes please okay I've gathered local business owners to show Brent and afley the issues they don't realize they have good morning first of all I just want to say a big thank you for coming you guys are the pillars are the community you have businesses and you are very proud of what you built here and I've been struggling trying to get through to Brent he's in denial I feel like Brent is an Undertaker those people that are working for him there aren't many yes that have very the things to say wow tickets I had a friend that used to work here at BC's and she had a customer that had a steak dinner and her baked potato it was all great and he wanted to take it with him so she took it in the back and set it on the counter and went to get it to go container and acne creped it into the garbage and she said would uh my customer kind of wanted to take that and she watched Avenue grab the baked potato wipe it off and grab the stuff and she made her give that to the customer no I no free samples on the ice creams how hard is it to give somebody a little plastic spoon what do they give back to the town there are absolutely no part of this community they have built walls around themselves and you need to take care of each other in the off season it's locals taking care of locals and I don't think I can remember them offering help in any way it was a crisis that everybody found a need and everybody helped yeah except that six of them Spirit of Chelan I think is what we're getting at we share tractors we share you know from Vineyard work to some of us have restaurants so we share employees is oblivious how come there's no wine from this amazing region on their list when we first started our Winery his excuse was that the wineries have restaurants that compete with his restaurant in addition to that it would be a shame if there was just one good place in town to go to we want tourists to come here and have a great time everywhere they go so if if he does well we'll all do well I really appreciate the feedback but I want you to help me get through them on another level now because I'm going to go and get them and we're going to tackle this head on uh give me two minutes thank you so much really a really hard trial really hi hi folks these are in my Minds even more important than customers because you guys should be bonded clearly you're not why is it taking so long sometimes you need somebody to slap your face we were in a comfort zone somewhat and used to the way we did everything you know for a lot of years and it needs to be changed maybe we banked on the location too much there's a lot of things we've done wrong they're desperate to see you do well anything to say there can never be too many fun good places in town we always want somewhere to go and relax and enjoy ourselves I think we all want you back on our radar all of this has been a wake-up call for us this is part of the reason why we asked Chef Ramsey to come to help us we're listening we heard everything that you had to say and we are going to try to do much much better we're hearing you I don't think that I knew how the business Community was connected that everybody is feeding off of each other we have to realize that to be part of this connection we have to change Brent and Anthony committing to change my team moved forward getting rid of all the dust and cobwebs we furnished all the rooms with brand new bedding but the biggest change was overhauling the ice cream parlor on for you ladies welcome unbelievable unbelievable this is what I call a parlor if you had a dreadful space here yes oh my God now it's turned into something magical do you think there's any chance that I could get a sample we will be throwing samples out everywhere this is way beyond our expectation [Music] given the importance of the local wineries I brought in Familia Dave Foss how are you who repaired the bad reputations with the locals that Brent and acne had you're gonna need to nurture those relationships and he created a brand new menu featuring all Washington wine you're no longer going to have to say sorry I don't have any local wines finally to accompany all this I created a small and more exciting menu that features all fresh food dig in have a little taste oh my God everything fresh better fantastic what I have learned from this community is that local support is everything and this town is willing to give Brent and athlete a second chance hi everybody how are you today good to see you guys would you like to see my new ice cream parlor here with all the new improvements I'm hoping Brent and affle make a good impression for the people of Chelan I actually brought you a list of a lot of purveyors that we work with cool oh you want to check in how are you guys the hotel is booked up this is just gorgeous and the guests will sleep well tonight in the brand new bedding we've added to all the rooms there's a real Buzz about the new menu and the kitchen is easily executing the dishes a quiche a chicken sandwich and I got the salmon what we're trying to do is just focus on the local wineries with the help of similar day Foss the customers are pleased with a local selection of wines they're offering at BC McDonald's you like that I'm always making a mess that's the idea I'm the official scooper the ice cream shop is a hit and Brent is even happy giving away samples if you drop it on the floor you own it right everything is Success I'm hoping Brent makes one important rule change with this hotel have you thought about what I mentioned about with children regarding children in the hotel or you're still sticking with no children you know what I'm going to stick to the adults only adults only why well look at you take two or three or four children up there and I'm gonna tell you they wipe out the whole damn place what the noise noise crying whatever uh gum pop and God forbid samples of ice cream they will have a young daughter I know I'm talking three four eight-year-old have you asked yourself the concert you know what am I missing on turnover Revenue we may miss a few but I think we miss a few on the other end if they were two or three kids running down the hall but not every every kid is is that noisy I mean just trying to be open with maybe a couple rooms I will give it five that's a tough one [Music] I'm disappointed Brent went ultery's rules about allowing kids at the hotel but hopefully after seeing the success of the relaunch he'll change his mind keep up the good work yes Ryan do not let him go back absolutely not okay well done thank you are you living yes yes everybody now in this town is rallying around for your success yes so embrace it watching you stand behind that counter just giving samples out and seeing the light on the kids face that is extraordinary that's awesome please don't go back there's an amazing guy underneath all those layers there is yes there is I'm just there is thank you there is you can do this okay I can do it yeah take care thank you so much and he's going to think about getting some kids in here okay okay yeah I'm serious Mr stubborn okay a couple scoops of ice cream goes a long way oh boy it's really gone down hasn't it okay thank you take care good night okay bye-bye despite my help with the Outreach of the community Brent quickly reverted back to his old ways distancing himself from the locals much of the staff have left or been fired and the hotel's reputation within the town has only gotten worse [ __ ] Adam I don't know where in the hell everybody's at [Music]
Channel: All In The Kitchen
Views: 949,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: All In The Kitchen, Behind the scenes, Budget-friendly travel, Business relationships, Celebrity encounters, Cooking competitions, Cooking tips, Corporate retreats, Customer service, Drama-filled episodes, Fine dining experience, Gordon's Great Escape, Group events, Inspiring transformations, Michelin-starred chef, Natural beauty, Reality TV, Rescue mission, Restaurant industry, Wedding venues, YouTube content
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 55sec (5095 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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