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what's up guys hello wash my hand for a day why does it feel like longer it's supposed to be off shoulder ah you guys have no idea how much my arm hurts right now I had to get my tetanus shot and I have to get a have to tight a shot on this one and I have to get shots for a visa and and they really hurt like it Oh I cannot move this arm but we're going to sit here we're gonna relax alright bye guys [ __ ] you thought today we're going to be doing things you should never Google you know and I told you not to move a blue waffle done you did it anyway I never did it I was like I know something disgusting so I'll never do it we're going to do something now get our handy-dandy google blue waffle it's like blueberry or food coloring waffles or something should we read the definition first or should we just look at it we should going midges okay so it can be yeah good old family friendly blue waffle this is a blue off blue ballz SPD a trendy crunch no this is a regular blue a waffle yellow onion boy can't tell the difference between SPD of food there's clearly food I mean that's the nut syrup right right yeah I I have served with my waffles all the time I can't show it in this video but basically a blue waffle looks like this but not on your face you catch my drift you know what I mean that's the militants you're gonna get to figure it out don't Google these by the way I am showing you and if you did do an armed private window okay next one is triple phobia I've actually looked this up before it ain't the worst excellent we're going from leaf bags to like worst all right on our learnt this is no particular order when you look up triple phobia family-friendly photos of holes but this actually comes from a lotus pod it's a lotus pod of photoshopped onto a finger y'all need to chill okay it means fear of holes oh my god calm down it's fake its fake okay okay make me Rick oh this is make it this is just makeup it's just a makeup tutorial calm down are you uncomfortable yet guys don't worry it's not a disease it's a makeup tutorial come down look look look it's a regular app can't they just put some latex and stuff on it and then look this is going to make a bunch of holes in the latex it ain't so bad I'm helping you conquer your fears I know it looks so disgusting I know you want to die right now I know you want to look away but I'm hoping to explain things to make them not as bad as you think they are next one lemon party I've never heard of this one I'm assuming it is a old man party the old dude kissing okay yeah gay old guys if you're into that stuff personally personally I have not next up is Desiree Jennings this woman claims she got a flu shot that made it impossible for her to walk forward or speak without in his tell or speak without an Australian accent however she could run forwards and walk backwards the whole thing was proved to be a hoax for a very insane person cheerleading ambassador left barely able to walk okay we're getting a flu shot the video was painful to watch almost as painful as the violent muscle spasms Desiree Jennings said she was experiencing in October Jennings claimed she developed a rare muscle disorder called dystonia after getting a seasonal flu shot the illness made it tough for her to talk it's a bath battle every day even more bizarre Jennings had trouble walking forward but not walking backwards so she walked backwards but show up forward I don't know everybody saying this is fake it was not as really stuff but it's a rare disease called fraudulent itis attention [ __ ] ISM bless her soul one life equals one prayer oh we got a scary one here puzzle video sly creepers plague doctor mask okay does anything actually happen or no so freaked out such an edgy indie project I mean I'm into this [ __ ] so I'm not by any means freestyle I like at school are you gonna jump scare jump scare me I guess I'm not getting a jump-scare 7 wasn't on the wall okay so they spray-painted G on the wall okay other stuff spray-painted this is the Illuminati oh there's triangles it must be the Illuminati yes yeah this is little bit naughty why are the comments in another language yes does anyone speak English here I want to know he needs a hug I agree oh my god I scare the [ __ ] out of me I am so sorry if that scared you but I felt like that needed a jump scare I needed to do a jump scare because that last clip was not scary at all so sorry next one is cake farce apparently it's self-explanatory oh is this a part or is this uh is this the right video because I saw a couple videos on pornhub I mean this is some family-friendly content and we can't be doing that oh you see this cake then three seconds later know what I like the most what what do you like cake okay [Music] that's a lot of gas uh okay okay okay basically she sat on the cake I don't know what her problem was probably had a lot of Taco Bell that day but she just she just went off I don't know why you would do that why you would take the effort of making a cake putting frosting all over and then sitting on it farting into it why why you could have be in it and get all of the war so far next one is elephant ìitís elephant TSS elephant T Isis um no idea what that is might have to do with elephants ah are those pants or ham I really hope those are pants I read okay okay okay okay moving on oh those are not pants they're not pants they're not I'm she sick though girl weasel six more wet koala doesn't sound so bad dance my way from cute - what is this swamp monster of the forest looking like a swamp monster now what a killer okay friends you got this little animal cute he a little dumb looking but I mean cute look I read you got this you're in the water on this turn into a gremlin would be so mad for don't get a koala way that's what she says I hope you like spiders we got a brown that recluse a spider bite and look looks just like a mosquito bite you want to see it [Music] you look like a netball with a spider in it the spiders in it it's inside you what happens if you just pull it out I mean stop oh this is a tank this is a spider bite this is a tick is inside the skin is going in oh I was first going to sit here and take a pic of this so this is my oh my dude right here let the spider bite him build a stadium up on his side and and you're okay with that here imagine if there was a bunch of babies living inside that thing on your leg oh okay I'm gonna need a sec [Music] okay I think we're done with this video I'm going to do another one do you guys want another one we're gonna do another one if you guys want to see another one make sure you leave a like and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack oh I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys [Music] you
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 7,979,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniperwolf, sniper wolf, google, things you should never google, things, never google, funny, reacting, reaction, google search, shocking, disgusting
Id: T1NReMvCXug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2017
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