Good Job but I do a horrible job

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hey there friends how's it going my name is Kevin and you know I do daily content and sometimes it can be hard to find games so you'd be browsing through different games seeing new releases and when you see a game that says good job and even waiting to hear that all your life it's kind of hard to resist so that's what we're gonna play today who is this guy I don't like him immediately he's all high and mighty he's your clothes on while everyone else is naked and I'm bring his child to work day he brings his kid in he was naked too okay it turns out I'm the naked child all right looks like he's given me a job I hope that's my dad some dude who's just kidnapped this naked child okay this is the lobby I guess okay I just have to make it a reception there seems to be various hazards here but I'm sure this will go fine okay sorry sorry okay apologies apologies about the head this is in my way hold on hold on I'm almost there okay this is going relatively okay it could have gone worse honestly oh okay hold on almost there wait is he drinking that did someone just leave their coffee er okay I didn't grab the coffee I grabbed the entire table hold on all right yes I got my outfit sorry guys first day okay so first floor is finance this is where my first job will be I don't know why I need a hardhat to work in finance but I guess my track record speaks for itself set up the projector I can do that what is this what is this a plug and time to charge my phone sorry guys if you just you just move please hit I'm gonna have to move you sir I want to be in a more convenient spot to charge my phone no Jesus sorry I apologize it's okay apologies all right let me get on my way here I'm here to fix your projector hold on I know how to do this wait hold up why can't there be a fecking ramp why does it all have to be stairs oh Jesus Christ I'm sorry we know we just need to set this up okay never mind hey I thought I was bringing her off to be fixed hold on bit of a loop yeah she'd be set up what okay that was an accident it's sorry folks I'm just bringing it around you there I don't want anyone tripping over the cords so I figured I'd bring it all the way around no it doesn't reach all right fine you're in the way the projector hold on oh wait slingshot him with the vlog that is fantastic oh wait I was supposed to bring it to another room was yeah I remember now actually there's a boardroom that needs this hold on pivot alright pivot pivot pivot ah okay you just plug it in okay I see I understand now clear the way please 710 split all right this is dangerous all right this is very dangerous I don't want to just spring okay hold on hold on hold on okay fantastic yeah good job all right I'll just be on my way sorry folks oh really something plugged in here this is a hazard if I ever seen one let me take care of this this is amazing Oh trophy that's probably for me Fred he's such a good job thanks guys oh what's breaking over there oh I broke my trophy I need to get into this room could I just shatter my way in there is that possible yeah there we go we're here folks all right should still be good hold on I wonder why you're putting up here I bet you're gonna watch them call me Kevin e-content don't you trust me you're gonna hate it we're done here everyone happy Thank You [Laughter] Abby that's not bad all things considered that's pretty damn generous okay folks what's the job I hope it's demo work reroute the internet cable cables they're not my strong point I'll come on what are you doing sabotaging the internet for like the person trying to fix things is sabotaging stuff as is we don't need any extra help oh I found a new hat look my my bumble bee I keep telling you I'm the receptionist not your mom oh wait new hats again I need to get your hat off you somehow chimp wait where does hat go it's too fallen off somewhere god damn it I don't know where his hat went all right come on reroute this cable oh Jesus this is blocked at Milan I'm really gonna slingshotting now so I might be able to do that I don't even need to slingshot actually I could just open the door yeah better idea sorry folks new internet cable coming through I can't go to the bathroom because there's a wet floor in there I'll try and fix that next hold on let's stock in a fecking door all right you I'm gonna need you to come here for a minute all right stay there you're on the clock oh my God look at this someone's been hoarding this is like gold dust right now hold on I thinking is the bathroom this way it's conscious hand-eye coordination isn't that crazy all right instead of cleaning I'll just take away the wet floor sign work away folks all right he was gone okay he's still just sitting there keeping the door open oh you [ __ ] all right I just about got it perfect thank you good job again Kevin do good thing all the way through the office as long as that guy doesn't move from that spot we're golden I got an A this game is very rewarding to imbeciles where are they sneaking off to what's the next job gather the workers oh that's like kidnapping I should be good at this Oh pink hat though yeah now I can do anything something is telling me to break a lot of [ __ ] just something deep down inside there we go no way no ID on a slingshot well actually it might work try to launch him into the next one if I can just use him to destroy everything in the office then I'll have no barrier that kind of work to get in the [ __ ] chair now I hate that were hooked one man back to work oh god no he's actually got to go to hospital my apologies all right he had to send my [ __ ] couch didn't he come on you're the last guy now everyone's gonna hate you because you're getting preferential treatment by anything on this couch all right here you go boss everyone here deserves to be fired except for me everyone else is doing bad job I'd like the story in this game it's like time a the rest D and D the average that out that a whoever's doing the grade is doing a good job as I am promotion level unlocked all that damage gave me a promotion we must have a hell of a good insurance policy come on buddy I leave no one behind I take people with me when I climb the ladder it's like please I'm just here for a meeting set up the projector oh no not this again I've proven that I'm not very good with technology sorry sorry down in front please please just sitting on the bench sorry about that you know it really helps the first day on the job jitters when everyone else is naked they always say imagine everyone in the crowd naked but this makes it a hell of a lot easier I don't know how to get these people to move wait if I get a seat will you all sit in it for me will that work I'm strong oh that does work okay everyone sit down there you go now take your friends away and you're left there as a loner oh sweet Jesus okay well that was a lot easier I couldn't you just done that instead of using the doors to get the projector all right folks projector coming on through for this is just flying off the balcony door it's still good it's fine these things were built to last they don't build them like they used to I'll tell you that much okay really guys you're stopping me doing my job christ almighty I can see why they say I do a good job because everyone else is [ __ ] useless at least I get the job done even if it destroys the entire building okay let's plug this bad boy in I think I just powered them the entire building all her lights went off there we are it's better that the lights are off anyway for the projector including in the lobby he's gone off you've been promoted floor 2 is now unlocked yes I've earned this oh my god this looks complicated there's a lot of machinery here my Herod had actually would make sense now but instead I have this cute little pink hat I found all right that is a workplace injury you can go home all right how machine work just go nuts you don't need training for this sort of thing oh sorry I'm sorry I'm trying to rotate it hold on hold on it's getting there thank you turning there we go that worked our back is still just standing there I love my job you're coming with me social distancing people it's proof forces come on we'll get that God a lot of people are dying hope it's not fragile whatever is in here I feel like all my Amazon shipments go through this process yeah there we go just go right through I mean whoever placed it there is kind of an idiot to begin with that's not really my fault just that kid standing there well if the boss says I should be here that I guess I should just stay I got a family to care for and a hell of a life insurance policy the last one is in here can I just be lazy and not take it out of this one watch I know the strategies get out of here oh I got it out gone I'm a genius he's breaking in the distance we're done good job great job if I do say so myself rush the package I've been doing that without even being asked so fair this should be easy okay gotta get it into this machine ease PZ hopefully we get a few people in there to hook up we go do these warhead stairs so I deserve this crown yes Queen this is definitely not safer oh god that's a lot of damage Oh sugar I probably should have moved something in the way here so I could actually you know make this bridge all right I'll just ramp off this is not safe this is not safe this is not safe oh Jesus back up all right that might do it I don't know I'm too lazy to actually get it perfect I'm here to do a good job not a perfect one go go go yeah can maintain speed yeah perfect the package is on route yes the second package is a hundred yeah keep enjoying that sandwich buddy I'll see you in a while Oh well that made my job a whole lot easier no no you [ __ ] Oh all right gotta act fast get down okay crush crush doffed i mistimed it but I don't think that was gonna work why he doesn't intend oh not a little murder Nintendo sucks oh sweet Jesus I gotta gather 21 workers at least conveyor belts going directly to the boss that might make it a bit easier you're coming with me most efficient kidnapping ever I got a new helmet though so I'm a little bit happier and hello this is honestly the best hat simulator since tf2 wait this is one just go sir happen in a circle it doesn't lead them back at all oh this will help my job a lot come on everyone take a seat everybody take a seat come on this is safe okay he really prefers that box he's Lots in the ground come on all right there you go just gently and gently dropped there you go there we go so knock to the noggin I'll knock some sense into you to get back to work effect sorry that's you down now we just need these factors who I think are all on this pallet yay everyone's back to work and only some have permanent injuries we don't do sick leave in this office by the way just so you're all aware another chance for promotion at the loading dock I think if I can do this I'll be happy I don't want to run up the ladder too soon people think I only got the job because my dad's the boss well even though they'd be right I still don't want them think wait one of the packages is already on the truck some eejit loaded it right on the top of the thing yeah I can definitely see why they think I do a good job if this is the standard I'm here for a package oh there's one all right at least they dropped it a bit lower again I hope it's not fragile probably new windows for the ones I destroyed earlier oh no ok there goes a package I need it I'm sure I can get that coming through watch out this way need your head heads people in case the forklift lands on you ok that is - there's the big one it's just like launched off the side by accident a while ago ok there's a big one that could be a hiss oh there's a hook here that might help wait a second how am I supposed to get that alright I'm coming over I don't the greatest coordination so I'm trying to be really careful ok whatever the promotion is I [ __ ] deserve it this is terrifying oh no no I tried to throw it off but it didn't go it's taking out on him it's called for the elevator turn around give him a smack wait that's on the girder that's supporting that claw maybe if I just move the claw around violently I feel like you could add that to everything I've done if I move this box violently if I Drive this crane violently right come on drop drop yeah there you go yes I am a genius it's definitely broken we're done I get a promotion now see you later losers I'm off to floor 3 taking this with me good luck typing now I made it to floor 3 and honestly this floor looks like the right spot for me it just looks lovely very relaxing look they've even got weed growing that means I think I can end my career here I'll just live out the rest of my days on this floor and then retire well that's my plan so we're gonna end it there I hope you enjoyed though this game is really really fun if you want to see more and you let me know thank you very much for watching I hope you're all staying safe in this current climate that we find ourselves in and yeah I hope to see you next time bye for now Sherrod's patrons Kate Osbourne Katie Barry Kendall McEntire Tok Kitty Hoover conifers critter Christian M Kyle de Fratus Kyle Watson Laura Klein Laura the Hulk Lord William Lorena Molina Lucian Herzog Lucy Malone locks our main craft Master 69 Marilyn Stanley Matthew will hoist mayor Deborah Conklin forever mice chicken Michael David Rose misses miss Noam Chomsky and mutiny Oh 777 [Music] you
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 853,390
Rating: 4.9810209 out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, good job, good job switch, good job gameplay, good job switch gameplay, good job ep 1, good job part 1, good job switch ep 1, good job switch part 1, good job game, good job game callmekevin, callmekevin good job, callmekevins switch
Id: 9my-rY9pAvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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