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surrounded by the stunning vineyards of the sierra nevada foothills is murphy's california a picturesque destination for wine enthusiasts and tourists this historic town has been home to murphy's hotel for over 150 years the hotel has an illustrious history presidents and legends have come to stay in this national landmark partners brian kevin and joel bought the business nine months ago i own the hotel with my two partners i run the dining room i'm the dining room manager kevin he's our bar manager and joel he's our chef wonderful thank you but it's no one's job to look after the hotel it's historic but i think it needs to be maintenance the historic rooms i wouldn't even stay in them and i get a discount that's air conditioning that's it behind the historic main building there are 20 so-called modern bedrooms the modern rooms are maybe modern in the 60s these are modern this kind of looks like my grandma's ground males like it too [Music] sadly the owners are too busy drinking in the bar to notice the state of the hotel oh man owning a bar at 32 years old can be just a great party seven days a week give us some time ready some tongues ladies out doing tonight what do you think kevin and i we love women and it is a passion and we have a lot of them coming through here don't act like you've never done it they're not just all young we got the cougar clans coming through here we are not one to discriminate we take customer service to the next level cheers boys and girls you know as a california american male we were taught during college that uh it's good binge drinking is fun [Music] why is everybody empty i am the fun captain she tried roofing me you see that i am kind of the party guy i want to make everyone have fun [Music] right now they're just kind of drunk idiots if you're after a drunken lap dance you've come to the right place if you want a good night's sleep you best go elsewhere i'm exhausted and i keep hearing these loud noises outside these people are drunk and it's driving me crazy and i'm gonna go complain what can i do for you i have a room upstairs sure it's really noisy the saloon is always first and then the hotel just seems like an afterthought this registered national landmark has been run ragged by the owners and is hemorrhaging money if the guys continue to party and not take things seriously the hotel's just going to close down if i don't do something fast this place won't last another 150 days let alone years i think gordon is going to say [ __ ] this place that they're screwed [Music] i'm on my way to murphy's in northern california now this place is in amongst some of the most stunning vineyards anywhere in the world what a beautiful town look how busy this place is as well littered with stunning little tasting rooms now anyone lucky enough to be running a small hotel here should be sold out every night if they're not they must be doing something seriously wrong [Music] wow this really is historic murphy's hotel had been placed in the national register of historic places nice wow hello how are you i'm good how are you doing so first name is kanitha kanitha nice to meet you is it always that busy out there um we usually do get pretty busy on the weekends incredible we have about 16 tasting rooms just within walking distance of the hotel i love how historic this place is but have you not updated the furniture since 1850 bloody hell my god it's like going to your grandma's funeral my god there definitely is a difference between historic and then tacky and old what we have is definitely tacky looks like someone's died in those chairs so you've been here for a long time about a year and a half and what's wrong with the place um well management the owners the hotel was owned by three guys they're in their early thirties there's kevin joel and brian and they really like to use the hotels their playground um partying drinking giving lap dances to the bar patrons so uh there's lap dancing lap dances while they're bartending the owners that they continue partying and giving lap dances in the bar and acting how they've been the place is just going to keep going downhill we put you in the presidential ulysses s grant room this is the actual bed that president grant slept in except for the mattress we did get rid of that what's the glass box for um this is our display room display room yes so guests and customers can come up and take a look when were these last um replaced terrific oh [ __ ] i can't really tell you that uh it sounds like i'm in a museum so my guest or an example you're a guest darling come on through everybody okay we're going to be on display today it's usual for the tourists to come through sometimes and if a guest checks in and they just for some reason forget to close their door they're going to have people crowded around looking at them they literally come over and they hello hi well that's embarrassing it's like a goldfish bowl in here ladies thank god i wasn't in my underpants is that normal they just come and have a look around um yeah you know um we normally get complaints and there's really no one that handles that or takes care of it but there's three owners yes a lot of the time they're busy bartending or drinking or lap dancing exactly unfortunately okay i'm gonna unpack can this uh room be off the tour for a while we'll see what we can do thank you you're welcome first impressions i mean it may be steeped in history but it smells like the room steeped in piss we put you in the presidential ulysses s grant room i've just arrived at murphy's hotel near sacramento california it's like i'm in a museum we're going to be on display today hello thank god it wasn't in my underpants time for a bite to eat i hope the food here is less stale than my bedroom ah murphy's historical employer a month oh he looks so happy bunny oh hello how are you how are you one party one not a party for one uh good to see you i'm brian is that the same congratulations employee of the month um did you get a bonus so you got a nice stay i'm one of the only employees that never made the cut yet i see you just put yourself in and what are the owners gonna say about that i'm one of them i'm brian stop it yes come on hey the other owners out there shot on there you're the owner and you made yourself the employee of the month yeah are you the man with the g string the g string receptions tell me do you do that dancing oh no that would probably be kevin i always say i don't know my booty's a little too big to do the last dance okay i was gonna say i can't wait to see that one i would love to meet the other two the chef and the lap dancer are they around i think you wanna bring them out yeah all right kevin and joel and i we're all equal shareholders in this business but it was my plan to buy the hotel hi kevin kevin gordon good to see you back from meeting now this is all right gordon joel joel so you're the lap dancer there's might have been some laughter okay they're right i'm just just i'm dying to find out i'm not a professional maybe once in a while but okay fine i'm a wild one when i start drinking i get a little strippered action going on or they get a little rowdy and can be the most fun that any young adult could ever dream of it's obviously the chef yes restaurant manager i'm the lab dancer bar manager bar manager so who's in charge all three of us no such thing so who runs the hotel who's in charge of the the hotel hotel manager job doesn't really entail much with three owners normally there's one that takes the reins and two other silent none of you sound and look like an owner well gordon thinks we don't look like owners but what what's the owner look like we bought the hotel nine months ago right and you guys go back a long way just kind of met each other 15 years ago and i'm confused whether it's the three musketeers or three stooges anyway i'm gonna have a quick bite to eat it's been a long journey i'm excited to taste the food thank you nice to meet you thank you gordon's gonna love our food joel works really hard at everything he puts out everything that comes out the window it's a great product i can't believe this hotel is owned by three guys uh with a pink dining room pink's new black well it's like a girl's bedroom ghastly gastly any specials on today we had a fresh alaskan halibut with uh now that i'm talking to you i've completely forgot no we had we had the halibut with a well this is the first time i forget specials don't worry why don't you check with the chef all right i will you are the russian manager right yes and i was a server too russian manager employee the mum and owner yes all the above employee of the month i'm going to take that plaque back i can't even remember the specials hey joel i forgot the special just now ryan just kind of forgot her specials i have seen him do that before the special available tonight the macadamian encrusted halibut right let's try this cargo entrees lamb shank and then what's the calamari door what does it all mean it's a dorae it's just a calamari steak oh i'll go for that as well okay thank you i'll keep all the menu thank you very much you're welcome once gordon has a bite of joel's food put her in he's going to put a smile on his face guaranteed [Music] thank you here we go sir go in a red wine garlic sauce red wine garlic wow cheese absolutely rancid have a little taste i mean nothing's hot uh yeah strange taste you know that's the first actually the first time in the history that i've eaten the escargot already and um i'm gonna say that i i don't like it in any way no the escargo tasted like dirty funky disgusting flip-flop if you uh sauteed a flip-flop i think that would be a good good way of describing it that was [ __ ] disgusting i do i want to run home and get some mouthwash for sure but i don't do whatever you need to all right yeah cause i stink can we swear for you please do you have any um little samples of like wine flights anything regional we've talked about that but we've not implemented it so you've been talking about it for nine months but you haven't actually done it yet no one's even bothered this sort of wine flight so trying to get it together so so you've had this place almost a year and you haven't implemented something that this town thrives on correct right have you tasted there's a skull have you escargot not really have you eaten i mean you eat here right not very often uh when was the last time you guys sat down and had dinner in the restaurant never sat down with all three of us together strange stranger i'm getting slightly nervous that nothing actually gets done here anyway i'm living in hope i have some more bread for sure i got the lamb chain coming right out bro oh my god [Music] holy crap what is that this is our lamb shank that's a weird looking lamb shank visually it looks like the biggest plate of puke i've never personally had lamb shank ever been here i do not like lamb you're the russian manager you don't like lamb don't eat this cargo i'm not yeah i'm the restaurant manager but i'm not i'm not the chef wow i think i would just call that a dog's dinner what a mess i do apologize again i'm totally embarrassed that our food is this quality i've always thought it was better hey joel yes the lamb shank he mentioned that the vegetable gravy goo was a little little too much oh okay i'm gonna run this out okay so fine dining frozen inedible nasty excellent i mean i i'm amazed what's this one this is the calamari dore steak that's not garlic in there again is it there is garlic in there again just how that dish is prepared everything's just laced with garlic please be my guest what is it trying to be the sponge [Music] i'm embarrassed i'm chewing on it going i just want to spit this [ __ ] out right now like this is terrible so that's the first bite i've ever taken of that you know this stuff's on the menu right you're aware of it this is your hotel yes yes i'm not being punked here that you guys are the owners we are the owners you always haven't sent the sons in to take the hit no no you definitely are the owner this is us okay how do these three stooges qualify to run an historic hotel like this if they can't even get the food and wine right how are they going to improve the hotel i feel like i'm being looked after by college kids do they want me to come out or you'd probably be good yeah come on out sorry weren't very impressed uh no i mean far from impressed have you ever actually stood back and looked at that lam shank as a dish and it's most horrendous the most drabby disgusting looking [ __ ] lampshank have you given up nope no no way we just started we're not giving up yet you just started yeah have you ever just walked in from outside checked in went up to the rooms and you've never done that never have have you ever done that nothing have you ever done that i have not oh my god what have you improved on since you bought it truthfully i make people laugh and smile every day seriously what have you changed weekends we serve breakfast all day what have you changed menu wise manual um um [ __ ] how i've got one two three three idiots that haven't changed anything you don't stay here you don't eat together you don't criticize the food [ __ ] reception [ __ ] room ship food and three clueless owners owners my [ __ ] ass i'm staying at murphy's hotel in northern california and after being put on display for gawking tourists and eating an atrocious lunch i think i would just call that a dog's dinner what a mess i need to see the three nitwit owners in action word has got out that i'm in murfrees and the hotel and restaurant are full of people i feel sorry for all of them joel is running the kitchen chicken's burn kevin is getting busy in the bar and brian is overseeing the dining room it should be gear nice guillotines yeah isn't it guiller cheese gria grier i mean so guests trying to check in are left to fend for themselves is uh okay uh yeah we're waiting we went up to the front desk and there's nobody there so i'm trying to check in for the uh it's one of the owners i guess i just arrived to check in you get brian urgently or kevin what about it about i guess checking in oh yes check in i can do that yeah would you please i'm sorry excuse me you shouldn't have to come looking for us in the park [Music] so that's what happens when guests come in late they go to the bar looking for yes that is uh how we do it have you ever done that checked in and then found the reception closed and went into the bar looking for key no i've actually only stayed at hotels probably only a matter of 20 times my whole entire life and your hotel erna yeah so how can you guys don't have anybody up here we got the bartenders or servers like me sometimes taking care of it just sign the top there please once guests get to the rooms they're in for another unpleasant surprise [Music] let's wait for the drunkards to go home before we open that up [Applause] [Music] the owner's ignorance is evident in everything i've seen so far i'm curious to see what it's like in the past i haven't seen like the walk-in fridge i thought that is raw pork cooked chicken sat next to each other [ __ ] disgusting i wish i'd seen this before i had my lunch yeah fine dining it's not look at that [ __ ] look at the mold going on there dirty [ __ ] bloody hell there's more at the sides too oh jesus christ of look at the [ __ ] mould on that this is absolutely disgusting bollocks so the walking how often is that fridge cleaned out like twice a week twice a week yes everything out yes yeah yes come with me all of you all right especially owners sounds good sounds good really [ __ ] you now oh wow oh wow oh wow okay moldy tortillas there should not be [ __ ] any moldy [ __ ] food it's [ __ ] horrible and when was this made last saturday no i needed it just smell that need to toss it i know that i'm this terrible you should be [ __ ] ashamed okay okay no it's not okay what is that uh black mold what's this supposed to be thai chili marinade thai chili marinade but i don't know if it's been used in a while the sauces was from a chef that had been there like in 2006 or seven or something this is exactly the same way as you run this [ __ ] hotel you don't give a [ __ ] i give you [ __ ] i give a [ __ ] if this is your dream of running a hotel then how about manning up and look like [ __ ] owners we are this is [ __ ] unacceptable and it's not going to happen anymore have you checked out because you should do that with the thing say to these two [ __ ] it he's not checked out he's in he don't talk i have not checked out and i obviously i need to pay more attention and do better at my job how many of you can run a [ __ ] business do you ever see three ceos three [ __ ] general marriages no three [ __ ] executive chefs ah it's like dumbledore dumber and doris since my arrival at movies hotel in northern california you should be [ __ ] ashamed i've been appalled by the three clueless owners it's like dumbledore dumber and dumbest are you guys really the [ __ ] owners true story [ __ ] off [Music] unbelievable i mean three young idiots that are playing at running a hotel and not one of them with a [ __ ] clue i'm mad at joel i'm a [ __ ] owner i don't [ __ ] want to clean i've been here 12 hours it's unacceptable i do want to prove gordon ramsay wrong about me being a [ __ ] idiot [ __ ] dumb and dumber [ __ ] scoundrel wanker [ __ ] whatever british [ __ ] terminology that [ __ ] wanker has to say across from the [ __ ] different palm guy but i do respect him you know i'm gonna go play poker in reno later tonight and i'm not going to sleep listen to that [ __ ] music how on earth is anyone going to ever get to sleep in this hotel jesus christ that's crazy frog's ass is for everyone in this build right here right now [Applause] chris annoying is this this doesn't make sense unreal there's got to be a quite a room somewhere [Music] surely [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on let's [Applause] [Music] oh [ __ ] here we go hey i i have a walk-in to clean i've been here i want to go get that cleaning because it's number one right now is this uh this is a joke just a joke they're partying and i'm upset and uh we're just i don't know they're a party they wanted to see it and uh i was upset earlier and i'm upset i'm joel i'm not upset at everything that's going on and i want this is i'm just upset how about thank you for two minutes about your guest i'm gonna go clean the walk-in i'm gonna go clean the walk-in they just walk off like that hey you know what i'm gonna go clean the walkers because you know why why acting like a [ __ ] jerk because i'm i'm upset that was [ __ ] unacceptable on there it was unacceptable the [ __ ] walk-in with the [ __ ] black mole so why don't you do something about it hey i was i if i ate everyone in this boot i'm gonna go clean the water why acting like a [ __ ] jerk brian is coming undone and he's drinking on the job i'm done trying to get through to him today i'm i'm upset that was [ __ ] unacceptable in there the [ __ ] walking okay you're drunk go home all right i'm gonna go pick a lock-in now too i'm gonna do it in a t-shirt jesus christ i've been told the hotel offers modern rooms further from the bar so i've asked to be put in one so i can get away from all this madness [Music] and they call these modern rooms it looks like my grandma's house from the 1950s look at this wallpaper hideous and what sort of hotel is this when you can't get a good night's sleep [Applause] this was supposed to be quieter down here what an awful night's sleep this place is such a mess from the awful decor to the dreadful food to the drunken partying all night long i need to get the whole team together and find out how it's gotten into this state good morning guys good morning let's uh get upstairs have a meeting probably yeah with a team cool [Music] [Applause] man that was a bad night's sleep the noise above here was insane i came back downstairs last night and brian's ripping his shirt up shouting screaming about hey shot's all on me is that normal is that really how these managers operate when they're off duty they come behind the bar turn up the jukebox when i've already turned it down pour themselves drinks their personal frat house how does that make you feel your employees are concerned that you're drunk in the bar when do i treat you all [ __ ] badly what yeah when it comes to scheduling how many days that you guys have asked off for that you didn't get off there's not more asking if you're gonna run a hotel it's not about having a [ __ ] party it's about levels of discipline well just so you know it's not happening anymore but i'm not gonna be as happy sometimes for you guys you are as good as your team they represent you and based on what i've seen i don't think you represent them properly okay you go first and tell these owners what they need to hear we lose a lot of reservations when we don't have somebody to answer the phone you know when we leave the front desk we put the phone in the bar after 8 pm we are the front desk we are the bartenders i saw that last night yeah they don't answer the phone because they don't hear it we need online booking you know what that takes away online bookings as front desk girls you know we've talked about getting rid of the front desk and putting a computer there and we don't have a person there self checking so how do you feel about that so they complain you threaten to fire them yep no that's not what it is yes it is you just totally attacked me i'm afraid to express my feelings i'm afraid i'm gonna get fired ready nobody's threatened here with their job nobody has you never threatened me by being fired i have before were you drunk yes you were drunk so that's the message i'm trying to get through to your fake skulls you're threatening staff whilst inebriated this is crazy people who deserve to be fired are these three standing here there's no structure somebody needs to step up and run the business and everybody else follows suit you need one general manager that's the issue you need to be a leader from the top that's one person there can be 25 owners but there needs to be one general manager if something doesn't change you guys are going to lose this place okay which one of you is capable of stepping up and running this business i'm at murphy's hotel in northern california you're the owner and you made yourself the employer of the month yeah the place is a mess because these three owners behave like frat boys cheers boys and girls and none of them is a leader you checked out so the staff don't know which way to turn i'm afraid to express my feelings i'm afraid i'm gonna get fired things have got to change there needs to be one general manager somebody needs to take charge i'm gonna take charge i'm gonna run the business i'm our leader out of us three it's gonna be me guaranteed if you're gonna run the hotel you got it you run the hotel yep 100 so kevin and joel are you willing to give him the support and the autonomy to actually run this place yes yes brian it's your responsibility now to general manage and absolutely toe the line but there are three rules rule number one stop drinking on the floor rule number two you have to stop working the floor yeah and rule number three you have to [ __ ] grow some fast brian does know the most out of the three of them so i really do think if he could stop his party in ways he could really do it trust me if you don't grow up now you never will i got it it's a hotel not a frat house i'm not gonna be drinking and uh i'm gonna be an owner thank god for that thank you thank you i'm going to change i'm gonna be more of an owner and not a friend slash co-worker and they're gonna see a different ryan the future of this historic national landmark is now in brian's hands and i need to know that he cares enough to be responsible you are young ambitious slightly naive you're going at it in totally the wrong way you're on the verge of losing this business hopefully not and how would you feel if you lost the business it would be horrible it would be horrible because that's already three years of uh 60 hour weeks it's horrible i'm here to help but i want you to understand the mess you're in it's not good all right do you understand i do deep down inside there's no two ways about it you're a fun guy you've got a lot to offer yeah but just stop being irresponsible oh and just man up yeah for sure you can do it okay i want to make this work from today on it's gonna be a change business is different all right okay okay i couldn't see that smile back in your face thank you i'll see you later from this day forward i'm a change man and the business is going to reflect all those changes with brian ready to take charge as general manager my design team has worked all night to modernize murphy's hotel and now it's time to reveal the new look hotel to brian and his team brian how are you sir gordon good how are you doing you're very smart you're good you doing i'm good yeah good to see you mark ladies how are we yeah doing really good good right welcome everyone the new and improved murphy's historic hotel are you ready ready yeah yeah all right let's go do this welcome to your new lobby no it is awesome exactly how it should be yeah when i first walked in i was disappointed it was just like a big anti-climax now you have a nice warm ah modern feel the minute you walk in but your guests will arrive and feel welcomed yeah take a seat is it beautiful yes amazing amazing what do you think beautiful absolutely beautiful welcoming contrast perfect what gordon has done with the lobby is beautiful now that blue it's so warm it's so welcoming it's awesome this is an historic hotel your ex-president stayed here yes that doesn't happen that often in hotels hold on thank you there's more from six o'clock this morning you're now live with online bookings you don't go anywhere near the bar you know what time they're coming and you are now in the 21st century yeah are you ready to see the presidential suite yeah yeah all right come and see my room let's go i think you'll love it let's go jump in oh my gosh that was awesome oh my goodness the president this one's been freshened up this one's been spruced up you need that vibrance the minute you walk into a room you want to feel wow i'm stepping into history but i also want some comfort this is fit for a president our president now could stay here obama would be okay to stay here now it still feels historic but it's a bedroom not a museum yeah exactly so you know make sure that when your guests are checked in their bedrooms are off the tour did you put a new robes is there something on here to make it sometimes all be lined and cushioned for me the big problem wasn't the linens it was the noise we've come up with a solution to narrow that down midnight well stick to those times of your bar closing because the damage you can do to your reputation is devastating yep we're gonna follow through and make sure that our customers in the hotel are as happy as our customers in the bar and our customers in a restaurant right you already see the rooms outside that you told me were modern okay all right let me show you what modern is you ready yeah i love this one oh my gosh i love this one no way look at the color look at this you can see why i got upset the owner's done nothing in nine months so we've done all this in [ __ ] 24 i'm hours away i can't believe the the creativity that's been put into this place in the last few days joe what do you think very uh last words inspired you know very inspiring you know listen you should never ever ever be afraid of change you've got to keep on going oh yeah every time brian would you think what's going through your mind i've never heard you say quiet breathtaking though i don't even know what to say because it's beautiful isn't so beautiful this is perfect with this kick in the ass we're going to go forward full throttle and make changes that no one's ever seen before you ready to see the dining room yes yes this one i love the dining room where do you start buddy look at the colors come in my god beautiful where's the pink oh my god yeah john are those horrendous pink walls a stunning beautiful colour on the walls that just pop and there's one more thing this bit you're gonna love it's a surprise that's gonna completely change your business you ready for this [Music] i've just revealed the stunning new improvements to the historic murphys hotel our president now could stay here and now there's one more addition that will ensure this hotel thrives in the future you are in the heart of some of the most sought after wineries anywhere in the world and there's a massive market that you have been missing out on and here's why every famous winery has a lovely tasting room on this main street at five o'clock they close here you're not gonna pick up that business this is a menu designed to pair with great local wines oh wow look at that okay oh my goodness this is incredible oh my gosh start off with that lovely cheese plate the chicken liver cassini paired with a stunning chilled rose and then this wonderful local local ricotta dip you now have a perfect menu when those tasting rooms close at five o'clock you pick it up and you continue it and where they're gonna stay the night yeah that's right after dinner i want you to dig in um and sample the wine tasting menu is awesome the overall experience to any guest that walks through our door now i believe is going to be better than ever i like the pairing of the bruschetta and the wine that it goes with it's a very nice fresh dish there's no going back no you're only going up now yeah oh that's nice oh this is so phenomenal this is gonna put us on the map off the charts reservations off the hook thank you chef thank you thank you as well as a wine pairing menu i've changed the entire menu in the dining room let me show you one of my favorite dishes i'm very excited about the new menus i know where i'm eating every night oh my god fresh baked lemon meringue pie oh my goodness look at that thing and the real inspiration behind this was brian's hair [Applause] and where's parker this new menu is going to touch a business a clientele that we've never had at the murphy's hotel and i know personally i can't wait to eat there more often with warm and fresh rooms and the new wine tasting menu my only concern is whether brian can stay focused on the guest experience listen every night from now on in this hotel is a big night let me tell you and it's not just about the bar but the restaurant and the rooms push those tasting menus in that bar gm are you ready we're ready um if there's one thing you do not need as a general manager as an apron get that off all right good luck guys thank you thank you everybody all right all right let's go guys [Applause] hello how are you doing good how are you with extended front desk operating hours guests can easily check in and feel welcome in the new lobby wow looks nice i'll better be a comfortable sleeper i know it's gonna be fun and they're enjoying the renovated and peaceful rooms i wish this is my bedroom this is the new sim harlow and the wine tasting menu is a hit that philly looks lovely guys they're loving the food keep it going yes well done good luck when i first arrived you saw three young guys sort of playing running a bar and completely forgetting that they were actually in charge of a hotel but brian stepped up and has taken that general manager role which is great news i'm hoping now that they get that party mode out of their mind and focus on the potential of what this business can bring them uh great job um you performed like owners tonight you sound like owners and this place you know is rocking the atmosphere in the bar is controlled the dining room's having fun the patio is full the wine tasting menu is flying out keep it the good work okay gordon he really has opened my eyes and showed me that we need to take more of a leadership role as an owner i'll take you out of the employee the month i know choose one together yes on a monthly basis have your input throw into the pot i believe gordon has saved his place by putting wind in our sails again we truly did need a kick in the ass because we were playing around a little too much general manager remember actions speak louder and worse your next day you'll hear great things i guarantee gordon is amazing he's a magician and i think that he came through and he transformed the hotel into this wonderful masterpiece and i'm so thankful that he came through and helped us what a gorgeous place damn i never did get to see kevin lapdowns since my visit to the historic murphys hotel the owners have finally become owners joel is keeping the kitchen and the walking extra clean and he has new pride in his work i got a well done going right there you can go peek at the upstairs bathrooms once down the hall showers both restrooms upstairs you stay there i'm good right here brian is stepping up as general manager focusing his efforts on the hotel ryan is definitely capable of being the general manager gordon has completely changed everything gordon brought the historic hotel back to life you
Channel: All In The Kitchen
Views: 1,419,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay chef, Gordon Ramsay recipe, Gordon Ramsay cooking, Gordon Ramsay teaching, Gordon Ramsay best of, Gordon Ramsay funny, Gordon Ramsay argument, Gordon Ramsay tv show, Gordon Ramsay cooking show, cooking show, hotel hell full episode, hotel hell season 3, hotel hell season 1, hotel hell season 2, gordon ramsay hotel hell full episodes, gordon ramsay hotel hell season 2, Gordon Ramsay Hotel Hell Full Episode, Hotel Hell Full Episode
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 32sec (2372 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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