Google Ads Tutorial (Made In 2021 for 2021) - Step-By-Step for Beginners

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hey guys yvonne here at in this video i want to show you how to create a google ads search campaign from start to finish as you watch behind my shoulder in 2021 today is january 4th 2021 as i'm recording this video so you will see the new interface as it pertains to the new year for those of you that don't know me welcome to the channel my name is yvonne i have been doing online and affiliate marketing for the past four years running paid ads through a variety of traffic sources google ads being the main one and so in this video i want to show you everything step by step how to create a campaign as well as offer any possible tips tricks anything like that that can help ensure your campaign success as well regardless of whether you're an agency you're an affiliate marketer or whatever else you're doing before we get into it guys make sure to hit like and subscribe and hit the notification bell icon so you get notified when i release more videos just like this to help you succeed online that being said stop wasting time let's get straight into it so the website we're gonna be promoting is my website so if you do want to run ads on any payday network just make sure that you have something you want to promote that's the first step next just simply head over to okay so the first step is obviously create a google ads account if you have a google ads account excellent simply click on sign in if you don't click on start now create an account google makes it very easy for you to do so so that they can make some money as well as you you don't need a gmail account to create a google ads account you can use an outlook or a hotmail or whatever other email account you want but i use a gmail account for this just because it's so much easier to integrate services later on if you want to set up google analytics or google tag manager which are additional google services that you don't need but it's just easier if you have one kind of gmail account to have them all together but you don't need to have a gmail account to create an account here so once you follow the steps guys you will land on a page that looks something like this it's asking you what your main advertising goal is so very important here guys this is called a smart campaign here at the top you see it's called smart campaign this is not what we want this is for uber uber beginners but the issue with this is that it takes away a lot of customization and targeting options which is what you need if you really want to make money online all the professional marketers agencies you know everyone i know that's actually making money they are not using smart campaign this is mostly for extreme beginners that are just starting out want to get the lay of the land but they promptly switch thereafter now luckily you have me and other youtube video tutorials that can help guide you through google ads so click on switch to expert mode here at the bottom guys this is important you want to have all the options available you don't want to just be paying google money without making anything back this is important so don't select anything here instead click on switch to expert mode once you do that you will land on a page that looks like this prompting you to create a campaign now to create an account don't worry about this for now simply click on create an account without a campaign okay so select this option and you should land on a page that looks like this okay so we are now over here where you can create a campaign you might be prompted to also enter your billing information google does change their interface a little bit and kind of the steps that are required but basically you know if you're asked to do that enter your billing information and you will land on a page that looks like this where you have to create your your campaign so i want to start here because this is like our central hub okay this will always be your central google ads dashboard your main hub you might land on something that looks like this your overview or campaigns depending on what you set as your home icon right here but i just want you to get used to this interface because this is what you'll be seeing first so in order to create a campaign where do you think we have to go well we have to click on the little plus sign or click on here new campaign alright so with google ads there are three layers guys you have the campaign level where you can set your budget and your country targeting options then you have the ad group level right below it where you can enter your keywords okay this is the hardest and the heart of your google ads advertising where you'll be spending most of your time in and then you have the ads where you actually create the ads to try to get someone to click on your ads so we're gonna click on new campaign and we're just gonna fill everything you know from from top to bottom so if you don't have any conversions anything set up yet if you're brand new start with website traffic and then over here we're gonna select search so there are many other options here guys but in my opinion the easiest to start with and the easiest way to make money is with the google search ads so over here now it's asking for our website so like i said you do need a website to promote you can't promote just the physical location so we're gonna head over to my website i'm gonna go ahead and copy it i'm going to go back here and i'm just going to paste my website and click on continue it might you know you might see a little circle there that verifies it now over here we're going to say let's say my name i might already have this so let me just say yt youtube just in case and let's go from top to bottom so the first part here it's asking what networks you want to show your ads to now i suggest sticking with only include google search partners if you want to even restrict it more take this off but this means that your ads will show on websites that google is partnered with they don't reveal all the sites but you can click on the little question mark icon here to learn a little more but basically your ads will still show up on search network so i still use this this is fine but i would definitely deselect this option because i don't want my ads to show up on various websites again i want my ads to show up only when someone specifically searches for something okay next we can click on show more settings you can leave all of these blank these are fine however if you do have a specific ad schedule like you don't want your ads to show up on i don't know mondays you can select tuesdays through fridays for example you can say tuesday this time and then wednesday this time and so on and just skip monday you can also set a start and end date so maybe if you want to create a campaign now for next week you can go ahead and set okay well i want my campaign to start on the 11th of january and i want it to end on i don't know the 25th of january you can do that here as well now for me what i normally do is i start my campaign immediately and then i pause it manually as well if i see results or i think i need to optimize the campaign more i pause it manually myself i don't set a time because i don't know how long it's going to take to see the results that i want but this is how you would do it if you do want to do something like that next we're going to set our location targeting so normally in all of my campaigns i like to target tier one countries which is the five countries with the highest quality of traffic as deemed by i guess all the marketers obviously you can target whatever you want like if you are in south africa and you want to target only south africa if you have maybe a local business you can do that but normally i promote affiliate products so i want the highest quality traffic so i'm just going to go and select enter another location and i'm going to enter the five tier one countries which is united states canada australia new zealand and of course our favorite united kingdom and we'll click enter and then what you want to do guys is click on these location options so like i said you know i'll be giving you these little tips that cost me money when i started that i want to save you okay so over here you want to set presents people in or regularly in your targeted location don't select presents or interest because then if you select australia and i don't know you're targeting shoes and someone types in shoes in australia and they're not in australia your ads will show up you don't want that you want to target people that are only living in these countries right so you would select this option now there are exceptions like if you're a travel agency and obviously your ads might be tailored to people that aren't in the country yet in that case you can definitely select this option but most of the time at least for the products that i'm promoting which are online products i would select with presents so just a little tip for you there and for exclude you just leave it at presents that is fine next for the languages so a common misconception is that people think that the ads will be translated to the language that they set here like if i said french they think that my ads will be translated to french no such thing what this does is this shows your ads to people with a specific interface so if i said english my ads will be shown to people with an english interface so like over here you see my chrome is in english like this is written in english this is in english you know this is tools report search so that's just the language of the interface which people have which you can target now audiences we can't really do anything here this is more so for remarketing especially so if you click on browse and you click on remarketing or combined audiences you can set remarketing audiences that you've created now this video isn't about remarketing it's about basic search has if you're just starting out if you are a little more experienced though and you do want to remarket people or you want to know how to create advanced remarketing audiences guys i have a course at courses which covers this and actually search ads in much more detail so take a look at that but for the purpose of this video we don't have any audiences so we're going to skip that next you want to set the budget a common question i get is how much should i spend per day there is no right answer the minimum you can spend is one dollar the maximum is unlimited i don't i don't know what the maximum is but the more you spend the faster you get the data when i first started online marketing i started with about 15 to 20 dollars per day sometimes even 10. so you can start here it's totally acceptable but just letting you know that there is no right answer the choice is completely yours next is the bidding option so ideally you want to focus on conversions you want to set a cost per conversion and basically you're still going to be paying per click don't be misled you are still paying per click but google is going to show your ads to people that are most likely to convert however how does google know who is likely to convert well you need conversion data so you can't really set this if you're just starting out so what i suggest is you go with clicks or you select a bid strategy it says not recommended because obviously they want you to pay more you know some of these things you guys should watch out for which is why i'm making this video because some things that google says is recommended it's recommended for them so that they can make more money not for you so what you want to do here to make the most bank for your buck is select this manual cpc option and deselect this and that way you will be paying a maximum amount per click so if you set your maximum cpc of say 20 cents you will not be paying more than 20 cents per click okay so that's how this works if you're more conservative in your budget or if you want to you know if you want to plan ahead and say okay like how many clicks can i get for this price this is the option you would go with next we can scroll down we can click on show more settings and then for add rotation so for conversions you can leave that blank for now i will send you to a resource that can help you set up conversions but for ad rotation normally the option i choose is do not optimize because what i want is for me to be able to look at my ads and see which ads had the highest conversion rates and which ad is better if you select optimize what i've noticed is google tends to shift more impressions towards the ad that has a higher ctr thereby not giving the other ad a chance so i would set it as do not optimize and then i myself depending on which one has higher conversions higher ctr i would be the one to go in there and change it up next as we scroll down we have these extensions now these are extensions so they're not necessary and i'm not going to cover it in this video because it's going to take us in a slightly different direction however if you do want to know how to improve your ads and how to make them more visible and increase your click-through rate check out my course guys at all-courses or take a look at my video library on youtube i cover this in some of my videos as well so once we're good here okay so double check everything make sure all the settings are good we're gonna scroll down click on save and continue and now this is the heart of any campaign it's setting the keywords so automatically google will provide you some keyword suggestions like affiliate program so it scanned my website and it gave me recommendations for good keywords that i can use now let's suppose i don't want these keywords what i'm going to do is click on tools and settings here and right click keyword planner and open a new tab and generally what i like to do is spend some time here in this keyword planner doing some keyword research so i would look in my website i could either paste my website here if i go into here i can either paste my website here and get ideas or i can start with keywords so i can type in for example affiliate marketing and i'd click enter and for the location i'm going to change it to well i'm not going to change it i'm going to add united states for example and let's just say we're just going to get an estimated search volume for canada and u.s affiliate marketing i'm going to click get results and i'm going to get some ideas so you know 74 000 people search for affiliate marketing this term per month and as you can see here it has gone up because of kovid so maybe this is a keyword you want to bid on so things like that this is where you would do the research now normally as a rule of thumb i do like to bid on long tail keywords long tail meaning keywords that have three or more words in it because it's more specific but this is a tool that you would use to go in here and just get ideas things that are pertaining to affiliate marketing so let's go back here now i do have a separate video showing you how to use this keyword planner for optimal success i'm gonna link it in the description but for the purpose of this video let's just go with the suggestions that google has for us so uh let's start here from the top let's enter a bid so remember i was telling you how much do you want to pay per click maximum so i'm gonna say for example let's say 20 cents i want to pay 20 cents per click now what i always tell you guys is to start low first see what the volume is how many clicks you get how many impressions how much you're spending if you find that you're not getting enough clicks then you can go in and increase but there's no point in starting with a three dollar bid you know expanding your entire budget in two minutes and then not having anything else to do so i'd always say start slow take a look at the traffic because these numbers here they're not always accurate like it's not always a dollar 63 these are just estimates guys so take these estimates with a grain of salt start low and build your way up from there so let's say we want to promote our website is about affiliate marketing a free affiliate marketing guide so let's say i want to target people who are learning about affiliate marketing so in this case maybe for the ad group i'm going to name the sad group affiliate marketing for my reference later on so that once i create different ad groups targeting different people searching for different things i know that this ad group is specific for affiliate marketing so i'm going to go in here and let's suppose i want to add so i'm going to remove these because some of them aren't really relevant and what i'm going to do is say what is affiliate marketing and i'm gonna type in get keywords and what we should actually also do is let's remove this website so it doesn't conflict and then let's click on get keywords again and now it's gonna give us some suggestions based on this term so what is affiliate marketing and it's really pretty much the same thing there might be a few differences here um but these are the keywords that google suggests first now like i said i do like to go with long tails so three plus words for the best results so affiliate that is just way too broad and something like this yeah so you can do this um what you could also do is if you don't like any keywords again you can do keyword research but what you could also do is you can just add your own keywords so i don't like any of these quite frankly so for this ad group what is affiliate marketing i can type in what is affiliate marketing and now i'm going to be targeting people that are typing something like this in that are curious now there's not much search volume these are estimates it's saying you're going to get one click a day or at least with this bid but you can add more so what is affiliate marketing how to affiliate marketing how to start affiliate marketing okay so again i would normally do i would use the keyword planner for this but i'm trying to keep this video short and sweet uh so i'm just gonna write some things here that i think would convert well now there are different types of keywords you can add so there is as you can see here at the bottom broad phrase and exact so if i type keywords without any quotation marks or any square brackets what this is going to do is if someone types in anything remotely similar to the meaning of this what is affiliate marketing my ads will show up so if someone types in how to do affiliate marketing or affiliate marketing or how to do online marketing my ads will very likely show up if you however set it to phrase which means you put quotation marks here for example how to affiliate marketing someone has to type in these words in this order for my ad to show up so if someone types in something like how to make money quickly today our ad will very likely not show up for this keyword whereas it might show up for this keyword because they are fairly similar affiliate marketing is related to making money from home and then lastly if i use exact match by adding these square brackets what this does is this makes it so that our search term has to exactly match the keyword in order for the ad to show up so if someone types in how to start affiliate marketing today quickly our ad will not show up whereas it might with this phrase or with the broad now that being said just something for you guys to keep in mind google did make a change last year or so where if you use these exact match keywords they don't exactly have to match so if someone types in for example how to start online marketing google might still show your ad because google deems that online is similar to affiliate so it kind of sucks because now if you use these exact match keyword types you assume that well hey it has to be exact not necessarily google changed it up so just be wary and i'm gonna show you how to deal with that issue by adding negative keywords after we finish this campaign so let's imagine these are the keywords we want to add because they're long tail i'm going to remove these restrictions and i'll just say i'll just say that now what i normally like to do is add many different ad groups so for example this is about affiliate marketing normally what i do is add another ad group for different keyword types different keyword ideas so for example this ad group we can make about make money online and then over here what we can do is we can set the bid to 15 cents for example and then here we can add keywords such as make money online how to make money online earn money online things like that so as you can see here i'm keeping these keyword ad groups very tightly knit very relevant to a common theme so the theme here is what is affiliate marketing the theme here is how to make money online and so the benefit of this is that we can create different ads for different people because if we create an ad saying what is affiliate marketing let's imagine that's our ad headline we don't want that ad to show for this for these keywords because people aren't searching for affiliate marketing they're searching for how to make money online so that's the idea you want to make different ad groups with tightly themed keywords okay so let's suppose we're good here hopefully that gives you an understanding of how these keywords work and we're gonna click on save and go to next step and now this is the final step where we create our ad and then i'll show you some additional things you have to do to improve your performance so it right away pre-populates the ad with my website here yvonne mana but what we're going to do is change it up a little bit so for this ad group affiliate marketing our headline is going to be for example what is affiliate marketing or we could say free guide on affiliate marketing now your character limit is 30 but you can play around with the headlines and in fact we will create another variation so in the first headline i like to include the keyword what are people searching for in the second headline i like to include a call to action start now get started now read now watch now things like that so in this case i'm offering people a free guide i'm saying get your guide so i'm gonna type in get your free let's say guide now and so now i'm not only using the word free which people like but i'm also saying get your which is a call to action by the way this guide is legitimate this isn't just an example i am offering you guys a free affiliate marketing guide so if you want to learn how to make money online i've generated a full-time income online promoting affiliate products since 2017. if you want to know how to do that what the process is like definitely enter your name and email and i will send it to you in an email so that being said let's go back to our ads now headline three is optional sometimes it doesn't show up it only shows up if there's space so here by the way you see what your ads will look like on desktop and mobile so over here for example let's say we can write something like updated for 2021 which all my training still applies for 2021 but this headline will not always be seen again as you can see over here if there isn't enough space or if there are many more ads you will not see it description 2 is also optional sometimes it doesn't show up if there is no space so i'm just going to go ahead and delete it for simplicity instead we're just going to make our description part one now notice over here i have all caps you're not allowed to have all caps okay so we can't do that but what i'm gonna do here is maybe copy this description here and paste it here and i'm just gonna change it up a little bit so as you can see you have a 90 character limit so we definitely want to remove some stuff so i'm going to remove simply name your email and i'll send you i'll definitely remove that and we still need to get rid of 30 characters so let's see what we can do here learn what affiliate marketing is and how you can make money with it again we don't want any cabs google doesn't allow it learn what affiliate marketing is and how you can make money with it today get your guide so maybe something like that what i like to do is also title case so i would go in here and just so it gets a little bit more attention again if you see here on the right if you make it with title case it just draws a little bit more attention i found and then instead of and i like to use an ampersand so and like that and how you can make money with it today get your guide so here is an example of our ad that we created okay so what i'm going to do is click on done and create next ad and then like i said we want to create a slightly different variation right so what we can do here is let's click let's edit that i'm going to go ahead and ctrl c to copy then i'm going to go back to this ad i'm going to paste it here and i'm going to go back here i'm going to again copy i'm going to go back here and i'm going to paste it here now what i do want to change is let's suppose instead of saying what is affiliate marketing and actually that should be a question let's put a little question here i want to do something else so i'm going to go in here and i'm going to say free affiliate marketing guide so in this case i'm testing the word free because people like free that's the very first thing and for people that are searching for what is affiliate marketing i'm offering them a free guide what could be better than that they will hopefully get to know everything there is to know about affiliate marketing which they do in my ebook but let's suppose that's the headline we want to change now i'm going to leave this as is okay so when you change these headlines you don't want to change everything so if i'm going to be split testing different ads i don't want to change headline 1 and headline 2 and headline three and description because then if one of them does better or worse i won't know what the what the cause of that is was it headline two which made it to be worse or better was it description one so this way just by changing one headline if this ad performs better i know for a fact the reason that it performed better is because of headline one and then i can keep that in mind for next time as i create additional ad variations so that is good here let's click done and we've created our ads for this ad group on what is affiliate marketing so notice how it's very tightly knit people searching for what affiliate marketing is we're giving them just that now let's look at the next ad group we created which is for make money online i'm not gonna use the same text i'm not gonna say what is affiliate marketing for this ad group instead i'm going to say how to make money online which is exactly what people are searching for and then over here i'm going to say learn how in this free guide okay so again a call to action learn how free and i'm i'm saying how to make money online okay and then everything else we can keep as is so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go ahead and maybe copy this thing okay i'm going to do it the manual way here and i'm just going to paste it here so learn what affiliate marketing is and how you can make money with it today so this works because the keyword how to make money okay make money online or we can maybe say i make money online the keyword is here okay so let's just remove maybe this part and see learn what affiliate marketing is and how you can make money online with it today okay so just like for the other ad group we can also create a variation so we can click done here and then we can edit that and sorry i forgot let's click done and go and create next ad and then once again we're going to click here i'm going to ctrl c to speed this up then go back here and ctrl v to paste and now here we can change something up again so some of the keywords were how to make money online or money online so we can say something for example how to earn money online so this could be our other variation so which one performs better now the difference here is very minor it's not really worth testing but just as an example i'm just changing something up to show you how you would go about making these variations normally i'd make a little bigger change because one word is probably not not big enough of a difference to test it but we're gonna click done here and we're gonna click save and continue and that should be pretty much it for our ads okay so let's just review it so we're actually getting a deli estimate of 252 clicks per day with a cost of ten dollars per day so that's actually very good but remember that this is an estimate okay so it's not for sure so just like i said monitor your account and just make changes to the bid to the budget as you see fit so let's go ahead and click publish and now our campaign is up and running here on the left hand side okay now one thing i do suggest like i told you uh by the way let me just quickly show you here are all the ads okay and then if you want to select a specific ad group you just select it here either affiliate marketing or make money online and then here are all your keywords okay so one thing i would suggest you guys do is if you for example select the campaign or select any specific ad group is to add something called negative keywords so like i mentioned let's suppose you want to target someone that's typing in what is affiliate marketing but you don't want to target people that are typing in what is online marketing so if you don't want that you can go into negative keywords click the little plus sign so again go into keywords negative keywords and add an exact match for example what is online marketing and so now if someone types in exactly what is online marketing for negative keywords that thing i told you about where anything remotely close to what they type in doesn't apply so someone has to type in exactly in these letters this capitalization in this order these letters everything like that what is online marketing only then our ad will not show up so i'm going to click save and now this keyword is applied to the entire campaign so you can either apply to a campaign or like i said if you select an ad group you can apply to any ad group also one thing that you will want to do when you run these is maybe create a list of specific negative keywords so if you go to use negative keyword lists you would create one by going into tools here and clicking on negative keyword lists and then what you can do is add a specific set of negative keywords you don't want for every campaign for example free or cheap or you know not expensive things like that now i'm not going to put square brackets around here which means as long as this word is anywhere in the search query that someone actually types in then our ad will not show up so you can create a list that suits you if you are offering cheap products then maybe you do the opposite maybe you do expensive like you know expensive things like that so you you don't want to target people that are searching for expensive stuff as an example okay so that's what you would do let's say we want to add free i'm going to click save and now this free is going to be a broad match which means as long as this word is anywhere in the search term that someone types in our ad will not show up so that is pretty much it one more thing guys you definitely want to set up conversion tracking i'll put a link to my video on how to do that with your website in the description take a look at that so you know how to set up conversion tracking because you have to be able to know what works what doesn't clicks alone is not enough so once you start sending traffic once you start paying for the ads you will see clicks but that is completely irrelevant unless you actually get conversions so it's definitely a good practice to set up conversions here if you're an affiliate marketer you will likely have to use a third-party tracking software to try conversions again i have videos on that if you are an affiliate and you cannot set up conversion tracking because it's not your website but i do cover all that on my channel guys so if you head over to yvonne mana on youtube i cover a bunch of videos a bunch of content that can help you succeed and run these ads and make money that being said thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video guys take a look at my case study where we successfully created a campaign i show you everything the keywords the ads the landing page everything we use to make a profitable campaign to make money once again thank you for watching i will see you in the next video
Channel: Ivan Mana
Views: 239,630
Rating: 4.9234128 out of 5
Keywords: google ads tutorial, google ads 2021, google ads tutorial 2021, google ads, adwords, google advertising tutorial, google ads for beginners, google adwords, google adwords campaign, google adwords help, google adwords tips, google adwords training, google adwords tutorial, google adwords tutorial for beginners, google marketing, google marketing tutorial, google pay per click, google ppc tutorial, google ads 2020, ivan mana
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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