ב Bet

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hey shalom shalom from your dutch uncle john still hiding out from my student loan officer here in kyrgyzstan and here today to tell you what it is in the letter bet um you know we've already covered a lot of the hebrew letters uh and we've the two really cool ones were the aleph and the tough that's the first and the last hebrew letters uh and they kind of go together the aleph tov is uh olivetov it represents yeshua and today we're going to cover the letter bet so let's get started bet by the way goes nicely with the with the guimo as you will see all right so here is the litter bit uh it's spelled bet yo tov uh its ancient picture is a house okay it's also the hebrew word for house it's gematria value is 2 it is the second letter don't be confused the letter bet is not the letter cough notice they are very similar the bet has the little piece sticking out on the right maybe the only difference between them cough remember was an open palm bet is a house bet corresponds to the greek letter beta okay and it makes the b sound uh there are 16 344 bet bets in the torah and there is a cursive version of bet which you'll see on many of the signs in israel in the modern hebrew a lot of times you'll see sometimes they'll have a little dot inside the bet and this is to distinguish whether it's pronounced as a b or a v you know a lot of languages i know spanish does this they they the bees and the v's kind of weave in and intertwine each other and the same here in the hebrew but here uh if it has a dot it's bet if it doesn't have a dot it's vet with a v and uh but the original torah doesn't have dots and i don't usually play dots so i do want to make you aware of it though and we get an english word from this uh there we have a plural word in english that is plural for two i guess couple would be two but there's another one and that is the word both both represents two right you can choose one or the other or both and i think both comes from bet it's uh it has the b and the t and it represents two okay now we said that it represents a house or a tent okay and it kind of takes the shape of a house notice there's a roof and there's a wall and there's a floor and there's a little porch sticking out with the father abba can come and visit okay so and the bet is closed to heaven above it's closed to earth below it's closed to eternity past and it's open to the future okay so go forth let go as god told abraham in genesis 12 1 uh we've talked about that in hebrew there are seven simple letters and these are just letters that are you make your pen stroke and there's the letter and then there are 15 compound letters and compound letters are a combination of simple letters that form these we have some examples here remember the alef is made up of two yods and avov okay and the mem is a cough and a uh valve okay tov uh is a rash and a noon and the bet uh i think the bet is made up of a valve and a uh don't quote me on this but this is what i suspect uh which if you add up the parts of the bet uh you get 18 and 18 in hebrew represents high life and that's very nice because the bet is going to represent the son yeshua jesus who brings life uh john 14 6 yeshua answered i am the way the truth and the life okay there are some hebrew letters that throughout the torah for some reason and there's always a reason are either enlarged or very small diminished uh i think there's 17 of them total uh here's a few of them and here are the rest of them and notice that the first word of the bible is barashit the first letter of the bible is a bet and it is an enlarged bet so just like once upon a time has the big o barashit has the big b so the first word the bible a sheet and remember some letters have these little crowns on them they're called shahatinez gets letters and why are they called shahatmus gets letters because there are seven letters that get these little crowns and if you spell out uh the seven letters uh it spells shahatmas gets which is not a word it's just the seven letters maybe it helped you remember what they are but there is one exception in a lot of torah scrolls the very first letter bet receives the crowns okay so the first word of the bible is barashit and uh if you take this word bearashi it's got all kind of stuff hidden in it we've got huge videos on that um and yeshua is the word of god and he became flesh and he dwelt among us and we saw his glory glory is the only begotten from the father full of grace and truth this is john 1 14. so he came and dwelt among us um and if you take the second third and fourth letters of barashit the resh alef shin that spells uh the hebrew word rosh and the first fifth and sixth letter spell the word bet yod tav bet so you actually have a picture of the head the chief not head is in head on your shoulders but the head guy the top guy the chief is in the house and so right there it's pointing to god yeshua coming to earth and living amongst us and he dwelt amongst us also look at genesis 15 17. he has something else hidden in this word bear sheet it came about when the sun had set that it was very dark and behold there appeared a smoking oven and a flaming torch which passed between these pieces remember when god made the promise to abraham that your descendants would be so numerous and it said abraham believed god and god credited to him as righteousness there was a covenant uh happening here it's a one-sided covenant god made a promise to abraham and abraham didn't have to do anything except just believe god okay and this and god sealed this covenant with by taking these animals and cutting them in half and then he walked between them as a smoking oven and a flaming torch right and the the idea was if i don't keep my side of the covenant and remember it's a one-sided covenant so abraham didn't have to do anything on this if god does not keep his promise to abraham may god end up like these animals cut in half okay so god he's put his name his word on this covenant well look inside this word bereshit if you take the two middle letters alef shin and you take the first two and the last two you get uh bet resh yo tov covenant and aleph shin is aleph strength shin destruction strong destruction what destroys everything aish fire so you have a picture of the abrahamic covenant hidden in the first word bereshit which begins with today's letter bet very nice the fire and the covenant beautiful now the first word of the bible is bereshit the first letter of the bible is bet let's jump to the last letter of the bible well in revelation 22 21 the verse says the grace of the lord jesus be with all amen so the last word of the bible is amen the last letter of the bible is the letter noon when it's in greek so it's the letter new but it's the equivalent of noon in hebrew so if you look at the first and the last letters of the bible the first letter is bet the last letter is new which is noon in hebrew so bet noon is the hebrew word for son how clever that the first and last letters of the bible are pointing to yeshua it shouldn't surprise us revelation 1 8 says i am the alpha and the omega says the lord god right in isaiah three times it says i am the first and i am the last there is no god besides me says yahweh yahweh claims to be the first and the last and yeshua claims to be the first and the last and the first and the last letters of the bible spell ben sun very nice okay let's look at the second word of the bible the second word of the bible is betresh aleph bara and bara means to create from nothing which is you know it's interesting this word bara shows up six times in the bible and every time it's god who does the bahrain okay man cannot borrow we cannot create from nothing just in the first chapter of genesis uh he brought the heavens and the earth he brought the great sea creatures on day five and he brought man so three times in the first chapter very nice um and you know it's interesting that god chose a bet to be the first letter of the bible why wouldn't he choose an aleph all f was god's letter but he didn't he he chose the bet okay and the first three letters uh of bereshit is betresh aleph notice those are the three letters of the word bara betresh aleph and this is going to point to it's a hand he's repeating himself he's repeating himself bet resh olive betresh aleph if you missed it in the first word you'll see it in the second word the bet represents ben which is the sun the represents the ruach elohim the spirit of god ruach is the hebrew word for spirit and the aleph represents allah which is the father notice he's hidden uh little hints to his complex unity in the first word the first three letters of the bible and in the second word son spirit father very nice and you can look at you know if you take also the first the first and second letter bet resh bet resh in hebrew spells the word bar okay bar hmm we just a little minute ago said that ben ben was son but you know what bar also is sun in the bible okay um and i left if you remember all f represents god it's the first letter so these three letters together bar aleph bara can be you can take from this bar aleph son of god it's pointing to who is this creator who is doing the creating it's yeshua bar aleph the son of god there it is the first three bereshit bara first three letters first three letters beautiful okay in beginning the son of god it's letting us know that he was there at the beginning at the foundation of the earth very nice so we've told you now that that this word for sun in hebrew is ben and it's also barr you've heard this before in barr when a jewish boy turns 13 he has his bar mitzvah right and mitzvah is the laws that you have to follow so your bar mitzvah is you have to now begin following all the laws and this happens when you're 13 years old so if you're 10 years old and you happen to break a rule you steal something you lie okay you're still a child but once you're 13 now you become a man and now you must follow all 613 commandments which that's how many are in the torah this is according to judaism by the way okay um there's 613 commandments in the bible but they the jews have taken those 613 and expounded on them to levels that would make your head explode right he says don't work on the sabbath so you can't carry a tissue in your pocket when you're walking to synagogue because that would be carrying something and be working you you see the ridiculousness that they you can you can fluff dandruff out of your hair but you can't scratch your head to break the dandruff loose because that would be working and there are jews who they they expound these laws to degrees that makes it impossible to live and they take their children and they fill their heads with all of these laws so that when they're 13 they can now live a righteous life following claiming that they follow all the commandments to levels that god had never intended but i digress so uh bar is son and ben is son now you have a lot of jews who don't want bar to be sun mainly because if you see my bear a sheet video it says you know the first six letters spell out something bet resh is son olive is god shin is destruction yod is hand tov is the cross so you have the son of god destroyed with hand on cross no bar does not mean sun bar does not mean sun well you know what bar mitzvah i've never heard of a ben mitzvah and if you go to psalm 212 it says kiss the son lest he be angry okay so how do they get around this well first of all the jews will like to say well bar is aramaic aramaic being the language of jesus's time okay and that ben is hebrew bar is aramaic well it may be but i think you know what i'm not studying hebrew of jesus time i'm not studying hebrew of today i'm studying hebrew from the old testament the torah and the tanakh and if god here says in psalm 212 and psalm 212 it's written in hebrew david wrote in hebrew there are a chapter or two i think there's a chapter in daniel that's written in aramaic and it's one of the little passages some places written in aramaic in the bible but psalm is written in hebrew and it says kiss the son lest he be angry now what did you say oh no no bar does not mean sun in this verse bar means purity what kiss the purity lest he be angry first of all it don't even make sense i'm sorry it doesn't make sense and you know what i go to google translate i type in purity and i get to to is like the purity whenever you you become unclean if you touch a dead body and you have to go through some rituals and then you become clean again from the levitical laws right uh and there's a whole list of of synonyms but none of them purity does not come up as bar if i put it in backwards if i type in bar and look for the the definition i get bar can be an open field it can be a prairie what else uh outside it does list sun as one of the definitions and down under the adjectives it mentions bar as pure or clean but i'm sorry the verse doesn't make sense kiss the purity lest he be angry and i'll bet we can find other examples in the tanakh with bar meaning sun give me a shekel jackpot i got three mores in one verse and you know what david's son solomon in proverbs 31 2 says what o my son and what o son of my womb and what o son of my vows wow this is absolutely hebrew and he's got it three times i'm sure the jews would like these three words bar bar bar not to be in proverbs 31 2. but they are blanche they are in there three times you know what you can tell me till the cows come home that bar does not mean sun in hebrew i don't believe you bar is sun throughout the old testament we've seen i've given you examples so don't they don't want to admit they do not want to admit that bar is son because then jesus has to be their messiah so they will scream and yell no it's not and how how do they miss that you know what i'm not a hebrew speaker and a lot of you are not hebrew speakers but it's plain as it's plain as the nose on our face that bar means son you know you go to matthew 13 starting in verse 10. matthew 13 remember these are the seven parables that jesus gives all seven in one chapter and by the way there's a little side note if you watch my it's a revelation two and three chapters two and three video it's long but it's good uh the seven churches each of the seven churches tie in with the seven parables of matthew 13. it's very clever take a look but anyway in matthew 13 uh jesus gives the first parable in verse 10 the disciples came up and said to him why do you speak to them in parables and jesus answered and said to you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it has not been granted who's them the jews verse 12 for whoever has to him more shall be given and he will have an abundance but whoever does not have even what he has shall be taken away from him therefore i speak to them in parables because while seeing they do not see and while hearing they do not hear nor do they understand verse 14 and in their case the prophecy of isaiah is being fulfilled which says you shall keep on listening but shall not understand you shall keep on looking but shall not perceive for the heart of this people has become dull and their ears they scarcely hear and they have closed their eyes otherwise they might see with their eyes hear with their ears understand with their heart and return and i would heal them but blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear he's quoting from isaiah yeshua is quoting that you know what these people are these stiff-necked people they do not want to to recognize the messiah when they come i mean this is their whole goal is the messiah we were looking for the messiah they're looking for the messiah and he's right there in front of them standing and they're not going to perceive it and this is kind of the you know god's plan is unbelievable how why did the jews not understand well you know they rejected their messiah this is part of god's plan right he has one plan god does not have a plan b god numbers his plans okay uh here's the plan i'm going to send the messiah the jews will reject the messiah and then as punishment i will scatter the jews all over the world and then when they go all over the world they will take their torah and and people in peru will learn about the god of israel and people in indonesia and people in kyrgyzstan and people everywhere because let me tell you there are jews everywhere i went to east timor east timor is this little island over in nusa tangera part of indonesia it's its own little independent country now and there was a jewish synagogue what in the world are jews doing in east timor but i'm telling you jews are everywhere it's part of god's plan they reject the messiah he scatters them around the world and they take the god of israel everywhere we don't have a clue about the god of bolivia or the god of central african republic or you understand those gods we don't know but the god of israel everybody knows yeshua jesus very clever plan and then to prove that he's god he's going to bring all the jews back which he's doing now in the end of days hallelujah this is cool stuff but anyway yeshua jesus is quoting isaiah's prophecy that the jews their their their hearts are going to become dull and they will not be able to see and they will not be able to hear and they will not be able to perceive okay let's go back and look um well in isaiah 6 starting in verse 8 then i heard the voice of the lord saying whom shall i send who will go for us and i said here am i send me the isaiah is speaking and by the way let's just stop at the little rabbit trail right here look it says i heard the voice of the lord saying what do you notice about the first two set lines here the first two questions that the lord is saying whom shall i send who will go for us which pronoun is he using a singular or a plural you know what he's god he's one god so he can say whom shall i send but he's a complex unity he's also one god in three persons so who will go for us this is a nice little hint right there about his complex unity but i digress verse 9 and he replied go and tell this people be ever hearing but never understanding be ever seeing but never perceiving make the hearts of this people callous deafen their ears and close their eyes otherwise they might see with their eyes hear with their ears understand with their hearts and turn and be healed this is what yeshua jesus just quoted in matthew 13. and he's not the only one john in chapter 12 the apostle john we're starting in verse 37 although jesus had performed so many signs in their presence they still did not believe in him this was to fulfill the words of isaiah the prophet lord who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of the lord been revealed for this reason they were unable to believe for again isaiah says he has blinded their eyes and he has hardened their heart so that they will not see with their eyes and understand with their heart and turn so i will not heal them so john is confirming isaiah and john is confirming what jesus said in the book of acts chapter 28 the uh paul says it this is when paul arrived in rome paul was permitted to stay by himself for the soldier to guard him in verse 16. then jump to 23 so the jews there so they set a day to meet with paul and many people came to the place he was staying he expounded to them from morning to evening testifying about the kingdom of god and persuading them about jesus from the law of moses and the prophets some of them were convinced by what he said but others refused to believe they disagreed amongst themselves and began to leave after paul had made his final statement the holy spirit was right when he spoke to your fathers through isaiah the prophet paul says and then he quotes isaiah and verse 28 be advised paul says therefore that god's salvation has been sent to the gentiles and they will listen so it's not surprising that you gentile watchers of this video get bar means son you get it and again that's part of god's plan how did we gentiles get it because the jews rejected they were scattered everywhere and they brought their book everywhere and we gentiles picked it up and read it read it and the jews are going to get it the scales are going to be removed from their eyes the jews are still the chosen people and god's he made a promise to abraham there is no replacement theology we gentiles are not the new chosen people god chose abraham to prove that look what i can do with a single guy i can make him a nation that is so incredible and the jews are incredible but they have this scales over their eyes that they are blinded from this truth so my jewish friends my jewish brothers god bless you don't keep telling me bar does not mean son because you have been blinded it says so throughout all right i love it speaking of love the hebrew word for love is ahava it's an aleph hey bet hey uh you know we've talked about this before that whenever a first mention of a word in the bible that that somehow epitomizes the definition of that word and this word love the first mention is in genesis 22 the binding of isaac where they call the akida the binding of isaac verse 1 now it came about after these things that god tested abraham and he said abraham and he said here am i verse 2 and he said take now your son your only son whom you love it's a hawk and go to the land of moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains which i will tell you that is the first mention of love look at the picture that's being painted here that a father is offering his son as a sacrifice that's the definition of love wow and there's a parallel there between the father offering his son i've got two videos on the akida watch them they're really cool but there's that word love ahava okay and notice the letters of ahava it's an aleph hey and a bet well all f represents the father hey represents hey something is going to be revealed and bet represents the sun so the idea of love is the the father and the son being revealed very nice okay the father's revealed and the sun is revealed um the word love by the way ahav also aleph hey bet notice that the first and last letter aleph bet spells abba father and if you take the second and third hey bet you get the hebrew word have which is give wow those three words fit nicely together right in fact john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life beautiful they got the word love hidden in the word or in uh or john 3 16 has the word love hidden in there um another famous word with bet is the word stone eben aleph bet noon that is a final noon remember some letters have a different ending different letters for their if they're the last letter noon is one of them and the word stone is abba aleph bet and it's the word bet noon it's the father and the son combined you know it's a stone it's the father and son combined it's there here look here look at this stone i got it from the river it's beautiful it's what color what it's the father and the sun combined it's just beautiful and heavy but that's god and the sun together you can't separate them it reminds me of psalm 118 22 the stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone this is talking about the messiah and it came true with yeshua right he's the stone that the builders rejected and because of his death burial and resurrection he has become the chief cornerstone very nice uh so we have ben means son we have bar mean son and i want to show you this word bar look at some of the words where bar shows up well one is the word sun bar the word bara has the word bar in it so yeshua is tied in with the creator creation the hebrew language is called evreet it's an ayam bet resh yo tav it's got the word bar in it isn't it interesting that the hebrew language has bar in it and yeshua is the word of god made flesh very nice the word dabar dibar is the word for word and it's dalit bet resh it has the word bar in it and here jesus is the word of god made flesh uh by the way the fifth book of the bible is deboreem dabar it's the word with eem on the end you admin so it's words deuteronomy we call it second law uh in greek but it's deboreem hebrew the words baraka is blessing and blessing has bar in it and yeshua jesus is absolutely a blessing all right you get it so it's very clever some of the words that have bar hidden in it there and by the way this berecka betresh cough it's a final cough cough is one of those letters that has two forms and there's the final form okay uh barakah we talked or we define as blessing right or to bless uh but bless is kind of an abstract concept if i bless you you know bless you true god bless you what did what does he even bless what does it mean okay um there is an actual hebrew god definition uh look in genesis 24 remember abraham sent his most trusted servant to go and find a bride for his son wow there's a picture of the complex unity father sends the servant to find a wife for the son god the father sends the spirit to find a bride for yeshua parallel but in genesis 24 8 but if the woman is not willing to follow you then you will be free from this oath only do not take my son back there go there and find the bride and bring her here so the servant placed his hand under the thigh of abraham his master and swore to him concerning the matter then the servant took ten camels from the camels of his master and set out with a variety of good things of his masters in his hand and he arose and went to mesopotamia to the city of nehor he's loaded up camels with gifts okay and in verse 11 he gets to the well at evening time and it says and he this is most trusted servant and he made the camels barack outside the city by the well of water at evening time the time when the woman go out to get to draw water so you know we say barack is blessing but here he's making the camels barack outside the city so what is that is the camels are blessing that doesn't make sense but there's that word barack in 104 psalm verse 1 it says barack the lord o my soul in numbers 6 24 it says the lord barack you and keep you and in genesis 24 11 he made the camels barack outside the city we translate the first one and the second one as bless bless the lord o my soul may the lord bless you and keep you but it doesn't work when you say he made the camel's bless outside the city so we've got to find a definition for barack that will work in all three of these well here's a picture right here of a camel baracking to barack remember hebrew is a is a very concrete hands-on line it's not abstract concepts okay you don't say uh it's a hot day you say oh the sun is very warm on my face you can feel it touch it sense it okay that's the kind of words they use so to say bless which is very abstract they don't do so to barack means to kneel down before as if in giving a gift so he made the camels kneel down before as in giving a gift outside the city well he loaded the camel ten camels with gifts so i can see it fits beautifully there but what about the other two places how about kneel down before the lord as if giving a gift oh my soul i can see that one you know i want to fall down before the lord when i see him we will we will hit the ground our knees will hit the ground our face will hit the ground very nice what about this one number 624 may the lord we say bless you and keep you but it's that word barack may the lord kneel down before you and keep you wow that is a concept that a lot of people don't get you know i know in islam there is no way allah would humble himself and kneel down before you allah allah is huge big great they say okay but the god of israel yahweh is his name he humbles himself and becomes flesh and comes to earth and he kneels down before us remember jesus jesus got down on his knees and he was washing the feet of his apostles god yahweh of israel leads by example okay you know into my muslim friends those who say allah can do anything he is most powerful okay can he do this can i become small and humble because if he can do anything why don't he do that why didn't he do that the god of israel can do anything and he does and he humbles himself before us god bless and in genesis 24 he made the camel's barack kneel down outside the city so just know that that barack bless doesn't mean bless whatever bless means it means to kneel down before as if in giving a gift and this word camel by the way in hebrew is gamal which we will be covering in the next letter guimo but it's spelled a guimo is three members 40 llamad is 30 as up to 73 there's our three and seven seven three again uh campbell by the way gamal and the next word is guimo the next letter i mean the next letter is guimo and gamal is spelled the same and you will notice the first three letters of the alphabet aleph bet gimo alef is the father god bet the second letter represents ben barr the son yeshua and the third letter represents uh guimo represents the holy spirit the holy spirit is like these camels they've got they're full of the living water and they're they're outpouring the gifts of the spirit you know it only makes sense when god's making his alphabet he's going to be the first three letters aleph bet guimo father son spirit another hint to his complex unity okay um in psalm 119 this was the big one right we've got 176 verses i think and uh every eight verses the first eight all begin with aleph the second eight all begin with bet and uh just looking here uh how can a young man keep his way pure uh by keeping it according to your word and they're all eight if you look at it in hebrew it doesn't apply when you look out in english here it is in the hebrew verses 9 through 16 notice all begin with the letter bet okay here's a few more words that begin with bet and uh and their significance uh here's the word breat we mentioned earlier the break meant covenant and let's look at the letters and what they represent the first one is bet house resh is a head yod is a hand tov is a covenant or a cross right an agreement between two so you have bet resh that's bar son yod his hand tub is cross the word breat the word covenant is the son with his hand on the cross that is the ultimate covenant god says i will come down and take your punishment i will become flesh and i will shed my perfect pure innocent blood the only blood that god will accept is his own as the perfect pure innocent blood for our sacrifice that we need and if we accept his gift it's a one-sided covenant if we believe it and accept it we get to go to heaven that's the picture that's the being saved that's the being born again and this word uh breit covenant uh we have in the bible the bret what is that the breed is the word for the old testament it's made up of three parts it's made up of torah which is the first five and then there's the nehem the prophets and then there's the ketuvim the writings so this is the kind of the old covenant okay the brit hayashana and covenant is just another word for testament okay so the old covenant the old testament not a problem same word just okay um and we said the tour of the first five books of the uh torah you know and then there's the new year all of the the prophets and then there's the ketuvim all the writings and then if you go to jeremiah 31 31 it says behold the days are coming declares yahweh when i will make a new covenant with the house of israel and with the house of yehuda it will not be like the covenant i made with their fathers when i took them by the hand to lead them out of egypt a covenant they broke though i was a husband to them declares yahweh so here i don't know how many jews read beyond the torah but my jewish friends open up your tanakh and look at jeremiah mahu 31 31-32 he's telling you a new covenant is going to be given not like that one that was broken when moses got up on the got the tablets you know when he come down with the tablets and the guys are worshiping the golden calf he smashed those tablets and had to go up and get another set that's a picture of i'm going to give you the old covenant and that's going to get broken and a new covenant is coming and that new covenant is a that's the actual words in the hebrew jeremiah 31 31 he says i'm going to make a new covenant a brief hadith breed is covenant is new and covenant testament same words just different you know they're synonyms he says i'm going to give you a new testament so i know my jewish friends i bought my friend a jewish hebrew new testament he would not touch it get it out of my house that can't even be they are so against a new testament their rabbis have got them brainwashed that this is some kind of poison book but my jewish friends open up the first page of the new testament and it says this is the genealogy of yeshua hamashiach son of david son of abraham and he goes on and gives the genealogy it is a the new testament is an extremely hebrew jewish book it's just giving you all the insights to what was actually meant and how your rabbis and different leaders have twisted and turned and and twisted what god had originally intended okay so just like the old testament has three parts the torah nevada and ketuvim the new testament also has the gospels the first four books when jesus was on earth and then you have the revelation hit the loot which is coming in the end and then you have all the letters which correspond to the writings notice you have the gospels of the good news that's the torah the revelation that's the future that's the prophetic that's the new yim and the letters tie nicely with the ketuvim the writings okay very nice okay another uh uh word is uh begins with the bet is the word bot we've been talking about ben and barr right meaning son well let's give equal time to the daughter the hebrew word for daughter is bot okay uh you've probably seen this uh maybe you've heard of bot we've covered sheva before shabbat comes from okay represents seven okay or an oath okay um shabbat we said was tied to that oh the word shove means to return right every sabbath we return to the covenant so bot sheva where have we heard this before do you know 2nd samuel 11 3 so david sent and inquired about the woman and one said is this not bathsheba the daughter of eliam the wife of uriah the hittite so that's her name there bathsheba okay daughter of seven interesting she was the seventh daughter uh here's another one bear shiva bear means well from which you get water and shiva is seven or oath genesis 21 31 therefore he called that place beersheva because there two of them took an oath all right um bethlehem bet his house lachem is bread bethlehem oh little town of okay it means house of bread interesting yeshua jesus is the bread of life he's born in the house of bread bethlehem king david uh tied tightly to bread uh throughout all his stories and he was from bethlehem ah here's one with two bets babel you got a bet and a bet and a la med remember what lamed lamad represents uh the the shepherd's staff you have the authority and babel is uh has two bets bet his house so you got two houses and uh the authority and what happened in babel remember the languages got divided there was everyone speaking one language at first and they were trying to build a tower to the sky the heavens and they god confuses their languages so that each house now has its own authority its own language its own okay and it got all confused so babel has a bet um and genesis 31 19 i want to tie it up here with genesis 31 19 says when laban had gone to sheer his flock then rachel stole his household idols that were her father's so there's some idols associated with the house that gets stolen by rachel and uh if you remember we did a video on the ten commandments and each commandment uh each the first ten letters of the hebrew alphabet connect to the first ten commandments well the first ten be ten and commandment two is you shall not make for yourself any graven image two is bet bet is house and you can remember this one because rachel stole the household idols which were graven images commandment number two all right let me tell you we could talk until the cows come home on bed but we have to wind it up at some point so thank you for watching to god be the glory to god be the honor to god be the praise wasn't this great stuff pass the videos around make sure your friends see this god bless we'll see you soon bye bye wait we have a bonus you know we talked about that the first letter of the bible is a bet the first letter of the torah because the torah is the beginning of the bible is a bet why did god choose the bet to begin the bible now this is not biblical this is just jewish lore but it is fun to you'll learn a lot through this but what happened was all of the letters came before god and said oh god lord of the world please we would use us to begin your torah and each one came and made their offer starting with the tough the first letter that came forward was the tough and it said o lord of the world may it be your will to create your world through me seeing that it is through me that you will give torah to israel by the hand of moses as it is written moses commanded us the torah god answered no because in days to come i shall place you as a sign of death upon the foreheads of men remember tov is a mark and tov begins the word torah but revelation 13 verse 16 he caused us all great and small rich and poor free and slave to be given a mark a tough on their right hand or their forehead so tug is out then the shin came and said oh lord of the world create your world through me seeing that your own name shaddai begins with me god replied unfortunately it is also the first letter of sheker falsehood and that incapacitated shin psalm 119 i hate and abhor falsehood but your law i love remember sheker those are the three letters that are all squeezed together at the end of the alphabet and they're all even they're they're out of order they're a falsehood in them in themselves then the rest pointed out that because it represented head roche it would be fitting to be the head of the torah also it enjoys the distinction of being the first letter in the name of god the merciful sadly it was also the initial letter of ra and russia wicked and evil and it was disqualified remember ra was evil and pharaoh pharaoh's name is pay resh ein hey uh pay hey is the word mouth and resh ein is evil pharaoh as the mouth of evil so disqualified [Music] koof brought up the fact that it is the first letter of kodesh kadosh the holy one but since kalala curse also begins with koof god would not permit it to begin the torah in second samuel 16 10 the king said what have i to do with you o sons of zeroway if he curses and if the lord has told him curse david then who shall say why have you done so remember this is when uh uh shimayai was cursing david and he was going to uh david's uh mighty men said you want me to go take off his head and he said no if i'm supposed to if god wants me to be cursed and this guy's supposed to curse me then let him curse but curse begins with a couf so he's disqualified saudi brought to god's attention that he is sadiq the righteous one and god brought that saudi's attention all the zeroth misfortunes of israel and saudi was out of the running pay pointed out because po day redeemer begins with pay so should the torah but the pay of pasha transgression brings dishonor to it when wicked increase transgression increases says proverbs 29 16. the eyeing humbly suggested it should be first because it begins humility unfortunately it performs the same service for ereva immorality we see this word in genesis 9 20 starting then noah began farming and planted a vineyard and he drank of the wine became drunk and uncovered himself inside his tent and ham the father of canaan saw the aravat the nakedness the immorality of his father and told his two brothers outside so sorry i ain't samek said oh lord may it be your will to begin the creation with me for you have called psalmic after me the upholder of all who fall but god said you are needed in the place in which you are you must continue to uphold all that fall very nice he wasn't disqualified for any reason except you really needed that where you are psalm 145 the lord upholds the lord something all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down noon introduces the nare lamp of yahweh which is the spirit of men for this it is reasoned it should be first uh proverbs 20 27 the spirit of man is the lamp the nur of the lord searching all the innermost parts of his being but noon was eliminated because it also introduced the nur of the wicked which we put out by god this is in job 21 17 how often is the lamp of the wicked put out the nur of the wicked or does their calamity fall on them mem thought because mem starts the word melech king it reasoned that it should begin the king's torah psalm 68 24 they have seen your procession oh god the procession of my god my malek into the sanctuary but as mem is the first letter of mahuma confusion as well it had no chance of accomplishing its desire first samuel 14 20 then saul and all the people who were with him rallied and came to the battle and behold every man's sword was against his fellow and there was very great mahuma confusion he doesn't want confusion beginning his torah lamed proposed that since it was the first letter of lukot tablets upon which god inscribed the ten commandments it should begin the torah and god reminded lament that the tablets were shattered in pieces by moses and we referenced this earlier when moses came down and they were worshiping the golden calf and dancing and moses angered burned and he threw the lew coat from his hands and shattered them at the foot of the mountain exodus 32 19. cough cough was sure the victory was his since kisa the throne of god and kabode the glory of god and his caterer the crown of god all began with cough but god reminded cough he would smite his cafe el caffee hands together his palms together in despair over the misfortunes of israel ezekiel 21 14-17 you therefore son of man prophesy and clap your hands together and let the sword be doubled the third time the sword for the slain and in seventeen i will also clap my hands together and i will appease my wrath i the lord have spoken it's palm against palm yod assumed it could be the first letter of creation as yod begins yahweh's name the name of god but god responded yod could and would be if only yet the evil inclination had not happened to begin with it also in genesis 6 5 the lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every yet ser every evil intention intent of his thoughts of his heart was only evil continually tet identified itself with tove good so it presumed it could begin torah remember on day one god saw that it was tove day three god saw it was stove twice four he saw his toe five he saw it was stove six he saw it was tove and then he saw everything was really uh very good very tove so seven times in creator week uh he uses tov and tet assumed that that would be enough to get him to to begin the torah but uh unfortunately uh the truly good is not in this world it belongs to the world to come so he is disqualified luke 18 18 a ruler question yeshua is saying good teacher good teacher what shall i do and to inherit eternal life and yeshua said to him why do you call me good no one is good except god alone graciously offered to be the first letter of creation since it is the first letter of khannon the gracious one and god graciously declined the offer since is also the first letter of sin uh genesis 4 starting in verse 6 then the lord said to cain why are you angry and why is your countenance falling if you do well will your not countenance be lifted up and if you do not do well is crouching at the door and its desire is for you but you must master it zion reminded god that it was needed to zakah remember the sabbath to keep it holy therefore it should be first and god reminded zion that zion its is itself the word for weapon and this was unacceptable next vaven hey composed the ineffable name of god and they were too exalted to be president as the service of the mundane world so you uh vav and hay both disqualified dalit claimed as it stood for the divine da bar it should be used to begin the torah but dalit also stands for din judgment which is required for those who break god's law daniel 7 21 i kept looking and that horn was waging war with the saints and overpowering them until the ancient of days came and din judgment was passed in favor of the saints of the highest one and the time arrived when the saints took possession of the kingdom guimo finally gimo offered itself to el gebor the mighty god for the godol the great honor of being the first letter but god declined the offer gima would not do because gamul recompense starts with it isaiah 35 4 say to those with anxious heart take courage fear not behold your god will come with vengeance the recompense of god will come but he will save you and after the claims of all these letters were dismissed bet stepped before the holy one blessed be he and he pleaded before him o lord of the world may it be your will to create your world through me seeing that all the dwellers in the world give praise daily to you through me as it is said barack blessed be the word lord forever amen and amen and god at once granted the petition of bet he said blessed be he that comes in the name of the lord and he created his world through the letter bet and as it is said he began with the letter bet the only letter that refrained from urging its claims was the modest aleph god rewarded it later for its humility by giving it the first place in the ten commandments okay an enoki is the first word of the ten commandments um also the aleph it kind of begins the first the torah and actually no it doesn't begin it it is out in front of it remember all f represents the father god it's first it's strength it's the head of the ox aleph god god is before the torah so you have god out here in eternity past aleph and then begins the torah bereshit elohim okay you can see the bet is what begins the the torah there and the word the letter all f is also a word you can sound it out aleph as you can spell it alef lombard pay and alef lamed aleph lament is l pay its picture is mouth so all islam and pay aleph is from the mouth of god and remember pay has two forms there's the closed mouth and then there's the open mouth the pay so feet so here's the torah beginning berashit bara and there's aleph out in front and notice it's aleph pay from the mouth of god el pay god's mouth from god's mouth comes bare sheep elohim so the aleph is out in front of this here is the word aleph allah pay there's a little mistake here because i have the i have the regular pay at the end of this word right but notice inside that pay fits beautifully a bit so from the mouth of god here's aleph he's sitting there with bet in his mouth and it's a closed mouth and then he opens his mouth and out comes bereshit elohim and the torah and his tanakh and god bless okay there's your bonus thanks for watching we'll see you soon bye bye ah today we have lubimi mixed fruit just in case you're keeping score at home we've got some watermelon papaya there's some passion fruit orange banana pineapple and kiwi bye
Channel: John Kostik
Views: 6,682
Rating: 4.9007444 out of 5
Keywords: בית, bet, Hebrew, alphabet, alef, alefbet, Son, bar, ben
Id: WrLsCs71nE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 26sec (4526 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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