The LAST Putting Lesson You Will Ever Need | 12 Simple Tips from a Putting Legend

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I have video of tiger from the year 1995 all the way to now from the same exact camera angles you can't go back to 1995 and get tiger swing I have it [Music] if you three putt like me or already a good golfer that just needs tips and tricks about putting this coach might just blow your mind he coaches the top players like Xander Chef Lee Phil Mickelson Max Homa not only is he going to help me out today but he's also going to partner up with me to get me from scratch to scratch golf the ultimate goal on this channel so without further Ado without wasting any time let's get into it that wasn't really a big fan of your setup and your grip and whatnot okay well let's just talk about it for a second so I think that we need to find positioning of your hands that feel comfortable on the grip and produce a relatively Square face generally speaking I'm just speaking like super broad stroke term Palms face each other yep and the hands are relatively close together so there's not spread apart and the fingers aren't like super wide so that the hands are pretty close and that the Palms kind of face each other now that's just broad stroke for the general population in order to do that the thumbs go pretty straight down the grip now whether your right hand is lower or your left hand is lower that doesn't make much of a difference to me so if your palms are facing and your thumbs are down then would it be okay to get this finger locking or just like this or take this finger and go over the top of these that's called a reverse overlap and you could even get this finger down even more but now look at how how tight your hands are together yeah so this is how I usually uh hit an iron whatever but this feels pretty solid this is a very common grip for putting it's called a reverse overlap should I do this then I mean it feels it's better than your ham and cheese sandwich grip that we were looking at earlier yeah I call it ham and cheese sandwich grip because that's all that's good for gripping a ham and cheese sandwich so take your right hand off and I'm going to support this club and then let's open up the fingers of this hand like this yep just open them up all the way so this Lifeline I'd like the putter grip and shaft to go in that Lifeline okay so what we did is we kind of turned your hand this way yeah right so now go ahead and close your hand and that feels that should feel yeah it's gonna feel different for sure for sure but we want stability in the club face so if the shaft isn't in the lifeline and the grip gets strong or turned to your right this way you can manipulate the face so this is a a very mobile joint and this is a very stable joint and this is a very mobile joint got it right because it's a ball joint like it can move in but your elbow just bends right yeah and so if I can get you to get this grip in your lifeline now all of a sudden when you hold the club with your other hand go ahead and go ahead and grip it and you can do the reverse overlap so now all of a sudden when you set the putter down your wrists are almost like you're feeling like you're going to shoot a gun into the ground yep and so now what I'm what I'm looking for too is let's turn you towards this way so now David's got down the target line I'm trying to get the shaft to match the forearms so I don't want it to be like that and I don't want it to be like that like I want it to be I mean I guess maybe you'll feel a little bit this way yeah but once this grip gets in the lifeline of your hands or level I don't know what the hell you call that so once we get that in there from what I've seen yeah not just from you from from a lot of different players is that the stability of the face is is better okay and that the path and the lie angle don't vary as much so the lie angle is how the club sits on the ground so if you zoom in on the putter head so this would be a liangel that would be too flat and so the toes up in the air and that's too upright so we want the putter to sole itself you know relatively flat to the ground yeah and there could be some bending going on we might bend the putter to fit your your setup and your body better but yeah this just looks a hell of a lot cleaner but what does it feel like you're it feels a lot more stable to when I I just made up that grip I didn't even see that I was like I'm just gonna grab it but one thing that I've kind of realized with that other group I was kind of like when I was bringing it back it was kind of like shaking wobbly yeah so but this one like I feels more um kind of fluid like I could just okay so another one of the things that I have players do and you're no different is when you grip the club straight out in front of you if I'm pointing the club directly at this camera here I would then pull in my arms and get my upper arms against my rib cage okay so from here all I have to do is Bend forward I flex my knees a little bit and this is kind of where I want my setup to be because you're very straight armed yeah so point the club straight at the camera [Music] and now fold your arms into your body so now your arms are tucked against your rib cage yeah and now you forward bend from your hip joint okay so I want stand up stand up and I want you to get your old grip and your old setup all right okay so don't move stay right there so right now we can see that the shaft is not quite matching the arms and that's okay so now what I want you to do is point the club here take your new grip yep so it's got to get in that Lifeline there you go okay okay and now point and now arms come in and now forward bend so keep going keep going keep going okay so what less of this putter grip on this side so hopefully you'll be able to see that now if you can get the putter to sole itself so tote there so now the forearms and the shaft are the same line I also have to send you a couple of uh pictures or videos of of like Emiliano and and Charlie Hoffman and and Xander and you can see that their setups are more like you are right now more forward bent your back is nice and flat and that's good because most of the movement comes from thoracic spine okay like I don't want you wiggling around the club with your wrists gotcha so when I'm moving back it's I'm not using utilizing my wrist at all I'm just basically this bent and then kind of Bring It Back like together so if you were looking at it from the front view yeah you would see a triangle between your shoulders and your arms and you would see that the butt end of the club during its movement would be pointed kind of at the same spot the entire time if this triangle moved equally okay right so now listen if I'm hitting a putt all the way up to those stairs yeah like I might have to load the shaft and use a little bit of risk because how much can I turn for my thoracic spine like yeah it's it's not I have yeah it's not like it's it's going to be a golf swing so yeah and then the other thing about it too is from your belly button on down we're trying to stabilize that got it got it so when you were making those practice strokes you can go back and look at the video even when you're just kind of making these half back like look at my hip like you were you were moving you're like even now you you did yeah so so what we want to do is we want to go ahead and rock back that's he said now there's no movement but I'm also stabilizing you yeah so it's much easier but you can feel it so that's how the feel should be more or less I don't want you to feel rigid and like stiff but we're trying to like limit this is a Precision shot yeah yeah putting is about finesse and precision it's not driver jump off the ground like I'm not moving my feet like this I'm trying to hit the ball 300 yards yeah I'm trying to hit it three feet yeah yeah exactly and so I'm trying to take power away which I don't need my lower half when I putt yep and then I'm trying to limit how much the face moves and the direction that the putter is actually moving on which is going to take practice Yeah I mean that thing is swinging freely in space I mean your hands are connected to it but we've got to try and limit how much the putter path waves relative to the direction you're trying to hit it yeah and then how much the face turns and so if I'm doing this with my putting and I'm swaying around that's also going to influence where I hit it on the face yeah and it could influence my power it's basically trying to reduce the amount of variables I'm trying to reduce the amount of variables I don't have an option when I'm hitting a driver when I'm hitting a driver I'm like pushing down into the ground and I'm jumping and I'm turning and I'm doing all these things to create leverage and I'm not trying to do that with cutting so I would say in terms of your learning curve when you're at home and you're sitting on the couch watching Golf Channel full swing Let's Go full swing you would just grab the putter pick it up grip it put it down grab the putter pick it up grip it put it down I mean do it ten thousand times you should engage your core not your back to get in posture so if you learned how to tilt your pelvis this way or this way right yep this way underneath yeah posterior tilt is the way you want to go because now you're relaxing this and you're engaging this where is my eyes looking like right above so that or like is a little below we're gonna find that out okay I'm gonna give you a drill to figure that out today okay perfect so circling back we did a very limited amount of green reading stuff yeah and now we're getting into technique of how to even hold the Putter and stand and then your question was well where the hell do my eyes go because most people you've heard well your eyes need to be perfectly above the golf ball well that's not everybody yeah because when Xander gets his eyes above the golf ball he's yeah I can't see gotcha he can't line up his putter so Xander's eyes are over the hosel or inside the golf ball a little bit okay but I've seen guys oh you should never have your eyes outside the golf ball I've seen guys that cannot aim at all when their eyes are over the golf ball or inside the golf ball but they get a little bit outside the golf ball money they can do it Strokes start to change depending on where your eyes are and how the club is balanced and how you move but we're going to find out basically right now yeah so here's a drill and it's a simple drill and I just call it the three ball drill so we're gonna put three balls in a perfectly straight line do you need to do this every day every day so I'm going to walk straight this way so I've got one ball and I'm gonna take three small steps so one two three I'm gonna drop a ball obviously two points is a straight line right so then I put my heel here and I one two three and I drop another ball so now I need to move one of the ends here so that this is in a perfectly straight line so I'm going to back up and I'm going to move this so that it's in line with the other two yep now I can use my string line as well but I I can just get back okay so I'm going to move the mine just a like a half a dimple over this way and those should be in a in a relative go almost all the way to the bushes what I dominant are you um oh here we go they're equally as bad I'm actually legally blind without my contacts okay but you you should have a dominant eye I mean most people do make a circle with your hands and look at my nose through the circle your left eye dominant look at it look at a camera okay yeah so that's a huge Advantage for right-handed players he's cross-dominant so he's not right-handed and right eye dominant that's most of walking life if you go to UTC Mall and you did this test with everybody I don't know the exact percentage but everybody's going to go right a hand right eye dominant right hand right eye dominant right hand right eye dominant you're cross-dominant so why is that an advantage well if I'm like going like this then I can see this way yeah for sure yeah I'm the chosen one seriously right eye dominant players especially on a long putt a lot of times they'll go to look because they have to a left eye dominant player is going to go I'm not changing my posture I'm not changing anything yeah yeah so in a full swing left eye dominant players can make a huge turn because they're looking out of the golf at the golf ball in the left eye back to our eye calibration drill where should my eyes be how should my setup be these balls we know are in a perfectly straight line we looked at it they're they're all lined up yeah so now we're not going to putt this but stand over it as if you were going to put it okay so now when you look down this line of three golf balls are they in a perfectly straight line or does the middle one look sideways this does not look like a straight line where what what what do the balls look like they look like they're all on the right side of this ball look over there they're all over here yeah okay so we know they're not yeah but your appearance is that they are so do you see how close your feet are to the golf ball yeah so don't move so we're just going to do a little test here there's where your eyes are that's where your eyes are relative to the golf ball so they're three golf balls outside oh man so I want you to move so they're a golf ball inside so you have to pick up your feet and move them back oh man okay so does that do anything without what you're seeing do they look more to the right less to the right they look more in line than the others time I would say what if you moved even farther away and now get yourself bent over so look at your elbows yeah see that so go pick the club up again straight out in front of you and point Point elbows in Bend forward Putters flat to the ground now when you turn your head and look where do those do those balls look like they're lined up yeah like right here yeah they all look like they're pretty much in line okay so so don't move okay so I'm just gonna drop this basically from the bridge of your nose you're just your eyes are where xanders are just inside Zander you gotta get on the channel because that hit the shaft do you have alignment sticks in your bag I do not okay at Lowe's or Home Depot they have these orange and yellow sticks and they're 1.99 golfers use them for Amy I would go okay well my ball was this far away from my toes and put a little Sharpie line so that you'll never up your ball position in terms of how far you are away because inevitably what's going to wind up happening is you're going to go to Europe and you're going to go play golf yep of course and you're going to take a 13-hour plane ride you're going to be on a red eye and you're going to go hey we got golf today and you're going to get off the plane and you're going to be like stiff and you're going to set up and you're going to like to go through your warm-up and hit balls and do all this stuff and nothing's going to feel right yeah well because you just gotta freaking plane it would be nice to know where your ball position is when you're seeing what you should be seeing yeah does that make sense yeah 100 this is a full-on cheat code here's another thing right this is golf instruction in general like we have video cameras well I have 240 frames per second in my pocket and people are always filming swings you should film your swing when you're hitting it the best you've ever hit it and then put it away and when you start hitting it like you go what was I doing when I was hitting it really really good that's not you yet like I'm saying you're a year away from that but if you had video tiger he can't move the same but I have video of tiger from the year 1995 all the way to now from the same exact camera angles you can't go back to 1995 and get tiger swing I have it High shutter speed like so you can see the shaft you can see the face angle I'm the only one on the planet that has it or me and a buddy of mine and so we we did this because my mentor this guy by the name of Carl Welty he said if you film all the best players you can find out what they all do the same yeah and then those become fundamentals speed sending us a contact ball flight oh I swing the club this way every single time to get this John Rahm hits a little baby cut every freaking time best player in the world it's not close yeah Rory McIlroy driver right to left best driver of the golf ball on the planet hits it the farthest can control his shape but he does the same thing every time yep and so when that gets off right he can go back and find it Well in terms of filming or we don't even need to film I get I go well I'm at the K and the e that's me there it is and I know that I'm gonna see straight yeah so if it gets off and you put this three ball drill down and you're like okay because I'm gonna do it every morning when I practice I'm gonna go ball three steps ball three steps line them up I don't care how long it takes yeah it's not going to take longer in a minute you get over it and you're like oh that ball looks way to the left this time I wonder what's going on with my setup am I turning my head so go ahead and go through your whole setup thing again like this I think is like good yeah yeah yeah yeah well let's do the ball drop again so there's where your eyes are hits the same spot on the show so now it's time to move like actually hit a putt I said earlier that you're going to try and move this triangle together yeah without moving anything from belly button below moving from thoracic spine okay so three putting that's my nickname short putts yeah like we want did you catch that little practice stroke you just made on video it was bad I know I just your whole body so that's something that you have to pay attention to yeah so you could go at your house so this is just real life I'm gonna work on this at home when nobody's watching I'm gonna put my butt up against the kitchen table yeah I'm gonna go yeah boom okay where's the kitchen oh there it is Boom okay so like I'm trying to I don't have great Mobility from thoracic spine because I'm old and as dirt but and so I can't move very much but I can practice like really stabilizing here and so I'm going to give you a little bit of a cheat code on the lower body cool so go ahead and take your setup same thing the whole full routine yep point in there we go okay what's my feel to stabilize my lower body so I'm going to get you to engage your glutes and feel like your feet are gripping the ground so I want you to push away from your keep pushing into my both my you feel your glutes engage yeah and now do you feel like your feet are gripping the ground yes and now when you move if you keep feeling that now you can rock without moving this so much yeah so I will tell guys to do that in the wind because you can just you can practice without doing all of that yeah and keep your legs pretty still okay because I don't want you to be like labor body I don't want you to be fully like choked up but that's a way you can kind of go okay well boom Oh I can feel like my feet are grabbing the ground and I can feel my glutes are engaged and I'm forward bent and okay I can just kind of rock but that's like my ass is getting tired yeah you know what I mean but it's like okay well I can feel what it feels like to not move can I relax and get that same feel yeah now when it's blowing 30 miles an hour over at the Open Championship in England and it's like I gotta I gotta go and then yeah and then because otherwise I'm gonna get blown over yeah and so that's a good one for like playing in elements gotcha gotcha and how far should my feet be important like six feet six inches I mean Brandon Wu is one of my guys he played at Stanford and he putts like this and he's getting really good remember that name Brandon Wu he's a good one like he's going to be really good boom brand new um but he putts with his feet close together Ricky putts with his feet close together Ricky Fowler is one of the best Putters on the planet's ever seen yeah and he putts with his feet close together xanders shoulder width apart Tiger's probably pretty close to shoulder width apart okay it's comfortable that part's Comfort I think yep I don't know that that's super fundamental okay super basic speed drill I just call it a ladder drill what I'll do is we'll have a starting point okay and I'm just going to pick some very very basic because this is dude this is putting 101 for you yep but interestingly enough some of my guys were having problems with speed at Riv because the greens were really slow and they're kind of bumpy they were having a hard time getting the ball to the hole and I told him I'm like well why don't you guys just do some ladder drills like basic to understand like how hard do I need to hit a 10-footer uphill okay now it's 15 feet how hard do I need to hit that okay and then we turn around and go downhill so literally you're just gonna go okay well what's 10 feet so one two three steps and a foot now you could get a tape measure and do it if you want yep Bryson would get a tape measure because he wants everything to be perfect he wants everything measured yeah and that guy he's good yeah he's good yeah the guy's really good so I go okay well the next one is five feet so if I take two steps one two and I put it at my heel instead of my toe that should be around five feet and so that's 15 footer one two put it at my heel one two put it at my heel so I've got 10 15 20 25 and let's just eyeball it and say just for the sake of time you've got five balls there and you're gonna go to the first Target I'm not concerned about your dispersion from right to left okay I'm concerned with your dispersion from front to back yeah because this is freaking three putting dude because once you get out to that long one up the hill I don't want to see more than 12 inches of dispersion from front to back yeah okay that would be like a really good goal for today well well a good goal forever oh God okay yeah because like if it's within like six years past or six inches in front you're never gonna three okay break down your practice day so I would go to the range right now and get like 100 Balls at a time basically film myself started with a 60 hit like five to ten 56 and these are the only things in my bag right now and then go to 98765 um and how long does that take for a hundred over an hour for sure yeah yeah for sure and then I'll go to the driver hit like last couple go back to sixty and then from there I'll just get another 100 or 200 balls and then kind of focus on the ones that just so you're looking at like three and a half hours of of full swing stuff uh yeah so far yeah three three and a half sometimes even four hours of full swing yeah and I haven't even started practicing chipping or riding at all yeah so and so this is what makes golf so hard yeah because it's like seven games in one in golf there's putting short putts there's mid-range puts let's call mid-range eight to 15 feet 20 feet then there's lag putting so you have three facets of putting yeah I know lag being just above yeah let's just say like 25 feet and longer 20 feet and longer so then you get to chipping and so there's a ship and run shot which could be used with a pitching wedge a nine iron and eight iron or seven iron or six iron and that's a ball that flies very little and rolls a lot and then there's pitching which is a little higher softer let's say it flies halfway and rolls halfway and then there's a lob shot and let's say that flies three quarters of the way and rolls one quarter of the way and then there's a flop shot that flies all the way there and stops like it's straight up in the air and so it's not a very long shot so chipping pitching lobbing flopping and that's off grass yep but then there's short Side Green side bunker shots yeah let's call those 10 yards and closer are you getting where I'm going with this should stick to basketball right yeah and so you have like you know 20 yard bunker shot and then you've got 30 yard plus bunker shots which are really hard yeah yeah like your contact has to be so good and your Technique has to be so good and then you get into short irons mid irons long irons Three Wooden driver yeah they're not necessarily different swings per se but there's different elements like a short iron the angle of attack is steeper yeah and a driver you're hitting up one or two degrees up well average tour player I guess that's one one point two down you get what I'm saying it's on a t and it's it's a longer swing and it's powerful and all that yeah so you have all these different types of games like combined into one game and so you go well I'm gonna I'm starting my golf and I'm gonna tell you right now if you have five six hours or eight hours how many hours a day are you gonna practice uh I've allocated about like five to eight hours okay I would say four hours if you're gonna practice for five hours four of it right now would be putting all right okay fair enough yeah gotta got it cheat code if you become Elite on the greens within six months you'll be able to score if you're making putts if you're hooping yeah yeah you're gonna your score is gonna be better yeah 100 then if you go I'm gonna become Elite at chipping just chipping not pitching not lobbing not flopping yeah chipping your score is gonna get even better okay now I'm gonna learn how to pitch the ball now I'm going to learn how to lob it now I'm going to learn how to spin it and hit like balls at checkup and check up to the right or check up to the left because yeah you can do it like yeah 100 and then you learn how to freaking send drivers straight and we'll get there you you'll go from scratch to hopefully scratch but most people they just want to hit balls I would say flip it I'm not like that for sure I just want to get the lowest score possible but so if you want to get the lowest score possible you have you cannot three putt often ever let's try that well you're gonna three fight it's just hopefully it's not when you're gambling for a lot of money and it fills with me yeah yeah so we're gonna go full setup process and go to the first okay let's do this so point elbows in forward bent eyes are kind of yeah dude and so now look at the Target and just make a stroke that you think is going to get to The First Tee oh my God that's okay so what it doesn't matter full routine set up again and you know now that you need more energy and more energy is a little bit of a longer backswing yeah you don't need to yeah just a little bit of longer backswing and try and keep that same Pace okay oh that's cash money dude oh that's good eye let's go that's cash let's go now okay repeat it so you let's say you take six golf balls and you do your drill and you go 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet six to Fifteen six to twenty six to twenty five six to Thirty and then you did it again and you're like okay uphill I'm pretty good and then you reverse it and you go downhill that's kind of block practice okay but then if you want to randomize it you can go like let's say you did three weeks from now you're pretty good at all the distances let's just say so then you go okay the first one is gonna go to 15 feet boom let's see how I do the next one's gonna go to 30. let's see how I do the next one's going to ten yeah the next one's going to 25. the next one's going to ten the next one's going to 30. the next one's going to 15. the next one's going to 20. like you can change your spots and see how well you hit them randomly yep you could even like do a a program on your phone to do Randomness yeah and go well there's five Targets target one target two target five Target two target one and just skip it around and have somebody else choose it so okay so now what have I done to you I do this a lot to my students and they don't know why I just talked and got you completely out of your rhythm you're basically icing the kicker I'm icing you so it goes ah same because you don't know this you don't even know yeah forward band elbows are close shaft matches the forearms look at your target yeah don't don't forget about looking at the Target uh so short but from the one I mean it's that if the if the hole were the T like you're probably gonna make that pie yeah okay all right I hope yeah man this is I'm happy already with the setup oh no I I basically stopped the follow through okay I actually wanted to ask you a question on that so what what is like my fall through look like is it going to be like just this this like it's it's just pretty just uh let's pick something super simple yeah the length on either side the percentage of it 60 40 60 40. so if you take it back the total length of the stroke 60 backswing 40 follow through or 55.45 okay that makes sense but why do I want the follow through shorter than the backswing because I hear a lot of people say you need to accelerate through the putt yeah the best players in the world don't accelerate through the putt let's go back I got a bell curve and so there's acceleration Peak speed and deceleration I want the ball to be struck at Peak speed if I miss Peak speed but I'm very close to it on either side I'm going to be close right so if it's accelerating just barely towards the top or decelerating just barely towards the top I'm going to be very close to my Peak speed I don't care if I'm hitting a three foot or a 30-footer doesn't matter so if I'm close to Peak speed my speed control should be good all other things being equal and all those other things will get to that but if I hit it on the acceleration side really early in the acceleration yeah or late in the acceleration now my gap between those two is is pretty big and my speed's gonna suck yeah I don't want to see this because you see how much acceleration there was to that putter yeah and I don't want to see this because that's too much deceleration so this is the way I kind of make sense of it if you're driving in your car towards a wall at 30 miles an hour and you hit the wall three different ways I'm hitting the wall at 30 hammering on the gas it's 30 miles an hour yep it's going to have a different effect on my car on the wall than if I hit the wall at 30 miles an hour slamming on the brake not going to do as much damage I'm still going to do damage yeah yeah but if I'm I mean my Mass is speeding up at 30 yep not slowing down at 30. and then there's I'm taking my foot off the gas pedal and off the brake and I'm just cruising into that wall at 30 miles an hour that's how I want to hit a putt I want the putter to cruise into the ball I don't want it to accelerate and I don't want it to decelerate I want 0.5 miles an hour of deceleration to a maximum of 1.5 miles an hour acceleration when we get on quintic you'll understand what these numbers are gotcha gotcha so the ones that you were short it was like kind of a long back swing and you're like yeah it's too long right yeah and so you'll get to the point where you go like dechambeau puts he he puts a yardstick on the ground and he knows with his acceleration how many inches he needs to take it back to hit it 10 feet yeah 11 feet 12 feet 12 and a half feet it's down to a science with that guy gotcha that's where I want to get to yeah what you need to find out from all these different distances how far you need to take it back yeah to then let the putter cruise into the golf ball gotcha did you film that stroke oh God I know everything look at how much like this dude I'm pointing it out because when you go back and look at all this film you can go I gotta remember that yeah yeah but you like that's why I'm making you do the setup every single time so it becomes you grab it and you just go oh I'm here I know what it feels like so even in that little practice stroke his knee you'll go back and you'll look at oh my God my knees are moving oh God but that's why just like full swing stuff and chipping and pitching this needs to become well your muscles don't have memory people say muscle memory your muscles don't you your brain understands movement patterns yep and those movement patterns become stronger and stronger and stronger the more you do them yeah and you never lose the old movement patterns Daniel Coyle yeah the Talent Code if you read that one he wrote this book about how all these people learn and become great yeah well it's this myelin sheath and information Pathways and all this stuff in the brain your muscles don't have little memory chips yeah your brain controls everything so if we can make that movement pattern super solid then there's less to worry about from the technical side and more to worry about green reading starting that freaking ball in line at a good speed with a good roll that first part there's a lot of information in what we did in the last two hours yeah I know it's been awesome it's been awesome that's why these are here so I can just review the film yeah but but from an instruction standpoint not just for your project yeah yeah like dude if you want to get good you gotta do this oh this is not a project this is my life now so this is a very simple drill we'll leave it here because you can't practice this one enough and then we'll get to other ones that'll that are really good too perfect all right awesome man Derek my boy let's go yeah all right so that's a wrap for this video definitely leave that like for Derek he's going to be on this channel he's going to be bringing me to the promised land from scratch to scratch golf hopefully three months I'm just kidding I'm just kidding but stay tuned subscribe like I said I'm posting every single day on this channel we're going to be grinding every single day so with that I'll see you guys tomorrow peace [Music]
Channel: Jerome Rufin
Views: 386,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p_sGscHnygY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 53sec (2093 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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