The WORST Food From Season 3 | TRIPLE FULL EPISODE | Part Two | Kitchen Nightmares

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just south of los angeles is the picturesque beach town of manhattan beach five years ago lisa hemet an ambitious 23 year old fresh at a usc business school bought a restaurant called lido d manhattan hey guys how are you welcome to lena i think i do surprise a lot of people based on first impression and seeing someone as young as i am and female i think they are surprised thanks for joining us most people still think that my parents gave it to me or i married somebody that gave it to me it was just frustrating but at the same time i know the truth i went to usc and studied business entrepreneurship so after i graduated college i was bound and determined to only work for myself but instead of starting from scratch i started looking at existing businesses with staff with customer base and lido just seemed like a real great fit i don't think it looks good like what one big table lisa did not at that time have the experience to run a full restaurant in my opinion i think we should separate them the only thing at that point in time that i believe really helped this restaurant be a success was that she did have a staff that had been here forever safe list is very smart person but she doesn't have a lot of experience with the restaurant i don't want to hear complaints i don't want to hear [ __ ] i just want to hang out if you see a wine key i took it from priscilla a lot of times she gets things mixed up like she considers me as a friend not as an employee do you have this phone number why are there morocco they've been there you put them there on your i didn't i can't reach that damian is a bar manager and someone that i have been kind of dating in the last six months thank you i don't think that i have a title if she sees something that needs to be done and will ask me to do it i'll do it are you okay no give me these just relax i kind of cross this fuzzy line where i'm having him work here it's probably a bad idea but i'm gonna do it anyways [Music] it's heartbreaking to me to see other people choosing other restaurants around here i struggle with why it's not busier than it is if a little doesn't change things here i don't think we'll be open until the beginning of the next year i've just been so frustrated i'm barely making it by and i can't continue on like this [Music] parking lot is jammed so my big question is what's the problem with the restaurant i'm about to find out hello hi how are you hi welcome how are you good i'm lisa hennis lisa nice to see you you're the owner you're the owner yeah um so just very quickly you've owned business for how long i've been here for five years you don't look that old hold on if you don't know where else 28. 28. so you got it when you were 23. yeah how did you manage to get richer 23. i was just determined when i graduated college and you graduated from where usc marshall school business yeah what was that a graduation present no dad didn't buy me a restaurant dad co-signed on a loan for me um so i'm gonna have a quick bite to eat okay thank you go ahead and have you guys there cause all these colors who come up with these colors the previous owners came up with the colors i kind of have kept it the way it was right what's changed since you took over from the older russians i haven't changed too much um what in five years yeah and five years so this is the same menu that was off the previous owners a la carte right the hedges name is luis martinez and luis has been here for 18 years and the sous chef is his brother arturo okay good what would you recommend this filet wrapped in pancetta topped with a homemade balsamic reduction sauce but i'm actually vegetarian just just say that again sorry yes i'm vegetarian you're vegetarian yeah right so char gold filet but hold the fillet yeah that dish is awesome thank you well say bizarre hello how are you priscilla priscilla nice to meet you you're a server okay makes sense thank you priscilla i think i'm ready uh seeing as the owner is vegetarian the baked eggplant roll and then the spicy rahi tower please and then the tortellini pasta salad okay yeah thank you you're welcome young man how are you damien uh i'm uh the bar manager and the catering director there's a big title catering director and bar manager all at once well done is lisa a good boss lisa is a lovely boss yes lovely boss sometimes when they refer to the boss as being lovely it sounds like it's an intimate lovely oh she's not wrong with it no is that no i am dating lisa yes okay dad right that's why she's lovely got you now okay [Music] thank you um and these are stuffed with mozzarella cheese mozzarella thank you oh dear and it doesn't have very appetizing [Music] [Music] crunchy eggplant undercooked the eggplant's raw that's why it's gone so black take the back because it's like pulled in grease but no problem eggplant shouldn't be crunchy oh dear oh yeah yeah you send it back because the eggplant is not cooked properly this is the ahi tower appetizer thank you ah dear i feel like there's a firework display taking place on my plate rocket man something is wrong i can't tell his face i'm so compressed it feels like he's been done two days ago much spicy eye tuna [Music] that tuna doesn't taste fresh it's grainy and it's furry yeah you've been sat there watching me come on hey come on nana come on i thought he was gonna like some of our food i know that's just gross oh did you like no i didn't is it is it frozen tuna no it's fresh tonight is it yeah i'll buy pasta go to the next one thank you though funny how owner's not even in the kitchen you said one must take two mistakes she's just standing there hanging out and chilling out it's driving me crazy he said that he tastes like frozen tuna it is frozen tuna i told him it was fresh here's the bad news so far not a slim ray of sunshine not even a glimmer of hope anywhere on the food chicken tortellini pasta salad excellent good now is that home cooked those are not homemade thanks [Music] what is that in there it tastes like rubber that is hideous yeah not very pleasant no i mean that's just stone cold i'm sorry ask lisa to taste the toad lean just the vegetarian part all right i'll see i still think it tastes good everything vegetarian at least i've tried i love so i think our food tastes great to me it really does vegetarian owner lisa has relied on the martinez brothers hi guys hello come around and a menu she inherited from the previous owner and chef ramsay was not impressed so what hurts more than anything was how bad the food was i can't think of a worse vegetable to serve raw and a slice a crunchy eggplant why is your restaurant that's on his ass cooking frozen pasta with a ship filling and frozen tuna to the biggest insults well i have to cook it so are you powerless to talk we talk but we don't have the power here to make decisions we don't get the last word jesus christ lisa come on who runs this restaurant who's in charge i'm in charge so you're giving them the permission to cook like this yeah i guess [ __ ] me i've had a [ __ ] luncheon i'm embarrassed and you tell me you run the place yeah but you don't have the initiative to identify that [ __ ] why i didn't know you didn't know no you don't need a degree to [ __ ] identify that crap trust me i think he's being a little over dramatic we do overall have customers that do enjoy the food and you tell me you run the place i guess i didn't think of it as that horrible or bad you're dreaming sweetheart [Music] after an uninspiring lunch chef ramsay is looking for some good news in tonight's dinner service enjoy your dinner welcome my name is damian and i'll be taking care of you tonight i'm gonna go with the uh [Music] um the computers have been an issue for me from day one uh it's really outdated the keyboard's not even working properly so you keep pressing pressing pressing doesn't work it's [Music] ridiculous god how old is this thing it's uh i think about 30 years old everything is coded like numbers for each and every order that's correct sometimes all the buttons don't work jesus christ you have a ticket for 108. they don't have a ticket for 108. please double check if you have my tickets 104 and 105. uh no it's absolutely madness this whole computerized system is a [ __ ] nightmare i hate the computer whenever we kind of busy like really put us behind the computer just sucks while an antiquated ordering system creates havoc for the front of the house and the kitchen chef luis pushes on and manages to get entrees out to the dining room completely off i think it's really gummy it's frozen why would somebody want to make this very gummy she's right yummy she's being polite i think that lisa doesn't know at all what's going on with the kitchen what's this here louie when was all this done so we're searing tuna on a monday for thursday yeah what are you doing look at the color of it get me lisa please i'm getting really nervous now this is seared on monday for thursday we can't see a tuna to order that's why it doesn't taste good does that make business upstairs when was the last time you looked in this fridge uh i never really examined it no oh dear lisa how long ago do you think that was sliced i don't know roughly a couple days a couple of days it's like pastrami but that is scary oh yeah yeah like i don't know these things are going on unless someone tells me and they haven't told me dinner service is off to a rough start customers are unhappy the food is far from fresh and lisa the owner is unaware of many of the problems in her own kitchen but as bad as it is it's about to get worse oh my god that's disgusting when was last time this place was [Music] stop you stop everybody stop [Music] lisa come here two seconds come here when was the last time this place was cleaned they should be cleaning every day but look just here just everywhere disgusting look at it this is above food i mean come on luis i am not serving food like this okay that is disgusting i don't think it really has affected or gone in the food like how do you know we have customers to serve right now and people okay do me a favor right now you serve those customers right now i'm out of here your [ __ ] choice because you think i'm going to stand there what do i want [ __ ] it i'll do it this way then excuse me excuse me all these tables here can i borrow for two seconds please follow me sir come through madam come true i just stopped serving food in here because of the [ __ ] and the dust are you interested in being served dinner with that filth dripping in your food does anyone who eat now [Music] that's your customers you need me to tell you that laugh i'm not laughing i think you're a jerk you should be embarrassed excuse me it's a little bit gross like that but was it really affecting our food tonight no like did he need to make a huge spectacle and embarrass me in front of all my customers no lisa i'm over it lisa what do you mean you come out make us look like [ __ ] in front of like friends and customers lisa first thing i said can we stop serving food you're totally oblivious to what's happening in your business you may have bought the rest of the 23 might darling but you're not [ __ ] running it grow up lisa will you [Music] it's an hour into dinner service chef ramsay has uncovered an unsanitary situation in the kitchen grow up lisa will you and lisa has escaped the bathroom as for the kitchen they're about to get some much-needed direction not from the owner but from gordon don't stand clean everybody grab a towel and start cleaning the kitchen it's disgusting i mean we're talking about inches of dirt it's gross i mean look at this he's right it's [ __ ] filthy dinner service is full force right now we've got 93 people in the restaurant that need their food and dinner service is stopped i don't know what else to do where is lisa has she gone upstairs restaurant yet she's in the restaurant you know she's in the restroom and the restaurant's in the [ __ ] sulking precious princess lisa i can't go out there i need to face and fix it yeah i have never seen lisa like that or upset like that ever she's a very tough person lisa you're really strong of course you can handle it i didn't expect she was going to react to like this damn it okay that's fine yeah that's clean man yeah it's the cleanest i've ever seen it larry okay we start firing up again now yeah yeah there's least around the toilet yet not yet she's still there she's still in there that's nearly an hour [Music] i've been here for an hour and twenty minutes i'm not dying we've been waiting too long is she okay did she go to the bathroom do you want to go check on her or i can choose would you mind [Music] she's not gonna come out for nothing we are trying really hard because you're giving up no come on a dismal dinner service comes to an end not even an appetite with disappointed customers leaving unsatisfied as for lisa she finishes off the service still sequestered in the bathroom [Music] i didn't really expect it to be this hard i try my best and i really want the best for this restaurant yes i don't know i feel pretty helpless right so that was a [ __ ] night mm-hmm you got upset and you disappeared yeah that's not the way to face problems what was i supposed to do like do you want me to go back and dust like i don't get what you're trying to say okay right now so is that the kind of trick that they teach you in an honors degree to disappear in a toilet like a precious princess i don't think of myself as like a princess i really don't like just think i am an average person working hard for all my dreams you bought the restaurant yeah that was the easy part purchasing the hardest part was the following day running the [ __ ] thing he said no one's ever told you the truth but more importantly i think you're in denial why am i here because we need help and i'm missing a key ingredient obviously because we have a good location i have a great staff i have a good energy i i love the place something's missing okay i'm gonna give you a business assignment tonight back to the good old days usc i need five real clear changes that you want to make tomorrow to be implemented okay tomorrow new start those five issues may start to really help convince me why you did this five years ago okay good night good night thank you [Music] last night lisa failed her test as a restaurant owner but today chef ramsay is hoping she will do a better job with her homework assignment [Music] um right where's lisa right here good morning i trust you to be in the bathroom when i came in this morning so last night we had a little chat and i asked lisa to come up with five instrumental changes that she wants to put into this place to make a significant difference i want to hear what those are i'll give you one thank you [Music] okay five things that i would like to change about lido today be proud of the food we're serving keep a clean and sanitary environment everywhere the customers should be impressed by the ambiance and decor not disgusted we need to tighten up the menu and stay with one theme that works okay fifth it's more for me to learn how the kitchen operates yeah good job a plus you've clearly shown me that you know the problems the hardest thing now is following it through yes last night was rock bottom but i think you know i'm gonna have to embrace these changes and make sure they happen there's one issue that i'm concerned about that you haven't managed to tackle in fact let me show you it'll be easier doing this way [Music] pos piece of [ __ ] that is the biggest headache inside this restaurant they press less buttons at nasa launching astronauts in space i swear to god yes yes [Music] when he started to just break the computer i couldn't believe it i was in shock that was my dream come true let's go lisa let the frustrations go [Music] priscilla's next i won't dream anymore go go go go this is for all the hard time i had with this piece of [ __ ] i hate it come on big boy let's go don't hurt yourself i hate this thing okay [Music] done with you oh that felt good while professor ramsey is impressed with lisa's homework and her intentions for the restaurant class now continues in the kitchen where gordon is ready to educate lisa and her chefs so two changes tonight yes okay very simple we'll do a linguine of crab and we'll do a tuna salad nicoise okay sounds good okay so first thing we're gonna seal the tuna nice and gently done yeah is it always cooked at the same temperature yeah the better the quality the least it needs cooking okay i don't know much about food so i thought it was extremely exciting and what an opportunity to watch someone like gordon ramsay to go with the tuna nicoise we've got a couple of potatoes on there it just looks so fresh and flavorful vibrant okay gorgeous done beautiful right linguine yeah white wine in [Music] dungeness crabbing fresh lime juice right at the very end yeah it's beautiful absolutely [Music] after a rough first day lisa now has a positive attitude and chef ramsay is hoping right let's have a quick briefing she is ready for another assignment lisa the boss you're going to do something you haven't done in five years tonight you yeah here we are we're on the line that's right yeah show me a joke uh i'm very serious i'm a little nervous about hurting myself i hate knives i cut myself when i was like three years old so i never would have expected to put me on the line like that i'll see you in a minute we're opening five minutes hello hi hi right this way your menu just so you ladies know in addition to our menu we have two specials chef ramsay has put lisa in charge of tonight's specials that's for you apron perfect he wants her to begin to understand the inner workings of her kitchen something she has avoided in the past it definitely came as a shock to me i'm thinking about the sear doggie and i'm going to have the crabs all right thank you very much folks you're welcome okay there we go first order ah tuna yeah i didn't understand what we were doing i was i was really confused why is this not turning on lisa get comfortable with it yeah get comfortable where is this line turning on this is hot i don't know what to do with it keep it here at least it was like touching little things like doing this oh ouch oh it's odd wow it's hot lisa you gotta move fast whoa why is that flaming [Music] that's getting the microwave yeah why isn't it going in there i think it's a very valid point why is it going in the microwave why can't it go the oven's on yeah yeah it's on can you see what i'm trying to say it's really important for you to see this to see a dish go directly to the microwave i was just i was really shocked we're not here spending all this money on microwave food why would we do that we're so [ __ ] used to microwaving [ __ ] how do we flavor out of a [ __ ] microwave so good for you to see this i cannot tell you it's an hour into dinner service and while chef ramsay's specials prepared capably by lisa are a hit did you like it that was really good the old menu cooked by the kitchen staff is a flop this is not worth 24 tonight was crazy i probably had like seven items send it back i ordered a medium rare which is terrible like that's not working no problem i'll take this back no problem please in general the plates going back to the kitchen was frustrating for me medium rare please that's rare it seemed like something went wrong with every one of my tables it's overcooked i am very frustrated what's going on uh it's overcooked what is that this lamb is overcooked please read fire what temperature you want medium hey you did right the temperature that's why well this is overcooked no no no we fired it right now i realize that arturo and louise like to shift blame all the time like no one can take responsibility really write down the ticket okay so medium please okay we got it we got it let's go okay we got it can we just re-fire it first and we'll argue after service please everyone is yelling and being angry it just tears it apart like you can't do that we fire that medium it's overcooked take that back for you aside from the successful dinner specials tonight's dinner service has been a disaster re-fire that medium thank you yes thank you and chef ramsay is looking for someone to take control [Music] okay we're gonna make it right now sorry guys thank you how's that pork coming six minutes six minutes two ahi towers and one calamari right lisa you're in control now yeah yeah good let's go passes in the window there it is yes got it i feel like once i kind of learned my dishes it i was like come on what's next what's next let's get it together 127. yes so amazing what's going on now it's vital to know what's going on in the kitchen as a owner operator i should have done it years ago thank you for coming out and hopefully we see you again soon okay tonight you're good thank you but here's the bad news i can't think of a worse scenario than having lazy chefs it is the quickest way of closing down a business i'm willing to work with arturo and luis but just everything has to change [Music] lisa's ability to change has inspired chef ramsay to implement a change of his own a drastic remodel of lido that he and his team work through the night to complete [Music] good morning good morning today big day nido is relaunching ready yes do it yes yes time to see the new lido let's go come here can we come in [Music] come in come in come in come in come over oh my god it's beautiful first thing that horrendous wall that was dividing your restaurant has gone now the whole thing just feels open easier to get round wow oh that's so cool new seating brand new bonkets check out the new china no more hideous colors all the plates and all the little small bits of china were from webstorm straw i was totally speechless i love what they did with the curtains with the lighting with the pictures one thing this area hasn't got and one thing you've got every chance of succeeding in is becoming my hands yeah local cool wine bar serving great food great wines by the glasses more importantly a very cool place to hang out i think a wine bar is exactly what manhattan beach needed there's no place out there around here that has that one more little surprise you've got to see these persistent before was useless this is phenomenal [Music] i was so surprised when i saw the new system no way i couldn't believe it i was in shock this is designed by halo it's the most advanced restaurant pos system anywhere in the world wow i believe in you i believe in the staff you've got to pull this off we will oh definitely we have to not only will the new decor be on display tonight chef ramsay has overhauled the food and designed an exciting wine friendly menu for what he is hoping will be the new hot spot in manhattan beach wow it's a lot of food that's so pretty let's start off on the top the homemade chicken sausage grilled baby artichokes and delight one of my favorites flatbreads they are fantastic you've got a chance to gain a serious reputation mm-hmm right on trace i'll leave you a burger grilled mint steak i think it's gonna be a huge hit here i love the new menu it's so tasty it's easy and i think it's perfect [Music] despite a poor performance last evening lisa is hoping her kitchen staff are motivated by the changes and that they will rise to the occasion for the most important night in lido's history one two three leaders do it [Music] welcome to the new lido enjoy some wine tonight yeah that's great this is our new menu we have some new appetizers also okay how would you like that to be cooked you know that rare please yeah oh i'm nervous i'm so happy with this computer here we go guys yes yes concentrate guys yeah 20 minutes louie i need some stuff coming out here guys huh there's tickets was piled in the kitchen oh geez in spite of a new ordering system 30 minutes into service no entrees have left the kitchen and there appears to be a communication breakdown here no one's even working together it starts off from the chef calling out the order so away now one skeleton fettuccine 1101 grilled steak nobody answers me yes yeah yes yeah i'm begging just to talk to each other i'm begging about the [ __ ] menu being put up together collectively at the same time yeah that's what's not happening i was a little nervous right then because with my relaunch i really wanted to run smooth unfortunately there's no communication it's awful [Music] unbelievable dining room looks absolutely beautiful fine great granted but the kitchen an absolute [ __ ] disaster five headless chickens with not an ounce of leadership qualities right now i'm depending on a 20 year old lady to save her restaurant the biggest test i've been career so far 60 minutes into service the kitchen staff is finally communicating and sending out entrees however they are not being well received by the dining room [Music] i need 115 and 60. all of these steaks are called oh come on they're guys as well listen to me when a minute steak is cooked it's got to be served straight away you can't hold a minute steak three steaks on the fly as quick as you can when people are getting their food they're getting undercooked overcooked still sending it back they want a whole new steak [ __ ] you know there's more food going in the [ __ ] trash that is going on on the [ __ ] table we either need our food like five minutes or our check 90 minutes into relaunch diners are fed up with not being fed if you don't want and lisa is desperate for her kitchen to bounce back oh my gosh look at that [Music] those are the tickets [Music] they don't know what the [ __ ] they're doing are you kidding me right now this is ridiculous like i just couldn't believe the the ignorance back there what are you doing why aren't you making food why are you standing here you're just looking at tickets make some [ __ ] food i don't understand please arturo will you please tell her to make some food i think i'm trying right now i'm scheduling my stuff too oh this is stupid [Music] [Music] oh my god hello we're giving up we're giving up yeah i know you give [Music] on my biggest night they walked out please guys [Music] they're leaving who's leaving we're giving that we're giving up bye oh my god it's relaunch night at leados and the only thing that's taken off is the kitchen staff larry please guys for them to walk out like that with all those tickets like i wasn't sure what to do or what to expect the head chef after 18 years bails out that's [ __ ] spineless [Music] hello scottish gordon uh listen i need you right now jump in the car and get down here quickly will you please [Music] lisa i've just phoned scott i told him to jump in his car and he's getting down here chef scott's been my right-hand man for the last five years okay i've asked him to be here as your consultant for the next month to oversee this [ __ ] place he's gonna jump on the service and get this place up to speed we cannot afford to let this place go down no chance with an empty kitchen and a full dining room relaunch night at lido is heading towards disaster i don't even know what to do even though chef scott is on his way they're all running away like cowards gordon makes one more attempt to get the disgruntled kitchen staff back yeah we need you larry this is my ears [Music] thank you okay scott yeah look scott's here yeah look he's here to help let's lift it up and let's let's let's get this back together yes okay okay here we go listen up everybody i need a prosciutto pizza in the oven i need one margarita barbecued chicken i need a lamb sandwich up top right now to see scott in the kitchen like take command the way he did that shows what a head chef should be doing is that prosciutto pizza in the oven yeah okay if i'm not three minutes four minutes three minutes i saw a communication i'd never seen in that kitchen before with scott at the rings it's okay let's pick up carpala rosemary chicken steak medium rare going with the prosciutto pizza table 106. thank you jeff scott helped the kitchen make a massive comeback i have a clam 2 tartare and asparagus quiche and the evening ended successfully wow i think tonight overall was a good learning experience thank you very much okay and near my last table serve tonight so i'm looking forward to talking with gordon about what i should do and moving forward with this restaurant because we really really need a solid kitchen staff okay lisa honestly you have seriously grown up this week more than i ever expected to do you show such commitments you do your homework you show up on time and more importantly you are a very fast learner however it's not the same with the team your kitchen staff in a normal situation would have been expelled then walking out like that in the middle of service was disgusting i 100 agree that was horrible your dream effectively is in their hands i'm so disappointed tonight i can't put up with that [ __ ] i'm not sure whether luis and arturo are gonna be part of the new leto but now that i have a much better understanding from gordon i am going to really embrace these changes and make this place successful i am so impressed with the way you've handled what you've had to do in this short period of time you stay in control and you hold the reins firmly i seriously believe in you thank you i can't wait to come back i can't wait to have you back i'll be your honor student when gordon walks back in here whenever he comes back in months from now and sees this restaurant buzzing that's going to be my proudest moment good night what am i doing thank you so much good luck spend time with that kitchen okay good thank you [Music] tonight was actually the first night this place felt like lisa's restaurant sadly there are still leftovers from the past they keep on dragging her down and for her to move on and be a success she has to drop her excess baggage and move on what the [ __ ] was on in that bathroom [Music] after gordon left in the days that followed scott took the next few weeks to train a newly motivated luis and arturo that's for the clams and muscles yeah okay keep it here yeah that's fine no problem welcome to the new lido and with lisa's newfound kitchen expertise from now on 100 just come straight to me i can listen and make changes manhattan beach's newest wine bar has seen a boost in revenue i learned so much from gordon ramsay the whole experience has been amazing like it's it's life-changing really this man has given us everything all the tools in the world like a dream come true now let's do it i really feel like i do own the role of being the restaurant owner now lighthouse point an exclusive community six miles outside of boca raton florida lined with large mansions pristine beaches and home to la bistro after studying its top michelin star restaurants throughout europe andy truesdale met and married the love of his life ellen come on so yeah andy and i met in saint thomas at the restaurant that he was executive chef and i fell in love with his food it was love at first bite i've worked in a chef in many different areas in big hotels small hotels little restaurants and i can run rings around anyone anyone tired of working for other people they moved to south florida in 2001 to fulfill andy's dream of opening up a restaurant of his own good evening the bistro restaurant can i help you hello ellen and myself decided to buy a restaurant because she obviously tried my food she realized how dedicated i was and i'm very on the ball with everything hey what's that [ __ ] over there get off the shelf get that off there andy is not only a chef he's a creator don't forget my apples you need apples cut three nice rings i would really say he's a master at what he does and if i didn't think my husband was a brilliant chef i would not be in this business with him fella i'm right here [Music] table 14 is ready for the entree i'm gonna run this now there seems to be a lot of wealth in the area but for some reason the people that live in lighthouse point do not seem to appreciate andy's food idea they didn't want it they don't want anything else it's true dry the problem is he thinks he's perfect so he really don't like it when people turn back the food steak is grizzly get the [ __ ] out of here that's beautiful beef tenderloin they're a local custard i don't give a [ __ ] alex this is your fault you sorted out my food's perfect i've worked long and hard and paid for the right to have what i want be quiet whether people come and like it love it or hate it it's my business it's my reputation it's my food i'm the chef and i'm the owner that's what i want i really wish i knew what the major problem with le bistro was i can't say it's the food of course i can't say it's me i don't believe it's my staff i just don't know what the problem is be happy don't be it's a bistro it's fun it's upbeat right now i can't keep up with the debt i don't know where we're going to get the money to pay the debt off it's going from bad to worse for the work and the effort everything we're doing everything we've put into this would definitely not benefit anything if this restaurant closes last thing i want to do is go and work for some idiot somewhere else i hate idiots [Music] south florida known for many great things great beaches water sports and a place where people like to dine out le bistro is chef phoned and he's on his ass now today he's close to lunch because he's holding a cooking class i'm about to pay him a surprise visit here we go uh the menu is a goat cheese that we have on the menu and we put a little beet pollen on you arrange it so it looks like a flower [Music] oh hi hello good afternoon hello ladies gentlemen good afternoon nice to see you please don't let me stop how are you hello bomb nice to meet you very much you're happy what's the matter uh just right in the middle and i'm behind okay first impression i had when gordon ramsay walked in the door was what the [ __ ] is he doing here so what's for entree chef i just thought we'd do like a little minute steak a little sirloin nice hello nice to meet you nice to meet you are you the server uh she's my wife oh she's a wife oh i'm nice lucky lady so maybe like a large dice bring them up to the boil then simmer for about 15 minutes and i'm gonna put a little bit of butter in there [Music] should it be smoking so that's okay we obviously just played a little smoke um [Music] i felt that gordon ramsay was just being an actor [Music] thank you very much i've enjoyed it nice to see you thank you very much thank you so how do you think that went happy with it uh not really what's the matter those cooking classes go very very well for us i don't want you to [ __ ] it up to try and make a mockery of what i'm doing in front of these people jesus are you always like this or always like so defensive you ask me a question i'm answering you okay so let's line up a little bit come over danny please so where did you start cooking andy i'd work for uh michelle in london you worked for michelle wrote the water sign in yeah that's exactly what happened to me so we had a very similar sort of training honestly from a chef's point of view you've got your stripes so in your mind the one single reason to why the ration's not working helen will be what for some reason people don't find it appealing to come in here and i mean the locals we our bread and butter clientele don't seem to enjoy the restaurant they're not biting people really and truly are pretty demanding you were fed up with it has a business ever worked in nine years now never it's gone up and down it's never been great andy ellen said your dear wife said very quickly no if it's never worked don't be embarrassed i'm not well i'm just saying that she's wrong right i'd like i'd like to eat seen the cooking class fantastic resume and i'd love to taste your food anything yeah show off show me what you're made of i'll just take it off the menu yeah i don't know what chef ramsay's going to say because andy's food is very good and he somehow manages to stay ahead of the trends all the time with his menus and his recipes just as we always do that's not changing we don't have two or three people cooking on the stove it's me on the stove listen you're gonna hand me that [ __ ] out of that fridge we're no [ __ ] around if i say i want it this way i want it that way because i said i i've earned it i'm paying for it okay just a minute for the lamb and we're gonna have everything else coming right off nice to meet you that was good gordon [Music] alex do your job let's go okay oh here's the react bon appetit thank you welcome [Music] i think i just chipped my tooth like that cartilage christ show him the bone as well jesus [Music] i'm just busting my tooth hey man he found your bones on his duck listen go away go away he doesn't listen to nobody that's it that's the way he is you cannot change andy nice [Music] jesus coconut curry jalapeno oh my god garlic coconut lamb inside the it is okay uh-huh did you show chef to college yeah i did he uh told me to like go go away i really want to talk about it that's the truth [Music] it's a rubbery huh the texture of the lamb is very rubbery mediterranean crispy fried lamb curry roll i'm in florida not in mumbai you hate it whatever this is [ __ ] this is just like [ __ ] us up nah that's not why whatever i'd stop right there if i'll go away gordon ramsay trashed everything i did i think that's his whole goal is to [ __ ] all over you make you feel bad okay uh right that was interesting so that was you at your best that wasn't my best that i've ever done in my career you mean for the best here or you mean is that the best food that we have yes or no i mean i you know was that i asked you to cook for me and just yeah just tell me how that was for you uh that was good for this restaurant it's good for here [Music] here's the problem the food's old-fashioned and totally totally out of text in terms of where you are that's your opinion the food is sad stuck in the 80s possibly the most shocking dish anywhere in florida the crispy lamb roll what in the hell was going on when we put that one together shredded coconut horrible rubbery texture almost on the verge of being depressing any more you want to put me down for [Music] the briet i don't know if anyone gave you feedback but it was on the verge of breaking my tooth all right i'm supposed to believe that you're not looking at me now as if i'm exaggerating it was full of cartilage i'm listening to what you're saying nobody i didn't know no one told me no one told you hey man he found their bones his dirt doesn't go away two seconds sir yeah do you not tell the chef that the first mouthful was full of cartilage yeah i did i mean i told him he told me to go away when your waiter comes to tell you valuable information you should know those kind of things right [Music] can i just have two minutes with andy in my own would you mind ellen would you mind honestly yeah straight up i'm here to help so far all you're doing is just slam me down that's all you've done with me i think it's about you blame me i know you are yeah he's not my chef he's not we don't work for him you're the chef owner right so why won't you take responsibility i'm the chef you don't like it that's fine it's your opinion you don't like it we're [ __ ] we're no good i'm lousy whatever [ __ ] me do you have issues in the short time that chef ramsay has been at the bistro he is already feeling very uncomfortable with the arrogant owner that cooked the food you don't like it we're [ __ ] we're no good i'm lousy whatever now it's time to see how this tiny south florida restaurant handles its customers in a dinner service i gotta take dylan come to you okay i'm the only one who takes the water it's a joke those are actually working ones or is that the way they do it i would love to be able to just take the orders but andy only wants one person writing the checks seriously it's alexander takes orders in there yes one person takes the orders and it slows down things for andy i've just noticed two tables that are waiting to get their order taken okay i'll go out and see what's happening hi how are you very awesome do you know what you'd like okay who would like to start oh my god [Applause] [Music] so would you usually pull out everything when he calls an order on so he can get it on the fire so do you actually cook as well or not i can but annie does not let me code this is definitely a little kingdom here isn't it he's a one-man band hey hey hey we don't have time for talking i don't care if it's him or the queen just keep going over that refrigerator you look on there and go over everything wow [Music] who's is this writing that's me why because why are you doing that you're going against everything we said and everything we did i'm sorry we're going get back here you [ __ ] up enough tonight people are really dumb sometimes and they think with their ass rather than their brain it's an hour into dinner service and this part chef part dictator has now allowed a few entrees to leave his kitchen andy am i ready to take this been waiting for you yeah the fries are there i don't know what you want me to do it grows on the plate okay madness are you a gentleman hi thank you for your patience it's inevitable yeah well done it's really too round for me i like it well but not short i thought yeah okay okay thank you andy she wants it well but not charred he has to meet him well let's meet him well she wants it more i don't care we're not doing it again no so go back and tell her choose something else houston we have a situation i'm very sorry but the chef would like you to make a different choice [Music] this is unbelievable because there's a lot of similarities between andy and i we're both english and we both studied in paris but there's one thing we don't share in common i care about my customers he clearly doesn't give a [ __ ] what a shame [Music] hey india i say he's terrible bro what's terrible about it he wants me to write tom go [ __ ] himself yeah why are you looking for excuses and every [ __ ] table has come back all you want to do is argue with them look at the potatoes they're black so [ __ ] sad well all you've done is slammy's the second you've been here and that's what you do right why are you acting like this i don't get it you don't have to get it andy seriously you don't give a [ __ ] big boy you're looking for a justification every time you [ __ ] up a man that can't even accept his own mistakes i'll get you started white you're asking it's brilliant chef you're amazing treat your wife like a [ __ ] dog don't put my wife into it i'm gonna do it don't bring my [ __ ] wifi don't you [ __ ] go there don't point that [ __ ] out i'll just calm down i just ask politely don't talk to like that you haven't got respect for her how can you get people working for you yeah whatever this is [ __ ] [Music] after getting nowhere with andy in the kitchen just before you leave would you be so kind just to fill out these customer common cards sure gordon steps outside not only to cool off but to get some feedback from the clientele something andy has never done i asked your customers leaving the rest of this evening to rate the service out of 10 to rate the food to rate the experience so on average 4 out of 10 for the service on that note why do you take all the tables order that's what they want who oh me so what's the rationale behind it the logic it helps the space a little bit by a few minutes there's three of you in the kitchen like i said i don't know if you're hard of hearing but there's one person cooking that's me food they rated three out of ten but the most important question was would they come back and about 78 of them said no and the weird thing about the whole service tonight every time something comes back as far as you're concerned your customers are wrong oh that's your evaluation that's what i watched don't make you right at me wrong about every single thing oh my god you have to be a [ __ ] [ __ ] because you had like such a dick everything's [ __ ] insane it's like a competition between you and i you don't intimidate me what kind of them bully me that's all you're trying to [ __ ] do you're so wrapped up in a deluded little bubble and not one person has got the balls to tell you the truth is not working you are blatantly ignorant whatever [ __ ] you come on you're one-sided that's all you want to [ __ ] do man excuse me it was a miserable evening in which chef ramsay tried continually to get through to andy that's your evaluation oh my god but this stubborn chef flatto refuses to listen you just don't want to get better do you you've never ever ever understood the value of your customers let alone your staff because you don't give a [ __ ] about them i'm a loser everybody i'm the worst anything else anymore guys can you give me two minutes on my own please guys could just back off please would you mind yeah hey everybody everybody out indian man he's an [ __ ] we could never tell him that because he won't listen he won't listen to nobody do you want your restaurant to work yes or no obviously yes okay good but stop there that's the most honest you've been all day you don't need to be so defensive with me tonight was about observing watching the [ __ ] setup you have created a monster here what's this just are you committed to making this place change that's all i need to know before i'm out of here that that is it yeah you can change everything no no i need to hear from you you you you andy you thank you i'll see you in the morning good night get some sleep [ __ ] me [ __ ] you now gentlemen good night one stubborn [ __ ] huh andy's statement that he is open to change has kept chef ramsay around for at least another day but gordon is fully aware that he is at the beginning of a huge uphill battle take a sink sit down and relax how cool is this terrific right i wanted to come out and clear the air because of the stigma and your training and the proudness that's defense mechanism but before we start changing you have to understand that we have to identify the problems with the restaurant you've got to understand where you've gone wrong and when you've come downstairs and i've got a little surprise for you sam which would be nice sandwich stop thinking about your tummy now come down because in this door okay i've arranged for you to meet some very special people good morning ladies and gentlemen how are we good to see you in this room are your previous customers and they've got some very important information to tell you about the experience the last time they ate at the bistro madam tell me the experience what was it like it just in general did not live up to our expectations and was not at all what we expected for a bistro what was the biggest disappointment across the whole experience the food the food auntie anything to sing nothing to say nothing anyone else we were there a year or so ago none of us can remember the experience we didn't even know the restroom was still in business until we said i don't really want to comment because i i don't want to get into it isn't this valuable information [Music] when did you eat at the bistro what was it last time i've eaten there twice the last time was probably about a year ago i described the experience you know you walk through the door it's kind of dark gloomy there's no one in there at all you know and then you sit down and eat and you know it's like you have everyone staring at you when you're sitting there eating you know it's just very uncomfortable honestly deep down are you looking for naked women dancing on the table well looking for hey relax what are you looking for relax right relax they don't want to see naked dancers on the table come on andy these are customers he didn't want to hear about it it was a wall that andy had around him but he needs to listen to what the people are saying why'd you take it so personally this is really not nice for us so i gotta suck it up right now it's not personal yeah thank you so getting you guys here today was valuable for me to understand where we're going wrong i'm sure andy nelly will take the information the right text but thank you in spite of andy again refusing to take advantage of any feedback chef ramsay pushes on to another problem in the restaurant andy's inability to delegate anything to his sous chef to make his life easier yeah i'll do the dish with you and tonight as we service henry can cook the dish so is he going to do that dish he's going to purely cook one snapper just to make your life easier or whatever my are you all right by the way you don't look very happy we seem like you've got into a little bubble again okay great have you cooked snapper before yes yeah good getting on the stove be nice tonight cooking you know snapper dish help speed up just to get food out if you square it up the fish cooks evenly yes yeah and nothing's overcooked on the outside fishing always lay away from you yeah skin side down fingers on the top i wish rather still win i could keep in there my concern was is that he's going to cook the fish properly and get it out in time take your fish beautifully glazed and sit that on top of your vinaigrette we like little cakes first yeah yeah ellen please local cool snapper and more importantly right now pretty good for the bottom line in terms of profit-wise that's really good i love the dish it was delicious hopefully we'll sell most of the specials tonight and hendrick will be taking some of the pressure off of andy andy i know you're busy giving a little taste [Music] yeah very good [Music] in spite of his frustration and disappointment with andy chef ramsay has taken a number of steps to make sure tonight's dinner service will be smoother we'll do temples of this stuff tonight okay gordon has created a new tasty profitable snapper special lay away from you so you don't splash he has insisted that sous chef hendrick will cook hi welcome to le bistro and lastly he's made sure that both waiters will be taking orders which are your tables i got this side with different waiters taking the order at the same time it's easy to accommodate customers the whole place should run as a team we have some great specials tonight for a local cot red snapper i'd like to have a snack you just had a little taste i finished the thing you were so good now that both waiters are taking orders one of chef ramsay's goals has been realized order in orders are getting into the kitchen much quicker four bistros in the middle one marty and three snapper order in juan capacho and escargo in order guys herd [Music] the only question is can andy handle it and order in tell me where to fire those snappers andy not yet because the duck's going to be a few minutes what table's next trying to do this one here i need to fire that snap or no hang on i don't want you firing on me being ready 30 minutes into service and the kitchen is already behind hendrick is waiting on the sideline for andy to tell him what to do and andy is still cooking one dish at a time andy what's going on with six i'm still missing the money on the last table that came on order that ticket's like a hot potato in your hand get it out waiting on that it's not making sense ellen it's not he'll get it i know he will i still think andy needs to get up to par he can't do everything himself and he needs more support back there i need all the entrees now alan don't make matters worse it's bad enough having him on my ass i'm just saying six has been there forever this is a joke that's one hour ten minutes now not one entree served he has a restaurant next door to him i'm about to prove a very important point how are you good evening busy night here tonight huh yeah would you mind if i order to go no not at all i will go for the tuna okay how long about 10 minutes thank you so much [Music] still no longer can you believe that well that's 10 minutes this restaurant on average 75 to 80 minutes for an entree let's go [Music] ready yes it is excellent does food always come out that quick yes thank you [Music] incredible well [Music] that is absolutely delicious there's somebody else that really needs to know about this now still no entrees i sleep 30 seconds oh god something i need to show you very quickly out of the frustration in terms of why food's taking so long i decided to do a little experiment i ran in there ordered an entree tuna they came out 10 minutes they are full i'm just trying to show you what's happening on your doorstep we're going to have to have a serious talk by the way it was delicious [Music] let me know when i need to send those snappers are you ready uh can you just give me a second just so i can get these out yup send the snapper so you can focus and get quicker out of the box go go go after chef ramsay's constant prodding hendrick begins to cook don't fire one snapper go for it tonight you reclaim your position as a sous chef do a good job he'll trust you more snapper they snap us at the window and now that hendrick is focused on cooking his specials at least some entrees are leaving the kitchen snapper for you oh there we go look at that thank you yeah this snapper is really good chef ramsay snapper cooked by hendrick is getting positive reviews you cook my fish like this but the original menu is getting panned always undercooked me can you give me the plate there's pink he never cooks the way you want [ __ ] sake i'm really sorry i cannot believe that you're happy to serve that if they wanting more cook why can't you just cook it i don't need to tell you big boy this is your restaurant i'm so sorry but now you've ever stepped the mark now we still had my dog after another dinner service filled with customer complaints chef ramsay tries once again to get through to andy tonight honestly i was disappointed because you proved yet again that you don't give a [ __ ] about your customers you're in the service industry customer relations do you want to hear anything i have to say about it to answer oh please there's no point you're just badgering me you don't hear anything i say talk to me chef my name's andy isn't one of the problems that the customers here are different than your experience of customers in europe that is that is part of the truth people don't here understand any form of food or service really and truly but you can't afford to be a snob i'm not a snob you just told me you know they don't know what they're talking about you just said it yourself you've got to come down peg i know chefs that would give their right arm to have their wife at the front the chef at the helm and a neighborhood family run business it's a dream come true for any chef i wasn't [ __ ] given it i earned it good it wasn't given to me on a [ __ ] place about to blow it completely we're at that point we're at that point you you've brought it to light you've came and you've told us and you've showed us and you've brought it to life you can win if you want to andy wipe the slate clean and start again that's the best thing to do tomorrow together all three of us are going to relaunch this restaurant tomorrow is the beginning of a new chapter wipe the slate clean good night with andy's first real commitment to change chef ramsay brings in his renovation team to work through the night to transform la bistro [Music] right good morning good morning how are you all right thank you how are you how are you great yeah good you look great now andy last night you told me you were committed to changing this restaurant yes yes good because today's about change yes this is your new restaurant have a look at your new site oh my goodness oh that's fabulous modern legible is it nice i love it it's well overdue i love the sign it seems like easy on the eye ready to go inside have a look oh yes let's go [Music] come in [Music] oh beautiful wow this is great gone are the booths oh thank god in comes this wonderful leather upholstered wall comfy bonquet seating take a seat i like this happy happy very good extremely happy it's great i i'm stuck for words really because it's a big change for us i mean i've been here almost nine years to see something in just a few minutes it's like a shock wow oh my goodness it's great it was great to see andy as happy as he is i'm so relieved i'm really looking forward to see him in the kitchen i think he's truly capable of change this is the beginning of a new chapter that's what we needed that's for sure this is what you needed and if this doesn't rekindle that spirit and that level of passion i don't know what will [Music] chef ramsay spent most of relaunch day cooking side by side with andy put your pan yup nice and hot what else you got left to do for service i'm just finishing the uh polenta gordon is hoping these new menu dishes will be just what the local community wants uh right how does the food look that's great doesn't it lovely the gazpacho perfect for a hot summer's evening oysters local oysters extraordinary steam muscles i would order that perfect and have a taste andre's local snapper big hit last night it's remaining on the menu burger so it's quite straightforward and for me the secret tonight is the speed a little apprehensive because someone else's menu but time for change and change is better of course we're happy that is so good now everybody this is crucial tonight each one of your tables will play host to a phenomenal vip that is going to spread the word beyond belief over there the chief of police over there that gentleman is the city commissioner over here we have the host of the top radio morning show and it's also the local renowned food critic from the newspaper this is fabulous thank you pretty excited to be cooking for the vips obviously they have a big poll so i'm looking forward to hopefully keeping them happy i want to know why they've been here before [Music] with a completely new game plan in place so when it comes on you put on there you just take it right absolutely beautiful la bistro is ready to open its doors and there will be a local vip at virtually every table in the restaurant oh i'm so anxious i'm glad you're here there you are thank you we have a great new summer menu this snapper beautiful comes with a little but then i'll try these snappers please i'm gonna have the risotto on your recommendation i'm gonna try your snapper i think that sounds really [Music] success tonight rests on andy's ability to cook you and here we've got to connect now yeah and his ability to delegate can you keep it on these rings here we go you ready yep ordering i feel like it's a risotto or pork or snapping a bird guys come on yes hendrick make sure they're nice you're gonna need fries for burger need that right away come on come on we're gonna go check out the burger is for you look at that can you [Music] andy got off to a good start and customers are enjoying the new menu very good but back in the kitchen things are starting to heat up yeah let me know when i can fire that second snapper and andy is slipping back to his old ways what do we need chicken risotto lamb burger andy yeah we've just gone silent last 15 minutes not saying a word but we're going as fast as we can andy don't go back the old ways all right hustle you are doing table 13. 14 and 5 has been cool that's what we're doing don't you dare go the wrong table come on hey come on you hold go go go go go where's a [ __ ] snapper i need two snapper on the table ready or not coming with it jeff leave that i'll do that you don't want to send these to you they can go with these they just go in the window [Music] andy can we go with these come here two seconds please jeff what the [ __ ] is going on there this one's more cooked than normal chef come here you a minute come here quicker just just just 30 seconds out of the way of everybody [Music] i need two snacks on the table ready or not it's relaunch night and the pressure is starting to get to ending come on give me that [ __ ] thing they can go with these they're just going to wind up old habits are returning and the food preparation is suffering what the [ __ ] is going on there this one's more cooked than normal chef come here you a minute just just just 30 seconds out of the way of everybody [Music] you can't just send [ __ ] why now do we do this sorry chef let me do one why do you have to cook every [ __ ] order we're just about to serve two plates of [ __ ] one mushy [ __ ] useless piece of [ __ ] crap bit of fish and one cook to [ __ ] why are you looking away talk to me jeff i didn't quite catch it there's no excuse chef you were running around doing everything i don't get it where's the standards [Music] you're right i admit that [Music] you coming here big eye opener gordon ramsay's a mean nasty son of a [ __ ] it's a lesson in tough love it's a wake-up call just that i didn't see it right till the very end we can't come this far now and flake at the end huh you know what no because this has to go and i suppose he doesn't have to go i'm pretty sorry i'm sorry i'm generally sorry he works his ass off all night you look like a star and then look we come to this you've got more proudness in you than that i've got two snappers in the oven there right yeah that's it there you go open up a drawer from a team tim yeah yeah sure you know what you could do would be nice if you put the spinach on for me and if they're on all i've got to do is put them in the window that way let's go this time gordon has clearly gotten through to andy he's on top of the kitchen again and food is getting to the dining room quickly excellent snap was delicious they did a really good job gordon ramsay is very insightful he knows andy can cook he knows exactly what andy needed he saw the rut that andy was in it's been a dream come true thank you very much andy no more customers that's it let me break down yes yeah after a successful relaunch night in a restaurant full of vips chef ramsay wants to have one last word with the owners here's good news about tonight the relaunch was a success absolute success not one plate came back that is incredible you seriously can cook but andy here's my confession to you there's been many times this week that you frustrated the hell out of me you know that right and honestly i finally saw the man i've been dying to see you go brilliantly well you're a different man you just got on with it delegated and pushed them i don't say hello and i don't smile up i i'm a thinker but i appreciate it i really do without you it wasn't possible we appreciate it i was real down in the dumps i mean ready to get the hell out of here but with gordon ramsay being here this week it's made me think we can make a better life and a better business here i just can't wait to get into this new restaurant that we have what a long way we have come this week yeah take care of that stubborn mule yes [Laughter] thank you oh well done good job good night good night [Music] up until tonight's dinner service i really didn't know if any could make this work and honestly i'm still not convinced is we're everything here to make this place a huge success i just hope that his own stubbornness doesn't get in his way unbelievable in the months that followed andy and ellen continue to embrace chef ramsay's changes snap a fellow risotto away la bistro's food is light and fresh and customers are thrilled it's delicious okay well i will let the chef know thank you thank you very much and there is no better indication of that than the bistros repeat business i think gordon ramsay saw that i was just doing everything and doing too much and it was holding me back i'm really hoping to progress and move on and get bigger and better gordon ramsay's welcome here any time here's to the bistro and new beginnings thank you [Music] boca raton florida a wealthy community filled with stately homes luxurious golf courses and miles of picturesque beaches it's this good life that attracted cece and her family to movie from new york ten years ago her father a former pizzeria owner helped cece open anna vincenzo's in 2001. my father gave me over 300 000 to open up anna vincenzo's my father has been in the restaurant business since before i was born and i've always been around the kitchen since i was a baby okay pumpkin goodbye i love you now cece is raising her own family along with her husband and facing the challenging demands of being owner and head chef ivana vincenzo welcome dana vincenzo how are you tonight two meal picadas please i'm a self-taught cook via marsala i don't think there's any rules in cooking my menu i cook what i like chicken marsala padrino snapper anna i am passionate about what i do can you tell michael pick up his [ __ ] calamari wherever they go after i opened business was insane it was fun to come to work the adrenaline's going and it's it's fun it's great and you make money some more lasagna oh nothing no about two years ago it started to change let's see everything that you could possibly think of went wrong is it gone wrong i don't really know why or what happened that looks like [ __ ] when it's slow that i don't even want to come here i've lost my desire to come i don't know how to cook snapper maybe it's not cooked enough to be honest i gotta say cece probably the biggest reason why we're having trouble right now okay forget it let's go to another [ __ ] table she never really cares what's going on why is this still here table 42 she'll serve crap to a table when she gets mad she's aggressive and angry tell everybody to [ __ ] go home i'm shutting the place down yeah cece just has to be hurt and now that's the business is going bad there's no customers left i don't know what happened to them where did they go as of right now i i'm in debt about 190 000 to my father i stay up at night just thinking how am i gonna give him his money there's like nobody [ __ ] coming here and five tables we have it everything's [ __ ] up it's so hard to me see my daughter losing money every day because [ __ ] works so hard you it is very stressful and very difficult for cece now that we have a son the restaurant has to work for our personal lives just just to even live i'm a failure i'm afraid we're gonna lose a house i always tell michael i'm afraid we're not gonna be able to feed the baby hi hey i have like a weight on my shoulders that you know weighs a thousand pounds and that kills me chef ramsay's my last hope [Music] ana finchenzo's wow hello hello how are you good how are you anna vincenzo anna vincenzo's the restaurant i'm cece you're cece nice to meet you would you like to eat uh yeah okay thank you i would say that he should like everything there's really nothing on there that i make that i don't like this is your restaurant correct yeah you're the owner and by the look of the state of the open the chef as well yep um what are you doing to cook my father had uh a restaurant since before i was born so i was raised uh pretty much in the kitchen there's a line cook over there with white hair that keeps on staring at me is he all right that's my father he works for you yes and my husband is head server oh your husband's here as well yeah he helps me out because uh we need it uh where's do you want to meet him i'd love to meet your husband i'll get him michael yes mr chef ramsay wants to meet you well ariel i i can't believe it good to see you thank you very much uh looking nice and smart we dressed like this normal for work oh i always like to look nice uh i guess so you look like you're gonna do a hit after dinner you never know i uh sweat a little extra just to look nice for the customers i gotta get back into the kitchen ashton actually how are you i'm doing good how are you doing yeah very well thank you good to see you too i guess we'll be talking to each other oh yes oh good right ashley i'll take one of everything one of everything yeah one of everything why not great way of really getting to see each and every dish understanding the flavors and getting a touch of that authentic italian cuisine one of everything on the menu yes please okay thank you welcome the animation joe menu is ginormous he must be insane because we're going to be here all day he wants one of everything he said he wants one of everything just say to him let me understand you want one thing on the phone so cece wants to clarify that you do want one of everything because i hope he hasn't eaten in a week [Music] it's gonna be harder than i thought cc says you hope you haven't eaten in a week it's a big menu have you seen it i haven't seen the menu have a great look yes what did i get myself into it's quite large yeah like that's just two three oh my god it's that big how many dishes are on there a lot then you have look at it [Music] that was a joke by the way i hadn't even looked at the menu i figured that there must be hundreds of dishes on there now if you haven't eaten for a while i'll be more than happy to prepare them i have a look at the menu and i'll order yes i was like oh thank god okay so i'm ready to order thank you all right so i'd like to start off with salmon uh davino thank you and then throw in the uh snap sniper anna yeah the favorite yeah thank you you're welcome wow [Music] okay here we go you got sam and davino ready [Music] here's your salmon de vino salad wow this looks like a [ __ ] up version of a science lab thank you you're welcome wow salmon is dry and overcooked aren't you getting that thing huh [Music] do they paste that together in the morning and stick it together slice it just now and is it salmon fresh or is that frozen um i couldn't tell you to be honest would you ask her because it tastes frozen okay let me go ask thank you you want to know if your salmon's fresh or frozen tell them it's fresh but it is frozen she said the salmon comes in fresh and then they freeze it it's like eating a piece of cardboard there that has to be florida's worst dish ever he said the salmon devino he said what tastes like cardboard he's supposed to be here to help me he's not supposed to be telling me that nothing's good give me the snapper anna if he complains about this i'm really gonna [ __ ] kick on that oh there's the snap parana for you the anna mm-hmm i just had a [ __ ] where is the snapper we're under all that under all that this one looks like a uh a dog's dinner i don't know how well this is gonna work oh my god i just tasted mush it's michael nearby i'll get him here um just taste that for me would you that's the snapper anna [Music] soggy should be baked a little longer that is [ __ ] disgusting yes sir thank you would you do me a favor we make sure that cece tastes that yeah i think it's really important all right thank you what do you think for you to taste taste what you said it's soggy i want to eat tea touchdown i'm gonna put my mouth on there the snapper was soft well what the hell you want it to be a hard like a rock i mean i don't even get that tell me you know what cece doesn't even want to cook you the rest now i'm really getting pissed off i'm not kidding she's getting mad does she want [ __ ] something you know what as a chef tell him that i said there's starving people in the world and if i have to keep making food to go in the garbage i don't want to make any more right now or when i bring in the next no right now for him why should i make him anything else i don't raise him up [ __ ] him cece said that there's starving people in there yeah what did we just talk about two seconds ago she wanted to tell me she should come and tell me herself okay i don't think it's fair that you have to do her dirty work for her so tell cece when she's finished cooking she can tell me everything she wants until then i'm here to eat and to taste the food i'll tell you i'd appreciate that okay thank you so much i didn't want to tell cece the truth at all about anything he said she's gonna probably kill me she's gonna kill the messenger before she even kills gordon ramsay you saying this later you can tell him yourself but right now he wants to try and eat everything so he is a bigger [ __ ] than i thought that's [ __ ] to him what [ __ ] him [ __ ] him chef around here surprising nobody breaking the legs here is your pizza and which one is the oh that's the favorite piece of nonna lovely i don't care how many [ __ ] stars he has he could kiss my stars jesus christ i'm so pissed off right now that's just not nice soggy in the middle and crispy on the outside he's dreadful it's a bit plain boy yeah bland thank you can i go over there and scream at him yes take your knife uh with you i'm not gonna even say [ __ ] i'm just gonna throw it i tried to throw it in the garbage before she saw me because i knew she was gonna flip oh [ __ ] no [ __ ] way what's wrong with that now he said it was bland oh my god he said there's even more flavors to it i was so mad at him i wanted to represent him he's british she doesn't [ __ ] know anything about pizza after a terrible lunch that's dreadful chef ramsay is ready to give his input but this owner doesn't appear ready to listen let's start from the top shall we sure let's start the salmon yeah yeah hideous the decoration with the cucumber everybody loves that talent who's everybody the restaurant's empty okay the snapper bitterly disappointed it was macerated in crap and mozzarella and green taste of snapper that's [ __ ] yeah you didn't taste the snapper with the mozzarella on top what's wrong with that i asked michael to make sure that you tasted it i'm not gonna eat something off your plate you are a piece of work aren't you yes i am when people talk [ __ ] about my food yes that pisses me off where's michael what difference does it make where [ __ ] michael is he's got nothing to do we tasted it and what did he say he said it was mush are you [ __ ] kidding me where is he i don't like being criticized at all maybe he's talking out of his bum as they say in in england you said the [ __ ] fish was mush no it was tender the way everybody else enjoyed it was tender michael are you honestly trying to tell me that you're now saying that was perfectly cooked soggy should be baked a little longer it was a little bit on the softer side a little bit on the softer side i'm not expecting to stand there and stick up for me but trust me the food was overcooked and it was bland and mush there's nothing wrong with that snapper i think was very foolish and very hard-headed that she wouldn't listen i was like what are you doing what's with the defense mechanism oh my god huh don't you get defensive if somebody comments about your food like that i don't cook [ __ ] like that when was the last time a customer complained about the food well last night what did they say it was bland and were they right or they wrong no they were right but you're off the wall with what you're saying here's the difference between you and me i listen for feedback you can't handle it i came here because you asked me to come and help you and your reaction on me telling you something quite constructive in a very calm manner is a joke okay so you want me to be your [ __ ] puppy why are you shouting because you're pissing me the [ __ ] off shut the [ __ ] up and talk properly is this the way you react when i'm not here is this a normal procedure when it is yeah oh you're gonna get your [ __ ] ass kicked oh there you go madam you have an attitude problem i'm not too sure which is worse the food or the attitude oh can i hit him now uh you know a lot of people said you were a jerk i think i believe it anything else [ __ ] this no [ __ ] way what a sad case am i supposed to run after him and say oh please come and help me [ __ ] you he's lucky i didn't hit him with something i was that close [Music] in spite of his rude welcoming gordon decides to give cece another chance and returns to the restaurant to observe cece and her staff in action during a dinner service right so what'd you keep in here gnocchi and who makes the nokki uh we used to make them ourselves but we buy them now they look definitely frozen come on these little babies they're a little uh overcooked jesus christ and whether that overcooked would you serve them we can't just throw them away they smell like cat food cat food that smells like an authentic meatball to you well i don't have cats so i don't know what caffeine to smell like oh are we gonna be able to cook or are you gonna keep busting my balls i swear to god i'm not here to get cross-examined by you let's get that right yeah there's only one person who's gonna be [ __ ] losing out on this and it's certainly not me okay but don't [ __ ] with me i really want to prove to that pigheaded british jerk that i can do it nice [Music] hi welcome to another concerns we're gonna go right this way we're gonna sit right over here guys who wants to go first get a chicken farm chicken plum you want veal piccata very good thank you you ready yes please rigatoni vodka with chicken a rigatoni angelino a fettuccine alfredo bill picada cavial chop [Music] 11. can somebody pick up this food can i get some [ __ ] service back here cece always seems to point the finger in the other direction she's been always blaming the server she never once thought maybe there was something wrong with herself get that [ __ ] out of the window please [Music] cece pushes the first orders out quickly but her customers okay we have the grilled chicken are unhappy with what they all i'm received about that and i'll be back to get those plates okay jesus what happened there they said uh there's just like one giant trunk yeah of it there that's what happens when you use frozen food and dip it in flour that was not even shaken off before it goes in the fire do you tell cece that now or um i'm afraid to because she's so busy she needs to know trust me cece the customers are saying that they're too chunky like they're just like one giant piece the calamari was in a big clump i saw that you expect people to pay money for that and he died come on why don't i just work by myself and fire all these [ __ ] people do you think i can handle it by myself i'm trying to help when you get so defensive continue serving [ __ ] then [Music] okay cece no wait wait wait they just say it's no flavor but they're willing to let you try to put some flavor in it like garlic i just don't want to put nothing in it it's like they're just spitting in your faces oh what is this [ __ ] this is not good cece i need this uh reduced down a little more and michael you know what i'm ready to tell everybody just to leave he's coming back for a reason right don't even i just don't even want to hear it right now well you can't just fight like a precious princess yeah i i look like a [ __ ] princess right sorry i thought this was your restaurant i think princess diana didn't hang out in the [ __ ] kitchen she's from your neck of the woods isn't she wow exasperated by the number of returned dishes i can't keep doing it an immature cece is ready to throw in the towel what do you mean you're done back what are you seeing here it's a disaster i've had it i'm finished i'm done [Music] [Music] just 90 minutes into a disastrous dinner service cece is not only frustrated she is embarrassed and has reached her breaking point are you going to be all right you're going to punch down i can't give you my breath you want oxygen i reached the breaking point in the middle of everything and i just totally wanted to go home even though cece has calmed down and returned to the kitchen can you tell the rest of the people she has no interest in continuing to cook shut the restaurant then we gotta get what's the point of the [ __ ] chef that doesn't want to cook for them shut it down well we gotta i'll get back there it's too important it's too important as michael and the line cooks try to push the last orders out back in the dining room many customers are fed up and leave without ever receiving any food i have two minutes with you thank you you're right no come on [Music] i can't start to even attempt to help unless you come to terms with the problem and that is the food it's a good one come on this is not a game for me it's not a [ __ ] game for me this is my life is that a joke for me no it's not saying that it's not a joke it's not a joke for me i care everybody can't [ __ ] be here so stop is saying i don't care just stop please i haven't said that yes you did what i'm trying to tell you is that you have to come to terms internally that there's a huge problem and that is with the food nobody wants to hear that anything that they do sucks i don't like to fail death would be better than failing it's certainly not the sign of weakness to admit your failings i've closed three restaurants but also have a number of successful ones 1 650 members and it's it's i'm a jerk you told me earlier well you can be a jerk stop acting like a pensioner teenager i'm not gonna stand there and be a doormat for you to take the piss out of me let's get one thing right you asked me here and i'm here to help so let me in okay the food's up there you happy there's a problem with the way the food is prepared there's a problem with the way the food is ordered there's a problem with the way the food's not respected i'm sorry cece but it's just not good enough [Music] new day tomorrow okay what do you want me to do i want you to go home and get some rest right we start to rebuild yeah i'm sorry i caught your name let's go up let's get in there let them clear down and i want you out of here okay where am i going he says he wants to help me and i believe him this place means everything to me and i don't want to just give up chef ramsay now believes that cece is finally prepared to listen so he comes in early the next morning to put the first part of his plan into action now all of you together no problem cook me the whole menu that will be like 180 181 all right we're gonna give it a try the cooks only have three hours to prepare the 181 dishes before cece and the rest of the staff arrive good morning good morning today's a new day yes new start new attitude i've got a little surprise for you a small surprise let's go oh my god like holy [ __ ] there's food everywhere one of every dish oh my god oh my god oh my god i'm shocked at all the food over here like i knew the menu was big but seeing it all in front of me now is amazing like i'm just like really the menu is far too big yes yes that has a huge impact on a number of things slow production coming out of the kitchen high food cost and more importantly inconsistency the bottom line is you're producing quantity over quality so we've seen the menu visually i've got another way of getting this menu across i want to show you how big your menu really is oh my god debbie ashton i need your help yes two seconds coming out i'm going to start off with eating every dish you're the frozen lady yes ashton you are the fresh lady let's go calamari yeah tender squid lightly floured and fried fresh or frozen froze it stick it here on we go mongolia fresh or frozen frozen connie frozen thank you fresh grilled salmon fresh or frozen frozen frozen frozen frozen frozen please frozen let's go frozen i've been in the freezer frozen on there frozen definitely frozen keep up girls struggling to keep up trying trying i didn't even think i was gonna even put a fresh sticker on that i'm going okay i'm gonna stand here i guess the whole day just doing nothing caesar's salad fresh or frozen fresh thank [ __ ] for that first time i grew to perfection on top with citrus mango salsa fresh okay let's go it's a rude awakening to see how much stuff on the menu was actually frozen just over 80 frozen and 20 fresh we're gonna start off by reducing the menu cece i'm going to be working with you in the kitchen and coming up with a plan for the anna vincenzo family style meal soup salad pizza homemade lasagna i'm going to do that with you personally okay for the next dinner service chef ramsay is determined to introduce a special that is not only fresh and delicious but positions this restaurant as the ideal place to get value and quality for a family okay simple lasagna the meat lasagna fried beef a little touch of the sauce okay it's gonna be one-third sauce one-third meat touch of a ricotta sauce on top i personally like this family style idea because this is definitely something that we should do because that's going to help the kitchen it's going to totally help us get the food out faster lasagna's in okay we've got the soup and have a little taste in terms of flavor is extraordinary yesterday i really hated chef ramsay and i wanted to kill him today i really believe he wants to help me chef ramsay believes cece is now willing to take his advice and move forward so he and his team work together to pull off a huge surprise for cece and her staff good morning good morning i'd like to welcome you all to the new anna vincenzos take your blindfolds off please welcome to the new anna vincenzos oh my god and beautiful look at the space created gone are those dark sedated colors we've got lightness it's contemporary and it's timeless doesn't it bring so much light in here with the windows i can't even describe the difference and i think this change is gonna change everything [Music] it's classic it's contemporary you can sit on every table and view across the room webstrong stored had donated thousand dollars worth of plates knife and falls tableware chairs compression and cece you my darling i'm gonna be the star of your new restaurant have a little look at that kiss the cook how cool is that make it yours yeah the color it felt awesome to see cece that happy like she was blown away she gave him a hug before she wanted to rip his head off and she just gave him a hug it was cool to see are you happy angel are you happy see my daughter happy son good and what do you think beautiful yeah god bless you thank you very much thank you i'm never going to forget for the rest of my life what is chef around my daughter oh god it's so different it looks like a different place i can't get over it i'm ecstatic i'm just a little nervous about the new menu after this i don't know what else he's got in store [Music] the menu has gone down by half fireworks why so you can keep the cost down and the freshness up yeah you have to think forward your kitchen needs help i know so i've arranged for a top restaurant consultant okay which i'm taking care of for the first month to help you get through this difficult time okay his name is daniel surfer daniel hi jeff yeah how are you i'm doing well thank you good now here's our owner cc yes he's been hand-picked by myself years of experience some of the best restaurants across florida now this man's gonna be by your side for the next month yes look after him listen to him i won't yell at him yeah you have a phenomenal chance here to turn this around today is the start ready good i couldn't even believe that he got a chef consultant for us i feel more hope now i know that this is gonna make a total difference [Music] you like the menu you like the decor yes good what's missing customers customers so now we have to use our initiative and spread the word i started putting together with my team the most amazing marketing plan so today five florida radio stations will be outside that front door in your parking lot why we are having the anna vincenzo's pizza making contest [Music] now that's not all we have three teams competing in this contest team one representatives of the miami dolphins yes team two no representatives of the miami heat oh my god representatives of the florida panthers this is the most important objective of this contest is by tonight the whole of south florida yeah would have heard of anna vincenzo's yes excited good i'll know why you'll help me now you're gonna call me a jerk again no because you haven't today so far it's a joke-free day wow oh yeah it's a special day for us the whole family at anna vincenzo is not just me after a drastic makeover oh god it's so different and a dramatic menu change the anna pachenzo family meal gordon has created a huge marketing event to spread the word [Applause] featuring south florida's top pro sports teams the miami dolphins the miami heat the florida panthers they will be competing in the first annual anna vincenzo's pizza making contest the turnout today is amazing there's camera crews there's news crews there's radio stations i'm like i don't even know where to turn each team has the most amazing ingredients in front of you guys to make their own pizza you have three minutes to make that stunning pizza take your stations get set go let's go [Applause] easy easy just let it swallow in your hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] give us a little inspiration behind the thought in the process we want to make it even we wanted to make it a success just like the panthers panther pride i don't even eat meat but i put meat on the pizza just because i didn't know what else to do so one ingredient on there that you think is gonna blow the mind of the judges put a lot of love in it a lot of love okay excellent right [Music] they all did a really good job even though it looks really easy it's not that easy to make pizza we're gonna find out who the winner is the florida panthers cheesy miami heat oh that one's good here we go this is going to be tough the miami dolphins beautiful the beautiful of the first ever anna vicenzo pizza making contest is it gonna be panthers heat or dolphins which one is it the miami dolphins i'm coming that way pepperoni pizza pepperoni pizza chef ramsay's marketing event did definitely get the word out about the new anna vincenzo's restaurant opening the whole boca knows that we're doing a relaunch it's like a dream it's an amazing experience that i would never expect in my life it's a new beginning we're gonna be awesome [Applause] after the extraordinary marketing event consultant chef dan surfa works with cece to prepare the new menu put these in the oven then chef ramsay introduces the dishes to the staff we cut the menu in half increase the freshness and the quality first impressions how does it look smaller smaller yes okay let's start from the top baby fried mozzarella balls with marinara sauce shrimp's camper yes calamari fritter not clunked glued together the sea mussels yeah with white wine and tomato sauce baked clams uh they're not frozen they're baked it's so weird wow parmesan breaded pork chop the pizzas they're a bit of a hallmark here so we just tarted them up a little bit spaghetti meatballs fresh if you're not happy with it you don't send it end the story the line stops with you have a taste of the food let's dig in um the eggplant tastes good this is my favorite they're my favorite i'm very excited about the menu the family meals i could do stuff like we make at home and serve that family style the anna vincenzo family style menu push it okay let's kill you let's get set up in the kitchen [Music] hi welcome to another channel tonight how are you do party of two you want to do the family special yeah nice and easy okay you're gonna love it very nervous everything's at stake right now we need to get this relaunch like going tonight's about standards yeah quality over quantity yes anna virgenzo's family meal yeah gotta work tonight let's go give it all you got yeah yes okay yes please i feel really really nervous tonight's a really big night it means so much to us and i just don't want to mess it up let him know the difference between what you're waiting for and what's ordering in can you start meeting two veal picadas and the single lasagna but don't actually don't like call it again okay all right cece these first three four tables gonna be out quickly yes gordon's overhaul of the menu has been dramatic with an infusion of quality and freshness more salad in that place his family style meal and smaller menu have made the load on the kitchen much more manageable come on guys get it together timing and as a result cece pushes the first orders out quickly [Music] okay very hot plate there it's amazing to see how much fun everyone's having right now with this family-style meal the atmosphere in here is magical all right that's good i'm glad you guys are enjoying it i need family lasagna table ten after that there's no more perfect it's only half an hour into service and we've nearly sold out of the anna's magenta family style meal so as a result the kitchen's running a lot smoother but the night is still young those lasagnas are a little too cooked i think no oh man whatever if something's ready don't wait just send it out does that look good to you it doesn't matter get the [ __ ] out metal shop looks burnt from here are you [ __ ] [ __ ] me is it burnt out yeah it's done like that just send it out just send it out it looks black from here we don't have time for mistakes service it's [ __ ] guys is it just plain ignorance or are people thick around here i'd rather go to the table and tell them with an extra 10 minutes because we burnt it then stand there sending them [ __ ] i'm gonna flip my lid and none of you have seen me go [ __ ] crazy yet you know what i don't [ __ ] give a [ __ ] i'd rather go to the table tell them if we burnt it than stand there sending them [ __ ] it's relaunch night and although cece has come a long way it appears as though she is slipping back to her old habits it's [ __ ] guys and gordon is having none of that i know it's hard you do not have to send it out [Music] make another one now thank you start this table eggplant parmesan veal parmesan veal marsala spaghetti bowling is fuck-ups we don't have time thank you that's what i need to hear we're gonna handle it please keep an eye on that pork chop don't burn it please i was like you know what new place new rules come on we're almost there we're almost there we're gonna start following what gordon said it's like starting all over again come on guys now this harmony now yeah i need the pork chop before it gets burned again awesome good work good work perfect okay it was a different cc that i've ever seen working in the kitchen now she really cares what's going on she's not going to serve crap to a table she's going to make sure it's good that's establishing a standard cece that's his tablet not there but there yes yes look at that that was beautiful i seasoned right yeah that's the way i like it they said that pork chop was amazing on table 30 they loved your flounder everything was perfect awesome cece proved she had accepted chef ramsay's plan she maintained a high standard in the kitchen and she was rewarded with happy customers everything good guys yes good you enjoyed everything thank you i was just like oh my god this feels so good again seeing the restaurant full this is wonderful thanks you know when you see the place emptying it it hurts and when you see it flowing everybody's like wow this is great it's uh it's amazing i got all my fashion back good to see you guys i hope to see you again have a good night thank you thanks for coming okay what a difference from the first night i was here this is the restaurant that boca raton needs and wants you did very well tonight and even when problems started you didn't start throwing out mediocre food and that was a telling point and that pork chop that you didn't send made me happy mediocre doesn't sit in this town you're above that now well done thank you if you would have asked me three days ago i would have said oh good riddance i'm sorry it's him go actually he did a lot something i'll never forget you've got the restaurants you've got the menu yeah you've got the family behind you you've got everything you need cece here to make this place work go for it yeah stay with it because i know you can do it thank you okay can i hug you of course you can come here well done well done good job really good job yes and good luck i really mean it okay thank you yeah good luck okay you can do it hey good to see you thank you don't be scared to take that jacket off from time to time yeah loose enough thank you look after your daughter yes trust me the money's coming back i can smell the dough [Music] that was my wish my life thank you so much look after her yes excellent bye chef god bless thank you hey thank you [Music] what a week florida may be called the sunshine state but when i first arrived it was anything but sunny cece and the restaurant have come a long way in just a few days quite frankly i'm surprised i only hope the sun continues to shine down on anna vergenzo's please [Music] ah forecast for tomorrow 100 chance of tears see we made friends he's not that bad i take it back he's not a jerk after chef ramsay left anna vincenzo's cece continued to follow his advice [Music] she kept this smaller menu and buys fresh ingredients new and fresh and exciting and for the first time in a long time cece is hopeful for the future you
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares
Views: 3,960,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares, Kitchen Nightmares USA, Kitchen Nightmares UK, Kitchen Nightmares Officia, Kitchen Nightmares Full Episodes, Kitchen Nightmares Best Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Fridges, Kitchen Nightmares Funniest Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Food, Kitchen Nightmares Argument, Gordon Ramsay Insults, Gordon Ramsay Argument
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 25sec (7225 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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