Indian Resteraunt Stuns Gordon Ramsay Once Again | Ramsay's Best Restaurant FULL EPISODE

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[Music] tonight four amazing restaurants will battle it out replace the file of my best restaurant competition and it's the mother of all battles with the winners of the British Indian North African and French heats facing sudden-death elimination I'm gonna be testing them to breaking point the table is just commenting on cereal complainers the two surviving restaurants will go on to face an onslaught of tough challenges this space now becomes your restaurants who will go through to the final last week Bristol's Connery Wizards Casimir triumphs in the first semi-final well done you can smoke up now Paul restaurants will compete in the second semi-final for a chance to take on Casimir in the grand final competing for that place the best of British Sheffield's the milestone Indian winners from Bradford brush art my Beth North African a zoo from London and finally winner of the fringe heat wind Egan fields from Lincolnshire first I want to know if they've corrected the problems that I identified early in the competition you need to look make a service to help me find out I sent in a team of secret diners but there's a big surprise in store for these restaurants I'm going to throw two of them out right now it's sudden-death elimination which two restaurants will survive first to face possible elimination our French winners wynjym fields head chef and owner Colin is aiming for the ultimate fine dining experience he's created a luxurious dining room and serves exquisite food but I thought Colin was trying too hard overloading his diners with too many appetizers and too many waiters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 move anymore let's go you guys just check there's no one in here no with their place in the final at stake I've since sent in another secret diner Rob Allison an expert foodie with a critical eye and I've sent all my semi-finalists their own copy of the footage so that they know what I'm judging them on this is our second appetizer amuse-bouche sometimes these little touches get too much and I've ordered my meal I want my long scenes I've told Colin endless times less is more and here we go again thank you perfect thank you this looks delicious but it's not mine [Music] really perfectly cooked long steam I mean the mix of only the start I mean disaster I mean it happens probably 1% of the time and it's thin yeah it's just not good enough next to face undercover scrutiny our indian winners prasad from Bradford mum calcium and daughter Norma now produce some of the best food I've ever eaten and it's all vegetarian that's delicious one mouthful of that I feel like I'm back in Mumbai now I can't leave that to waste I gotta eat some more that I'm sorry Jesus son Bobby runs front-of-house with charm and wolves Cheryl farmer is a food expert with 20 years experience I'm expecting her to love this place as much as I did but when she went in undercover Bobby wasn't anywhere to be seen instead another member of staff was running front of house be nice to be offered a drink at the fire isn't it nobody asking the secret diner for drinks and they're just left alone I mean this doesn't even look like the same restaurant soundproofing on the kitchen it's nice to a kind of chats are in the background but you only have people scraping the pandas out you can hear this kitchen porter by the sound of things beating the hell out of these pans cleaning this looks like completely different restaurants other dishes were really nicely spiced my secret diners love the food thank God because they're not enjoying the service goons gonna absolutely crucify me it's about getting it right every time the contrast from that footage in comparison to why I received last time it's night and day next to face my video evidence is a zoo from London in the North African heat head chef Chris produce some wonderful authentic Algerian food delicious merci but my coach trip exposed some weaknesses front-of-house that's done twice I've sent an undercover critic Simon Davis to see if Chris assigned out his front-of-house problems and is still sending out perfectly cooked food that's the chicken man damn disappointing I've chicken slightly overcooked from dry simple charming and delicious but they have to be consistent finally it's the milestone from Sheffield run by four ambitious young men this restaurant is reinventing classic British food but they made errors when my last secret diner paid a visit would you either no so why should I use it to progress in this competition I need to know the milestone team are learning from their mistakes cumin seeds in they starts with our little freebie homemade who's with cumin a flatbread next up its place for this serve with a lemon pith puree what it's a nice hearty place is a delicate fish and it needs help acidic certainly but not maybe lemon pit slightly bitter my one problem with milestone is their lack of experience can they get better I'm a month seven all four rations are waiting with bated breath for a phone call from me they know that two of them are about to leave the competition so chance [Music] it's all on this phone call Baylor [Music] as a restaurant I'm help you hi oh hey Monsieur hi Simon hello good and how are you I'm good I'm a little bit stressed but well I have to eliminate two tables Zhu is not going any further in the competition that's no problem thank you very much sorry no worries okay thank you merci beaucoup Monsieur Java answer it stops here it's really disappointing for not winning I am like gutted I wanted to win this competition with my soul I'm taking a break [Music] not gonna get easier Simon I am really fine but you guys gonna have to keep on working [Music] congratulations cheers yeah stop just at our tone well done take care thank you [Music] common points are words how much it means to me personally it's the biggest thing I've ever done for my career it's the second semi-final of my nationwide restaurant competition as you are out and British Heat win as the milestone have survived my sudden-death elimination they will now compete for place in the final against either my best Indian Prasad or my best French restaurant Winningham fields how's that Kullen yes it is hi Bob is Gordon hi Gordon Bobby yeah yeah from this competition position like I got [Music] support of the dining room [Music] cash in on a daily basis yeah Windham feel [Music] is leaving the competition okay what okay bye-bye I'm getting because I know we are you know so much better than that so that's consistency for you know you need to be you know bang on every time all the time [Music] because you go through to the next page [Music] Bobby I will never ever let you down again congratulations thank you thank you so much thank you they need to focus now and he's been given a lifeline and the restaurants across the board is too good to leave his competition to fantastic restaurants remained both desperate for a place in the final now I've got a big shot for them I'm about to pay a surprise visit to my two remaining semi-finalists to help me decide on who should go through to the final I've enlisted two trusted lieutenants for a second opinion on the strengths and the weaknesses of his amazing restaurants Michigan starred chef Angela Hartnett needs no introduction an undercover diner Simon Davis a top restaurant critic and a confirmed carnivore it's time to surprise Prashant in Bradford the rest of the doctors but they have the biggest heart I know they'll fight tooth and nail for a place in the final and after letting my secret diner down they'll need to find I like the rebleeding these guys and say is I mean nothing less than perfect today prasad will need to pull out all the stops to impress us but they have absolutely no idea that we're about to walk through the door when I cough and I get panicky you know I just found my first bug bad that bloody door a lot of steps in super sharp thank you I'm very very privileged to see you actually any drinks for you my girl s is not fixing I'll have a fflewddur okay all right thank you thank you nice warm reception yeah I know Prasad will be trying to impress me today but every customer needs the same treatment so I've got another trick up my sleeve Angela's mum Giuliana is here too she's also a fantastic chef and she'll be a secret extra pair of eyes and ears probably were up against at the time I stayed on 90 minutes and so thank you so much we're hungry and we want to try as much of this food as possible so we're gonna bombard the kitchen with orders I'd like to go for the masala dosa para para to God Pikachu E and then maybe suppori as well then surely the special shot corn roll as well please anything else you'd recommend I'm sorry Jason let's stay sir I had was in Delhi yeah give me a masala dosa and do that perfect you can complete with Delhi guys listen yeah I don't want any mistake this is a big order manal is focused on my table but will she pay as much attention to anglers mum in a great restaurant every diner is a VIP lumberjack now you don't need to panic you don't need to delivers we're on fire this is Prashant this is what we do okay means very very focused media shouting is fine as long as it produces results I need 40 years I don't need any now [Music] swagged antiques another hint you Simon [Music] the contented Sutherlands at our table speaks volumes fantastic and I may have our Duvall dish after dish is delivered with charm Angela that Shih Tzu Chi Thien chatter with no carry on that came each one getting way above the mark wasn't that amazing it just looks a brand grand authentic and smells amazing like a banquet [Music] and it's absolutely selection of option amun-ra absolutely no this exceptional vegetarian cuisine mom Meena oh my god they're loving the food who's missing meat not me it's time to give Prasad a collective appraisal so I was a bit nervous come about today to be totally honest Anjali I was a few I know for me phenomenal food absolutely phenomenal blown away I thought you're so good masala dosa Oh as good as the one I had in Delhi a yeah it's brilliant yep sleeper Simon the stuff you do just you know beggars belief that kofta with the cauliflower is just a revelation yeah and food today flawless outstanding lovely warm service but we've been watching everything I mean every table and there's another surprise because we have an extraordinary lady here mrs. Hartman and his mum what do you honestly think moment in our fabulous food I love those balls with potatoes and dog everything is perfect and Bobby the service good would you come back Oh today was about redemption and you certainly redeemed yourselves and this whole experience will help me decide on who's going through the final thank you for a delicious delicious lunch you do something without door please alarm thank you thank you you know three heavyweights in the food industry turning up to annex laundrette in the middle of Bradford's looking for fault been demanding being difficult and could we find fault no we're back on track but back there but I think we're gonna go win my other semi finalist is the milestone okay Sheffield how will they cope with the three of us dropping in for a surprise dinner Oh guys that don't give up on anything they read their own Pig made their own bread they churn our own butter and they really are pushing abounding down beyond belief so I think we're breasts hold the watercress on very last of it going since I first met the young guns have impressed me with a mixture of classic thanked rated British dishes it's about your chief or yoga chefs producing your own but we also run a cooking school and an outside catering company as well as the restaurant and I can't help but feel they're trying too hard yes with so many fingers in so many pies sometimes they've fallen short of perfection how are you boys doing expect to see us did you know sauna time I'm with two very influential guests and we're gonna be looking at everything several for three there's a table it's just coming in my cereal complainers they go everywhere in this slate you know my wall the Adrenaline's pumping he's the main man Easley so whose person infest I know that we focus on me and my guess but how will they treat Angelus sister Anne who's eating on the other side of the dining room working Joey it's not your average most Soylent sheet giant radish snow yeah the push the boat out yeah yeah big time I just hope it tastes as good as it sounds hey that's a nicer seasonal H yet Simon and sous-chef James have made their mark by breaking all the rules seven up local ingredients with a quirky twist for our starters we've ordered black pudding with bacon pepper mackerel with horseradish snow and it's a matter consomme with a flower pot full of tapanade for soil and pea shoes very hard to read the soup navigate your way around things like this ice were thrown at the shack we'll get his head it's just gimmick isn't it no I've got to say how it tastes what's up that is definitely how much Tappan are can you put in a dish like that I mean I know that's the soil but bloody hell Jay my soil blessing more and this is all they need to know less is more [Music] they're keen as mustard I mean really keen but far too ambitious but they're a good the minute you start trying to become too clever Europe for intense scrutiny not gonna like the effect it mean cause next for our mains we've got more conventional [Music] salmon wrapped in a herb crust vegetarian cannelloni and bavette of beef I mean they're attractive looking dishes I mean I like the presentation I actually think this is a really well sourced me well cooked well handled if I had any criticism it would be the red wine jus because it's really sweet it's almost the consistency of being right being us socially very nice mushrooms delicious like but they just need to brave it back in finally it's time for putting a tree up strawberry desserts Bakewell tart so that's nice that looks just and a great local cheese board see that and that fits this thing here looks like it's out at Paris Hilton's bathroom it doesn't make sense Whittier it looks delicious and it tastes delish Eric ice cream what else misters plantation best thing I've eaten sorry this one here yeah that's actually noise time to call the team together for a debrief if I just say that was delicious really good unfortunate didn't start like that if there's one strong message you're trying to bloody heart I've tasted the greatness and tonight has been a disappointment stick to what you're good at doing yeah and for me to think of any good restaurant is how every other table has been looked after and tonight there's no second surprise we've actually got Angelus sister having dinner was as well I didn't really like the bread I thought the bread was a bit heavy and I liked the tomato thing I have to say I love all that and what was your starter James I had the black pudding it was quite sticky and quite quite heavy so don't worry about trying to be too different when you're good at what you do get back to what you're good at doing and stick to that [Music] we feel like I've been told off by my dad yeah I say well it's constructive so we have to take our chin do what we can with the main thing yeah I'm disappointed because I came back to the milestone for a magical experience hoping they'd learnt but they just want to be different tonight is a big disappointment two amazing contenders Prashad from Bradford and the milestone from Sheffield are fighting to win the second semi-final of my restaurant competition we want to serve every single customer like we do at home wait no no no later tonight one of them will make it into the final and have the chance to be crowned with my best restaurant Rashad and milestone once again I've survived my secret diners and a flying visit which really turned both the restaurants upside down they both now face one more grueling test for a place in the final a challenge that they've never faced before I've called Prasad and the milestone to meet me in North London good morning honey you're probably thinking what in the hell are we doing here this early in the morning standing in a pretty unimpressive room yeah and look at it bare bleak this space now becomes your restaurants and you're gonna transform these four walls into the most amazing pop-up restaurant only one restaurants go through to the final make sure you I'm given each of them one floor of this empty building they've got just 12 hours to create an exciting vibrant pop-up restaurant that will open its doors at 7:00 p.m. for one night only what restaurants are what a hottest ticket in the food world they spring up in unexpected locations cause a big storm and then disappear overnight both restaurants will have a 2,000 pound budget if we split between the chef's and front of house you want to feel like you're in a wedding you want to feel like you're in a party you've got to make and create that atmosphere the challenges massive leave the restaurant has done anything like this before it will push them to the very limit of their creativity and the ingenuity that players from the inside players the decisions they make now could cost them a place in the final requires assembling the chef's are heading to some of London's best markets to choose their ingredients for tonight's menu Simon and James are looking for fantastic meat too well their diners we're looking towards a thick enough pork belly so on people to enjoy with again good quality for cheeks liver Vince the master prides itself on serving amazing classic British food that's all the fixtures it up after that disappointing fine visits they'll need to prove to me that they can deliver great food plate up the plate the people are gonna see something different we're gonna coconut yeah easy the heart noise that would one calcium Annelle our inner element in the vegetable market for the perfect vegetarian lesson you need perfect vegetables and here's the place faint oh my god tomorrow's one box over there Prashant serve up some of the most delicious and exciting food I've ever tasted this challenge will show me if they have the potential to develop their restaurant and prime outside their comfort zone 15 yes coming yeah it does in us see what it will be not foreign yeah okay good let's head back to base while their front of health teams make their final purchases let's get that yeah have a look at sixty of those I see that any glass yeah yeah that's the exact idea we're looking for this is Prasad's chance to create an incredible interior a million miles away from this simple bread for the cafe so we're gonna get some of this one then I don't you want 3.8 meters of the other one can I get five meters of the red go get rid of the red you can have three and a half meters of each of these could I have five meters of both of those and I'm canceling the red the chefs of just six hours to create culinary magic in a very show of concern these humble ingredients into something truly spectacular on the plate to compete Prasad will need to make the vegetarian menu really sing when you make the curry is hard to make it because we're making so fresh they're getting getting on with it and still we are preparing so yes I am little bit nervous we don't want to panic when you do the panic then you always do the mistake these dishes include baked yam and potatoes with spiced coconut and peanut filling vegetable peeler rice and stuff baby aubergines in half yeah you stuffed them with the masala masala yeah nice I want both restaurants to amazing design my diners I don't want carbon copies of Prasad all the milestones okay you're loading the van there yeah we're opening just under four hours from now you know that yeah give me feel Prasad what are you doing what's the what's the objective objective is to keep a wedding fair to give you a little bit of an a taste of the Asia Wow quite a complicated table not plan for oh my goodness it gets the more complicated as we go along okay guys wrote me just under four hours yeah get going yes as soon as got in wanting it dawned on me what was ahead of us we've got it before we don't know that they lights down the kitchen they're doing to do their side we need to make sure with your outside so it's a lot better honestly with the amount of time we've got fingers crossed we will literally just be ready Bobby has been bowled with his plans for the space I hope he has time to put it off still not gain any further forward with these tables unless I know where push for time yeah yeah but just one downstairs pop your head downstairs very quickly [Music] all right looking fantastic [Music] okay they're looking in a pretty good shape aren't they they are and this is looking like a campsite biggest mistake we've made is we didn't go for ready-made table right now we're sort of on a second table yeah getting put together we're opening in just under three hours from now and I you know we've got a lot to do yeah yeah what are they they're coloring Jesus where's he go [ __ ] camp shop we where we're trying to go with it with the look in the feel of the tables and match everything with the whites and the blacks Jesus Wow he's [ __ ] not impressive God Bobby's in a mess and it looks dreadful and pretty crap nothing Forks and dreadful tables like they've been hanging around outside a pub can't see the end in sight so quite nervous just two hours two hours is a long time we didn't come all this way to lose because we couldn't build tables downstairs the milestone are much happy with bare tables but they haven't paid any attention to the rest of their space the tables look great yeah the restaurant looks [ __ ] there's no thought process with the Tarleton yard for walls I'm interested in a stunning restaurant yeah yeah that's what I would like to see yeah but have you got any fabrics no cushions or what no all 9 pieces of furniture to liven up no this is it the idea of a pop of restaurants yeah it's not just the location boys has shown on this page tell me and you wear your own pigs you make your own bread and coming the dining room it's like I know what you guys are like when you use your imagination so I give you the flexibility to go and do something out the box [Music] for shame [ __ ] up it's a one-night-only 2,000 pound to create something exciting and magic : the wow factor milestone are going for something simplistic that paid it's safe but that may not get you into the final there's no lack of ambition in the kitchen however Simon and James are servants Larry and skate scampi with their silver mullet and braised oxtail accompanied by English squash and wild mushrooms oxtail yep so you should be happy that scoops in time yeah tastes delicious really nice if they pull this food off it will be amazing what's this one here season they're funny that's delicious that's delicious figs are taking shape to tables are done time is on our hands you got all the cutting on the table for both courses no we've unwrapped it yet do you care Bobby you do I I'm worried [ __ ] cutlery plain-jane dining room and I know you can do better I'm really sorry with very little time left before Prashad open their doors Cal she goes upstairs to the dining room we have made so many errors you know but we can't constantly focus on them we can't change those errors right now yeah yeah I'm sorry will boom this is it it shit's a boost if it goes bad back to Sheffield we've done the best we can but we're here to win it listen to me yeah every part of what we do is with our heart we're a 22c restaurant working our butts off if we're not good enough we're not good enough we'll still give it our best shot we're opening it just under five minutes from now and this is it everything they've worked for all day depends on the service and I've never have and even that's been so dependent on an amazing performance in the kitchen because both restaurants have been let down by the front of house and it's up to the kitchen now to redeem themselves in a big way and pull it back it's seven o'clock and outside the pop-up restaurants being run by my two semi-finalists Q's of hungry diners wait to be seated when those customers arrive blow them away warm welcome a three-hour service but prove to me tonight why you deserve a place in the final good luck to both restaurants each restaurant can see 25 customers if they can squeeze in a second sitting they could serve as many as 50 see I want them to really impress me and ensure my diners have a thrilling once-in-a-lifetime dining experience straight away Bobby and his brother Maher are charming their guests the chef's have put together a theme around a wedding or a little family restaurant I really want you to be an extended part of our family and enjoy a meal but are their diners hearing the Indian wedding bells talk to me about the deck or I guess the wedding Bobby and his team are quick on the draw and start taking orders downstairs is a different story 15 minutes into service and the milestone still haven't taken any orders Matt mark while you're guessing away get some orders in here yeah they're not here for the life-story they're here for the experience come on it's driving me [ __ ] same diamonds fall and not one order into the kitchen right jr. on 3 Optio 1 Pollock first ticket in 25 minutes later meanwhile Prashad sumptuous starters yam and potato curry and marinated stuff leaf parcels are flying off the pass I always get hotter room temperature is that in writing the right temperature yes okay good it's quite a subtle flavor yeah I've never seen food like this coming from above it's raw taste your food and stop rushing don't be so to me who started to your guess we want to serve every single customer like we do at home okay okay darling Olivia that's the start delicious filling what what's the point of putting in between two slices of raw yam 3 belly one more at last the milestone boys are getting the food out yes yes I say but there's mixed reviews the first two tables food looks amazing neat seasoning first two tables well meet woody thankfully minal and Cousy are starting to hit their stride their Punjabi main courses of delicious at mutter paneer peas with Indian curd cheese an amazing spice stuffed aubergine I'll go down a storm dish was in the kitchen the milestone boys are in full flow serving their manes of pan-fried silver mullet and pork cooked three ways [Music] very very starters went out and it was a disaster now that my courses are going out and it seems to be a lot more settled and more control outside more hungry diners are waiting for the mill of their lives now we should start from thinking I'll tell you those tables yeah okay now there's a queue outside for Prashad experience I don't want the freezing cold nor do you back upstairs tables rule 8 and keep that energy in the dining room please with just an hour of service left the milestone are starting this second sitting but upstairs Prashad seem to have lost all urgency leaving hungry diners waiting outside in the cold at this rate there won't be enough time before closing to take an extra sitting come on come on go works all the same time I'm sorry it's almost like it's a it's like everyone's given up on come on come on come on unless the whole family pulls together no one else will be eating it Prasad tonight you know Kelsi could you upstairs and help clear the tables please yeah please we've got just under one hour to go okay so can you go upstairs and polish the table so we get some water with some pot you guys I'm telling to do it yeah because you need help there's listen listen to the tables you have think to do so I'm asking them to give you a hand and you'll get there I'm gonna say no please go upstairs I'm clearing tables [Music] you can get chippy with me yeah I'm asking them your mum dig up stairs and help you you get defensive I do yeah because we don't like it to do those jobs right fine don't clear the table yourself we're clearing so she can't promise the table no Sheik she can't relay it no Wow yeah he cracked under pressure cleaning tables away and trying to set customers that are standing outside in the cold it's difficult to have that level of arrogance and get it thrown in my face like that you know that's that's it's cool but stay calm and deal with it I'm step to my public sector Gordon you know he knows exactly what she would do what shouldn't I'm really sad because I respect that a man to stand up to him like that not clever Bobby has finally turned some tables I mean Alan Cal she have fixed the problems with their young starters to the delight of Prasad's new guests a young dish it's it's really spicy and very tasty spice is not too hot it's justice rice lovely we started [ __ ] we can finish shrunk wave them around three strong running them around the face strong come on I can't help but want to approach me and say sorry but it's not the time No come here boy I'm not here to fight with you yeah I'm here to support big day tough day everyone's under [ __ ] pressure you've got 20 minutes left pull it back 20 minutes left pull it back let's camp here one second ten seconds are in there yeah I love the way both for shot and the milestone are now doing everything they can to serve their diners wonderful food wait no no no no I'm both dining rooms are buzzing as the final plays are being served best course of evening I've had very impressive [Music] five four three two one and stop turn everything off please yeah 10:00 p.m. and service is over it's been a long tough day for both restaurants I hope we won this can't guarantee it there's no guarantees in this for something which we've thought we've lost before and with one so we don't know I know we need perform to the level that we would normally a lot of people didn't some people didn't like the food come here come on [Music] really really protect my ladies we did everything the first week I know I know Prasad and the milestone have embraced this huge challenge and have a lot of satisfied customers but both restaurants had problems in their kitchens and front of house now I have to decide who deserves a place in the final [Music] this has to be the toughest challenge both restaurants have ever faced quite frankly on both restaurants I was disappointed because I knew that the personalities didn't shine tonight you undersold yourselves Bashar I didn't see Bobby the face of Rashard tonight let's be honest master and I felt that you spent far too long getting those first three or four tables in I'm standing outside knocking get the orders in get these guys out the traps and on the back of your performance and your performance let me tell you it is so difficult to gauge an outright winner - phenomenal restaurants were put on the spot today [Music] the restaurant going through to the final [Music] is yeah congratulations thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] gotcha trailer any good [ __ ] but under the day we did as best still proud of what we did really proud of James the boys and the restaurant chin up get some chaos yeah welcome yes good job you're in the final and good luck [Music] what a final Prasad vs kisame a small 20 seater vegetarian Indian restaurant from Bradford up against young guns a Michelin star boys tip for the top [ __ ] game on
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 3,520,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, ramsays best restaurant, ramsays best restaurant final, ramsays best restaurant indian, gordon ramsays best restaurant, gordon ramsays best restaurant final, gordon ramsays best restaurant semi final, gordon ramsays best restaurant indian, gordon ramsays best restaurant full episodes, gordon ramsay likes the food, gordon ramsay cooking
Id: 7juROVsNUvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 36sec (2736 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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