The ONLY putting lesson YOU NEED! | HowDidiDo Academy

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the how did I do Academy is headed to presper putting green to sort out your putting this is putting 101 we're going to talk through all of the basics all of the things that you need to know I'd encourage you even as an active or long-term golfer to watch this video cuz there could be a snippet which is right up your [Music] street before we start this video make sure you like comment And subscribe to our Channel let's talk setup you want your eyes over the golf ball so always start with your eyes directly over the golf ball and then in terms of stance I like a wide stance I like a firm base so you're not on your toes you're not on your heels there's no rocking motion and I don't like it too close cuz that means you get a bit risty from here so a wider stance sink into those feet get that ball position slightly forward because you always want to hit a put on the up of that that swing Arc you want it slightly on the up so this type of feeling here now in terms of shoulders it's important to try and keep them level if I had my time again I would encourage every right-hander and I'd have done the same to put left hand low can you see how Square my shoulders are in comparison to this so the setup needs to be quite strong you got to imagine that all this is fixed so there's no sway in it fixes in its Center Point and then the stroke comes from the top of the arms up here but as soon as this putter comes back we do not need to go with it and as soon as it comes through we do not need to go with it we keep everything here stationary and the stroke comes from up there in terms of the stroke it's important to put from the top of the arms and the shoulders try and take as little motion from the elbows down to your hands out of it you don't want any small twitch fibers want to feel it coming from up here keeping that triangle rocking also the putter want to keep it as low as possible in the back swing and the follow through so it's like you're paint brushing across the grass trying to just paint this grass in this motion here as you take the club back you want it all to move as one can you see that you see the head going and the hands staying still that's not what you want to do move the grip to the right thigh move the grip to the left thigh always keeping you see that Scotty Cameron in line don't let the grip stop you see how this grip has gone backwards on me so top of the grip's gone backwards that means you'll flick the putt a way to keep that in mind is to grab a tea put it at the top of your grip video yourself so you can see it but also be conscious that this doesn't happen ready you see how this tea comes back to me you always want to keep the tea nice and straight so in the back swing it doesn't hit you in the follow through it doesn't hit you it remains nice and quiet and straight and that grip never changes it always stays what we believe is upright finally is the length of your stroke once again video yourself you might be short back long through or long back short through it wants to be the same both sides and keeping momentum keep it flowing I do think the paintbrush th is vital so putting it all together firm base eyes over the golf ball locking in in this top half I can actually feel my elbows coming in here so lock this in and rock keeping the putter nice and low there's no Sway and the length is the same back and the same through try not to look early try and put past yourself so there was a lot of talk there about technical aspects of putting but in the terms of mental you have to think you're a good putter you have to stand over put and went I'm going to make this I'm going to hit a good putt I'm certainly not scared of it Charlie Hull always says if I hit a bad shot nobody's going to die and that's the mentality that you have I've seen people go weak at the knees over a three-footer it's not going to be the end of the world so give yourself every opportunity to make a good put if it goes in so be it but try and focus on the process not the outcome it'll help free up your brain so give yourself an opportunity to hold it if you stand over puts thinking I'm going to make this I'm going to make this mentality wise is going to help rather than I'm going to miss it I'm going to miss it so put all those together the setup the stroke and the mentality and you will make more pots thank you for watching this video on putting 101 I hope it's helped with your game in general but I'm sure there is a little snippet in there that you can use to help you make a few more puts in your [Music] round
Channel: HowDidiDo
Views: 45,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: howdidido, sophie walker, learn golf, golf, golf tips, golf tuition, golf lesson, golf video, break 80, break 90, howdidido academy, golf chipping, how to play sloping lies, above your feet, beginner tips, beginner golf tips, below your feet, golf tutorial, sloping lies, sloped lies, guide to sloping lies, putting lesson, golf putting lesson, putting 101, improve my putting, stop missing short putts, beginner golf putting tips, how to hole more putts, how to play golf
Id: gl7W3YXWM7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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