Goma At Home: Cereal Milk Ice Cream With Lumpia Wrapper Crepe

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[Music] hello and welcome to gomat home today i'm with juliana after numerous requests you know from the first time you joined me here when we caught cinecom wow i'm back and today she's preparing um ice cream you know we've been having ice cream that she's been uh making and what kind of ice cream are we doing today cereal milk it's my favorite flavor at the moment that's really good yeah i love it and then uh pagawana syrup milk ice cream local crepe we're going to make a crispy crepe using lumpia wrapper ah how nice okay fancy let's go so i'll be assisting you tell me what uh you want me to do i need you to toast this toast two cups of cornflakes until it's nice and fragrant that's about two cups a few handfuls head over and two cups by the way yeah yeah you know you know we have a friend here's the jet set africa and uh he grows his own cows and he its own milk and then that milk dinner julian added this milk is what we used to feed uh yuma kids these are elementary in orlando yeah okay yeah that's really good milk too okay let me toast this i'll just keep on toasting this yeah and then i'll prepare this pitcher i'll put the milk in okay about two cups of milk but we can add more enough yeah so it's milkier okay yeah i'll just wait for the cereal let me put that in here then we let that soak for maybe 20 minutes so while we're tossing this what else do you want to do you want me to separate this egg yolks yes i don't like doing that so you do that how many eggs four egg yolks please okay yeah so while i'm shampooing the egg yolks you need to do anything yeah just uh just watch out for the corn mix in the corn flakes we'll do four of this yeah actually it's a an easy way of separating the egg yolks separating the albumin use your hands from there just like that see it's clear yeah yeah so let me just take this out better use this it's easier yeah it doesn't stick to the pan but um when you're using um metal equipment to your your porcelain uh-huh uh you have to be careful very careful yeah but you don't scratch it too much yeah eventually to scratch never be careful with it it will lengthen its it's life it's crispy should it be crispy it shouldn't be toasted toasted kind of toasted and then after this what do we do i'll just wait for that so i can soak it in the milk yes and then we wait for it to soak for 20 minutes or so and then we start with a custard custard so that means we're going to cook it yeah we're going to cook the egg yolks okay with milk yes and vanilla cream brown sugar yeah okay that that's cooked already yeah it's awesome smells good okay so you have to put that in here okay and then we mix everything so the milk really yes wow smells so good it does you know i haven't i never tried um toasted um corn flakes here today is the day dad yeah i should try this with uh with just regular meal it's so good yeah yeah this must be it's good flavor for you okay here we go so put this here just mix that together okay and i'm gonna let that sit there for 20 minutes okay now that it's been 20 minutes wow magic [Music] the back thai moves so fast in our mo really it's a different time zone here but very little milk comes out so you can actually add more milk up that's enough so what you're actually trying to do is extracting the flavor of the flavor yes because it's already sweet from the corn flakes and it tastes like cereal i think it's the best part of cereal which one the milk when it's flavored now yeah and then after that after that the remains of this you can bake into cookies yeah or crust yeah you can use it for ice box cake so many uses but you can't really put this in the ice cream because when it's wet and then it freezes it becomes nougat no gut it's not so pleasant actually and i think i've tried we can we can add more later on yeah we can so we're actually just trying to extract the flavor so that one scrape it here yeah we can put in more more milk here yeah you can we're really just after the flavor okay yeah there can you put more of that here but it will shock more flavor okay yeah okay that's great okay so you can adjust as you go along yeah like you can add more sugar but we don't really like sweet ice cream no i don't i don't want it too sweet yes i'm so sweet already you know more sweetness okay your mom loves me because i'm so sweet yeah she looks good so clearly he likes it very milky but it's up to you you know i think that's good you know yeah i think this will fit the saucepan so do you want me to cook this so how many cups of this milk everything everything so we don't need to measure it anymore no everything now so once you see steam coming out it means it's ready it's ready for the egg yolks and then cream two and a half cups wow that's so thick and clean so rich how much sugar a fourth cup of brown sugar long quarter of a cup yeah okay and then that's it vanilla sweet fruit that goes into the egg yolk oh and then salt like a pinch of salt that's it yeah and then i'll wait for it to get steamy as long as it doesn't you don't bring it to a boil yeah say so while you do that i'm gonna whisk the eggs i'm okay yes because we have an ice cream maker so i thought why not make some ice cream yeah yeah and it's it's a nice ice cream maker it really makes good ice cream and then a splash of vanilla the egg yolks okay do you know why we need to uh add the uh hot liquid this uh egg egg mixture nothing's because you don't want the egg to curd no you don't want scrambled eggs yeah that's why you have to temper it so now that the egg has been tempered and this is uh yeah it's warm already you slowly put in the eggs eggs mixture and then we have to keep on mixing it yeah pardon this otherwise you'll be having scrambled eggs with lots of milk in it how long will this take julena just until the mixture is like enough to coat the back of a spoon so napa you can't you can't really tell with that why because it's nonstick oh really because it's nonstick so you can't stop so with a spoon yeah but that's still not ready oh a bit more that's good right it's really good yeah i can taste the vanilla now it's really good yeah and then after this well what's your next step again after this we have to strain it and that's already our base mixture okay i think it's ready it's thick enough yeah okay okay so what do you want me to do put it off here then we'll transfer this yes see the coconut yeah so you just hit it like this because if you stain it [Music] bits of egg you know eggs [Music] so hot time it's good [Music] but make it good it's good custard it's custard yeah okay what's next rihanna so we chill this for three hours but if you don't have time wedding overnight okay so with cling wrap then you're good to go okay and because we've uh prepared something beforehand this has been chilled overnight yes yeah let's mix it yes all right so i'll put it here okay there you go and then we put this in our ice cream maker i see you have two kinds of puddles oh that one's for sorbet gelato but i don't know what difference it makes i just read the manual so while we're working on that yeah i'm working on this maybe we train for 60 minutes [Music] okay and so while we're turning the the ice cream of giuliana thai naman but instead of making the real crap we're going to use the lumpia wrapper that you can buy in any market no or in any chinese uh grocery store just have to be very careful in peeling it off there it's very thin so you have to be very careful in taking it taking it out there you go okay so a couple of this a few of this just like that it looks like this okay and what i'll do juliana i'm going to cut it in half okay yes let me just cut it in half and then i'm going to fry this in lots of butter let me put this there and i'll fry this in butter well what made you think about using lumpia wrappers as a quick dessert this one actually it was a uh it was just a discovery you know one time we had guests at home and you guessed it and then after dinner at home i actually and mom forgot and i to prepare dessert become my cali we have no dessert so i looked in the refrigerator then i found this lumpy rapper not internet dessert so what they did i fried it and deep fried it in butter just like that until it turns brown it's upon the bronzer then and then that time the time i served it with uh just powdered sugar lots of butter and then a this just look at upper yeah so every once in a while we just look that up at home yeah this is what they do so you can see the the bodice begin to turn brown so when it's that way now we can flip it and there you go so wow there's like two tablespoons of butter per layer oh my gosh that's why it's good that's why it's good that's what makes it yeah the taste of butter is so good yeah so when it's browned already then let's start creating it but i want to make cigar six layers of this let's do and then let's put more butter there okay there you go lots of butter see that amazing it is amazing but it's really good i love eating this so we're finished now with our lumpia club we can take this out i'll just put it inside yeah yeah it's very hot in it so while we have lots of time juliana what we'll do now that our uh lump aircrafts are cooked we'll make them and whipping cream and then i have some uh mint here so we're not there we'll just uh chop some mint and then this one we will uh add this so whipping cream yeah so it's not too creamy overall yeah so you have ice cream and then you have your your whipping cream with the mint leaves and it should this should taste good sounds so good it is really good yes put it here some of the mint leaves we'll put it here for this should be enough so while we're training that we're doing this we just keep on spinning it when it's uh thicken up thickening up we'll put some uh powdered sugar there we go inside let's put in two [Music] and then we put in our mint wow look at that guy you cannot over overturn because if you overturn it it's the start of the butter yeah okay and then we'll keep it later that's our cream [Applause] [Music] i won [Laughter] [Music] so now we'll plate it now that we're done with our ice cream juliana first we have something prepared here already we'll start uh plating this wow oh okay this is how we're going to plate that put some cream here so that this uh crepe will not move put it there just like that and in between this screen and then i need a powdered sugar you don't need a strainer for this just tap the spoon like that then layer it again put some cream and then layer it again and then put some sugar there then cream and there you go the best part part is put in your ice cream there you go you put it here on top there there you move go there okay there okay so then garnish it with the little mint and that's it and that's your ice cream [Music] what do you call this cereal milk ice cream with lumpia wrapper crepe yes yeah okay happy birthday juliana thank you happy birthday let's try this and of course because it's your birthday i got an extra scoop yeah let's try it let's call your mom what is the birthday with you for surprises for you happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday no honey you should try this i remember this dessert we were newly married yes yes we didn't have dessert try it it's much better with ice cream [Music] happy birthday to you thank you what's your wish honey for juliana i'm just really thankful that she's enjoying life here yeah and that she has she has a real feel of what it was like for me at her age it was very much like this we hardly ever went out we were always just home and loving being home so you're 20 years old you know i was 23 when i got married oh my god i don't think she's getting married at 23. but i'm not yet i just want you to be the first one that god decided if i could have five more i'd have five more just like you wow that's so sweet yeah my wish for you for you to excel in life i wish you the best now that you're 20 you have more responsibilities and you have to be more responsible okay so i wish you all the best i love you so much give me a hug [Music] okay so yeah blow your cake make a wish did you seek my question no okay happy birthday thank you wow just put this here 88 years thank you so much giuliana for uh for making this uh wonderful ice cream thank you for my cake i don't know happy birthday to you and thank you so much uh honey for uh coming out again thank you so much so if you want to try this do it it's easy to make but you know you can make your ice cream i don't know how to make ice cream without the ice cream machine i'm sure there are ways i just haven't [Applause] machine and uh thank you for uh watching gom at home leave a comment and uh make a like if you enjoyed this episode so uh you know you know just there's a just a notification bell julia i didn't know but if there's a notification bell every time there's a new episode it uh it has no device it's a subscriber yes yeah okay so just press on the bell okay thank you so much and now we'll see you soon happy birthday juliana thank you thanks honey bye [Music] you
Channel: Richard Gomez
Views: 1,562,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cereal Milk Ice Cream, Crepe, homemade ice cream, homemade crepe, Goma, Goma at home, GomaAtHome, Richard Gomez, Lucy Torres, Juliana Gomez, Gomez Family, Richard Goma Gomez, Mayor Richard Gomez, Ormoc City, Cooking, Dessert, Ice Cream, Congresswoman Lucy Torres, Lucy Torres Gomez
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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