Goma At Home: Gisadong Monggo In Coconut Cream

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[Music] hello and welcome to gomat home today we're preparing gesadon mungo in coconut cream with chicharron simply it's another favorite filipino dish so first mungo and ardento put it here and then we'll wash this and boil it so let's wash our mango dust put some water and then we'll boil this turn on start butt in high and cover it this one should be soft in about 20 to 25 minutes and we're waiting for this to boil and soften uh to get some onions let's be generous with our onions tomatoes and garlic they will begin with our onions check out the head [Music] let's wash this a little bit so for the onions [Music] [Music] [Music] is okay tomatoes and i told you the tomatoes will be juicy so let's try it out and clean the knife next use your hand swag the garlic and parmesan mangalini skin then later on again be generous with your garlic the more the merrier always the more the merrier okay let's chop our garlic okay and we know so once we have this all ready repellent and [Music] this meat has been uh pre-washed but nevertheless let's wash it again [Music] okay then on the pan put in medium heat first we'll toast our toast our delis we put some some oil okay so we'll close our dailies not too much together just one one big scoop release there the taste for frey make lunch uh crispy and then tata moon and then we'll put it in a small container okay just let it cook [Music] imagine all that flavor will go inside this and [Music] eat this once it's toasted okay so what's up be careful okay there you go [Music] okay let's put in our onions first put in onions there you go now why do i put in my onions first no and then halfway done then we can start putting in our tomatoes there you go garlic nothing let's put in lots of garlic there are lots of garlic and then a little salt [Music] and some pepper [Music] okay then mix it mix mix mix plus the onions and the garlic there you go let's cook it on uh on medium heat for about let's say about six minutes seven minutes should be good enough then let's check on our mango wow maya malamba just put it there just to take out the caramelization yeah but still not the flavors so you want to save that you want to take them all you want to use them while you cook there the so much flavor there okay a little more time we're almost done so once our our is um cooked we'll put this on the side leave it here put in some oil and this is a partner slowly nothing boxes almost the pork the delis and then the giza nothing to me let's cut it you can already put salt in our pork [Music] is usually associated friday bucket because during the spanish era especially during lenten season the but usually the whole week walang meat specially packed friday for good friday vegetable usually huh [Music] foreign look at that our pork is beginning to brown and browning means flavor caramelization means flavor you know because of the soup and caramelization everything that you see here yeah that's all that's all flavor let's just cook our pork well we're looking important and so in the meantime while doing that let's check on our mungo if it's chocolatey [Music] and then i put it in a bowl and mix it with some ice with some milk and a little sugar [Music] ice with milk and then some sugar on with ice with milk with sugar [Music] desserts it reminds me of my childhood days shut up and then sometimes the spoon is not enough i got someone so now our pork is cooked put in medium high a medium heat and then let's add in our we'll add our delis look at that this will really give us layers and layers of flavor yeah and layers of flavor there you go okay that's what i'm cutting heat and then we'll add our uh look at that so just uh cook it together and let the flavors just blend together let it come together then later on we will add on our mr [Music] mix them all together and let it simmer and look at that they're all coming together now it's a wrap so we let it boil until maluton is in the hot and then we'll put in our last ingredients which is the vegetables [Music] [Music] and then just let it simmer for about 10-15 minutes and then we'll put in everything plus that's the chair on and we're done so we'll check on our mongoose we'll see how it's doing how it's coming along look at that wow look at the colors the green of the mungo the orange of the tomato not the dark brown of the dailies set up let's try it that's the mongoose ah we're good now let's lower the heat we put in our you know foreign if you notice ibayong structure no no leaves yeah no unlike the regular so now we'll put in our [Music] done how much do we want we'll put in lots of that then and then we'll mix it in a while ago honey you like this do you love this miss lucy oops there you go the manager and okay there you go can you see that wow [Music] let's put it under paramagabras and liquid and then the last ingredient that we will put is our gata so before then we'll get that [Music] [Music] if you're watching uh my bang cooking show they say chicharron even in in mexico even in spain they call it chicharron it's cooked pork rind during the spanish era of course we were under the spanish era for how many hundreds of years and you're ready to go let's check this out wow look at that [Music] smells so good oh look at that soaked uh some of the the liquid it's a mongoose give it one more try i'll go no it's painted with coconut cream and chicharron is finally cooked let's try this out you know i remember during college days it is also my so now let's try it out in it wow [Music] um [Music] [Music] thank you for um watching gom at home if you like the dish try it out give me a comment and then just keep on following my youtube channel okay and then um leave a comment and then i'll try it out alright thank you i'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Richard Gomez
Views: 1,114,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goma At Home, Richard Gomez, Mayor Richard Gomez, Ormoc City, GomaAtHome, Monggo, Monggo Soup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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