Goma At Home: My Version Of An Authentic Chicken Curry

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[Music] hello and welcome to gom at home today we're preparing um chicken curry some people think it's intimidating to to cook curry or sometimes it's intimidating to cook thai food but the thing with the curry is that it's a blend of different spices usually some people they use from 12 up to 20 different uh spices and it's a combination of different herbs if it's different spices so today i've prepared some spices for you of course we have uh fennel seeds we have coriander something coriander when you bite it so it's refreshing though but you have a cardamom we have startedness we have cinnamon we have bay leaves cumin we have fresh black pepper we put in tomatoes garlic and some red onions and for our masala we'll use a garam masala from mccormick and we'll put in some curry seasoning from them so i'll show you how to prepare it [Music] cut it in half and then just like that the best way is to prepare everything so that when you start cooking all you all you have to do just drop them drop them to your pan then we'll cut our tomatoes knife is that people get injured a lot of people get injured because of using a blunt knife but sometimes and then you cut your fingers so the best is always to use a sharp knife and it's sharp okay we'll put in we'll put in lots of uh put in lots of tomatoes we'll use about i mean about five five tomatoes red tomatoes ripe ones and then we'll cook it we'll soften it and partner in a saute nut in so i'll put this another bowl okay next [Music] people they really love eating uh spicy food and take out their garlic once you crack your uh once you crack your your garlic madeline proportional it's my evening skin see just do that any skin so i finished cutting my tomatoes onions garlic we can add this bell pepper but the bell pepper we have here image elongated ones and then bell pepper seeds yeah just use your hands just like that then take it out and then rough chop this and yeah and then we're ready to go okay so our skillet is uh it's warming up we'll put in some oil all right toast our spices so we'll begin with our fennel seeds coriander uh we'll put in a cumin we'll put in some cardamom starnis cinnamon and bay leaves you go i'll uh put in some cumin setup love spices then we'll toast some black pepper as well and like it whole and it's toast then just leave it there okay give it about about a minute toast for about a minute cinnamon star knees the peppermint infusion it's a food nothing forgetfulness oil yeah of that we'll uh get that little chicken we'll put in some garlic [Music] and then we'll cut some chili already some nothing chili nothing so here's our chili we'll cut it into uh small pieces if you want it to be more spicy just add more chili so you can see it's just a just a blended mixture of different different spices huh put it here oh one more time now we put in our chicken what's your favorite part of chicken one of my favorite parts of chicken is always the dark meat i like it because it's uh juicy and it's more tasty than in the breast after you hold chicken always make sure to wash your hands you know salmonella in chicken so you always have to to clean your hands wash it well wash it with soap so from here just uh coat our chicken with it's already masala and they call it masala see how nice and it's coated now so now our chicken's here what i'll do is i'm going to use our mccormick spices again we'll uh put in garam masala here let's put lots of this how nice and then we put some curry seasoning and you can see it's yellowish because definitely it has turmeric mmm that's turmeric has onions so up let's put in that that this will give us a beautiful color mamiya okay just just mix it some people what they do is that they they cook the tomatoes right away and the onions no it really depends on how you want to cook it and there really no set of fruits on how to to add your spices it depends on the kind of texture you want for your for your food me i'll put my tomatoes now we go then i'll put our onions and we'll put our bell pepper sliced bell pepper well let's mix it thoroughly one more time so at this point you can already add some some mccormick sea salt you know a mccormick sea salt is one of the the newest products of mccormick it uh contains trace of minerals of course uh not found in your regular table salt okay so we'll open this [Music] let me just a lot of chicken they'll put in more more salt okay and major mega force has new products no they have butter peppermint and mocha they also have clear vanilla and katsu curry next time we'll cook katsu curry chicken curry nothing we'll show it to rice but you can serve it also with the roti so now we have our uh our chicken here and again that is water okay and then just let it simmer let it simmer let it cook for about yeah and then in medium heat for about 20 minutes then everything will be soft everything will be flavorful and then we'll put in our our coconut milk in a while and just to make it creamier tastier and really smelling good okay i'll cover this and so while we're waiting for this to fully simmer what i'll do is i'll add some ginger [Music] we'll check on our wow it's simmering already let's add some luya ginger yeah and just mix it wow mix it so as you can see we've um we put in at least about 15 16 spices all together now at this point you can since it's already boiling and our chicken's beginning to get soft now we'll wait for for our tomatoes to really cook well they'll become super soft we can uh try our mercury wow at this point we can already add our coconut cream i don't want to put too much coconut cream just to try it a month and just to make it creamy and let's see that should be good okay and then love it let's mix it one more time and then from this point on i'll give it last five minutes just to simmer and cook the coconut cream so it'll blend well with our with our masala the spices and then we're ready to serve but before that but before that always taste your food saltiness five more minutes and we're done let's check it out wow see how beautiful the color is beautiful the whole kitchen smells like curry wow and then the sauce is so thick okay turn off the heat and let's plate this some people they they serve their uh curry with carrots they put tomatoes uh potatoes it really depends on what you want but uh in most uh indian restaurants in and go they just serve it like they're straight or in potatoes swollen carrots and the nice thing is i called up my friend zicarlo the owner of one of the owners of um lorenzo's restaurant um no they serve one of the best one of the best rotis in the philippines no yeah so i ordered roti from him so the roti will cut it by hand and then we'll we'll serve it here just like this let's try this okay let's set the sauce with the roti chicken [Music] oh very good then more of this protein curry sauce perfect pretty much made in heaven fantastic what a dish what a meal when exactly you can heat now the creaminess of um the coconut cream sakto in saltiness yeah and all the spices blending together shut up that regulation you know in any dish spices really make a big difference you know try as many spices of mahormic mccormick products in your dishes and it really make a big big difference all right so thank you for joining me in gom at home if you have the time if you have the recipes try this in your own kitchen you're going to love this curry thank you so much so watch my youtube page home at home like subscribe and don't forget to press the notification bell but every week all right i'll see you then have a nice day bye guys wow it's good lunch good really good
Channel: Richard Gomez
Views: 186,277
Rating: 4.9337063 out of 5
Keywords: Goma At Home, GomaAtHome, Richard Gomez, Richard Goma Gomez, Mayor Richard Gomez, McCormick, McCormick Philippines, McCormick Sea Salt, McCormick Sea Salt Coarse, Cooking show, Local Cooking show, Curry, Chicken Curry Recipe, How to cook chicken curry, Chicken Curry, Home made Chicken Curry, Ormoc, Ormoc CIty, Home cook, Philippine cooking show
Id: Gga4GAjse8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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