ד Dalet

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Hey Shalom Shalom from your Dutch uncle John here to tell you what it is in the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet the dalek now we've covered some of the other letters around Dola Dola is nestled between the giemo and the hay all right so we want to give they spend an hour so showing you all of these cool things about the fourth letter dalet the dollar it's ancient picture is a door it may not look like a door but remember in the ancient days they're living in tents so you've got a tent flap okay and that tent flap it hangs down that's the door all right and I wanted to point out that the doll --it is not the letter resh they look very similar the doll that has that teeny piece that sticks out in the top right okay that sticks out over the doll of the rest does not have that okay so be careful they can be confusing between those two the dollar is the Greek Delta all right that's the I think the fourth letter of the of the Greek alphabet there are seven thousand and thirty-two dollars in the Torah it's not the most used it's not the least used I think it's the eighth least used and there is a cursive form to doll it with that isn't a very modern thing and you will see it on signage throughout Israel the dollar the dollar is the first of the seven simple letters so what is this simple letter well it is a letter that's not a compound letter you know there's 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet seven of them are simple letters and the simple letter is nothing more than the stroke that you make to make that letter okay a doll it is you use two strokes to make that letter the compound letters are letters that are made up of simple letters we've given you examples of this in previous videos maybe the most famous is the Aleph right the Aleph is actually made up of two Yotes and above right and that's how you get an olive some other examples of the letter mem is actually made up of a cough and above together give you the mem the letter tub is a rash and a noon and together they give you the letter tub so those are compound letters remember we told you also that the Hebrew alphabet is not linear it is circular right it goes around and the reason that we that's important here there's 22 letters total and the number of simple letters are 7 or the number is 7 of simpler and 22 over 7 is the good close approximation to PI which also reinforces the circular Miss of the Hebrew alphabet ok so this fourth letter of the dalek it is a letter of the alphabet dal it but Dollard is also a word ok and in Hebrew it's pronounced delit delat is the Hebrew word for door so it's gonna be tied very closely to a door and the two-letter root word is the dollar and Allah med and that gives you the word dal dal means pour okay you put a hay on the end you get de la which is me so there's gonna be this implication of of poverty associated with the letter dollop alright and that will come up in the future here mark 14 seven says this is Jesus talking he says for you have the poor with you always and whenever you wish you may do them good but me you do not always have so Jesus is telling us we've got the poor with us we're to help them okay and if you look at the shape of the dollar it actually looks like a a man who is bent over he's a humble man and notice his hand is kind of sticking out the back as if to receive a gift okay so there's this concept of giving and receiving it's going to be associated with adalat and with the gimel the Jews have a blessing by the way the Jews have a lot of blessings if it's the Sabbath they have a blessing for the Sabbath if they're going to eat bread they have a bread blessing is they're gonna drink wine they have a wine blessing and here they have a blessing of Thanksgiving it's the beer huh go Mel blessed are You Lord our God King of the universe who bestows good things upon the unworthy and has bestowed upon me every good thing we can try to read it in the Hebrew barakatuh Yahweh Elohim ooh melech ha-olam huh go Mel Lahiya Veeam to vote chicka Melanie cold Tov that wasn't bad okay so the doll that we said was this man who's bent over with his hands sticking out the back and the gimel if you remember the gimel it's the third letter and it represents a Hamill is this ancient picture so you have the the game will represents you know in the whole big picture remember the first three letters Aleph bet gimel all of was the father and bet is the son and giemo is the Holy Spirit well I understand why Aleph is the father and I can understand why bet is the son but why is a camel associated with the Holy Spirit we we covered that very nicely back in the Aki da part to video so if you have a chance check that out and it will explain in detail why the camel is associated with the Holy Spirit but what does the Holy Spirit what's its job what is this reasoning you know Jesus said when he was about to go up and they said no please don't go and he said no I have to go if I don't go I cannot send you the comforter or the helper right and the Holy Spirit is sent with his gifts there are nine gifts of the Holy Spirit that are listed in Corinthians first Corinthians 12 8 through 10 and was it go ahead and read him now four to one is given the word of wisdom through the spirit to another the word of knowledge according to the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit and to another gifts of healing by the one spirit and to another the effecting of miracles and to another prophecy and to another the distinguishing of spirits to another various kinds of tongues and to another the interpretation of tongues so these are the gifts of the Spirit the Spirit is associated with gifts and giving you see that ok so imagine you've got the rich man the rich man is the olive and he lives in the bed in the house and the bet looks like a house the bet has a floor the bet has a wall all the bet has a ceiling and the bet is open to the to the left right you are to leave and go that way the part that's open and the gimel is the Holy Spirit the Gamo is sent out of the house and what's the dmoz job to give the gifts okay and the gimbal then approaches the dollar and the dollar is standing there humbled with his head down but his hand is sticking out the back it's a beautiful picture okay the way it's approaching the door jesus also said remember in revelation 3:20 behold i stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and dine with him and he with me so you have this whole concept of someone approaching the door knocking at the door if the poor man opens the door then hey behold a revelation blessings are going to be coming forth it's very cool the Hebrew alphabet it kind of tells a story in the order that it's listed now I want to point out a couple of things about the the Dalek just the shape of it okay we've said it looks like a man who's bent over with his hand out the back and he's fit he's not facing the gimel the Darla's is facing toward the Hey well hey if you remember represents Hashem who is Hashem Hashem is God this is remember the Jews there's a commandment do not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain right so the Jews will not pronounce God's name Yahweh or Jehovah they will not even pronounce his title God you see Jewish writing in English it'll have G - D or if they're gonna do it in Hebrew they will spell it instead of saying Elohim they will say Elohim and they'll put a coffin there okay so they're very very conscientious to not say God's Word or God's name so what do they call him they call the name of God Hashem the name that's what Hashem that means and it begins with the letter A so when you see these the alphabet you have the doll --it is facing toward a Shem and he's bowing down toward a Shem that's a nice picture okay and he also has his hand sticking out the back ready to accept whatever alms whatever gifts are coming notice the Dalek does not know from where the good gifts are coming he's not focused on looking back to see who's putting something in his hand so it's all being done anonymously and the gimel the gimel he's looking at the back of the Dalek he's not making any attention or any any motion for the Dalek to turn around and look hey it's me John I'm here to give you a gift the gimel is giving the gift anonymously to the Dalek that's very very beautiful that's the way God wants us to give give anonymously receive anonymously beautiful that's don't make a big remember there's even a there's even some verses in the Bible remember the guy goes into the the synagogue because all I'm here to make my gift and he makes it big and jesus said you know what he he wants his reward that's it he got his reward everybody looked at him in hoot and odd you know what Jesus was impressed with was that woman who went in with nothing she had two mites and she just quietly went up and dropped them in the box and that is it got it okay so you're seeing a picture here that alphabet and that the giemo is giving good gifts the dollar and the dollar does not know that it was giving it okay now we have a giver that gimel and we have a receiver the dalek okay which one is better which one is higher well let's look you know in Acts chapter 20 verse 35 Paul says in everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus that he himself said it is more blessed to give than to receive well that's pretty neat you know we it is it's better to give than to receive okay and let me show you this is really cool in Esther 9 verse 22 now remember the book of Esther it's going to go through it this is when Haman the bad guy Haman he goes in and tries to destroy the Jews right but they are saved by Esther and her cousin Mordecai right so when the whole thing is done Haman ends up losing he gets hanged on the gallows and now we're at the end of the store 922 and it says as the days were in the Jews rested from their enemies in the month which was turned unto them from sorrow to joy and from mourning into a good day that they should make them days of feasting and joy and of sending portions one to another and gifts to the poor so the Jews won and the Jews are having feast days and they're sending portions one to another and giving gifts to the poor that phrase one to another I have it in blue and read the word one here is each and you can see the each is an Aleph I goat and ash in the olive is one to go to 10 the shin is 300 this word for one here is as up to 311 that's the one who's giving and he's giving to another the word for to another is Laura a who which is law made 30 rash two hundred nineteen seventy pay is five and love is six which also adds up to three hundred and eleven so in God's eyes whether you're the eesh or the Loray who if you're the giver or the receiver you're both 311 you are equal in God's eyes whether it's not the rich guy is not better than the poor guy the poor guys not that are equal they're both 311 I think that's very nice picture you know he doesn't show favorites one over the other okay now let's look at some words that have the dollar in there and show what they measure some cool words that have Dollard okay and by the way let's be a giver would you like would you like no you don't want to be a receiver come on take this and I get three eleven and you get three eleven okay birdbrain okay some words that begin with Darla well one is we have the word blood in Hebrew his Dom it's a Dalek and a mem the gamar chewing of these dollars is for mem is forty the word Dom adds up to forty four now what's special about that is we've told you in other videos whenever you have a word that adds up to a digit that repeats itself here 44 that that will help you define the word that four is somehow going to be incorporated into the definition of blood and as you know blood comes in for blood groups a B a B and O very clever how God does that we saw it before in the word for firstborn is becquer becquer is bet cough rash which is two twenty two hundred it has up to two twenty two and what do you know about firstborn the firstborn receives a double portion to double nice okay so back to a duh tadam if you take Dom which is blood and you add all us all F is God you put those together God and blood and you get a Dom a Dom is the Hebrew word for man very nice okay and remember when God made man back in Genesis 1:26 he said then God said let us make man in our image according to our likeness I like the thing you are these using plural pronouns let's not let that escape us let us make man in our image who's talking here remember God is a complex unity there's a three miss to him there's the olive the Father there's the bet the Sun and there's the gimel the spirit right the 3s so he says let us make man bets L may know in our image that a new is our that the core root water that is Saul which is the shadow the spiritual side and then according Kitimat a new to our likeness the Dom the Dom there is blood that's the physical side we are made in the spiritual side of God and we are made in the physical side of God got it then there's these two worlds going on in the beginning God made the heavens spiritual and the earth physical when Nicodemus comes to Yeshua Jesus in John chapter 3 and he wants to know oh how do I get to heaven and Jesus says you must be born again and Nicodemus saying well I gotta go back into my mother's womb no that's the physical he's now stressing you got to be born again spiritual birth right there the two worlds going on okay another word that begins with adalat is the word for word the Hebrew word for word is debar it's a dollar a bet and a resh okay in fact the the fifth book of the Bible which we call Deuteronomy deuteron know me is the law is the second giving of the law the Jews call it debarring remember devar is word and you put a you admit on the end that's the plural debarring is the the words okay words these are the words that God spoke to Moses or that Moses spoke to the people on the second telling of the law the word devar is very clever look at it it's a dollop bet resh $1 we already said is the door the next two letters are the bet resh best bet ref spell the word bar which is son so the word debar the word is the door to the son you need the word of god to reach the son very nice okay in first Kings eight six it says the priest brought in the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord and to his place and into the Oracle of the house to the most holy place even under the wings of the cherubim the most holy place Kadesh team its Kadesh could a shame you see it there in the last line but when it says it brought it into the Oracle of the house that word for Oracle there is de beer it looks like devar with a Yoda in it that's what it is okay and that's what this is sometimes referred the Holy of Holies that inner sanctum of the temple and of the of the tabernacle is referred to as the de beer of the house the Oracle the inner sanctuary and that is where the Ark of the Covenant was put and what was in the Ark of the Covenant the the devar the Word of God the tablets were put into that okay so it's interesting that that inner sanctum is called the de beer okay another cool word that Dalek is associated with is Yehuda or which we referred to as Judah you know Judah is the fourth son of Jacob okay and notice Judah has a dollar in his name and the dollar is the fourth letter of the alphabet it's also the fourth letter of Jews name and Judah's name is the only name that has Yahweh's name incorporated into it you'll see Judah has the good hey valve Dalek hey very nice no and what does this tell us if you want to get to your way if you want to know God the door to Yahweh through Yehuda and sure enough we know that the Messiah is prophesied in genesis 49:10 that the scepter will not pass right it's gonna go through Judah and Yeshua Jesus the Messiah he was from that line of Judah got it okay very nice very nice another word that is the Dalek related is the word religion you know there are thousands of religions out there I hate him I hate him okay I think all man-made and they all come up with some little twist or turn that you've got to do this you got to do that you got to jump through this hoop or over that bar to reach God or reach whatever they're pushing you no no God does not push religion God wants a personal relationship one-on-one with him and you you got it so his word for relate for religion is the word dot it's a dollop and at of Dalek is the door tuff is the cross you want to go to God you got to go the door to the cross that will get you to God that's the only way got it stay away from all these denominations people asked me so what religion are you you know I know I'm not Baptist I'm not Methodist I'm not presbyterian I'm not Lutheran I I don't know and all the other ones oh no no no you know what all right am a follower of the way the way and you know way back in Genesis when Adam and Eve took the bite and they were thrown out of the garden it said God placed cherubim with flaming swords at the gate of Eden so they could not get back in and they were protecting the way to the Tree of Life you get the picture they were guarding the way and then later you have the prophets prepare ye the way of the Lord the early Christians followers of Christianity they were followers of the way Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life you want to you want to know what religion I am I'm a follower of the way and by the way you know how did you say way in Hebrew it's the word Derek Derek is begins with a Dalek a rash and a cough when we get the word direction which way which direction you understand so Dalek the door to the cross there's your religion the way the Derek loved it okay a new word Genesis 36 it says then Rachel said God has judged me and has indeed heard my voice and has given me a son therefore she named him dan dan begins with adalat it spelled all at noon and what does Dan mean Dan means judge she worked it into God has judged me and heard my voice and given me a son Dan judge got it and in Genesis 34 1 you know Jacob had 12 sons he also had a daughter and it says now Dina the daughter of laya whom she had born to jacob went out to visit the daughters of the land Dina begins with a dolla dolla good noon Hey and Dina is just the feminine version of Dan Dina also means judge makes sense okay and remember she went out to visit the daughters of the land she did not stay home where she amongst her people instead she went out where she wasn't supposed to be and what happened the the local boys one of them raped her and caused a big stink between the people of Shechem and Jacobs plan okay judges for four brings up another Dalek name it says in Debora a prophetess the wife of lapid oath was judging Israel at that time Deborah Deborah you can hear Deb are is in her name okay but actually Deborah's name means B as in busy as a okay but one of the judges they're the the woman judge Deborah began with a Dalek remember we told you earlier that this does two letters Dalai Lama doll refers to poor and if you put the hay on the end the law it becomes meager right well this leads to the final judge in judges sixteen six it says and Delilah said to Samson please tell me where your great strength lies and how you might be bound that one could subdue you Delilah begins with a Dalek and let's listen look at this a little bit closer because this is pretty cool it says and Delilah said to Shem shown and Hebrew his name is not Samson it's Shem shown how do I know this because my friend in Israel I'm visiting and we're discussing debating something and I want to bring up Samson as my example to something and I say well what about Samson and he a Jewish man an Israeli born Jewish man says who and I said Samson no I don't know this one Samson you got a no Samson who does understand no I'm sorry it took ten minutes ten minutes until I'm describing long hair cut his hair strength Oh Shem shown so he finally gets a Shem Shem and Shem shown is the first three letters of Shem shown are shin mem shin which spells shemesh which is the Hebrew word for son and we know Samson is strong and he's got Sunshine's Shemesh in his name Delilah she has doll in her name as how it begins doll was poor and meager a weakness if that's what it implies and she has Lila in her name Lila from Genesis 1 first day Lila is darkness is nighttime ok so you've got strong sunshine going to the weak nighttime where he's not supposed to go and what happens and the Philistines seized him and gouged out his eyes and they brought him down to Gaza and they bound him with bronze chains and he was their grinder in the prison he was blinded he was binded and he was grinded the straw and then once they put out his eyes he can't see isn't that the way it works when the when the sunshine goes to the nighttime you can't see how clever how clever of God to put these names in here that they kind of tell a story just amongst them just from themselves ok another Dalek name and this was a huge big one is First Samuel 1622 Saul said to ye say - Jesse saying Saul sent to Jesse saying let David now stand before me for he has found favor in my sight David has $2.00 Da Lat valve dollop and that word dahveed also means uncle in Hebrew okay by the way this verse here for Sam of 1622 this is the fifth mention of David's name and if you remember five we did the video on hey hey Wow behold blessings something big is coming anytime five shows up in the Bible favor grace is going to be poured out and that there are five people in the Bible who at the fifth mention of their name the verse says that they will have a found favor and missus David's fifth mention and let David now stand before me for he has found favor in my sight very cool that fifth mentioned and the other for Noah Ruth Esther and Daniel those five the fifth mention of their names says they find favor by the way David we told you is doll involved Allah and seven hundred and eighty eight times throughout the Tanakh that is how David's name is spelled but God spells it Dalek Volvo Dalek two hundred and eighty five times there's some different spelling interesting and David's best friend if you remember his Saul's King Saul's son Jonathan and Jonathan also has two spellings to his name is that you involved noon Tov noon but sometimes he puts a hay in Jonathan's name and these two are best friends look what he adds to David's name he has a Yoda look what he adds to Jonathan's name he adds a hey he added good hey good Hey is y'all this friendship between Dave and Jonathan is blessed by yah beautiful beautiful okay now another name that begins with Dalek is in Daniel 12:4 is Daniel okay we already know Daniel Dan we've already talked about that was one of the twelve tribes and Dan we said meant judge and if you put a yote on the end Donnie the yodh is possessive my my and L at the end is God the Allah flaw met at the end so Danielle is my judge is God okay and in Daniel 4 Daniel 12 verse 4 it says but you Daniel shut up the words and seal the book until the end of the time of the end many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase you know that verse right there Wow it has got so much in it it's talking about Daniel is being shown all these incredible revelations and then God says seal them up Daniel that no one gets to know them until the time of the end you know from Adam until about a hundred years ago the fastest anybody's traveled was by a horse and then all of a sudden you got motor cars and then you got trains and you got airplanes and you got rocket ships and word is going faster and faster and we're traveling to and fro and there's not any place you can't go fast and as for knowledge increasing people are walking around with their smartphone in there into anything you want the push of a button comes instantaneous so knowledge is definitely increased we are running to and fro we are in the time of the end how cool is that okay and now this word knowledge it says knowledge shall increase okay the word for knowledge here is docked and we've already talked about that a little while ago remember that the word to know in Hebrew is duh duh right no no okay um now here's a cool one in Jeremiah 9 1 Jeremiah the weeping prophet he says oh that my head were waters in my eyes a fountain of Tears that I may weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people the word here for tears is dama it's a dollop mem I mean hey and one of those letters are present the dollar's door the ma'am is water the eyeing is I and hey is revealed you know your tears these are waters that come out of the door of the eye those waters are revealed that's a beautiful representation those are the perfect four letters to represent the word tears lovely isn't it okay Leviticus 1016 it says but Moses searched carefully for the go to the sin offering and behold it had been burned up so he was angry with Aaron's surviving sons Eleazar and Ithamar saying on and on these section their word says Moses searched carefully it is searched diligently he searched sir searched for the go to the sin offering and he was angry because he couldn't find it you know I did a 3-hour talk on this verse 3 our dog on this so why was he upset well I'll film that someday and show you but we can't go into it right now but that part where it says he searched carefully in Hebrew it's Deroche the rosh notice it's the same word it's a doll at rest Shin doll at rest Shin and in Hebrew whenever award is repeated it it puts emphasis on it so Deroche is to search and the roaster rosh you put it twice it's he searched diligently it emphasizes the searching the reason I even bring up this word here Desroches tirage these are the middle words of the Torah well that's kind of when a middle words you understand is different than the middle verse and it's different than the middle letter these are all have different middles right but the middle words of the Torah are the same word twice that's kind of cool God hid the same word twice as the middle the middle letter of Torah what's the R ok now in the Torah there are 17 special letters a special letter is going to be a letter that is either very small or very big and it turns out there are seven minuscule letters and there are ten majuscule letters we've talked about some of these before the first verse of the Bible is Bereshit bara Elohim and that bet in Bereshit is an enlarged bet it's like anytime you open up a book and it's once upon a time they'll have the giant o for once right and so there's an enlarged bet there we talked about Genesis 2:4 in a previous video by huh Berean has the diminished pay and we explained why there is here some more on the next here's another 8 of them the ones that don't jump off the page here at me is Deuteronomy 6:4 look it's in there twice it has an enlarged iene and it has an enlarged Dalek so let's look at that verse and see why and what is that verse Deuteronomy 6:4 is the Shema this is the verse that Jews recite when they wake up in the morning and in the middle of the day and before they go to bed at night hear o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one in Hebrew Shema Israel Yahweh Allah a new Yahweh God this is the reason we don't use the word Trinity because when a Jew hears Trinity he's thinking three dogs and he just stops listening and there is not three gods there is one God one God but that his unity is complex he's not like any other one on the planet and by the way there are examples this word of God it's a one that actually means multiple things can come together when when a man leaves his mother and father and becomes joined with his wife to become a card so if two can become one why can't three become one you understand and the verse even it even implies it says hear o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one he mentions three become one how beautiful was that anyway so he's got this enlarged ie in the word Shema and he has an enlarged Dalek in the Word of God why well you know when I hear Shema and I'm not a fluent Hebrew speaker and maybe you're not as well but if I asked you just from your basic knowledge of the Hebrew alphabet how would you spell Shema sure that's the Shin ma there's that mem and you might be tempted to end this with an olive and get Shema the problem is that words Shema with ends in an olive that word means maybe or perhaps well that changes the whole meaning of the verse maybe perhaps o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one so so you don't make that audible audible mistake he puts an enlarged eyeing there so you know hear o Israel okay Shema by the way Shema this comes laya Jacobs wife she prayed to God and God heard her prayer and she had a son so she named him Simeon Simeon is comes from Shamai it's the it's the answer of God's prayer for God hearing her prayer very nice okay so that takes care of the enlarged dying what about the enlarged Allah at the end well it's the word Akkad which is an olive pit and adalat but the problem is a lot of people confuse the dollar with the resh you know there was an audible confusion in Shama there's a visual confusion with a HOD and he doesn't want you accidentally putting a rest at the end because that's the word a car and a farm means another and there then you're gonna have perhaps Oh Israel the Lord our God the Lord is another and he does not want you making that mistake so he intentionally puts an enlarged ìiím and an enlarged Allah so you don't make that mistake okay and those two words Shema and Akkad is here one he wants you to realize he's just one daughter and the two letters that he enlarged the I mean is 70 and the glossary of the dollar is 4 which adds up to 74 okay so what do you do with that well what's cool is all the letters between the enlarged Dalek and the enlarged ìiím if you put in the gamma tree of values for all those letters it adds up to 704 which is 70 and for I don't know what to do with it but it's kind of cool that it's kind of riemann reinforcing something now those two letters to ie in the Dalek if you put them together it forms a word okay if you put it this way the iron first and then the Dalek it spells the word odd which is to witness or to see it and witness it okay well he wants you to witness this verse if you put it backwards the dollar in the Iying it's the word da da you know this word duh it means to know so he wants you to witness this verse and he wants you to know this verse how nice is that if you put the Gamache reevaluation ah it adds up to 1118 okay and what is the boiled down message of the Shema hear o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one you know what if I had to put into words there is one God one is Assad God is Elohim there's one Elohim and the word one Assad hits Gomorrah adds up to 13 the word Elohim it's Kamaria adds up to 86 and what's cool is you multiply 13 times 86 it comes up to 1118 which is the total of the entire Shema very nice okay now we said that this olive dalek odd means to witness right or testimony it also is a word all of I mean I mean adalat is the word odd which also means forever so this verse here o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one this is odd this is forever that's nice that he's stressing that in here okay and in Exodus 26:34 he says you shall put the mercy seat on the Ark of the testimony in the Holy of Holies here's the part where it says holy of Holy's at the last but Kadesh hakodesh team that's Kadesh could ashame holy and co - emu i am on the end s Holy's holy of holies but the Ark of the testimony look what he how he words that in the second sentence the second line of this verse it's our own our own is the Hebrew word for the Ark and then it's adult the hey is the and then adult his testimonies so this I mean Dalit also implies testimony and he even refers to the Ark of the Covenant in some places like in Exodus 26:34 as the Ark of the adult Ark of the testimonies very nice okay another place that you see the dalek is with the letter bet in giemo because the three of them together bent gimel dalet spell the word but God and by God it's a cool word it's got two meanings one it means to betray or okay betray and the other amines a garment is about which you know garments kind of do betray you know we used to hide and conceal things okay and God does something really cool with this if you look in Genesis chapter 37 38 and 39 in 37 this is where Joseph he is because the check on his brothers and they kind of turned against him and throw him in a pit and then some midnight traders come by and pull him out and sell him to the Ishmaelites Raiders who take him down to Egypt and then the brothers if you remember they take his long-sleeved or colored a tunic whichever definition you want to use for that I don't think it was the colored tunic I don't think you had too many stores selling colored garments back in Joseph's days in the in the desert there but a long-sleeved is then also another translation of that but they never they killed a goat and they get the the garment and a tunic into it and in 37 32 it says and they sent the color tunic and brought it to their father and said we found this please examine it to see whether it is your son's tunic or not you see what they're doing here they are be guarding their father with of a God okay then in Chapter 38 you have the story of Judah and Tamar Judah remember had three sons the oldest son was his name her and he married Tamar and he died and then the second son was Onan and he didn't want to marry came more and he died and then the third son was too young I think his name is Shayla Sayla and Judah Judah doesn't want this third son marrying her she's the kiss of death all right so he tells her go back to your father and when he's old enough we'll call you and but he has no intention of her so she she's committed to this family and they owe her a baby a child they owe her a life and so she dresses like a prostitute and she goes and hangs out at a place that she knows Judah is going to be passing and in verse 14 of chapter 38 it says so she removed her widows garments and covered herself with a veil and Judah came by and and didn't recognize her and slept with her and ended up producing the twins Zahra and Perez Perez is the line of the Messiah goes through but the point is in 3814 we have came our she because with the by God she conceals and hides with a garment and betrays Judah then you go to chapter 39 in chapter 39 it goes back to Joseph in Egypt and he is now number two or not number two but he's he's out of the prison and he's working in the Potiphar's house and Potiphar is out for the day and his wife Potiphar's wife tries to make the move on Joseph and Joseph is loyal to Potiphar and Potiphar's wife tries to make the move and Joseph runs out of the house and she grabs Joseph's garment and when Potiphar comes home she's waving it at him look what your Jewish boy tried to rape me and so she is betraying she's by guarding with ABBA God so it's interesting in that three chapters in a row you have this begadi with Abba God so what's the point of that well in five chapters later in Genesis 42 you have Joseph he now is number two in all of Egypt and there's a famine in and and Jacob sends ten of the brothers down to Egypt to buy food and they're standing there before Joseph and it says in Genesis 42 8 but Joseph had recognized his brothers although they did not recognize him Wow why didn't they recognise their brother well first of all it's been 20 years right and they're not expecting him to be number 2 in all of Egypt but I think even more than that is Joseph is is now Egyptian he's been there 20 years he married an Egyptian woman right and so he is dressed as an Egyptian and so he is now regarding them with his b'god in the garment ok and you know Joseph Joseph is a type of Jesus right one the Jews are looking for a messiah one is but Messiah Ben Joseph the suffering servant one is Messiah Ben David the king of kings and Lord of lords and this is the Joseph the Messiah Ben Joseph so he is a Jesus type Yeshua type and the brothers they are the type of the Jews they know that Israel might in Jacob they're the sons of Jacob Jacob remember got his name changed to Israel and you look today why don't the Jews recognize Yeshua as their Messiah as their Messiah it's because the pictures that you see of Jesus have you go to Israel that the Catholic Church has gift shops everywhere and the Jews walk past these and they see these pictures of I don't know a bird he looks like a woman and they got a man dressed in pink and purple and blue and they got these things around his head and a big pumping heart and you know what a Jews don't look I'm sorry that is not our Messiah a Jewish Messiah is going to be wearing tallit a prayer shawl he's going to win seats eat the little fringe on the side there's a certain ways that Jewish massage gonna look and this is not it and this is not the Catholics have done this take your pick go to New Zealand the Mallory's have their version of Jesus dressed as a Maori warrior in spand the Messiah is Jewish and he's gonna be dressed in a Jewish look okay well anyway there it is by God and it has the dollar in it very nice okay now you know in our previous ones we showed you that psalm 119 remember this is the longest chapter in the book right psalm 119 and the first eight verses of Psalm 1:19 all begin with a letter Aleph then the next eight verses all began with a letter bet and the next eight begin with a demon and when you get to verse 25 down through 32 here it is in the English here it is in the Hebrew notice every verse begins with a dollop and it goes all the way through to the tub the last eight verses begin with tough you have 22 different letters in the alphabet each one is a lot at 8 verses that's 176 verses that's the total number of verses in psalm 119 very very cool okay I'll drink to that all right now we told you that the doll just as the root word for poor and the law is meager and you know this is not a heavenly thing this is an earthly thing poor meager okay and and because it's for you know for is you can put it this the Cartesian coordinate plane it's a two-dimensional you know you got right left up and down it's a very I don't know earthly thing two-dimensional here okay in fact four and dawlat represent simple physicality there's a lot of physical things on the planet that are four related the dimensions you have length width depth and time four dimensions you have north east south and west four directions okay you've got earth water sky fire just just keep in mind that for has a lot to do with earth and in just very simple physical properties all right and the word yo'd you remember yo'd is the tenth letter right yo is spelled yo $12 it has a plane it has they a dollop in the word yo'd and i think whenever you know people talk about the Big Bang I think it started you know Yoda is the equivalent of a point it's like that little comma thing right the code so there's a one point and then all of a sudden you have evolved evolve is one dimensional it's a line up and down and then you have a dollar a dollar is two-dimensional so I think there was a big bang I think God started with a point and it went boom one zero dimension one dimension to dimension three dimension and God created heavens in the earth it all exploded out of Yoda and yellows remember that's that teeny little letter that God begins all his names with right Yahweh and Yahshua and Easter Al and yerushalayim all start with the yode and I think the heavens and the earth were created from that little point the ODE very nice and Yeshua like I said his name begins with the ODE Colossians 1:16 says for in him all things were created things in heaven and on earth visible and invisible whether Thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities all things were created through him and for him and that yo Yahshua is that thing there okay now yo'd also remember is for and what do we know about for the fourth day is Genesis 1:14 and 15 on the fourth day it says and God said let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and for years and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth and it was so and remember seasons is the wrong translation let them be for signs and for mow a deem and for days and years so God is putting the greater light in the lesser light up in the heavens for what reason for signs and from Oh Adam so we will know these appointed times where God wants to meet with mankind right so day for these were given up here so we would know the times to meet with him and one of the times that he wants us to meet with him is every seven days on the seventh day God rested and whenever the Jews left Egypt they were told to take the seventh day because as a rest day because to celebrate they were in slavery and now they're free Hebrews 9:14 for whoever enters God's rest also rest from his own work just as God did from his so the fourth commandment ties in very nicely with the fourth day when he put these things up there so we would know to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy very nice okay so that's the end of our Dalek talk to God be the glory to God be the honor to God be the praise hope you like this we'll see you soon bye bye wait we have a bonus okay this is a cool bonus you probably haven't heard this before the Jews when they look at the sages the rabbis when they look at a verse they take that verse and they study it on different levels okay there are four levels that they consider each verse and each level has a name and all four letter they take the first letter of each name and you put them together and you get this word pardes I have it here it's a pay a resh adalat and a sonic and those four letters PRDS spelled Pardes Pardes is the Hebrew word meaning orchard which is very nice because an orchard is somewhere from which you can glean much fruit right and in every verse you can glean much fruit so the first level and the reason we've been doing this is because one of the levels begins with adalat the third level right in Pardes you hear the D so the first level is called the passat level and the passat level is the literal meaning of whatever the verse says the next level is the remiz a rim as is a hint or an allegory that you can glean from that verse the third level is the brush level and the drush level it's the application how does this apply to your life and then finally you have the sewed level this is the deep mystery this God has hidden in verses okay and I'm gonna pick a verse and we're gonna do all four levels just to give you an example what it's like and whenever we get to the letter pay will do another verse and we'll show you the four levels on that one but let's start with the passat level and by the way nothing can contradict the per shot level the passat level is what it says is what happened what it says is what happened yeah got it I'm repeating myself I'm repeating myself okay let's look at Genesis 3:21 it says and the Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them okay the shot level here's what I learned that the Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and he clothed them it is what it says you can't and none of these other levels can contradict that level now we're gonna go to the remiz there's a hint there's a hint of something in this verse okay and here's the hint that I come up with you know if he made garments of skin for them you know what that tells me something had to die God killed an animal you have to kill an animal to get garments of skin and Hebrews 9:22 it says and according to the law almost all things are purified purify his blood and without shedding a blood there is no forgiveness Adam and Eve Adam and Chava they disobeyed God in the Garden by eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and so that's it there's they need forgiveness and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness and God is teaching that lesson here by making garments of skin he killed an animal and that's a blood sacrifice he's introducing the whole blood sacrifice sacrificial system so that's what I gleaned from the remiz section the douche level this is an application and Leviticus six seven it says in the pre shall make atonement for him before the Lord and he will be forgiven for any one of the things which he may have done to incur guilt so if you will need to have your sins forgiven here the priest is actually doing what you're supposed to do he is sacrificing an animal to get the atonement okay so that's what I can glean that comes from the drugs level and we can even go to that to the soul level the soul level is the letter summit this is the deep mysterious level and let me show you an example of something you can get from that here Genesis 3:21 the Lord gate made Lord God made garments of skin the word skin in Hebrew is or it's spelled I involve resh got it skin or now God is making garments of or God is making garments of skin for these guys what were they clothed then prior to that well we know they were naked because after they ate from the tree they were ashamed because they realized they were naked right but they were clothed in something look at Genesis 1:3 and God said be light and light was biomatter Elohim yeah he or ye or or or you see that word or that's the word light well that's interesting because the word skin was also the word or the thing the difference is they are spelled differently here's an example skin was I involve resh white or is all s love resh okay is you the difference yes and I contend makalah they were clothed in God's light originally and then once they sinned then God clothed them in garments of skin or I involve resh see the difference okay the word or light begins with an olive and olives value is one the word skin begins with or begins with an i een and its Gemara value is seventy okay ie by the way represents the eye and the eye is where knowledge comes in interesting they they decided to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and all of a sudden they're clothed in knowledge not white anymore okay so the total Komachi of the word light is olive of resh one six and two hundred two hundred seventy then now they're clothed in or skin which is involved resh which is 76 and two hundred that skin is 276 notice they went they were clothed in something that valued 207 and after they sinned they dropped down to 276 they fell sixty-nine come on for your points correct but I see here right now 69 how do you write that in the Hebrew letters well 69 is Samet Tet saw MEC means to lean on or support Tet is the ninth letter and Tet is the coiled snake saw make is 60 Tet is nine so you say summit Tet that's 69 they fell 69 Demario points from with their clothing from light to skin and why did they do that because they supported the snake that's what I see and that's that's the kind of stuff you see on the soul level it'll get into the gamma tria into the deeper you know equidistant letter sequencing and all kind of mysterious things okay so Java supported the serpent and she went from being clothed in light to being clothed in skin okay well god bless thanks for watching we'll see you soon bye bye come on you you
Channel: John Kostik
Views: 8,672
Rating: 4.9526629 out of 5
Keywords: dalet, four, delta, alef, bet, alphabet, Hebrew, Daniel, Deborah, dan, dinah, blood, adam, david, king, samson, delilah
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 12sec (4452 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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