How to Write KILLER Ad Copy for Google Adwords Text Ads - Examples & Best Practices

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hey guys this is Ryan in this video we're gonna go over how to write killer ad copy that gets more clicks generates more leads for less cost you may be asking what is AD copywriting and it's simply written words and advertisements so it's the art of persuading through the written word now the reason why you want to focus on AdWords copywriting is because it's perhaps one of the best ways to differentiate your ads from your competitors now if you go to a results page like this on a search for plastic surgeon New Hampshire then what you're gonna see is your competitors ads and if you can write ads that both pop out and appeal to your customers emotional and logical needs then what Google is going to see is that all your ads are getting the clicks and they're gonna get viewer ads the benefit of the doubt you're gonna pay less for cost per click and you're gonna get the higher positions much easier what you're seeing at the top here are expanded text ads or also just known as text ads there's other formats of ads as you can see here such as responsive search ads and call only ads but for this video we're just going to focus on the text ads now the principles that we're going to go over our best practices of copywriting and they're going to apply to whether you're doing this for Google Adwords or Facebook or some sort of Display Network advertising so these are gonna travel across every single domain and format that you do but for now we're just gonna focus on text ads and while looking at the format of a text ad using this preview tool and google adwords you're gonna see that there's a final URL where you can send traffic to there's now three headlines as of 2008 they added in the third headline here there's a path to add in a few additional keywords on the end of your URL and a description and another description and this description too is also brand-new so before even beginning with writing ad copy what we want to do is separate our ad groups in a way that allows us to write specific ad copy for the psychographics or the the psychology of the people searching and let me put that in a different way you want to group keywords by categories so that you can write relevant ads to what that person needs so as you can see here if someone sees an ad that is indicating breast lifts without implants within that ad copy they're much more likely to click through and get what they want then if they see an ad that's just generic breast lifts further if someone is looking for breast lift surgery and your ad just has generic information such as plastic surgery in it and it doesn't even specify breast lifts is one of the procedures that you offer then there must much less likely to click on your ad so for the most part what you want to do is to split up your ad groups like this into categories so that you can write relevant ads to each okay so let's jump over to a Google sheet to do some market research and right off the bat what we're going to do is brainstorm so this is for the plastic surgery ad group we're just going to use that as an example and right off the bat what we can tell about this ad group is that the people searching we're putting ads in front of people searching for generic terms so just plastic surgery so we're not sure what procedure they're looking for whether it's breast faced hands legs whatever and so there's not much information that they're giving us there other than the fact that they need a surgeon these are generally high intent though so they convert much better in most cases but for now let's just brainstorm the different categories of people that need this service so some people are going to be getting plastic surgeries simply because they want to look more beautiful so let's just do that but beyond beauty some people are doing it for status in ego now this applies pretty much to any industry that you're in there are going to be subcategories of people that need it for a utility reason and some that need it because it's just a want so these people might be getting plastic surgery just as a wants they just want to look a little bit more beautiful they want youth so beyond ego or next to it I'm the right better than my friends so part of it is they wanted to look natural to like they like the they like the excitement of their friends not knowing they like when their friends say oh I didn't even notice I'm gonna say they couldn't even notice you want to get behind the emotions of why people are doing these things so that's like one category of person then the other category person who is getting plastic surgery would be someone who's getting it for an actual like utility reason so maybe they have a deformity on their body that they wants to get rid of and maybe it's just for looks right so beauty once again but it really is for a self-esteem and their beliefs are that they are beautiful inside and outside so they want the beauty beauty outside reflects the inside so these are all emotional reasons right so these are generally the most powerful ones but there's also logical reasons of why people are going to click on your ad hire your client or your business as opposed to the competitors and one of those would simply be pricing and under pricing there'd be financing financing oh man fine fine okay and payment plans as well as insurance so if you if you have better pricing or you have better payment plans and financing options and accept more insurance then people might go with you for that reason alone some people are just logical thinkers and they're gonna pick someone based on that so along with status there are some people who just want the premium they want the best they want premium there's some people who worry a lot so these are the self esteem people they might fall under this as well so this would be safety even though it's generally safe most plastic surgery procedures aren't like high fatality behind him but they want safety some of these people are going to be nervous anxious so because of this reason they care about they care about who the doctor is it's an intimate service so it this isn't like someone's hiring a roofer or landscaper where they don't care too much who the person is they do care because they are working on their house but they just they just want a job and they want it done this is someone's gonna be working on your body most likely your naked body so it's intimate and to admit so they care about the doctor who the doctor is they care about the staff and how responsive they are so these are different psychographic categories here let's see what else we can pull so we got premium safety intimate a way that you can help brainstorm or get better ideas is if you type in the root keyword and then we just look at auto suggestions so we can see right away that people are searching for geo modifiers so Boston New Hampshire Portsmouth near me so they care about location that's one thing let's just jump back over here location so some people will choose a place simply because it's closer so the people who choose places because it's closer and more convenient so I'll write that kind of a Myint because really it's not so much about the location they don't necessarily care where the location is it could be 15 miles away if it's easier and faster to get there or more convenient meaning maybe it's close to something that they're already going to so these are all like really nuanced points to keep in mind I know I'm covering a lot of foundational stuff here but this is the stuff that is gonna really make you an exceptional copywriter and stick out from the herd so just stick with me here as I ramble through this so location cost as we already mentioned right here before and after so they care about proof of concept so they want to see results results images photos gallery so they want to see that information so they can imagine themselves in the position that they want to be in which is me more beautiful okay so now that we covered pretty much all the brainstorming that I can think of right now what you can do is of course just look at the auto suggestion features here but then also look through your clients your website or your competitors websites either in the ads or the organic results and I've clicked over to this one right here because this is an exceptional example they definitely had this designed by a company unless someone on their team is just really good at at marketing online but this is a perfect example if you can find a website that is just really well done that's really important because you can look at their site to figure out what people are interested in and we've already covered some of this like photo gallery so they're interested in that about us so meet our staff meet the doctor they got financing specials so that's something that we forgot let's scroll down here specials discounts deals so you can see for sure that there's differences between the types of people that you're gonna attract with different types of ads so you can attract a person who is interested in specials discounts and deals which they're probably also more logical so they like all this other logical stuff they'll they'll care about financing and insurance and all that or you could track someone who's a little bit more irrational and what they care more about is they care about status and they care about premium so you choose which ones you want my guess is premium is probably going to be the best clients but at the same time there are some backlashes to getting irrational clients so keep that in mind when you're writing ads so let's look through this site a little bit more here also before writing any ads it helps to understand the industry that you're in and the terminology that's being used so understanding how these things differentiate is really important because this is going to help you to split up ad groups into separate components that you can write ad specific that each that makes sense so the more you know the better off you're going to be so people care if it's surgical or non-surgical so that can be something that you can write down here as well so that's like technology some people like the new so they're new innovative they care about advanced technology they care about the procedures the process so these are still once again more logical people here scroll down a little bit yeah this is really well done so they care about prestige all right so this kind of goes along with status press DS yeah no I don't know however that spelled prestige certifications this is basically trusting experience experience trust okay and reading down here you can see give you the most beautiful natural looking so right they care about results in natural looking so natural looking and I think we covered pretty much everything here but as long as you get all those categories down that's important okay so I just quickly categorized everything here into general groups so emotional general this is what most people care about just Beauty youth natural-looking results images photos before and after emotional utility so these are people that are getting plastic surgery for a deformation most likely whereas someone who's getting it for status would fall under this group they care about most likely premium they want the best they want prestige award status ego logical would be a mixed some these people would like some logic as well of course so pricing special discounts convenience new technology and certifications I made prestige and awards different than experience in certifications because this is more just the logic behind it where this is like oh they were featured on something so let's just go over best practices of writing a text at first let's jump over to that section and with this I've written this out already for you but this is the format that I generally write ads with and the first headline is going to be keyword heavy and quite logical it's just going to address the exact thing that someone is looking for and when you do it this way you you call that immediately what they're looking for and they know they're in the right place and they're more likely to click your ad if you get too fancy with it then people just bypass your ad because they're like oh that was not it had nothing to do with what I'm looking for so I'll generally have keywords and that and then the second one appeals to emotion this is more of a persuasive headline something that pops out from your competition that convinces them to click your ad instead and then the headline 3 I'll end it with a call to action so something that says like call to schedule an appointment today something like that now the headline 3 most of the time is not going to show on the desktop view as you can see in the preview tool right here unless unless these are very short so most of the time it's only going to be on the mobile view so sometimes I'll just say call I'll have a call call to action now in the description one in two how I like to place these or handle these is with keywords emotion and logic it's really all components of it and then I use a lot of symbols and capitalization and weird things to make it pop out just because I can't tell you whether people are actually reading the descriptions but if you can help to take up more space on that on that search real estate and you can make your ads pop out more using a description and that's good but it's also a location and put in more keywords to increase your relevancy of your ads and also appeal to some emotion if they do end up reading it then it will convince them more now let me just write out an example ad and we're gonna go through step by step what each word means and why I chose to write it this way okay so this is an example of Google ad Coffee for plastic surgeon in Miami so let's just take this step by step in the first headline I place a symbol now this once again this is not set in stone these can be changed but I like to test placing a symbol in the headline one such as number one not only does this indicate premium or status or the best and appeals to those types of people but it also helps the ad to pull out from the competitors a little bit and get noticed and then right away we just hit them with the the keyword that they typed in plastic surgery and then it has some geolocation so this is appealing to the logic so Miami Florida so they know that they're looking for a plastic surgery right in their area headline two appeals to emotion in ego a little bit because release your natural beauty it's kind of a little tongue-in-cheek actually because in the process of plastic surgery is not natural but basically what they're trying to get to is they're trying to get their outer self to be what they see themselves to be they see themselves to be beautiful inside so they want to be beautiful outside as well so this is an emotional statement which could convince a certain category of people and this is more on the lines of if we go back here the emotional utility side of things but it also hits a little bit on status as well in ego so come back here and then I just end it with a call to action schedule free consultation so the offer that you have also is going to influence how well your ads perform so if you or your client has a really good offer or good foot in the door instead of just the free consultation that's perfect this is where knowing the process comes in handy because if you know the process of that a person goes through through plastic surgery you can say something like a free body design or something like that and a free body design is going to stick out a lot more than anything else even if a free consultation a body design are the exact same thing but if you can word it in a different way that helps you to stand out from competition that's huge then we got the display path down here the only for some reason that's not showing right so that's just what's shown on the end there and I pretty much just treat it like SEO so on your main website you would say here's my main website right here and since it doesn't show any sort of indication that it's a plastic surgery you just say you're going to the plastic surgery section even though you're descending to the homepage in this scenario you just let people know right away that they're going to a plastic surgery section of your website which doesn't indicate it in the site name also just adds in a few more keywords the keyword that they're searching for so it increases your relevancy now going down here I'll talk about each step of this so friendly we're appealing to trust the intimate relationship that they're having with that doctor five-star rated so this is also trust like other people like us they voted online that we are 5-star plastic surgeon this is a small variation of the keyword so instead of surgery we got surgeon increases relevancy serving Miami Florida just repeating that once again that's geo relevancy instead of saying serving Miami Florida you could say located near a major a major geographic thing that most people would know in that area you could say locating near the high school something like that obviously that might not work in this case in Miami which is a big place but if you're in a small town you can say located right next to the school or located right next to Town Hall certified once again experienced certified trusts with 20 years experience once again the experience right here you could choose to just do with but I like to add that extra symbol right there and as you can see it kind of makes it pop out a little bit more using these numbers is a good idea 20 years / mark - mark comma 5 - mark all capitalized Florida notice also - how everything is camelcase so that means every first letter of the word is capitalized not everyone of course a in all those stop words don't need it but every other word it helps it pop out a lot better now subscription lon - is just more of the same thing right here logic minimally invasive procedures so you that's basically natural looking accepts most insurance and payment plans so this is pricing logic and then I'd like to end the description - with the contact us so basically when someone's on mobile what they see is they see a call to action info info info call to action so it tells them what to do next this is what its gonna look like on desktop and the reason why I like designing these ads and writing these ads within the platform of Google AdWords it's because you get to see the exact character limit here so the character limit for text ads is 30 for each of your headlines and then description is an ID right here so when you're doing that in Google sheet or something it's hard to see that unless you make a formula so it's better to do it here plus you get a sense of you're seeing it from the end users point of view and you can see what actually looks good and pops out okay so so far we've only written one ad for a single ad group plastic surgeon so you're going to need to do this for every other ad group but for the most part you've already figured out the major triggers that are going to apply to every ad group there is so writing the other ones that's going to be a lot easier plus you can copy and paste most of this and I'll talk about that right now because first off we wanted to do a split test in this ad group now the amount of ads that you run for a single ad group really just depends on how much volume you're gonna get the less ads or the less tests you perform the quicker you're going to be able to improve the click-through rate the quicker we'll be able to make judgments on which ad perform the best the more ads you have the more data you're gonna need to make that judgement so keep that in mind depending on you or your clients goals of the campaign you may want to do too you may want to do three four or even five so in this scenario with a split test what you want to do is only change one variable and for the most part I only changed headline one or headline two as the main variables that we're changing whereas I will keep the constants as h3 description want one in two so for the most part these are just going to be copy and pasted especially within the same ad group they definitely will be so let's just pretend like we're doing three ads in this ad group and what we want to do let's pace it like that now we're only gonna be changing one variable so let's just say for this example we're just gonna keep the h1 constant throughout this entire all these tests so we're just gonna test this the same for every ad and we're just going to change the Y you could do that a different way by the way so you could change you could keep one of the Y's and do a different X and that would be an efficient test as well so it's really up for whatever you want to do so right above these I labeled it we basically hit on the pre trigger keyword and then logic here so that's the h1s and then in the h2 in this one release your natural beauty we did a motion general most people this is an emotional statement but most people care about their natural beauty and it hits on ego it kind of applies to everyone so let's see if there's a way that we can get at why that hits on different triggers so we could do emotional we could do emotional status and then we can do emotional logic or we could do a mixture like a hybrid or something so let's say logic but this may be a hybrid for sure so let me go ahead and just write out these ads and then we'll come back and I'll talk about each one okay so as you can see here this one hits upon mostly status award winning cosmetic surgeon it also uses a variation of the key word here as well you could probably phrase this in a better way but if you add like voted best or something but like that or some sort of prestigious awards then you're hitting on the status trigger with logic this is actually a mix of logic because this experienced 20 years logic and then emotional general beautiful results so this is more of a logical statement compared to the other ones and then I came up with a couple extra ones as well this is logic and emotion this is 0% financing 100% beauty motions and ego so good they'll never know so that's kind of like kind of inside joke because people once again they're looking for status they they've liked the excitement of their friends not knowing that they had this done in the fact that it also states that this is natural so this says a lot this one statement says a lot of different things and that's something that be very interested in testing these two are kind of like on the edge of they can perform bad or really good so that's generally it brings me to another point is you kind of want to do that at the start so there's a saying in advertising its testing branches not twigs so what that means is you want to test large changes at the beginning rather than small tweaks just to get a sense of its basically an optimization principle you want to test a lot of data first so that you can narrow it down the same thing with your with your entire campaigns but for the most part you want to make these changes and don't be afraid to get ads that fall flat on their face get a little wild with it and you'll eventually stumble upon something that performs exceptionally well and your competition just can't compete with that so the reason why I choose to do this too is to understand as well what people are responding best to so now that you know that you're targeting specific triggers like you're changing one variable and that variable is attuned to a certain trigger an emotional trigger of your audience then you can tell what's going to work best for you and your client you're gonna see maybe logic and emotion is working better than pure status or maybe pure status doesn't look like it's working better but more of those leads are turning into customers and or even better more of those leads are turning into patients that pay a lot of money and they're better clients to begin with so all this needs to be taken to account if you're an agency that's a little bit harder easier said than done but if you are a business running this yourself and you're able to spot those differences a lot easier so keep that in mind too you're not just looking at cost per conversion but you're looking at the types of clients that you're attracting in the first place so yeah that's something that's very nuanced but over time you're going to see maybe emotions performing better than logic so in that scenario what you're gonna be wanting the test is more emotional statements so let's just say emotion general performs better than this status and then it also yeah let's just say we blank this out and then these two are right here so we have some mix between premium emotion and logic right here so the next thing that you could do is let's say these are pretty close to one another then you can start changing your X and then you start changing your X to a different trigger to see if starting with a different trigger instead of premium you can do an emotional trigger like friendly plastic surgeon then maybe that will perform better or worse alright so hopefully that makes sense in the very last thing that we're gonna talk about is improving your all-around add relevance and this is gonna involve different formats so let's just jump back here and yes leave we're going to show different formats here and we want to go to as an extensions extensions so formats are just extensions and the more these you add to your ads themselves the bigger real estate they're going to take up the more keywords they're gonna have in them and that applies to your relevancy so Google's going to give you the benefit of the doubt and you're gonna get a higher click-through rate just because the fact that they're bigger so placing in sitelink extensions so this is just links to specific portions of your page let's see photo gallery would be a very important one for this industry so going back here I'm not gonna do all these but that's the text final URL site link text so you could say like before-and-after pictures yeah you can do pictures before and after gallery something like that or just before and after not only is it important to label it like this because it's it's indicate of what you're showing but also it's a key word as well so people are typing before and after so they're gonna see this as a site link and most likely click through to that because that's what they're looking for and you can add a description down here as well that's keyword heavy but really just describes what they're gonna be seen same thing here meet the staff so they care about the staff or or the doctor meet the doctor just plugging in all these site links you get the idea though you just this is an additional opportunity to convince someone to click through to your site meet doctors F or whatever his name is meet doctors F so this is all important one more let's do financing can do specials as well the site is really good he's got really good stuff to convince people to click through so financing and payment plans rights of financing payment plans yep so that's good so those are all your site links that you can add in there then do call-out extensions call extensions are just additional keywords basically they're they're nothing special you but you what you can do is say like a five-star rated you could say licensed and certified these are like trust signals here for BBB accredited for like other industries is a good one yeah information like that just more persuasion trust signals featured yeah Ward word winning additional keywords that convince people so placing call-outs in there as well structured snippets so what you want to put here is where is it yeah the header so you can add headers in here so plastic surgeons if they're just looking for that generic keyword you can do a header on the ad group specifically for plastic surgery and this header is going to show all the different procedures so in that case what you can do is put let's see one of those service service catalog it doesn't quite matter to be honest but and then you can put every single procedure that you offer breast surgery facial surgery and surgery you might not want to repeat surgery every single time but yeah you get at this more opportunity to make your ads bigger as well as add in additional keywords so and in indicate on these generic ad groups like this that you offer some of the specifics so if they're looking for breast reduction or a lift or tummy tuck or something like that you can indicate that here so highly suggest doing structured snippets as well and a call extension so just putting in your phone number here ability for them there's this click and call of course having that in there is really important then having you can even throw in a message extension so this is like the call extension but this will allow them to instantly text your company or mobile phone with a prompted message to you and you can continue the conversation there the location extension so this is going to allow your ads to show up in the maps area as well as indicate a few click-to-call features as well as allow them to open up the knowledge panel and see your like your business details adding that as well so that you can connect to your GMB account to use this price extensions you can add those in there this is it's gonna add like different prices for different services the more so I mean you kind of get it the more extensions you put on this the higher click-through rates gonna be the better ad relevancy you're gonna have promotion extension yeah so the more you have on there the better and also keep note that with each ad group you can specify these extensions so like if you have caller extension site links instructor snippets for specific good breast lifts so like breasts lips or bless breast implants you can do for just the the implant ad group you can basically say we have like silicone we have whatever else breast implants uh like a non implant option right so you can indicate that specific to that ad group as well and that's just gonna further improve your click-through rates in your your relevancy score so that's it for the video guys I really hope this was helpful and I didn't ramble too much I know that we covered a lot of details here a lot of like foundational stuff you should be good to go let me know in the comments below if you have any questions around any of this make sure to LIKE this video if you enjoyed the content and subscribe for more videos around local marketing mainly around Google Adwords and I'll see you guys in the next video Cheers you
Channel: Ryan Moran
Views: 27,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adwords ad copy, how to write ad copy, adwords ad writing, adwords copywriting, writing adwords ads, writing ad copy for adwords, best adwords ads, adwords ad examples, what is ad copy in adwords, ppc ad copy, ppc ad copy best practices, ppc copywriting, examples of good adwords ads, expanded text ads, google text ads, adwords character limits, google adwords headlines, text ads examples, google adwords description, adwords ads, ryan moran, google adwords, lead generation
Id: CJAFpu857X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 58sec (2218 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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