Destroying The Image - Bishop Eddie L. Long

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[Music] when the home is in order and those who are in order come collectively together in order god says you're mature enough now to handle the keys of the kingdom and the bible says stand and let's let the lord move put on the former keep praying and keep praying and you shall come out of this thing [Music] remember i'm the same god yesterday today and forevermore i am the king of kings and the lord of lords [Music] genesis 1 26 and 27. i'm going to combine i hope and pray that which was preached and ministered here on last sunday through dr turner and what was ministered at the men's advance and tie these things into what god has wants us to understand very cleanly i'm going to ask that you would read the 26th verse and the 27th verse i will start it and then you will continue to read to the end of 27. then god said stop can i read that and god said let us make man in our own image according to our likeness and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over the cattle and over the earth and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth now before you read that 27th verse please understand god made a distinct statement when he said let us make man in our image even not going that far but let us make man something the holy spirit wants me to lift up immediately read 27. stop god created who in what god notice in 26 and said god said let us make man in our own image then he created man now 327 again 26 said man and this man is going to have dominion over everything then 27 comes around again and says he created man in his own image and he created then it said male and female he created them now please understand there is a male spirit and all of us are equal in essence but in function in function say in function god has established a distinct difference now hold it holy ghost and let you hear this now if you go back to 26 and you understand he made man and then you go and understand we have dominion then he comes back and says he made man in his own image he made him and then he made them male and female that means that the man he's talking about that has dominion has to be the man the male walking with the female [Music] and we'll never have dominion unless the man and the woman is walking together understanding equal in essence but different in function and the reason why we have lost control you ain't got to have no summit and try to get more jails and do all this stuff to bring this earth under the submission of god what you need to do and what we have to do as men and women of god is understand we're equal in essence but we're different in function and once we get into our position all we got to do is say at the name of jesus and we can call everything into order but nothing will be called in the order when we're out of order hallelujah [Music] i want to speak to you about destroying the image and how satan is destroying the image we could not celebrate mother's day if we continue to go in the direction that we're going if we don't understand that the overall plot of the devil is to destroy the image of god which is a direct assault and a direct attack on male and female and the essence and most of all the difference and making sure that we stay so confused we never walk in agreement with god and when we never walk in agreement with god we give up the dominion that god has given us over this earth every head bound father in the name of jesus we thank you we praise you we honor you we thank you for your word that it will cleanse that it will purify that it will wash us wider than snow and lord allow us to move in the power that you have ordained we declare our headship and our dominion it is in the mighty and wonderful name of jesus that we have hearing ears today we have understanding holy spirit we come against every distraction even in me that your word will go forth the power conviction recruit rebuke lord just move say whether spirit is there is liberty and spirit of living god please follow in the mighty way in this place and we will move out of what we're within into what you have ordained for us to be it is in the precious name of jesus christ amen amen and amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord please understand my brothers and sisters this is a time this is a time this is a time of mercy say mercy we're living in a time right now and i am so sure in myself that god is speaking to me and allowing me for a time save for a time now please understand don't miss this season and what god is doing he is allowing us to recognize the things that we have sown to our flesh and he is giving us an opportunity to be released from those things he is giving us an opportunity that there will be crop failure on the bitterness and the anger and the hatred and all of those things and the and and the wrong things that we have done he is coming with mercy and he's releasing us from that that we will sow good seeds his word into good soil and allow a great harvest to come in your life a great spiritual harvest he who sows to the flesh shall also reap from the flesh he whose souls to the spirit shall reap from the spirit and what god is ordaining is that we sow to the spirit that we reap from his spirit amen so in the midst of all of this there is an identity crisis and there is something that is going on that is so profound that many of us who understood it don't remember it at now and many others never understood what the devil was doing to destroy family that is the reason why we're reading almighty and sons to understand that all lasting wealth is generated through the family unit and is passed on generationally and the devil understands that if the family ever gets together that it will be able to generate the wealth and the riches to bring what god has ordained here on earth as it is in heaven and so what he has been doing because he never showed up you never see anywhere where satan was bothering adam he laid in the cut and he waited until adam got married and just as soon as adam got married that is the time in which you find satan always in family matters dealing with family matters that weaken the church weaken the community weaken the city weaken the nations and etc and in all of this there's an identity crisis that's going on because we have left the plan of god most men don't know how to be men and the reason why they don't know how to be men is because number one they have not been taught nor can they see a role model that would go around that they want to be like it is a sad commentary that the generation behind us is coming up and i see him selling uh t-shirts tupac secure and all of them gangster rappers and all that when i was coming up we wore martin luther king shirts and stuff booker t washington we had some positive role models of folk who were doing something for the community in the name of god and now there's such a scarcity of men who are able to stand up and capture the attention of a younger generation that they have to submit themselves to others and reference to their not leading them in the right way it is the same ladies with you there's not really a lot of godly women role models that are going around that you can pattern yourself after and so often we have caught on to what we see on tv and what we're reading in magazines and how sister flossie and sister so and so handles this and that instead of looking at what god has said because what god has said goes so far against what the world is doing that we want to join in with the majority instead of being with the minority to change the majority into the minority and so we bond with those who are thinking like us but they're not thinking kingdom they are thinking what is generate i hate to take my sons around some men most men because they don't even know how to talk to my sons because the first thing they will ask him is how many girlfriends do you have and i want to haul off and slap him and take his family out between his legs because i don't want my sons to think that their manhood is balanced on how many women they have their manhood is not hinged on how many women they have but that is our mentality because no one has shown us anything different and in the midst of all this with with women who are now walking in roles that are not ordained by god and it rings out from proverbs this wonderful question who can find the virtuous woman because at this time we're still looking and i will go a little further so we will get a good understanding because with both male and female uh we're both off course and we're headed for a major head-on collision with full fatalities now i want you to hear this and i want you to hear it real good in genesis 2 and 5 before god could get anything going on he stopped the rain and all of that because it says he could not find a man now please understand that what god is about to do as we go into the second millennium is he's about to work something in such a mighty way and the reason why it's been so tough on the people of god is that god's got you in this advanced maturity program because many of you have no church history many of you only been saved for two or three years or just got serious since you got here and so you don't have a long history and some of you been in church all your life and just got serious and there's a whole lot and all of a sudden you discover there's a lot of stuff i need to learn and get inside of me to move with and so god is saying the only way i can get you to learn this stuff quick is put you under a whole lot of pressure and so he's putting the prayer because you remember you did pray and say use me lord you did say that and tell your neighbor yes you did say that just tell he's answering your prayer stop complaining now in the midst of all of that when god is looking for a man god is looking and what a man is described as is he's a king a king means he's a visionary number two he is a warrior and one of the things that god has so challenged me in is to pushing that warrior spirit back into men that they will be what god has ordained for them to be and the reason why i'm addressing myself like this i want to give you a flash that you would understand this and get it real deep down in your sanctified soul the secular world all those who pretend to know in all knowledge and the christian world have an understanding that the child your boy or your girl your young girl or your daughter her femininity is developed through her father and your son's masculinity comes through the father you need to hear this you need to hear this real good regardless of what you think and that is the reason why we're going to get a relational spread of men covering those who are raising children by themselves that we will be able because we do understand the character of femininity and masculinity comes from the father and so therefore even the state that you're in in your femininity and or your masculinity has directly correlated to the relationship you had with your dad and that is the reason why we're spending the time to get these things set in order and one of the things in reference to is to pull the men back up into their flight spirit i'm already asking my three-year-old taylor to go on a date she's thinking about and i'm glad number one she knows what to do when a man asks her let's go on a date i'll think about it i'm gonna check you out first see if i'm going i'm just dying to get in your car and then when i take her out i'm going to treat her so nice that whoever dates her will have a standard in reference to check so she won't get tangled up in junk and i need that to be settled in your spirit and get an understanding of that now the reason i'm saying that because i need you to turn to isaiah 4 and 1 real quick i got to get somewhere if you get to isaiah 4 and 1 i want to read this we have a dilemma today we have a dilemma today and that is the reason why and i'm going to announce this uh when am i going to announce this elder harrison the week after revival will be set to meet with all single parents and that's even if you're a man because you mean you cannot be a woman and a man so all you can be is a father and so you need a woman to help you with them children amen so now we're going to adopt every child in this place when i was walking to the pulpit i met a mother and lord just said stop and talk to him she was disturbed because of her teenage son he wouldn't come to church and other things and we got some folk on work with him i just said man give me your i prayed and then the lord said don't just pray now now ask her something can you help her she told me she has a son 17 is giving her fits i said we're going to send some men over and give him some fix just give me the address of where he is and we're going to handle that for you and because she's overloaded over that was not what god had intended for her in her life to be dealing with all of that all right what'd i say go a situation we have now it says and in that day seven women shall take hold of one man saying we will eat our own food and wear our own apparel only let us be called by your name please understand what they're saying just like today there are more women than men and there's a lot of women that need coverage and the women are saying i am so desperate to have the covering of of a man to protect etc that i'm willing you don't even have to bring up no money to buy no clothes and don't have to feed me or anything like that just least allow me to have your name see when she's saying have your name the name means cover if you were vanessa griffin under her father my wife under her father griffin her father was covering her when she married me she became vanessa long she went from one covering to another what she was doing is exchanging names she exchanged names in reference to of saying now i'm submitted and i'm covered by someone else because i understand covering so in the midst of that here's a whole generation that's calling out for covering because i realize how important it is watch this because this is going against some of your secular thinking because some folk in here just you know you ready to do one of these and roll your head off your neck but this is the fact of god please understand god created man first then he took woman out of man then he took the child out of the woman therefore he started with man who is supposed to sustain and protect and bring vision to the woman and cover what has come out of him and what has come out of that woman everything that's come out of them he is over to cover he is the glory of god and the woman is the glory of man and when you understand that our order then they'll be straight but if you want to argue with that take it up with god i'm just a preacher i'm just a mouthpiece i'm just telling you what god has ordained now watch this watch this watch this and we need ladies and we need to understand we need to stop fighting with men who are starting to bring themselves up into the warrior state that god has for day because it is a fight and you need someone who understands what fight it is and how to go about it now look at this turn over to isaiah 3. you had isaiah 3 just one book back watch this here is god's judgment that's the reason why i say we're in a time of mercy here's god's judgment on his people and this is the reason why we're where we are right now i want you to hear this or behold the lord the lord of hosts takes away from jerusalem and from judah the stock and the store the whole supply of bread and the whole supply of water look at the second verse the first thing he starts taking out now when it comes to personnel the mighty man and the man of war now i need you to hear this everybody needs to hear this the judge and the prophet and the diviner and the elder the captain of the 50 and the honorable man the counselor and the skilled plus there are an art and the expert enchanter i will give children to be their princes and babe shall rule over them all he's saying is i'm just going to put grown children up in front of some of you left them churches that is the reason why there's such a vacuum for leadership because folk who are in leadership act like children they're selfishly motivated they're doing things that that have nothing to do with what they're called about and they're having tempted tantrums when it doesn't go their way and it's conniving and all that kind of stuff and the people will be oppressed the fifth verse says every one by another every one by the neighbor the children will be insolent towards the elder and the base towards the honorable when the man takes hold of his brother in the house of his father saying you have done you have clothing you have you be be a ruler and let these ruins be under your power in that day he will protest saying i cannot cure your eels for in my house is neither food nor clothing do not make me a ruler of the people jump down to the 12th verse the 12th verse says as for my people children are their oppressors and women rule over them you call oh you call you let me get that straight those who lead you cause you to error and destroy the ways of your path i want you to hear this i've said this several times before and i don't think it's settled in us because and you study this and read this you will find that society collapsed and it collapsed because you took out the foundation the foundation were the men of war it was the warriors it was the warring spirit of the man in the midst of that then women became in this 12th verse became the rulers they were running the houses and everything else and even in the marketplace and so therefore when they became in charge because the men weren't moving like they should have then their children rose up in rebellion and oppress them and what is going on today is that the children of this generation are the ones that are oppressing the older generation you're not afraid of old folk you're afraid of 13 14 15 year olds who are not only people you don't know that's running up and down your neighborhood some of you afraid of some of them negroes you left in your house this morning hello and i told you a long time ago when i was little both my mother i'm gonna tell you what my mother did my both my mother and my father proved to me that they were crazy and they would take me out in a battle of an eye and so when i got older even now if my mama look at me cross-eyed and she has a way of doing that i just know she about to kill me when you get that authority established when they're young it'd be less belt-swinging when they're older and when they have more strength to get on you you can look at them and they will have a quick remembrance i'll never forget the time i was running from a woman from my mama and took refuge under a bed now back in the days i came up those beds were heavy beds the box springs did not have cover it was springs please understand that with metal frames big beds my mama commenced to tearing the bed down took the big mattress off lifted up the box springs like hercules hercules and the next thing i know i was coming up from there now watch this watch this and hear me because i got to get somewhere hear me hear me hear me hear me listen in the midst of all of this what you see here i can't say something because see women ladies i'm just going to tell you one of the problems we have is again is is the loss of the warrior spirit i am very discouraged when i meet most teenagers and i'm very impressed when i meet a few that i would do a whole lot for because they have a warring spirit most teenagers now won't work and if you do offer them a job it has to be an executive position they want to dress how they want to dress they want to do all these kind of things and expect somebody to hire them they have and then just let just let the one who employ them speak to them the way they don't want to be spoke to like will you please get up and work who are you talking to i'm on break you've been on break the whole time son what you do i quit the day why i was on break and they was making me get up hear me there's been such a destruction because women i don't know i don't know if ladies can really handle men the way god desire that is to watch this this is the reason why we have so much so many problems with god we have problems with god because jesus taught us how to pray and when jesus taught us how to pray he said pray like this our who put a period right there father means one who decides and has no one question him that is the meaning of father [Applause] now the reason why i'm saying this and i'm going to go a little bit deeper because at this moment i'm going flip-flop back and forth to men but at this moment women don't even understand how to even push that warrior spirit up in the man that he becomes all that he's supposed to be now i told this story the other morning at the uh marriage thing and i just want you to hear this because ladies you don't even understand your your power and i'm going to and you gave me a wonderful demonstration this morning nominate this story and i'm going to show you what you did and hope you slap yourself number one here we got we got this very prominent mayor who became very prominent in the city he was married everything going on influence and all that kind of stuff him and his wife were on their way to a ball and on their way to the ball he looked at his gas handling his lincoln continental and found out he was low on gas so he pulls over the service station to fill up so they can get on and not be late and while he's there the service station attendant comes out and they recognize that he went to school with them and so they talked to him for a while got the gas and they pulled off and so the mayor remembered that his wife used to date him before they met and so he said aren't you glad you married me the mayor that got all this stuff and can provide for you and do all this and do all that and she turns to him and looks them right now and said no not necessarily and he said what do you mean she said he said she said to him she said well if i hadn't married him he would have been the mayor and you would have been out there pumping gas that was a woman who understood her power that he would have not been what he is if she the rib didn't hook up inside now let me slap you when i asked all the men to stand up you sat down and just patted your hands when i asked the mothers to get up they stood up and gave the mothers a standing ovation ain't no way in the world because several years ago you used to cry because what no men in church now that they're men in church and you can stroke their egos that they could come back you sat on your you ought to stand up right now and encourage them for being in here and make them what god is ordained how dare you sit and look at the miracle of god of bringing the warriors back and you sit there and don't give god honor and stroke their ego i might have to take a detour here it shows it shows us how far off we are of god when god answers prayer we don't even give god acknowledgement and we don't understand you want these brothers back next sunday and not only do you want them back next sunday you want them walking in what god ordained then how dare you if you understood the psychic and the makeup of a man because he can get some cheers somewhere else he can go to a bachelor party and get some cheers he can go and get high with some brothers and get some cheers but there's something about when a woman stands up on her feet all fine and sassy with your sweet self and say come on boys you somebody no that's why some of you still lonely this this this let's let's let's listen i got to get somewhere i got to get somewhere i got to get somewhere this is going somewhere he's going somewhere hear this i i i really don't think that there's an understanding of the power that both men and women have no nor the understanding when god he created eve out of adam i said this already took him out now i want to understand men and you have to have an understanding there is a search that we're on and the search is for our bone i see we we perverted that and be saying we're going boner no that ain't you're looking for your bone now not hear this hear this hear this hear this hear this because in the woman there's a certain completeness of a man and if we're going to have dominion we got to come together like one please understand this but yet the function of the whole deal is that there is someone that god has put over in genesis 3 when eve and adam messed up he first took of the fruit and ate comma nothing happened and then she gave to adam and then he ate and as soon as adam ate that's when the lord stripped them naked that's when everything came down that is the reason why you got to understand you can make all the suggestions you want ladies but if the man makes the bad decision god ain't coming to see you he's coming to see who he put in charge that is the order of god that is his order and that is the reason why some of you ladies who your man has left you want to rejoice and shout because god's got you covered and in the final analysis of judgment he's going wherever that man is if he done going on got him another woman let him have fun for a little while because his season is coming because he's still responsible and god's going to say well i moved i fell out of love fell out of love move whatever you've done you're still responsible not only for that generation but you're going to pay for the four generations you messed up because you got caught in your flesh cause please understand adam's mess up didn't just affect cain and abel it came all the way down him now listen to this listen listen listen let me get something this warring spirit the horror spirit of god's place of the man we call it kind of like a rhinoceros spirit and this is an animal that got that gets mad gets raving man he charges massively he has two inch uh uh skin that that's just so tough etc and he runs into whatever he's going through and just runs right through it and that is the way god has designed the man because that's the kind of warrior he's looking for someone that's going to take charge understand the kingdom of god suffers violent and the violent takers by force and i'm looking for somebody who's got tough skin that ain't running around trying to be so sensitive and all that stuff they hurt my feelings and all that that's the reason why god is looking for a man who is a thinker he's looking for a man who can stand steadfast he's looking for a man ain't sitting up there caught on whether somebody spoke to him or not a charge to keep i have a god to glorify who sent his son my soul to say and fit it for the sky to serve this present age my calling to fulfill whatever god has called me to do i'm going to get it done come hell or high water that is what god is looking for and a lot of women cannot respect that they don't respect that because somehow we bought into this thing that we're supposed to be these little dainty somebodies and the daintiness is taught to us by a woman only a woman can curve the rough edges of a man and she cannot curve the rough edges of a man beating on his head she cannot curve the rough edges of a man confronting him all the time with his arrows because if she does because of his warrior state he will rise up and corrupt he has to do something and so now he's not listening to you because you have violated the warrior mindset and that mindset now goes up kill and destroy do not allow them to take any territory you have not to admit to anything just give your name rake and serial number and that is the reason why when women say well he won't talk because he feels like he's a prisoner well bishop if he feels like he's a prisoner how do you get him unlocked peter had something to say about that peter three first peter three here's the femininity of a woman you got it wives likewise be submissive please understand that the spirit of submission whereby a woman voluntarily acknowledges her husband leadership responsibility under god is in an act of faith it does not mean you're subordinate but you understand god's headship that even if some do not obey the word they without a word may be won by the condom of their wives when they observe your chase or chest conduct accompanied by fear do not dress up and get all them hairstyles and blue fonts and stuff and think that's gonna do it do not let your adornment be merely out arranging the hair wearing the gold and putting on fine apparel rather let it be the hidden person of the heart with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which is very precious in the sight of god what most women today have been taught is to be loud and confrontational and girl fight for your rights who does he think he is i would let no man do me like that that's why she ain't got one [Applause] [Music] and if she does he's walking behind her ain't that right honey yeah ma'am [Applause] listen listen i'm going somewhere and i need you to get to hear this watch this man we are at fault we are at fault because when we were doing what god ordained we slipped and abused the power that god had given us and we became what is called male chauvinist pigs and we dominated and brutalized women to a point that we have caused an opposite reaction for every reaction there's an opposite reaction and so in the midst of all of that we have caused this backlash that's called the feminist movement and we have given authority to this because of our brutality what's this this is the development and the spread being motivated by satan of what is called the jezebel spirit and i am not talking about jezebel the wife of ahab i'm talking about the spirit of jezebel which is a principality i'm talking about a man-hating spirit right now in this country especially the people of color we are entertaining this man hating spirit we hate men the way god designed and we're trying to redesign what a man is supposed to be according to what we think we want because if a man became the true warrior and visionary and protector that god is ordained men and women don't want that because they want to rule and reign too and i'm not saying women are to be silent i am saying that they are to speak and i'm saying submitting to one another in ephesians but i am saying also that we do that in a certain order and then when there's no decision the man of the house makes the decision and it is supported by one who submitted even if it's the wrong decision because it's not to say i told you so but honey let's pick it up and try again what do you think we need to try now i'm so glad we tried that even though it failed it's least one thing we don't have to try again what's this what's this what's this what's this what's the choice this spirit is very loose and very much alive and one or two things happen with men they either run from it when they're confronted or as as as as uh isaiah not isaiah as as elijah did or out of fear they start acting mancho and so we sit up here and we start huffing up and we huff back as each other hooks at one another and and do you realize that there are millions of man-hating women do you realize that half of this congregation i'm going to say half of you ladies in here today hate men you hate men according to what god designed i'm going to show you that number one those who are not submitted you're hating the result of this the result of this the result when i say not submitting i'm just saying i'm speaking of there's a way god gave you to deal with man if you're not using that way to deal with man you're in rebellion you're trying to use your way and in your way you're not going to get god to participate god was at the altar when you got married so god said i'll see that this will stay together and no man will put us under but if you're going to do it your way then everything's going to come to your way but would you allow it to be done my way and speak to him gently and softly etc and the man be the protector he nurture and protect and keep i'm telling you when you do those things and you join together and you come back as one you dominate every situation you're over every situation but in the midst of all of this this has resulted in not just that women hating men but there are now millions of feminized men and the only way to get it straight is not to look at one another but to look at god that god will define what a real woman is and what a real man is he knows what he created now watch this because i want to get this inside then i got i know where i'm going i have sickness there is a spirit that is going and so pronounced that so many of us in here don't even know women don't even know that you really have entertained the male hating spirit and there are men in this place who have become so feminized that they're wounded and they can't do war because they don't know how to do war and crochet at the same time now please hear me hear me i'm trying to get this to a point that you understand it we have a generation now where where mothers are having to raise their children by themselves now you say well my my grandma raised me by myself and all that and i'm all that yes you are yes you are but as you notice that society changed in the complexity of society when i was coming up i lived around all my kinfolk so my daddy was gone most of the time but uncle clyde was around and the rest of there was always some man that was raising me now can't get no help and so there's no influence of the man over the generations and so we do what we see not what we hear if satan wanted to slap god the best way to slap god was to attack him at his image and in genesis 1 27 it said he made them male then he said made him male and female but what he tries to do is to get us to distort what a man and a woman is so if we distort the image of god we've messed up the total foundation of god so nothing can be built if the foundation is not straight so the devil is going very much under what god is doing to rip out the very foundation and core of what god has called for and the war is being levied in washington where folk are fighting for gay rights and this and that and it's all right to do this and all right and it's an independent choice and it ain't messing with nobody that is a pack of lies straight from hell it is destroying the very fire of this nation and of this country and of what god has created and there are women who think they are men and men who think they are women and acting it out watch this listen listen listen listen watch this what's this it is amazing here in a society that glorifies diversity we have a diverse society we have all the ethnic groups and all of this and we welcome but the major diversity that needs to be recognized we dilute we kill we are vastly becoming a unisex society now i want you to hear this this was a study done by dr james dobson in the thousands of years of human history and the thousands of different human uh cultures that have been existing in human history only a few of them managed to blur the masculine and feminine role watch this and every single one of them is extinct according to dr charles winch of city university of new york who has studied more than 2 000 societies none have survived more than two years that became unisex what does unisex mean unisex means that that men and women are equal and women can do it just like men and they can do everything like men and everything is equal every society that blurred the feminine and masculine distinction came to extinct a distinction came to extension in in a matter of two years and here in this country we think that we can defy that what's this we're doing what they used to do to slaves they used to castrate slaves and what we've done in the spirit is we have now castrated society because we have taken away the potency of masculinity and femininity and now we have blended it together and made it into something that ain't god afraid to talk about this didn't change now when was the last time you heard a message like this in what's church what's this what's this what's the danger of a unisex society number one is mothers kill their babies that's why i'm preaching this on mother's day and i want to say this and i'm tempted i'm not saying this and god did not give me this to make anyone feel guilty to put anybody in condemnation but i'm gonna say something has to be said and if you've been through this you've been through it leave the past behind and go forth and do what god is ordained watch this there is no species that god has ever created from the roach to the birds that a mother would kill its baby i won't say it again there is no creature that god has ever made even to this day that a mother would kill his baby except us who are confused about our sexuality and therefore we have abortions by the truckload because we don't want to be tied down now with an unwanted child but there is not even an insect because we've lost our femininity and we run into this area because this ties into the first one number two then it causes women to enter into the marketplace and they come into the marketplace and it is a measurement now for their success it is no longer measured in the home who can find the virtues it's no longer measured in the home the woman has now taken her field into the marketplace where men compete and they wear pants and high heels and now confront the men on their own territory i am saying that it is twisted when you decide and make your success defined by what you do in the marketplace versus what you do at home because god has ordained certain responsibilities that a woman covers at home while her man the protector the visionary the king the provider goes out and provides and according to god your success is measured inside of your home who gets up early in the morning to make sure that everything is straight and in order who labors late at night who becomes industrious and ingenious to even create for herself and her family providing and covering who can find this woman i'm looking i'm looking for this woman that understands that she has not been devaluated because she has now stepped into the role that god has ordained her to step in and she is not judging herself on man's standards i've got children to cover i've got a man to push i got a chance to keep and when it comes home i'm not going to beat him i'm gonna rub him i'm gonna stroke him i'm gonna send him back out i'm gonna heal his wounds and he'll go and fight again [Applause] watch this unisex society causes mothers to kill their baby it causes them to compete where men compete and and to challenge them and not understand that their success is based in what god said in the home and not in reference to the marketplace and then number three it causes women to develop relationships like predators and self-serving and they run around now watch this ladies and mothers of daughters because women have become like men and they're running around now picking up men and having casual sex when that was never heard of by women my oldest son he would sit up at the house and i would say what you doing uh don't dad don't get on the phone what you doing well i'm gonna make a call i said well make it i gotta get on the phone no i'm waiting on her to call me and he would sit there every afternoon and the phone would ring i'm saying they've been working my day and they have four or five different women calling on them i would get on and say boy don't get a job i ain't getting a job i can't find a job this friday night where you going i'm going out i didn't tell you you could use my car oh she think of me you didn't work i'm not giving you no money no she's treated and then what you do is you kill the warrior spirit in a man because he ain't got to go after anything now you let the lazy negro come stay with you and you go out and work and make the stuff and feed them and he ain't going to find a job you come on mad get up won't you do something why am i do something you doing everything [Applause] do you realize when i was in school i had to sweat to even try to get a phone number but it was a challenge that you enjoyed a man has to have a challenge and that is the reason why he doesn't respect the woman when he gets her because it wasn't no challenge so he went and went through the promised land and kept going i'm telling y'all truth mothers check your daughters they are chasing men now they ain't as innocent as you think they're sitting up calling and calling you need to tell them that they are a queen and if anybody has something they need to come by here and they need to call and be screened and qualified you don't sit up and call anybody you ain't running after anybody it ain't the 19th so-and-so in new age respect yourself make that guy buy a car and come pick you up and then when you get there look and say it ain't good enough get another car you will not run him away because he'll say i never met a woman like that he gonna go and get some money and rent a limousine and pull up how you like me now [Applause] and then you say okay i love the car but go get a haircut and pull them pants up over your butthole he comes back with the limousine haircut pants up okay i like that but you need to learn how to talk a little bit and go and clean you don't say hey girl i ain't no horse i don't even know hey say hello how are you come to the door don't be blowing the horn out in the yard i don't come out by the time you go on a date you don't made a new man and you haven't given up nothing [Applause] there's got to be an understanding see ladies you hold us in check and the reason why and i'm going to spend next time this is just introduction i'm going to spend next sunday explaining to you what a woman is and what a man really is i'm gonna take time to show you through the bible how you're supposed to walk this is not enough but i want to let you know some see if we don't understand one another then we don't know how to treat one another we know how to do see a woman can hold a man in check you ain't see a man understand number one i ain't going out with nobody less than a warrior i ain't going out with a wimp that's number one so i'm gonna make it tough he's gotta come through a process he's gotta work i'm he i'm going to work him see but you got to have you got to understand who you are in god see i just don't go out with anybody i'm just not i don't waste time i don't date i deposit see every time see women every time i talk i'm speaking knowledge and wisdom and i don't want to waste my deposits on something that won't yield any interest there's a way you talk you you're cultivating you're doing it so the man ain't gonna get away and then he i like that she stirs some up in me i'm running back i was i was looking uh somebody sent me this cartoon and there was this man an indian guy who was watching a guy he bought a flower knocked at the tp door and handed this woman a flower and she kissed so the man who was watching ran in the woods and cut down a big tree and ran up to the door with a big tree to see what he gonna get and the understanding here is if you incur look look look look you never straighten up you gotta come better than that if you come better than that then you'll get more than that but there's certain places you ain't gonna go but there's some places we can go and in order of that when you start understanding this thing about me a man does not know how to express emotions the way women do it women are very emotional and they're comfortable with their emotions you let tears flow there's been days that we swam out of here from your tears but a man ain't gonna let that go see a man only manifests his emotions and this is the way god created him in a physical way if he's confronted in a negative way he's gonna fight then if he's touched in a way of love then the only way he knows how to express it is in a physical way that's the reason why when he says something i just love you let's go to bed he's not really trying to be fast or fresh he's just trying to tell you i don't know how to express my love except through some kind of physical action so you the woman that unleashed unlocks the key to show him how to express his emotion most men are so locked up because they realize in the physical manifestation of not being able to control their emotions that if they get too close to another man then they want to do something physical and so they close themselves back off because then they started oh man something happening to me i gotta get away i don't know i'm scared now because he's sitting up there with the homophobia now and so he never releases himself because he's contained and the only way he can be uncontained is a woman you have to understand women need to understand men are goal oriented they believe in just going after what they're supposed to get they go to pay dirt and women you are relational that's the reason why i city allow like shopping with my wife my wife makes love in every store every fabric she rubs it she touches it she looks at she turns it around and don't buy nothing we going to the next door she rubs it she touches and she caresses it she looks at it and she don't buy nothing we're going to another store four hours later i got a little bag and i'm mad because we done been interrupted and caressed everything and we ain't bought nothing i go shopping for her walk in the first door bam bam bam here you are ma'am let's go so you have to understand that and so you can temper it because a man is go orient all he's thinking about we came to buy a dress didn't we at that address let's buy it that is the reason why there's problems in love making with married couples because when a man starts to make love to his wife he's goal oriented thy kingdom come that might be one minute might be pie but a woman is relaxed wait a minute hold on we ain't going that fast so we don't understand one another and we get in conflict he's selfish she's this he finally did and then if you bring and understand let's get a balance of this thing let's let's work this thing let me help you unlock this see how does a woman become more uh i'll tell you the way a man becomes one masculine a man is a protector so when a woman submits and allows her man to protect him then he becomes more masculine he's walking out he he's he's on sentry dude honey got you covered i got you covered let's go uh-huh let's go gas up the car had a tune up it ain't gonna break down got a phone in there in case you get it here's my number you just make me feel so secure [Applause] hercules but see when there's no understanding of all of this we're warring against one another we never come together never take dominion we raise up a feminine society that has a blurred image of god that continues to crumble what god has worked i need some help [Applause] this is a time of mercy there are women in here because of the abuse of men etc walking in a lifestyle of lesbianism walking in a lifestyle of locked up to relationships there are men in here who've been feminized walking in the lifestyle of homosexuality and you know and if you didn't know you know now and this is not condemnation this is love you know you do you realize let me say this let me say this do you realize the trick of the devil i can come up here and i can make an altar call and i said everybody in here commit adultery come to the altar they come to austin we'll give them high fives come to the altar that's right as long as you was with the same with the opposite you know it's okay you know forgiveness great but anything that has anything to do with lesbianism homosexuality and stuff like that it's a shame kind of thing and ain't nothing but the devil because he understands now those and if the church discovers where i really am so let me it uncomfortable let me make it uncomfortable because i don't want because now you messing with me see i know i was going to come on the warfare to preach this this week i thought he's coming one way and he's been attacking me physically and i've been struggling all day all day yesterday and stuff like that because he's he don't want me to say this but see i'm a warrior watch this i want everybody in here standing i want everybody to stand up i want you men to back back off this altar just a little bit if you got to stand in that arm there's deliverance in this house i want you to hear this i know we got another service byron come here where's byron i went to the serious warfare when we i said this sunday and they're young boys in here young men and young women in here who are confused about your sexual identity and you haven't gotten involved in anything but you're fighting inside of you and please understand this i want you i don't care what the mother folks said yes you can think you're a woman trapped in a man's body and a man trapped in a woman's body that's the reason why god cleared it up in romans 12. he said present your body it's a living sacrifice holy and acceptable all he was saying is look at how i made you that's who you are don't conform to this world but let your mind be transformed into the image basically saying into the image of god that you will prove that which is good and perfect and the acceptable will of god that's all he's saying i realize you're gonna have some sexual identity crisis but clear it up real good and whatever that indicates that's what you are [Applause] now in your mind and in your spirit may feel something else god loves you bishop eddie long and the entire new birth family are here to stand with you as you take authority in every area of your life if you have neither prayer or if you've been blessed by this ministry we would love to hear from you please write to us at new birth ministries post office box 2607 atlanta georgia 30301 in 1997 i have set before you an open door and no one can shut it do you need god to open doors for you in the new year could you use a new start in some area of your life whenever god takes you into a new dimension he opens a door and so often many of us find ourselves in the next year going through the same thing with a little different taste a little different flavor a little different twist but there's a rut that we've been running in for years block out bad memories resentful and unforgivable as bishop eddie long ushers you through an open door with ease the victory for your life if you don't say goodbye to the past you'll always have an excuse for failure and what many of us are holding on to is our yesterday so when we fail in our today we'll have an excuse about why we failed today and if we were to throw it away then we would not have an excuse so we need something to hold on don't hold on to any of the old stuff god wants to open new doors just close the door on yesterday and watch god open doors of blessing for you in the new year when god blesses you god overwhelms you with blessings when god takes you into a new dimension and a new realm and some of you've been getting a peep about it you've been looking at some things that have been blowing your mind god's getting ready to open the door but god says i cannot open this door until you close the door yesterday experience an open door in your life to receive your copy on video day for 20 or on audio cassette for ten dollars write to us at new birth ministry po box 2607 atlanta georgia 30301 call 1-800-985-3787 ladies want to know how to treat your man men want to know what you need to be god's visionary before you bother with relationship seminars or intimacy counseling bishop long's landmark message i don't want delilah i need you is a butt now i know you haven't seen one sister with a man that you couldn't understand how she get them you thought you looked better started better everything but she got what she want it wasn't what she was threatening it was how she could talk to the one that was strutting next to her this anointed word brings god's purpose down to where you live you'll understand how men fall into the traps of satan why some women kill the vision and others are a man's glory the prostitute gave him sex delilah gave him infants mature men want intimacy more than that have you noticed that delilah was able to disarm samson and do everything and get everything she wanted from samson and she did not lift her dress or drop nothing once lady how long has it been since you talked to the man in your life lovingly touched it made sure he had a place to rest and feel secure we don't want delilah we need you women because women need to understand that you are the glory producers of man that he would be able to speak those things that god has ordained and you help him bring it to pass if you're not lifting him up with positive affirmation and stroking him and telling him who he is in god you'll never realize what god has placed in your house and in your presence because there's no glory in the room to bring about the glory of god for information on how to receive your copy of i don't want delilah i need you on either video or audio cassette write to us at new birth ministry or call 1-800-985-3787 you
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Length: 74min 6sec (4446 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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