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👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/maksscott 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

I was surprised that gordon was chill the entire time

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/fresh_memez_r_here 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

om gosh wtf

big boi karen

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/bfg23456 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

lol me and my brother seen this

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/zikozion 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

so surprising enough they got some much backlash that they had to close the store. they also made an appearance on Doctor Phil.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/overlander86 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Her brain (if she has one) is made of cast iron.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MERC_SL_65 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
tonight chef Chef Ramsay heads to Arizona and visits one of the cleanest restaurants in Kitchen Nightmares history is this a joke but soon after meeting the husband-and-wife team Samy and Amy he uncovers a number of problems think that you can come in here and say these things oh my gosh Sammy who runs the front of the house is completely disorganized I can't fake it I cannot do it I can't Amy runs the kitchen but refuses to listen to anyone these are store-bought crap frozen ravioli crap and they're delicious oh it's not surprising that there is such a high turnover of staff Katie I quit and at this restaurant the customer is never right get ready to witness a colossal uphill battle if you're that out you go and Chef Ramsay faces off against two defines owners pizza is under coach that's not true this may be the one restaurant I don't even know why we came back here I'm going home now you're going home that Chef Ramsay has no choice but to walk away back where it belongs and that's it who is that Wilson fruit possibly killed their workout you wake up scottsdale-arizona an upscale Phoenix suburb it's also home to Amy's Baking Company opened in 2006 by husband-and-wife team Samy and Amy boos ah globe it was at a very early age that I discovered I had a real true passion and talent for anything having to do with the culinary arts just give me the feta salad darling if you can alright alright so in 2006 Samy invested over a million dollars into this restaurant to make my dream come true can we open yeah we are ready okay but we're in the restaurant business it's not all daisies and ponies and unicorns all right understand this whole substitution thing approximately two years ago these reviewers in these bloggers decided to make up lies and say that they the food and it was disgusting rich and we lost a tremendous amount of business because of it they're just haters I'll take it there's a lot of things that are wrong with the food that she just doesn't realize too garlicky too buttery too sweet not cooked enough too overdone that doesn't work for me if someone has criticism Samy tells them you don't know what the food is supposed to taste like even you don't know what is wrong with it if anyone tell me that my wife's food is no good I just tell him to leave the restaurant I don't want them and don't come back is your first time and last time don't come back madam not only do they lash out and swear at customers I will go tell them to pocket my husband doesn't but they take it one step further and retaliate against and I hope he eats it and I just made a really spicy for him her burger victim the customer is not always right choose another pizza or nothing and I'm not here to take from anybody I'm not going to have people make depth it isn't true I'm not doing it honest I'm not making any more fun Amy's nuts I am going to really hurt somebody if they send back my cake one second she's like a nice little Care Bear thank you so much I love you you're such a good girl the next second she's like relative ill I'm stopping all the food no no I know why it has to go to the freakin trash are you kidding me right now unfortunately the majority of the people in Arizona think that if you come to our restaurant that we're gonna yell at you scream at you and throw you outside and that is not who we are oh yeah keep walking mister you just keep walking Chef Ramsay's coming to tell the people how the food is good here you can go madam don't come back madam I'd be happy not to see you here thank you I think chef Angie is gonna be wasting his time you can't change him you name a lost cause anything was dirty changing we are ready okay good evening do you guys know what you wanted Jesus awesome all right thank you you're welcome Miranda may be the only server on staff I can't do the computer so he's the only one that hasn't roll over that but she is not allowed to input orders pour wine or handle money the ravioli and then they wanted to know if he's the only one who can do that this Sammy okay just boy Jamie thinks that he's doing everything all by himself forsooth but Sammy doesn't realize he's actually messing everything up I need another wine Kenneth workin on because I can't take it I cannot walk I can't Sammy blue called the orders ahead what do you want nothing buggabugga kitchen on our nylon he had like 30 tickets in his hand I think with ami only cooking one ticket at a time we're not making any of this until I get to that ticket the diners are in for a long wait I've never waited this long but the one table that has received their food is unsatisfied what is the problem with it like that serious even you don't know what is wrong with it is okay if you came to eat to enjoy then you should know what you like to eat sir surely you don't know what you like to eat yes okay Amy what can you make me pear salad instead of that Caesar seriously don't worry I told him to maybe they don't understand it doesn't come from a can kidding me right now what they say it's not cooked enough to be true be okay Amy what Therese is not cooked enough food it again independent and the other Carol Burnett is is not cooked enough the food we're making is going straight to the trash and there are starving people that could be eating it but instead these people decide that they're going to come with my life you guys are full yeah I'd love to do it never got out of ten ever does it stop the red pepper of you're in stop this baby it's coming no it's got me no no keep saying that you've been saying that for an hour look at me like you haven't beat dates coming you want to wait your words you don't want hey what did you ever do from here you understand Sammy do you what is it me don't call the foolish you crazy where's the pizza Timmy oh man he can suck it you play unicorn you if you touch up you can help yet I still do not get it yet you take the money now I want the money from him I am calling the police you guys are nice that's coming before you I know but you're not touching kick it away yeah you are you pick up little pansy come back here you little weenie keep watching you give me a break this is you guys I make excellent food you think that you can come in here and say these things are you kidding me this is ridiculous I've never seen anything like this before coming up Chef Ramsay arrives at Amy's Baking Company with very little knowledge of the previous night's dinner service Amy's Baking campaign Chef Ramsay arrives looking to find out why Amy's Baking Company needs his help not desserts yeah sure how are you are you doing nice to see first name is Sammy Sammy I'm the owner yo yo yo yes Wow look at that come on my wife Amy yeah uh can I make this lady yes no please yeah Amy yes what the nuns you want to meet you you want to know who is the chef of what that orders beautiful uh come around come on with it nice to meet you give him up uh did you make them yes I did incredible I see you likewise thank you to see you I mean they're extraordinary thank you that's very nice it's a lot coming from you I knew that stole balls now the restaurant is beautiful thank you and I want you to see my kitchen after Oh before it I want and then you tell me about that kitchen also rice show me the kitchen okay I'm excited so please oh my god who's that Jeff I am I'm Joel don't stop so hard II cried you got lucky I'm the lucky one he is my soul mate and we're in this business together we stand strong together we have to because there's a lot of online bullies and haters and bloggers we stand up to them and I think we're the only ones that ever have his restaurant owners they come and they try to attack us and say horrible things that are not true because they're used to eating processed wood tips or used to getting things for free and not from us okay let's catch up with the haters that stuff after creep in the kitchen of course normally owners don't like my spec kitchens but the floor shiny it's like a basketball court its cup see if you're not a goodness me your jacket nights like you don't need it's like a doctor surgery yes thank you thank you thank you for saying that your oh my goodness me this is a joke I mean though thanks ladies everything sectioned off wow what a pleasure to meet you lady this is Kristy and she's really gonna are you the sous chef Cheers let's go to the diner the restaurant itself it's very clean and nice but it's Amy and Samy than the problem do not judge a book by it's cover so tell me back to the beginning how long we be married almost 10 years we got married five months after we met Wow well I prayed for him and God sent him to me and I wasn't gonna waste any time she said forget you you send me Hoffner another comes my boy Sheikh is MIA you were a Playboy in Vegas good he was serious it was even Hugh have two didn't have as beautiful of women as we did all the playmates would come to our table he was a player but with me it didn't work like that I am individual or nothing at all we got married that was everything out Wow sir um were you trained in industry no no developer I build a build custom houses oh but when the crisis started I say I still have money but you me to do it it she begged me she's in my dream he was to open a restaurant just throughout my life had a passion and a god-given talent for it and this is all I want to do this with me here's here's the connections moves thank you oh that's beautiful hmm oh no I'm the only one that makes them and if I'm not here working we're not open so yeah if I am NOT here we're good we don't run without each other here you're kidding me now that's no way to run a business we can't find qualified people to work they want to come and get at each other we're not worried no no no good I tried a lot of that this is me now that fig is worried is my biggest problem in my life but I cannot find people I can count on them I can trust them dirty they're lazy how many can we be free a lot a few hundred loves a few hundred yeah so other than an issue with stuff what's wrong with his bloody restaurant I have issues with customers that are trying to be online bullies and say horrible things online bullies their online bullies didn't write things that are not true they write that I have store-bought dough they write that things are frozen I understand that but those things are not true but what did this don't do not feasible this guy came in that started this entire online bullying he ordered a pizza margherita and after I say okay how is your pizza I say he's a frozen pizza the next day he went and give us a review my god my wife she was well retaliated you wrote back oh right I told him I thought he was a loser it was a [ __ ] idea so she can i and he insulted me first and I attacked that I'm not going to let anybody bully me bully my husband that's a joke you NIC's gain in this business when we come we called me crazy Amy B because I stood up to them and I need people who respect you who know that you have earned your stripes in the kitchen and in life I need them to listen to you and not the online bullies and take your word that you're saying that our food is good maybe all your food is as good as a for just as good there's something not quite right here thank you well you're a control freak I am is where I leave me worse what a combination we have to clone us clonise is that possible I've heard right Jeff children well we have three little boys but they're trapped in white cat bodies no okay yeah that cuts our babies are cuts they're my whole life besides my husband in my business I speak feline well around now Wow beating YouTube for the first time you are both nuts I know I'm gonna have a look stop with the menu okay do your thing all me hey well hello how are you though good this is doing something for my house it's pretty much just me I'm gonna beat this uh month-and-a-half good tips I don't mean tit so there you I make out really Sharon's you must be the only server in this country I know that doesn't get tip town so where do the tips go only I try to tell Wow okay right thank you you're welcome something we spoke earlier around the problem with stuff yeah I just found out something pretty major rather than younger yeah you can give her a tips no Sammy yeah not takes those tips they'll bring me the people who is going to do their job and I don't have to interfere they can take the whole tips for me did you see I already took three orders by myself and sent them already to the to the owner I'm doing the most of the job I'm very sure okay I stuck it out there do you know what did you what - yes - yes yeah the fig and parachute up its the police in it yeah and then I'm gonna get for a Blue Ribbon burger medium rare medium rare excellent place and I'll take the salmon burgers well at the same time and then I'll cancel your key go with passes homemade right he is but not the new yorky today well it's not homemade we don't have time to make them okay I'll go straight sorry earlier he rejoined you later the red pepper perfect Ricky you welcome the story is becoming a little clearer okay me yeah this is the chef's order okay okay I believe that once Chef Ramsay tastes my food as a chef he'll be able to tell that this is what God wants me to do doorbell he's all going off in ten minutes Miranda why is that doorbell on side of the wall for there whenever we have dirty dishes we wring it and then the Buster comes and grabs the dishes from there why would you roll grams for the plates for the pot the first time in my career a pop washer has a doorbell Oh dingdong the large or the small trout right three cheese pizza are the cheese pizza Sammy yeah just run to use the PA system Josh doesn't know yet nobody's I'm the only one to use it yeah but the quicker you teach her the quicker you can take it back sweet I always get you when you come the timer with teacher Miranda have you ever worked on a PA system yes at every job that I've worked at every job and how many jobs you had before you worked ABC a lot a lot she doesn't need training she knows how to do it thank you oh right spot yeah thank you I get your plan the friggin pan and prosciutto pizza well the crust is supposed to be good but it's not that crusty very very sweet my dough's raw after all this weight wow that is so sweet but that's not the issue the issue is the dough is raw just my feeling this raw stoie I don't know how we come out today like this but normally they love that pizza it's really really love I'm telling you what I'm getting in it raw soggy and wet and too sweet in general which data you taking about training please oh my god I don't forgive I kid what's wrong nothing I feel like Sammy sugarcoats a lot of what happens in the restaurant so ami gets his feeling that like everything to doing is correct everything's right don't worry don't worry everything is okay I'm not worried anything is going to say something okay and not my wife she doesn't take the criticism she would be shaking and then she said that's it I'm living just I think you're all about the after after distillate and do like you do no money to do oh my god I'm like freaked out Chef Ramsay has been sitting at the table for well over an hour under this rule and so far all that he has sampled is an undercooked pizza I don't even tell her it like the air the pity it didn't hurt earnest yet I know my wife she could get nervous yeah I'll tell you the truth do you want to tell her come with me you tell her miss Wallace is no such oscillation oh yes you would anyway I am 75 minutes in and so far all right undercooked pizza I know you've been waiting when you start eating my chicken amore okay I'm going to tell her you're starving I went to let you are starving okay she'll move okay she'll move do you know where that goes yes okay thank you well blue cheese mushrooms marinated garlic aioli white truffle oil mine crispy bacon bits and a soggy bun that's just full of grease come on babylon calling this a Blue Ribbon burger well medium man is not ms o there that is overcomplicated so unnecessary and look nice one burger posit is a stir here the bun what a mess okay miss back I'm really disappointing I'm starving I got it thank you mrs. Fran yes Christmas really Thank You red pepper I'm really there you go okay how's the salmon burger doing I'll go check out Lac okay he wanted to know how long the salmon burger it's on its way okay you don't need to keep reminding us we know okay I'm just saying I know but you don't need to come tell us we know that it needs to go out oh my gosh smells weird Oh give me some about Wow thank you you're welcome Oh God sweet spicy there has to be one of the most confused ravioli dishes I've ever seen and taste in my entire life Wow doesn't make sense doesn't make sense how sweet and spicy yeah Murli with bacon and sweet corn top with cilantro are these store-bought yes there are various he told me that this year store-bought and I have all of them okay I didn't do it on I didn't tell you that thank you oh this thing here this is what I've been waiting for it's like a salmon cake crab cake burger it's overcooked I mean it's some good although it may be good for those three boys three cats at home Jerry take that please because it is like eating dry katfoe time joy take a sample yeah they really don't say Mia yeah you I'm going to kitchen uh you know why doesn't she come out now I still disagree Amy yes that was a lot longer than I expected and you know there was some big bumps in that meal um what kind of bumps why didn't you like let's go through it later okay I'm gonna go get changed and I want to see how this place functions and then after service cover all the points you look disappointed I am disappointed okay but let's go through this light okay yeah oh gosh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah okay thank you thank you that's you oh thank you thank you wait prick don't worry never one can do and you do what you do don't set this door do it I'm concerned with his opinion I don't understand let's do it further you can there put okay listen we're gonna start to get ready you guys we're gonna open how's the line work who does what Christine does mostly the salad and I do the pizzas I had people tell me it's the best pizza that they've ever had in their life my picture today was undercooked so his raw I said we tear that back he's I can't daughter in service why is that your husband and wife yeah yeah it's not as if you're sort of manager and assistant manager so why can't you go and tell your wife cause sweetheart I'm not mine sir wake up is undercooked I don't think your pizza was undercooked I checked it when I took it out of the oven just like I do every other pizza and to me it was crispy on the bottom when I cut it it was crunchy so to me it was working so that's your version cuz you didn't see her come back however the bun for the beef burger was soggy as anything blue cheese marinated mushrooms crispy bacon bits white truffle oil you comes up with those ideas I did coz there's certain things that don't go together and that's for them Chef Ramsay is standing there riding my ass about white truffle oil and garlic aioli oh my god like he's never heard of any flavor profile in the world as disgusting I have never had a problem with that hamburger ever because your husband didn't tell you and the the salmon burger was like a salmon fish cake in between a dry bun but it was a drivin or it was a soggy bun that was dry dry pate dry it's good like that we have people tell us on this finger you're good there's no point me saying anything to you because just where's good like that whatever the rim earrings because I'm from frozen yes we do did you know you can make these better what yes I can make them from scratch I'll take them all oh yes of course why don't I just delete everything from my menu all the time then close my doors what do you want me to sell these are store-bought trap closed in Riviera and they're delicious and I the last time in the cohort did you taste it you didn't taste that one I think he's gonna give the feedback I said they were disgusting people usually love it I've never had a problem with it I usually love it yes real customers not haters oh come on Amy raviolis that are in the freezer oh my god sacrilegious ladies and gentlemen two seconds please the owner is trying to pull the wool over your eyes by offering you frozen raviolis there aren't even maize within 500 miles of this front door so would you mind personally if I 86 them to stop you from eating crab so 186 ravioli okay I have too much respect for your customers now will you tell your wife or shall I it's dinner service and Amy continues to deflect everything the owner is trying to pull the wool over your eyes by offering you frozen raviolis so to make his point Chef Ramsay decides to do a little research with the customers would you mind if I eighty-six them are you gonna tell your wife will shall I I would tell her thank you okay listen yeah no more no more hamburgers and no more salmon burgers people can only have cakes tonight okay okay I'm good with that okay she can't take criticism why is that I scare that's question ask I have the same problem for that are we used to waiting on something yeah what is it is pasta this gasp I see pasta pasta Reza yeah is that coming can you look on before and see what else they had they should have pasta rustic cottage no I don't feel it you didn't give it to you Sammy Sammy I did write it down for you oh you will do it that's right there what is it Oster Rustica I see you did you it's okay for me no no 5b play sure you don't need to question me Katie you can go home right now I'm sorry Sammy you're nothing I would appreciate it if you listen Katie home right now no no need an attitude from her she comes to dinner instant kaisers Lucy waters I like put on am I sure what a little high be I'm going to talk to you right now cuz I have two installs the trailer alone there's no point in talking to you and the pizza food is leaving the kitchen at a snail's pace and it doesn't appear to be worth the wait you can take this back - yeah from foods not even do they tell you know every single time our customer doesn't lick their plate the waitress doesn't come to tell me that Amy no one's licking that just ignore him I am ignoring everything that's happening stop thank you guys excuse me so that just comes back from the table and I go straight into the pot wash and they like it so if they didn't like it what are we gonna do about it let's wait we finished today the kitchen needs to know okay then I'll bet you tell her thank you okay Amy this is the salmon they did like it for me this is all none of you've known about this cuz the young girl Maria grabbed the plane was about to throw it away that's a common thread in this restaurant there's no point in me speaking so I'm just gonna work it's like one long nightmare Wow $10 tip yeah because yeah why not did you think the girls deserve some tips tonight no think it's hourly and so do you think if I win and ask every customer when they leave a tear that I go straight to the owner and not to the server do you think there'd be astounded let me ask that table there sir the tip that you left the young lady server the owner takes the tips no no no no no don't with me yeah we do yeah good thing you are oh my god Sammy is going to hurt him I'm fed up I'm getting sick [ __ ] you then do my question I do then also my questions tell the customers they're gonna get their tip know that they should be told that you're taking here because this servers deserve them you want to pick with me yeah we get me I would I would you be good then oh oh my god I'm on each other everybody got this food yeah we're close we're closing the kitchen Nathan Katie you can go for sure I'm talking to you Katie okay Katie listen to you don't work here anymore okay okay I quit ten what attitude she comes to the kitchen tonight she's like I said a table she said are you sure yup kids okay please go on no no no come on she doesn't work here anymore she's a poisonous little Viper and I don't allow people to have an attitude in my restaurant what does she know who the hell is she she's gone that's who she is don't let the door hit you on the way out tonight Chef Ramsay witnessed how dysfunctional Amy and Samy are at running their business Katie you do not work here anymore okay including firing Katie for simply asking a question now you're just five young girl just take a big deep breath and say we can get some form of resolution here believe it or not my intentions are good you're shaking your head already I'm listening it's become evidence that you can't take presume why is that are you seriously asking me why I do that yes yeah don't have to cry I don't want to cry you don't have to cry I'm not going to rise I'm just trying to speak and take it out I use a Troy conversation no one lets me speak ever not nobody oh my god I know that but you're not listening to me I know what is until you read listen I did I know what I do normally is good I don't have people sending things back to me maybe maybe you're saying you don't know because the food comes back and goes strength the dishwasher that's what the whole issue is you've been avoiding everything behind your back are the most amazing desserts and then your freezer is store-bought raviolis that you're never gonna convince me or a customer that they're good the sauce is delicious the raviolis we think that they're very good well I'm struggling with is that you convince yourselves that is right tomorrow I want you open mind okay you as well something I don't make promises that I know I can't keep I'm going to do everything within myself to try we getting from me is a truth right now that's what you need goodnight goodnight after one of the most difficult days he has ever had on Kitchen Nightmares Chef Ramsay's arrived with a plan to start turning around Amy's Baking Company oh come on but with Amy and Samy not at the restaurant he takes the time to meet with former staff members that have reached out to him honey morning how are you boys good just got lunch good to see Henry Henry nice to see first of all Jessica Paul's your job I was hired as a food runner Tammy told me that he didn't like people who went to culinary school because he didn't think that we knew anything and when I started I was only allowed to pour water glasses and set them at the table so I worked up front for a few months and basically had to beg my way back into the kitchen I'm Henry that was a busser for the most part how long ago were you there a little over a month and what kind of things did you say that I Rim he was always in a bad mood no matter what like I've never seen him in like a good mood he can't take complaints in like a professional manner which is the worst part maybe watch this car one day what that was the most ridiculous thing I've ever done for him they were always yelling at each other in the year and a half I was there I saw at least 50 people come and go 50 they were in and out so fast well what happens when customers complain about their food they get told that they're wrong the you know no we have the best food in the country you're wrong like there have been times people have gotten salmon that's raw and they'll send it back saying you know can you cook this little more and they're like you don't know how to eat food you don't know what you're doing this is perfect you just you obviously don't know customer's always around there I was been saying it's just that they don't really know how to manage a restaurant I don't know what it is but they both think that like the whole world is out to get them listen I appreciate the feedback you'd be very helpful and appreciate the honest truth absolutely wish me good luck I need it very good like oh we can help you thank you Wow it gets worse morning good morning oli sorry today's a new day yeah up so you don't look very happy huh and exhausted sorry I never had these experience like these I've never experienced that as either we want to clarify a few things please do sit down so there's no animal sit down let's clarify a few things would you like to clarify when I have a problem with were there comments who were saying to me last night while I was trying to focus on the food let's look at one thing a time and she's open and honest okay okay because for me this was about uncovering the truth when I'm told that the reveries are freshly made I did not know that can I finish sorry when your husband told me that the remedies were fresh I ordered them and the red berries or disgusting and not fresh and if you're gonna try and continue to pull all over customers eyes by sending them fake fresh made raviolis they need to know I don't that sense my alarm bells George begin it now you may want to sit there and argue but you're not prepared to understand that I'm here to show you what's right and you can't take that I can I'm ready for that I have no problems with the food but told you about the tiger you choose to listen I did not ever eat all my time something with it you come back with the excuse I can't ask you what's wrong I told the fun to the beef burger well Sookie as anything I have never had a problem with that hamburger ever you said the salmon burger was dry but it was wet is it dry or is it wet which one is one that time now you you're confused I'm not confused when we're talking about food but the way you screamed at that young girl last night would you let anybody come into your restaurant in your kitchen is speak to you with the way that that kid spoke to me last night would you do you think we're gonna let someone hold a gun to our head and we're gonna give them our ass and let them do anything they want from us well she asks is no she's an attitude a serious attitude she's like are you sure for me are you sure you don't need to question me Katie you can go home right now no she didn't okay now you're over-exaggerating again all right you'll blame her you blame the customers but customers were waiting for the food through your husband's mistake but okay we're going to forget this today we're going to start if we continue the show we're going to start from scratch one of you work shows this is not a show for me I'm in economic this is a restaurant as in the crisis with a delusional owner that can't take criticism so I'm going to tell you as it is I met Jessica and Henry this morning and I got told some awful things like like the way you treat staff they have to clean cars in the middle of service because the boss wants his car cleaned and then witnessing over 50 star being fired in that short period of time really 50 staff 50 stop you're saying that I have fired 50 staff since Jeff you're you're saying that oh yeah can you prove that to me here we go yeah yeah look at your eyes oh that's because you're so pretty you are have you not had a turnover more than 50 people the G she was wrong 100 or even more than hundred well not only fifty yeah one hands are actually worse than yes told me yes he's worse could you tell you why I cuz I don't know yet he knows it did I need a drink of water cuz once again come on Eeyore drink and I have to drink water are you gonna attack me for wanting to drink some water to my god I don't even know why we came back here I'm going home this morning Chef Ramsay arrived with a plan on how to turn around the restaurant but the owners wanted to clear up a few matters now you may want to sit there and argue but you're not prepared to understand I'm here to show you what's right unfortunately they are still not prepared to listen to what Chef Ramsay has to say lie again or drink and I have to drink water are you gonna attack me for wanting to drink some water - my god I don't even know why we came back here I'm going home now you're going home this is such nobody is listening to me they're gonna go by Jessica this kind believable these people are incredible and I kind enough and come here to be abused my own restaurant I want to go home just cool down in here all we've done all the tapping is we have been attacked attacks attacked why are you behaving like because I'm insulted you verbally insulted me yesterday and I held my tongue out of class I didn't tell you the truth I didn't make nasty things to you really okay really I didn't really when I told you about the tiger you choose to listen you don't understand you're judging me on you coming in here disrupting the entire service I've been doing this triptych you did disrupt us I say how could a focus me what about my lunch when you're standing here what are you Catholic what about I could feel you've disrupted you then everybody what are you talking about blaming everybody again I do my best so our business doesn't close cuz we can't find qualified people can you go get Miranda and that little Katie and Jessica bring them cheer and let me see how they were completely Jeannette okay do you know what that's ahead of you first but unfortunately you convince yourself and you'll live in Amy's world everything you cook touch send perfect I do not what are gonna go because well with white truffle what do you sell can I show you reviews hundred excellent yeah good with you real customers day has supported us for six ways look at the way you're attacking my business in my life this is all I do is live this life every day you're not telling me the problems you are saying I'm delusional I've this I'm this I'm this can we talk about what we came here to speak about oh please you're looking for you know with them you told me be honest I am always honest problems that you've had that you cannot talk to your wife and the issues that she can't take criticism that's fine I think you're too smart gun okay then let's end the show you think I'm too far gone there's no hope yalla yalla it's Christmas let's go home okay I can't help people that can't help themselves and cannot ever take one ounce of criticism and if you're not willing to change I'm not gonna butt heads argue scream whatever you want to say but this is not normal and it's not normal for a restaurant to go through that many staff is not normal for a kitchen that small to have 65 items on the menu and is not normal for the level of animosity that you've built inside this restaurant and outside you have the right to run the business the way you want to run your business I have the right to do the right thing and the right thing for me is to get out of it good luck Wow it's good to address what am i participators we break can they take this is something we don't need his help maybe he knows that it all has to come down and now he's gone he walked away he'll go on with his life Sammy and I will go on with my life well it's finally happened after almost 100 Kitchen Nightmares I've met two owners who I could not help and it was because I didn't want to it was because they are incapable of listening and in a short period of time they've managed to piss off the community and go through over a hundred employees in one year Samy and Amy continued to blame everyone else yet their biggest problem is themselves and I know whatever changes I would have made they were never going to stick to them and that's why I've decided to do something I've never done before it's such a shame watch a new episode of elementary Thursday on global
Channel: dan gryn
Views: 24,370,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kF-KPuG8dgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 1sec (2581 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2013
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