Fun In The Kitchen With April: Mama's Banana Pudding

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hello my beautiful people and welcome to fun in the kitchen with April guess what today I have a special guest my beautiful mother-in-law mrs. Harris oh mama Harris and she is gonna help us with something very special today I know you all been waiting on this we are going to make banana pudding from scratch none of that instant box stuff no we're not doing it like that we're making a real thing so I know you're gonna like okay so here's what we're going to need to make our delicious banana pudding we're going to need four egg yolks with an or you're strolling backwards oh okay I'm sorry mama said I'm starting back milk we add three cups of milk so we walk with the milk and there we have then we have that is 2 cups of sugar with a half a teaspoon of salt mixed into that okay and then next we have what is that a half a cup of flour okay so we're gonna pour that in there give you know I got a little food okay so I'm actually going to do this I'm gonna turn the stove on so what level should I turn the stove on - yeah what medium look there's turn it on because it's time uh-huh okay so we're gonna start off with hot and we want breathing together so she they're whisking until we get all those ingredients and mix up together there's how you do real stuff oh this is fun for me because I never really get to cook with my mother-in-law and I love it at that like what people need to have mother like start cooking you make sure you stir cause for me okay okay so again as we continue as it continues to cook you want to constantly stir this up okay we want to make sure that the flour is blended in the milk mixture because we don't want any lumpy anything in our banana cleaner we want it to be real smooth i'ma take over for Mama fish you can't be doing all of this series star enormous like this little time so I'm gonna take over [Music] we'd like we want to get that pork hold on a minute I'm going to turn it like this and so we need it for a manor on peacefulness sugar mixing those egg yolks right there imma turn it over so you can see you creeps me lips up whipping up those we don't want that okay but as I'm stirring they starting to get thick and that's what you want hi mama you want it to get thick but you need to get really hot and you gotta keep stirring place we don't want that sugar to fat burning and the milk to start burning so you want to make sure that you're constantly stirring it and it's gaudy for picking up really nice yeah I know you guys are hearing this the stirrings going on but that's what we have to do get it nice and secure and you can kind of see it that it is thickening up pretty nice in there mixing that milk and sugar oh my goodness hi guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you don't keep serving it like it's fine now you know keep serving it it's very fun I'm gonna let you guys in on a treat with have you ever made this before that's why I have my mother-in-law yeah yeah it's starting to stick on the width but that means we build something see that's all school right here I don't think so maybe if you can get to all the swings in what you want [Applause] oh I can't wait for you all the tribal and it's sleeping it up so nice I mean really it is really good and picking this I'm pulling it so that you guys can see what we're doing and I mean it is really someone along nicely nice and bubbly you can see the thickness in there yeah yeah getting this to come through so that what you want when it's artistic right now one note one the width yeah that's how you know you didn't sample me yeah and you can feel it as he's picking them up that is a constant stirring constantly look at that is bubbling oh my goodness look at that look at that one that with [Applause] [Music] see this - I'm gonna come back to you we want to finish this nice and thick and I'ma come back we want to temper the eggs right we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you know how old-school nice oh sorry Mohito at this fence you're gonna let it start to cool down on its own yeah yes that's it right there look at that look at that spoon full of pull that good good put into pictures that you bought you just go get cold I just wanna cool off that that's what you want do it again mama just I'll lift it up bring it down a little bit bring your hand down a little bit mama so they just see okay right there they meet right there that's what you want right there you stick it through the screen I'm gonna bring it over I'm gonna bring it over this is what you want you want that to stick to the spoon just like that for me mm-hmm did I take it off this I yeah okay so what I did now and I took it off the icon if you don't want it too and we're going to let this cool before we start putting the rest of it together down but I'm going to show you how with this one banana how we're going to cut it so mom away I need to do it there go there no okay which end is in oh okay not a stop I'm gonna slice it slicing through Oh so my dip okay and we're gonna slice it just like that oh just like that now we're gonna do all I bananas like that okay and we have five bananas that's how many we need right mama to college well we won't know until until we fill up the pin how many bananas no more need and again and I always say make sure your hands are clean because it's not nice to cook with dirty hands so always make sure you hands a clean model clean I just watched them again not all might nastiness you guys are bad this is what you do so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go ahead and finish cutting up these banana okay so now what we're going to do we're gonna place a layer of crackers into our container that we're going to use for the banana pudding you're going to use your vanilla wafers okay so here we go this is what we have the vanilla wafers and that's what you want to use to make your banana in okay so we just want to launder the ball just line it bottom of your fish with these crackers vanilla wafers yep I mean I'm telling you this pudding smells so good already we ain't even done what they want to do so that's how you get the bottom some look no I'm usually put an alert over pneumo okay so now I'm going to take the banana and put a layer of bananas one here just like that because we've cut up our bananas so your slide should be down so putting the little bananas on here I can get him off the cutting board that'll work just like that not too hard the hard part is already doing very net pudding that's the hard part your country yes staring up that custard that is the hard part that's tricky yeah make sure that don't burn now you put custard all over top make you it shall we go all the way over your custard so there we go we're layering it up just look at that and it smells absolutely delicious there we go but you don't know where all that goodness in it that deliciousness okay now you put a little ooh cookies okay and now we're gonna layer up another layer tons of vanilla wafers in here just like this [Applause] and so you continue to do this until you have all your your own cookie then bananas later than here okay so we're going to continue to do this because you guys got the idea of how this is done and we will show you what we aren't done okay okay my beautiful people we have finished our delicious banana pudding and as you can see we did about four layers of cookies bananas and the pudding and it is delicious it smells amazing and I can't wait for you guys to try it so remember to like subscribe comment and press the notification bills so that you know when we have more great recipes coming for you and my mother-in-law she says let me hold on let me get her let me get her up here she says see you later enjoy [Music] you
Channel: Essence Of Mahogany Productions
Views: 30,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Banana pudding
Id: tQ4y2XO9i1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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