Goodbye to the Milwaukee Public Museum

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the north more specifically Milwaukee Wisconsin the more specific on that we were in the parking lot of the Milwaukee Public Museum this is one of my favorite museums if not my absolute favorite Museum in the country and a lot of that is sentimental reasons when I was a little kid whenever I visit my father in Milwaukee you know he would ask me where I wanted to go it was usually two places chuck-e-cheese which he despised and would actively try to convince me to not go to or the Milwaukee Public Museum which he did enjoy and so every time I saw him you know it would be can we please go to the museum and it became kind of a tradition that when we got together he went to the museum this is a tradition that carried on as my little brothers came along they would go constantly my dad would constantly take them I think my dad told me that he for a while he was going to the museum an average of once a month but so yeah very special part of my childhood and my adult life as well sadly the decisions are made within 10 years this museum will be gone they're planning to move to another location that is half the size of what this is so you know the museum will change will be a different experience you know they're talking about new interactive exhibits and you know interactive you know with that kit that that can equate to so I don't know this may be the last time I get to go here maybe not maybe I'll get a chance to come back but I'm gonna treat it like this may be my last time to see it and I hope you guys I can come on and enjoy this trip through the Milwaukee Public Museum with me tell me [Music] head up the grand staircase you could see the whale skeleton hovering above us traditionally we always start with these streets of Old Milwaukee and this is the new new ish entrance here through this trolley you were passing all these Old Milwaukee buildings it's a fruit stand right there you can see some people moving around up there just the Pfister hotel it's a super fancy pants hotel and downtown Milwaukee this is he using your sausage company it's a sausage company Milwaukee that's actually still in business to this day you can see the woman measuring out sausage right there sausage this grandmother here you stuff want my nightmares when I was a child she actually used to rock back and forth her rockers broken though it's kind of sad take a peek in the window here and see a small child and her bear and if you look over there you can see that there's a taxidermy cat on the chair it's this sweet old motorcycle right here rare opportunity to go any farther remember they used to be a policeman in this call box right here but all that's left is this coat this pump here used to work this is actually pump water and you can see evidence of that by the sign that says do not drink the water [Music] yes far as detail just an immersion goes this is just the best to me you can walk down the cobblestones you can feel the difference of the stones under your feet of course let say infamous Milwaukee beer and check out the bar and there it's like there's an abandoned poker game it's another taxidermy cat you can see back there here in the bakery I also know who've ever noticed this up here in the window there's a bunch of religious artifacts looks like there is menorah statue of mother Mary go by the old barber pole there that this does indeed it's a barber shop of these stairs remember correctly is the photography studio Oh see that flash in the photography studio it can overlook the streets from up here you can see grandma's house love the attention to detail you can see the kite caught up in the electrical wires there across the street there you can see the telephone operator in our office that looks like a real cab because well because it is because of the taxidermy cat streets of Old Milwaukee morph into a European village over here each home represents a different European culture this is the Slovene house East European Jewish home and what he's putting he's putting a coin in and out of a box there on earth that's some sort of Bank a little opening here in the village along with Irish storyteller Patrick O'Connor this is the croatian house you're that little croatian baby i'm not sure what sort of device that is is the ukrainian house where they're having their traditional dinner of vodka and potato chips it looks like if this is some sort of beehive let me horrifying to see bees pouring out of that man's mouth it's the Polish house right here [Music] all of these adorable children staring down at us with their dead haunted eyes here's a beggar on the street but you can't put the money in his hand someone would just take it so here's a trick you put it in his brain where's the money go who knows here's the German house of course German being the probably most common ethnicity in the Greater Milwaukee area Irish House don't look now but some sort of crane has made an a something for this house so Austrian house collects she's admiring her violin anyone speaks whatever language this is give me a translation it's the French house where she's getting a big honkin piece of French bread out of the oven of course have to mention the muskrats this is one of the first taxidermy dioramas ever made this was designed by the same tax dermis Carl Akeley show how taxidermy could best be displayed in a museum cabinet of curiosities here the different animals taxidermy and animal bones you see this deer as like a deformation and it's antler glad it was there sloth skeleton it's a big old bird box look at the crustaceans in this case love that blue lobster see Samson was this famed gorilla that lived at the local zoo and this woman actually recreated him they didn't hash didn't actually have the original Powell but she recreated him from scratch and here is the life realistic recreation of Samson the gorilla the third planet is sure that they're being watched by an eye in the sky that can't be stopped and when you get to the promised land you're gonna shake that eyes hand here's an interactive exhibit about spinning dinosaur bones and kind of get an idea of how fast you can spin dinosaur bones when you give them a the appropriate amount of force they haven't changed this video since the early 1980s and I've never watched it Carboniferous coal forest and look at that and they have a giant salamander monster there is the thagomizer of course a scientific name for the tail i stegasaurus man imagine if your head was that tiny I think when a lot of people think of the Milwaukee Public Museum I think this is the image that comes to my booth under the most iconic image here at the Milwaukee Public Museum it's a lightning crash it's kind of a violent image always horrified me it's a child you can see the Triceratops as guts but oh awesome I do feel like this feather dinosaur here was a later edition I don't think that was there when I was a kid I guess people's understanding of what dinosaurs looked like has evolved over the years early mammals here geez calm down buddy trying to look at these mammals over here up here in the balcony you get a bird's-eye view of the dinosaur scene you'll see the different dinosaur footprints in the muck and get even a closer view of the triceratops is guts this glacier here it's a little chamber inside the plays a movie that I have never watched [Music] it's lovely neon sign beckons us in to the rainforest animals here and the reinforced are displayed in these interesting plastic boxes here's one of my most favorite Easter eggs push this button here oh no it's the howler monkey I love it so much yes you gotta love a museum with jump scares so weird-looking bird it's just such a adorable little monkey right there this is a giant cow bird it's not giant nor does it look like a cow it looks more like like Satan's parakeet and here's the most dangerous animal of them all man and the second most dangerous animal the sloth this box here shows all the different animals that he frogs coatimundi eat frogs let's see snakes eat frogs birds eat frogs even frogs eat frogs look at this hipster squirrel eating an avocado oh man we thought you were having a bad day it's a Shack out here in the middle of the rainforest this guy is doing his work but he's lost his mind he spent too much time out in the in the rainforest he's gone to killing all the bugs he's putting all the bugs covering the miss salt so you can see the salsa on the table killing all these bugs drowning them in salsa he's typing every bug his goal his ultimate goal is to kill every bug in the rainforest and preserve them for his own twisted means see some paleontologists hard at work yeah these used to be animatronic but I think now they just chill here's some butterfly scientists doing some work under this bridge here look at this this little raccoon he's dipping his dinner in that little puddle they do that because they do not have a proper saliva and that's a true fact see some more scientists over here I think this guy's collecting coffee beans for some reason are you gonna head into the butterfly wing get it wing butterfly butterfly wing cause butterflies have wings anyway we're gonna head in there they have butterflies flying around and they land on you and you can't squash them you need to enjoy them you need to approach with it with appropriate reverence for our insect friends you can see the butterflies fluttering around in here we got some cocoons here you can see the butterflies coming out of their cocoons freshly born ones down there it's just so many butterflies fluttering around I guess you got to be patient and let them land they got they got to come to you you're not supposed to just grab them there's some butterflies in their natural habitat on top of scrub brushes come to me my children of the sky land on me I don't know if you have to have more patience than I have I just fully expect them to land on me I looked at land on me come on funny you know good butter let's land on me then in my hand land on my hand come on I'm butterflies Oh Oh what did you get one it's your new best friend hey Lonnie why won't you let me hold you come on get on my hand taking a butterfly selfie yes yes there we go butterfly on my finger hey little buddy I really appreciate you sitting on my hand really made my whole day worthwhile this is the decontamination chamber we're gonna make sure we don't have any butterflies on our bodies our clothing we won't lobby allowed outside of the butterfly just in case you thought butterflies were magical there's a butterfly head up close yikes you're so most popular insects that don't get their own rooms I do hope in the new museum that will have a millipede room or maybe they should have a housefly room that will house flies flying around oh man they're so gross all right now mer emerge emerge from there you go I'll fly to Mexico what see the scientists here is just dreaming of bones dreaming of bones it's a massive wall of taxidermy there it's all parts of the animal kingdom besides the t-rex I'd say that this display of the Native Americans hunting Buffalo is the second most recognizable sight here at the Milwaukee Public Museum now let's see if the Easter Egg is working okay as you see this is completely hidden there's no sign telling you to do this you actually have to look behind this rock here I don't know if you can see it but there is a little tiny button right here oh yeah you can see where the button right there and if you press that button I don't know if you can see but it makes the rattlesnake rattle all right see little rattlesnake I'm getting ready to push the button and there he goes love the rattlesnake button yes when you remake the Milwaukee Public Museum if anyone's listening please please save the rattlesnake button Native American Circle used to actually move let's simulate the dance but it has been broken for a very very long time and of course because Carl Akeley played such a big part in creating the Milwaukee Public Museum that's an excellent taxidermy section see these coyotes are eating this rabbit or they're nervous because this wagon train is coming and in this wagon train they don't take kindly to coyote to eat rabbits and spread out wide and that helps keep them stable as they're walking on the sand now think of a flock now a lot of people don't realize this but nature is very violent and you can see this hawk feeding its baby as a chipmunk let's see what these Hawks over here eat oh they feed their babies blue birds blue bird muffin yeah these meal beavers here are damming up the river Hey look over here - little peek hole it'll actually show you inside the Beavers home I'll look at the little baby beavers yeah when I was a kid I honest-to-god wanted to live inside a beaver house Bears face is covered in bees there's all the different kinds of birds that live on poop Mountain one of the rare museums that actually has a taxidermied manatee oh no I think I'll be pretty terrifying to come across an alligator on the beach why that's so scary they could sneak up on you or you're sunbathing and then and bite you [Music] it's the Rocky Mountain room you can see the big elk check out this prospector here he's digging for go oh look at his donkey [Music] these Native American masks displayed in the most ominous way passed along yeah look at this little guy what's he look at this all these yummy foods and there's a taxidermy horse [Music] some Eskimo clothes you can see those cool Eskimo sunglasses I want to live in an igloo I want to live in a big little Dish duty I saw you can actually part of the display - you can walk inside the igloo and see how warm and cozy it is you have a fire roaring I think it's a little samurai shop in here they're making their samurai armor these guys putting together a sword string a tagging used to watch himself this snake ain't plan so Indian market right here to the elephant like a snake charmer sadly there's not a secret button to activate that snake into the living ocean super cool bill portholes here you can look in to the ocean and as you walk down the different levels of the ocean it gets deeper and see that shark eating a crab in the big old sea turtle right there it's the big Marlin that I've been told shark up there and then down here is the Kraken [Music] yeah this always kind of got to me these are real human skulls that they're using you can see where museum guests have pulled their teeth out as souvenirs whoo to do what I wanted a record of 100 look at his hat is a Blowfish that's awesome there you notice around his neck is the shrunken head these are the first shrunken heads I ever saw in my life boy they still creeped me out check out these terrifying Peruvian mummies a skull with hair some people say that used to be Woodrow Wilson let's check out some of these taxidermy action scenes see these tribesmen fighting a lion lions kind of outnumbered to be fair [Music] [Music] karela there he's wildebeest here just checking out this hippo skeleton here is a model of the rosetta stone a piece of rock that single-handedly allowed people to uncoded ed language appreciate you guys joining me here today at the Milwaukee Public Museum and I am fearful on what will become of this place it is a place that holds a deep place in my heart now they will be moving it hopefully some of the charm can move with them hopefully what arrives in its place is not just a shell of what was formerly here at the Milwaukee Public Museum I will come and check out the new museum when it opens this I hope it isn't this may be the last time that I step foot in these hallowed halls I appreciate you guys watch it if you like she got a place I've been checked the interactive map in the description we'd like to help support the channel consider buying a t-shirt and consider donating a patreon $3 more donation will get you a postcard once a month but for now this one's in the bag maybe the snake button wasn't a secret as I want I was
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 90,904
Rating: 4.9386234 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, milwaukee, public, museum, milwaukee public museum, closed, closing, snake button, t-rex, tyranasurus, rex, native american, old milwaukee, streets, streets of old milwaukee, third planet, european village
Id: bvNCvV19-Qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 59sec (1619 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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