Goma At Home: 500 Pesos Market Challenge

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[Music] hello people and uh we're here at the allmark city wet market and uh today we have our 500 peso challenge we will see what we can buy with 500 and what we can come up with we'll look for fish we look for vegetables we'll see if we can come up with uh two buy-ins today that we will cook it at home come with me let's go on [Music] hello and welcome to gomat home and today normally with 500 pesos in my pocket and that was my budget i uh went to buy some squash and some shrimps to make into a soup and then uh imalonga in a garlic dancer garden i'm in this very healthy and most of all libre casinos and then if you'll take a look at it it's my turkey the healthy malungga leaves moringa in visaya we call this kamungai so bakura kitchen my friends konama gangsanam hey guys so today we'll be cooking uh squash with kamungay and shrimps soup and uh pan fried uh dorado fish so we'll uh shell the shrimps take out the head and then take out the the shell make sure long uh not to throw the shell because this is very tasty so what you can do is boil it well and this will be our stock and then the vein the shrimps cut it in the middle and you'll see a black thing you know oh there take it out and then wash your hands wash your hands all the time so we put all the shells and the heads it's all here we're making a stock so then and what we'll do now is that we'll cut the squash make sure when you cut it inside so that it will cook at the same time then make sure you have boiling water ready we'll put a squash and let it boil the stock is uh cooked so now we'll prepare our shrimps let's get this heated up once it's hot it's ready then we'll cut the onions at the head and then we'll take out the skin alamo [Music] slice it just up until the roots there and then dice it yellow may even continue then let's get our garlic ready again just hit it with your with your hand again nothing skin and we're ready to saute then we'll prepare the ginger garlic that's enough too much it's not to be too many but it's not overpowering so just scrape it off with the with the knife be careful with your hand and then slice it just little and then crush it columbus latin juice and that will flavor your soup so well and we're ready to fry our shrimps we'll heat up our pan put some oil once a day our shrimps with onions onions here ginger once the onions are cooked we'll put in our garlic and then we put in the shrimps we're putting our garlic a little more oil and by the time this is cooked so prep time for this should not take so long we'll prep tanks about good 30 minutes and then cooking times about 20 minutes bunch of shrimp it's cooked we put it aside now the shrimps are cooking put some pepper let's grind it put lots of pepper oh nice remember these soups you need lots of spices put some salt and then saute it a little more and we're almost done okay once our shrimps are cooked we'll uh place it first in a bowl and then we let it sit there i think i'm gonna then we'll check if our squash is already tender yes it's soft already so we get our squash blender you put it here first remember not to throw your soup because the final soup will be cooked in here so what we'll do now the squash is that it'll be a blender nothing's here the squash ditto should be so good so good so nutritious so healthy we'll put in our stock and we also put our shrimp stock this would be so full of flavor sara neeta okay and now we blend it okay so once it's blended in again at the new balloon guy and later on this will cook a little more together with the shrimps so we'll put in more stock let's finish our shrimp stock it's nice not to not to fully uh blend it para nay when accounting grits of dama so we'll turn this on put it in medium heat so put in the shrimps we'll bring it to a boil okay now our soup is boiling it's time for us to put in our coconut cream you don't have to put everything in there mix mix mix looks creamy now wow there you go always taste your food a little more salt let's put some chili flakes not too much might be too hot let's mix it and then we'll try it again try it good let it boil and we're done okay our soup is done and now we put this on the side we'll prepare our fish medium heat we'll prepare some breading for fish two tablespoons of flour pepper yeah put some salt once it's all mixed up ready for breading let's coat both sides there you go beautiful okay we put in our oil medium to high heat with lots of oil our oil is hot lagernut is done at ndto skin side first until it becomes crispy checking those fish look at the color whoa there you go nice and then it should cook in about three minutes dorado might give them a very distinctive color yeah mensah metal metro silver version the color green and then with speckles of blue and yellow and this is a very nice uh uh eating fish saturn meat that's very tender it's a little flaky so with this one we'll just uh garnish it with lemon we'll put some lemon and then just put in a little salt then we're okay together with the soup perfect our fish is we cooked it put it there so we'll garnish with the with lemon but we'll squeeze some juice make some garnish so now we plate in our soup wow that's good get our bowl let's clean our bowl all the time with 500 pesos with calabasa with malonga soup and sauteed shrimp and our pan fried mahi mahi until next time we'll see you at gom at home thank you so much for joining me if you want the recipe take a screenshot of our recipe card at the end of the show and you can send me a recipe and then we can try it together okay bye see you next time now let's try it first our soup good another fish hmm [Music] you
Channel: Richard Gomez
Views: 551,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goma At Home, Richard Gomez, Richard Goma Gomez, Market Challenge, 500 Pesos Palengke Challenge, 500 Pesos Market Challenge
Id: vPWu_PiwPWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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