Gold Rings Found In California

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so here's the first look at our strawberries look there's already strawberry on there a couple of them um there's a strawberry tower so i don't i'm gonna go to the beach today so i don't know if i'm gonna plant these today but i bought these yesterday and then last night it freezes i'm like what the heck can you believe it here's this variety let's take a look this is ever bearing strawberry so that's good ever bearing is what we want but we got a couple of different kinds so we won't just have ever bearing this is june bearing that means in june it'll probably get all its fruit and then i don't know if it's done or what what is this one this one doesn't say matures in 60 to 70 days but anyways i'm just gonna mix them up on here i'm not even gonna keep track of which is which um i don't know if this is enough strawberries to fill all this area though because look i could probably fit one two three probably four or five in here four or five in here uh that's six one two four oh i don't have enough no way no way because in the top one it's just all open and yeah we'll have to get more but we'll start off with these and just get them going because they they'll get these runners that come out and you can get those started so i'll get free strawberries that's what i'm hoping anyways well we're down here again uh i was just showing you the sand you could see the wind was blowing really hard yesterday and i'll bet you could find some surface vines just walking across here see if i can find one now but anyways i'll show you guys when we get to the water kind of got a late start today let's talk walk and talk i was uh uh on the drive down here you know i get kind of depressed and stuff thinking about all these bad thoughts and stuff and i really shouldn't because here i am on the beach again it's beautiful anyways so i was thinking money is actually a lot like love now i don't even know why i'm telling you guys you guys probably already know um oh look at all these tent stakes makes penn state 10th state tennessee but look they don't come up on my detector that's good my detector knows that's a bottle cap look everything's on the surface the bottle cap here i knew there would be how funny oh i should probably walk through this but i want to get down to the water um yeah money is like love it you can make you feel good and it can make you feel real bad too same with love you can feel real good you love somebody and then it can make you feel real bad and uh yeah i'm sure you guys already figured that out i'm a little slow um because i wasn't i was like having all these bad thoughts and stuff anyways um i just needed to get down to the beach and here we are i feel better anyways i can't let stuff get me down so let's have a good day of detecting even if we don't find anything ah we're gonna have a good day at least i am there's a pacifier right there because i'm crying like a little baby look anyways let's get down to that water i'm gonna go ahead and save that one looks really beautiful it's supposed to rain tomorrow though the next day it's supposed to rain and so on and so forth so this might be our last shebang here uh just that was just a bottle cup this is where the fire pit oh i got it i found the surface line right there dime dime right on the surface i should probably walk through here there's not that much very uh where it's like this so but i want to get to water we'll do this on the way up anyways i'm being goofy right now i had one of those bang energy drinks um so another thing is when we do get this wind like this what you look for is i don't know if you can see it in the camera all the stuff on the ground like rocks all kinds of stuff and then the regular sand is like higher sand that's not probably good to look for stuff like on that side it's not that good but you can see as you look across your spots that are good anyways i'll turn the camera on once i get to the water and we get a signal oh we'll get first look at the butter too well we made it down here and there is a cut look so oh yeah it goes all the way forever all right good and the beach looks washed away a little bit so let's uh i'm going to hit this area first real good and let's work our way back not many signals down here but we did get a little penny signal here actually sounds like a zinc penny see if it is oh no it's actually i think it's copper i think i don't know it might not be anyways that's our first signal i like that because that means it's probably somebody didn't get everything if somebody's been down here anyways i got so much beach to go uh here's my little trails i've been making just trying to feel out the place find out where the targets are and this is right in the middle all right we got our second sound probably a quarter just ringing awful high though it's definitely clunky yeah it is a quarter yeah took a while that's two fines quite a bit of searching for two fines though uh i've been just doing i did all that over there and this is what i'm doing right here here's another sound so far it's kind of like a dime i think it is a diamond yep it is a dime oh yep that is a dime i think that could be from the same coin spill because that's where i dug the quarter and the dime was here all right all right as quick as i turn off the camera another sound 39 39 but it's broken up so it's probably a tent stake sometimes deep iron will show you some high readings i don't know that sounds pretty good maybe it is a quarter who knows we got it whatever whatever the case is there it is it is a dime so the day is getting better as we go started out down there getting nothing now i'm getting targets well i'm working along the cut and i got a sound quarter the reason i dig live quarters is because they could be silver it could be a silver ring or something you ever know but that's a quarter not very many signals some guys just j fell off the cut basically uh i came from that way i'm just going back and forth working on the cut right now i might just work the cut a little further here's a solid 18. i'm thinking fishing weight i'd be wrong that's a key huh we'll look at that when we get home just a key though but it looks like it's important key it's 11 12 so it's probably nothing i'll probably delete this bobby pin case i don't the other day i posted a video my last video and i didn't even i i think i cut out some of the stuff but i mostly just just stuck everything in there and said screw it i was getting too much stuff so i just clipped it all together and posted it i didn't have my camera on but got part of a necklace here could be silver i don't know didn't bring up that good but it was just a little hit because just a piece of the necklace anyways i'm looking at that dry wanting to go up there but now i'm going to stay down here quarter sound there's a lot of black sand here too so quarter some but it was a dime that's okay we'll take it yeah a lot of black sound right here so get a lot of false signals just like little leaps and bloops so it takes a little longer to go through it i thought i'd better turn the camera on it's at 11. it sounds good i'm hitting something that's not good go over here i see something what is that a big piece of oh it's a pocket knife yeah a butterfly i think i don't know just maybe it's just a knife i don't know there we go anyways kind of weird the way they rang up all right back at it all right i'm only taping unusual sounds now like ring sounds or just off sounds this is 16. usually those are bottle caps but i haven't dug a bottle cap yet oh that could be something good anything good um not yet no i found part of a neck you got it wet for christmas it's so much fun where is it i there's so much trash i thought i'd balance my days when you do it you dig up trash you take that that's what i do okay so i i get the medal what a lot of vaping oh yeah yeah yeah i find those it's like free therapy yeah um but when you're just picking up trash like that you can find stuff i found dollars and yeah and right up there since it was windy yesterday and the dry sand everything shows right now so you could just look on the ground and find stuff kind of cool all right have a good day you too yeah this is kind of an off sound it's broken up but oops i think i hit it whatever it was yeah i probably did fishing way i got one i knew i was gonna find i just found a fishing hook all right we're just gonna keep going well i just got a pendant oops it has a baseball player on it looks like i don't know what that is i don't know could could be it's a piece of jewelry though so there's words on it so let's see when we get home the sun is going down quickly better get going i noticed a little chunk fell off the bank here and right in there quarter sound so i just wonder if it just fell off i'll feel out of the cut there probably there it is doesn't look like a fresh drop either it's been down there so i've been swooping my scoop up the side of this bank here hoping i can catch a coin or something like that but i haven't so that one but i know that had to have just fallen out of there because it was right in that pile anyways we're still going getting coin here and there i'm not taping them um i'm waiting for something good now i haven't looked yet but i see shiny in the sun and 10 11. oh please and it looks thick and round i don't think it's real oh no it's not i can tell oh oh no it's it's one of those ah dang those ear stretcher ear thing earrings dang i thought i had one it's like rang up perfect then i felt the weight of it and i was like nope that feels like aluminum uh titanium i don't know it's uh jewelry we got jewelry uh it's amazing how many dimes i'm finding all my change is pretty much dimes it's like dime dime dying how did i get that one way out there yeah oh because i just dug one something here and then that's how i see it i see how i got that anyways there's hope all the rings are a lot heavier so they'd probably be deeper yeah alex was here yesterday but he wasn't in the same spot and he said he got a whole bunch of dimes and you guys in the wrap-up will see that i got a whole bunch of dimes crazy i just dug that one uh earring thing right there air stretcher i got this 11 12 right here sure i might as well do it live this sounds like a bobby pin honestly let's see here let's just spread it out that might be something real i mean not just iron maybe not the i think it is iron dang it let's just see it's a fishing thing this an old one though oh no that's that's paper clip fishing thing i guess you can make a hook out of a fishing out of a paper clip if you were desperate well this one's probably a quarter but it's ringing uh yeah it's probably a quarter it was ringing like 32. it's like what what's wrong with this target 37. that's probably just a quarter yep not even a quarter it's a dime guaranteed dime maybe it's silver we'll check when we get home that ring awful high what else in there beautiful day it's amazing it's gonna rain tomorrow and the next day and the next day don't know what this is it's crushed it over but i see the edge and it looks like it could be a ring let's see i don't know weird ah maybe it's just a foreign coin i don't know what that is kind of weird let's see if i can destroy it anyways we got something i don't know what it is but we got something i'm gonna check it when we get home sounds pretty clear though could be something good oh i see i see shiny again oh yay i think this one is i think it is is it oh my gosh yes yes yeah that's got to be gold it is oh yeah dang i knew it it just sounded so clear and good and it was i don't i don't usually dig 12 as being gold i don't think it's gold but for some reason i turned the camera on awesome i got it they came and destroyed it took a lot of work to get this baby let's see what it says no i think it's only 10k that's okay though i'll take it yeah baby we got it gold i'm gonna put that on facebook right now no i'm not i'm running out of sunlight so i'm gonna keep detecting but i am going to put this puppy away so i don't lose it here's another decent sound there's 12 13. doesn't sound as good as that ring that ring really sounds good you're clunking oh just a nickel i've only found like three or four of those today i was just thinking in my head that ring that i found is about the size of a dime and i was thinking i'm digging so many dimes so if i find gold it'll probably have to be way about the same as a dime so i'm gonna weigh a dime and then weigh that ring and see if that's true because i've dug a lot of dimes today it's crazy a lot i think i just got another ring i see roundness i haven't looked at it yet yep all right let's take a look at it uh oh it's probably junk feels rusty although the rest is wiping right off could be silver yeah we'll check it when we get home this one's not to to get excited about that but it's a ring and i am stoked to find a ring that's number two i'm happy all right the sun is going down so i'm gonna probably not tape anymore unless i find a gold ring or something or a silver ring or any ring um i'm just going along the cut here trying to hurry through it i forgot my light if i had my own car i'd have a light but since i'm bar i'm thankful to borrow some my mom's car but i need my own car uh i think i'm getting a miata i think i told you guys that already never mind all right i just wanted to make this my last shot because just because it's getting dark and i'll probably be walking back to the car anytime now i don't know if you guys can see i see a ring in my scoop but i haven't pulled it out yet and it rang up good like a nine oh i'm not gonna be able to tell what that is i'm gonna say by the way it's gold but uh you know what it's been resized i could tell there's a bump there yeah it looks like it's been resized i don't know though i can't see it maybe you guys can see better we'll have to wait till we get home on that one for sure except i'll know once i get back to the car i'm gonna keep going because guess what see that round thing up there it's a full moon so i could see at night um well good i found that so and then i know it's going to get a little darker but hey we'll just keep going all right i can't see i got a pendant though so we'll see when we get home i guess i won't tape anymore i'll just stay tuned for the wrap up uh beautiful sunset right now finding stuff i can't believe it right now i'm staying staying until i have to leave i think i just got a gold tooth if not might be a part of jewelry but i see gold so i don't know all right um it's been a couple days now um i've already done a wrap the wrap up i had a beautiful wrap up on my iphone but i'm having problems right now i couldn't upload it so lucky i didn't put this stuff away already um i'm having to do it with a gopro now anyways here we are i forget what exactly happened that day i know i had a good day started off kind of grumpy or something um i've already done another hunt too so here's a five dollar mexican coin uh ear thing for your ear gold not real gold here's this thing i don't know what it was i still don't i don't care a baldwin key some fishing weights a knife some trash pacifier because i'm such a baby i found that when i was walking out it's a necklace has uh some things on it a ton of quarters um nickels ton of dimes uh that's probably the i don't know i don't know if it's the most items i ever got but that's a lot of times and hardly any pennies so that's pretty cool we got a gold tooth really cool i did had the test and everything on the video but whatever it's all gone now i'm sad it's really pure gold um it's worth about 98 dollars just for that tooth uh 925 pendant um it was dark when i found this one but it's a 10k and those are real diamonds gold ring excited about that i really am might not sound like it right now but i am a 10k another gold ring super stoked i think for both of those i think it was a 170 dollars so plus that that's like 300 bucks no 200 bucks 200 something bucks 250 i don't know um and we got a fake ring here anyways oh yeah and this was sterling silver well it says sterling on it um yeah so like i said i had a much better wrap-up i was much more excited and i i don't know if i showed you guys the tower yet already or not i think i did but if not here it is i made it i had footage of me going to the nursery buying the plants everything but you're not going to see it because i got to get a video huh i'm going back on my old computer to to post this video actually but in case i didn't yeah here's look at already got flowers and but we we build that i think i got the building of this yeah i did in the video we build it all and uh yeah that's it for this video anyways i found this big old chain in my next video you guys will see that um that was pretty good hunt this this was a really good hunt i might not sound like it right now but yeah pretty excited i was one when i found this stuff so anyways yeah i'm gonna go upload or try to again i don't know what time it is i think it's like three o'clock in the day i've been doing this since five o'clock tomorrow in the morning and i'm just tired of it that's a long time to be trying to upload a video
Channel: robert ferguson
Views: 23,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 113HuPLTlDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 57sec (2037 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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