I shouldn't be here...

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oh yeah gotta keep those lips moist you know what I'm saying keep them puckered you can put that in the intro of the video by the way strap on your big person pants cause we're getting into it don't mind what's behind me over there in the distance I know you're watching it waiting for a scare but there's nothing there nothing at all tease everybody the scariest period in anyone's life if you're a boring during that period you know how scary it truly was to go to the VHS store you couldn't just watch stuff at home oh snap I'm gonna be late for work if only rent was cheaper in fire more I wouldn't have to work night shifts every day that's true and if only I didn't have these damn Moon shoes on I'd be able to actually get there on time what is this what are you watching can I actually interact in any of this whoa we are short short King alrighty let's just head out to work then go outside yes why not wow I live in a nice place being able to go outside and see all of those stars from your house good for you you a murderer are you a murderer that's sitting there murderly getting ready to murder me are you a murderer sitting there murdererly getting ready to murder me in my sleep or while I'm at work I should get to the bus station I don't want to be late okay is this is this the hey hey hey hey yeah here we go why I was having a great time until you okay God that's fun good for you good intro good intro strong what kind of movies are we watching it's not Desperado uh these are actually movies and I don't know which one is which I don't know the covers of these it's the 90s what are people watching Pretty Woman Coraline there's the Dark Knight down there I recognize that one that blade maybe I don't know is that the Curious Case of Benjamin Button no it's not it kind of looks like something like that what other ones do we have I want to figure this out God some of them look so familiar too but I don't know what movies are attached to them anyway it's not my job to look at tapes it's my job to rent them what is this a Sonata hey man sorry for today I had to leave a bit early you know I've got a date with that hot chick I told you about oh yeah bro it's fine to put off your Civic duties if you got a date with a hot chick you can do anything you want if you're dating hot people anyway don't forget to take out the trash I'll tell you when how it went tomorrow night I won't be able to find out because I'll be dead tomorrow night dude nice computer how much ROM you got or Ram you got in that ROM dude that's tight so how do I do my job why am I working a night shift at a video rental place can't you just close before night time okay take out the oh wait take out the trash lock it nice got a pooper is that carpeted a carpeted bathroom people really wore psychos back in the 90s weren't they ingbong um bins bins yes right there Sunny gyms set another bin where do I okay I keep clicking out of the game or is that even a thing that I can do put away the trash doesn't go here either where does it go where does a man put trash in this stinky game yeah about it dude was hauling ass dude had a dirt bike where are you going so fast maybe that was the guy with the date with a hot chick yeah you got to get there quick and rev up your engine otherwise you're not cool enough to date them all right what else do I do for the rest of my job maybe you can actually just sit down and watch a movie [Music] what are you getting hi hi oh you're bringing these back um uh thank you where do I put them what do we do with them no no thank you thank you very much [Music] oh hello my dear I'd like to return these tapes my husband got last week such great lovely stories we both like watching romantic movies when we are alone in the house hehe anyway I'm kind of nervous coming here alone at night an old lady like me shouldn't be out late at night anyway yeah you should probably be dead in a grave or something right or a hospital oh Lord what am I saying all those cases with missing people lately scare me and to think that fire more was a peaceful Town back in my days well your days are over Hannah it's time for the new fresh blood to power through anyway I'll go now sorry for bothering you with all my rumbling rumbling rambling is coming rumbling rumpling I know this one this is a poster that I think my brother had this looks like Barbarian but it's not um okay where does a guy put tapes in this place not there not here not here they had a better rewind these she didn't I'm gonna find where she lives I know where she lives it's a small town we all know each other there you go back on that shelf of course oh my God there's a giant who's this giant coming in hide [Music] hello welcome to VHS store hi amen oh crap could you give me a tape and I'll pay you back once I have the money what what do you mean no come on man I can't give out free stuff look I'm 17 years old I'm doing this job just so I can pay my way through college when I get there all right I'm not getting paid minimum wage I don't have any benefits I don't even like this job my friend is dating all the hot chicks there's literally no reason for me to be heroes and the fact I have nothing else to do with my life it takes a crap anyway it's the same energy as your moves are weak look you're working at night all alone here I don't think you'd like to piss off the wrong person is it you Rob no one can do anything worse to me than I've already done to myself by being here remember that okay dude's built like an orangutan dude's got arms that are like twice the length they should be bye Rob my shift is finished time to go home I guess dude this job is easy so easy I had to come in here talk to Hannah and Rob and now I get to go home whose carers are these actually that's a good question no one else is working here the people who just came in left and didn't actually take any cares so who owns the cars why are there cars here can I have one ah back home oh come on now you're gonna be late again where did my mirror go I had a mirror there mirror mirror on the wall where the [ __ ] did you go also how are you gonna be late again did you just sleep all day well sitting around here is not gonna make me any faster I guess I'm not a 17 year old paying for college if I live on my own at home in my own house I'm a very the Fan's gone I'm a very resourceful 17 year old I got kicked out emancipated is that what it is what's the thing where you can get you can go like live on your own when you're like 16 but you need to like tell your parents and they need to sign something and let you go or something I don't know emancipation no I don't think that that's it free from legal social or political restrictions yeah a legal way for children to become adults before they're 18. I nailed that emancipation just sounded different like it sounded way more political than I thought where'd the cars go I hope he lets me know how his date with the hot chick went I'm so eager to know hey Greg it's Matt sorry for leaving early again something urgent came up anyway the date went really well I really think Mary likes me oh also I finally fixed the surveillance camera you can see at the top right of the counter and please don't forget to take out the trash why don't you take it on your way out what did he say then ah cool I'm sure that's not going to be terrifying also bloody Bane is right there it's just taking up time and effort and energy then again nothing else ever happens at this job might as well walk the scenic route ah what a lovely night it is to be murdered hopefully not me let's just stare at the surveillance camera until I get really paranoid and freak out and then think that actually somebody's going to come and kill me foreign that would be about now okay I don't like it I don't like surveillance footage it always looks creepy no matter what's happening you just expect someone's gonna get robbed or murdered or the snap bear is going to come out and get you hey what up is that your face hello hi Daniel I came to return these horror tapes I got last week thanks Danielle really good stories by the way thanks for recommending them to me no problem Daniel you know I can't say no to a good slasher story me neither Daniel sometimes I wonder what it'd be like to go out and start chopping heads off and then hang them at the top of my fireplace me too Dad the [ __ ] no I'm kidding I'd store them at a secret room behind my closet kidding again anyway I'm gonna go now murder someone wow what a joke Sir Daniel thanks thanks for dropping in thanks for stopping by please get the [ __ ] out now Daniel's such a weirdo do these go back in the same place every time yep ding dong hello [Music] what's happening [Music] ding dong ding dong [Music] there's a tape here was the tape ding donging at me who's out there [Music] I'm gonna watch this but I'm not gonna be happy about it pretty with him with how much money he embezzled you'd also think he had a nicer house excuse me I wonder what he spent all of that money on if not security or a nicer home I guess I will never find out what our mayor wasted our money on oh I know the sound of a mayor being beheaded and that's the sound of a mayor being beheaded the movie be sucked I would have gotten a letterboxed and give it a terrible review who left this I think I should go now I don't feel safe anymore yeah that's a good idea we should head home head home to our miserable house or you're gonna wake up and forget that you have to go to work again immediately this is just like real life you wake up you work you sleep then you wake up again what was that tape was it real yeah you watched it no it can't be it's probably a prank by a kid good stupid prank anyway it's not not even scaring me shoot I'm gonna be late again oh now it's raining that means something bad is going to happen are you a person you watching me every night should get to the bus station I don't want to be late what are the sounds not the dog oh it's just carers in the distance I thought it was like scratching or screeching or scrapping or you know come on come on I'm about to get murdered out here how do I get home every time that's the third time now and it's still got me what is wrong with me and whose cars are these is this the this is the van from before and it's on who's in there I'll throw a VHS tape at your head I hope Matt tells me how it went with the girl again with Mary oh no letters from Matt or Greg or whichever one he was oh oh there's a man on the screen I actually don't know what part of the place that's facing [Music] who's out here I have a tape oh no oh do I have to watch it it's gonna be a scary that pig was buying groceries with the same bride money he got today for someone who's supposed to keep the community safe he doesn't mind looking the other way when there's money I don't want to hear it again that's what all cops are like a bunch of pigs so I gutted him like one [Applause] oh that's much worse that's much much much worse than the last time the last time it was just implied this time it's visceral hi welcome to gutted like a pig hey I'd like to buy these two tapes the blade Walker and The Whining hey did you see the guy across the street there's a guy across the street I just saw the guy behind my building why is he looking directly at the store he really freaked me out is he a junkie or something anyway thanks for the tapes if I were you I'd leave right now let me call the police you should close the store and leave that that is Sound Advice that is very good Sound Advice I'm I'm gonna do just that I'm gonna do just that [Music] where did they go when they leave did they just vanish I think he's right I should go now yeah I don't see the dude across the street though the bus is late again oh no oh I'm getting uneasy [ __ ] this is actually making me anxious oh my God [Applause] huh I can't interact with it [Applause] foreign [Applause] oh what a nightmare was that a dead body or was it an ironing board God damn it shut up [Applause] wait was it the TV making that sound before because that's a flat screen you don't really get that sort of sound from it God that scared me off to work I go I guess having not called the police yet rotting apples with wasps feasting Brown bananas with flies retreating a fox in the night is ripping black pins by black bean bags open cats are eating a chicken casket after Sunday dinner a white owl is gobbling what is this death is everywhere take a look inside don't be ignorant about what you find your poems are trash absolute dog [ __ ] I'd rather read the back of cereal boxes for the rest of my life anyway now that I've antagonized quite heavily let's get the boss to my terrible terrible boring underpaying job for I am totally happy to do this for the rest of my life and I'm not worried about dying alone and poor oh come on Boss hurry up now I want to go to my job so badly if there's a freaky again here though didn't fall for this time I remembered sure would be nice if I had someone to do these shifts with customer hello like how is the guy allowed to leave without me being here I was he allowed to leave every evening oh my dear something terrible happened I didn't know where else to go I had to come here to speak with someone about it it's James my husband I can't find him anywhere he went for his usual walk but he didn't return he's always back at seven he's never late what should I do could this serial killer person abduct him there's a serial killer going around it's all over the news they believe someone is responsible for all these missing people oh Lord I tried to call the police but they didn't bother they have more important cases to investigate like what oh Lord I have to get back Anna you shouldn't be out here alone no let me walk you out I know let me walk you out you and your little monkey arms bing bong bing bong honey you get home safe now okay I know your husband James is missing and all that but the stupidest thing he could have done was come here alone at night time and walk back home or there's no footpath okay that's that Rob guy again isn't it [Music] my God you're tall [Music] oh no it's Derek hello I'd like to return these man I hope the weather gets better anyway thanks bye man oh the serial killer doesn't kill me I wouldn't worry about it he just kills cereal please not go back in that spot what's happening why is he why is there like weird music okay there we go hey sorry we're closed for tonight why their arms look like flesh spoons sir [Music] oh I hate that did he leave me a gift wait he's walking back into the woods [Music] shut up I don't even know whose car that is I can't get that to stop [Music] also I don't care about your Vendetta against the police and the mayor he did his transactions in that cabin he ruined so many lives he wanted to ruin another life today he wanted to sell them a couple of grams so so you got it in for it like always good thing I'm not a fan of this stuff but I didn't want him to feel empty-handed so I cut off his hands decided to leave him a small surprise in that little cabin of his Jesus what did you leave him nuclear bombs what was that I'm going home I'm going home I hate this this sucks this is the worst job I've had in a very very very long time don't say the bus is late again okay [Applause] okay TV's freaking out anything in here Am I Dreaming again shut it oh I can go straight to work huh foreign Bussy boy I hate this job hey Greg it's me your co-worker I decided to leave fire more I guess you won't ever see or talk to me again oh well I never liked this godforsaken town anyway crying being on the rising cops not doing anything about it people who look dead both on the inside and on the outside this town deserves people like these yeah I used to live here though so what are you trying to say like my whole family's from here I can't really leave hey oh no I'm not here to buy tapes saw nosy guy he told me to come here and tell you he's giving you an invitation I don't know anything more he just gave me five books to come in here and tell you that he said you should be very careful with your choice my choice of what my choices in life are like pizza toppings who's out here [Music] the power went off I have to go and check the breaker box where would the breaker box be [Music] they will find you in pieces oh man oh man I don't want to be found in Beezus breaker box oh where was it man you climb clamp to my camera and wrote that backwards on it for me to see great great whatever I do now should I go home I should probably head home I hate this job and everything that's coming with it it was traumatic enough on its own and now it's even worse let's just get out of here let's just go home let's never come back let's join Matt and Mary let's just leave fire more and never ever return I don't know what you want me to do but I don't want to go searching for Killers but I'm gonna do it anyway if you claim a part of the roof he only has one way of getting to you and that's the latter and when he claims that you can kick him in the teeth oh there's a tape oh goody I was just wondering if we got to see another psychopath tape oh joy joyous of Joys my day is cured the depresses will go away after this one for sure I love the sound of people being murdered prisons are made to hold criminals yet people like her keep them free she was out for a walk proud of winning another case okay why do I have to watch these why are you telling me this she was the defender of a murderer so you murdered her she just needed a little payback what goes around comes around after after that that may that's an adequate reaction someone defends a murderer in court gets them off what do you do chainsaw is that it can I go home now can I leave and never come back please [Music] please I hate it I don't want to be here yes and away I go back to my snoozy cabin just sit here and drink laundry detergent or something it's so much better than going to work and off I go again this grind grueling and I don't want to do it I want to stay at home I want to watch TV I want to get food that's going to make me feel like [ __ ] but it feels so good going in and I'll regret it later but I'll still do it again the next day just give me my comforts that's all I ask hunk oh there's someone down there hello [ __ ] what do you want yeah I see you van man probably writing some more of his stupid poetry hey a customer that's quick bing bong hello hello hello I'm here I'm working I'm here I'm earning my wages I'm here don't worry I cleaned my camera that was nice of him hey Greg have you seen Matt I can't find him anywhere oh Matt didn't leave that was a letter from the killer telling me he was leaving but he killed Matt I haven't heard from him for a week really hope he's okay come find me after your shift to look at his house we'll meet at your place wait have all the letters that I've gotten from admin from the Killer or has a week gone by was any of this even real cult strikes again or Crow cult that makes far more sense than a grow cult what's a grow cult like a bunch of farmers getting together the crops will grow well this year oh well customer a professional Howdy Doody excuse me don't you think it's kind of late to do repairs on the roof I just saw your co-worker on the roof fixing something I knew that ladder was going to come in for some reason um I'm on safe go right now and tell this man to come down you [ __ ] go tell him I don't want to be killed it's always something let me out [Music] it's always something in this damn Town serial killer what the hell oh boy another tape oh take the ax yes is he living up here a medication a flashlight a lantern two backpacks was are you literally just living on the VHS store oh this music is very unsettling oh God is that Matt's body oh God oh God Matt is that a body oh God you've been quite the fan of my work because you keep leaving tapes around for some reason I keep watching them you seem to enjoy my work I extend this invitation to you join me let's clean our city from these scums call me I don't wanna I just want to go home I want to watch anime and eat microwavable lasagna that's it that's all I want in life this is why you said make your choice and make a good one can I go home now wait I thought we were going to go search for Matt I need to end this now hey my mirror's back uh oh someone's waiting for me tapes come from can't go outside oh duh call the police or the unknown number I really should call the police and get this person taken away but I feel like the police aren't going to do anything and I kind of want to see what happens the news gave me the name of the abductor I'm not interested in acts of violence however I adore this little rotten town and I will do anything to clean it from the filth [Music] that that was it it starts over I can't even like load to get to the other ending huh ah what's the point because there's a dog barking outside right now wait was the dog barking in the game or outside my house all this time oh my God oh this is a nightmare already this is just called be honest and it's a quiz thing and the last time I did one of these it freaked me out so be fair to the Little Folks they are worth it okay by frisbee begin quiz what kind of toy are you enter name Sean fur coats at any price no thank you are you excited to get to know yourself better with this personality test Sean uh heck yeah what kind of friend are you the mom friend the hot mess I'm the funny one I haven't seen you at church Jesus I'm sorry I'm sorry I've been busy I'm a YouTuber now Jesus no don't be upset with me these you have way more cool things going on in your life you don't have to be trying to confess me all the time of these Smash Mouth lyrics I would choose I ain't sure if you want to share I can't even why can't we be friends I need the sharpest tool in the shed somebody you're at a party would you be most likely to drink meet new people sit by yourself play games all of these uh uh uh me do people sure why not I often leave important tasks until the last minute strongly agree vegetine the great blood purifier I always leave stuff to the last second because I have ADHD and doing stuff beforehand paralyzes me I like to try new things oh yeah uh yeah sure Schultz's soaps what color are your eyes I have blue you go to a favorite restaurant what do you order oh an old favorite something new the healthiest option something new when taking a test I check all my answers before submitting uh disagree I do check all my surroundings though when taking a train or plane I try to talk to the person next to me strongly disagree well usually I travel with Evelyn so I'll talk to her but if it's if I'm not traveling with her then no on an average day how many hours it said with me on average day how many hours do you spend alone one to twelve when I'm recording I guess I have many neighbors [Music] ah not really kind of I guess I don't know it is wrong to gossip about someone behind their back yeah I would say strongly agree because I I was brought up in a town that was full of gossip and I feel like it's just still in me they they like when I hear a gossip there's some part of me that's like ooh say more and I hate it I don't I don't want to be like that but my body's like got any gossip I think it's human I never run a red light even when there's no one around um I don't drive you're in a new room what kind of seat do you look for seat facing the entrance the comfiest seat the seat facing the window at the first seat I see comfiest oh no Jesus is back Jesus you cut out the music Jesus why are you here I'm sorry I don't go to church anymore I go to the church of YouTube when signing I read all the fine print no my true name is Sean yes I often write in a journal or diary no out of these artistic movements which is your favorite um I don't know maybe Romantics how many times have you been angry in the last week maybe one to three I don't know it's a stranger approached you in public and asked to borrow your phone you would politely decline I'm not letting anyone use my phone I even if they came up and their legs were like blown off they're like I need an ambulance can I use your phone I'd be like excuse you I'll call it what is the best kind of animal I used to say dog but now I have a cat oh it picked for me that was weird it like took control of the mouse oh God oh God Jesus why are you melting your friends asks if you like their shirt the shirt is ugly what do you do I'll say that I like this shirt if they like it then I like it it's not up to me it's whatever they want it's their taste not mine what did that say oh if I went no screens for a day and didn't post the social media or check my phone my friends or family would be very concerned disagree I often go on breaks from social media I enjoy people watching yes I do oh who's watching me huh it's you it's all of you you're watching me and I can't see you interesting and you must love people watching if you watch my content right the next section of the quiz is in the style of free association instead of a question you'll be shown a seed word you have three seconds to select the word the most associated oh I like this paper collage none of those seed uh flower computer internet death grave hearing oh oh I don't like that stop it beseech the I don't know what to pick for that substance uh blood Circle sphere declare statement I'm breathing in my owl bird bird constrain Lux it may it was picking the answer for me again cast a spell defeated uh oh I didn't answer so creepy the idea that you're doing a test and someone's watching you take a deep breath just go with your gut your unconscious will guide you whisper chills actually ASMR uh chills because they picked that first sea salt oh no see uh Ocean Sea let's sea salt dress fancy oh God his eyes are gone amazing happy what's happening to the dog Dusty old oh that concludes the first free response portion please continue how many friends do you have uh that depends there's people I'm friendly with but maybe not friends with but I I have a lot of friends how many friends do you have if you count me I am powerful oh angels are powerful misunderstood above reproach messengers of God That's What Angels are you move into a new apartment which do you do first go to my shitty job at the VHS store uh set up your bed hang your curtains decorations meet your new neighbors set up my bed I have beautiful eyes strongly agree look at these beautiful baby blues Jesus no look I know I don't go to church anymore but there's no need to get creepy about it I would not change much if I was trapped for a hundred years um I would if I was trapped for a hundred years I'd probably change a lot which of these is most important on a vacation uh uh [Music] uh I mean any of these none of these safety why not a white lie is better than telling someone the truth if it would hurt them I am neutral on that depends on the person you're in a public area like a park or a lake and see me standing across the way looking at you you're most likely to uh uh blow you a kiss this thing is trying to scare me I'm trying to outdo it uh but I politely ignore you oh don't do that stop you're most likely to lose patience with people who are acting logically people who do not finish their work on time people who talk about confusing Earth people who want to talk to me what kind of job do you have I entertain people at least I hope so everyone's sitting at home like don't watch my videos like that you should be laughing hysterically a taste that's hard to match how many times have you seen an owl have I ever I've seen an owl in real life how many times do you think an owl has seen you Sean [Music] well we're talking about you so we'll say this maybe I'm walking home and there's an owl in the trees that I can't see because they're they're sly when you take a personality quiz you learn just as much about me as I do about you uh disagree I'm confident in my ability to defend myself yes I win most fights I get into um neutral because some fights that I get into are not worth winning and I should see it from the other person's perspective I find it hard to work if my surroundings are unorganized [Music] we're from the owl country good for you have you ever cheated in school [Music] think I have [Music] a dentist whoa what is that [Music] was cool I tend to speed up when I have to walk in the dark yep BB the cat is alive yes [Music] don't do anything to BB I I hate this I should have realized that that's what the [ __ ] quiz is trying to do we'll say sever two fond hearts forever why are the owls getting divorced believe that personality test provide an accurate summary of a person I I think there's way more to a person than any personality quiz can tell you I believe that this is a real personality test made by a real human being nope I have no difficulty separate I have no difficulty separating my dreams from my Waking Life uh yeah I don't I have no difficulty yeah when I think someone is watching me I feel an awareness at the back of my neck yeah I don't like that Jesus go away next section of the quiz is a sign of free association yes Cloverfield gouge I yes gouge the eyes child horn e H devil absent oh minded [Music] [ __ ] doing a mukbang on the other side of things [Music] evil uh none of these thread [Music] none of these succumb eventually [Music] grateful Journal beautiful eyes me oh you shouldn't have swell Dandy that's also me window glass [Music] dude why are you get get off the mic thank you you're not being scary you're just being weird dude huffing and puffing there oh it's an owl I would know if something was watching me um yeah I would because it keeps showing up on screen I tended to complete my homework well before it was due no I'm confident that I will live to be at least 60 years old yeah my dad lived to be like 86.87 so what kind of kid were you in high school uh the class clown the light is blinding because you haven't been to church oh my friends would still care for me if I was maimed yeah they often think about what happens oh that's cool I like playing horror games in the Twilight hours yeah five more questions to go thank you for telling me because I was getting worried that this was just going to go on forever people would look for me if I Disappeared yes it kind of comes with doing videos like this and pumping out content constantly which of the following would be an effective defense against the supernatural entity ah [Music] see it's not happening to her right now no evil what would you characterize your peripheral vision [Music] that's a good question to get you on edge I can see movement but not much else I don't notice much in my peripheral vision my peripheral vision is very good Josh whoa if I lost my eyes what I replace them with oh great he's back um yeah if I lost my eyes I'd saw the whole shot I often find myself taking care of my friends and family a lot of the people in my life can take care of themselves so what kind of toy are you oh yeah I forgot that this is what we were doing well your result is candidate yay you you you I'm a good candidate I'm gonna be taken over by a demon entity I'm a good toy is it the same questions again it's the exact same questions again oh [Music] spoil sport ah so there actually is other things you can do you're no fun your friends must not like you much you can't help but ruin anything you see someone else being happy about maybe you should reconsider how you interact with others that's fun so if you don't answer any of them it actually gives you a different answer that's cool wait you guys go play this it's just called be honest I found it on ichio um I want to see what other kind of outcomes you can get out of it by different answers that was fun didn't scare me on the level of like a Watson Scott test but again maybe I didn't get all of the endings out of it welcome everyone to a game called missing hiker a horror game that I found on ichio looks really cool I love this aesthetic and that's it we're going to December 11th 1994. some of you probably weren't even alive back then I was about to hit five I was about to hit my Prime uh it was looking really good for me in 1994. my brother Ethan is missing for around 24 hours while I was obviously not doing too good for this person he went on a hiking trip near the Red Mountain he should have come home yesterday I went to the local police they said they don't have the resources for a search right now so I decided to take matters into my own hands okay nice oh I'm actually driving damn this is this is Vibes right now this is Chill uh I'm from Ireland so I'm gonna drive in the left I'm sorry I don't care where this game takes place it's stuck in my brain that that's where carers are supposed to be every time I get into a car in America I'm like oh my God the steering wheel's on the wrong side it's terrifying dude I know your brother's missing and everything and we're actually going for a very serious reason but this is chill right now don't fall asleep though I'm assuming I'm I'm gonna know where to stop I know what those signs are saying maybe I should slow down and look at one of them sometimes maybe if I was actually on the right side of the road I'd read the signs that are laid out for me wait there's a gas station over there I think or if you'd say over here an old petrol station even though there's more than petrol there but you call it that anyway priced this is so chill this is like I should park at the gas station to ask if they saw my brother you know uh Lo-Fi girl who studies this should be Lo-Fi guy who drives okay nice solid parking job if I do say so myself look at that whoa what are we driving a BMW damn I mean there's no badges or anything on it but that's a BMW Grille right there we are doing well apart from her brother being missing but at least our finances seem fine hello how much you want to bet there's a body in the back of this car doesn't it just look like that it looks like they're supposed to be a body in that car let me search around first I've played so many horror games that take place inside convenience stores petrol stations that there's always something out the back of them that's going to get us killed and I probably have to go up there hello I'm here for uh do you have a body in your care tell me I know you have a body in your car tell me who it is tell me what you're doing is it my brother is it my brother Ethan Ethan is like a brother to me Ryan game plays Ethan he's like a brother to me oh you look sad though you look like your brother's missing what do you want I'm searching for my brother he went missing while hiking in this area sorry to offend you pal but that's not my problem I mean fair but also don't need to be a dick about it also you shouldn't just randomly approach people like this especially in this area why what do you mean hey look man I worked pretty late I'm just going to grab some snacks and beers and drive home I just want to grab some beers and then chill out with my boys Call of Duty is dropping tonight we're hopping on getting on mics Destiny 2 lightfall is dropping me and the boys are gonna raid okay just get some snacks and some brewskies some bevies I'm not in the mood to talk with people I don't know I understand sorry for bothering you man people here are nice security camera in use where oh can I I always like looking at fake brands in these games what are we working with ah corn brand corn and chickpeas brand chickpeas diced tomatoes mayonnaise excellent excellent and all the things a person could need in a long drive home like tins of corn what can I do for you sir I'm searching for my brother he was hiking around this area you should have come home yesterday have you seen him well you didn't give him any descriptors brother look like his brown hair and is pretty tall he also has a green back let me think for a second um some water and a few snacks you're trying to find him have you told the police already oh brother yes I did in fact but they said they don't have the resources for a search right now they said they only start a search if a person is missing for more than 48 hours the eye which I found out is not true by the way if you have probable cause that you actually think a person is missing and you're you think for sure in your bones that you know that they're gone missing that they should be at a certain point and they're not you can report them missing immediately I think it isn't the first time someone went missing in this area heck even last week I went missing couldn't even find myself at least a handful of people went missing there in the last decade people talk a lot I've heard rumors that there are strange screams and weird noises coming from the woods so you should be careful actually going there at this time of night there's a road right behind the gas station leading to the mountain and he told you being sure to stay on it it could be dangerous wildlife in that area thanks make sure to stay safe take care yeah what about some cigarettes beers some Tabasco uh to the peas uh some mayonnaise burger sauce like just give me the whole lot give me one of everything in the store I'll take that to go can I look at your cameras actually you say there's CCTV in this area maybe I can see my brother on it [Music] man really wish I took my car okay nobody stealed my BMW wait I gotta go lock it there good a door locking mechanism from the 90s actually it is it is the 90s it's 1994 right uh yeah I can tell by the snow you don't have snow like this these days back in my day snow used to be different Hello actually I shouldn't draw any attention from bears and whatnot so atmosphere I wish I was back in my car I should have just drove my car up here the Beamer would have no problem with these Hills what's that a glowing Rock filled with uranium because it's aliens my brother's tent looks entirely different I should take a closer look oh that's a tent oh I don't like this music Ethan oh my God whose Child is This who's disgusting Lost Child Is This whoa whoa what the who the [ __ ] are you scared the [ __ ] out of me I scared you I almost had a heart attack myself I [ __ ] a little what do you want maybe you're not some kind of pervert or creep I'm not I'm looking for my brother well actually I'm looking for my heart that fellow through my ass have you seen it should be around here somewhere he was hiking in this area have you seen him nope I haven't seen him wait you don't even know what he looks like look man I'm just some guy that likes to hike in the woods and sleep in a freezing conditions I just like a hike in the woods I haven't seen anyone in days I understand we're planning to go deeper into the forest yeah so search around the area hope I can find my brother or at least traces of him look you're probably think I'm a stoner or something but I saw a badger in the woods but last night I had my tent a bit up north and I heard weird noises coming from the woods it sounded like a child was crying but I didn't see anything it could be foxes have you heard foxes before they sound like children like going creep me out maybe it was encrypted sure a what look man do you carry I mean I can I'm pretty strong and carry my mom's groceries in since I was like six years old what do you mean I'm talking about a piece you know something for protection oh like condoms Oh you mean a gun no I don't then you shouldn't be here in the first place it's way too dangerous to go deeper into the forest at night if I was carrying a good out here I probably would have shot you in the head once you showed up but I'm not gonna stop you I just want to sleep now also one last thing don't creep up a tent in the woods at night ever again I almost would have shot you well I'm get I guess I'm glad you didn't me too good look at the search tiny child I could lay you out with a single flick of my baby finger stick both my fingers and your nozzles and drag you across the snow anyways see you later scared the crap out of me I could probably find my brother dead and it would be less scary than what just happened to me that's deathly Derek without my light just leave that on where's that guy hiking and camping alone in the woods do people do that I've never I guess I'm just not a camping kind of person I don't go camping very often and anytime I have I didn't really like it it's cold it's it's uncomfortable there's no coffee shops around like I do like the idea of it though being cozy in a tent but I just know that uh being out in the woods is just not nearly as comfortable as being at home in my house plus there's no video games out here Slenderman my brother better be out here if he's not doing so much walking I mean I get it he's your brother familiar love blood thicker than water and all that kind of stuff but getting real tired it's getting really cold I should set up tent on the left side of the road wait you brought a tent also why didn't we come out during the day my fingers are pretty numb it's hard to build the tent damn I forgot my sleeping bag whoa this is the BMW of tents that other guy's tent back there he doesn't even know this is an incorporated tent so much better than that loses little green pea pod this is sick I bet it's like twice as big on the inside too yep Rumi it's cold but I'm falling asleep slowly uh that's hypothermia be careful now you didn't even take out a sleeping bag or anything oh I think I heard someone scream not sure if it was real or imagined that actually does sound like foxes that's how foxes sound I need to check could be my brother screaming for help could be could also just be a murdering psychopath in the woods the ID printer was I need to see if it could be my brother okay that's not a fox that is legitimately someone just screaming at the top of their lungs hey Ethan do not be an altar with a naked man body on it ready to summon the Antichrist wait it's a house whoa it looked way smaller from back there I know that's how that works small far away you know what I mean no I'm coming bro don't you worry I've got a tent set up we're gonna be okay unless you're the one screaming because you're getting your legs chopped off oh flashlight don't fail me now hello that's my brother's backpack he must have been here weird the backpack is completely empty nothing in here oh okay it was fine until right now hello oh God I hate this this feels like Blair Witch Project they're not a generator nope is that blood oh no my bro what the hell someone made a picture of my tent and my car oh no oh that's a sure scientific get out of here I bet that's a piece of my brother he cut up my brother and now he's like eat your brother okay nothing else is clickable [Music] oh my God your body was never found cool so happy about that oh sweet Mother of God that does it thank you for watching this did you enjoy the video great if you watch this video and you enjoyed it are you likely to recommend it to a friend excellent if you keep watching this channel your chances of getting happy are increased [Music] thank you for taking the test [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,439,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: oScv80hSK1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 49sec (4129 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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