Google Display Ads Tutorial (Made In 2021 for 2021) - Step-By-Step for Beginners

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hey guys yvonne here at in this video i want to show you how to create a google ads display campaign from start to finish in 2021 it is march 2021 as of recording this video so you will see everything with the new google interface for those of you new to the channel welcome my name is yvonne i have been doing affiliate and online marketing for the past almost five years now and most of my income is coming from google ads alright so i'm gonna show you everything here any tips any tricks you should know in how to create your profitable successful display campaign alright before we get into it guys make sure to hit like and subscribe hit the notification bell icon so you get notified when i release more videos just like this to teach you how to make money online that being said what are we waiting for let's get straight into it so i assume you already have a google ads account if not take a look at my other videos or my course at and this is kind of your main dashboard first screen that you're going to see right it's going to look like this and what you're going to want to do is click on campaigns and a display campaign is super awesome guys you can show your ads across millions millions millions of different websites all right so lots of options for you here we're gonna do everything right here so once you're at the campaigns option tab right here or you can click on all campaigns over here you have to click on the little plus sign and we're going to click on new campaign and we're going to go through everything here from top to bottom so the first option you want to pick is website traffic if you're just starting out if you do have conversions set up though i do suggest you go with leads or sales because google is going to show your ads to people more likely to convert in order for that though you do have to a set up conversion tracking and b you do have to have some conversion data so google can actually optimize for it if you don't know how to set up conversion tracking take a look at my video where i show you how to set up google ads conversion tracking again from start to finish everything in thorough detail i'll put a link to that video youtube video in the description below take a look at that but for the purpose of this video we'll just go with website traffic and we're gonna go with display if you guys want me to cover any other option here like search i already have a video on that but maybe shopping maybe video campaign maybe discovery campaign maybe brandon consideration let me know in the comments what you would like a video on all right and i can take a look i can tally up the comments and i can see what you guys are interested in all right but we're going to go with display here we're going to select standard display campaign you also have a smart display campaign option we're not going to get into that and a gmail campaign so another awesome way to kind of reach out and now we need a website i'm going to be promoting my website which is let's say https because we want to indicate to google that it is secure and we're going to say and if you guys want to learn more about affiliate marketing how i personally make money online head over to get your free affiliate marketing guide right it's a free 55-page guide teaches you everything you have to know about affiliate marketing how to make money with it but this is what we're going to select we're going to click on continue and again we're going to go from top to bottom all right so the first thing here we have to do is select a campaign name so this is going to be my website so we're going to say let's say yvonne mana and i'll say display campaign you don't really have to call it a display campaign because google will make it clear to you that this is a display campaign as opposed to a search campaign you'll see what i mean when we get there but i just naming it display campaign in case i already have a campaign called evon mana right you can't have two of the same campaign names next you're gonna select a location uh i do like to select normally at least when i first start out offers and obviously you know this depends on you and your business i like to go with tier 1 country so that means we're going to select another location and we're going to select i'm going to say america united states we're going to say canada so these are countries that generally have the highest quality traffic all right people that are going to be more likely to convert here so we're going to say united kingdom we're going to say australia and we're going to say new zealand so these are generally the highest quality traffic again obviously depends on your business right wherever you're promoting that's the country you want to set another important thing we have to do is select presents people in or regularly in your target location you don't want to select this unless you're maybe a travel agency what this does is if you for example select united states and you say presents are interested in then people that say things like buy shoes in the us and they're not in the us your ads will show up but you normally wouldn't want that right you would normally want to show your ads to people living in these countries that you specified so we're going to select this option here exclude you can leave that as is next you're going to select the language this does not translate ads for you so you can't write ads in english and have them translated to you in french that's not how it works this just shows your ads to people with the language of the interface so for example i'm gonna be showing my ads to people that have an english interface thereby signifying that hey these people most likely speak english right if i select french i'm gonna be showing my ads to people that have a french interface for you know chrome for google for all that and chances are that these people speak french because they're interfaces in french but we don't want that because i don't speak french and my ads are going to be in english all right so that's for languages here next we're going to scroll down the bidding so again ideally you want to go with conversions and it is recommended it is a good google ads recommendation for this case um but if you don't have any conversions set up yet if you have no data right you can't really optimize for conversions because google doesn't know what a conversion means to you so when you're first starting out maybe you want to go with manual cpc and what that's going to do is allow you to set a specific cost per click how much are you willing to spend per click all right and then we're just going to deselect this option help improve enhanced help improve conversions with enhanced pc if you want more detail about like every single one of these options guys i do cover it in my course at all dash courses where i go into detail into this and google ads remarketing all right but we're just going to leave that as is that is good enough next you set a budget so i'm going to set here 100 for the budget there's no right or wrong answer i think the minimum is one dollar that you can spend per day and the more you spend the faster you'll get the data right one thing pretty important thing for you guys to keep in mind is that google will not spend will not necessarily spend only this budget per day so what they do is they spend this budget per month so for example 100 times 30 right there's an average of 30 days a month so google will not spend more than 3 000 per month on this campaign however on any given day google might spend up to twice as much as your daily budget so google might spend up to two hundred dollars per day okay so that's something for you guys to keep in mind pretty important google might spend up to one uh two hundred dollars per day in this case on this campaign the main thing is that they will not spend more than 3 000 a month additional settings uh we're not really gonna go through them like i said i cover them in my course uh we're not gonna do it here because it's not really relevant for what we're gonna do here anyway next we have the ad group so you have to name your ad group depending on your targeting well you don't have to but that's normally what you should do we're going to come back to this let's first go through the targeting options and then we'll come back and actually name it right so this is the heart of your campaign guys this is where you're gonna spend most of the time on this is where you're gonna be doing a lot a lot a lot of testing all right a lot of display campaigns aren't successful simply enough you don't do enough testing you have to do enough testing because there's just so many options and it's not as targeted as search campaigns if you want to learn how to create google search campaigns take a look at my video i'll put a link in the description but display ads are more of a hit or miss all right it's it's the audience is going to be the clicks are going to be cheaper but the audience isn't going to be as targeted because it's people visiting random websites that you'll be targeting right so let's just go through some of the options uh i do suggest that you explore all of these there are just so so many options you can go through depending on your product depending on your niche but let's go through some of them so from top to bottom right you can hit search and you can type something in we will use this in a second but if you want to go through the categories you're going to click on browse and the first one is detailed demographic so here you can filter by parental status by marital status by education by homeowner status so this is really cool if you have like a dating and relationship product that you want to promote to single people boom you can promote to people that google deems is single don't ask me exactly how google knows this it's google right multi multi-billion dollar corporation uh if we click over here let's see people who aren't currently married yet so google knows okay google has lots of data guys kind of scary i know uh but this is where your ads are going to be shown right so really really detailed stuff parents you know parents of infants if you're promoting a product for teenagers right maybe parents of teens or something like that so that's detailed demographics next you have affinity and affinity is basically what people are interested in so for example um you know again if you select this affinity category for me i'm promoting online marketing so uh maybe it's gonna be under this technology section yeah so maybe social media enthusiasts you know techno files maybe and this is basically just interests what people are interested in these are the ones you'll be targeting so it's going to be shown your ads are going to be shown on websites that google deems is relevant to these so for example political websites news and politics or for example sports is probably going to show on like right and you can filter this out even more let's see sports fans right you can select your sport so here you have american football right basketball whatever select what you want and this is what google deems right people are interested in based on their you know history based on their browser history cookies what people are searching for google knows all that and if you're targeting a basketball product you want to promote on maybe basketball sites right that's going to be how it's going to work so that's affinity next you have in market in market is a bit more specific than affinity and this is uh for when people are specifically in the market right when they're literally about to buy something so for example if google sees you you know if google sees a person consistently going on nba websites and then all of a sudden they are comparing cars well google's determined that these people are now in the market for cars because that's not what they normally do but now all of a sudden they do that or maybe houses or maybe pens maybe you know google has determined that oh all of a sudden you're comparing different websites that sell pens or things like that so that's what in-market means people that are currently in the market that are looking to buy something right now so this is a really powerful kind of audience segment that you can target so in market you can click here again you have all the options if you're promoting cars boom maybe you want to target these people right that are in the market for cars that are currently shopping for cars really powerful stuff guys google knows so much about us like i said kind of scary but use this to your advantage as an advertiser right so play around with this like i said there's just so many options to go through find something relevant to your niche and target it so let's go back let's go through some of the other ones next you have remarketing we don't have any remarketing audience right now i do have some sample ones that i created for other videos but if you do want to learn remarketing and advanced remarketing tactics how to create really engaged remarketing audiences i do cover that in very thorough detail in my course right we use google tag manager we use google analytics we use everything to set up very sophisticated powerful audiences take a look at eventmana.comcourses but this is basically where you would target your remarketing list and you could show people for example people who signed up to your product boom you can you know target them here so that's remarketing next you have combined audiences so audience combination here you're just going to create an audience list of different segments so for example people that you know you can target people that have an affinity that have an interest in beauty and wellness and you can target people that are in the market for let's see if we can find something that are that are occur that are interested in and are currently in the market for this okay and you can create this audience list of let's say uh beauty interest you know plus in market or something like that and you can create this and now this is kind of your custom audience that you create right based on a combination of all the factors that we've seen so far so that's what that is again play around with it billions of options here guys billions of combinations you could really go with and last but not least you have custom audiences this is kind of cool you can target people so you also create your like audience here but you can target people that have certain interests or purchase intentions or who search for specific terms so in my case for example let's suppose i want to target people who searched for like this is perfect how to make money with affiliate marketing or let's just say people search for affiliate marketing let's see what comes up so i can target people here affiliate marketing for for let's say for beginners not affiliates let's say affiliate marketing for beginners uh for beginners guide okay so let's say i want to target people that have searched for this term on google i can now show my ads to them so for example i can remove that and i can say audience name uh you know affiliate marketing for beginners and i can add more so affiliate marketing for let's say noobs maybe uh let's say how to affiliate marketing for beginners how to learn affiliate marketing you know how to start affiliate marketing so people that search these terms these are the people i'm gonna show my ads to so i'm gonna go ahead and click save audience for example and now boom i'm targeting these people okay so that's how this works if you're not sure where to go you know where your category belongs click on search and just type something in here so for example let's type in online marketing and here we get some ideas so we get some pre-built audiences that google has created for us for example people that are interested in these terms online marketing internet marketing website marketing right as you scroll down you will see some other audiences like affinity audiences or in market so like here in market audiences right people that are in the market for business technology and it's going to be yeah just people interested in buying business stuff like business computing or whatnot um so go down the list you know you can do this like here um social media campaigns or if you look at let's see affinity audiences you will see like social media enthusiasts right so this is just going to give you ideas in my case you know i don't think any of this is relevant except for maybe the last one right because i'm promoting an affiliate marketing guide i teach people how to make money online here's my site and i think affiliate marketing for beginners is a good place to start and you know here it says we're getting about almost 1 billion impressions per week so that is a lot all right and look it says here that i can get 1 to 3 000 clicks per week which is huge right that's a lot of clicks so here's the site right so as you can see here it clearly says free affiliate marketing guide for beginners again this is a real website guys i am really offering you a free guide this isn't like a test website or something so feel free to enter your name and email and i will send you the guide but that's basically what it is okay so hopefully you should be familiar with all these options we can clear the search but i like this so what we can do here is then we can name this because this was a custom audience right so we can name this let's say so we can say for example affiliate marketing for beginners and we can even be more specific and just say you know this is a custom audience affiliate marketing right so just to give us an indication of what this is because later on you should split as different options right you should split as this versus something else versus maybe an affinity maybe you know the social media enthusiast affinity maybe some in-market audiences display ads is all about testing testing testing all right just because there's just so much traffic and a lot of it is just pure mud it's it's pure garbage very bad traffic you know people that are just these are people you don't want to reach so you definitely want to test different audiences so this audience is going to be our custom audiences maybe i'm going to create another another ad group for a certain affinity like the techno files affinity or whatever right just to test and see how it works but that's the idea next you can also sort by demographics so let's say you know i know that majority of my audience is actually male right based on my google analytics data i know that majority of males are the ones to convert as opposed to females so maybe for my case i want to say that hey you know i want to target only males this is up to you you know you know your business the best so obviously if you're promoting a product that fits everybody like like pens or bicycles right that's for everyone you want to go with maybe everything you can also select an age so for example i know that um you know maybe kids ages 18 will not buy a house will not buy a car so maybe i don't want to target these people i want to target somebody older right you can also target by income by parental status again so really cool stuff depending on your niche really cool so that's the idea um we can leave it as this you know in my case it doesn't really matter we can close out of that and these are the people that we will be targeting right however you also have an option to target specific placements not people right this is again this is people targeting but you can target specific placements so this is kind of cool too if you go to content targeting you can enter keywords and these keywords for example let's say online marketing google is going to show our ads to to on websites that google deems is relevant or pertains to online marketing all right and that's what that is uh so obviously you would select content because you want to show on the web pages right like apps pages videos that pertain to online marketing so notice the difference here we're not targeting people here we're targeting specific placements in this case you're specifically targeting websites that pertain to online marketing as opposed to over here we're targeting people right we're targeting people that are interested in something so people that are interested in affinity people that are in the market for something not placements people okay so just keep in mind that distinction so you can target by keywords here you can also target by topic so again it's pretty much the same thing you can give google a topic like let's suppose you know uh what would my topic be internet and telecom maybe uh you know or maybe online communities something like that and now google's gonna show our ads on websites that pertain to internet and telecom okay so similar as keywords but keywords can be a little bit more specific than topics that's kind of the biggest difference um the one more thing you can do is placement so this is really cool you can pick specific websites and specific uh channels that you can show your ads to so you can go into websites and you can type in a specific website let's see if neil patel is eligible for example doesn't look like it but we can still select websites that are pretty similar so maybe you want to go into these sites like let's take a look and see what this is and see if it's relevant for our product yeah powerful seo tools right so it's going to give you some ideas you can also look around and if you have a website in mind maybe type it in here and see if it's available youtube channels you can target youtube channels as well so for example uh let's say yvonne mana you can target my channel you can show your ads on my videos right display ads so pretty cool lots of options here you can also target specific videos so you can select if if you know if you like a channel but you don't think that all the videos are relevant to whatever you're selling then maybe you want to select this option so for example i have a lot of videos on google ads facebook ads microsoft ads so if you're promoting a facebook ads course or maybe tools for facebook maybe you don't want to show your ads on my videos that have to do with google for example right maybe you want to test it but generally that's the idea right that's where you would select specific youtube videos then you have apps you can show your ads on specific apps one of my favorite games i used to play was uniwar you know it's a turn-based strategy game super awesome loved it i actually hit very top plays it's a it's a it was a multiplayer game you had rankings so i definitely had a lot of fun with this game when i was playing it uh you can also go with app categories so for example if you're promoting health stuff maybe you want to show your ads on health related apps so you can select the google play store or the or the apple play store and select health and fitness apps okay so that's the idea hopefully you get an idea of how this targeting works like i said there's a lot of options guys don't be intimidated you know just get in there try it out play around with all the options and you know take it step by step right you don't have to do everything at once start with maybe just one ad group one ad copy and then build it from there okay so i'm gonna leave our audience as you know people that are interested in affiliate marketing so what i'm gonna do is just remove everything else so what i'll probably do is let's delete this keyword and click done uh internet on telecom we're gonna delete that we'll click done so we're gonna close out of that and then we're gonna clear all and say done and let's suppose placements don't matter i wanna target specifically people okay but like i said this content targeting is also super super powerful there are you know lots of youtube videos that pertain to specific topics they're excellent fields excellent places for you to place your ads in so let's go down the list next we have targeting expansion i'm going to say off i don't want to you know google is going to try to expand the reach try to show your ads to even more people based on the categories that you selected i don't think i need that i think my list is pretty narrow you know 1 billion impressions a week is huge enough as it is i don't think i need more kind of estimates all right next we have to enter a bid so how much are you willing to pay per click now it says 98 cents you don't have to pay 98 cents for example if i put in five cents uh you know we're still gonna get 5.3 to 20 000 clicks a week right still 950 million impressions so like i said these clicks are much cheaper let's see what we do if we if we put in one cent so even for one cent the estimate is that we're still going to get 5 000 to almost 50 000 clicks per week right so clicks are much cheaper you can try it out hey if you're not getting enough clicks increase the amount right if you end up checking your campaign you know in the next few days or in the next day and you're not seeing any impressions or not as many clicks or impressions as you like you can always increase the bid right but generally display ad campaign clicks are much cheaper just because like i said they're not as targeted right they're scattered throughout the web on random websites which even if you are specific here those websites you know they might be wrong google might not have correctly identified a website for what it truly was um so it's just all over the place there's just so many options so i would say start low with a bit and then slowly increase it all right but that's pretty much it for the targeting right we've done everything here last thing we have to do is actually create the ad right so here's the site you know make sure try to make sure it is secure because if i remove that it's going to give me a little warning no big deal your ad will still be approved but it is just ideal to be secure so that when people visit your site you know there's a big security kind of you know it says connection secure so that's important for some people so let's go from top to bottom next we want to add images and logos right so obviously we need an image we need a logo so what i can do is click here and um google has an awesome integration with uh stock images so you can get free very high quality images that you normally have to pay for like five bucks or ten bucks an image yeah i was paying fifty dollars for five images when i was using shutter stock i still do sometimes um but you can get them for free so let's say you know uh actually one thing you could do is if you enter your url here google is going to scan your site and find images relevant to your site so in this case see we're doing online marketing and boom uh it's got you know relevant images it's like this one online marketing you know they're not as strong to be honest this one looks good you know people always like you know pretty ladies looking at them so this usually draws attention so maybe we can go with this what you want to do is click on each of these categories like 1.9 by one these are the two dimensions that google is normally going to use so you want to use both of them right so you want to just click here and adjust it right make it however you want to you can make it a bit smaller like that but you you want to try to like maximize it right use all the space that's given to you select that and then you should be good and then you can keep looking like if you don't like these images just type in for example online marketing or um yeah so you can use maybe something like this maybe something like that that's kind of cool right what i want to do is kind of have this feeling of you know as you see on my site right like this background is like feeling of being at home right with a cup of coffee working on your own time being independent uh with you and your laptop so that's kind of what i want to instill if i was promoting my website uh so you know maybe something like this now it looks like he's in an office but you know this is okay um you can't see much of the picture but just as an example right that's what you would do then you want to also select the one by one dimension as well and you click select ratios and that should be good now you also do need a logo so we can search url or you can just upload your logo but my logo is here on the page you know google scanned it so we can click here and i'm going to select image now there's not going to be much space so what i probably would have done is probably uploaded a much smaller logo and done it that way but just for illustration purposes this is okay so we can leave it as is so i'll just say one one you know four one in case in case we need a logo with a four by one dimension and i'm going to say select two ratios and that should be it make sure you hit save here at the bottom and your images will be uploaded these images will be tested against each other right google is gonna test them all automatically so you're gonna see it look like this right here's one image let's see if we can find something else um trying to show you another image there you go okay there's the other image and then if you click here uh you can see text ads let's go to desktop and let's go to key ad formats and then here it's gonna show you everything right so this is what it's going to look like now the next thing we have to do is add the headlines right and by the way you can also add videos as well instead of images so that's up to you but we're going to leave that as is so headlines my site is indexed by google so google automatically came up with these you know titles but obviously you would write them up yourself so for example affiliate marketing tools i don't like that so what i'm going to do is say for example free affiliate marketing guide okay that fits perfectly and then i'm going to write another headline so when i say write another headline what that means is you're adding headline variations so google's going to because you're going to get so much traffic look you're estimated to get 5 000 to 50 000 clicks a week that's a lot of traffic right so you're gonna add all these different variations of headlines i suggest three headlines uh three descriptions no more than that you can do more but i think that's enough to kind of start and to see what's working what combination works but you can do whatever you want right just keep in mind um the maximum is five headlines five descriptions so if you add five by five you're gonna get at least 25 different combinations so just make sure you get enough clicks for that right in this case maybe it is enough clicks but i'm i generally stick with three headlines and three descriptions so here i say free affiliate marketing guide you know what else what else can i say i can say learn how to make money online that also fits perfectly wow i'm right on point today and then i can say maybe something like affiliate marketing guide for beginners let's see that that's not going to fit um let's say maybe free affiliate ebook i would say maybe get a free affiliate marketing ebook okay so maybe something like that uh you have a long headline sometimes if space allows for it instead of having short headlines um the long headline is going to show up so let me maybe switch back to mobile so you can see a bigger picture and there's our logo it's loading a little bit doesn't look too good but like i said you know you'll probably add your own logo yeah so i'm trying to show you sometimes it's gonna show the long headline for the long headline you really only have one option so again make this stand out so we can say um you know get your no excessive capitalization by the way so you can't say things like free and old caps right that's not allowed your ads going to be disapproved but what i do do is title case so the first letter of every word is capitalized so i'm going to say here for example get your free 55 page affiliate marketing guide and learn how to make money online right now ooh 90 again right on the dot guys i'm i'm i'm monitored and i'm hitting the exact limit right so your limit for characters is 90 here and it's 30 for the headlines and it's 94 descriptions as well all right so these are my headlines i'm happy with that and then over here yeah that actually looks good so here see it automatically capitalize it so we don't want to do that so i remove that capitalization this looks like a good description you know maybe we can say learn how to make money online with affiliate marketing using this free guide right something like that um you know as other ideas maybe you could do something like free guide you know how to make money something like that so maybe this could be another variation right but like i said i'm probably gonna stick with three uh and i'll probably just stick with two here just to save some time but i think that looks good as is and again you can add more descriptions up to five right uh business name so my business name is my name ivan mana uh you can leave everything here else as is more options is pretty cool though so you can add a call to action text so um it's just gonna be a little on the button it's gonna say whatever it says here like like a specific call to action so in my case it's gonna be something like learn more or visit site could be good but i like learn more and then it's going to say it here after loads let me just show you what it's going to look like now so here you have the guide and then here it says learn more right so that looks kind of cool one more option you have here is the color so oops you can set custom colors so this is going to be the color of the ad and of the button okay so let me show you what it's going to look like so one thing is you do need the color code and google doesn't offer that for some reason so what you do have to do is type in like html color codes into google or duck.go and let's see if this site has it yeah any any like variation of this site right and then if you click on let's say you know my site is like teal and teal and like dark blue dark bluish so maybe you can use you know teal so that's the color code for teal we're gonna go ahead and copy that come back in here let's say that's the main color we're gonna paste it right so that's teal and then for the accent color we want like maybe this darkish blue so maybe something like is that purple maybe something like this right now so we're going to copy that we're going to come back here and there you go okay so now we've set color so let's see what that looks like so let's go to let's go to desktop so here as you can see the button is now this dark blue color and then let me see if i can show you an example of where the teal would show up let me see here so in some cases right not all the time when space allows for and when it makes sense that's what it's going to look like this doesn't look too good but hopefully you get the idea right play around with the colors and that is pretty much it right so that's what our ads are going to look like i'm pretty happy with this so obviously take a look at your own you know your own business your own ad see what makes sense and once we're done we're gonna click on create campaign and now i'm just gonna quickly show you where you can edit this how to add stuff if you want but that's basically it right congratulations give yourselves a pat on the back you've successfully completed this campaign so over here you can adjust the bid right right off the bat if you go to add groups you can adjust the bid here if you go into ads you can edit your ads so it's under review right now obviously but you can go in here you can change your ads you know add images remove images whatever you want to do you can add extensions i do get into that in a different video i'll put it in the description but it's a way to make your ad stand out a little bit more next you have keywords so if you did add keywords like you know targeting websites that pertain to specific keywords you can add them here so you can click add display keyword select the ad group add the keywords here select content i'm not going to do that here you can add negative keywords so that your ads do not show up on websites that pertain to specific keywords and then we have set up audiences here i believe this is where our audience is going to be right here right this is our affiliate marketing custom audience so you can go in here you know you can pause it you can remove it or you can edit it and you can create a different audience oops let me not do that click edit here edit audiences you're going to select the ad group and then you're going to you know make the change whatever you want to do like oh you know you don't want to do this anymore close out of that and select this one for example now the difference between these two is when you're targeting and that's recommended that's basically when you're actually going to be showing your ads to these people so if my audience was let me click cancel no yes discard if i click at it if our audience is this custom audience will only be targeting these people right whereas if you go with observation now your ads are going to show to absolutely everybody in the whole world see like now it's 10 billion plus impressions per week um but you will have the option to observe that's what observation means you will simply uh be observing how this audience is performing so you're gonna see it over here you know you'll see the clicks you'll see the impressions you'll see the conversions uh for this specific group so you probably don't want to do that because this is going to be like super broad unless you're running a huge brand like like a huge brand awareness campaign like if you're a pepsi you know and everybody loves pepsi right like there's no specific group of people only like you know people who like cars like pepsi people who like trucks don't like pepsi like that doesn't work right so in a case like that maybe you'd want to run your ads everywhere and then you you just want to observe specific segments right so that's what this is for but generally for display campaigns unless you want to spend a lot of money or unless you're a huge pepsi you probably want to go with this like targeting option right so that's what that is you have exclusions same thing but now you're going to exclude audiences so for example if you want to exclude you know remarketing lists people that have bought from you so you would probably want to do that people that converted hey i don't want to show my ads to people that already signed up you can do that here um so yeah we're gonna discard that next we have demographics again ages and genders you can set them here you have the age you have the gender you have the parental status you have placements so this is where specifically your ads are gonna show right so all these other options there were people like you're targeting people specifically regardless of placement but over here you're targeting specific locations right so that's what this is for you have the settings and that's basically it let's see if we go to more you can target devices you can change your location you can adjust the bid all right so that's basically it hopefully that gives you an uh an overview of all the options settings and this is how you create a display campaign guys i hope this was helpful for you if you enjoyed this content definitely check out my free affiliate marketing guide and head over to my youtube channel guys at yvonne mata i have so many videos teaching you how to make money online how to use google ads you know tips that can help you convert that can help you do better with google ads like my video on how to improve your ctr rates how to you know improve your quality score so you pay less take a look at this i strongly suggest you go through the library go through some of these options you know really powerful stuff that can really help you save money like if you're you know if you're big on google ads i would suggest looking at quality scores you know how i get 10 out of 10 quality scores how i pay less per click you know things like that take a look again thank you for watching i will see you in the next video
Channel: Ivan Mana
Views: 44,774
Rating: 4.9600286 out of 5
Keywords: google display ads, google display network, google display advertising, google display, google ads, google adwords, google ads display, google adwords display, google display ads tutorial, google display network ads, google display network tutorial, google display advertising tutorial, google display ads 2021, google display ads tutorial 2021, how to create google display ads, learn google display ads, google display ads course, google display network course, display ads
Id: u-vcvUTyztg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 36sec (2136 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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