Goma At Home: Sausage And Seafood Paella

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[Music] hello and welcome to gomat home today uh we're cooking something uh something that looks like complicated but it's not really complicated we're cooking paella today probably with some sausage seafoods like shrimps and squid it looks complicated when you look at it but the thing is you have to get organized now when cooking it and then step by step you just dump everything inside the paella so first we'll begin with our saffron saffron is a very expensive uh spice now what we'll do is put it here in a small bowl and then again uh hot water there you go then just leave it there look at that then we'll prepare our uh onions two onions the key is to get organized later when you cook it then cut it and then take out the skin so once you have it just cut it here take out the root there we go now we put this in a bowl after this we do our garlic okay when doing paella it's okay to put in a lot of uh spices no all of these spices will be absorbed by the by the rice there are the there are different kinds of rice that you can use this uh bomb bomb is one of the most one of the more famous rice for paella there's also valencia rice and you can buy them at specialty stores there are some spanish specialty stores where you can buy good sausage you know for for uh paella and uh with the smoked pork we'll mince our garlic we have a smoked pork but this ready for this really for paella we will slice it go put it here the bowl then we'll cut our sausage that will give us a lot of flavors uh apparently nothing and did you know that there are three types of uh actually they're there's so many uh types of paellas but the the famous paellas are paella valenciana the seafood valenciana uh and uh of course uh mexi but depends on what you want to put i just uh put in different spices different seafoods different meats that's where you apply this and then cook it slowly with a thin layer of rice and then fish or chicken stock we're good to go let's wash our hands next we'll prepare our our onions [Music] the sausage onions and garlic and this will add lots of beautiful color zapaelia yeah oh this is really good this will really bring lots of flavor yeah leggings a oh it bowl so good so all of this you just set it up and then next our shrimps and then put it here and the pot will make a stock out of this so take out the head and then peel off the shell there you know but you can leave the tail oh yeah okay and he wonder the later we'll defend the the shrimp take out the head and take the shell we will use this for our stock the stock of this cigarette full of flavor to imagine the head of the shrimps you know let's take it out but that's dirty i don't like it there i'm gonna see the good mirror okay wash your hands all the time [Music] we're done with the and then let it boil we'll use this latest stuff nothing okay once we're done here turn along bell pepper take the seeds and that's it okay we just cut this okay when one fourth so it will come out in strips so strips of uh pepper tayo huh in visaya we call this al okay so now instead of the nothing my ingredients not then we have our saffron our onion leeks our onions and garlic our sausage and pancetta and then we have our bell pepper and our shrimps and squid then and uh we'll uh get ready to cook it okay we'll now put in our olive oil we'll put in lots of olive oil and then [Music] [Music] so while we're waiting for that you notice in the argument uh fresh tomatoes but instead i'm using a cam tomatoes no yeah here we go [Music] for the mangalani sausage in the look at this beautiful we'll put in our onions and garlic putting the onion leeks some eggnog onion okay so once tenderness uh once tenderness onion's not then we'll put in uh the rest of the ingredients but we'll put in the rice so that the rice can toast for a while and then young seafood's nothing okay our onions are tender already that we can put in a rice i'm using bomba rice for uh paella we're putting buttercup in half not for this one and not too much rice before we put in our stock and then we'll put in the shrimps quid nut in okay so let it toast for a [Music] while [Music] okay good now we'll put in our tomato sauce more tomato sauce there you go i mean crushed tomatoes no that will ask us our sauce and then putting stuff nut in so let it simmer for a while and i'll prepare my uh pepper to put in lots of lots of pepper oh there you go beautiful wonderful as you can see the the rice is already absorbing the tomatoes so now it's time for us to put in our saffron and binabad in saffron that means hot water wow distinct flavor then after this we'll put in our stock shrimp stock so we'll put it here mix it some more and then again squid nothing we'll put in about half a kilo of the squid yeah put in lots of it just put it in between so while you're cooking it while you're preparing it you're partly decorating the paella space before for decorating the orange pink no and mind you because of all the ingredients in adito should be full of flavors okay and then lastly our uh bell pepper liquid if [Music] some people they they do it uh on the cook top that's why we're doing it that way oops okay don't fly okay so this should cook in about 35 45 minutes we'll just wait until malu but a good paella like what most uh spanish books will tell you that very lightly [Music] okay there you it's go and now we'll just wait so while we're cooking it in between what's up is it's finished now that it's boiling this is the time i uh i put my paprika but i put a little paprika and just to get that uh smoky flavor and then just uh sprinkle it on top it's almost cooked it's almost done about 20 minutes 20 minutes cooking time and the pie is done okay let's uh check our uh how it's doing [Music] it's looking good right here give it a few minutes no it's a few minutes parallel and then we're done [Music] all right it's good turn [Music] let's try this smells so good straight rice the sweetness of the squid so good that's really good i really hope you can try this thank you again for watching gom at home if you have the time try this in your own kitchen and then leave me a comment or i'm going to then with me my favorite recipes you know leave a comment uh youtube channel naco and then i'll try to do it for you okay so again thank you for staying with me and i'll see you next time bye now [Music]
Channel: Richard Gomez
Views: 700,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goma At Home, GomaAtHome, Richard Gomez, Richard Goma Gomez, Goma, Mayor Richard Gomez, Ormoc, Ormoc City, Paella, Sausage and Seafood Paella, Arroz Valenciana, Cooking show, Philippines
Id: 9pszKZd0YcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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