Gordon Ramsay - "It's Like I'm Back In Mumbai" | Ramsay's Best Restaurant FULL EPISODE

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[Music] over the last six months my team and i have been checking out your best restaurant nominations all over the country and tonight the competition continues with one of britain's most popular cuisines indian curry is a national obsession and these days we all expect really high standards from our indian restaurants i spent a lot of time out in india and learned for myself what real good indian food is all about so tonight's restaurants are going to be bloody good to impress me from over 2000 indian nominations i've chosen what i think are the best two to fight it out for a place in the semi-finals tonight from bradford the curry capital of the north it's prashard somebody passed whatever i cook it from my heart i love cooking they're going head to head with a world famous cuisine from the london heavyweight the brilliant in southall give me the bronze come on my father was a top chef in india he used to cook for the maharajas this competition could be the ultimate test for both my indian contenders it'll be a battle to the very end because only one restaurant can come out on top [Music] to find that winner both contenders will face three challenging tests starting with a coach load of 30 hungry diners who'll arrive and order all at once first they'll descend on the patel family who run tiny prashard in bradford there are over 60 indian restaurants alone in this fantastic city but this one is somewhat special the smallest restaurant this competition but i think it's going to give the big boys a serious run for the money hello bobby hi gordon good to see you very well thank you yeah welcome twice i've never had a vegetarian restaurant in the competition so i'm so excited yeah i'm happy as well yeah in just under half an hour my diner is gonna be here they think they're coming for an amazing lambooner so convert them this place used to be a laundrette now it's a 22-seat restaurant run by khaoshi patel with her son bobby and his wife minal being vegetarian what we put passion into other restaurants offer as a side dish we have to really step up we really have to bring the flavours out give them something totally different incredibly minal the head chef had never cooked professionally until she married bobby moved to england and joined his mum in the kitchen six years ago she is not my daughter-in-law she's my daughter i can describe how much i love cooking whatever i cook it from my heart that is delicious one mouthful of that i feel like i'm back in mumbai the exact same for my diners please no i can't leave that to waste i've got to eat some more of that i'm sorry jesus we have huge drive huge ambition we didn't come into this business thinking we're gonna make loads of money we came into the business about showing the world how good we are at food now they must prove it because my 30 diners are just minutes away they're all expecting a perfect meal and everyone must be served in just two hours the pressure's on you big time and i know this means a lot i can see it on your face but here's your chance now to really stamp your hole in this competition good luck all the hairs on the back of my neck are standing up right now [Music] oh god wow very nice right now imagine all right ladies and gentlemen let's show the world what prashad really is let's rock let's show ramsay let's go ramsay's best restaurant bring it on to accommodate my guests bobby had to squeeze an extra eight seats into the tiny dining room sorry a little bit of a small restaurant but the food is fantastic i promise you despite its size prashad has huge ambitions to fly the flag for vegetarian indian cuisine first time in a vegetarian restaurant yes let's hope it's a memorable experience i'm a confirmed carnivore so anything without me isn't really classed as a meal my diners are going to be a hard crowd to please [Music] and it'll take a massive team effort to convert them okay here we go i need two awesome mix for coral and i need three person petties no problem all right like the new girl on the block and i'm just hoping that she can cope with such a demand because she's the least experienced three person petty as a starter she's serving coconut pettis potato and chickpea chat and spicy vegetable pakoras leave that one make the chat first this will be the hardest service of their lives now i need now she may be inexperienced but minell's got to drive this kitchen like never before three person patties table number four all right simple is this assertive in terms of controlling yeah yeah just to make sure it's one hundred and fifty percent but however hard manal pushes her team they're barely able to keep up and this is just the first course i told you oh my god just listen what i'm saying not too hot but just right every plate clean that's incredible number two table number four all of them say fantastic food really really happy thank you thank you very much halfway there keep it going guys yes big push on the main courses now yeah mommy but the mains will be even harder every deep fried puri and dosa pancake needs to be precisely timed only one hour left so you know i'm getting panicked [Music] prasad small kitchen is going hell for leather but these dishes just aren't leaving fast enough mom well yeah how long do they normally wait between courses roughly uh 10 minutes yet but the kitchen decides they can only cook at such a space you know you got one so you've grill three large tables now waiting for main courses yeah i need now i said that quickly the pressure's really on and some diners have been waiting for an hour just to let you know guys that um this afternoon obviously we have all 30 guests in at once there may be a little bit of a wait for your mains i hope you can be patient with us just said be patient which is fine it's understandable so i'm still having a good time i've explained to them they're fine about the fact that it'll be a little while but obviously there is a deadline on how much time we've got to serve you somebody pass the booty please i should buy two toys there's great synergy there between the dining room and the kitchen and they're working really well together they're supporting each other through every plate take this come on hurry up take this hurry up now [Music] last four main courses yes yes the main courses have been badly delayed but bobby's charm of the dining room has kept the customers on side and averted a crisis i don't think you can make chickpeas interesting a big surprise to be honest i'm really enjoying it it's absolutely delicious lightly spiced hotter in the center it's lovely it's heaven on the plate even the most ardent carnivores have been converted amazing presentation and then the taste itself was it lived up to how it looked sometimes i think it was even better than it looked you know so i think i think we'll try and come here again service is over see ya bye-bye take care and it's time for the prasad team to hear my verdict okay um let's cut to the chase the the problem i have having witnessed the service is that you've you've now just completely and i mean really completely blown open this whole competition you've raced the bar bobby the communication and making sure that customers are not agitated waiting for food you were there and it sounded amazing me now i was nervous about you but that first ticket came on and you were just on fire thank you and you've made 30 of my diners the happiest i've ever heard them thank you that's what i want to hear do not go backwards you maintain and improve on what you've got an amazing standard of vegetarian cuisine it's going to take some beating my coach load of 30 diners are about to descend on the second indian restaurant battling for a place in the semi-finals of my nationwide restaurant competition it's the brilliant in london voted for by you in droves it's been open for 37 years that's almost as long as i've been around it has three generations of customers and any russian that can boast that must be doing something absolutely spot-on the anand family have been running this punjabi restaurant for 40 years with dipner shankar and dadgulu at the helm this is a huge ship and to be right amongst the best it just encourages us more and more to do even better these days retired from the stove leaving the brilliant kitchen in the hands of head chef jazz let's get it going all the ingredients all the meats they are cooked freshly piping hot served to the customers within seconds the brilliant is known for its spot service i don't want people waiting for more than five or six minutes you walk in here you taste the food and you really start to believe they've earned their place as a frontrunner of indian food in this country boasting 220 seats 28 years in the good food guide and over 80 awards the brilliant is an indian heavyweight delicious really good excellent i'm happy yeah i'm about to hit them with my first challenge like prashad they'll also have just two hours to serve my 30 diners who will arrive in order all at once it takes some balls to call it the brilliant because you can't be anything less than brilliant absolutely on a night like tonight absolutely yeah we are very confident we've got only 30 diners we're gonna make sure these guests have a fantastic experience make this a brilliant service hi jazz yep yeah okay right how's it sounding really good yeah what are you thinking of having the prawns and chicken nice on the menu tonight are two of the house specialities lamb chops marinated nutmeg and cardamom and king prawns with fresh herbs and lime juice both cooked in the traditional tandoor oven i'm gonna have the prawns then i'll go for the prunes two portions tandoori lamb chops and two tandoori prawns but i'm worried head chef jazz is only using one of the kitchen's two tandoor ovens two tandoori prawns one tandoori lamb chop and already tandoori orders are racking up three prawns one lamb chops come on guys let's go surreal how long for friends five minutes maybe five minutes yeah you need to get a move on yet please is there a problem with the tender oven a little bit because there's so many tandoori dishes and why aren't we using two of them [Music] it is now but not the beginning that's what i'm trying to say okay guys please please get a move on please this is not brilliant come on guys please come on i need this out from here come on how long for the first lamb chops please okay good it looks like it's been half eaten i've got another one that looks a little bit better uh yeah okay yeah the thing is they've given the cuts so that they eat them yeah i know that if i start eating that and i go to that it looks like someone's taking a bite out of it i'm only saying it for you you can say no gordon that's how i'm sending it it's fine okay give me one more piece of lamb chop please please i'm not trying to catch you out yeah i'm just saying that that's not you at your best [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's beautiful thank you so much two tables in 45 minutes is a joke they used to do 200 300 settings 30 we should have been finished by now using just one tan door oven has slowed service to a crawl and orders just aren't getting out why is that sat there why can't you go with that thing there there's more than one waiter in the kitchen come on serve the food please please please there you go come on come on come on then let's do this just let me go honestly i need the prawns why are they going in the oven with a cook that should be gone help me to understand you [Music] they're a bit rubbery excuse me it's an unwelcome wake-up call for owner and ex-head chef gulu his kitchen needs leadership and jazz looks lost the restaurant's reputation hangs in the balance [Music] okay i need the prawns plates go prawns in your plates i wound it straight away in there reacting hurry up boys me the prawns are the prawns ready yeah give me the prawns come on straight straight they're nice they're succulent full of flavour get this one let's try and finish yeah yeah moving on guys okay next i need four meaty chickens need a piping hot that's better yeah we're getting there now some life into the kitchen a lot more energy in the kitchen more importantly the old man's in there so he's gonna put a rock up their ass table number five the dishes are there and now we're now we're fired up yeah get that on what's the meaning of this take that take that we've solved everybody [Music] it was far from a perfect start but for my diners the food has really hit the mark wow it's gorgeous food smells amazing my food was absolutely delicious i normally go for the standard like creamy curries um but this was something completely different and i specifically asked for it to be milder and they did it to perfection it was stunning brilliant that was absolutely divine is probably the best curry i've ever had really really delicious i'm glad you enjoyed it [Music] i love this restaurant's 40-year pedigree but tonight i've only got it together after a chaotic start okay those starters took too long to leave this kitchen 30 covers tonight felt like 300 covers it was a little bit too casual but still it takes time to put it yeah not good enough this restaurant is not used to sending out mediocre warm prawns you take your prawn from that tandoori oven and you stick it in there game over you've got to command that kitchen jazz from the out main courses needed a rocket yeah you put your jacket on bang and it turned yes the kitchen came to life and there it was the old man at the helm and here we go again there was that a fire in your belly and you got it out don't get pissed off no no i'm not get eager to come back you're gonna be even more stronger now thank you good night it was a bit bit of a shock to the system yeah we can still win this we can we will win this okay good well done [Music] my indian restaurants reacted very differently to the pressure of the coast trip now i've asked them both to come to london so i can catch up with them what they don't realise is that i've been assessing them secretly i sent in my own undercover diners to prashad and the brilliant to see how each restaurant performed when they had no idea i was watching and the guard was down simon davis is a meticulous food critic who's assessed the food and service at thousands of restaurants sarah durden robinson has worked with me and other top chefs for years helping to create and perfect thousands of dishes secret diners are a very useful trick of the trade and they give you honest immediate feedback and no holds barred i've asked sarah and simon to be deliberately awkward customers to see how the restaurants cope would you eat that no so why should i eat it the teams think they're here to discuss their performance with my 30 diners they have no idea what i'm about to show them [Laughter] first up bradford's prashad [Music] food was brilliant the problem i have now is that was that just done for me or does that restaurant function like that every day every day how can you say that because we do it every day we passionately do it every day so yes we know is the what we're doing is a good because our customers tell us that was a big test you've actually been tested twice after i left i sent in a secret diner and they secretly filmed everything filmed filmed [Music] do we need a reservation or can we just have some lunch yeah are we okay can you give me a steer on what to have yeah i can't really decide what are you fancy well i'm feeling quite hungry hungry yeah i'm feeling quite hungry uh things not to miss if you're sharing uh would be petice and would be charred and where's this is this mainly southern india no this is northern no we're from north india a good job should it be similar to rajasthani or uh no no rajasthan is a lot more rich and deeper whereas ours is a lot more delicate right okay knowledgeable great first interaction with the divers the food will speak for itself you know we have that as a given so it's up to me to kind of make that person feel comfortable if they have questions to answer them openly and with as much information as they can give so let's try one of these should we go award-winning platoons first [Music] love that coconut it's really clever that through i mean i ate that probably 20 30 seconds ago it's tasting different flavors are still coming through i'm just going to swap a curry quite late in the day let's see what they do excuse me can i change one of my curries could i it's all right any girls any any special handy i think yeah yeah bags it's a good guy i couldn't have dealt with that better you could ask you could say that this one do we have a bit more punch in this one let's see if you can play around with that is there anything you can do to make that one a little bit hotter a little bit more a little bit hotter yeah how hot do you want it we're not not to the degree that you know you just laugh at us when we walk out the door [Music] i love it i mean that came back like a fresh dish no hassle at all it's so refreshing to see that level of flexibility there's no intimidation you're not making them feel awkward there's no guilt if i if i hadn't have behaved that way in front of my customers i know two people in the kitchen would have been very angry at me you could easily walk past this place and never come in actually surprisingly it's got some of the best indian food i've probably ever eaten you know it's blown me away with it it's been really fantastic fresh well-sourced expertly done and done with passion and knowledge pretty well done thank you you made me feel nervous because you raised the bar so high i didn't think you could do that again [Music] oh my god [Music] i'm feeling fantastic you know gordon ramsay big big man telling me that you know everything we're doing is good we were nervous before i just can't contain it so far prasad are punching way above their weight but i have concerns over how much this tiny ration depends on bobby's front of house charm tonight two fantastic indian restaurants are battling out in my nationwide competition to find my best restaurant now it's time for london restaurant the brilliant to find out i've been snooping on them unknown to all of you once i left the brilliant i then sent in my secret diners and this is what they saw on the coach trip head chef jazz failed to take control of the kitchen and at times the food suffered owner gulu had to step up to the tandoor to save the day have the brilliant learn from their mistakes hello table for two for a little bit earlier we asked for minor problems i wanted to take this [Music] it's screen distracting it's like in a pub when they've got the television on and everyone ends up going i don't know if i'm in a nightclub or a restaurant is there any way you can turn them turn the noise down a bit thank you oh god that's so much better you're in charge of the service um whose idea is all those screens and the music they've been around for um quite a while and some customers actually like them are quite adapted to the idea but then you do obviously get a clash sometimes and uh when when we are asked we do mellow it down [Music] the fresh mint chutney it's fantastic it's mouth-watering so fresh it's absolutely delicious these chocolates are really great so many different things so many different flavors it really gets your palette and your appetite going nice really good start fresh clean chutneys exciting vibrant and a really nice way of relaxing customers really nice way one of the problems i've had about this place is they leave your feet on the hot way too long and let's see how the pawns come out that'll be the real test hello thank you something's just come out of the tumbler they should be sizzling and plumping juicy and these are just not they are definitely still [Music] prawns why aren't they coming out overcooked still as soon as we take the prawns out quickly served in i'd ask you to look at that seriously in terms of attempting to cook them less i think what we need to do is every portion of prawns that goes out this week do one extra prawn and test it before it goes out because that's something that we need to work on i'm about to send the masala back to see what they say but i'm gonna say it's not spicy enough for me i'd like it a little hotter i want to see what they do hello i said on the money that it was spicy that was which is spicy it's weird because i like really hot food and this guy's very it's very mild would it be possible to have the same thing but otter thank you very much thanks amazing [Music] um this is really awful it's too it's [Music] thank you very much this is delicious this is even better than the last two dishes yeah this is a slick operation i love it i love that excitement customer's always right that's what they're paying for you can adapt the customer's needs great didn't start well but what that's the end of the meal and i am so happy and i don't think they could have looked after me any better i don't think they could handle my constant complaints or any better i don't think they could be more professional the food is outstanding when the food arrives they love the food when the service matches the food you have something quite exciting there jazz i want you to step up to the mark i need to do something i think i'm a bit nervous right now but later on i'm going to develop the confidence we will be doing that feedback that was absolutely amazing we've got to be so positive to make sure that we learn from the mistakes my undercover evidence has hit them hard now they need to learn from this experience there's no time to waste because both restaurant chefs are about to face their biggest challenge yet [Music] i'll be taking them out of their kitchens and into mine i've asked them to create and cook a dish that lives up to the standards at my three michelin star restaurant very nice i'm very very very exciting today to cooking in the gordon ramsay's restaurant i'm putting my 100 thought in it it's a dream for every chef to cook for a three-star restaurant and i'm looking forward in winning this competition tonight one of them will win a place in the semi-finals and one will be eliminated [Music] this is my dream here everything i've ever worked for it's a small beautiful restaurant and it's an amazing place for both of your restaurants today to really shine i asked you to come here to take it to a different level with your food and really aspire to do something unique at the end of it sadly there's only one restaurant that's going through the semi-final make sure it's you good luck i've challenged both chefs to create one exquisite course big amount of pressure on their shoulders today because they've got to develop and evolve those dishes into something stunning i'm expecting a dish that's perfectly spiced with delicious textures and sublime flavors but it's not just meat they have to impress i've invited 20 guests who know their barges from their brewings to come and try both restaurants dishes including inarm ali founder of the british curry awards and respected indian cookbook author and broadcaster manju mali all my diners will try both restaurants dishes each restaurant's front of house teams are here as my guest and i'll be watching the chef's every move and there's nowhere to hide okay first to get on it's for the brilliance at four covers away table six yeah four jail frazee oh keisha [Music] tonight the brilliant are taking on prasad at their own game cooking a vegetarian take on a much-loved classic paneer jalfrezi jazzy's recipe matches chili laden indian curd cheese with a sauce flavored with a unique blend of 15 spices i'm making our own cheese today wow isn't that a bit crazy on a day like today chef i'm in your restaurant i have to do something crazy this is the type of flourish jazz needs to live this classic dish to new heights opportunities like these never knocked on your doors that's the reason why i'm working so hard i want to achieve something today and i'm excited to see sushef sunil making a speciality rarely found in the uk paper-thin ramali roti an order they're brilliant four covers away table one [Music] guys look at me just like a normal restaurant i need an answer right well you don't answer me i'm just gonna stop and look at you again okay because like you do in your kitchen you get a response but i'm calling out tickets and no one's responding just acknowledge what i'm saying right otherwise i'd just go like this [ __ ] it stick the tickets at burn i've got to call it out for jail frasier thank you welcome back so far in this competition head chef jazz has produced some stunning traditional punjabi cuisine for the brilliant but on occasion he's lost control of the kitchen his food has missed the mark and owner gulu has had to save the day you got no glue in the kitchen today you don't need him in the kitchen do you no well you've got your work cut out the heat's on yeah this is the biggest moment in our history of the brilliant tonight the hopes and dreams of the brilliant rests on jazz's you shoulders with that yes stop look i i can't say look it's just all right so you know i apologize for no i mean i've got the mayor of healing we're serving food clinging on like something coming out of a juniper dog's [ __ ] table one let's go first dish coming from brilliant thank you that's how crazy smells good i like the paneer nice and soft the chili's got a kick wow if i can see you then i know it's thin enough i know that paul comes away table five four stunning kofta yes yes prashad are making vegetable kofta steamed and spiced chopped vegetables encased in a potato patty deep fried then served in a fresh tomato sauce the sauce is quite hot medium spices but lots of flavor in it [Music] just don't put those koftas in there too early because it's starting to break up a vegetable coffee is very hard to get right because so many elements they can explode and sort of disintegrate getting the time and right on this dish is critical so manal and kalshi need to work together perfectly for me this is lovely just you need to be a bit faster i am partly look at here what are you doing come on give me time hello just a minute in her own kitchen minelle struggled with the pressure and only just came out on top and tonight there's no supportive husband bobby in the kitchen to help her by now i'm pretty sure if i know minnow and my mom they'll be right in the middle of the cooking and just totally focused on giving you the best food [Music] but this is my kitchen and my nails way out of a comfort zone hey anybody seen my onion it was here it's also all right there you go after look at me after every table we have to play down we can't continue working in a mess yeah thank you look after your ingredients yeah come on mom uh can i have that please mommy do you have some more butter come on guys oh god mom come on ladies what are you looking for what are you looking for with me now go please yeah i need one more but it's done now thank you service go let's go please yeah no it's four that's it four don't worry about that it's four listen to me listen to me i'm here i'm here to help you you're confusing yourself not me fall away please thank you oh it's a very very very lot of pressure we and mom were going through a lot of praise a lot to do it's very complicated this so it's neat time so that's why i'm i'm just panicking so vegetable coffee looks amazing table three please how's everybody very happy [Music] this is very very good it's a lovely shape the presentation is immaculate and beautiful looking it's really nice isn't it last time will please me now kelsey four cops are away nice very nice little clear down both of you well done [Music] so hot service is over so it's time to discover what my distinguished guests thought of both restaurants dishes starting with the brilliant really good to see let's talk the jeff frazee how was that for you that fridge i think combination is very good also the paneer also i found is tasty it's not only the cheese it has got a spice yes presentation also remarkable ramali roti that's very very traditional this is very hard to make i was really nervous i am now relieved they've done a fabulous job the koftas were nice nice and delicious and you could taste the fresh ginger so that was great it looked good as well i think the prussian dish is awesome the only thing i'd say bryce is supposed to be nice and fluffy and separate they've got somehow they've got this bit strong right but overall i think this is excellent phenomenally proud the dish that they've made today you know i definitely think that we've done our very best my diners clearly love the food though neither restaurant quite achieve perfection now it's up to me to choose a winner whatever i decide will affect the future of both these restaurants if i lose today i will be breakdown i need to win i really need to win this competition but i don't know i'm so panicking he's definitely going to win i think we gave our full hundred percent into it and we are happy we are quite confident we are happy i think we have done a good job only one indian restaurant can go through to the semi-finals and after tonight's service the decision is going to be tougher than ever my two top indian restaurants the brilliant from london and prasad from bradford have completed their final challenge they are both exceptional restaurants but one of them is about to be eliminated to help me make my choice i'm going to taste each of their dishes it's a very difficult one to get ryan those vegetables bound with a potato and that rich tomato gravy the downside a little bit of fapping around unnecessary on the plate i'd rather see one big stunning one as opposed to three individual ones cut in the middle you can see those vegetables my god pretty tasty the right amount of heat and that nice textured kofta rice shame the rice actually lets it down it's um it's overcooked the brilliant gel frazee chili's everywhere red and green chili and the secret of this gel crazy is the the texture and the balance of the heat got the heat correct and masala it definitely needs that right to cool it down paneer delicious handmade and made here and that takes a lot of skill the only issue i have there is the the rawness the vegetables those crunchy peppers are sort of spoiling the texture of the john crazy both restaurants felt the pressure here today and both of them haven't hit it 100 now they've fallen short at the last hurdle both russians [Music] two outstanding indian restaurants but only one can win a place in the next [Music] round okay first of all that was a very interesting service i could identify issues from both restaurants in a way that i didn't expect from brilliant paneer phrases sumptuous delicious finding that balance with the masalas is a tough one love the way you had the balls to make that premiere the one issue i had was the the rawness of the vegetables the peppers were barely cooked and it didn't completely spoil the dish but it didn't enhance it prashad i thought the koftas were a bold move love the vegetables inside delicious the gravy was seasoned beauty and had that right amount of heat the big shock for me was the the overcooked rice i've eaten in your restaurant and i know how well you cook and i didn't expect to see overcooked rice today this competition is not going to be won or lost on one dish alone i'm looking for the best restaurant in britain brilliant i turn up with a coach load of diners 30 of them jumping into the restaurant eager to taste that food we got off to a sluggish start but my god did those diners enjoy that food i sent in my secret dinners and again i've never seen a restaurant so excited to help when it's not even their fault good sign [Music] prasad i turn up in the back of beyond of bradford 30 diners could have barely fit in the pressure was immense however they loved the food then i sent in my secret diner and peel up the food this is a a tough one a very tough one sadly there's only one restaurant going through to the semi-final the restaurant going through based on everything i've seen and tasted [Music] is precise well done that restaurant will continue being unique there's no two ways about that and that was for me one of the tightest and the closest decisions i've ever had to make another journey of 35 years we've won numerous awards and uh we'll be we'll be back again right the the show carries on and the brilliant will carry on congratulations thank you thank you thank you and i'm so happy thank you for the family and for the restaurant why because the food is extraordinary thank you thank you thank you well done thanks very much i'm so happy i can't even think about it so happy i'm so happy it was really difficult for me because i wasn't in there every single step of the way as a family whenever we perform we're always together service kitchen everything together today i had to sit back and look like i was eating enjoying food i didn't have an appetite at all but you know we're just i can't i can't tell you fantastic what an extraordinary day and i'm quite sad to say goodbye to brilliant but you've got to give it up for prasar they were amazing now the competition really starts for them they're through the semi-finals and they are going to have to really really pull the stops out you
Channel: All In The Kitchen
Views: 1,092,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: All In The Kitchen, Best Indian food competition, Best food adventure, Best food contest, Celebrity chef series, Cooking competition, Culinary competition, Food critique, Food discovery, Food series, Food showdown, Food tasting, Gordon Ramsay's favorite, Gordon Ramsay's food journey, Indian cuisine discovery, Indian flavors, Indian food culture, Indian restaurant critique, Indian restaurant evaluation, Indian restaurants, Restaurant visit
Id: uPPKZ4kXnbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 25sec (2545 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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